...I need(ed) a lot of reassurance. Had I gone to a unit where they put me with a preceptor who really didn't care about educating...I think I would have struggled big time....[but] they never treated me like I was stupid," are common responses of new nurses in mentoring programs (Hodges 2008, p.83). Mentors provided advice on psychologically coping with the emotional demands of nursing, time management, accuracy, and striking a balance between work and professional life.
Mentoring programs are especially important for nurses given that "developing an ability to thrive in unpredictable health care environments is crucial to all nurses, but particularly to practice in acute care settings" (Hodges 2008, p.80). All healthcare settings draw upon a nurses' ability "to recover quickly or adjust to adversity is commonly known as resilience. The capacity for resilience allows one to reframe, adapt, balance, persist, and grow in the face of adversity and hardship,…...
mlaWorks Cited
Harder, Danielle. (2009, January). Hospital finds cure for retention: Time off. Canadian HR
Reporter, 22(1), 12. Retrieved March 14, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1636590351).
Hodges, Helen F., & Ann C. Keeley, Patricia J. Troyan. (2008). Professional resilience in baccalaureate-prepared acute care nurses: FIRST STEPS. Nursing Education
Perspectives, 29(2), 80-9. Retrieved March 14, 2009, from ProQuest Medical
Sarbanes-Oxley Act on a Medium Sized Company
The following paper begins with a discussion of the benefits of going public. The paper then gives a comparison between a public and private company. It focuses on the fund raising procedures of the private companies as well. The paper also discusses the ratios that are evaluated at the time of and IPO and determines the impact of these ratios on the decisions of the company. The paper then discusses the positive and negative impacts of the Sarbanes-Oxley act and finishes with a recommendation about whether to continue as a private company or go public.
Benefits of Going Public
Going public refers to an initial public offering of a private company. An initial public offering is the first time a company offers its shares to public. Different companies have different reasons for going public. One of the reasons is to obtain capital. Privately, a company…...
Jong, A., Huijgen, C., Marra, T., & Roosenboom, P. (2012). Why Do Firms Go Public? The Role of the Product Market. Journal Of Business Finance & Accounting, 39(1-2), 165 -- 192.
PricewaterhouseCoopers,. (2010). Roadmap for an IPO A guide to going public (pp. 4-13). London: PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Primack, S. (2012). The Financial Impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Small vs. Large U.S. Public Companies (1st ed., pp. 1-5). Berkeley: University of California. Retrieved from http://live.econ.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/Primack.pdf
Troy, L. (2008). Almanac of business and industrial financial ratios (1st ed., pp. 9-22). Chicago, IL: CCH.
The reader does not have to wait for the administrator to make the title available or some other user releasing it for the use of other readers. This independence of multiple persons use allows the PDA model to increase the readership of title without compromising the number of people that have hold of the title (einers, et al., 2012).. Libraries only main issue has been that people keep books with them for too long and other readers have to wait too long, often up to a length of a month's period.
Disadvantages of PDA model
With greater freedom for the library administrators as well as the readers, any model with benefits has potential downsides to it as well. This model also has some limitations some of which are discussed below.
elatively smaller number of titles
The PDA model is known for its limitation of only offering limited number of titles or subject areas…...
Alto, P. (2010, Oct). ebrary Launches New Patron Driven Acquisition E-Book Model. Business Wire. Retrieved from: [ http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20101013007007/en/ebrary-Launches-Patron-Driven-Acquisition-E-Book-Model ]
Polanka, S. (Ed.). (2011). No shelf required: e-books in libraries (Vol. 1). ALA Store.
Reiners, L.A., Walker, D., Heppell, C., Farmer, J., Adey, H., & Berrington, M. (2012). Patron-driven acquisition: the experience of three university libraries.SCONUL Focus, (55), 33-36.
(Johnson, "Impact of Day Trading," 2000) and the effects on the irresponsible individual could be devastating if he or she didn't "jump" at the right time. After losing everything while day trading, one unstable man "shot and killed nine people in Atlanta in a two-day spree. Just two weeks after the shooting, the North American Securities Administrators Association released a report stating that seven out of ten" of all day traders lost everything."
But what about the overall effect markets? Some analysts concede that while day traders added volatility, a small dose of volatility in a sluggish market environment can prove a positive ingredient. Volatility might be difficult to stomach, but "volatility is the lifeblood of the markets. If prices don't change, trades don't happen. If trades don't happen, stocks are superfluous. ithout stocks, new business would not get funded, new fortunes would not be made, and new technologies would…...
mlaWork Cited
Finance / Program Trading. (2004) Excerpt from the New York Times, Dec. 15, 1987. Also excerpted from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Risks Forum, Forum on Risks to the Public in Computers and Related Systems. Retrieved 3 Dec 2004. http://mt.sopris.net/mpc/finance/program.trading.html
Forex. (January 19, 2004) Forum, Forum on Risks to the Public in Computers and Related Systems. Retrieved www.forex.com
Stock trading: The ultimate handbook. (2004) Daytrader.com. Retrieved 3 Dec 2004. http://day-trader-coach.com/
Johnson, Cory. (2000) "Trillion Dollar Bet." NOVA. PBS. Retrieved 3 Dec 2004. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/stockmarket/online2.html
Develop a financial strategy for using global nursing strategies to increase fiscal responsibility. Include the positive and negative financial impact of bringing foreign healthcare providers into a financial organization. Examples such as physicians, nurses, and therapist should be evaluated and assessed for financial viability.
Healthcare institutions may be faced with fiscal constraints at some point in their growth process therefore necessitating austerity measures and sound business practices that will help minimize costs and enhance operational and financial efficiency inside the hospitals (Dong, 2015). Many questions arise as to how the financial management culture in healthcare institutions can influence care quality. This research paper attempts to identify the global nursing strategies that would increase financial responsibility in healthcare institutions as well as the financial impact that hiring foreign healthcare providers into the financial organization has.
According to Dong (2015) there is a significant statistical relationship between the financial performance of a hospital and…...
Lease Accounting Changes
The author of this report is asked to answer to three major questions, all relating to the recent changes in accounting for leases under the Australian accounting standard both before and after the country's adherence of the IFS (IFS, 2013). The first point to answer to is the standard prior to the IFS update relating to accounting for leases. The second point is to provide for the present approach taken by the Australian IFS on the question of recognition, measurement, and presentation of leases and the reasoning behind said approach. Finally, a summary of future global developments relating to the changes with the current IASB standard for accounting for leases and how this all might affect the Australian standards going forward is also requested.
Questions Answered
Per a recent publication by PriceWaterhouseCoopers, there is a clear and precise explanation of the changes at hand and how things will differ going…...
AASB. (2013, September 2). AASB - Home. AASB. Retrieved September 2, 2013, from www.aasb.gov.au
Finance Agency. (2013, September 2). Department of Finance and Deregulation. Department of Finance and Deregulation. Retrieved September 2, 2013, from http://www.finance.gov.au/
IFRS. (2013, September 2). IFRS
Home. IFRS
Financial Analysis of Lehman rother
Lehman rothers
The history has been full of financial collapses and financial scandals and one of the biggest financial collapses that a company has ever seen was that of Lehman brother. The collapse of a firm as huge as Lehman rother and a firm which has such great experience of over a hundred years lead the world into a shock. It created doubts in the minds of people regarding the condition of other financial institutions. The history of Lehman rother is rich which is further discussed.
The history of Lehman rother dates back to 1844, when a boy named Henry who was a 23-year-old son of a cattle merchant who immigrated to the United States from Germany and he settled in Alabama State of the United States where he opened dry goods store. In 1847, when Henry Lehman's elder brother arrived to Alabama, the firm expanded to "H.…...
1. Bebchuk, L.A., Cohen, A., & Spamann, H. (2010). The Wages of Failure: Executive Compensation at Bear Stearns and Lehman 2000-2008. Yale Journal on Regulation,27(2), 257+.
2. Blake, D. (2000). Financial Market Analysis. New York: Wiley. Cetorelli, N., Mandel, B.H., & Mollineaux, L. (2012). The Evolution of Banks and Financial Intermediation: Framing the Analysis. Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, 1+.
3. Dwyer, G.P., & Tkac, P. (2009). The Financial Crisis of 2008 in Fixed Income Markets.Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Working Paper Series, 2009(20), 1+.
4. Fitzpatrick, T.J., & Thomson, J.B. (2011). How Well Does Bankruptcy Work When Large Financial Firms Fail? Some Lessons from Lehman Brothers. Economic Commentary (Cleveland), (2011-23), 1+.
Financial Analysis
Threats and vulnerability: A case study of Shoe Carnival, Inc.
Shoe carnival overview
Shoe Carnival Inc. is a publicly traded company that offers a range of footwear products for all categories of customers, men, women, children and sportswear. It also offers casual wear products and other assorted products such as handbags. Its headquarters are situated in Evansville, Indiana and it runs over 300 stores across several states mostly concentrated in South, Midwest, and Southeastern states of the U.S. David ussell, who had sold shoes for over 20 years in the traditional way, founded Shoe Carnival after feeling convicted that that was what he wanted to do. In the year 1978, and with is personal savings and some capital from his in-laws, he opened his first store that he called "Shoe Biz." His main idea was to create a shoe store made shoe-shopping fun. The major difference with ussell's stores was the…...
Funding Universe (2012) Company Histories and Profiles: Shoe Carnival Inc. Retrieved from http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/Shoe-Carnival-Inc.-company-History.html
Laboureconomic's weblog (2012) The Effects of Fon Competition: U.S. Firms. Posted May 4, 2011, retrieved from http://laboureconomics.wordpress.com/2011/05/04/the-effect-of-foreign-competition-us-firms/
Lowth, G., Prowle, M., Zhang, M. (2010) The Impact of Economic Recession on Business Strategy Planning in UK. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Vol.6, Issue 9.
Shoe Carnival (2012) Shoe Carnival 2011 Annual Report. February 2012. Retrieved from http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CGQQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fphx.corporate-ir.net%2FExternal.File%3Fitem%3DUGFyZW50SUQ9OTM1OTR8Q2hpbGRJRD0tMXxUeXBlPTM%3D%26t%3D1&ei=6E7LT5zEBc7SsgbC0vGaBw&usg=AFQjCNHQ73w5pPAXL97G7uC-A3yGWjEKKQ&sig2=LmOSYlJO7izfAl1ssOpxDQ
Financial Derivatives
This study emphasized the importance roles of financial derivatives, which has been known for the last decade and its effects on the Global financial crisis. It further analyzes the impact of financial derivatives and how it can be controlled to prevent corporations from incurring a lot of risks. It also explains the existence of financial derivatives since 1970, to the recent Global Financial Crisis which occurred in the 2006.
Risk is a feature associated with all productivity. As a result, financial markets adjust themselves to the fluctuation of exchange and interest rates. Hedging risk, these corporations highlight the importance of risk management tools known as Derivatives. Derivatives are defined as financial tools providing investors with effective solutions when avoiding risk caused from market volatility (Dodd, 2006). Financial derivatives are considered to be an effective risk management tool associated with Financial Engineering creating solutions to financial problems (Marks, 2010). In this…...
mlaWorks Cited
Angel, James, and Douglas McCabe. "The Business Ethics Of Short Selling And Naked
Short Selling." Journal Of Business Ethics 85.(2009): 239-249. Business
Source Elite. Web. 1 Apr. 2012.
Barth, Mary E., and Wayne R. Landsman. "How Did Financial Reporting Contribute To
Financial Contracting for New Venture:
Investments in a new venture usually involve financial contracts between the entrepreneur and external investors. These external investors include venture capitalists, angel financiers, banks, private financing companies, and credits unions among others. Notably, financial contracts can have positive and negative effects on the new venture. For instance, an angel financier can add a clause on the financial contract that will not permit the entrepreneur to borrow more funds without permission from the lender. While this is likely to occur when the lending institution has a mortgage or lean on the venture's property, the clause is usually added to lessen foreclosure risk. As an individual seeking to venture in a clothing business for the Mixed Martial Arts customers to provide shirts, hoodies/fleeces, and hats, it is important to choose the most appropriate type of financial contracting with the external investor. This process of selecting the most suitable…...
Anderson, C. (2013, January 25). 8 Things You Need to Know About Starting A Fashion
Business. The Huffington Post. Retrieved January 10, 2014, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/24/starting-a-fashion-business_n_2534518.html
de Bettignies, J. (2008, January). Financing the Entrepreneurial Venture. Management Science,
54(1), 151-166. Retrieved January 10, 2014, from http://web.business.queensu.ca/faculty/jdebettignies/docs/EntrepFinPrintedVersion.pdf
Financial Accounting
The question is missing a clause. "…is more conducive to ethical behavior" than what? The word "more" invites comparison but there is nothing to compare the current environment to. Well, the current environment is not much different than any past environment. The regulatory environment does not dictate ethics, as ethics exist distinct from laws. Ethical behavior rests on how society itself defines ethics, and is only loosely related to the regulatory environment. So while there is definitely a tighter regulatory environment at least with the introduction of Sarbanes-Oxley and the PCAOB, these laws do not dictate ethics, just behavior (Lennox & Pittman, 2010). Indeed, an increasingly complex regulatory environment only serves to complicate the issue of individual ethics, and creates confusion among business practitioners between legal/illegal and right/wrong, the two operating entirely different conceptual spheres (Jennings, 2004).
The "business" environment is quite vague -- there are many facets to the…...
Erickson, J. (2011). Overlitigating corporate fraud: An empirical examination. Iowa Law Review. Vol 97 (2011) 49-100.
Gerety, M. & Lehn, K. (1997). The causes and consequences of accounting fraud. Managerial and Decision Economics. Vol. 18 (7-8) 587-599.
Jennings, M. (2004). The disconnect between and among legal ethics, business ethics, law and virtue: Learning not to make ethics so complex. St. Thomas Law Journal. Vol 1 (2) 995-1040.
Lennox, C. & Pittman, J. (2010). Big five audits and accounting fraud. Contemporary Accounting Research. Vol. 27 (1) 209-247.
he only observation that could be made here is that one would expect a larger proportion of the total expenses to be allocated to research and development, given the fact that this is such an important part of Microsoft's activity and essential in order to obtain a competitive advantage on the market.
Asset and Capital Structure
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
otal fixed assets
he asset structure at Microsoft reflects some of the particularities in the industry, notably the fact that the inventory levels tend to be quite low, as compared to the other assets. his means that the I industry is not one supporting production on stock. At the same time, the value of the total fixed assets is significantly high, which can be partly explained by the size of the company and the investments in land, buildings and equipment.
Part III -- Ratio Analysis
he current ratio in 2008 was 1.45, as compared…...
mlaThe return on assets at Microsoft was 0.24 in 2008, as compared to 0.22 in 2007. As most of the other profitability and asset management figures, the return on assets also shows a better performance in 2008.
Part IV -- Conclusions and Recommendations
Microsoft's results, both in terms of absolute value from the income and cash flow statements and balance sheet and the ratio analysis, show a solid, extremely competitive company, whose results have improved from 2007 to 2008, despite the global economic crisis. Its capacity to retain low levels of inventory, to gradually increase its efficiency in using assets and to bring new products to the market are some of the positive aspects at Microsoft. As a recommendation, the company could consider allocating a larger proportion of its expenses into research and development.
As they are showing the total impact that the activities of business operations are having on its profitability.
When you look at the two different forms of analysis side by side, it is clear that they are playing an interconnected role. Where, business analysis and planning will tell you the various external challenges facing an organization. While financial analysis and planning, will tell you the effect of these issues are having on the balance sheet. This helps Hyrbitech to understand the overall scope of the problems they are facing and how they could adapt to them. As a result, the combination of the two different forms of analysis would identify specific factors that are facing the business and how it is impacting their overall bottom line. This would help Hybritech to seek out alliances and partnerships that could improve collaboration, as well as provide the company with the additional funding…...
"Hybritech Incorporated." Darden. N.d. 1- 29. Print.
"Porter's Five Forces Model." Strategic Management. N.d. Print.
"Understanding the Metric Wars." N.d. 427 -- 465. Print
MLA Format. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Financial Standards
eporting standards for financial transactions have been varied with regard to countries and companies across the globe for many years. This fact has made it difficult for transactions to be reported with any great degree of accuracy. This was especially true in Germany where there was no true German GAAP. What the rest of the world has considered the German GAAP, the GoB, was actually comprised of here say and opinion gleaned from many different sources. With the advent of the IASB that the European Union adopted in 2007, Germany has finally decided on a single standard with which to govern financial reporting. Large companies within the country, such as Deutsche Bank, have had to make adjustments to the new standards, but this does not seem to have caused a problem. Since the country has loosely used international standards for many years, the new IASB is not new to…...
Bonthrone, R. (2000). German financial accounting and reporting. Translation Journal, 4(3). Retrieved from http://translationjournal.net/journal/13finan.htm
Deutsche Bank. (2011). Company. Deutsche Bank. Retrieved from http://www.db.com/en/content/company/company.htm
Feige, P. (1997). How "uniform" is financial accounting in Germany? European Accounting Review, 6(1), 109-122.
Gornik-Tomaszewski, S., & McCarthy, I.N. (2003). Cooperation between FASB and IASB to achieve convergence of accounting standards. Review of Business, 24(2), 52-61.
Financial managers and CEO's play important roles in ensuring that organizations meet their specific goals. The skill levels for both positions are high and require a great deal of patience and experience. The purpose of this discussion is to determine whether being a financial manager is the best preparation for later becoming a CEO.
ole of the Financial Manager
According to the Bureau of Labor, financial managers must have a bachelor's degree in a field such as business administration, accounting, economics or finance. Although, as the business world becomes more competitive, organizations are requiring financial managers to have Master's degrees and a great deal of experience before they can become financial managers. The Bureau also explains that financial managers are vital to the success of any organization and their jobs involve supervising the preparation of financial reports, direct investment activities, and implement cash management strategies. As computers are increasingly used to record…...
Campbell, M.W., Kowalski, R.B. Healthcare Financial Management Association Apr 2000
Financial Managers. 2004. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos010.htm
1. Evaluating the Impact of Simulated Scenarios on Sony Corporation's Key Metrics
This title clearly conveys the purpose of the essay, which is to assess the impact of simulated scenarios on Sony Corporation's key metrics. It is concise, specific, and informative.
2. The Role of Simulation in Assessing Sony Corporation's Business Performance
This title highlights the importance of simulation as a tool for evaluating business performance. It suggests that the essay will explore how Sony Corporation can use simulation to identify and address challenges and opportunities.
3. Simulating Different Scenarios to Optimize Sony Corporation's Performance
This title emphasizes the goal of the essay, which is....
1. The Roots of Embezzlement in North Carolina's Local Governments
Explore the systemic factors that contribute to embezzlement in local governments in North Carolina, such as weak internal controls, lack of oversight, and political corruption.
Examine the vulnerabilities of small, rural municipalities and the role of limited resources and staff capacity.
Discuss the impact of North Carolina's open government laws and public records policies on the detection and prosecution of embezzlement.
2. The Fraud Triangle: Causes and Consequences of Embezzlement in North Carolina
Apply the fraud triangle theory (pressure, opportunity, rationalization) to the context of embezzlement in local governments.
Analyze specific....
1. Examining the Health Hazards and Consequences of Smoking: A Call for Cessation
Argument: Explore the significant health risks associated with smoking, highlighting the increased prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory illnesses, and cancer.
Evidence: Cite reputable medical research, statistics from health organizations, and personal testimonies of former smokers.
Persuasive Techniques: Use vivid imagery, emotional appeals, and logical reasoning to emphasize the detrimental effects of smoking on both health and overall well-being.
2. The Role of Government Regulations in Reducing Smoking Rates: Exploring Effective Policies
Argument: Discuss the effectiveness of various government regulations, such as tobacco taxation, advertising bans, and smoke-free zones.....
Topic 1: The Impact of COVID-19 on the NHS's Workforce
Analyze the challenges and consequences faced by the NHS workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. Consider the impact on staffing levels, workload, mental health, and resilience. Discuss lessons learned and recommendations for improving workforce support and preparedness for future health emergencies.
Topic 2: The Role of Technology in the NHS's Response to COVID-19
Examine the use of technology in the NHS's response to the pandemic, including telemedicine, remote monitoring, and data analytics. Discuss the benefits and limitations of these technologies, their impact on patient care, and implications for the future delivery of healthcare.
Topic 3:....
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