Film Festival Essays (Examples)

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Cannes Film Festival Day One
Pages: 10 Words: 2997

The first special screening I saw hits closer to home because it is about the P oil drilling fiasco that occurred only last year. The ig Fix is a film by director Josh and Rebecca Tickell that documented the problems brought about by the largest oil spill in history. The film did not only center on the actual disaster but what went on behind the scenes. y exposing the root causes of the spill, the filmmakers uncover a vast network of corruption and provided a damning indictment of a system of government led by a powerful and secretive oligarchy that puts the pursuit of profit over all other human and environmental needs (Festival de Cannes 2011). The film is awake up call not only for those directly affected by it but the rest of the world too especially if corporate greed is not tempered.
The French film Michel Petrucciani by…...



ABC News. Cannes Film Festival 2011. 2011. 22 Jun. 2011. .

BST News. Cannes Film Festival 2011. 25 May 2011. 22 Jun. 2011. .

Festival de Cannes. Cannes Film Festival 2011. 2011. 22 Jun. 2011. .

Fleming, Michael. CAA Evolves Into Capital Agency Partners with Former Merrill Lynch Bankers. Variety. 18 May 2009. 22 Jun. 2011. .

Medical Centers and Healthcare
Pages: 3 Words: 834

To the Lagos State Government, It is with great pleasure and excitement that EBONYLIFE FILMS extends to you our invitation as Special Guest of Honour at the World Premiere of our feature length film, THE ROYAL HIBISCUS HOTEL, to be held on the 9th of September 2017 in Toronto, Canada.
THE ROYAL HIBISCUS HOTEL will be screened for the very first time at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), one of the most prestigious and largest publicly attended film festivals in the world, attracting over 480,000 people annually. Receiving such a significant accolade is important because it identifies the movie as a quality production. The movie is the only Nigerian selection and one of just three African features in the Contemporary World Cinema category, spotlighting 48 of the best new films worldwide. 
The Toronto Film Festival has attracted some of the biggest stars including Hollywood’s A-list celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer…...

Film Festival and Women
Pages: 4 Words: 1392

justification for this focus?
The festival will, via thirty gender sensitivity- and female empowerment- focused movies, attempt at fostering social reform and altering gender stereotypes. It will be able to provide a platform for training women, advocating for women-specific problems, fostering an entrepreneurial drive in them, and urging them to assume non-traditional functions. Furthermore, the university's efforts towards the above goals will be furthered via the festival (DNA, 2016).

One study discovered that female actors had a mere 30.2% of named or speaking roles within Hollywood's 700 greatest films between 2007 and 2014; of these only 28 movies had female directors (DNA, 2016). Through this film festival, it is hoped moviemakers will be influenced to portray women more often and in more prominent, non-traditional, and varied roles. For instance, film scripts can easily incorporate businesswomen, female security officers, taxi drivers, or scientists, who are interwoven into the story without any appreciable…...



Childers, H. M. (2002). "You go girl!" Nationalism and women's empowernment in the Bollywood film Kya Kehna! Louisiana State University, 5.

DNA. (2016, February 17). Empowering women through films. Retrieved from DNAIndia: 

Egbert, R. (1992). A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN. Retrieved from: 

Hawley, J. (2016, February). Why women's empowerment is essential for sustainable development. Retrieved from IIED:

Film United 93 Directed by
Pages: 5 Words: 1834

It also says a lot about our society that so many people went to see the film and endorsed the film. It is not because this film is about heroes or heroism. It is because the film's ultimate message is to never forget the people who died in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. It was a time when the people of the country came together in support and grief, and a time that made the country and its people just a bit closer to one another. It was an epic time in history and this film makes everyone remember, ultimately so they will never forget.
In conclusion, this is an important and emotional film. It is certainly not easy to watch, and it is easy to demonize the terrorists and fault the military because of their scrambled messages and inaction. However, the director does not demonize the terrorists or…...



Fortuna, Michael. "Bingham Feels 'United 93' Does Son's Memory Justice." Villages Daily Sun. 2006. 1 Dec. 2008.

Roberts, Sheila. "United 93 Movie Review." 2006. 1 Dec. 2008.

United 93. Dir. Paul Greengrass. Perf..J. Johnson, Gary Commock, Polly Adams, and Opal Alladin. Universal Pictures, 2006.

Wilson, Tyler. "United 93' a Powerful Re-Enactment of Tragedy." University of Idaho. 2006. 1 Dec. 2008. .

Capote the Recent Film Capote
Pages: 10 Words: 2999

Capote was always clearly a film meant to appeal to a more educated and selective audience, and finding that audience is not as easy as for the major releases. Traditional methods of promotion and marketing are still widely used, but television has become the centerpiece of every campaign, with the advertising blitz in the week or so before a film opens being the determining factor in the success or failure of the effort. Much marketing effort today goes into developing ancillary markets and product tie-ins of various sorts, all to help recoup expenses and, if a film is very successful, to cash in to an even greater degree. Capote also advertised on television, but not with the sort of budget that would be available for a major studio release. Marketing a film like Capote on television would have been very difficult a few years ago when the primary outlet…...


Works Cited

Ancaster Film Fest Surveys (Winter/Spring 2006). .

Box Office Mojo (2006). November 14, 2006. .

Capote." The Hollywood Reporter (12 Sept 2005). November 13, 2006. .

Capote,' Hoffman, Witherspoon cop top critic nods" The New Zealand Herald (9 Jan 2006),. November 13, 2006. .

Chinese Film the Evolution of the Chinese
Pages: 7 Words: 1828

Chinese Film
The Evolution of the Chinese Film Industry

Contemporary Chinese Film Poster (Chinese Films)

For literally thousands of years, the Culture of China has inspired people and been a source of awe and excitement for people all over the world. The Chinese culture is rather unique and elegant with elements that are not commonly found in other cultures. Part of the cultures attraction is undoubtedly because it is one of the oldest cultures in the world and had has thousands and thousands of years to evolve into what it is today. It has drawn so much interest that it is integrating with other cultures. Although much of the ancient traditions have been somewhat overcome by various estern influences and modernization, traces of various aspects of the previous cultures still manage to stand the test of time and can still be seen today.

Many changes have occurred in the Chinese Culture over the last…...


Works Cited

Chinese Films. "Chinese Films Meet Difficulties to Advance in Global Arena." 1 March 2012. Chinese Films. Web. 5 June 2012.

Cultural China. "Classic Movie and Stars." N.d. Cultural China. Web. 6 May 2012.

Kushner, B. "Is that really funny? -- humor and identity in Japan and China." 17 April 2009. Japan Society. Web. 5 June 2012.

Moses, L. "Chinese Embassy host film festival." N.d. Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China. Web. 6 June 2012.

Tim Burton - Movie Director
Pages: 2 Words: 653

Amazingly, all of the movies mentioned above ranked in the top ten at the box office. atman was the most financially lucrative with a number one box-office rating and a total gross of just over $251 million followed by atman Returns with a number two box-office rating and a total gross of nearly $163 million. Ed Wood was the least successful and came in at number nine at the box office and grossed about $5.8 million (Tim urton FAQ).

In 2001, urton's Planet of the Apes was panned by the critics, leaving some to question if urton had lost his luster. (Andac). About the same time as Planet of the Apes, both of urton's parents died within a short space of time (Jackson and McDermott, 2004). In 2003, he bounced back with ig Fish, a story of a man trying to reconnect with his dying father. This was one of urton's…...



Andac, B. Tim Burton. Senses of Cinema. Retrieved January 26, 2005 from Web site: 

Jackson, M. And McDermott, A. (2004). The Tim Burton Collective. Retrieved January 26, 2005 from Web site: 

Tim Burton. FILMBUG. Retrieved January 26, 2005 from Web site: 

Tim Burton FAQ. Rochester Institute of Technology. Retrieved January 26, 2005 from Web site:

The Tokyo Drifter The Japanese New Film Wave
Pages: 7 Words: 2214

Question 3: Historical Developments During the Japanese New Wave- The Tokyo DrifterIntroductionOne of the films that match the historical period of the Japanese New Wave is the Tokyo Drifter (1966), directed by Seijun Suzuki. The film demonstrates multiple themes to show how various transformations in infrastructures and institutions in the 1960s affected the film industry. During this period, historical developments affected other film-related attributes such as exhibition, distribution, and production. The Tokyo drifter shows the impacts of such developments. efore the 1950s, the Japanese film industry featured independent companies run by socialist sympathies, primarily political messages. It was not in the interest of producers to have nonavant-garde films. However, in the 1960s, there was a transformation. Independent companies began venturing into films that were alienated from a major studio. They focused on films that expanded the scope of the Japanese film industry without specifying political ideologies. It is through these…...


BibliographyBitel, Antony. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"When Japanese Cinema Went Wild.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Eye For Film. Accessed October 29, 2021.   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Film Series: Japanese Cinema 1960s.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Asia Society, 2010. . Hays, Jeffrey. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Modern Japanese Film Industry: Its Decline and Rebirth, Sony and Hollywood\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Japanese Ghosts.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Facts and Details. Accessed October 28, 2021. . \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Japanese Cinema.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Japanese cinema - New World Encyclopedia. Accessed October 29, 2021. . Komatsu, Hiroshi. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The Modernization of Japanese Film.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" The Oxford History of World Cinema, 1999, 714–21. Larsen, Rob. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Tokyo Drifter: Subversion from the inside out.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Brattle Theatre Film Notes, 2016. . Lomax. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The World Screen: Japan\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Cinematic Reinvention and International Film Festivals.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Journal of Film and Video 72, no. 1-2 (2020): 46. . Maher, Michael. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"From Godzilla to R2D2: Japan\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Influence on Modern Cinema.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" The Beat: A Blog by PremiumBeat, September 9, 2015. . Nygren, Scott. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Japanese Cinema.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Cinema and Media Studies, 2011. . Russell, Catherine. Classical Japanese Cinema Revisited. Continuum, 2011. Teo, Stephen. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Seijun Suzuki: Authority in Minority.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Senses of Cinema, 2000. Vargas, Ferran \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Japan\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s New Left and New Wave. An Ideology\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Perspective as an Alternative to That of National Cinema,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Arts 8, no. 1 (2018). .

Meaning of Netflix Film What Happened to Monday
Pages: 2 Words: 647

What Happened to Monday Reflection What is What happened to Monday??
What Happened to Monday is a 2017 science-fiction film that depicts a dystopian future in which families are only permitted to have one child (Wirkola, 2017). When a mother gives birth to seven identical daughters the father decides to keep them all but oblige them to live under a single identity—that of “Karen.” The sisters grow up living the same life as Karen, each sister permitted to play that role one day of the week. One of the sisters—Monday—falls in love with a government agent and becomes pregnant. This sets off a chain of events that lead to the sisters’ situation being compromised, as Monday believes the only way she can guarantee her daughters’ lives is to remove her sisters. The film received favorable reviews upon its release (Kohn, 2017).
Why is it important?
The film is important because it shows how the…...



Kohn, E. (2017). Isabelle Huppert, Noomi Rapace, and Bodybuilders: 7 Must-See Summer Movies From the 2017 Locarno Film Festival. Retrieved from  

Wirola, T. (2017). What happened to Monday? Netflix. 

Magdalene Sisters Film
Pages: 8 Words: 2586

Magdalene Sisters
Peter Mullan's 2002 movie The Magdalene Sisters depicts the dark side of Irish culture, church, and history. From the late nineteenth to the late twentieth century, the Sisters of Mercy in Ireland ran profitable asylums for women. The laundry businesses allowed the convents to earn money while keeping socially scorned women behind bars. Yet far from being a place of spiritual refuge, the Magdalene laundries often became torture houses closely resembling concentration camps. As Mullan shows, spirituality was completely superceded by cruelty, greed, torture, and manipulation. The brutality shown on screen reveals a chilling behind-the-scenes glimpse of what actually did occur regularly in Magdalene asylum laundries.

The culture that supported such institutions was an inherently sexist one, as many of the interred women committed no offense other than having shamed their families or being attractive. Although a fictionalized account, The Magdalene Sisters shows what mental and physical abuse generally occurred…...


Works Cited

Ackstrom, Kevin. "Prominent Order of Nuns Apologizes for Role in Magdalene Laundries." 2003. Online at < >.

Brown, Hillary and McGarry, Matt. "Ireland's Dirty Laundry: Wounds Still Fresh For Thousands of Women Enslaved by the Catholic Church." Online at <>.

Dolbee, Sandi. "Magdalene Sisters' awash in controversy." Copley News Service. 8 Sept. 2003. Online at <>.

Greydanus, Steven D. "The Magdalene Sisters Controversy." 2003. Online at <>.

Renowned Film Makers of This Century Federico
Pages: 6 Words: 1730

renowned film makers of this century Federico Fellini. Fellinni was born in Rimini on 20 January 1920. He was the son of Ida Barbiani who was of Roman origin and his father was Urbano who was a travelling salesman. Even while he was in high school, Fellini became famous as a caricature artist and this helped him get the job of a film promotional artist at the Fulgor cinema.
His directorial career was dotted with many accolades, several Oscar winning movies and almost all his films were critically acclaimed. The more famous films that were directed by Fellini were La strada - which won an Oscar and was among the first films in a series of films that sealed his place amidst the greatest of the film makers. Other famous films by the director were Le notti di Cabiria- an Oscar winning film, La dolce vita- won the Palme d'Or…...

Experimental Film
Pages: 9 Words: 2578

Maya Deren: An Experimental Life
Maya Deren, born Eleanora Derenkowsky on April 29, 1917 in Kiev, Ukraine, has been referred to as "the high priestess of experimental cinema." (1) Even though she was a dancer, choreographer, poet, writer and photographer, she is still considered a pioneer not only in experimental filmmaking, but also a voice for the feminist film community.

In 1922, the Derenkowsky family fled the threat of anti-Semitism in the Ukraine, arriving in New York where they changed their name to "Deren." The family, though, was frequently unhappy and at odds. As an adolescent, Maya was sent to Geneva to attend The League of Nations International School while Maya's mother, Marie Deren, studied languages in Paris and her father, Solomon Deren, practiced psychiatry in New York City.

After attending school in Geneva, Deren studied journalism and political science and became active in student politics at Syracuse University. She then transferred to…...


4. P. Adams Sitney, Visionary Film: the American Avant-Garde 1943-1978, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979, p.10

5. Nichols, Maya Deren and the American Avant-Garde, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001, p.5

6. Deren, p. 33

Management of Filmnation Company
Pages: 3 Words: 1011

Film Nation is a relatively new production company that already boasts a long leger of big hits including Chernobyl Diaries, The King's Speech, and The aven. In addition to their lists of production credits, Film Nation has distribution rights to a number of movies including Ceremony and Aftershock. A long and esteemed list of film makers have linked with Film Nation to bring a film to production including Steven Soderbergh, Terrence Malick, Pedro Almodovar, Jeff Nichols and Sofia Coppola (Film Nation). Film Nation's most recent acquisition has been the screenplay to children's book "A Tale Dark & Grimm" by author Adam Gidwitz (McNary). The announcement of the acquisition was made at the Toronto Film Festival.
According to company literature, "veteran international film executive Glen Basner" founded Film Nation in 2008 (Film Nation). The company is described as "a new kind of film company -- global, versatile and full-service; and is a…...



Film Nation [Web Site]. Retrieved online:

Foreman, Liza. Colin Firth, Michael Fassbender Set for A. Scott Berg Adaptation 'Genius'. The Wrap. Retrieved online: 

McNary, Dave. "FilmNation feeling 'Dark & Grimm': Company acquires feature rights to children's book." Chicago Tribune. 6 Sept 2012. Retrieved online:

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon the Film Documentaries
Pages: 7 Words: 2317

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
The film, documentaries and the last docudrama are exceptional production pieces by notable directors and producers. Crouching tiger-hidden dragon defies the usual mantra of strength only attributed to men. Jen effectively acts as person having higher morals. The martial arts performance was exceptional, an unusual feature in Hollywood. Islam, the empire of faith is another documentary made on the rise of Islamic empire and the life of Prophet Mohammad having a great impact on establishment of religion. 'Gandhi' also remains an unquestioned production classic that eloquently portrays Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the unquestioned leader of India. The film sheds light on Hinduism as a religion and its faith and dogmas. Lastly, Kundan is a docudrama based on life of Dalai Lama. 'Kundan' might not have justified the stature of Buddhism in history of mankind but the piece of production remains an earnest effort on part of Martin Scorcese…...



Bowker, J. & Bowker, D. (1997). World religions. Dorling Kindersley.

Chan, K. (2004). The Global Return of the Wu Xia Pian (Chinese Sword-Fighting Movie): Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Cinema Journal, 43(4), 3-17.

Conze, E. (2004). Buddhism: Its essence and development. Windhorse Publications.

Driver, M.W. & Ray, S. (2004). The medieval hero on screen: representations from Beowulf to Buffy (Vol. 56). McFarland & Company Incorporated Pub.

Red Balloon Le Balloon Rouge
Pages: 4 Words: 1081

This scene can easily be likened to the communist investigations of this era, when many writers, directors, actors, and numerous people in the entertainment business were blacklisted from working, many of whom were turned in by peers who had been "beaten down" by interrogations.
This film is really remarkable, considering that there is no dialogue. There are only sound effects, thus the actors must be given praise for their abilities to carry the film, especially Pascal. His portrayal of innocence and naivete comes across as truly genuine.

ithout dialogue, music and sound effects take on added importance to the film. Lamorisse chooses music and sound that is very appropriate for each scene. For example, when Pascal is trying to get the balloon down from the lamppost, the music in the background adds to the mischievous nature of the boy and the story. Moreover, the sound effects also help to enhance the…...


Works Cited

Albert Lamorisse. 

The Red Balloon. Director: Albert Lamorisse. 1956.

How has a prominent Asian figure influenced the global perception of Asian culture?
Words: 338

Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)
Akira Kurosawa, a renowned Japanese filmmaker, has profoundly shaped the global perception of Asian culture through his groundbreaking cinematic masterpieces. His films have transcended linguistic and cultural barriers, captivating audiences worldwide and leaving an indelible mark on the international cinematic landscape.
Subtle Elegance and Cultural Authenticity
Kurosawa's films showcase the subtle elegance and depth of traditional Japanese culture. In films like "Rashomon" and "Seven Samurai," he portrays samurai values of honor, loyalty, and sacrifice with remarkable authenticity. His characters are not mere historical figures but complex and relatable individuals who grapple with universal themes of good and evil, fate, and....

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