Fifth Business as a Spiritual Quest
Fifth Business is a novel that clearly follows a spiritual quest that is the central theme of the lifelong journey of its protagonist, Dunstable Ramsay. Throughout his life, Dunstable (later called Dunstan after a saint whose virtues Dunstable emulates) is always looking for redemption for childhood guilt through religion and spirituality. From his very first feelings of guilt resulting from causing a neighbor woman to go into premature labor when he dodges a snowball with a rock in it that hits her instead, to feelings of guilt over the death of his brother, his conflict-filled relationship with his parents, and his struggle to find a place in the world that does not seem to have a place for someone who is eccentric and does not quite fit the norms of society like himself, Dunstable is constantly searching the world of spirituality for answers that will…...
Fifth Business -- a Conclusion to Dunstable's Memoir
It seems, try though I might, that the over-riding theme of my life has been women. I did not set out for this to be so. I would have been perfectly content to remain a normal boy, doing normal boyish things and then to grown into a man with a normal family, a normal job, and normal friends and associations. The pleasures of suburbia would have been quite enough for me, and I would have found them pleasant indeed. But fate had another role in mind for me, put into motion from the very moment Percy's snowball hit Mary Dempster. From that moment on, my life, my actions, and my very psyche would be defined by women.
You may wonder at this, Headmaster, because you already know that I was relieved when my parents died, as I would no longer have to be under…...
Finally, Change in approach is a more tactical answer to Change Character. It is using specific techniques to engender change within and organization or population (Chapman, 2005).
Discuss the difference between business development based on problem solving vs. business development-based learning. Within any organization, individuals tend to see themselves as cogs in the wheel, not really making much of a difference to the success or failure of the organization as a whole. It is really at the micro level that change (learning, evolution, etc.) takes place. The enemy is not external; it is falling into an internal rut and seeing only the short-term, instead of broadening the picture. Learning is not easy; people, and therefore organizations, are sometimes resistant to movement. However, thinking about one's position within an organization as a critical part of the whole, dedicating oneself to team learning, "suspending assumptions and entering into genuine thinking together" allows…...
Annacchino, M. (2007). The Pursuit of New Product Development. Burlington, MA: Butterworth.
Bradley, F. (2003). Strategic Marketing In the Customer Driven Organization. New York: Wiley.
Chapman, A. (2005, January). Change Management. Retrieved September 2010, from
Frappaolo, C. (2006). Knowledge Management. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.
Inventory Management Strategy. In his book, Streetwise Project Management, Dobson (2003) advocates the use of a just-in-time inventory management strategy to keep inventories low and manufacturing process more productive. This approach, though, will require close coordination with a Brazilian supplier, warehousing operations, planners and forecasters, and transportation directors throughout the inventory management process. In this regard, Epps (1995) advises, that such an approach requires the efficient transportation of materials from outside vendors directly to the work-in-process area, where the required value added processes of the manufacturing operations take place, which is followed by the shipping of the finished products to the customer within a reasonable timeframe. This inventory management strategy can save manufacturers the costs of inspection, stocking, material handling, inventory tracking, carrying the inventory, and the dangers that are typically related to damage to parts and their tendency to become obsolete over time (Epps).
The just-in-time inventory management strategy has…...
Bolten, E.F. (1997). Managing time and space in the modern warehouse with ready-to-use forms, checklist & documentation. New York: AMACOM.
Boyson, S., Harrington, L.H. & Corsi, T.M. (2004). In real time: Managing the new supply chain. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Brazil. (2009). U.S. government: CIA world factbook. [Online.] Available: https://www.cia.
This same thing would apply to the business purchase as well, as this is the stage when he sits back and goes over his decision, and if he has a doubt about the product at this stage, he would probably never repeat purchase at this company again.
Chapter 6, class notes," n. d.) customer is influenced by many factors when he is making a decision to buy a product or a service. His basic upbringing, his culture, the media, the important role that a role model may play in his life, and the influences that he may have from certain groups of persons may all play equally important roles, and in addition, marketers and advertisers too may obviously influence the consumer in attempting to influence or persuade them into making the all important purchase of a particular product or service. ("Consumer buying behavior," n. d) Although there are certain dissimilarities…...
Kurtz, David L; Boone, Louis E. (2005) "Contemporary Marketing" Thomson South-
N.A. (n. d.) "Chapter 6, class notes" Retrieved 4 December, 2007 at
N.A. (n. d.) "Consumer buying behavior" Retrieved 4 December, 2007 at
Both are equally important. For the first, we will have company specialists describing the software development tools we used, as well as the mechanisms that are included in the development of a new module or product within the suite.
On the other hand, presenting and implementing the organizational culture of the company is equally important. Besides promoting this in day-to-day operational activities, we will also have, from time to time, people from the company upper management visiting Bucharest and presenting the mechanisms and values that the company uses.
Potential competition
The labor market for software developers in Romania is one where the competition is quite challenging, especially since it comes both from internal and external forces. Internally, we are dealing with small to medium software developing companies, generally operating for larger companies abroad or working with a bigger international client. These are generally companies that have 30-50 employees and who tend to…...
Some of the unique cultural aspects of the business at hand are the value placed on flexibility, family and employee independence. All of these cultural values are heavily focused on the people factor. Any changes to these values will have to take into account the effect it will have on the employee's moral and thus productivity. Many of our employees are successful because their values are in line with the business' values and therefore there is no "culture shock" so to say. In order to prevent any changes from alientating the company's strong employee base, any changes to these three values should be slight. For example, one recommendation would be to focuse on changing one aspect while strengthening the other two. In terms of changing the dispersion of the employees, employees could be required to work on site for a specific number of days per week or month....
The company's objective is to develop capabilities in the Reseach and Development aeas as well as ensuing poducts that can be sold and distibuted in the Euopean and Ameican makets. It should be noted, howeve, that such a move must be taken with caution and cae; appoaching the Euopean business maketplace may not wok in the same manne as othe business envionments. As one expet ecently wote "appoaching the Euopean makets without ecognizing the impotance of national languages and cultues in daily life is a cucial mistake" (Robet, 2010, pg. 31). It would be wise fo the company to emembe Robet's wods due to the unique natue of the Euopean makets and Gemany in paticula; since that is the county this pape ecommends the company conducts its business.
It is impotant to note that choosing a county to base the company's opeations is a delicate and time-consuming matte that must be…...
mlareferences of political actors, German Politics, Vol. 18, Issue 3, pp. 281-300
Dickman, M.; (2003) Implementing German HRM abroad: Desired, feasible, successful? International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 14, Issue 2, pp. 265 -- 283
Dunning, J.H. & Lundan, S.M.; (2008) Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy, London: Edward Elgar Publishing
Federal Republic of Germany (2003) Background Notes on Countries of the World 2003, pp. 1 -15
Grewal, R.; Chandrashekaran, M.; Dwyer, F.R.; (2008) Navigating local environments with global strategies: A contingency model of multinational subsidiary performance, Marketing Science, Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp. 886 -- 902
Perhaps they're put off by the cracked floor tiles or the cobwebs on the headless, foam-rubber mannequins. Whatever the reason, the store's rock-bottom prices and helpful service clearly aren't pulling in many shoppers" (Fairlamb and Cohn, 2003).
After nearly a decade of trying to penetrate the German market, Wal-Mart counted its losses and exited Germany. A Wal-Mart spokesman argued that, despite the million dollar losses, the experience was a positive one as it represented a turning point and a lesson for the future. The lesson was that in spite of its national success, Wal-Mart is vulnerable in the international context (Lander and Barbaro, 2006). Similar situations are also encountered in Asia, and the question that is being posed here refers to the future strategies Wal-Mart could implement in order to reduce its vulnerability and increase its position in the global context.
5. ecommendations
Two recommendations are of vital importance when addressing the…...
Fairlamb, D., Cohn, L., October 6, 2003, a Bumpy Ride in Europe, Business Week
Featherstone, L., December 16, 2002, Wal-Mart Values: Selling Women Short, the Nation, Vol. 275
Featherstone, L., June 28, 2004, Rollback Wages! Will Labor Take the Wal-Mart Challenge? The Nation, Vol. 278
Greenwald, R., (Director), 2005, Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price
Offered under the same roof are "consultative, diagnostic, and treatment services" which are stated to be provided "by board-certified practitioners in the fields of pulmonary medicine, otolarngology, family medicine and more." (2006)
Smith reports that the laboratories experiencing the most dramatic growth are two which are located the "farthest from the Hillsboro flagship" as they are located in two areas that were "formerly underserved." (2006) Smith additionally reports that the demand is stronger in the areas where the two fastest growing centers are located which supplies "plenty of fuel for expansion."
Smith states that the Sleep Health & Wellness NW is attempting to "fill a gap so that patients who previously were overlooked or not being reached or who fell through the cracks no longer are," she says. "We have no plans to open centers in areas where there are already quality sleep services programs. We only want to go into…...
Inspiration! Sleep Study Results & Analysis (2006) Q&a with Ron Richard, senior vice president of strategic marketing initiatives at ResMed HME Business April 2006. Online at
Johnson, Duane, PhD (2008) Are you Really Managing Your Sleep Lab? The Business of Sleep. Focus Journal May/June 2008. Online at
Kay DC, Pickworth WB, Neider GL. Morphine-like insomnia from heroin in nondependent human addicts. Br J. Clin Pharmacol. 1981;11(2):159-169
MacFarlene, James (2009) the Painful Pursuit of Sleep. Sleep Review Journal Jan/Feb 2009. Online available at
Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization
The following will be a review of a book known as The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization by Peter M. Senge. It is a book that describes how a company can become successful by adapting learning organization practices. In the long run the book explains that one has to learn faster than the competition in order to be the most successful.
Chapter one sees Senge introducing the reader to the ideas of learning organizations and how they are needed for one to become successful in this day and age. As the world becomes more complex and interconnected, according to Senge, businesses and organization must become more "learningful" which is something I believe in. If a business wants to top as the best they have to learn the trade or quirks pretty fast (Senge, 2006). According to Senge…...
Senge, P. (2006). The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. Doubleday.
Business plan for a Multi-National Enterprise that conducts Foreign Direct Investment
Description of the MNE
Paradise Baby Food Company (PBFC) proposes to invest in a factory in India, one of the countries where Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is growing at a momentous pace, and from there not only create its unique product but also have access to a growing market that is interested in western products. PBFC intends to develop a complete line of health food products for children, using minimal processing techniques. All products will contain wholesome ingredients such as herbs and naturally derived vitamins, minerals, and other supplements. They will be free of chemicals and additives. The herbs are more plentiful in, and cheaper to gain and process, from India. Other companies claim to sell healthy and nutritious baby food, but their herbs are either processed so finely that little remains, or they are imported from long distance by which…...
IBEF. Foreign Direct Investment (May, 2011) iloveindia.com Fast Food Industry in India on the Rise.
Business Systems
Why is it important to use systems analysis and design methodologies when building a system? Why not just build the system in whatever way seems to be "quick and easy?" What value is provided by using an "engineering" approach?
Using a consistent and sound systems analysis and design methodology when building any system ensures that the foundational structure of the software or entire computing platform meets the specific goals and objectives of the users it is being designed for. Second, using sound systems analysis and design methodologies ensure that the overarching roadmap for the system stays consistent and does not deviate from the original design goals. Third, using a consistent and sound systems analysis and design methodology ensures that as the system user's needs change, the system can change to reflect their requirements. Fifth, having a sound systems analysis and design methodology ensures that the ongoing systems maintenance of the…...
Accordingly, the Garrison Commander would like to honor the SARC and VA of the Fort Belvoir community for their outstanding service and their compassion in helping those who are affected by sexual assault and sexual victimization. heir work is essential for victims and their loved ones to recover from their experiences and overcome them. Please join Commander ____ and the rest of the Fort Belvoir community in acknowledging and thanking our dedicated SARC and VA personnel for their crucial work in this area and for helping victims recover and overcome their experiences as victims of sexual assault, victimization, and violence.
ake Back the Night
Date: April 19
ime: 1700
Location: he Woodlawn Village
One of the most important layers of the prevention of sexual assault by strangers is increasing the safety of our community environment. Please join our ake Back the Night event where three guest speakers will address the issues of community safety…...
mlaThe Sad but Encouraging History of Denim Day
In 1997, a teenage girl was forcibly raped by her driving instructor in Italy; it was her very first driving lesson. The rapist was sentenced to serve a prison sentence but that sentence was later reversed by an appeals court on the basis of the assumption that the girl's jeans were so tight that she would have had to help her rapist remove them, thereby making the interaction consensual rather than forced rape. In protest, female members of the Italian Parliament wore jeans to work and that practice has since spread internationally.
The idea behind "Denim Day" is that rape and sexual assault are never the fault of the victim, regardless of how victims choose to dress. To support and promote that concept, we are asking that all soldiers, civilians, community member, elected officials, businesses proprietors, and students take this opportunity on April 26th to make a social statement with their choice of attire. By wearing denim jeans, you will be participating in a visible protest and fighting against the myths that surround sexual assault and its victims.
In examining the pros and cons of the outsourcing of products and the impact they have will be covered using as much information as possible to give a clear presentation of the facts. One pro-can be seen in the cost savings to the United States citizens in regards to the costs of Chinese imported products. The cons can be seen in the risks of doing business with the companies. Kathie Canning states in the Private Label uyer 2008 article, "Risky business: U.S. retailers and manufacturers need to weigh the pros and cons carefully before doing business with China," "In 2007, Chinese exporters of animal ingredients deliberately laced their products with melamine. Scores of U.S. pets became ill or even died after ingesting tainted food products. The ingredient turned up in both private label and national brand offerings across the country." This unfortunately is not the end of the story. Toys…...
Bosscher, J. "COLUMN: China has future as a superpower." University Wire. 2006. Retrieved April 29, 2010 from HighBeam Research:
Canning, Kathie. "Risky business: U.S. retailers and manufacturers need to weigh the pros and cons carefully before doing business with China.(Trend Watch: CHINA EXPORTS)." Private Label Buyer. BNP Media. 2008. Retrieved April 29, 2010 from HighBeam Research:
Clark, Robert. "Tech jobs: hot but edgy: tech staff posted solid salary gains last year and more employers are boosting headcount. despite a strong recovery, however, there is a distinctive edginess in the market due to outsourcing and the sharply changing nature of the it profession.(SALARY SURVEY 2005)(Cover story)." Telecom Asia. Questex Media Group, Inc. 2005. Retrieved April 29, 2010 from HighBeam Research:
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