Field Trip Essays (Examples)

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Field Trips
Pages: 3 Words: 810

High School Field Trips
Students want field trips for all the wrong reasons. You know that, and I know that. But you also know the right reasons for field trips. I am using this letter to remind you of them with the hope that you will keep funds for school trips in the school budget. Simply put, field trips are an important part of education because they connect real life with what the students study. They accomplish this by getting students away from textbooks, by showing them people in real life who use the knowledge they learned in the classroom, and by helping keep students' interest in the subject high.

Students sometimes feel that what they're learning in school is irrelevant. They see no point to learning history, or algebra, or English. However, when those students go on field trips, they see the application of these subjects in real life. At…...

Creating a Field Trip for Each Philosophy
Pages: 3 Words: 1438

Philosophy Field Trip
ealism: A flower is a flower.

Idealism: A flower is an ultimate idea.

Pragmatism: A flower is what I take it to be.

Existentialism: A flower exists for me

ationalism: A flower is this way for now.

ealism is a development of the Platonic theory of Forms which stated that universals such as "red" or "man" have an independent, objective existence, either in a realm of their own or in the mind of God. In modern philosophy, realism is a broader term, including several philosophical movements whose agreement rests in the common rejection of philosophical Idealism. In its most general form realism asserts that objects in the external world exist independently of what is thought about them. This philosophy of realism stresses an important core of truth that cannot help but expand an individual's search for understanding and truth.

In the same way, the metaphysical realist takes the world and its non-intentional, or non-mental,…...



Bradley, R.D. (1979). Possible Worlds: An Introduction to Logic and its Philosophy Indianapolis: Hackett.

Campbell, J. (1995) Understanding John Dewey. Nature and co-operative intelligence,

Chicago: Open Court.

Heidegger, Martin. (1956) The Way Back into the Ground of Metaphysics? Existentialism: from Dostoevsky to Sartre. New York: The World Publishing.

Ecology Field Trip the Purpose of This
Pages: 5 Words: 1380

Ecology Field Trip
The purpose of this field experiment was to determine the composition of the oak forest on and around Hubbard Hill, determining tree type frequency and size through a random sampling process. This is important for ecological purposes in determining the overall needs and structure of the oak forest ecosystem, at least insofar as different tree species are concerned, and for tracking levels of forest growth, loss, or change through repeated measurements/sampled conducted over time. A secondary purpose of this field exercise more directly aimed at the educational objectives was an exposure to the methods and skills necessary for conducting an accurate and effective sample, giving students needed experience.


Two different sampling methods were utilized in the actual conducting of the field experiment, and the results later compared and combined in analysis. Both sampling methods began with the use of a random number chart to determine transect lines and compass…...

Online Field Trip Comprised of
Pages: 2 Words: 454

The "Figure This: Math Challenges for Families" website, was a simple, bilingual website, that provided challenges and resources for families to work with together. The website employed cartoon characters, annotated solutions and real world applications to make mathematics attractive for the entire family. A challenge index and math index, juxtaposed the challenge with the relevant math concept.

The final website visited was the "Circle 21" website. This website made use of a series of overlapping circles to engage logic and addition skills. The site was not very colorful, and provided moderate explanation of the approach being used for the teaching of math. There were links to the number and operation standards for grades three to five, help to play the "game," and assistance to parents or teachers.


Eather J. (2010). A maths dictionary for kids. etrieved August, 2010, from

Figure this: Math challenges for families. (2004). etrieved August, 2010, from

Illuminations: esources…...



Eather J. (2010). A maths dictionary for kids. Retrieved August, 2010, from 

Figure this: Math challenges for families. (2004). Retrieved August, 2010, from 

Illuminations: Resources for teaching math. (2010). Retrieved August, 2010, from 

Make every circle add up to 21. (2010). Retrieved August, 2010, from

Field Trip Report
Pages: 2 Words: 913

The church experience

It's Sunday morning, the weekend is coming to an end. The rays of sunshine are beaming through the cream curtains of my bedroom. The light, I need to get out of bed and prepare for church I mumbled. This day brings with it its own challenges. I get really confused while choosing the dress to put on while going to church but thanks to my adorable sister Winfred, for today I already know what to wear, my green summer dress.

It is 10.15am, time to leave the house; I can already hear my brother Tim hooting, he gets really impatient sometimes. We all jump into the car and he drives off. There is total silence inside the car; I could hear the sound of food digesting inside my sister's abdomen, a great breakfast we had, her digestive system was busy at work. 'Please turn on the radio, am feeling…...

Management Consultant Field Trip
Pages: 3 Words: 985

visited the Institution of a Now Culture (ThINC), which is, as the mission of the institute states, an institution that "concentrates on the health of our community by acting as a catalyst for artistic and cultural evolution that result in positive social change"
The choice for such an art facility is reasonably simple: this is an institution that intends to promote contemporary art and resuscitate the cultural life in the social environment it itself evolves in. s a choice, Syracuse, New York is not out of the top of the head. Indeed, it declined as a cultural presence and the Institution of a Now Culture aims to bring back cultural activity here. mong the institution's means of achieving its goal one may enumerate the encouragement of local artists, extremely talented in many cases, by providing locations for them to display their work, as well as locations where artists can meet…...


A third recommendation is aimed at financial levels. Besides the marketing plan that is likely to boost presence at exhibitions and workshops, the institution can continue in the sense of contracting successful artists for a percentage of what is obtained by selling their work on the gallery's premises. Several other financing methodologies can be thought out in order to ensure financing.

The main question, as we have previously seen, is the way the institution is able to maintain a clean balance between its mission and the activities aimed at ensuring financing for this mission. So far, the art facility has been able to promote contemporary art in the city and has increased its economic potential by the marketing and expansion plans it has.

On the Internet at

Residential Fieldtrips Adding Value to Marketing Education and Student Experiences
Pages: 10 Words: 2651

esidential Fieldtrips: Adding Value to Marketing Education and Student Experiences
Fieldtrips are important non-formal way of teaching and learning different fields. Marketing courses are important as today businesses are growing and exploring international markets. At present marketing is not just limited to advertisements in local newspapers and television channel instead different aspects of marketing and different sources like internet, social media marketing and word of mouth have emerged. Experiential learning is useful for many fields including marketing. Present paper is a discussion on the benefits of residential field trips for marketing students. The paper is based on the experiences and views of the 32 marketing students from studying in the marketing course at Middlesex University in UK who visited Edinberg, Scotland and attended many seminars and workshop there on marketing. The results of the study reflect that field trip was beneficial for students not only in understanding the marketing concepts but…...



Alexander, F.K. 1998. From Oxbridge to the colonies: The development and challenges of residential colleges in American public universities. In F.K. Alexander & D.E. Robertson (Eds.), Residential colleges: Reforming American higher education (pp. 36-52). Seattle, WA: Boeing Company.

Anderson, D., Lucas, K., & Ginns, I. 2003. Theoretical perspectives on learning in an informal setting. Journal of research in science teaching, 40(2), 177-199.

Coyle, K. 2005. Environmental Literacy in America. The National Environmental Education and Training Foundation. Washington, D.C.

Dierking, L., Falk, J., Rennie, L., Anderson, D., & Ellenbogen, K. 2003. Policy statement of the "informal science education" ad hoc committee. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40(2), 108-111.

Linguistic Field Trip in Robeson
Pages: 1 Words: 322

The area is of interest because it allows linguists to look into the variants of Middle English that influenced the current dialect.
3. The North Carolina Language and Life Project's study of Harkers sland, North Carolina is extraordinarily interesting, as it allows researchers to study a dialect that was formed independently of surrounding areas for nearly two centuries. Because the island was separated from the mainland until a bridge was built in 1941, the dialect spoken there is quite different to other areas, and actually has many features of an older English. By studying this dialect, researchers will be able to determine important conclusions regarding time and language development, as well as dialect. n Johnstown, Ohio, another project is peering closely at sociolinguistics, peering at the relationship between cliques and phonetics, as well as age and language sounds. The researchers aim to determine if differences exist by examining groups of…...


In Robeson County, North Carolina, a situation that is of interest to many linguists exists. An ethnically diverse community made up of primarily African-Americans, Native Americans, and Anglo-Americans, the community has remained relatively segregated since its founding. Linguists are interested in this situation because it allows them to study how the English of a Native American community compared with the English of surroundings.

The dialect of Oracoke Island, North Carolina was shaped by those who migrated from different locations in England. According to the North Carolina Language and Life Project, most of those who settled in the South in the United States were actually from the South of England as well, although some from the East of England also settled in this area. Because the current dialect of the area is based on Middle English, it is true that these different varieties of Middle English influenced the development of the linguistic situation in the area. The Scots-Irish dialect greatly influenced the area, as many Scots-Irish helped found it. The area is of interest because it allows linguists to look into the variants of Middle English that influenced the current dialect.

3. The North Carolina Language and Life Project's study of Harkers Island, North Carolina is extraordinarily interesting, as it allows researchers to study a dialect that was formed independently of surrounding areas for nearly two centuries. Because the island was separated from the mainland until a bridge was built in 1941, the dialect spoken there is quite different to other areas, and actually has many features of an older English. By studying this dialect, researchers will be able to determine important conclusions regarding time and language development, as well as dialect. In Johnstown, Ohio, another project is peering closely at sociolinguistics, peering at the relationship between cliques and phonetics, as well as age and language sounds. The researchers aim to determine if differences exist by examining groups of children and adults.

Field Construction Site Visit St Patrick's Cathedral Restoration
Pages: 2 Words: 562

St. Patrick's Cathedral: Field Trip
Patrick's Cathedral's design is not only original but also distinct. Its proportions are also evidently harmonious. With impressive twin spikes characterizing its west facade and enormous bronze doors ushering in visitors and worshipers alike, St. Patrick's Cathedral is every inch an architectural masterpiece.

At the time of my visit last Friday at around 12:30 PM, there was an ongoing restoration and renovation exercise which as I was made to understand takes a pause during Masses and continues thereafter. The three-phase undertaking will take five years to complete. It should be noted that although the scaffoldings did of course obstruct some spectacular observations of the Cathedral such as the Great Rose widow, a majority of the Cathedral's other aspects are still visible. As I gathered from yet another visitor, a number of renovation projects have been undertaken within the Cathedral during the last several decades. In my opinion,…...

Cloud Computing Virtual Trip Cloud
Pages: 2 Words: 647

All of these items are well-organized in the online exhibit, making them easily viewed and studied (Computer History Museum). Of the many aspects of this specific exhibit are the graphical representations of Moore's Law, which is shown below:
What Was Learned

The depth of research and continual investments in APA-Net, TCP/IP and the many protocols that support the Internet today illustrate how powerful the combination of federal and private investments are in driving innovation. In addition the role of minicomputer development, which first legitimized software for the mass market, was an inflexion point in the development of many related industries (Computer History Museum). Moore's Law and the many innovations are graphically illustrated, along with first-hand accounts of the engineering teams who produced the first memory chipsets and microprocessors (Computer History Museum). Their insights into how they envisioned their inventions helping mankind are prescient in their accuracy, as Dr. Gordon Moore in…...



Computer History Museum . Computer History Museum Mountain View, CA, 1 2012. Web. 5 Dec 2012. .

Regs of Trips Domestic Implementation
Pages: 11 Words: 2937

Article 60 of the atent Law and Article 25 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law holds not specific provision however, Article 118 of the General rinciples of Civil Law provides that the plaintiff possess right to have ill effects of infringement eliminated. This is also including disclosure of third-party infringers.
48: Indemnification of the defendant in relation to the Courts holding of the power to order that damages be paid by the plaintiff to the defendant if enforcement complaint procedures are abused under Article 98 Civil rocedure Law which required compensation be paid if interim preservation is obtained and the laintiff loses the suit

China is complaint under art III Section 3: rovisional Measures, art III Section 3: Special Requirements Related to Border Measures, art III Section 5: Criminal rocedures, and art IV: Acquisition and Maintenance of Intellectual roperty Rights and Related Interparties rocedures. China is "essentially complaint and "not complaint" in…...


Projections are that within five years of China and other countries having joined the WTO that infringement of Intellectual Property will decrease however it is projected as well that China's government will have to be very active in implementing more extension reforms in order to liberalize the domestic market in China and to allow People's Republic of China and other foreign companies to more freely import and export products.

Clark, Douglas (2000) IP Rights Protection Will Improve in China - Eventually - Online available at

The Relationship Between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (2002) Summary of Issues Raised and Points Made - World Trade Organization Report Noted by the Secretariat 2002 August 8 IP/C/W/368 (02-4363) Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ii the Relationship Between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (2002) Summary of Issues Raised and Points Made - World Trade Organization Report Noted by the Secretariat 2002 August 8 IP/C/W/368 (02-4363) Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights iii the Relationship Between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (2002) Summary of Issues Raised and Points Made - World Trade Organization Report Noted by the Secretariat 2002 August 8 IP/C/W/368 (02-4363) Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights iv Ibid

Onion Field by Joseph Wambaugh
Pages: 3 Words: 907

Onion field" by Joseph ambaugh
True crime novels often have a way of fictionalizing the action to too great an extent. The people in the book become caricatures of the people that they really are, and it makes the book read more like a fictionalize representation than a real story. Unfortunately, truth is stranger than fiction, and many times the author is actually attempting to tone down some of the action that actually took place so that the story will not seem too brutal. Life is brutal sometimes though, and it is necessary to give the details of heinous acts so that the reader understands the depravity of the characters introduced. This is the case in "The Onion Field" by Joseph ambaugh. The author gives a true account of the details of the crime and what transpired during the subsequent trials to the people convicted of the action. The main…...


Works Cited

Berger, Douglas. "The Death of Conscience in the 'Onion field'." California Literary Review, 2007. Web.

Wambaugh, Joseph. The Onion Field. New York: Delacorte Press, 1973. Print.

Seat Belt Usage Field Work Timeline and
Pages: 10 Words: 2596

Seat Belt Usage
Field Work

Timeline and Budget

The focus of this research proposal is to examine and analyze seat belt usage by examining demographic and geographic information to determine if seat belt usage has increased nationwide and if so, what effect this has had on traffic accidents and fatalities.

Research will be obtained from other studies that have collected data from observation and surveys. Fieldwork studies will also be included. The majority of information will be taken from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), National Center for Statistics and Analysis Center, (NCSAC), National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Controlled studies have been conducted on a large-scale basis and would be hard to recreate. This paper will rely on comprehensive studies that have been conducted nationwide.

The primary objectives of the data gathering throughout the course of the study will be to obtain information that can:

Determine if…...


Motorcycle deaths rose for the fifth year in a row, although the increase -- "to 3,244 riders in 2002 from 3,197 in 2001 -- "was the smallest in that period. Fatalities among riders 50 and over jumped 26%.

Pedestrian deaths fell by 1.9% to 4,808 last year.

Each year, NHTSA collects crash statistics from 50 States and the District of Columbia to produce an annual report on trends in traffic safety. A summary of the report is available at the link below.

Icloud and Ios 6 Integration-
Pages: 3 Words: 829

As each device in the family has 5GB and is about to run out, we upgraded each iCloud memory configuration at the store, although it is also possible to do this online as well.
e purchased a 100GB upgrade for the MacBook Air, and also added a 50GB upgrade for the iPad2. The ease of doing this was impressive and we were able to also get the iCloud options configured to be consistent across all devices. The options for what to store and how to archive it was impressive. Apple has made usability and streamline configuration of the iCloud a high priority and it shows.

Lessons Learned

The value of the Genius Bar was evident in how quickly the problem was solved. The expert also explained each of the new features of the iOS operating system and showed how the iCloud tabs in Safari were replicated in real-time to the iCloud storage…...


Works Cited

Frakes, Dan. "Hands-on with iOS 6: Safari." Macworld 2012: 54. ABI/INFORM Complete. Web. 5 Dec. 2012 .

Technology and the Environment
Pages: 2 Words: 491

Technology in the Environment of the Factory Interactive
Technology in the Environment

Author's note with contact information and more details on collegiate affiliation, etc.

Technology in the Environment of The Factory Interactive

The purpose of the field trip is to understand and experience the relationship between technology and the environment of Miami. The purpose is to also gather information about the trip site, The Factory Interactive.

The Factory Interactive is a digital design agency. Human beings interact with and use technology very often in this setting. Many of the appliances are digital, such as the thermostat, lighting control, and security/surveillance. This is in addition to the technology used exclusively for design purposes. This is an environment where technology is in the forefront and the background. The technology in the forefront makes the agency function. The designers use software to alter photographs or create animations of various kinds. The technology in the background makes sure the…...



Could you help me draft an essay outline about What is STEM Strand?
Words: 486

I. Introduction

Thesis Statement: STEM strand offers a comprehensive and specialized curriculum that prepares students for success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.
Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic or anecdote that highlights the importance of STEM education.

II. Definition and Scope of STEM Strand

Definition of STEM: Explain the acronym and its components.
Scope of STEM: Outline the various disciplines covered within the strand, including biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and mathematics.
Focus on hands-on learning and project-based activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving.

III. Benefits of Choosing the STEM Strand

Career Opportunities: Discuss the high demand for skilled STEM....

how engage my students in by being enthusiastic excited and over the top about the content that we are about to cover\'s?
Words: 409

One way to engage your students is by being enthusiastic, excited, and over the top about the content that you are about to cover. Here are some strategies to help you do this effectively:

1. Start the lesson with a bang - Begin with a captivating introduction that grabs your students' attention and gets them excited about what they are going to learn.

2. Use props and visuals - Incorporate props, visuals, and multimedia elements to make the content more engaging and interactive for your students.

3. Use your voice and body language - Speak with enthusiasm and energy, use gestures and facial....

What are some creative ways to engage students and ask thought-provoking questions in the classroom?
Words: 456

1. Use multimedia presentations or audio-visual aids to spark discussion and encourage students to think critically about the topic.

2. Incorporate hands-on activities or interactive simulations that allow students to experience the concepts being taught first-hand.

3. Implement group discussions or debates to encourage different perspectives and foster a deeper understanding of the material.

4. Use real-world examples or case studies to show the practical applications of the content being taught and prompt students to consider how they would approach similar situations.

5. Use open-ended questions that challenge students to think beyond rote memorization and engage in higher-order thinking skills.

6. Encourage students to reflect....

How do you plan to shift from traditional teaching methods to incorporating inquiry-based learning in your classroom?
Words: 442

1. Educate myself on inquiry-based learning: I will start by reading books and articles on the topic, attending workshops or training sessions, and collaborating with colleagues who have experience with inquiry-based learning.

2. Create a supportive environment: I will set up my classroom in a way that fosters curiosity, exploration, and collaboration. This may include creating inquiry stations, providing access to a variety of resources, and encouraging students to ask questions and explore new ideas.

3. Incorporate inquiry-based learning into lesson plans: Instead of relying solely on textbooks and lectures, I will integrate inquiry-based learning activities into my lessons. This may involve....

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