Fetus Essays (Examples)

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Drug Abused Pregnant With Fetus
Pages: 4 Words: 1460

Substance Abuse Upon a Fetus
Women's Issues

The Effects of Substance Abuse upon a Fetus

The Effects of Substance Abuse upon a Fetus

The ideas and consensus regarding what is appropriate behavior for pregnant women has changed in the world over the course of modern history, and specifically over the course of the past few decades. It is commonly held in modern countries around the world that substance abuse of any kind of drug is harmful and to be avoided during pregnancy. The fetus within the womb and the mother are connected in innumerable ways during pregnancy. This is why it is often said that what happens to the mother during pregnancy, also happens to the fetus. If the mother experiences stress during pregnancy, the fetus experiences stress, too. If the mother is high on cocaine throughout pregnancy, the fetus will ingest cocaine as well, in several ways, but primarily through the umbilical…...



Bondi, P. (2013). Statewide Task Force on Prescription Drug Abuse & Newborns. Florida State Attorney General, Web, Available from: 2013 May 19.http://myfloridalegal.com/webfiles.nsf/WF/RMAS-94LJPF/$file/Statewide_Task_Force_on_Prescription_Drug_Abuse_and_Newborns_Final_Report.pdf.

Chasnoff, I.J., Burns, K.A., & Burns, W.J. (1987). Cocaine use in pregnancy: Perinatal morbidity and mortality. Neurotoxicology and teratology, 9(4), 291-293.

Curet, L.B., & Hsi, A.C. (2002). Drug abuse during pregnancy. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 45(1), 73-88.

Ebrahim, S.H., & Gfroerer, J. (2003). Pregnancy-related substance use in the United States during 1996-1998. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 101(2), 374-379.

Teratogens on the Developing Fetus
Pages: 4 Words: 1373

The child might lack fine motor skills and they even have difficulties in making and keeping friends. The children may also luck imaginative skills or curiosity and poor memory. They lack the ability to solve problems and the skill to comprehend language is also not there.
Child development stages

According to theorists Piaget, Vygotsky and Erikson, there are three broad stages of childhood development these are the early childhood which is a stage between birth and eight years and the middle childhood which is between eight years and twelve years and adolescence. Alcohol as a teratogen has effects on these stages of development in different ways. In the early childhood stage the child is going through tremendous growth across all areas of development; however FAS children will lag behind in this stage. They have poor skill development when it comes to things like walking, sitting, coordination. They also have poor development…...



State university.com (2011). Stages of Growth Child Development - Early Childhood (Birth to Eight Years), Middle Childhood (Eight to Twelve Years). Retrieved November 5, 2012 from  http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1826/Child-Development-Stages-Growth.html 

National institute of health. (2012).Alcohol Alert. Retrieved November 5, 2012 from  http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/aa50.htm 

Buddy, T. (2012).How Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy Causes FAS.Retrieved November 5,

2012 from  http://alcoholism.about.com/od/fas/a/How-Drinking-Alcohol-Causes-Fas.htm

Legal Status of the Fetus
Pages: 5 Words: 1739

There is a lot of discussion on the moral standing of fetuses at an early stage and the issues that revolve around the choice of whether to abort or not. There has been one strong position that has been ignored in the whole debate. Consequently, liberalism has taken center stage. According to Harman (1999), the Actual Future Principle, the actual future of a fetus determines whether or not a pregnancy should be aborted. The principle points to two kinds of early fetuses. In the postulation, early fetuses that die early go through their entire existence without properties that confer moral status on them. However, an early fetus that is bound to grow into a person is different. Such a fetus will in time have the complete moral status of a human being. That is a good reason to think that even now, it has moral status to some extent (Harman,…...

Decision on Abortion of a Deformed Fetus
Pages: 2 Words: 528

Fetal Abnormality and Decision Making
In the case sturdy presented, the fetus with physical abnormalities and down syndrome is surrounded by four people who want to make decision on the possibility of keeping or terminating the life. The first person is the doctor who presents the facts as they are and advices on medically assisted abortion as a viable and scientifically accepted option and wants Jessica to make a choice depending on what she feels like despite the moral questions raised by the relatives and the husband. This is an argument derived from the postmodern approach to medicine where the individual choices are determined by the patient himself having known all the factors surrounding their condition. The pro-choice advocacy has been in the limelight over the last decade and the direction of the pregnancy has been argued to be the absolute choice of the mother (Pro-Choice Action Network, 2016).

Marco on the…...



Harmin K., (2012). Utilitarian Vs. Kantian Ethics.  https://catchharmin.wordpress.com/2013/02/06/utilitarianism-vs.-kantian-ethics/ 

Pro-Choice Action Network, (2016). Misconceptions About Abortion.  http://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/abortioninfo/misconce.shtml 

Shakil A., (2016). Kantian Duty Based (Deontological) Ethics.  http://sevenpillarsinstitute.org/morality-101/kantian-duty-based-deontological-ethics

Contemporary Issues and Theory
Pages: 3 Words: 540

theories discussed in the case study. The first one was deontology theory which Maria and Jessica's actions denoted. They both felt life to them is sacred and thus would lead to the idea of never harming others regardless of consequences. "Deontological ethics focuses on duties, obligations, and rights" (Mackinnon & Fiala, 2014, p. 111). Because abortion leads to harming of the unborn fetus, Maria and Jessica felt they could not allow it. eferencing imago Dei, people that oppose abortion do so under the notion of innocence of the unborn fetus. A blameless being potentially representing an image of God and therefore potentially serving a purpose, cannot simply be snuffed out due to certain circumstances. This is how Jessica and Maria's possible reasoning applies to the unborn fetus.
Marco and Dr. Wilson however, have different theories in mind. Marco's reasoning falls in line with utilitarianism theory. "...an act is morally permissible…...



Broad, C. (2014). Five types of ethical theory. Routledge.

Eggleston, B. & Miller, D. (2014). The Cambridge Companion to Utilitarianism. Cambridge University Press.

Kaveny, C. (2016). A culture of engagement. Georgetown University Press.

MacKinnon, B. & Fiala, A. (2014). Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues. Cengage Learning.

Embryos and Fetuses in Research
Pages: 1 Words: 457

3. Embryonic stem cells can be used to help human beings who suffer from debilitating diseases for which no other solution offers hope. For this reason alone, the research should be legal, considering that the embryos from which the stem cells are derived cannot be shown to possess any type of noticeable consciousness. There is no moral reason to favor the use of animals in medical research over the use of embryonic stem cells, considering that the former are fully developed creatures who clearly have the potential to feel pain, whereas the latter demonstrate little more than potentiality. Furthermore, most embryonic stem cells are culled from discarded tissues used for in vitro fertilization. If in vitro fertilization is legal then so too should be the proper use of the leftover cell mass.

orks Cited

Human Reproduction and Development. (2004). Retrieved 22 Sept 2005, from the Ipui Department of Biology eb Site: http://www.biology.iupui.edu/biocourses/N100/2k4ch39repronotes.html



Works Cited

Human Reproduction and Development. (2004). Retrieved 22 Sept 2005, from the Ipui Department of Biology Web Site: http://www.biology.iupui.edu/biocourses/N100/2k4ch39repronotes.html

Irving, Dianne N. (2005). Framing the Debates on Human Cloning and Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Pluripotent vs. TOTIPOTENT. Retrieved 22 Sept 2005 at  http://www.lifeissues.net/writers/irv/irv_100debatecloning1.html 

Kischer, C. Ward. (2004). Human Development and Reconsideration of Ensoulment. Retrieved 22 Sept 2005 at  http://www.lifeissues.net/writers/kisc/kisc_10humandevelopment.html

Drug Pregnant
Pages: 3 Words: 1057

Drugs and Pregnancy
The habit of taking drugs continually well into the pregnancy stages of a woman has been associated with several effects that the drugs may have on the fetus. There have been several arguments posited by various groups depending on their standpoint about the issue of drug abuse and pregnancy. There have also been attempts, as seen in this session, to classify the drugs into those that do not arm the fetus and those that can in some way hurt the fetus. Having gone through the entire course and getting exposed to numerous materials, there is one thing that stands out clear and I came to understand with insurmountable evidence, the fetus is adversely affected by the drugs that the mother takes. This is true bearing that the fetus depends on the mother for entirely everything for its survival.

The central issues identified during the entire session include the effects…...



Reuter (1994).Setting priorities: budget and program choices for drug control. The University of Chicago Legal Forum, pp. 14S 173.

National Institute on Drug Abuse, (2011). Drug Abuse among Pregnant Women in the U.S.

Retrieved June 2, 2013 from  http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/topics-in-brief/prenatal-exposure-to-drugs-abuse

FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Was
Pages: 6 Words: 1915

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is clearly a debilitating, serious, and devastating disease that affects not only prenatal fetuses, but developing children, teenagers, and adults, as well as their families, and society in general. While more research is needed to discover possible medications, surgery, or other choices for those already born with FAS, the only solution to the problem is education for pregnant women on the dangers of alcohol consumption on the life of their unborn child. Women addicted to alcohol should seek immediate assistance during pregnancy to avoid causing lifelong damage to their child, and those not addicted should abstain from alcohol consumption during pregnancy. It is only through abstinence that FAS can be extinguished.


Aase, J.M., 1981, "The fetal alcohol syndrome in American Indians: A high risk group," Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 153-156.

Abel, E.L. & Sokol, .J., 1986, "Fetal alcohol syndrome is now leading cause…...



Aase, J.M., 1981, "The fetal alcohol syndrome in American Indians: A high risk group," Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 153-156.

Abel, E.L. & Sokol, R.J., 1986, "Fetal alcohol syndrome is now leading cause of mental retardation," Lancet, vol. 2, p. 1222.

Abel, E.L. & Sokol, R.J., 1987, "Incidence of fetal alcohol syndrome and economic impact of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome-related anomalies," Drug and Alcohol Dependence, vol. 19, p. 51-70.

CDC, 2005, "CDC issues guidelines for identification of fetal alcohol syndrome," MMWR Morbid Mortal Weekly Report, vol. 54, no. 11, p. 1-15.

Abortion Discuss the Legal and Ethical Issues
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Discuss the legal and ethical issues involved in Roe v. Wade

With the advent of 70's and particularly, aftermath of the decision of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade during 1973, abortion policy has become a controversial issue in the merican politics. (Levine; Staiger; Kane; Zimmerman, 1996) The decision in Roe v. Wade reinforced the right of women to privacy with regard to her own body, incorporating the termination of pregnancy. (Pozga, 2010) Roe v. Wade delineated more specifically the rights of fetus as well as the mother on the basis of the magnitude of viability. (Killion; Dempski, 2000)

The decision in Roe v. Wade which accorded constitutional protection to abortion, which voided the state laws which banned it, was a decision which had several legal and ethical concerns. This verdict in Roe v. Wade damaged the cornerstone of the ethical principles against the issue of killing. The results of Roe…...


An ultrasound neither informs legally nor medically -- irrespective of that, it notifies them aesthetically. Women are compelled to view at an image of a fetus; however, the woman who desire to abort already has prior knowledge of the ultrasound image of fetus. Additionally, there is the concern for ultrasound prices. As per the law the patient is expected to take the burden of the compelling procedure. The law entails a fine of $2,500 for not complying with the legal necessities. Such incorporation of ultrasound is visualized as a method to financially dissuade women for resorting to a legal medical procedure. Irrespective of the ethical issues of the abortion the government is not expected to emphasize moral issues on its citizen legally. This law on this ground is regarded as appalling & the offensive government encroachment that is framed to embarrass women desiring to avail legal healthcare. (Fox, 2012)

Such laws pertaining to necessities of ultrasound for abortion is lacking in significant arenas and is not the most successful methods to insure that an abortion thinking mother gets advantages from the powerful influence of ultrasound. Particularly, all of these laws need that some ultrasound information be accorded to the woman from the doctor who is attending the woman. The attending doctor definitely desires that the women must select the option for abortion since the doctor will be paid for abortion. It is pertinent that any need that this person offer ultrasound information would be distorted and skewed by the attending doctor to persuade the mother to abort her baby. Secondly the limitation of the law is that it compels a mother to attain information that she does not require. This imposes problematic public relations. (Glessner, 2012)

An analysis of several laws enacted reveal that they are insufficient in assuring that a woman desirous of undergoing abortion will really view an ultrasound image of her child. Some of these laws simply necessitate that woman be told of

Philosophy - Utilitarianism & Abortion
Pages: 4 Words: 1258

Therefore, the utilitarian would likely object on moral grounds to any late-term abortive procedure that would cause the fetus pain, even if the balance of objective moral good suggests that aborting a seriously defective fetus. Other than the issue of causing pain to the fetus, the utilitarian position would also consider the long-term subjective experience of living with a severe defect, which might also be quite painful on more than one level. With respect to concern for the defective fetus, the utilitarian would likely object to any procedure that caused pain to the fetus during the process; otherwise, the utilitarian would consider late-term abortion in this case, in relation to the harm-benefit analysis to others, provided that the procedure chosen would incorporate the moral need to anesthetize the fetus. Beyond the issue of the fetus' pain, the utilitarian would consider the emotional difficulty and economic harm to the mother and…...

Legalization of Abortion
Pages: 11 Words: 3603

Abortion: Pro-Choice
Abortion (pro-choice)

Women in the United States faced many difficulties before the legalization of abortion. The case of oe vs. Wade is famous as this case allowed for the legalization of abortion K. Jones & Chaloner, 2007.

Before the legalization of abortion, there were women who still aborted illegally, and all that legalization provided for was a safe environment for the women to perform abortion. Legalization of abortion provided women with a choice in regards to keeping the pregnancy to term or terminating the pregnancy. This choice is and has been a controversial one, which results in many debates for and against abortion. The debates regarding abortion have not favored women as it was earlier thought, since there are women who still cannot access abortion services. Women of color were mostly disadvantaged before abortion was legalized, but the situation did not change after abortion was legalized. Colored women were still discriminated…...



Avalos, L.R. (2003). Abortion in the Web of Relationship. International Journal for Human Caring, 7(2).

Bartlett, L.A., Berg, C.J., Shulman, H.B., Zane, S.B., Green, C.A., Whitehead, S., & Atrash, H.K. (2004). Risk factors for legal induced abortion -- related mortality in the United States. Obstetrics & gynecology, 103(4), 729-737.

Cates, W., Grimes, D.A., & Schulz, K.F. (2003). The public health impact of legal abortion: 30 years later. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, 35(1), 25-28.

Fried, M.G. (2013). Reproductive rights activism in the post-Roe era. American Journal of Public Health, 103(1), 10-14.

Hospital Ethics to Do or
Pages: 20 Words: 5897

The clinical trial team includes doctors, nurses, social workers, data entry technicians and other health care professionals (NWHRC 2005). They review a participant's health history and current medical intakes before the trial begins. They impart adequate information and instructions about the clinical trial, monitor each participant in the conduct of the trial and may contact the participant after the conduct of the trial.

Clinical trials or researches may also be open-label, placebo-controlled, double-blinded or randomized. They consist of four phases. Phase I establishes the maximum safe dosage; Phase II, its effectiveness; Phase III, its use on a broad population; and Phase IV, post-FDA insights on the effects of its long-term use (NWHRC).

From 1999 to 2000 alone, the Food and Drug Administration approved 73 new medications (NWHRC 2005). These included drugs for HIV, cancer, heart attack and Alzheimer's disease. As of 2000, Medicare covers many of the costs involved in participation in…...



Billings, P.R. (2002). Should reproductive cloning be made available to people who want their own biologic chidren - pro and con. 2 pages. International Medical News Group: Gale Group

Deneen, S. (2001). Designer people. 9 pages. E: the Environmental Magazine: Earth Action Network, Inc.

Frankel, S., et al. (2000). The limits to demand for health care. 10 pages. British Medical Journal: British Medical Association

Hollander, D. (2005). Abortion support slipping. 2 pages. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health: the Allen Guttmacher Institute

Ethical Theories and Abortion Issues
Pages: 5 Words: 1437

Utilitarian Abortion Considerations:

The utilitarian perspective applied to the abortion issue would focus on whether

permitting or prohibiting elective abortion would contribute more positively the interests of society Mill, 2003 p160). The principal difference between the utilitarian and deontological perspectives is that utilitarianism is wholly unconcerned with the underlying motivation for decisions. Whereas deontological formalism values the state of mind of the individual, utilitarianism focuses on the ultimate consequences of the act, irrespective of motivation Russell, 2002 p 99).

Within the utilitarian ethical perspective, rule utilitarianism would promote the choice associated with the overall benefit to others and to society if it were adhered to religiously in all circumstances, irrespective of isolated cases in which the rule produced a negative result Russell, 2002 p101-2). For example, in a society where relative birth and death rates were such that the continuation of society were in jeopardy, the utilitarian perspective might require a prohibition of…...


(Dershowitz, 2002 p112).

Therefore, the contemporary utilitarian approach to morality in human life is to consider other definitions of "goodness" and "benefit" rather than equating morality with the interests of the greatest number. In many respects, that is the perspective exemplified by the modern American justice system (Dershowitz, 2002 p112). Under that view, the moral rightness or wrongness of elective abortion would seek to weigh the manner in which permitting abortions might benefit society and how that decision would affect all of the individuals directly involved in specific situations. If the initial assumption is that society is benefited by the respect for the autonomous rights of individuals to make personal decisions about abortion without interference from the state, utilitarianism would support the freedom to make that decision.

Under the act utilitarianism perspective, therefore, certain types of abortions (such as in cases of rape, incest, or medical necessity for the life of the mother)

Birth Stages in the First
Pages: 7 Words: 1812

Mothers and newborns are often separated shortly after delivery, and preterm infants are isolated from their mothers even more than full-term mothers. Some physicians stress that during the period shortly after birth, the parents and newborn need to form an emotional attachment as a foundation for optimal development in years to come.
The extreme form of the bonding hypothesis-that the newborn must have close contact with the mother in the first few days of life to develop optimally-simply is not true. Nonetheless, the weakness of the bonding hypothesis should not be used as an excuse to keep motivated mothers from interacting with their newborns. Such contact brings pleasure to many mothers and in some mother-infant pairs-including pretem infants, adolescent mothers, and mothers from disadvantaged circumstances-early close contact may establish a climate for improved interaction after the mother and infant leave the hospital.


Birt is the complete expulsion or extraction from the…...

Ethics Abortion Ethics What Abortion Related Affect
Pages: 5 Words: 1443

Ethics abortion. ethics? hat abortion? related affect . A breif history abortion. Does abortion fall metaethics, normative ethics, applied ethics? I include Christian, Jewish, Islamic views abortion.

There has always been much controversy regarding the issue of abortion, as while many believe that it would be perfectly normal for people to have access to the practice, other consider that it is wrong and that society would practically accept the killing of innocent human beings by supporting the concept. Morality is one of the principal ideas that comes up when discussing with regard to abortion. Numerous individuals believe that there is no situation when abortion can be considered to be right. Some believe that abortion is justified when it is performed with the purpose to protect the mother's life and others consider that the pro-abortion argument is very complex and that there are a series of situations when abortions needs to…...


Works cited:

Alcorn, Randy, "Why Pro-Life?: Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers," (Hendrickson Publishers, 31.01.2012)

Bailey, Jacqui, "Abortion," (The Rosen Publishing Group, 15.12.2011)

Dreifus, Claudia, "The Dalai Lama," Retrieved April 19, 2013, from the NY Time Website:  http://www.nytimes.com/1993/11/28/magazine/the-dalai-lama.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm 

Holtz, Carol, "Global Health Care: Issues and Policies," (Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 07.07.2008)

I\'m interested in debating 1 page. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 581

Topic 1: Capital Punishment

Opposing Viewpoints:

Proponents: Argue that capital punishment is a just and effective deterrent to crime, while also providing closure to victims' families.
Opponents: Question the morality of state-sanctioned killing, its potential for wrongful convictions, and its disproportionate impact on marginalized communities.

Topic 2: Universal Basic Income

Opposing Viewpoints:

Supporters: Advocate for a universal basic income as a guaranteed safety net that would reduce poverty, stimulate economic growth, and foster innovation.
Critics: Express concerns about the cost, the potential for disincentivizing work, and the inflationary impact on prices.

Topic 3: Abortion Rights

Opposing Viewpoints:

Pro-choice advocates: Argue for the right of women....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Abortion?
Words: 545

1. The Ethical Implications of Abortion: A Philosophical Analysis

Explore the complex ethical considerations surrounding abortion, considering the rights of the fetus, the moral status of the mother, and the impact on society as a whole.
Analyze different philosophical perspectives on abortion, such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics.

2. Legal and Constitutional Issues in Abortion: A Historical and Comparative Review

Trace the history of abortion laws and regulations in the United States, examining landmark court cases and the evolution of legal protections for fetal and maternal rights.
Compare abortion laws and policies in different countries, considering legal frameworks, enforcement mechanisms,....

how the study of human pregnancy advances our understanding of heredity and genetics?
Words: 456

The study of human pregnancy advances our understanding of heredity and genetics in several ways.

1. Inheritance of traits: The study of human pregnancy allows researchers to observe how traits are passed from parents to their offspring. By studying prenatal development, scientists can identify specific genetic factors that contribute to certain traits or disorders.

2. Genetic disorders: Pregnancy research helps identify potential genetic disorders that may affect the developing fetus. This allows healthcare providers to counsel and support couples who may be at risk of passing on certain genetic conditions to their children.

3. Epigenetics: The study of human pregnancy has shed light....

how the study of human pregnancy advances our understanding of heredity and genetics?
Words: 739

The Study of Human Pregnancy: Advancing Our Understanding of Heredity and Genetics

The study of human pregnancy offers a unique window into the fundamental principles of genetics and heredity. By examining the patterns of inheritance and variation in traits exhibited by parents and their offspring, scientists have gained invaluable insights into the mechanisms that govern human reproduction.

1. Role of Genes and Chromosomes

Pregnancy involves the fusion of a sperm cell and an egg cell, each carrying half of the genetic material necessary to create a new individual. These genetic instructions are encoded within chromosomes, structures found in the nucleus of every cell.


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