Federal Government Essays (Examples)

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Federal Government in Critical Incident Management
Pages: 2 Words: 775

Federal government has placed an admirable program in place for dealing with terrorist accidents. Firstly it has split itself up into distinct departments that will be there for dealing with the disaster depending on its specific nature. The FBI deals with a terrorist related incident and it is helped both by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Defense each with their different capabilities. The U.S. Department of Energy provides technical and scientific assistance whilst the Public Health Service and the enters for Disease ontrol and Prevention responds with technical and medical-related assistance and data.
There are two ways managing an emergency situation. The first is to develop plans and to deal with the crisis as it is unfolding. The second is to draft preventions and contingent plans beforehand and to apply these -- if necessary and if appropriate --…...


Carlson, J (1999) Critical Incident Management in the Ultimate Crisis. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin; Mar1999, Vol. 68 Issue 3

Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (2006)


Federal Government Both the Executive
Pages: 5 Words: 1768

Though to that point, the Chinese had been readily utilized and badly exploited as laborers in the United States, their growing numbers provoked a typically xenophobic response from many citizens and lawmakers. The result would be the Chinese Exclusion Act, which determined that "the coming of Chinese laborers to the United States be, and the same is hereby, suspended; and during such suspension it shall not be lawful for any Chinese laborer to come, or, having so come after the expiration of said ninety days, to remain within the United States." (U.S. Congress, 1)
Making as the basis for this virulently anti-Chinese legal doctrine the prevention of 'disorder' in the American labor market, the drafters of the policy exploited the genuine racial mistrust which permeated the public in order to shift blame for widespread economic woes. The wounds sustained in the Civil ar were still gaping throughout the nation, with…...


Works Cited:

Freehling, W. (2001). The South Vs. The South: How Anti-Confederate

Southerners Shaped the Course of the Civil War. Oxford University Press.

Murrin, J.M. (2007). Liberty, Equality, Power, Vol. 1. Wadsworth, 5th Edition.

United States Congress. (1882). Chinese Exclusion Act. The 47th Congress of the United States. Online at  http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/chinex.htm .

Federal Government in Education What
Pages: 2 Words: 838

S. have a culture of poverty?
Understanding poverty in the U.S. requires looking beyond the current generation. Viewed more broadly, poverty today is directly linked to the opportunities enjoyed and challenges faced by previous generations (Ehrenreich, 2009). Minority communities, (especially those composed of individuals whose ancestors were enslaved and discriminated against) still suffer economically from the corresponding lower wealth of their parents and grandparents (Ehrenreich, 2009). Those raised in poverty have fewer opportunities for advancement and typically depend on low-income employment within a perpetual cycle that can be impossible to break free from (Ehrenreich, 2009).

4. At least 200 words - Health care is an issue of considerable public interest. In particular, access and costs are key issues. Identify the challenges of a national health care reform.

On one hand, the current health care situation is untenable because it already absorbs 17% of the entire gross domestic product and is projected to reach…...



Dershowitz, a. (2002). Shouting Fire: Civil Liberties in a Turbulent Age. New York:

Simon & Schuster.

Ehrenreich, B. (2009). Nickel and Dimed: on (Not) Getting by in America. New York,

NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

Changing Role of the Federal Government
Pages: 2 Words: 571

Federal Government
The Changing Role of the Federal Government

The federal government has changed dramatically from its 18th century origins, and the writing of the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States. The role of government has grown tremendously, as the concerns of the citizens grew to expect certain labor and health protections from the government. Also, the threats to American democracy and interests in the world have necessitated a greater role of security and military than ever imagined by the founding fathers. The economic power of American business has meant that the federal government has had to enlarge its financial institution safeguards, as well as the role of American currency and the Federal Reserve have changed over time as well.

The Great Depression was a financial shock to the United States that nearly destroyed the entire economic system, if not for a few important individuals. The first was an…...


Works Cited

Blinder, A. (2008). Keynesian Economics. Retrieved from:  http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/KeynesianEconomics.html .

NASA. (2008). The Birth of Nasa. Retrieved from:  http://www.nasa.gov/exploration/whyweexplore/Why_We_29.html .

Response of Federal Government to Protect Americans From Attacks Targeting Civilians
Pages: 2 Words: 715

Federal Government Response to Protect Americans From Attacks Targeting Civilians
ith the rise of the Islamic state, many more people are becoming aware of global Islamist terrorism. The group's ability to carry out attacks on estern capitals is also causing concerns among security policymakers all over the world (Usher). One of the key objectives of America's national policy is to make Americans less vulnerable to terrorism and to deter terrorist attacks both home and abroad. The federal government has put in place several measures to achieve this objective (Patel). The best defense strategy is offense. The government knows this as it has come up with initiatives to prevent radicalization of American youths and thus preventing attacks that could have been carried out by such youths, had they been turned into terrorists.

Preventing VERLT (Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism), is something that requires a multiagency approach. The Justice Department, the…...


Works cited

Bjelopera, Jerome P. Countering Violent Extremism in the United States. Congressional Research Service, February 19, 2014. Web.

Capellan, Joel A. Lone Wolf Terrorist or Deranged Shooter? A Study of Ideological Active Shooter Events in the U.S., 1970-2014. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 38, no.6 (2015): 395-413. Web.

Patel, Faiza. Rethinking Radicalization. New York: Brennan Center for Justice, 2011. Web.

Ramirez, Deborah A., O'Connell, Sasha Cohen, and Zafar, Rabia. The Partnering for Prevention and Community Safety Initiative, A Promising Practices Guide Executive Summary, 2004, p. 2. Web.

U S Federal Government Recognizing the
Pages: 2 Words: 534

In years to come, the slavery system would be abolished and African-Americans would eventually achieved equality in their own country and with their fellow white Americans, demonstrating the 'balanced' role that the U.S. government assumed in ensuring that Americans' interests are taken into consideration without causing detriment to other groups and individuals (pro or against the slavery system).
Slavery is just one aspect of America's history wherein balanced representation of socio-political views is recognized. Under the federalist form of government, states are given the right 'proportion' of representation, wherein each state's socio-political interests are made known to other states, and through fair, legal and systematic processes, these interests are addressed and decided upon by representatives of each state, elected by U.S. citizens who entrust their rights to these state representatives (politicians).

In addition, not only socio-political views are given the proper venue to be known, discussed and decided upon in the…...

Governance in America Federal Government
Pages: 2 Words: 720

Citizens have over the past years grown weary of politicians and their brand of politics and are therefore increasingly sidestepping their representative system by putting their own laws to popular vote. Their recent resolve to come up with ballot initiatives to bar government from passing legislations that prohibit discrimination on basis of sexual orientation is a pointer on what the future holds for civil rights legislations (Gamble, 1997).
Widespread same sex marriage can have devastating effects on the American culture. American laws were written based on certain world views and to be precise, the Judeo-Christian world-view. This is clearly depicted in laws that touch on marriage. Marriage, according to this world-view, is supposed to be a sacred union between a man and a wife. The Judeo-Christian world-view on marriage underscores the uniqueness of marriage. In fact, it posits that marriage is the foundation of civilization itself. It is an emotional,…...


References List

Anonymous (2011). Constitutional role of federal government. Retrieved August 30, 2012 from  http://conservatives4palin.com/2011/05/the-constitutional-role-of-the-federal-government.html 

Craven, S.M. (2008). In Defense of Marriage. Retrieved August 30, 2012 from  http://www.crosswalk.com/11578872/ 

Gamble, S.B. (1997). Putting civil rights to a popular vote. American Journal of political

Science, 41(1), 245-269.

Powers of the Federal Government
Pages: 10 Words: 3036

VIII. The "State Action" Requirement

In the provisions of the Constitution that protect individual rights, primarily the application of the Fourteenth Amendment and the Bill of Rights, the acts that are prohibited require governmental involvement in some form and thus the Courts have fashioned a concept identified as state action. State action is distinguished from private action and the protection of the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment only applies when the government is involved in some fashion. Without government involvement there can be no state action and thus the rights are not afforded protection. This involvement by the Government might be minimal or only tangential but it must be demonstrated conclusively in order for the Courts to consider the aggrieved party's complaint.

IX. Congressional Power to Enforce Constitutional Rights

The Constitution in the form of the Necessary and Proper Clause and the…...

Balance of Power between Individual States and Federal Government
Pages: 2 Words: 649

Week 3 Assignment: Balance of Power between Federal Government and Individual StatesFrom the onset, it would be prudent to note that to a large extent, the United States happens to be a federal republic at least from the constitutional perspective. This is to say that the country is governed via a balance of power mechanism between the governments of individual states, and the national government. According to the Bill of Rights Institute (2021), in this particular scenario, the states have their laws, but they are also subject to the laws of the federal government. How did the federal republic come about? As the Bill of Rights Institute (2021) points out, the Founders were well aware of the fact that absolute government power could be abused. In that regard, in their writing of the constitution, they sought to ensure that even in seeking to ensure that the government was strong…...



Bill of Rights Institute (2021). Handout A: What Is a Federal Republic?  https://billofrightsinstitute.org/activities/handout-a-what-is-a-federal-republic 

Gerston, L.N. (2015). American Federalism: A Concise Introduction. Routledge

Krutz, G. (2018). American Government. Samurai Media Limited.

Mary Landrieu Senator From Louisiana Views on Issues of Federal Government and State Government
Pages: 3 Words: 984

Mary Landrieu, the senator from Louisiana is known for her radical stand concerning various aspects that are handled by the federal government and she has always expressed her views very openly without fear of reprimand or political pressures. Her stand about the role that the federal government should play in the development of the Louisiana state is apparent. She has constantly criticized the dismal participation of the federal government in the development of this state and has always insisted that the budget of the federal government should reflect first the values and the priorities of the American people and not the foreign lands (Brainy Quotes, 2012).
Landrieu also maintains that the federal government has not done enough in the development of the South Louisiana as well as the gulf region, especially in reference to the health care and education. She is also known to be very critical of the federal government…...



Brainy Quotes, (2012). Mary Landrieu Quotes. Retrieved February 24, 2012 from  http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/mary_landrieu.html 

On The Issue, (2008). Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu on the Issues. Retrieved February 24, 2012 from  http://www.issues2000.org/Senate/Mary_Landrieu.htm 

On The Issues, (2011). Mary Landrieu on Education. Retrieved February 24, 2012 from  http://ontheissues.org/Social/Mary_Landrieu_Education.htm 

United States Senate Media Center, (2012). Landrieu Encourages Jindal to Focus on Charters, Teacher Quality in Education Reform. Retrieved February 24, 2012 from http://landrieu.senate.gov/mediacenter/pressreleases/01-19-2012-01.cfm

Hazard Awareness the Federal Government
Pages: 4 Words: 1429

adio spots should be broadcast every five minutes in order to hit the maximum audience.
The characteristics that the messages contain differ in amount of material presented, the speed of the presentation, the number of arguments, the repetition, style, clarity, order of events, forcefulness, specificity, accuracy and extremity of the position advocated. Some characteristics can be measured objectively as to effectiveness.

Hazard awareness programs in a community can have different themes. Some programs are designed to attract the attention, others designed to give additional information may have an animal or cartoon mascot or utilize celebrity endorsements.

The content of the messages attract differing audiences. When one wants to address adults, scientific information programs may give technical data about a hazard. This information is processed only by those familiar with the terminology used. Practical instructions on exactly what to do in case of an approaching danger, may focus more on protective responses than…...



Effective Disaster Warnings." (November 2000). Report by the Working Group on Natural Disaster Information Systems Subcommittee on Natural Disaster Reduction, National Science and Technology Council Committee on Environment and Natural Rresources. Retrieved November 18, 2006 at  http://www.sdr.gov/NDIS_rev_Oct27.pdf .

FEMA (2006) "Mapping Information Platform." Federal Emergency Management Agency. Retrieved November 18, 2006 from FEMA website at  https://hazards.fema.gov/femaportal/wps/portal/!ut/p/.cmd/cs/.ce/7_0_A/.s/7_0_CM9/_s.7_0_A/7_0_CM9 .

Mileti, Dennis S. (2004). Disasters By Design, Washington D.C.: Joseph Henry Press. pp. 152-154.

OSHA (1999). "OSHA Software: Expert Systems." U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Retrieved November 18, 2006 at  http://www.osha.gov/dts/osta/oshasoft/hazexp.html .

Examples of Concurrent Powers in the US
Pages: 2 Words: 494

US GovernmentThe Constitution of the United States establishes a federal government and defines its powers. The document also enumerates the powers that the federal government possesses. Additionally, the Constitution outlines several reserved powers, which are granted to the states. The enumerated powers are those specifically listed in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. These powers include the power to tax, to borrow money, to regulate interstate and foreign commerce, and to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. The reserved powers are those not specifically enumerated in the Constitution. These powers are typically handled by the states. However, in certain cases, such as when a state law conflicts with a federal law, the federal government may assert its authority over the state law. Ultimately, the enumerated and reserved powers enshrined in the Constitution serve to balance the power between the federal government and the…...



Dautrich, K. J., Yalof, D. A., & Bejarano, C. E. (2020). The enduring democracy. Sage.

Federal Government Over the Last
Pages: 3 Words: 773

This means that Congressional officials and the White House are reluctant to make the necessary adjustments (in order to address these issues). Instead, they have been utilizing various gimmicks to demonstrate how they are dealing with the problem. During the course of their reelection campaign, they can show how they helped to tackle the federal government's fiscal challenges and increased the number of projects / funding for various programs. It is at this point that they are improving their chances of being reelected. (Kakutani, 2012)
Are they really political solutions in disguise or creating more problems than solutions?

As a result, these actions are creating more problems in the future. Evidence of this can be seen with observations from Greenberg (2012) who said, "Congress remains deeply divided about how to deal with the fiscal cliff's combination of automatic government spending reductions and expiring tax cuts, amounting to nearly 5% of GDP,…...



US National Debt Statistics. (2012). Statistic Brain. Retrieved from:  http://www.statisticbrain.com/us-national-debt/ 

Greenberg, E. (2012). Political Leadership. Biz Journal. Retrieved from:  http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/blog/guest-comment/2012/10/political-leadership-needed-to-avoid.html?page=all 

Kakutani, M. (2012). NY Times. Retrieved from:  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/08/books/the-price-of-politics-by-bob-woodward.html?pagewanted=all

Federal Government Tax the Main Source of
Pages: 6 Words: 2091

Federal Government Tax
The main source of government income is taxes. The government taxes various organizations in the economy differently to ensure that adequate revenue is collected. Corporate use loopholes in the tax system to reduce the tax paid to the federal government. The government should eliminate these loopholes to improve tax collection. Some taxes such as gift and estate tax as they are counter productive. Changes made to the federal tax collection systems will increase the tax collected by increasing compliance.

esearch the most common tax loopholes used by corporations and partnership to avoid paying federal income tax. Discuss two (2) loopholes identified and what strategies you would recommend to the federal government for closing these loopholes.

The federal government gets most of its revenue from collection of tax used to fund most of the expenditure. The government should ensure that the tax collection avenues are free from loopholes to facilitate efficient…...



Gans, J. (2011). Principles of economics. South Melbourne, Vic: Cengage Learning.

Ganghof, S. (2006). The politics of income taxation: A comparative analysis. Colchester: ECPR Press.

Conklin, D.W., St.-Hilaire, F., & Institute for Research on Public Policy. (1990). Provincial tax reforms: Options and opportunities. Halifax, N.S: Institute for Research on Public Policy = Institut de recherches politiques.

Pechman, J.A. (1987). Federal tax policy. Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution.

Federal Government Improvement of the
Pages: 6 Words: 2066

The Office exacts a new level of accountability, which encourages a broader range of competitions and new organizations to enter these competitions. Congress authorizes the Office to develop the franchise funds pilots and to expand the competitive environment. It also invites the private sector to participate in new markets and at new levels of commercial workload. At the same time, it encourages the public to compete for the same work on a level playing field. To insure that the taxpayer continues to get the best out of the deal, the Office suggests a re-examination of outsourcing, cross-servicing and in-house performance decisions. The ultimate goal of the Office is to restore public faith in Government through a more effective management of its resources and by giving citizens and taxpayers greater value for their dollar. Federal employees have been found to be extremely cost competitive. Its Revised Supplemental Handbook expressly prefers…...



Florida, Richard. The New American Dream. The Washington Monthly: The Washington Monthly Company, March 2003

Gates, Bill. How to Keep America Competitive. The Washington Post: The Washington Post Company, February 25, 2007

Hawkins, William R. Uncoordinated Federal Technology Policies Put Nation at Risk. GAO Report. American Economic Alert: U.S. Business and Industry Council, March 4, 2007

Koskinen, John. The Freedom from Government Competition Act. Office of Management and Budget, June 18, 1997. Retrieved April 14, 2007 at  http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb

Can you help me with some essay titles on Combat wounded veteran rehabilitation?
Words: 311

Helping you come up with titles on this would be a little easier if we knew which specific issue you want to focus on in your high school exit project because the title should specifically address the content of the paper.  We wanted to give you that disclaimer, because some of these titles may be inappropriate for whatever paper you have written.  We are going to provide a variety of different titles that will include a range of topics related to combat wounded veteran rehabilitation.  They touch on some topics that are controversial among the wounded veteran....

I want to get some essay topics for a constitution and administrative law paper?
Words: 479

Constitutional law is one of the two most important types of law for anyone in the legal field to understand.  The United States legal system is derived from a combination of a common law tradition and constitutional law.  The common law tradition helps people understand the legal norms that are not expressly outlined in the Constitution or by legislation, while the Constitution places limits and guidelines on the rights and duties that can be governed by the law.  This is true with administrative law, which specifically addresses the laws related to various government agencies.  This is especially....

Could you support me in crafting a thesis about the 1993 canadian election about emergence?
Words: 509

Title: The Rise of Political Discontent and Economic Transformation: Analyzing the Emergence of New Dynamics in the 1993 Canadian Federal Election

The 1993 Canadian federal election marked a pivotal moment in Canadian political history, characterized by a significant shift in the political landscape and the emergence of new electoral dynamics. This thesis aims to explore the emergence of these dynamics, focusing on the interplay between political discontent, economic transformation, and the rise of new political parties. It will investigate how these factors contributed to the electoral outcomes and reshaped the Canadian political landscape.

1. The Rise of Political Discontent:
a) Decline of Traditional....

why solitary confinement should be abolished in canada?
Words: 654

The Need to Abolish Solitary Confinement in Canada

Solitary confinement, a form of isolation where an individual is confined to a small cell for 22-24 hours a day with minimal human contact, is a cruel, inhumane, and ineffective practice that has been condemned by numerous human rights organizations and mental health experts. In Canada, the use of solitary confinement has disproportionately impacted Indigenous Peoples, who make up over 30% of the federal prison population despite representing only 4.9% of the Canadian population.

Psychological and Physical Harm

Solitary confinement has severe detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Prolonged isolation can lead to psychological....

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