Federal Budget Process
Every year the federal administration is involved with a total revenue and expenditure of about 1.5 trillion USD as a matter of fiscal practice. (Keith, 1996) The budgetary strategy of the federal administration is an integration of the guidelines that the policy makers, legislator, bureaucrats apply for designing, continuing, regulating and accounting fro the expenditure and revenue strategy. Normally the budgetary strategy involves formulation of the budget of the President by the administrative section; the budget strategy of the Congress has its base on the resolution moved by the Congress. In some of the years the authorization and appropriation strategies, implementation and impoundments of the budgetary law, the prescribed guideline under the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 in respect of deferring or rescinding of the funds appropriated, and the policy of financial managements are taken into account while formulation of the Congressional budget, particularly in case of the…...
Anderson, Annelise. (23 June, 1995) "Bringing Accountability to the Budget Process. Public Policy Conference Rebuilding America's Foundation: Prosperity, Personal Freedom, and Private Enterprise" Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Retrieved at Accessed on 30 October, 2004http://www.stanford.edu/~andrsn/dallas.html .
Coven, Martha; Kogan, Richard. (August 1, 2003) "Introduction to the Federal Budget Process" Retrieved at Accessed on 30 October, 2004http://www.cbpp.org/3-7-03bud.htm .
Davis, Al. (1 October, 1999) "Budget Process Federal" The Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy. Retrieved at on 30 October, 2004http://www.urban.org/Template.cfm?NavMenuID=24&template=/TaggedContent/ViewPublication.cfm&PublicationID=8508Accessed
Heniff, Bill. (9 June, 1998) "Baselines and Scorekeeping in the Federal Budget Process" Retrieved at Accessed on 30 October, 2004http://www.house.gov/rules/98-560.htm .
Considering the enormity of this one example ($416,000 per person?) and considering that it is just one of many examples to be found in wasteful dollars, one could easily state that the budget process is out of control.
Even when politics are set aside the process of determining a budget for a country as big and diverse as the United States is a difficult venture. ecently a panel of politicians comprised of both epublicans and Democrats was charged with the responsibility of finding areas in which cuts could be made in order to trim the budget and the huge deficit that has been building over the last several years. As this panel of 12 individuals convened its deliberations on how to make trillions of dollars in cuts many experts believed that it could not fail; doing so according to some would be a calamity. One report questioned "what message does…...
Epstein, J.A.; (2011) Politicizing NIH funding: A bridge to nowhere, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 121, Issue 9, pp. 3362-3363
Gregg, J.; (2010) Budget speech given before Congress, February 2010, Congressional Digest, pp. 46 -- 54
Hall, M.; (2006) Senators hear 'shocking examples' of tax dollars wasted by FEMA, USA Today, 02/14/2006
Williams, A.; (2011) Why the super committee cannot fail, New York Amsterdam News, Vol. 102, Issue 46, P. 13
ith these criteria in mind, we will turn attention to the current federal budget, which has been in deficit status since 2002, and seems destined to remain so for the next several years. The FY2006 proposed budget includes a $390 billion deficit, not including potential expenditures in Iraq and Afghanistan or any social security reform measures undertaken -- a seemingly huge discrepancy between government revenue and spending (Cashell 2005, p. 1). President Bush has vowed to reduce deficit spending by half in the next five years -- and appears to be holding true to that promise, as the 2006 deficit is smaller than the $427 billion deficit in the FY2005 budget. But again, these numbers are not truly a reflection of the budgetary state of the government when they do not reflect the deficit as a ratio to revenue or as a percentage of total spending.
The final section of this…...
mlaWorks Cited
Budget of the United States Government, FY 2004. "Analytical Perspectives," printed by the Government Printing Office
Budget of the United States Government, FY 2006. "Overview of the President's 2006 Budget," Accessed 9/20/05 at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2006/overview.html
Cashell, Brian, 2005. "The Economics of the Federal Budget Deficit," Congressional Research Service Report to Congress. Accessed online 9/20/05 at http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:a7pu_QdPGi0J:www.usembassy.it/pdf/other/RL31235.pdf+federal+budget+economics&hl=en&start=3
Cogan, John, 1991. "Federal Budget," in The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, Library of Economics and Liberty. Accessed online 9/20/05 at http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/FederalBudget.html .
balanced federal budget. Justify your position for or against a balanced federal budget by explaining the gains and losses associated with your position.
A balanced federal budget: Is it a good thing?
Why is a federal budget deficit so bad? he budget deficit is so politically contentious few seem willing to ask this simple question. Because of the anti-deficit hysteria, even some ordinary citizens will protest: 'I cannot spend at a deficit, why should the federal government?' However, this is a false analogy. here are often good reasons (for individuals as well as governments) to go into temporary debt. Classical Keynesian economic theory states that the federal government must spent at a deficit level to stimulate the economy during a recession. his fuels money into the pockets of consumers and a rise in consumption results more tax revenue and lower unemployment. "Macroeconomists have known for decades that the economy can be…...
mlaTrying to balance the budget during a recession is disastrous. People have more need for economic assistance to support themselves, and withholding aid in the form of food, healthcare, education for children, and other critical necessities will save money in the short run but ultimately hurt the long-term future of the country. The question is not if budget deficits are 'bad' or 'good' but how they are being used. If they are being used in a positive fashion, to help the government get out of a recession, then they should not be viewed with disdain.
However, it should be noted that classical Keynesian economic theory held that the government should attempt to rectify the problem of being in debt during 'good times' by curtailing government spending and taking in more tax revenue when the economy is healthy. Time has shown us that once popular social programs are put into effect, it can be very difficult to cut them, even when the economy is good. This can result in budget deficits going up even during prosperous times. But some economists argue that as long as the additional spending is an investment in the future (such as employing people to build up the nation's infrastructure) this type of deficit spending is not necessarily a bad thing, either. "Support for basic research and development, education at all levels, nutrition for children at the critical early stages of physical and mental development, and countless other forms of federal spending constitute 'public investment' that enhances the living standards of both current and future Americans" and can justify government spending (Buchanan 2009).
Even many conservatives opposed to expanding government spending oppose a balanced budget amendment, given that it would force the government to raise taxes even during a recession to balance the budget. A balanced budget amendment would deprive policymakers of a critical tool to improve the economy and effectively straightjacket them into making specific decisions that might not be economically salutary. "Under a balanced-budget amendment, however, no countercyclical policy could emanate from Washington. Spending could not
federal bureaucracies accountable for their actions? How are they held accountable?
In general terms, there are a number of ways by which federal bureaucracies are held accountable. One example would be the President holding Cabinet members responsible for the actions or inactions of their agency employees and personnel. For example, if someone "drops the ball" at the Veteran Affairs Administration, the Internal evenue Service or other agencies, the people that lead that organization is supposed to be regulating that behavior (or dealing with misdeeds) and the person who appointed the leader (usually the President) will be the first line of defense. There are also regulatory and review committees in Congress that exercise oversight at one level or another in terms of spending, actions, inactions, compliance with the law and so forth. Lastly, there is the American voter and the public opinion movements among the taxpayers and citizens. Indeed, if the…...
Patterson, T. (2013). The American democracy. New York: McGraw-Hill.
federal budget with the Washington State budget. On the first note, the two budgets have been prepared in different ways. The Washington State budget was prepared using a fairly traditional public budgeting process which builds the current budget on top of prior budgets. New spending priorities are added, older ones removed, but for the most part the budget is focused on existing programs. The federal budget is usually produced the same way -- and in a sense it is because a lot of the budget items are built out this way. But the current proposed budget reflects radical shifts in spending priorities. The current budget tabled by the White House is more a reflection of a particular set of spending priorities than it is based on a) prior budgets or b) sound economic policy. In essence, the proposed federal budget is radically different from prior budgets largely because of…...
Beckwith, R.(2017) President Trump's budget includes a $2 trillion math mistake. Time Magazine. Retrieved May 27,2017 from http://time.com/4791113/trump-budget-math-mistake/
MSG Experts (2017) Types of budgets in public administration. Management Study Guide. Retrieved May 27, 2017 from http://www.managementstudyguide.com/types-of-budgets-in-public-administration.htm
OFM (2017) Bold action now: Proposed 2017-19 budget highlights. Office of Financial Management. Retrieved May 27, 2017 from http://ofm.wa.gov/budget17/highlights/
White House.gov (2017) Budget of the US Government: A new foundation for American greatness. WhiteHouse.gov. Retrieved May 27, 2017 from https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/whitehouse.gov/files/omb/budget/fy2018/budget.pdf
The Political Nature of the Federal Budget Process
The federal budget process is overseen by US Congressmen, who are fundamentally immersed in the political nature of government. As Elwood (2008) notes, members of Congress are influenced in three ways: 1) by money that is used to finance their political campaigns; 2) by obtaining the votes necessary for reelection; and 3) by obtaining expert advice on topics that are of personal importance to them. The federal budget process is particularly impactful on the first two and vice versa. For example, “the ability to funnel money into a congressional district or state provides an excellent opportunity for a legislator to remain in office” (Elwood, 2008, p. 3). This ability creates a conflict of interest among the politicians overseeing the budget process. On the one hand they are tasked with producing a budget resolution and allocating funds based on the duty to serve the…...
ather than propping up "bad blood" and allowing the "illusion" of wealth to continue to be fostered, the Federal eserve should allow the market to flush out the "bad blood" and operate the way it is intended.
In conclusion, the good that the Federal eserve does is to monitor economic policy, encourage maximum employment and long-term stability. The way it does so, however, especially in times of crisis such as the world is currently experiencing is highly criticized by economists who do not support managerial decisions made by Bernanke and others. As on Paul states, the Federal eserve could better itself by putting an end to fractional reserve banking and allowing institutions, which are filled with bad debt, to collapse rather than continuing to prop them up at taxpayers' expense. Doing so only helps bring down the value of the dollar, which it is supposed to protect.
eference List
Halloran, M. (2009).…...
mlaReference List
Halloran, M. (2009). Systemic Risks and the Bear Stearns Crisis. The Road Ahead for the Fed. CA: Hoover Institution Press.
Kohn, D. (2009). Monetary Policy in the Financial Crisis. The Road Ahead for the Fed.
CA: Hoover Institution Press.
Mission. (2009). Federal Reserve. Retrieved from http://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/mission.htm
S. debt.
Health care is a large part of the federal budget and it is increasing in importance. The rate of growth in health care outlays is greater than the rate of growth in the budget itself. The poses a problem, because the federal budget deficit is increasing in size. Debt service is going to be the most rapidly growing component of the federal budget over the next several years, highlighting the need to control costs in all aspects of the budget. The challenge, however, is that both demographic trends and health care cost inflation trends signal a dramatic increase in health care costs in the coming couple of decades. Health care reform is expected to help with cost containment, primarily through shifting some eligibility requirements, but greater solutions are required. Privatizing health care would take if off the government's books, but would have significant negative externalities with respect to public…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Budget of the U.S. Government, fiscal year 2011. Retrieved December 9, 2010 from http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/budget/fy2011/assets/budget.pdf
CBO. (2010). HR 4872. Congressional Budget Office. Retrieved December 9, 2010 from http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/113xx/doc11355/hr4872.pdf
Klein, E. (2010). Rep. Ryan proposes radical solution to budget problem. Washington Post. Retrieved December 9, 2010 from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/05/AR2010020504796.html
Despite increased student fees, the UC still encountered a $500 million shortfall or $2,500 per student. It has been undergoing severe pressure from the impact of the cuts. The quality of education at the U.S. has remained high, but there have been disturbing signs of erosion, nevertheless. The widening gap between the UC and the best private university has been alarming because the UC competes for the top teachers and students with these private universities. This widening gap should be a critical concern to the state and the federal governments because even excellent private universities are too small to meet California's or the nation's needs for a well-educated workforce in the future, to come up with innovations needed to fuel the economy and to generate jobs, and to introduce medical advances for the use and care of the sick and disabled. In the past decade, California's private research universities,…...
Clinton, P. (2002). The student aid conundrum. University Business: 4 pages.
Professional Media Group LLC
Darling, B.B. (2005). Hearing testimony. 5 pages. California Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education. Retrieved January 26, 2007 at http://www.ucop.edu/uersvp/speeches/Speier_Hearing_Nov_9_2005.pdf
Dervarics, C. (2006). Congress approves cuts to student loan programs. 1 page. Diverse Issues on Higher Education: Cox, Matthews and Associates
Doing this activity provided me with information I was unaware of before doing the assignment. It seems amazing to me that more than half of the federal money is going to the military. Yet only 4% of the federal budget goes to education. his is a very sad state of affairs. Since September 11, 2001, the government of the United States has spent $635.9 billion on just homeland security. his doesn't even include the amount of money that has been spent in the war on terror. he website states that since 9/11, the government has spent $7.6 trillion on the military. his is a huge amount of money.
he budge projection for 2012 is that the United States government will spend another $3.7 trillion. hat means that the government will spend the same amount in one year that they have spend in the five years before. his is an obscene amount…...
mlaThe budge projection for 2012 is that the United States government will spend another $3.7 trillion. That means that the government will spend the same amount in one year that they have spend in the five years before. This is an obscene amount of money, especially since the country's economy is in such bad shape. Many people are out of work in this country. Higher education is costing so much money that people are having to drop out of college. Health insurance costs keep climbing so that very few people can afford health care. The country is in very bad shape and yet the government keeps investing in the war in another country instead of fixing the problems at home.
While I can see that spending money on security of the nation is important, I cannot imagine how the government could have used so much money on the war. Also, it seems to me that the budget should be redesigned. Education should take up far more than 4% of the federal budget money. The government's budgetary plans for the upcoming future are severely flawed. Not enough is being invested in the future of the American people and in their education. This is leading to further problems in the country.
The United States is a nation built upon the idea of individual freedoms. It is also based upon the idea that anyone can achieve the "American Dream." This is the idea that anyone can come from even the most poverty-affected background and through hard work and diligence, become a millionaire. One of the ways you pull yourself up from the dregs is by investing in your education. Consequently, those who do not take advantage of the education system have only themselves to blame for their failures. At least that was how the country was intended to function. In the United States, there is a correlation between education and criminality, education and poverty, and education and eventual hardship in adulthood. So, by not providing funds to help education, the United States is becoming part of the problem rather than helping people.
S. Government to make future or immediate monetary outlays. In the second subcomponent, the reporting and outlay phase lasts for the duration until the funds are canceled or until the funds are totally disbursed. One should note that these cancellations are in no way connected with cancellations that are connected with budget reductions. These are a separate congressional activity (ibid).
Sometimes spending adjustments are needed during the fiscal year. They may require special reporting and approval procedures by both Congress and OMB. In some instances, an agency can request supplemental funding by submitting a request to the Congress. Mostly, the departments and agencies are required to manage their funds according to their available resources and have only a limited monitoring by the OMB and the Congress during this particular phase of the budget process (Government Printing Office, 29-30).
hat is the effect of this system in theory as well as in practice?…...
mlaWorks Cited
Government Printing Office, the budget cycle. Washington, DC: GPO. Retrieved
from http://www.gpoaccess.gov/serialset/cdocuments/sd109-5/25-30.pdf.
Keith, Robert. U.S. Congress, Congressional Research Service. (2008). Introduction to the federal budget process (CRS Publication No. 98-721 ). Washington DC: Congressional Research Service. Retrieved from http://budget.house.gov/crs-reports/98-721.pdf .
Keith, Robert. U.S. Congress, Congressional Research Service. (2008). Suspension of budget enforcement procedures (CRS Publication No. RL31068). Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service. Retrieved from http://www.policyarchive.org/handle/10207/ .
.. discretion as a practical matter" (1988, p. 78).
Wildavsky's was not critical of classical budgeting theory. He was more in favor of the concept of incrementalism that was a vital part of classical budgeting. He felt that incrementalism was superior to other budgeting approaches because it "increases agreement among the participants" (1984, p. 136) and also because it could reduce "burden of calculation" (1984, p. 136). Wildavsky went on to say that: "Clinging to last year's agreements is enormously economical of critical resources . . . which would be seriously depleted if all or most past agreements were reexamined yearly." (1984, p. 217).
The classical budgeting model proved efficient and practical for many decades but it lost its appeal in mid-20th century when a general trend towards excessive spending took over. This trend was observed all over the world and the main reason for the scope of government's responsibilities that had…...
1. Caiden, Naomi. 1982. "The Myth of the Annual Budget." Public Administration Review 42 (6):516 -- 523.
2. Meyers, Roy T. 1997, Late Appropriations and Government shutdowns: Frequency causes, consensus and remedies. Public Budgeting and Finance. 25:38-45
3. Schick, Allen. 1980. Congress and Your Money. Washington: Urban Institute.
4. Schick, Allen. 1990. The Capacity to Budget. Washington: Urban Institute.
This type of policy is aimed at "stimulating total spending in the economy," through cutting taxes to leave businesses and individuals with more money to buy goods, thus raising demand and increasing production and generating increased spending (Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia).
Importantly, the authors note that these budget imbalances will have a significant negative impact on the general economy. They will reduce living standards and damage the economy, and bring the nation to a "real risk of a fiscal crisis" (p. 5). In large part, these effects will come from reducing national saving.
The authors note, however, that all is not lost if action is taken immediately to reduce budget deficits. Gale and Orszag write, "Significant changes in fiscal policy are needed to deal preemptively with the costs from low national saving and the risk of a fiscal crisis. The sooner we begin, the better" (p. 6).
Gale William G. And Orszag,…...
Gale William G. And Orszag, Peter R. 2004. The Budget Outlook: Projections and Implications. The Economists' Voice: Vol. 1: No. 2, Article 6, October 27, 2004. November 2004. http://www.bepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1004&context=ev
Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia. 2004. Fiscal Policy. © 1997-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 04 November 2004. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761579937/Fiscal_Policy.html
Budget Deficit
Government Budget
What are the consequences of an ever-burgeoning federal deficit and debt? Will there ever be a solution or compromise?
One of the most hotly-contested issues in contemporary American political life is how to deal with the current budget deficit. Despite running surpluses during the 1990s, the current budget is widely considered out of control by both Democrats and epublicans. The reasons for the deficit include two costly wars abroad and increased defense spending overall after 9/11; tax cuts, and the recent recession which required federal spending in the form of unemployment assistance and assistance to the states (who are legally required to balance their budgets); and less income tax revenue because of job losses. There also systemic factors that have contributed to high budget deficits (Amadeo 2012). Overall, "mandatory spending has increased. Spending to pay benefits for Social Security, Medicare and other mandated programs has been more than $2.3…...
Amadeo, Kimberly. (2012). U.S. Federal Budget deficit. Retrieved at:
Economic effects of a budget deficit. (2012). Economics Help. Retrieved at:
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