Family Relationships Essays (Examples)

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Family Relationships in a Context Involving Social Science
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Social Interaction
Social scientists have traditionally perceived family relationships as being closely connected to the values promoted in environments that communities live in. The way that family relationships are structured and their quality are largely important when considering family functioning. Depending on their understanding of the concept of a family and on their struggle to behave in accordance with ideas they know are going to have a positive effect on their relationship with their loved-ones, individuals are more or less likely to assist their family members in improving their condition and the condition of the family as a whole.

One of the most impressive documents that past social scientists have produced with the purpose of providing the world with the opportunity to understand family relationships is Thomas Malthus' 1798 book "An Essay on the Principle of Population." Malthus considered that even though family relationships were important in the context of people being…...


Works cited:

Mintz, S. (1989). "Domestic Revolutions: A Social History Of American Family Life." Simon and Schuster.

Committee on Basic Research in the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council. (1982). "Behavioral and Social Science Research: A National Resource, Part 1" National Academies Press

Family Relationships and Their Consequences
Pages: 3 Words: 1035

It is interesting to note that this fact is not scorned by anyone in the story, and that the incestuous relationship was officially sanctioned by Jacob's uncle Laban, who gave Jacob "his daughter achel as wife also" (Genesis 30: 28). Whereas incest functions as merely an aside in the story of Jacob, it is the primary plot function in Myrrha's tale. All of her woes descend from the fact that she finds her father desirable, sexually attractive, and eventually acts on this incestuous urge. However, it is portrayed as wrong and base from a number of different sources including Orpheus who is narrating it, Cinyras when he finds out he has been unwittingly duped into participating in, and most of all from Myrrha who is the one who seeks an incestuous relationship. Her anguish at dealing with this fact is discernible in the subsequent quotation in which she laments…...



Ovid. (2000). The Metamorphoses. Retrieved from

No author. (No date). Genesis. New James King Version.

Family Relationships in the Context of Films
Pages: 5 Words: 1406

Shawn Levy's 2014 film This is Where I Leave You provides a bittersweet story regarding the Altman family and it's struggle to find its identity consequent to the father's death. The director likely intended to provide viewers with a light and somewhat predictable movie in an attempt to address the complex idea of a dysfunctional family. The film has all the typical ingredients for a dark comedy and at times viewers are probable to identify with characters as they realize that the film presents a situation that most people are hesitant about even considering (even with the fact that most individuals are going to experience it at one point in their lives).
Some viewers can feel that the topic has been discussed in a series of cases, with numerous films addressing the idea of a family funeral revealing secrets about the person who died and about individuals attending the event. The…...



Dir. Shawn Levy. This is Where I Leave You. Warner Bros. Pictures, September 19, 2014.

Relationships the Classification of Relationships
Pages: 2 Words: 600

Friendship can sometimes be a very strong connection and can last for a lifetime precisely because there are always people with common interests that feel the need to communicate with each other.
Another important type of relationship in my life is that with my teachers and colleagues. Education is also an important environment for developing relationships. For me, teachers and colleagues are significant because they help establish my personality on a professional level. School is the context where the individual develops significantly, while acquiring skills and knowledge. The teachers are therefore very important for the development of an individual. For me, teachers have often served as guidance and even as role-models. A teacher can open new horizons for me, as he or she is able to influence and feed my personality and my view of the world. The colleagues on the other hand are also important as they can sometimes…...

Families in a Global Context
Pages: 7 Words: 2322

d., pg. 67). Thus, the definition of the British family is almost wholly contained within a woman's decision. Women who have children and enter the workforce create new trends in British family life, such as the fact that children are cared for primarily by professionals working in the home, at nursery schools, or grandparents (Kathleen, n.d., "Family Life," 2009). The redefining of family relationships to give equality to both the husband and wife and the problem of finding childcare while both parents work is a result of women's entry into the workforce and modern conceptions of family life.
While these characteristics apply to the primary types of families in the United Kingdom, it is important to recognize that this state is diverse in terms of ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, religion, etc. Cloud (2008) discusses the difficulties in conducting research for one often not-discussed portion of society -- homosexuals. Cloud (2008) writes…...



Cline, A. (2009). Sudan: Women and Family. Retrieved July, 18, 2009, from

Cloud, J. (2008, January 17). Are Gay Relationships Different? Retrieved July 18, 2009,


"Family Life in the United States and United Kingdom." Retrieved July 18, 2009, from

Family Relation Dynamics
Pages: 5 Words: 1578

Family elations esearch
The Sociology of Families and Households is a film that will be examined in this paper. The film is full of controversial topics as well as complex socioeconomic issues that will be discussed in detail. A textbook, Public and Private Families, written by Andrew Cherlina share a lot of concepts of the film will be brought in to the discussion as well.

The various relationships that exist between Marxist theory, sociological perspectives, structural functionalism, as well as the family and early feminist theory are examined throughout the program. It examines the rapid decline in marriage over the last few decades as well as the great increase in couples choosing cohabitation. Divorce is increasing and the fertility rate is on the decline in the U.K. All of these factors have combined to affect the traditional family in Britain and has created new challenges for them in how everyday relationships are…...



The Sociology of Families and Households. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from

Cherlin, A. (2013). Public and Private Families: An Introduction (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Sociology of the Family. (2013). Retrieved April 11, 2015, from 

Parker, S. (2013, October 25). Why family issues are economic issues. Retrieved April 12, 2015, from

Family and Consumer Sciences the
Pages: 3 Words: 1020

They are also the guidelines by which a member determines the correctitude of conduct in relationships with the clients, colleagues, members of allied professions and with various populaces.
A member of the family and consumer sciences profession and of AAFCS is required by the code of ethics to maintain the highest responsible standard of professional performance. At all times, a member should uphold confidentiality and act with intelligence, dedication, and ebullience. A member is required to fulfill the obligation in order to continually advance and extend personal professional qualification. Sharing the professional competence with colleagues and clients is also a requirement meant to enlarge and carry on development of the profession.

The code of ethics requires members to support the objectives of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Members should also take part in its development through informed, active participation in its programs. Extending public cognizance and understanding of…...



American Association of Family and Consumer Services, AAFCS/CFC National Examination Candidate Information, (2004) Bulletin Texas Teacher Certification Version

National Council on Family Relations, a Guide to Family Life Educators Code of Ethics, (2010)

The Minnesota Council on Family Relations (MCFR), Ethical Thinking and Practice for Parent and Family Life Educators (2009) Minneapolis: Minnesota Council on Family Relations.

Family Deliquency and Crime Profile
Pages: 4 Words: 1204

In terms of the theories that are put forward in the book by Simon et al. (2004), Gary's profile conforms to a number of theoretical perspectives. In general however this profile tends to concur with the point made by the authors that the criminal behavior is largely a result of lax or ineffective parenting. (Simon et al., 2004, p.15) as this book states, there are numerous studies that refer to the importance of family and home environment as well as problematic parenting in the development of developmental antisocial tendencies. This also refers to larger problems when these become permanent behavior patterns and extend into later life. (Simon et al., 2004, p.15)

Furthermore, parents are seen as "primary argents of socializations" of children and therefore they play a major role in the creation of negative and "abnormal "tendencies in developing children. (Simon et al., 2004, p.16)

Theorists like Gleuck and others argue that…...



Simon R., Simon L. And Wallace L. (2004) Families, Delinquency and Crime:

Linking Society's most Basic Institution to Antisocial Behavior. Roxbury Publishing.

Family and Community Support and
Pages: 11 Words: 2900 the end 'the addict has to want to change' and if the addict does not want to change it does not matter what program..." that the addict is in. (National Institute of Justice, 2005) the National Institute of Justice reports that a woman "often retains legal custody of a child while in prison, and once out, may not have the child immediately returned to her by the family member caring for the child." (2005)
Sarah Samson reports in the work entitled: "Groundbreaking Study Identifies Crucial Factors for Successful Community Reintegration of Ex-Prisoners in altimore" published in 2004, that Programs that help prisoners stay connected with their families, get drug treatment, and work while in prison can increase the chances that they will successfully reintegrate back into society, according to a new study released today by the nonpartisan Urban Institute. The study breaks new ground by recording prisoners' perspectives on reentering…...



Baltimore Prisoners' Experiences Returning Home," by Christy Visher, Vera Kachnowski, Nancy La Vigne, and Jeremy Travis, has been made possible by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, OSI-Baltimore, the Abell Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, the Maryland Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention, and the John D. And Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Community Supervision and Reentry (2008) Urban Institute Prison Reentry Portfolio. Online available at 

Pelissier, Bernadette (2004) Gender Differences in Substance Use Treatment Entry and Retention Among Prisoner with Substance Use Histories. Research and Practice. American Journal of Public Health August 2004. Vol. 94 No. 8. Online available at 

Powell, M. Anne; and Nolan, Clare (2003) California State Prisoners with Children:

Relationships in Late Adulthood
Pages: 7 Words: 2368

Changing elationships in Late Adulthood

Late adulthood is often mistakenly viewed as a time of relaxation, where everything slows and an individual's life becomes more consistent and less stressful. In reality, late adulthood is a time of great change. Individuals retire, children move away, lifestyles alters significantly, and social ties decline. Most significantly, a person's relationships change significantly in late adulthood. This includes relationships with siblings, spouses, friends, children, and grandchildren. By considering these relationships and how they change, it will be shown that late adulthood is far from being a time of reduced stress. It may become a time of reduced stress if the individual makes the transition successfully, but the actual process of transition involves many significant changes.

One of the significant changes that occurs during late adulthood is that individuals often become more involved with their siblings. Stark and Hall (1988) suggest that this is partly because brothers and…...



Berk, L.E. (2004). Development through the lifespan. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Butler, R.N. (1968). The life review: An interpretation of reminiscence in the aged. In B. Neugarten (Ed.), Middle age and aging (pp. 486-496). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Goldberg, E. (2002). "A healthy retirement." AORN Journal, 76(5), 873-874.

Keith, P.M., & Schafer, R.B. (1985). Equity role strains and depression among middle-aged and older men and women. In W.A. Peterson & J. Quadagno (Eds.), Social bonds in later life: Aging and interdependence (pp. 37-49). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Family ' Familial Love in Literature
Pages: 3 Words: 1239

"A Good Man is Hard to Find" ends with the family being executed by the Misfit, a murderous outlaw. Although O'Connor's story is evidently supposed to be humorous, it gives the reader pause to note that the family will die without ever exchanging a kind word. There are different types of family violence: the somewhat positive violence of the Roethke poem that makes the boy adore his father at the expense of his mother vs. The carelessness and cruelty in the O'Connor story, which arises as a result of a lack of respect and the superficiality of the modern family. Family relationships do not necessarily create a state of understanding. In the story, the most transcendent moment of grace occurs between two strangers, before one kills the other, as physical violence makes the grandmother appreciate her time on earth. "His voice seemed about to crack and the grandmother's head cleared…...


Works Cited

O'Connor, Flannery. "A Good Man is Hard to Find." UCF. December 8, 2009.

Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. MIT Classics: Shakespeare Home Page. December 8, 2009

Family Owned Business Effective Change Management
Pages: 16 Words: 4699

Effective Change Management in a Family-Owned Business Effective Change Management in a Family-Owned BusinessChapter 2: Literature eviewIntroductionFamily-owned businesses are a dominant form of business model in Islamic communities, and their leadership is governed by a family member, usually the family leader. The objective of this literature review is to explore other scholars work on the issues of change in management styles, transition in leadership, advantages and disadvantages of family-owned businesses, management of non-family staff members, and how corporate and non-corporate business environment influence the performance of the business (Barnes & Hershon, 2020). Family firms encounter challenges that contribute to business failure like any other business but have additional challenges, such as interference of business decisions by family wrangles (Zellweger and Sieger, 2010). This interference accentuates the challenges that business encounters in addition to those presented by the business environment. Such challenges threaten the businesss ability to withstand the family differences…...


ReferencesAdiguna, R. (2015). Organizational culture and the family business. Theoretical Perspectives on Family Businesses, 29(6), 156-174. DOI: 10.4337/9781783479665.00016Andreassi, J., & Thompson, C. (2008). Work-Family Culture: Current Research and Future Directions. Handbook of Work-Family Integration, 331-351. DOI: 10.1016/b978-012372574-5.50021-1Barnes, L., & Hershon, S. (2020). Transferring Power in The Family Business. Retrieved 25 March 2021, from   F., Cirella, S., Guerci, M., Shani, A., & Brunelli, M. (2013). Leading transformation in a family-owned business: insights from an Italian company. International Journal of Entrepreneurship And Innovation Management, 17(1/2/3), 54. DOI: 10.1504/ijeim.2013.055248Chirico, F., & Nordqvist, M. (2010). Dynamic capabilities and trans-generational value creation in family firms: The role of organizational culture. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 28(5), 487-504. DOI: 10.1177/0266242610370402Dieleman, M., & Koning, J. (2019). Articulating Values Through Identity Work: Advancing Family Business Ethics Research. Journal of Business Ethics, 163(4), 675-687. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-019-04380-9Golestani, M. (2019). Islamic Culture: Succession in Iranian Family Business. Retrieved 27 March 2021, from Judge, T., Jackson, C., Shaw, J., Scott, B., & Rich, B. (2007). Self-efficacy and work-related performance: The integral role of individual differences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(1), 107-127. DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.92.1.107Nordqvist, M., & Zellweger, T. (2010). Transgenerational entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.Onyebuchi, O. (2018). Organizational Family Culture: Theoretical Concept Definition, Dimensions and Implication to Business Organizations. IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management, 4(1). Retrieved from, R., & Magaña, D. (2014). Succession Model for Family Businesses in the Highway-Building Field. Internal Journal of Business and Social Research, 4(1). DOI: 10.18533/ijbsr.v4i1.311Schulze, W., Lubatkin, M., Dino, R., & Buchholtz, A. (2001). Agency Relationships in Family Firms: Theory and Evidence. Organization Science, 12(2), 99-116. DOI: 10.1287/orsc., P. (2016). Family Business Ethics: At the Crossroads of Business Ethics and Family Business. Journal of Business Ethics, 150(3), 691-709. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-016-3171-1Ye, J. (2013). Challenges of Family business Succession: Chinese-Australian case Studies (Doctorate). Deakin University.Zellweger, T., & Sieger, P. (2010). Entrepreneurial orientation in long-lived family firms. Small Business Economics, 38(1), 67-84. DOI: 10.1007/s11187-010-9267-6 Canterino,

Family Assessment and Family
Pages: 7 Words: 1589

Genogram Project
The author of this report has been charged with doing a family assessment project. The largest part of this report shall be the genogram and ecogram. The personal version of these two diagrams as authored and put together by the author of this report are shown in the appendix. There will be some additional supporting and complementary information as well. This will include the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) and the Calgary Family Intervention Model. Both of those models will be discussed and reviewed in this report. Also worthy of mention will be the stages of the family life cycle. The rest of the report will be important information about the family members identified in the genogram. This information will include three generations of information, each family member being identified, the family relationship involved, the current age of the person (or age at death), the martial/relationship status of the…...



Konradsdottir, E. & Svavarsdottir, E. (2011). How effective is a short-term educational and support intervention for families of an adolescent with type 1 diabetes?. Journal For Specialists In Pediatric Nursing, 16(4), 295-304. 

Sveinbjarnardottir, E., Svavarsdottir, E., & Wright, L. (2013). What are the benefits of a short therapeutic conversation intervention with acute psychiatric patients and their families? A controlled before and after study. International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 50(5), 593-602. 

West, C., Bell, J., Woodgate, R., & Moules, N. (2015). Waiting to Return to Normal: An Exploration of Family Systems Intervention in Childhood Cancer. Journal Of Family Nursing, 21(2), 261-294. 

Wright, L. & Leahey, M. (2012). Nurses and families.

Family Instability and Gang Activity
Pages: 1 Words: 322

Gangs and SchoolsTwo significant risk factors for adolescent gang involvement include family dysfunction and community disorganization (Hill et al., 2017). Family dysfunction can take many forms: it can appear as a lack of parental supervision, or poor or strained family relationships, or a history of familial criminal behavior. Any of these forms can push adolescents towards seeking belonging, acceptance, stability or identity in gangs. Community disorganization tends to be characterized by poverty, high crime rates, and a lack of communal institutions, It creates an environment where gangs can flourish and appear as viable social groups to vulnerable youths (Hill et al., 2017).On the other hand, two crucial protective factors are strong family bonds and involvement in pro-social activities. A supportive family environment with effective communication, emotional support, and active engagement in a child\\\'s life can significantly reduce the allure of gangs. Involvement in pro-social activities, such as sports, arts, or…...


ReferencesHill, K. G., Howell, J. C., Hawkins, J. D., & Battin-Pearson, S. R. (2017). Childhood risk factors for adolescent gang membership: Results from the Seattle Social Development Project. In Gangs (pp. 489-511). Routledge.

Perspective on the Family
Pages: 3 Words: 932

Family Theoretical Perspective
The family is a social institution that has attracted a lot of research. There are many things that revolve around this institution and hence the reason why it attracts a lot of attention and consequent research. The topic of this paper is family and the chosen article is, "Beyond the nuclear family: The increasing importance of multigenerational bonds."

The structures of family forms vary just as their definitions. There is no single form of true family. In earlier years the nuclear family that comprises of a single set of biological parents and their children was prevalent. However, there has been a trend towards multiple generations of the same family living and working together in the same household. Today, there are many types of family forms that can be seen and they are due to the evolution of the family that started off as a result of a shift in…...



Vem, B. (2014). Beyond the nuclear family: The increasing importance of multigenerational bonds.

explain the aftermath of the war in the book all quiet on the western front?
Words: 114

The aftermath of the war in All Quiet on the Western Front is most notable in the soldiers who are unable to adjust to civilian life. Paul, the main character, even struggles when he comes home on leave, because he does not really know how to handle family relationships anymore. He feels better when he's with his fellow soldiers, because he knows how to relate to them. In How Many Miles to Basra, the aftermath is more focused on how the soldiers, translator, and journalist were affected by their attempt to make amends. During war, truth and responsibility can become blurred,....

How Many Miles to Basra & All Quiet on the Western Front - Books?
Words: 148

In both How Many Miles to Basra and All Quiet on the Western Front, the war had a strong impact on both soldiers and society. The aftermath of war in All Quiet on the Western Front is seen because the soldiers can't really adjust to being civilians again. It's hard for them even when they just come home on leave, and they aren't good with family relationships. That's hard on society because the soldiers aren't part of it anymore in the way they were before they left, which means they aren't the productive members that society really needs. In How....

What subtopics can I write about for serial killers being my main essay topic?
Words: 377

Serial killers are a topic that has fascinated people, beginning before the term was even coined.  They have been romanticized in pop culture, but their crimes seem to be rooted in a personality disorder that keeps them from empathizing with others.  They kill in a variety of ways and, when left unchecked, the number of people that they can kill can get into the 100s. 

Some subtopics to consider when writing about serial killers for your essay topic are:

  1. The role of Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) in serial murders.
  2. Psychopath or sociopath?  Where on the spectrum of personality....

Can you help with an outline of Charles Perrault Cinderella and Ashputtle by the Grimm Brothers?
Words: 482

The Cinderella fairy tale is one that is familiar to most readers.  However, there are several different versions of this fairy tale.  While the Grimm Brothers are credited with creating many modern fairy tales, this is inaccurate.  Rather than create the fairy tales, they simply wrote down fairy tales as they existed.  Two familiar stories telling the same tale are Cinderella by Charles Perrault and Ashputtle by the Grimm Brothers.  While they are telling similar tales, there are some significant differences in these two stories.

I. Introduction

A. Family relationships


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