Family Planning Essays (Examples)

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Family Planning - Personal Choices Family Planning
Pages: 2 Words: 710

Family Planning - Personal Choices
Family Planning: Personal Choices

In her essay, "Freeing Choices," Nancy Mairs discusses the personal choices in family planning, which significant advances in the field of medical technology and genetics are now likely to make possible. Prior to the advent of ultrasounds and amniocentesis, it was not possible for would-be-parents to learn the sex of their unborn child. Indeed, other than practicing family planning to prevent the creation of new life, families had little choice but to accept the new born, irrespective of the sex or their hopes for a son or daughter. Today, however, it is possible to use "amniocentesis to determine the sex of a fetus, followed by abortion if the parents don't want the sort they've begun." (Mairs, p. 435) Thus, modern technology and knowledge have now made a greater degree of personal choice possible in family planning. It is this central fact that explains…...


Works Cited

Mairs, N. "Freeing Choices." Community of Readers. P.435-437.

Family Planning Planned Parenting in
Pages: 13 Words: 4005

This has come about as moe knowledge is being povided to mothes about health education and family planning. Health wokes ae stating to wok hade at educating women about thei health and safety, and intevening moe often to potect women's health and pevent dangeous foms of contaception including self-induced abotion (Olenick, 2000). Women living in ual aeas still geneally have moe childen and give bith to moe live babies than women living in uban aeas, with women with little o no education having highe than aveage total fetility ates (Olenick, 2000).
Duing the moden ea many women living in the Philippines epot on aveage they desie 3.2 childen, with younge women pefeing even smalle families when compaed with olde women (Olenick, 2000). Women who had childen and wee suveyed often epoted they wanted no moe childen with moe than half of women with two childen epoting they wanted to pevent…...


references for contraception methods in India, Korea, the Philippines and Turkey (1980). Studies in Family Planning, 11(9-10). 267-73. JSTOR

NPS Ethnography: African-American Heritage & Ethnography. National Park Service

U.S. Dept of the Interior. Accessed 7, May, 2007:

WFS. (1981). WFS Philippines: More than half of all women at risk of pregnancy use no contraceptive method. International Family Planning Perspectives, 7(3): 108-110.

Mills, C.W. (1940). Methodological consequences of the sociology of knowledge.

The Need for Family Planning
Pages: 2 Words: 838

Family Planning
The increase in the amount of people in poverty is very concerning. Many people are concerned about how to raise the standard of living of these people and keep it there in a sustainable manner rather than having to continue to throw more donated and government money at the problem. At the end of the day, the big issues would seem to be family planning. While it is dangerous territory to try and dictate who should have children and who should not. Of course, this would involve a predefined set of standards, there is a lot of credence to the idea of figuring out what can be afforded and what should be avoided. While it may be an uncomfortable subject to broach, the current trajectories that are seen even in the United States are not remotely good and they need to change.


The author of this report could absolutely look…...


References (2016). How Poverty Affects Behavior and Academic Performance. Retrieved 1 January 2016, from 

Guttmacher. (2016). Access, Quality Of Care and Medical Barriers In Family Planning Programs. Retrieved 1 January 2016, from 

Lerner, S. (2016). America's Fertility Class Divide: New Numbers Reveal a Problem. Slate Magazine. Retrieved 1 January 2016, from 

Weissmann, J. (2014). For Millennials, Out-of-Wedlock Childbirth Is the Norm. Now What?. Slate Magazine. Retrieved 1 January 2016, from

Texas versus the U S State and Federal Funding for Family Planning
Pages: 10 Words: 3171

Womens Rights and Funding for Family Planning at the National and State LevelsThe debate over whether women actually need any special legal protections beyond those enumerated in the U.S. Constitution as well as proper funding levels for family planning needs has been a source of concern among policymakers at the state and federal levels for decades. State-level proponents of increased federal funding cite the continuing disparities in earning between male and female workers in the United States, but they also argue that additional family planning is an absolute necessity in order to address this broad-based problem because of the additional burdens that unplanned children place disproportionately on American women, most especially those who are already struggling to survive below the national poverty level despite working at a full-time minimum wage job. Conversely, national policymakers maintain that simply throwing more money at the problem without other social programs and incentives is…...

Proper Family Planning Principles
Pages: 4 Words: 469

The author of this report has been asked to address health promotion, disease prevention and general wellness of a particular form. The chosen intervention is education of the affected patients. The given malady that will be prevented will be obesity. The level of prevention will be primary prevention. Finally, the target population of the intervention will be pregnant women. While a good amount of weight gain is expected and normal when it comes to a pregnancy, the gains need to be commensurate with the size of the woman having the baby and the size of the fetus at any given time.

ight off the top, there should be a statement of why the author of this report is so engrossed and focused on weight management for pregnant women. It is very important that pregnant women, no matter how risk the pregnancy otherwise is, are at a good weight before, during and…...

Families Delinquency and Crime
Pages: 8 Words: 2311

Families, Delinquency & Crime
The fundamental changes occurring to families in the 2st century can be classified into two different categories, depending on the internal or the external perspective that is used in the analysis. The external perspective proposes an analysis of the sociodemographic changes that have occurred to families under the impact of the external factors of the 2st century. The sociodemographic changes are characterized both by the numbers, by a quantitative reflection of families, and by the relationships that are formed within each family.

From the first perspective, the 2st century has imposed both changes in the number of families (some cultures, notably the Western ones, have encountered decreases in size because of an increased reluctance of individuals to get married) and in the formation of these family groups. As such, in many of these family groups, the norm has translated from a man-woman marriage as the basis of family…...


1. Roopnarine, Jaipaul; Gielen, Uwe. 2005. Families in Global Perspective. Pearson Education.

2. Vaskovics, L.A. 1994. Family and household structures in the former GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany from 1980 to 1989 -- a comparison. Wiesbaden.

3. Aly, A.M.Y. 1999. Lectures on population, family and childhood issues. Alexandria: The Modern University Office.

Family Ecology the Family Is
Pages: 8 Words: 2218

It also varies with urban or rural residence. Urban households commonly earn more and enjoy a higher standard of living than rural households. The allocation for food spending corresponds to the biggest part of the family budget. However, as family income increases, the share in food in consumption expenses generally drops. This is most likely because of the popularity of "fast foods" nowadays.
Socialization Process

The process of socialization takes a lifetime whereby the individual acquires the established beliefs, values, sentiments, norms and behavior of his group and society. It is through socialization that the individual becomes a functioning member of his group. It is also through this process that values, customs and beliefs are passed on from one generation to the other.

Because of the significance of early experiences and primary relationships, the family remains to be the most important socializing agent in the child's life (Davidson and Moore, 1992). It…...



Bellah, R.N. (1970). Beyond Belief. New York: Harper & Row.

Berger, P.L. (1963). Invitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective. New York: Doubleday.

Berk, S.F. (1985). The Gender Factory. New York: Plenum.

Broom, DH, Broom, L. And Bonjean, C.M. (1990). Sociology: A Core Text with adapted readings. Belmont, California:Wadsworth Publishing Company.

Families in a Global Context
Pages: 7 Words: 3276

As one commentator notes; "What this adds up to is, in my view, a significant shift in the balance of work and family life. oles are changing, the nature of care is changing, and the stress related to juggling the balance is increasing (Edgar, 1997, p. 149)
A number of statistics also help to outline the nature of the family structure in a developed economy like Australia. In terms of workforce participation, the figures are as follows: "….86% for fathers and 56% for mothers in two-parent families, and 65% for male and 43% for female sole parents"(Edgar, 1997, p.151). This is also indicative of a shift in the role of the female as solely a homemaker. "In 1993, 53% of couples with dependent children were both employed & #8230;" (Edgar, 1997, p. 151). Therefore, there are still imbalances and disparities in terms of the family structure and this is a…...



Anderson, G.L. (Ed.). (1997). The Family in Global Transition. St. Paul, MN: Professors

World Peace Academy. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Questia database: 

Baile, S. (1990). Women and Health in Developing Countries. OECD Observer, a (161),

18-20. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Questia database:

Planning Having Grown From a
Pages: 6 Words: 1847

The Code also allows for one accessory building, a storage shed, fences, walls, and landscape screens. These screens are not to exceed seven feet in height. They should also be adjacent to the rear and side property lines. At the front, they should not exceed three feet in height. Private swimming pools are also subject to Code specifications.

The Code is aimed at the comfort and well-being of residents, in terms of which domestic animals are also taken into account. The Code does not require specific provisions for domestic animals such as dogs or cats, apart from the fact that they are required to remain inside the fenced area of their residence. If livestock were to be held on a property, the provision is one animal per ten thousand squire feet of the lot area. If these animals are held on a property, they are required to be in a stock-tight…...

Family Case Study Presenting Problem
Pages: 14 Words: 4052

Expressive functioning is related to communication such as emotional, verbal, and nonverbal communication, problem solving and roles within the family. Beliefs within the family are also a part of expressive functioning.
For the purpose of the Calgary Family Assessment Model, a family is defined as who they say they are. It is very important that the clinician performing the assessment not assign their own beliefs upon what he or she believes a family is, and take into account what the patient feels about family as to the patient is may mean not only the people who actually live within the household but can also address past, present and future emotional attachments.

Calgary Family Intervention Model:

The immediate family is composed of Mr. Herbert Schelley (the patient), Mrs. Annette Schelley (his wife), and their son Thomas Schelley. The extended family consists of the Schelley's two married daughters, their husbands and their children (the…...



Brownwald H. ed. (2003) Harrison's Textbook of Internal Medicine, 15th edition,

McGraw-Hill, New York

Clement S. (2004) Guidelines for glycemic control. Clin Cornerstone. 6(2):31-9

Echeverry D.M., Dike M.R., Washington C., Davidson M.B.. (1995). The impact of using a low-literacy patient education tool on process measures of diabetes care in a minority population J. Natl Med Assoc. (11):1074-81

Family Preservation in Child Welfare
Pages: 2 Words: 581

Family preservation services have been defined as short-term, family-focused services designed to assist families in crisis by improving parenting and family functioning while keeping children safe (Services, N.d.). While it has typically been the case that many social service departments would rely on the foster care system for child safety issues, family preservation services became a popular alternative when it was recognition to be more beneficial for the children who need a safe and stable family environment. It has been realized that separating children from their families, such as is the case when they would enter foster care, can be traumatic for them and leave them with negative consequences that can last indefinitely. Therefore, instead of looking at the child as a sole individual, the family preservation perspective broadens the scope of the welfare to include the entire family unit.
The model for the services is founded on the belief that…...

Planning Efforts to Reduce Future Disaster Impacts
Pages: 4 Words: 1397

Planning Efforts to educe Future Disaster Impacts
This paper looks at options for programs to be put in place before to a disaster to avoid major and often poorly-managed expenditures after a catastrophe and to offer suitable protection against the risk of those large losses which do occur. It is important for the government to provide programs that enlightens the citizens on how to deal with the hazards that come with hurricanes. Natural hazards have taken place in America and they have not been well attended to. The response in the Haiti earthquake showed some weakness in response. Hurricane Katrina should have given Americans a lesson on how to prevent major destructions in case of a similar scenario.


Katrina was a hurricane that hit the Atlantic in 2005 and was known to be the most dangerous hurricane in history of America. Over 1,836 people died as a result of this hurricane with…...



Mancuso, Louis C.; Alijani, Ghasem S.; Kwun, Obyung. (2011). The effects of the BP oil spill and hurricane Katrina in South Louisiana. Entrepreneurial Executive,

Mckenzie, Russell; Levendis, John; (2010). Flood Hazards and Urban Housing Markets: The effects of Katrina on New Orleans. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, pp. 62-76.

LaJoie, Andrew Scott; Sprang, Ginny; McKinney, William Paul.(2010). Long-term effects of Hurricane Katrina on psychological well being of evacuees. Disasters, p1031-1044, 14p,

Shaughnessy, Timothy M.; White, Mary L.; Brendler, Michael D.; (2010). The Income Distribution effect of Natural Disasters: An Analysis of Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, pp. 84-95

Family Theories
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Age Students With Learning Disabilities

The impact of family motivation on college age students with learning disabilities may be a deciding factor in regard to the student's success or failure. College age students with learning disabilities obviously have more immediate needs in cooperative learning settings when compared to typical students. Educators cannot just tell the student to just sit-down and read five chapters of Freud. These students have problems like dyslexia, AD/HD, or English as a second language to name a few and they may have had additional help in the past that may not be available at an older age. When there are obvious underlying issues, the family, teachers and the students themselves have to work more closely together in order to reach the desired positive outcomes. "Teaching effectiveness is inferred from the product that was created; it is the product that is the indicator of scholarship." (Cranton, 2000)

This report…...


Positive feedback is a major part of the Family Systems Theory process. Feedback in this case is a process in which the family, and possibly the teaching team involved, all work together to regulate the thinking process of the college age student with learning disabilities. This process also incorporates the notion that positive self-talk by the college age student with some form of learning disability is a necessary component of educational success. Self-talk helps them monitor their own output. In other words, the human body in this case accepts feedback from both internal and external sources to promote positive goals and objectives. A good example of a positive feedback system is how an automatic pilot system is used in most commercial airplanes. The automatic pilot process provides a computer that is actually flying the plane constant feedback about required information regarding the planes speed, altitude, direction and so on. As the plane drifts off course slightly, the computer system realigns the flight path. The college age student with a learning disability also drifts off occurs from time to time and positive feedback from family members, teachers and counselors and the student themselves all help to get the student back on course. This approach continually promotes active coping efforts and attributes positive meaning to the learning situation.


Based on Family Stress Theory, there can be many indicators of a family's adaptation to stress induced events. "One is the adaptation of individual family members, including adolescents have noted that such factors as the perceived levels of individual and family stress serve as markers of adaptation." (McCubbin, 1993) In other words, the adaptation implies that there are a large number

Family and Community Support and
Pages: 11 Words: 2900 the end 'the addict has to want to change' and if the addict does not want to change it does not matter what program..." that the addict is in. (National Institute of Justice, 2005) the National Institute of Justice reports that a woman "often retains legal custody of a child while in prison, and once out, may not have the child immediately returned to her by the family member caring for the child." (2005)
Sarah Samson reports in the work entitled: "Groundbreaking Study Identifies Crucial Factors for Successful Community Reintegration of Ex-Prisoners in altimore" published in 2004, that Programs that help prisoners stay connected with their families, get drug treatment, and work while in prison can increase the chances that they will successfully reintegrate back into society, according to a new study released today by the nonpartisan Urban Institute. The study breaks new ground by recording prisoners' perspectives on reentering…...



Baltimore Prisoners' Experiences Returning Home," by Christy Visher, Vera Kachnowski, Nancy La Vigne, and Jeremy Travis, has been made possible by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, OSI-Baltimore, the Abell Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, the Maryland Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention, and the John D. And Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Community Supervision and Reentry (2008) Urban Institute Prison Reentry Portfolio. Online available at 

Pelissier, Bernadette (2004) Gender Differences in Substance Use Treatment Entry and Retention Among Prisoner with Substance Use Histories. Research and Practice. American Journal of Public Health August 2004. Vol. 94 No. 8. Online available at 

Powell, M. Anne; and Nolan, Clare (2003) California State Prisoners with Children:

Planning Your Project the Nature of the
Pages: 3 Words: 785

Planning Your Project
The nature of the problem is that in the clinical setting there are a large number of issues, such as falls, pressure ulcers, and these lead to lower levels of customer satisfaction and negative patient outcomes. There are ways to improve both customer service and to help the patients. So this is the problem that needs to be tackled.

The setting is in a clinic, where patients are in rooms, and there is sometimes a relatively minimal level of nursing supervision. The patients are sometimes able to move freely around their rooms, and this creates the conditions where the patient might fall or otherwise injure themselves, and there is no way for anybody to know that this has happened. The clinic needs to institute evidence-based practice in order to improve the patient outcomes and the service levels that the nurses are providing.

The impact of the problem is significant. Particularly…...

how the study of human pregnancy advances our understanding of heredity and genetics?
Words: 456

The study of human pregnancy advances our understanding of heredity and genetics in several ways.

1. Inheritance of traits: The study of human pregnancy allows researchers to observe how traits are passed from parents to their offspring. By studying prenatal development, scientists can identify specific genetic factors that contribute to certain traits or disorders.

2. Genetic disorders: Pregnancy research helps identify potential genetic disorders that may affect the developing fetus. This allows healthcare providers to counsel and support couples who may be at risk of passing on certain genetic conditions to their children.

3. Epigenetics: The study of human pregnancy has shed light....

What are the fundamental components of women\'s reproductive rights?
Words: 590

I. Introduction
A. Hook: The ongoing discussion about women's reproductive rights has been a contentious issue for years.
B. Background Information: Define women's reproductive rights and provide context for the importance of this topic.
C. Thesis Statement: Women's reproductive rights are essential for gender equality, bodily autonomy, and overall well-being.
II. History of Women's Reproductive Rights
A. Overview of the evolution of women's reproductive rights throughout history.
B. Milestones in the fight for women's reproductive rights, such as the legalization of contraception and abortion.
C. Challenges faced by women in accessing reproductive healthcare and the continued fight for reproductive freedom.
III. Importance....

What are the fundamental components of women\'s reproductive rights?
Words: 465

Fundamental Components of Women's Reproductive Rights
Women's reproductive rights encompass a broad spectrum of legal, ethical, and social principles that guarantee women the autonomy and equity in making decisions about their own bodies and reproductive health. These rights are essential for women's empowerment, self-determination, and ability to lead fulfilling lives.
1. Access to Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care
Family planning: The right to choose and access a range of contraceptive methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Safe abortion: The right to terminate a pregnancy for any reason within a reasonable timeframe, with access to safe and legal abortion services.
Maternal health care: The right....

Where can I get a recent and concise empirical literature review on the topic acceptance and utilization of family planning services among secondary school students?
Words: 182

You can find a recent and concise empirical literature review on the topic of acceptance and utilization of family planning services among secondary school students in academic journals and databases such as PubMed, JSTOR, and ScienceDirect. Additionally, universities and research institutions may have online repositories or libraries with access to relevant studies and articles on this subject. It is recommended to search using keywords such as "family planning services", "youth", "adolescents", and "acceptance/utilization" to narrow down your results and find the most relevant literature reviews on this topic.
You can also consider reaching out to experts in the field of public....

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