Family History Essays Examples

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Family History an Autobiographical History
Pages: 8 Words: 2389

My father has 3 sons 1 daughter. I am the biggest son and was born on 26th of August, 1988. I was born in Hong Kong so that I can be a Hong Kong resident. I studied in Hong Kong but I am different with the native Hong Kong children because I always went back to China with my parents since all my relatives are in China. However, during the 1990s, a lot of Hong Kong people still think China was terrible and dirty. They hate to go back to China and I always get laughed at by some of my classmates or friends because I am a little mainland Chinese boy. It is because of my family and realizing what mainland China could offer that I build up really strong patriotic ideas when I am in Hong Kong. So I am kind of different with the normal native Hong…...


Works Cited

Calavita, Kitty. Chinese Exclusion and the Open Door with China: Structural Contradictions and the 'Chaos' of Law, 1882-1910. Social & Legal Studies 10.2 (2001):203-226.

Chew, K. et al. The Revolving Door to Gold Mountain: How Chinese Immigrants Got Around U.S. Exclusion and Replenished the Chinese-American Labor Pool, 1900 -- 1910. International Migration Review 43.2 (2009):410-430.

Liang, Zai et al. Cumulative Causation, Market Transition, and Emigration from China. American Journal of Sociology 114.3 (2008): 706-737.

Lin, Patricia. "Eating Bitterness" the Early History of the Chinese in America (II). Chinese-American Forum 3.4 (1988): 16-27.

Fictional Family History as the United States
Pages: 4 Words: 1402

Fictional Family History
As the United States was expanding, so were the prospects for my family. My ancestors arrived in the United States with the hope of bettering themselves and taking advantage of the opportunities that the United States was said to hold. This made my family excited about coming to a new land, one where their future generations, with me included, would be able to progress and prosper. Upon arriving to the United States, my uncle Ben made the journey to the lands in the Far West. They were rumored to hold a great opportunity, and my uncle could not miss out on this chance to gain prosperity (Unruh, 1993). My cousin Michael arrived from Europe as an immigrant to Ellis Island, and was also able to establish his life and those of his family members in New York City (Behdad, 2005). In addition to the two family members mentioned,…...



Beard, C.A. (2013). History of the United States. U.S.A.: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Behdad, A. (2005). A forgetful nation: On immigration and cultural identity in the United States. North Carolina: Duke University Press.

Buechler, S.M. (1990). Women's movements in the United States, woman suffrage, equal rights, and beyond. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Printing.

Unruh, J.D. (1993). The plains across: The overland emigrants and the trans-Mississippi west, 1840-60. Illinois: University of Illinois Press.

Family History and Self-Perceptions
Pages: 2 Words: 709

Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry -- Hearing the Power of Slave Stories
The need for story telling and the power of memories long past, even the historical past can provide a source of strength for the next generation. This idea is a central theme of the book by Mildred D. Taylor entitled Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry. The past generation of African-American parents and grandparents, as embodied by the elders of the Logan family, wish to convey to the next generation the struggles and heartache of the previous generations of African-Americans. They do not simply tell their own stories to give the children spirit and strength to carry on and fight for freedom under difficult circumstances in the 1930's Depression-era South. They also tell stories given to them from earlier generations about slavery, creating a history and a continuity of stories to empower generation after generation of African-American children.



Works Cited

Taylor, Mildred D. Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry. New York: Speak, 1997.

Family History and its Genogram
Pages: 6 Words: 1714

GENOGAM Genogram Family History AssignmentA genogram is a useful chart for depicting family relations and their intricacies with symbols and notations. It provides a clear picture to the professionals for determining issues and the prospect of genetic illnesses being carried forward to the index person. This paper aims at exploring my own familys multigenerational, multicultural, socio-political, and health status context. Our family lives in the US, and marriages have taken place within the same cultures.The symbolic denotation of the genogram has been presented below for a clear understanding of the three generations.Image 1: Genogram of a US FamilyImage is taken from Edraw Max (n.a.)Considering that the index person is to be seen in a primary care visit, the influences of his relationships, health history, lifestyle, culture, and environmental factors would be examined. The focused family genogram interview and the following information are gathered for a detailed explanation of each individuals…...


ReferencesEdraw Max. (n.a.). Wonder Share Edraw Max: Unnamed file. Retrieved from   A. (2018). A death in the family: The differential impacts of losing a loved one. Canadian Journal of Family and Youth, 10(1), 99-118. Saad, H.A., Elbedour, S., Hallaq, E., Merrick, J. & Tenenbaum, A. (2014). Consanguineous marriage and intellectual and developmental disabilities among Arab Bedouins children of the Negev region in Southern Israel: A pilot study. Frontiers in Public Health, 2, 3. Schaller, M. & Murray, D.R. (2008). Pathogens, personality, and culture: Disease prevalence predicts worldwide variability in sociosexuality, extraversion, and openness to experience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(1), 212-221. Sobieraj, M., Williams, J., Marley, J. & Ryan, P. (1998). The impact of depression on the physical health of family members. British Journal of General Practice, 48(435), 1653-1655. Glatt,

Family History and Cultures
Pages: 2 Words: 878

Nature vs. Nurture
To any decently educated or aware person, the "nature versus nurture" argument is nothing new. Something else that is not new is the idea that while there are arguments for both, there always seems to be one idea that is more prevalent and "true" than the others. Such is the case with the microcosm of "nature versus nurture" that is in play when it comes to the work of Patricia Greenfield. Her initial statements in a recent article are very much a framing of a "nature versus nurture" argument and then she provides her version of the answer. While some might disagree with what Ms. Greenfield has to say, it is fairly clear that she is rather spot-on in her analysis and decision when it comes to the subject in question.


The primary so-called battlefield of nature versus nurture that Ms. Greenfield approaches and talks about is the concept…...



Gaynor, M. (2016). Genes, Depression, and Anxiety. Psychology Today. Retrieved 25 October 2016, from

Greenfield, P. (1997). YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU: Why Ability Assessments Don't Cross Cultures. Retrieved 25 October 2016, from sa1yctii.pdf#search='cross%20cultural%20psychology%20and%20intelligence

Family Legacy in the Piano
Pages: 2 Words: 706

Boy Willie's father, Boy Charles, set out to steal the piano with pictures of his family carved by his father, to return it to the rightful owners. As far as Boy Charles was concerned, the piano "was the story of [their] whole family and as long as Sutter had it . . . he had [them]," (Wilson, 1990, p. 45). Similarly, Boy Willie wishes to sell the family piano in order to receive something far more valuable to him -- Sutter's land -- in a move which would symbolically avenge the slavery his family endured under Sutter in the past. Boy Willie's impetuousness to this end and defiance of anyone to stand in his way, along with his fierce ambition to avenge his family's traumatic past allows him to carry on a legacy begun by his father.
Even if Berniece and Boy Willie were not so adamant about manifesting the…...



Wilson, August. 1990. The Piano Lesson. New York: Penguin Group.

Analysing Individual Family History
Pages: 4 Words: 1058

Family Heritage and Individual Identity The involvement of family members in certain activities like sharing stories enhances family bonding. This also strengthens the identity of the family and its members. An individual's self-identity is influenced by family traditions and cultural legacies in different ways. This might be positive or negative. Negative legacies will portray aspects that are unattractive while favorable legacies will portray aspects like cohesive, caring, and hardworking families. Favorable legacies are what have entailed our family as we are all hardworking and aim to achieve the best in our lives. Born in a family of individuals who own or work in farms means that we have inculcated in us an aspect of hardworking and teamwork. Being the first one in our family to go to college means that other look upon me to set a good example to the younger family members. Sharing stories of college with my siblings…...

History in All This Poetry
Pages: 4 Words: 1277

Speaking of the United States, for example, since 9/11, there has been an increased in intolerance regarding Muslims. This prejudice toward Muslims has also sparked increased intolerance for Christian people, as Christianity is the dominant religion in America and is the religion most often associated with American culture. 1492 is also the fabled year with the Spanish armada arrived on the shores of what we know now as the United States of America. Therefore this film is a strong choice as it is an intersection of the history of the country and the history of my family.
How we remember our world, national, and personal history is often closely related to the geography and nature of the spaces wherein we lived and migrated to. These are the connections that I see among the texts by Nabokov, Bishop, and "The Passion of Joshua the Jew." These issues from history continue to…...



Bishop, Elizabeth. Geography III. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008.

McAlpine, Erica Levy. "Elizabeth Bishop and the Aesthetic Uses of Defense." Literary Imagination, 14.3 (2012): 333-350.

Nabokov, Vladamir. Speak, Memoryu. New York: First Vintage International Edition, 1989.


Families in a Global Context
Pages: 7 Words: 3276

As one commentator notes; "What this adds up to is, in my view, a significant shift in the balance of work and family life. oles are changing, the nature of care is changing, and the stress related to juggling the balance is increasing (Edgar, 1997, p. 149)
A number of statistics also help to outline the nature of the family structure in a developed economy like Australia. In terms of workforce participation, the figures are as follows: "….86% for fathers and 56% for mothers in two-parent families, and 65% for male and 43% for female sole parents"(Edgar, 1997, p.151). This is also indicative of a shift in the role of the female as solely a homemaker. "In 1993, 53% of couples with dependent children were both employed & #8230;" (Edgar, 1997, p. 151). Therefore, there are still imbalances and disparities in terms of the family structure and this is a…...



Anderson, G.L. (Ed.). (1997). The Family in Global Transition. St. Paul, MN: Professors

World Peace Academy. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Questia database: 

Baile, S. (1990). Women and Health in Developing Countries. OECD Observer, a (161),

18-20. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Questia database:

Family and Education in Frankenstein
Pages: 8 Words: 2250

People generally focus on appearance when coming across a particular individual. This is perfectly exemplified by the meeting between the old member of the De Lacey family and the monster. The man initially welcomes the creature, as he is no longer able to see and is unacquainted with the monster's facial features and body.
Victor Frankenstein can be considered to contrast the monster through his behavior, his background, and because of the goals that he has. The scientist virtually had everything that the monster longed for, considering his family, his reputation, and the fact that he was generally seen as one of society's leading members. Instead of valuing what he had, however, Frankenstein gave it all away in favor of gaining reputation, as this was apparently the thing that he appreciated the most in life. hile most readers are likely to blame Frankenstein for most unfortunate events in the book,…...


Works cited:

Bloom Bissonete, Melissa, "Teaching the Monster: Frankenstein and Critical Thinking"

Chao, Shun-Liang. "Education as a Pharmakon in Marry Shelley's Frankenstein," the Explicator, Vol. 68, No. 4, 223-226, 2010.

Lunsford, Lars, "The Devaluing of Life in Shelley's Frankenstein," the Explicator, Vol. 68, No. 3, 174-176, 2010

Schmid, Thomas H. "Addiction and Isolation in Frankenstein"

Family Wellness Diagnosis Nursing I Opted to
Pages: 5 Words: 2163

Family Wellness Diagnosis, Nursing
I opted to interview a family of two parents (married heterosexuals) who have two children. Both children are in their late teens. Both parents work. She is a freelance writer and he is a sales clerk at a retail home goods store. Both are in their late forties. He is about 5'11; she is 5'6." Their heights and weights appear appropriate though he claims that at 180 he feels a little overweight. She is about 140. She is originally from Guatemala and he is from the mid-west of the U.S. The children are both boys. Bruce, age 19, is away at college. The other, Erick, graduated from high school last year and has been working at a local golf course while waiting to decide what he wants to study at a community college. I spoke with Bruce over the telephone for about 15 minutes. He confirmed that…...



Care Plan (no date). Assessment Using Functional Health Patterns. Downloadable from .

Doenges, M. And Moorhouse, M.F. (2003). Application of Nursing Process and Nursing Diagnosis: An Interactive Text for Diagnostic Reasoning. F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, PA.

Life Nurses (2009). Nursing Assessment. Viewable at

Family-focused Functional Health Pattern Questions:

Family How the Family Really
Pages: 2 Words: 581

Women had joined the workforce long before the 1950s, with dual incomes being as necessary for many families during the Depression and even through the 1940s as they are today (Coontz 2000). In fact, the emphasis that was brought to the cohesion and in many ways the isolation of the nuclear family during the first half of the twentieth century was detrimental to many aspects of the family, including its economic viability, according to Stephanie Coontz's The Way We Never Were (2000). This historian also argues that personal satisfaction and happiness suffered when they became wholly attached to the success of the family rather than being derived form individual pursuits, as was the case earlier in the nineteenth century and before (Coontz 2000). The period since the 1950s has been one of increasing individualism and self-definition outside the context of the family, which has again made familial roles both…...



Coontz, S. (2000). The way we never were. New York: Basic.

Skolnick, A. & Skolnick, J. (2004). Family in transition. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Family Dysfunction Economic Distress and
Pages: 8 Words: 2320

It shows the selfishness of Dewey Dell, who is only concerned about her pregnancy and gives other family members little thought. It shows the long-suffering, to the point of self-immolation, of Cash. It shows the rivalry of Darl and Jewel, both vying for their dead mother's affection. And it shows the innocent simplicity, bordering on mental instability, of the young Vardaman. Each of these family members was affected in different ways by this destructive family dynamic.
Anse, in one of the most telling passages in the book regarding his relationship to the family, goes down the list of family members and whines about how each has cost him money in some way, further complaining that he has to work, when he does so, even though he doesn't have any teeth (35-37). Wadlington argues that because the story is set in the south and Anse is the "master" of the house,…...

Family Background Grandparents Parents Stories Financial
Pages: 5 Words: 1495

Family Background
Grandparents / Parents


Financial ability

Learning about England

International Institute


Travel Opportunity


Initial Reaction


Family Roots

Grandparents' home

Shops and Church

Historical Landmarks

Big Ben


Hampton Court


Dream Come True

Value of Trip


Growing up hearing tales about England instilled in me the strong desire to visit the land of my grandparents but the likelihood of that happening was minimal. My mother and father worked hard to provide for my family but their ever having the ability to send me to England to visit the home of my ancestors was virtually nonexistence. My experiences with the British Isles were limited to my grandparents' recollections and what I was able to read. Neither satisfied my interest but it was all I had and I never missed a chance to learn more.

In the summer between my junior and senior year in high school I was suddenly provided with an opportunity that changed my life forever. In my hometown there is a community group entitled the…...

History as Myth This-Based Myth Atreus Thyestes
Pages: 3 Words: 1157

History As Myth
This-based Myth Atreus Thyestes In paper I conversational I supposed a myth teacher a continuing education program geared library patrons aged 50+, a conversation actual essay. Below directions assignment: Briefly describe a historical event, a controversy, a world event, a current event, a military group action, a political event group, a religious group action, a similar phenomenon.

Thyestes and Atreus: The great Civil War of Mycenae

Once upon a time, long, long ago there lived two brothers named Thyestes and Atreus. These two brothers were extremely power hungry and even their own father King Pelops was forced to exile them when they killed their half-brother to better their chances to ascend to the throne. Undeterred, the two brothers found another kingdom to dominate, the land of Mycenae. Proving there is no honor amongst thieves; Atreus was determined to be the sole ruler of this new kingdom. One day, he promised…...



Freeman, Elsie, Schamel, Wynell Burroughs & West, Jean. (2992). The fight for equal rights: A

recruiting poster for black soldiers in the Civil War. Social Education 56 (2): 118-120. [24 Mar 2013] Retrieved: 

The war: The crossroads of our being. (2002). The Civil War. PBS. Retrieved:

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global Thanksgiving Family Tradition ?
Words: 585

1000-Word Brainstorming Session for Catchy Thanksgiving Family Tradition Titles


Thanksgiving, a widely celebrated holiday, is not only about feasting and giving thanks but also about family traditions that create lasting memories. Whether it's a unique dish, a festive game, or a heartfelt ritual, these traditions add a special touch to the Thanksgiving celebration. To capture the essence of your family's treasured tradition, a catchy title is essential. Here's a comprehensive brainstorming session to guide you in crafting the perfect title.

Section 1: The Essence of the Tradition

Begin by considering the core element of your family tradition. What makes it special and unique?....

Underage drinking essay thesis statement: struggling to nail it. Can you offer suggestions?
Words: 555

Understanding the Complexity of Underage Drinking: A Comprehensive Analysis of Causes, Consequences, and Prevention Strategies

Underage drinking poses a significant public health concern, impacting the physical, mental, and social well-being of our youth. To effectively address this issue, it is crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted factors that contribute to underage drinking and the wide-ranging consequences it can have. Moreover, exploring evidence-based prevention strategies is paramount to mitigating the prevalence of this behavior and safeguarding the health and future of our young people.

Causes of Underage Drinking

Environmental Factors: Exposure to alcohol-promoting environments, such as homes or communities where....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Stuttering ?
Words: 286

Essay Outline: Stuttering

I. Introduction

Definition and prevalence of stuttering
Impact of stuttering on individuals and society
Thesis statement: Stuttering is a complex communication disorder with multifaceted causes and consequences, affecting individuals physically, emotionally, and socially.

II. Causes of Stuttering

A. Neurological factors
Dysfluencies in speech production
Brain imaging studies
B. Genetic factors
Family history studies
Candidate genes

III. Types of Stuttering

A. Developmental stuttering
Onset and duration
B. Acquired stuttering

IV. Physical Impact of Stuttering

A. Speech disfluencies
Types: Blocks, repetitions, prolongations
B. Physical symptoms
Tension in muscles
Facial grimaces

V. Emotional Impact of Stuttering

A. Anxiety and fear
Speech avoidance

why humans commit suicide?
Words: 367

There are various reasons why humans commit suicide:

1. Mental health disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia can lead individuals to feel overwhelming despair and hopelessness.

2. Traumatic life events such as loss of a loved one, abuse, or a serious illness can trigger suicidal thoughts.

3. Substance abuse and addiction can impair judgment and lead to impulsive behavior.

4. Social isolation and lack of support from friends or family can contribute to feelings of loneliness and worthlessness.

5. Chronic pain or debilitating illness can lead individuals to believe that their quality of life will not improve.

6. Financial difficulties or job loss can....

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