Family Dynamics Essays (Examples)

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Family Dynamics Effect on Student Performance the
Pages: 6 Words: 1747

Family Dynamics Effect on Student Performance
The objective of this study is to examine how family dynamics affect student performance. This work will examine the history of equal opportunity education and answer how it is that students receive opportunities they currently have in public education and what current issues are affecting equal opportunity education today. Finally, this study will answer as to how the obstacles to equal educational opportunities be addressed.

The work of Ng and Rury (2006) states that high percentages of children in the United States live in poverty and that it is important that teachers understand the specific challenges faced by these children if they are to be well-served. (Paraphrased) It is reported as well to be consistently documented that "most educators themselves come from middle-class backgrounds, making it difficult for them to relate personally with students who live in poverty. As a result, the capacity of teachers to…...



A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement. Annual Synthesis (2002) National Center for Family & Community Connections with Schools. Retrieved from: 

International Issues of Social Mobility of Underprivileged Groups -- Equality Education and Equity, Significant Educational Interventions (nd) State University. Retrieved from: International Issues of Social Mobility of Underprivileged Groups - Equality Education and Equity, Significant Educational Interventions

Ng, Jennifer C. And Rury, John L. (2006) Poverty and Education: A Critical Analysis of the Ruby Payne Phenomenon. Teachers College Record. 18 Jul 2006. Retrieved from:

Ormond, Martin E. And Tan, Alexandra (1995) Securing Equal Educational Opportunities: Past Trends and Coming Challenges. Feb 1995. Retrieved from:

Family Dynamics Comparative Discussion on
Pages: 2 Words: 586

According to Hughes (2007), "from an attachment perspective, a central purpose of the family is to facilitate development of both its members and also the functioning of the family as a whole. This is achieved through providing a secure base/safe haven in which and from which each member is able to begin to form a coherent autobiographical narrative.' (Hughes, p. 1-2)
This is a distinct form of therapy as it requires the therapist to establish a role that borders on familial in its intimacy. Here though, it is expected that the therapist will not just improve the sense of freedom and comfort to speak freely amongst family members but also the ability to provide accurate and informed assessments of the family's most pressing treatment needs.

This high level of interpersonal interaction differs in emphasis from Individual Therapy. Indeed, as the text by Kaslow (2007) shows, this is the strategy most suited…...


Works Cited:

Hughes, D.A. (2007). Attachment-Focused Family Therapy W.W. Norton & Company.

Kaslow, F.W. (2007). Individual Therapy From a Family Systems Perspective. American Psychological Association.

Waring, E.M. & Russell, L. (1980). Cognitive Family Therapy. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 6(4), 258-273.

Ordinary People Intervention Family Dynamics
Pages: 15 Words: 4439

They have grandparents who visit them during the holidays. However, for the most part family members deal with their problems as individuals, not as a family unit.
Information provided by the family is an important source of information about the family. However, one cannot ignore outside sources of information as well. For instance, the worker may contact the school, neighbors, or others who are involved with the family to examine factors that may influence the current situation. The assessment plan will involve contacting the school to find out about Conrad's performance in terms of grades, attendance and overall performance.

Systemic Goals

The case of the Jarretts is complex, with many individual goals that must be completed on the way to resolution of the systemic problems. In this case, the identified patient is Conrad, as he was the one who tried to commit suicide. The goal of family therapy is the ability of…...



Bowen Center for the Study of the Family. (2010). Bowen Theory. Retrieved April 13, 2010


Missouri Department of Social Services. (2007). Child Welfare Manual. Retrieved April 13,

2010 from

Family Dysfunction Economic Distress and
Pages: 8 Words: 2320

It shows the selfishness of Dewey Dell, who is only concerned about her pregnancy and gives other family members little thought. It shows the long-suffering, to the point of self-immolation, of Cash. It shows the rivalry of Darl and Jewel, both vying for their dead mother's affection. And it shows the innocent simplicity, bordering on mental instability, of the young Vardaman. Each of these family members was affected in different ways by this destructive family dynamic.
Anse, in one of the most telling passages in the book regarding his relationship to the family, goes down the list of family members and whines about how each has cost him money in some way, further complaining that he has to work, when he does so, even though he doesn't have any teeth (35-37). Wadlington argues that because the story is set in the south and Anse is the "master" of the house,…...

Family Relation Dynamics
Pages: 5 Words: 1578

Family elations esearch
The Sociology of Families and Households is a film that will be examined in this paper. The film is full of controversial topics as well as complex socioeconomic issues that will be discussed in detail. A textbook, Public and Private Families, written by Andrew Cherlina share a lot of concepts of the film will be brought in to the discussion as well.

The various relationships that exist between Marxist theory, sociological perspectives, structural functionalism, as well as the family and early feminist theory are examined throughout the program. It examines the rapid decline in marriage over the last few decades as well as the great increase in couples choosing cohabitation. Divorce is increasing and the fertility rate is on the decline in the U.K. All of these factors have combined to affect the traditional family in Britain and has created new challenges for them in how everyday relationships are…...



The Sociology of Families and Households. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from

Cherlin, A. (2013). Public and Private Families: An Introduction (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Sociology of the Family. (2013). Retrieved April 11, 2015, from 

Parker, S. (2013, October 25). Why family issues are economic issues. Retrieved April 12, 2015, from

Family Case Study Presenting Problem
Pages: 14 Words: 4052

Expressive functioning is related to communication such as emotional, verbal, and nonverbal communication, problem solving and roles within the family. Beliefs within the family are also a part of expressive functioning.
For the purpose of the Calgary Family Assessment Model, a family is defined as who they say they are. It is very important that the clinician performing the assessment not assign their own beliefs upon what he or she believes a family is, and take into account what the patient feels about family as to the patient is may mean not only the people who actually live within the household but can also address past, present and future emotional attachments.

Calgary Family Intervention Model:

The immediate family is composed of Mr. Herbert Schelley (the patient), Mrs. Annette Schelley (his wife), and their son Thomas Schelley. The extended family consists of the Schelley's two married daughters, their husbands and their children (the…...



Brownwald H. ed. (2003) Harrison's Textbook of Internal Medicine, 15th edition,

McGraw-Hill, New York

Clement S. (2004) Guidelines for glycemic control. Clin Cornerstone. 6(2):31-9

Echeverry D.M., Dike M.R., Washington C., Davidson M.B.. (1995). The impact of using a low-literacy patient education tool on process measures of diabetes care in a minority population J. Natl Med Assoc. (11):1074-81

Family Care Plan Nursing Family
Pages: 3 Words: 782

Family Interventions

-Mother can attend cancer support groups and receive advice and education through other channels regarding proper methods of providing care and improving quality of life for her husband

-Son can explore employment options as well as discuss various needs and responsibilities with his parents in order to determine his most effective utilization within the changed family dynamic

-Father can provide the levels of self-care that come easily, but should educate himself regarding his condition and ease care by allowing others to help when necessary

Nursing Interventions

-Provide educational materials/answer questions for both mother and father

-Assist son with psychological transition of increased responsibility/familial dependence

-Instruction of proper care techniques for mother and father regarding father's condition


Levels of comfort and competence in new family roles should be easily assessed in regular visits through brief questioning. Monitoring father's health through standard vital sign and other appropriate tests will determine level of care; questions determine quality of life.…...

Family-Centered Program Theories and Concepts
Pages: 7 Words: 2475

As with any other behaviors they are taught in school, pro-social behaviors must be reinforced at home (U.S. Department, 2011). Practicing with the child can go a long way toward developing an understanding of acceptable behavior. Many parents leave this up to the school, but children generally want to emulate what they see at home. As they move into pre-school and learn new ways to interact with people, those ways should be encouraged at home. This will help the family dynamics, and will also help the pre-school teachers who are looking for ways to ensure that order is kept in their classrooms.

When parents talk to their children about what they have learned that day, and when they correct their children when they make a social faux pas, they are helping their children learn valuable lessons that those children will use all throughout their school years and into adulthood (U.S. Department,…...



Buysee, V., & Wesley, P.W. (2005). Consultation in early childhood settings. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.

Levin, H. M & Schwartz, H.L. (2007). Educational vouchers for universal pre-schools. Economics of Education Review, 26, 3-16.

Levin, H.M., & Schwartz, H.L. (2007, March). What is the cost of a preschool program? National Center for the study of Privatization in Education. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the AEFA Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.

McCollum, J.A., & Yates, T., (1994). Dyad as focus, triad as means: A family-centered approach to supporting parent-child interactions. Infants and Young Children, 6, 54-66.

Family Institutions That Oversee the Bearing and Raising of Children
Pages: 2 Words: 710

Diverse and Changing Face of the Family Structure
The state of marriage has statistically changed in recent years, transforming the familiar structure of the nuclear family into an institution of non-traditional deviations. As with any issue, deviations from the norm pose objections and controversy. In the case of the family, philosophical, theological, and social debates revolve around the question of what constitutes the family structure ideal for raising children. The trend in single parenting, a decline in marriage rates, and the introduction of the homosexual family has led to the conservative opinion calling for a return to traditional family values and ethics to counter the demoralization of America. Sociologists, however, observe that family diversity is healthy and should be supported by society. Thus the depiction of the ideal family framework becomes a struggle between social opinions and political agendas. Society is changing, and the family compositions are reflective of those…...



Harms, William. (1999, Nov. 24). "Marriage wanes as American families enter new century,

University of Chicago research shows." The University of Chicago News Office.

Herbst, Matthew T. (2003, July). "Do Family Values Lead to Family Violence?: A Consideration

of the Idea of Family." Quodlibet: Online Journal of Christian Theology and Philosophy. 5:2-3. Retrieved February 17, 2004.

Family Therapy and Family
Pages: 7 Words: 2356

Dana is a young and beautiful woman with family members that seem to constantly put her down whenever they get together. They appear to be self-centered and attention seeking. The mother has set expectations she places on her family and seems angry whenever they do not meet those expectations. For example, the mother suggested Dana get breast enlargement surgery to appease her boyfriend Matt. Her sister, Joanie also commented on Dana's appearance, making sure to let Dana know she appeared overweight or had a large rear end. These comments can and do affect people's self-esteem especially when the source of such comments are from people that person loves or is supposed to trust.
Dana takes everything and says nothing, agreeing with the remarks and feeling like she truly is overweight even if objectively people see her as very attractive. She also cannot say how she feels even around her boyfriend. Matt…...



Arendt, K., Thastum, M., & Hougaard, E. (2015). Homework Adherence and Cognitive Behaviour Treatment Outcome for Children and Adolescents with Anxiety Disorders. Behavioural And Cognitive Psychotherapy, 44(02), 225-235. 

Gingerich, W. & Peterson, L. (2013). Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Systematic Qualitative Review of Controlled Outcome Studies. Research On Social Work Practice, 23(3), 266. 

Hayes, S., Levin, M., Plumb-Vilardaga, J., Villatte, J., & Pistorello, J. (2013). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Contextual Behavioral Science: Examining the Progress of a Distinctive Model of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. Behavior Therapy, 44(2), 180-198. 

Hofmann, S., Asnaani, A., Vonk, I., Sawyer, A., & Fang, A. (2012). The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Review of Meta-analyses. Cognitive Therapy And Research, 36(5), 427-440.

Family and Systemic Therapies Shift From First-Order to Second Order
Pages: 7 Words: 2684

Shift From First-order to Second-Order Cybernetics in the Family and Systemic Therapies
The strategic family therapy model came up in the 1950s and was inspired by two primary works: the works of Milton Erickson who came up with revolutionary paradoxical interventions which took advantage of people's resistance to change to help alter psychiatric symptoms first; and the works of Gregory Bateson and the Palo Alto Group that made use of cybernetics in communication patterns of the family. The style of a therapist changes as he or she gets better as a person and as they develop professionally, and also as per what is in fashion at the time. An older person has the chance to look at what happened in their past and see what worked and what failed. This gives them a better perspective of what works and what might not work for a given situation. The path is…...



Asen, E. (2004). Outcome research in family therapy. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, vol. 8, pp. 230-238

Asen, K.E., Berkowitz, R., Cooklin, A., et al. (1991). Family therapy outcome research: a trial for families, therapists and researchers. Family Process, 30, 3-20.

Baron, P. (2007). Ecosystemic psychology; first and second order cybernetics.

Baucom, D., Shoham, V., Mueser, K., et al. (1998). Empirically supported couple and family interventions for marital distress and adult mental health problems. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66, 53-88.

Family Therapy and Family
Pages: 2 Words: 677

Dana shows signs of having bulimia. She binges and then purges to rid herself of the extra food consumed. The person involved is Dana and her triggers are comments and conversation made by her mother and her sister, Joanie.
The modality of family therapy used is cognitive behavioral family therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common treatment strategy for those suffering from eating disorders. While cognitive behavioral family therapy is a recently used modality of family therapy, its original form has been tied to treatment of bulimia for years. Numerous articles state the efficacy of CBT for treatment of bulimia. "CBT was more effective in relieving binging and purging than psychoanalytic psychotherapy and was generally faster in alleviating eating disorder features and general psychopathology" (Poulsen et al., 2014, p. 109). CBT is the most commonly used evidence-based practice. Several clinical trials have noted the efficacy of CBT for the treatment of…...



Poulsen, S., Lunn, S., Daniel, S. I., Folke, S., Mathiesen, B. B., Katznelson, H., & Fairburn, C. G. (2014). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy or Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry, 171(1), 109-116. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.12121511

Waller, G., Gray, E., Hinrichsen, H., Mountford, V., Lawson, R., & Patient, E. (2013). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa and atypical bulimic nervosa: Effectiveness in clinical settings. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47(1), 13-17. doi:10.1002/eat.22181

Analyzing Family Relation and Substance Use Disorders
Pages: 3 Words: 1518

Family elation and Substance Use Disorders
Families have multiple reasons to exist. The key reason, however, is nurturing, and fulfilling the present as well as long-term wants and needs of all members. A secondary motive is contributing, as a participant and consumer, to the wider society (Peter 2015). This paper will explore important familial roles, cultural differences in family systems, and how family members can facilitate treatment of a teenage member diagnosed with substance/drug use disorder. Family interventions such as Functional Family Therapy, Brief Strategic Family Therapy, In Family Behavior Therapy, Multi-systemic Therapy and Multidimensional Family Therapy will also be discussed.

In What Way Is The Family A System Of oles?

Families have multiple reasons to exist. The key reason, however, is nurturing, and fulfilling the present as well as long-term wants and needs of all members. A secondary motive is contributing, as a participant and consumer, to the wider society (Peter, 2015).…...



Marcia .C. (2011). Culture and Family Dynamics. Retrieved March 30, 2016, from

National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2014, January). Family-Based Approaches. Retrieved March 30, 2016, from 

Novella .R. (2014, January). Family-Based Approaches. Retrieved March 30, 2016, from

Family and Education in Frankenstein
Pages: 8 Words: 2250

People generally focus on appearance when coming across a particular individual. This is perfectly exemplified by the meeting between the old member of the De Lacey family and the monster. The man initially welcomes the creature, as he is no longer able to see and is unacquainted with the monster's facial features and body.
Victor Frankenstein can be considered to contrast the monster through his behavior, his background, and because of the goals that he has. The scientist virtually had everything that the monster longed for, considering his family, his reputation, and the fact that he was generally seen as one of society's leading members. Instead of valuing what he had, however, Frankenstein gave it all away in favor of gaining reputation, as this was apparently the thing that he appreciated the most in life. hile most readers are likely to blame Frankenstein for most unfortunate events in the book,…...


Works cited:

Bloom Bissonete, Melissa, "Teaching the Monster: Frankenstein and Critical Thinking"

Chao, Shun-Liang. "Education as a Pharmakon in Marry Shelley's Frankenstein," the Explicator, Vol. 68, No. 4, 223-226, 2010.

Lunsford, Lars, "The Devaluing of Life in Shelley's Frankenstein," the Explicator, Vol. 68, No. 3, 174-176, 2010

Schmid, Thomas H. "Addiction and Isolation in Frankenstein"

Family How the Family Really
Pages: 2 Words: 581

Women had joined the workforce long before the 1950s, with dual incomes being as necessary for many families during the Depression and even through the 1940s as they are today (Coontz 2000). In fact, the emphasis that was brought to the cohesion and in many ways the isolation of the nuclear family during the first half of the twentieth century was detrimental to many aspects of the family, including its economic viability, according to Stephanie Coontz's The Way We Never Were (2000). This historian also argues that personal satisfaction and happiness suffered when they became wholly attached to the success of the family rather than being derived form individual pursuits, as was the case earlier in the nineteenth century and before (Coontz 2000). The period since the 1950s has been one of increasing individualism and self-definition outside the context of the family, which has again made familial roles both…...



Coontz, S. (2000). The way we never were. New York: Basic.

Skolnick, A. & Skolnick, J. (2004). Family in transition. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

I need help with an essay topic related to cyberbullying?
Words: 334

Here are 25 essay topics related to cyberbullying:

  1. The Psychological Impact of Cyberbullying on Teenagers
  2. Comparative Analysis of Cyberbullying Laws Across Different Countries
  3. The Role of Social Media Platforms in Preventing Cyberbullying
  4. Cyberbullying: A Modern Challenge in Digital Parenting
  5. How Cyberbullying Influences Academic Performance in Schools
  6. The Effectiveness of School Programs in Combating Cyberbullying
  7. The Intersection of Cyberbullying and Gender
  8. Analyzing the Long-term Effects of Being a Cyberbully
  9. The Relationship Between Cyberbullying and Mental Health Disorders
  10. Technological Solutions to Detect and Prevent Cyberbullying
  11. Cyberbullying: An Emerging Issue in Workplace Harassment
  12. The Role of Bystanders in Cyberbullying Scenarios
  13. Cyberbullying Among Celebrities: Public Scrutiny and Personal Impact
  14. Understanding the Psychological Profile of a Cyberbully
  15. The Influence....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on recent childhood obesity epidemic. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 306

1. The impact of marketing and advertising on children's food choices and their contribution to the rise in childhood obesity
2. The role of schools in combating childhood obesity through nutrition education and healthy meal options
3. The connection between socioeconomic status and childhood obesity rates
4. The importance of regular physical activity and its impact on reducing childhood obesity
5. The effects of digital devices and screen time on childhood obesity rates
6. The influence of parents and family habits on children's weight and eating habits
7. The challenges of addressing childhood obesity in minority and marginalized communities
8. The long-term health implications of childhood obesity....

I\'m searching for essay topics on soap opera. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 276

1. The evolution of soap operas: From radio to television to online streaming platforms
2. The impact of soap operas on popular culture and societal norms
3. The portrayal of gender roles and stereotypes in soap operas
4. The representation of race and diversity in soap operas
5. The appeal of soap operas to different demographics and generations
6. The role of fashion and consumerism in soap operas
7. The influence of soap operas on storytelling techniques in popular media
8. The enduring popularity of soap operas in the age of reality TV and streaming services
9. The storytelling techniques and conventions unique to soap operas
10. The role....

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining To Kill a Mockingbird?
Words: 211

1. The Role of Courage in To Kill a Mockingbird

2. Racism and Injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird

3. Moral Development in To Kill a Mockingbird

4. Character Analysis of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird

5. The Symbolism of the Mockingbird in To Kill a Mockingbird

6. The Importance of Empathy in To Kill a Mockingbird

7. Social Class and Prejudice in To Kill a Mockingbird

8. Atticus Finch: A Heroic Figure in To Kill a Mockingbird

9. Themes of Childhood and Maturity in To Kill a Mockingbird

10. The Impact of Literature in To Kill a....

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