Family Communication Essays (Examples)

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Family Communication With Dementia Loved One After Placement Into Long-Term Care Home
Pages: 7 Words: 2096

Family Communication
There is a lot of information on dementia, and even a lot about the concerns that families may have about the treatment of their loved ones in facilities, however there is very little if not any research regarding communication between dementia patients and their families before and after placement in a long-term care facility.

Clark, Bass, Looman, McCathy, & Eckert (2004), reported that while various quantitative and qualitative analyses have examined family involvement and the proliferation of care giving stress following placement, several gaps remain in the literature. Existing studies often examine the prevalence of involvement (ranging from visits to types of care), and do not determine the effects of involvement on the well-being of the family care provider. Moreover, research on care giving stress has largely analyzed whether stress increases, decreases, or remains the same after the institutionalization of a chronically impaired loved one; few studies examine whether continued…...



Barrett, J.J., & Haley, W.E. (1996, January). Alzheimer's disease patients and their caregivers: medical care issues for the primary care physician. Southern Medical Journal, 89(1), 1-10.

Brodaty, H., Green, A., Koschera, H., & Koschera, A. (2003, May). Meta-Analysis of Psychosocial Interventions for caregivers of People with Dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51(5), 657-664.

Clark, P.A., Bass, D.M., Looman, W.J., McCathy, C.A., & Eckert, S. (2004, January). Family involvement in nursing homes: effects on stress and well-being. Aging and Mental Health, 8(1), 65-75.

Cohen, C.A. (2004, July). Surrogate Decision Making: Special Issues in Geriatric Psychiatry. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 49(7), 454-457.

Relationship Challenges -- Family Communication Issues the
Pages: 9 Words: 3271

Relationship Challenges -- Family Communication Issues
The high divorce rate in the United States (and elsewhere in estern nations) is one indication as to the fact that good communication -- or any communication at all -- is absent from relationships. Certainly there are always challenges to any relationship, but couples should be going into marriage and long-term relationships with the understanding that they will have challenges and without training or background into how to communicate effectively, their chances for success in a relationship are reduced. This paper reports and examines those issues based on the available literature.

As difficult as some relationships can be, given different personality types and social / family distractions that come into play, in nearly every instance there are answers as to why relationship challenges are either met or not met. Because there are identifiable solutions to many challenges that partners and spouses face, couples should seek advice…...


Works Cited

Abrams, M.S. (2009). The Well Sibling: Challenges and Possibilities. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 63(4), 305-318.

Alegria, C.A. (2010). Relationship challenges and relationship maintenance activities following disclosure of transsexualism. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health

Nursing, 17(10), 909-916.

Dixon, P. (2009). Marriage Among African-Americans: What Does the Research Reveal?

Family Owned Businesses
Pages: 3 Words: 829

Moshavi D. & Koch M.J., (n.d). he Adoption of Family-Friendly Practices in Family Owned Firms.

he article is centered on the family business and how the conflicts that emanate from the family business affects the non-family employees and what repercussions it has on the business as well. It highlights the work and family systems interaction and how that interaction can be managed. his is an empirical investigation into how the family business owners manage the work and family conflicts that face the non-family employees. he article first highlights some pertinent theories that help explain the influence of family on business like the resource-dependency theory and institutional theory in order to help the reader understand the entire concept. he researcher used the survey method to collect his data and 680 human resource manager filled in questionnaires that were used. he dependent variable is sighted as work-family responsiveness and the independent variable used…...


The writer here takes a closer look at the family business and specifically the communication trends that are experienced within such businesses. It also looks at how the communication helps to boost innovativeness in family business. The paper seeks to examine the effects of communication on innovation within the family business and how much innovation there is within the family business setting. The researcher here also looks at the variations in innovation among the family businesses and the reasons behind these disparities. The researcher highlights the various factors that are likely to affect the innovation within the family business setting and how these have over years changed. The data that was used was widely sourced from case studies of various family owned business in contrast to the business not owned by families. There was a general conclusion that non-family owned businesses seemed to show higher levels of innovation and better structured communication systems.

Memili E., Zellweger T. & Fang H.C., (2013). The Determinants of Family Owner-Managers' Affective Organizational Commitment. Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies.

The author here highlights the need for the commitment of the owner-managers within the family owned businesses. The levels of commitment as managers are seen to be affected by the levels of harmony that is within the business management position. The conceptual framework of this article looks highlights some major factors that are likely to determine the commitment of any individual family member in managing the family business. These are relationship conflict, work-family conflict, affective organizational commitment which are all seen to have an impact in the ownership attachment.

Communication Theories
Pages: 5 Words: 1585

Skilss in Interpersonal, Group and Organizational Communications
The objective of this study is to examine interpersonal communication and spoken skills. This work will examine communication skills using the theories of Pragmatic Perspective, Psychological Perspective, Social Constructionist, and social responsibility theory. Trenholm (2008) states that communication "is very important to everyone. One form of communication that occurs among individuals is known as interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication is a term "reserved for two-person, face-to-face interaction and is often used interchangeably with the term dyadic communication."

Interpersonal Communication: Speaking and Listening Skills

Interpersonal communication can be understood as the interaction that takes place between individuals and concerns the deliver and receipt of information or a message. Involved in interpersonal communication are listening as well as nonverbal forms of communication and speaking. Listening is the capacity to both understand and provide appropriate response to what others are saying. Listening requires the evaluation of what is being…...



Pearce, WB (nd) Communication and Social Construction: Claiming our Birthright. pp. 33-56 in Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz and Gloria Galanes (Eds). Socially Constructing Communication. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press. 2009.

Ramaraju, S. (nd) Psychological Perspective: Interpersonal Communication. Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce. Retrieved from: 

Suresh, K. (nd) Theories of Communication CHAPTER 2: Retrieved from: 

Tips for Communication Skills with Groups. About Leaders. Retrieved from:

Family Income Parental Attitudes and Environmental Influence
Pages: 9 Words: 2379

Family Income, Parental Attitudes and Environmental Influence on Children's Well-being and Achievements
Economic theory suggests that both time and money are critical resources to the well being of family members since income is used to increase well-being of children and parents. Moreover, income is used to enjoy leisure and purchase goods and services to improve well-being of family members. Typically, " less time available to the family, income constant, thus predicts lower well-being for some or all family members" (Burton & Phipps, 2011 p 396). In the contemporary environment, family income can lead to a development of children and youth's intellectual development. In other words, family income can assist in enhancing children health, educational and intellectual outcomes. Despite the general belief about relationships of family income and children development, there is still a disagreement about the causal effects of family incomes to the positive outcomes of children since unmeasured variables…...



Blau, D.M. (2006). The Effect of Income on Child Development. The Review of Economic and Statistics. 81 (2):261-276.

Brooks-Gunn, J. & Duncan, G.J.(1997). The Effects of Poverty on Children. The Future of Children. 7 (2): 55-71.

Burton, P. & Phipps, S. (2011). Families, Time, and Well-Being in Canada. Canadian Public Policy. 37 (3): 395-423

Dahl, G. (2005).The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement. Institute for Research on Poverty Discussion. Paper no. 1305-05.

Communication and Culture Europe Greece
Pages: 4 Words: 1325

In essence, cultural values across Argentina demand for observation, tolerance, and understanding. The tingo dance for example is one of the nonverbal communications. Argentines also like engaging in activities that give them a sense of belonging (Foster, et al., 18).
Part 3: Africa, Tanzania

Cultural norms are patterns of behavior that specifically are typical to a given group. They are shared, sanctioned, and integrated systems of beliefs and practices. These behaviors are passed from one generation to the next. In other words, cultural norms are the expectations and rules that are agreed upon through which a society guides the behavior of its members with regard to a given situation (Qingxue, 13). Cultural norms widely vary across cultural groups. In most cases cultural norms are not considered to be formal laws, however, they are helpful and vital in instilling social control within the society. Cultural norms are mainly enforced through non-verbal communication…...


Works Cited

Cunningham, Lawrence, and Reich, John. Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities. London: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Foster, William, Lockhart, Melissa, and Lockhart Darrell. Culture and Customs of Argentina. New York: Prentice Hall, 1998.

Qingxue, Liu "Understanding Different Cultural Patterns or Orientations Between East and West," 2003. Web.10/06/2012, < 

Shivji, Issa, & Kapinga, Wilbert. Maasai rights in Ngorongoro, Tanzania. Nairobi; Longhorn Publishers. 1998.

Communication Theory Is Described as Any Systematic
Pages: 3 Words: 878

Communication theory is described as any systematic explanations of the nature of the communication process. It's important for businesses and organizations to understand communication theory because they can't accomplish their objectives and goals without effective communication between workers. Since it focuses on analyzing the processes with which information is transmitted from the sender to the receiver, communication theory also focuses on the various ways with which information is transferred from one medium to another.
Generally, communication is regarded as the magical factor that can guarantee a happy long-term relationship and organization success (Dainton, 2004). It's an important factor within the Navy, particularly in the Casualty Assistance Calls section since this section deals with helping sailors who have suffered a casualty. Therefore, it's important for the Casualty Assistance Calls Officer to possess effective communication skills because his/her main duty is to provide information, resources, and assistance in the event of a casualty.




Brown, J.M. (n.d.). How Can Cultural Differences Affect Business Communication? Retrieved

December 20, 2011, from 

Dainton. (2004, September 16). Introduction to Communication Theory. Retrieved December

20, 2011, from

Communication What Is the Difference
Pages: 5 Words: 1786

This is thought to be negative reinforcement. Oftentimes various manipulative strategies may be used. One of these is impression management. This is where one tries to make one's side look good. Authority involves stating one's right to make a decision. Emotion involves making an emotional display to get one's way (Families and Family Decision Making, 2008).
I think that negotiation is the best method. This allows everyone to have their opinions heard and then the best decision can be made. This gives everyone the opportunity to participate in the decision making process and feel as if they are contributing the well being of the family as a whole. If everyone is allowed to feel as if their ideas and thoughts count for something then they are more likely to listen to others. The best decisions are usually made when all of the information and choices are laid out for everyone…...



Centralization vs. Decentralization.(2007). Retrieved May 9, 2010, from Web site: 

Cherry, Kendra. (2010). Attachment Styles. Retrieved from About Web site:

Communication Eskimos When We Think
Pages: 8 Words: 2252

This value plays a key role in the manner with which the Eskimos interact with each other as well as with other people. This value is taught very early in the life of every Eskimo. In the article published by Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada (2006), this value was explained as, "this belief causes Inuit to often feel a certain degree of discomfort when exercising authority over other Inuit, even if the position they hold necessitates such authority." It is said that Eskimos are not very likely to welcome someone who is trying to direct them and their actions. This value that the Eskimos uphold, plays a crucial role in the way employers act with their Eskimo employees.
The value of leadership is also important to Eskimos. However, leadership is on a different level among Eskimos. Unlike the usual leader who delegates tasks to people, for the Eskimos, the leader…...



Eskimo. (2009). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved April 12, 2009, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online: 

Alaska: History, Geography, Population, and State Facts. (2007). In Infoplease 2000-2007 Pearson Education. Retrieved April 12, 2009, from Infoplease: 

Fienup-Riordan, a. (1990). Eskimo Essays: Yup'ik Lives and How We See Them. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.

Fitzhugh, W. (2004). Eskimo. Retrieved April 12, 2009, from

Family Association Center FAC the
Pages: 10 Words: 3012

It is expected that an initial
investment of $400,000 will be needed in order to effectively establish the Center. In addition, the Center will require a maintenance cost of $50,000 per month.

5. Budget and Strategy

Strategy 1: Arranging meetings with community leaders

This strategy ensures that the community at large will accept FAC in its capacity as an establishment to provide help and counseling within the existing cultural, religious, and educational paradigms. Public trust is important for the success of the Center. Specifically, this strategy includes arranging meetings times, venues and refreshments. This is estimated at a budget for about $5,000 per meeting. This strategy will also include the possibility of securing the services of a cultural consultant; preferably also a person with some standing in the community. The budget for this is estimated at an initial fee of about $3,000, which will repeat monthly for as long as the consultant's services…...

Communications Our Voice Is How
Pages: 1 Words: 329

Therefore, the reason for my interest in the graduate program is to participate in this exciting and growing field. In particular I hope to work with children and their families who encounter different speech, language, and communication difficulties. In addition to providing core support in terms of speech and language therapy, I also intend to become active as a community leader who can address issues like social stigma and alternative forms of communication. In a highly verbal society such as ours, I believe it is imperative to find new ways of reaching out and interacting with those who do not or cannot conform to the majority standard of communications efficiency. A graduate degree will help me be use all the resources available to enhance understanding and treatment of speech, language and communications problems. Thank you for your consideration....

Family Deliquency and Crime Nowadays
Pages: 4 Words: 1521

"While biological and psychological factors hold their own merit when explaining crime and delinquency, perhaps social factors can best explain juvenile delinquency" which "is a massive and growing problem in America." (

Doggett, a. "Juvenile Delinquency and Family Structure"'s%20paper.htm

Goode: 1994, 1997, 2001, 2005; and Pfohl, Images of Deviance and Social Control, 1985.

Social Disorganization at the micro level:

Control Theories: Why most don't deviate?"

Owner: obert O. Keel. Last Updated: Monday, October 3, 2005.

Miller, a.(2005) Every Smack is a Humiliation-- a Manifesto

Ormrod, J.E. (1999). Human learning (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle iver, NJ: Prentice-Hall. "Social Learning Theory"

Schegel, K.(1998) Lecture Notes.

Juvenile Delinquency.Family Structure"

Causal Theories of Juvenile Delinquency: Social Perspectives"

Control Theory 2"



Doggett, a. "Juvenile Delinquency and Family Structure" 's%20paper.htm

Goode: 1994, 1997, 2001, 2005; and Pfohl, Images of Deviance and Social Control, 1985.

Social Disorganization at the micro level:

Control Theories: Why most don't deviate?"

Families in a Global Context
Pages: 7 Words: 3276

As one commentator notes; "What this adds up to is, in my view, a significant shift in the balance of work and family life. oles are changing, the nature of care is changing, and the stress related to juggling the balance is increasing (Edgar, 1997, p. 149)
A number of statistics also help to outline the nature of the family structure in a developed economy like Australia. In terms of workforce participation, the figures are as follows: "….86% for fathers and 56% for mothers in two-parent families, and 65% for male and 43% for female sole parents"(Edgar, 1997, p.151). This is also indicative of a shift in the role of the female as solely a homemaker. "In 1993, 53% of couples with dependent children were both employed & #8230;" (Edgar, 1997, p. 151). Therefore, there are still imbalances and disparities in terms of the family structure and this is a…...



Anderson, G.L. (Ed.). (1997). The Family in Global Transition. St. Paul, MN: Professors

World Peace Academy. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Questia database: 

Baile, S. (1990). Women and Health in Developing Countries. OECD Observer, a (161),

18-20. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from Questia database:

Communication Personal Account Upon Communication Is an
Pages: 2 Words: 631

Personal Account upon Communication

Communication is an everyday necessity that is additionally a challenging endeavor. Though most everyone engages in communication, very few people are effective communicators. In reflecting on my on communication skills, I understand the necessity of adapting some of my communication methods to meet another individual's communications needs, wishes, and preferences. In a nursing home, I have had to speak louder or slower than my usual communications with others. I have also had to explain something repeatedly or in several ways because of some of the health conditions of the residents in the facility.

When it is evident that I am having problems in communication, I seek advice about it. I also seek advice about communication when I am about to enter into a new situation, such as beginning college, graduate school, a new job, or a new type of job environment, such as the corporate world and the…...



Colon-Emeric, C.S., Ammarell, N., Bailey, D., Corazzini, K., Lekan-Rutledge, D., Piven, M.L., Utley-Smith, Q., & Anderson, R.A. Patterns of Medical and Nursing Staff Communication in Nursing Homes: Implications and Insights From Complexity Science. Qualitative Health Research, 16(2), 173 -- 188, 2006.

Pillember, PhD, K., Suitor, PhD, J., Henderson, Jr., C.R., Meador, R., Schultz, L., Robison, PhD, J., & Hegeman, C. A Cooperative Communication Intervention for Nursing Home Staff and Family Members of Residents. The Gerontologist, 43, Special Issue II, 96 -- 106. 2003.

Communication Couples Minimal Language Communication Between Couples
Pages: 2 Words: 701

Communication Couples
Minimal language communication between couples

More often than not, we assume that what we are trying to communicate to those close to us is easily comprehended. We believe this because we are familiar with the other person and feel there is a connection that allows us to communicate with minimal language.

In fact according to Psychology Professor Boaz Keyser at the University of Chicago, most believe that communication between people they know well, as opposed to communication with a stranger, is more clearly understood. In a study Keyser co-authored he calls this phenomena "closeness communication bias." (HealthDay 2011)

However a study of 24 married couples indicates that the bias doesn't hold up. An experiment was carried out with couples sitting with their backs to one another and stating phrases which weren't exactly clear. Instead of them comprehending what their spouses were trying to communicate, they often totally missed the mark.

One example given…...



Baugh, Eboni J. And Humphries Deborah (2010) Can we Talk? Improving Couples' Communication, Florida Preparation Series, Department of Family, youth and Community Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida

Hamlett Shauntelle, (2010) Spouse Communication Techniques, Livestrong section 1.1

HealthDay News, (2011) Jan 24 Close Relationships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about Family?
Words: 179

1. The Importance of Family in Today's Society

2. Building Strong Family Bonds: Tips and Strategies

3. The Evolution of the Modern Family

4. Nurturing Family Relationships: Communication and Conflict Resolution

5. Family Dynamics: Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations

6. The Role of Extended Family in Child Development

7. Coping with Family Transitions: Divorce, Blended Families, and Adoption

8. Family Traditions and Rituals: Keeping the Bond Strong

9. The Impact of Technology on Family Communication and Relationships

10. Balancing Work and Family Life: Strategies for Success
11. The Influence of Family on Individual Identity and Self-esteem
12. Exploring Cultural Differences in Family Structures and Values
13. The Role of Parenting Styles in Shaping....

How does loss reshape a family\'s dynamics and relationships?
Words: 507

How Loss Reshapes Family Dynamics and Relationships
The loss of a loved one is a profound event that can profoundly impact the dynamics and relationships within a family. It can cause a range of emotions, from grief and sadness to guilt and anger, and can disrupt the established equilibrium of family life.
1. Grief and Mourning:
Loss triggers intense grief, which can manifest in different ways for each family member. Some may experience overwhelming sadness, while others may feel numbness or detachment. The grieving process often involves stages such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. (Kubler-Ross, 1969)
2. Role Changes:
After a loss, family....

How can a clinical psychologist utilize systemic formulation to understand and address complex family dynamics in therapy sessions?
Words: 541

## Systemic Formulation in Family Therapy

Systemic formulation is a therapeutic approach that focuses on understanding the complex interactions and patterns within a family system to facilitate change. Clinical psychologists utilize systemic formulation in therapy sessions to gain a comprehensive understanding of family dynamics and address the challenges they present.

### Key Concepts of Systemic Formulation

Systemic Perspective: Families are viewed as interconnected systems where the behaviors and emotions of one member influence and are influenced by the others.
Circular Causality: Problems are seen as stemming from dynamic interactions within the system, rather than linear cause-and-effect chains.
Homeostasis: Families maintain a state....

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