Fairy Tales Essays (Examples)

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Why Fairy Tales Still Captivate
Pages: 2 Words: 713

Fairy Tales and MeaningBased on the textual artifacts (Cinderellas slipper and Snow White and the Huntsmn), I would say that fairy tales continue to create meaning in the 21st century due to the nostalgia effect. People grow up with them in some form, usually thanks to Disney creations, and so as people older they develop nostalgia for those things they remember from their childhood. Companies understand that and they create new ways to sell those old memories, new ways to repackage them, and so on. That is why there are new versions of the Brothers Grimm storiesdone by poets or novelists, as we have seen in this class. That is why there are new movies made of themBlancanieves, for instance, or Snow White and the Huntsman. And that is why there are novelties like the Cinderella slipper for sale on Amazon. There is some nostalgic feeling that people are tapping…...

Horror and Blood in Grimm's Fairy Tales
Pages: 1 Words: 331

Cinderella and the Brave Little TailorCinderella: And so they were condemned to go blind for the rest of their days because of their wickedness and falsehood. This tale is so brutal and different from the Disney versionI was shocked when the sisters started hacking bits of their feet offbut this line at the end really conveys a certain grittiness that a lot of these tales convey. The fact that the birds peck out their eyes at the end of the story as punishment for their cruelty just shows how bloody this story is. Its like a horror story for mean people. I like this about the story, though. I think it is much better than the other versions, which are nicer and prettier in a way. I like that there is something horrific in the tale, as it really makes you think, Okay, I should not be like that mean…...

Fairy Tale Forms in Movie Format
Pages: 1 Words: 363

CinderellaDisney\\\'s animated Cinderella is a classic fairy tale film that was first released in 1950. The story follows the life of Cinderella, a young girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters after the death of her father. Despite her difficult circumstances, Cinderella remains kind and hopeful, and ultimately wins the heart of the prince with the help of her fairy godmother.The Grimm version of Cinderella, also known as \\\"Aschenputtel,\\\" is similar in many ways to the Disney film, but also has some key differences. For example, in the Grimm version, the stepsisters mutilate their own feet in order to fit into the glass slipper, whereas in the Disney film, the slipper fits Cinderella perfectly. Additionally, in the Grimm version, Cinderella\\\'s fairy godmother is replaced by a helpful dovecote and a tree that Cinderella plants on her mother\\\'s grave.The Disney film exemplifies and challenges the conventions of the fairy…...


ReferencesGrimm. “Cinderella.”  https://sites.pitt.edu/~dash/grimm021.html

Fairy Tales and Lion
Pages: 2 Words: 847

product of a virtual exploration about art in Babylonian culture. I chose the Striding Lion of Babylon after carefully sampling the digital pieces of art at oyal Ontario Museum and the Oriental Institute Museum. The artifact I chose was crafted and sculpted on glazed brick-wall as a relief. The lion is a symbolic representation of the iron age of the Neo-Babylonian art. The piece dates back to around the 6th C. BC at the time when Nebuchadnezzar II ruled. The piece is made out of polychrome that is glazed on top of fire bricks. The dimensions feature a height of 4 feet by a width of 6 feet by a depth of 0.25 feet.
A lion is a symbolic representation of courage and strength today and in the past days; including Nebuchadnezzar's time. Similar artifacts were crafted in order to decorate the walls of the King's palace. This was prestigious.…...



Oriental Institute Museum. (2016, August 9). Retrieved from Oriental Institute Museum:  http://oi.uchicago.edu/sites/oi.uchicago.edu/files/uploads/tourfiles/index.html 

Robert H. Dyson Jr. (1963). A Babylonian Lion in Toronto. University of Pennsylvania - Museum of Arcaeology and Anthropology.

Robert William Rogers. (1900). A History of Babylonia and Assyria - Volume 1. Assyrian International News Agency.

Royal Ontario Museum. (2016, August 9). Retrieved from Royal Ontario Museum:  http://images.rom.on.ca/public/index.php?function=image&action=detail&sid=&ccid=

Are Fairy Tales Really for Kids
Pages: 2 Words: 635

The Purpose of Fairy TalesGrimm\\\'s Snow White is a fairy tale that has stood the test of time and has been retold and adapted in many different forms throughout the years. The story centers around a young princess, Snow White, who is rejected by her stepmother, the queen, and must flee into the forest to escape her wrath. There, she is taken in by seven dwarfs and eventually triumphs over the queen with the help of a prince.The story is psychologically appealing in that it touches on universal themes of jealousy, rejection, and the need for acceptance and love. The story also speaks to the fear of abandonment and the unknown, as Snow White is forced to flee into the dark forest and fend for herself. The story also touches on the fear of not being accepted for who you are and the need to be loved and accepted. The…...

Oyeyemi's Boy Snow Bird and the Racialization of Fairy Tales
Pages: 1 Words: 412

Boy, Snow, Birdhat does it mean to be in a fairy tale, to live in a fairy tale? It seems to be Oyeyemis aim to explore the real world as a fairy tale and to give her characters a foundation in fairy tale lore. This fact alone gives them a kind of mythological edge that makes them more interesting than they might otherwise have any right to be. But again as with the Sexton poetry here is another modern author contemporizing the fairy tales of Grimm and filling them with more commentary than is necessary or is compelling. Boy, Snow, Bird is not so much a modern fairy tale retold as a slice of modern life stitched to an old worn out patch of cloth that might have been a fairy talebut it is unclear.In her interview, Oyeyemi points out that The fairy tale explicitly [states] that Snow hites beauty…...


Works CitedNew York Times. “The Read Around.” The Read Around: Helen Oyeyemi - The New York Times (nytimes.com)Quinn, Annalisa. “The Professionally Haunted Life Of Helen Oyeyemi.” Profile: Helen Oyeyemi, Author Of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Boy, Snow, Bird\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' : NPR

Why Jane Eyre is Not a Fairy Tale
Pages: 2 Words: 576

Jane Eyre PassageThe passage I have chosen is from Chapter 4, when Jane pushes back against Mrs. Reed: How dare I, Mrs. Reed? How dare I? Because it is thetruth. You think I have no feelings, and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness; but I cannot live so: and you have no pity. I shall remember how you thrust me backroughly and violently thrust me backinto the red-room, and locked me up there, to my dying day; though I was in agony; though I cried out, while suffocating with distress, Have mercy! Have mercy, Aunt Reed! And that punishment you made me suffer because your wicked boy struck meknocked me down for nothing. I will tell anybody who asks me questions, this exact tale. People think you a good woman, but you are bad, hard-hearted.Youare deceitful!Ere I had finished this reply, my soul began to…...


Works CitedBronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre.

Anne Sexton's Re Telling of Grimm Fairy Tales
Pages: 1 Words: 318

Anne Sexton\\\'s-TransformationsTo the Gold Key, I reacted with a sense of obligation, as though I were being summoned to this woman, who thought she had a clever way to get us interested in her new take on old ideas. To Snow hite, I reacted with some dislike. For instance, when Sexton writes of Snow hite that she was as full of life as soda pop (7), it felt like a giant anachronismlike a metaphor that did not belongtoo forced and deferential to contemporaneous society. ith the Gold Key I was willing to relent and let the poetry happen, but with Snow hite I felt like I was reading something by someone who was trying to be cute or funnywith lines like, Snow hite, the dumb bunny (8).I suppose I had different reactions because with the first poem I was willing to go with it, unsure of where I would be…...


Works CitedSexton, Anne. Transformations. Houghton Mifflin, 1971.

Tales Charles Perrault Was Responsible for Collecting
Pages: 15 Words: 4051

Charles Perrault was responsible for collecting and adapting many of the fairy tales best known to contemporary audiences, and his collection of Stories or Fairy Tales from Past Times with Morals, also known as Mother Goose Tales, offers a unique insight into both the evolution of fairy tales in general and the socio-political context of Perrault's own writing. In particular, Perrault's use of domesticated and wild animals in certain tales shed light on the gender and class conflicts that under-gird both the stories themselves and Perrault's own historical context. By performing a close reading of Perrault's "Little Red Riding Hood," "Puss in Boots," and "Donkeyskin," one can see how Perrault uses domestic and wild animals in order to reinforce notions of gender that idealized male autonomy and proactivity while condemning female exploration, in addition to simultaneously supporting the preexisting class structure that impoverished the majority while rewarding the nobility;…...


Works Cited

Ashliman, D.L.. "Charles Perrault's Mother Goose Tales." University of Pittsburg. Web. 3 Dec

2012. .

Ahmed, K. Al. "Charles Perrault's "Le Petit Poucet" and its Possible Arabic Influences."

Bookbird 48.1 (2010): 31-41.

Tale The Robber and His
Pages: 3 Words: 870

[1] However, in his greed he puts on his finger a ring that had belonged to the giant, and this ring forces the man to cry out, "Here I am! Here I am!" In order to save himself from being discovered, he bites off his own finger to make the magic stop. Then, lost in the wilderness, the ex-robber tells of frightening forest-entitities, including a woman who is going to commit infanticide and feed her own child to a group of men. The man makes her instead cook a hanged robber for dinner, and, having hung himself in a tree in the place of the robber, has a chunk of his flesh removed from his side to be eaten. In the last story, Giants are frightened away by thunder. The Queen is pleased by the stories and released the man's children. (Grimm)
In the Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance…...

Tales as We Have Come
Pages: 7 Words: 2456

This has been interpreted as overprotective behavior and is directly linked to being a parent. One cannot be overprotective of a child he or she does not have. It is only logical to conclude that the witch is to Rapunzel a sort of a stepmother; also, one could gather that the witch wanted Rapunzel not only to hurt and get back at the child's natural father, but for her own benefit. She has also been interpreted as a motherless child who steals someone else's offspring in order to fill the void in her own life. Consequently, the witch in Rapunzel cannot be seen as a purely evil character, a typical antagonist who seeks the destruction of the protagonist at all costs. Her refusal to accept the prince and to offer the young girl a chance to fall in love could be explained by maternal jealousy and overbearing parenting. Also,…...


Davidson, Hilda Ellis; Anna Chaudhri, eds. A Companion to the Fairy Tale. Rochester, NY: D.S. Brewer, 2003. Questia. 27 Sept. 2007  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=106766030 .

Propp, Vladimir. Morphology of the Folktale. 1928. 2nd ed. Trans. Lawrence Scott. Austin: U. Of Texas P, 1968.

Zipes, Jack, ed.. "Cross-Cultural Connections and the Contamination of the Classical Fairy Tale" in the Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm. New York: WW Norton & Co., 2001.

Tale an Intergalactic Space Mission From Earth
Pages: 7 Words: 1889

An intergalactic space mission from Earth tries to create a scientifically-based cooperative. The name of the ship is the Nefertiti, after the ancient Egyptian Queen. Captain Reeftart, his first mate Jane, and their enthusiastic crew first set foot on the friendly planet Stauron. The Stauronians share the Earthlings' hope for an interplanetary federation based on science. Although the Stauronian leader Glastia is skeptical, Reeftart believes that the Dirgonians will be receptive. However, Dirgon is a xenophobic, insular, and isolationist planet who, though benevolent, do not generally support measures to collectivize resources. Reeftart's optimism is tempered by Jane's pragmatism.

Faced with the potential for failure, Reeftart conspires to trick the Dirgonians into starting their own collective; he believes that if the Dirgonians believe that they initiated the idea they would feel fully in charge. Reeftart obviously knows little about Dirgon or their core culture, for when the Nefertiti arrives on Dirgon,…...

Tales Forces Beyond Their Control -- What
Pages: 3 Words: 1028

Forces Beyond Their Control -- hat does not kill you, makes you stronger in the fairy tale as well as the real world

The idea that what does not kill or harm you makes you stronger is a popular cliche. However, in many fairy tales, this theme is underlined by the introduction of a protagonist whom is regarded as weak or strange by society, but whose personal gifts not only enable him to overcome this negative self and societal impression, but also ultimately help him or her to deploy what at first seemed to be a negative characteristic, in a positive fashion.

For instance, at the beginning of the first Harry Potter book, the young Harry Potter is a wizard whom is still unaware of his identity. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter is forced to live amongst Muggles, of whom he is the disfavored son, as compared…...


Works Cited

Hamilton, Virginia. (1985) The People Could Fly. New York: Knopf Books for Young Readers.

Rowling, J.K. (1991) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. New York: Bloomsbury.

Lord, Bette. (1984). The Year of the Boar.

Tales and Nursery Rhymes Children's Rhymes and
Pages: 2 Words: 619

Tales and Nursery hymes
Children's rhymes and fairy tales serve as a fun and interesting way to teach children moral lessons At least, that's the modern interpretation of what nursery rhymes and fairy tales are meant for. The history of nursery rhymes and fairy tales is a lot darker than their modern use suggests. They are filled with violence and abuse. These relics of the middle ages and renaissance are filled with references to death, plague, and in some cases, even torture. This paper will take a look at several nursery rhymes and classic fairy tales and evaluate their hidden meaning.

A beloved children's nursery rhyme is the old woman who lived in a shoe. The first image that comes into one's head when this rhyme is mentioned is that of a kind old lady chasing after her myriad of children. But closer analysis of the rhymes reveals something more dreadful.…...



Alchin Linda. (2009). Nursery Rhymes lyrics, origins and history. Retrieved 04 February 2014 from  http://www.rhymes.org.uk/index.htm 

Davies, P., Lee, L., Fox, A., & Fox, E. (2004). Could nursery rhymes cause violent behaviour? A comparison with television viewing. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 89(12), 1103-1105.

Fairy Stories
Pages: 3 Words: 901

Nature of the Universe
The term fantastic insinuates that it has to do with matters extra-terrestrial. It has to do with the world beyond the conventional one that we interact with at the physical level. Tolkien has an obviously clear view of what it is in relation to the value of creative thinking and imagination. Literature is created from the primary imagination which is also referred to as an echo from the primary imagination. This is also the force and living power behind all human perception. This is a repetition of the eternal act of creation as is encased in the creation by the infinite "I AM." The fairy story and triology are nothing but creation. It is the crafting of the secondary universe by imagination. Essentially, that aspect is the outstanding activity of the maker of the fairy story. This is what sets such a creator apart and makes them…...

Can you help with an outline of Charles Perrault Cinderella and Ashputtle by the Grimm Brothers?
Words: 482

The Cinderella fairy tale is one that is familiar to most readers.  However, there are several different versions of this fairy tale.  While the Grimm Brothers are credited with creating many modern fairy tales, this is inaccurate.  Rather than create the fairy tales, they simply wrote down fairy tales as they existed.  Two familiar stories telling the same tale are Cinderella by Charles Perrault and Ashputtle by the Grimm Brothers.  While they are telling similar tales, there are some significant differences in these two stories.

I. Introduction

A. Family relationships


Need assistance developing essay topics related to Compare and Contrast. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 184

Here are a few ideas for compare and contrast essay topics that you could consider:

1. Compare and contrast the portrayal of gender roles in traditional fairy tales with modern-day children's literature.
2. Compare and contrast the effectiveness of online learning versus traditional classroom learning.
3. Compare and contrast the themes of love and friendship in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
4. Compare and contrast the environmental impact of electric cars versus traditional gasoline-powered cars.
5. Compare and contrast the healthcare systems of two different countries.
6. Compare and contrast the political ideologies of conservatism and liberalism.
7. Compare and contrast the portrayal....

How has Taylor Swift incorporated folklore and mythological elements into her music and storytelling?
Words: 566

Taylor Swift's Incorporation of Folklore and Mythology into Her Music and Storytelling

Throughout her illustrious career, Taylor Swift has deftly interwoven folklore and mythological elements into her music and storytelling, crafting a captivating tapestry that transcends the boundaries of mere entertainment. By seamlessly integrating ancient legends, archetypes, and symbols with her own personal experiences, she has created a rich and ethereal world that resonates deeply with her devoted fans.

Folkloric Influences

Swift's eighth studio album, "folklore," released in 2020, marked a significant shift towards incorporating folklore. The album's title itself evokes the oral tradition of storytelling, passed down through generations. Songs like "Cardigan"....

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