transforms correlations among a set of observed variables into smaller number of factors, containing essential information about the linear inter-relationships among the original test scores (Kriegel, Kroger, Sander, & Zimek, 2011). Factor analysis is used in behavioral sciences, social sciences, and other applied sciences dealing with large quantities of data. In addition, factor analysis is subdivided into two major groups; exploratory and confirmatory. Cluster analysis on the other hand entails dividing a set of variables into groups; clusters with data in the same cluster being similar to each other as opposed to those in other clusters. Cluster analysis is mainly used in statistical analyses such as information retrieval, and bioinformatics. Just like factor analysis, cluster analysis has two subgroups; exploratory and confirmatory.
Q-sort vs. -sort Factor and Cluster Analyses
In both factor and cluster analysis, Q-sort entails ranking sets of statements based on how strongly subjects agree or disagree with them…...
Ankerst, M., Breunig, M.M., Kriegel, H.-P., & Sander, J. (1999). OPTICS: Ordering Points To Identify Clustering Structure. ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (pp. 49-60). ACM Press.
Child, D. (2006). The Essentials of Factor Analysis, 3rd Ed. Continuum International.
Kriegel, H.-P., Kroger, P., Sander, J., & Zimek, A. (2011). Density-Based Clustering. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Vol. 1 Issue 3, 231-240.
Mead, T.P., & Legg, D.L. (1994). Exploratory vs. Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Collegiate Physical Fitness. Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Educational Research Association.
This problem is particularly acute among many impoverished African nations, although some African countries such as South Africa have made significant progress in developing their technological infrastructure in recent years (Tucker, Bachman, Klahr, Meza & Walters, 2008).
There have been some innovations in recent years, though, that may make the lack of a technological infrastructure in a given country of less import than in years past. For example, Hindman (2008) reports that, "Wireless services such as satellite systems may make the lack of technological infrastructure less of a factor" (p. 550). Nevertheless, there may be some country-specific cultural factors involved that hinder the widespread adoption of recent innovations in technology that will slow the development of a modern technological infrastructure. In this regard, Hindman adds that, "The emphasis on tradition rather than innovation, and the local orientations of rural citizens are likely to result in resistance to ideas imposed from…...
Griff, W.N. (2003, September 22). Exporting U.S. jobs: An engineered exodus of manufacturing and hi-tech jobs threatens to abolish the American middle class. The New
American, 19(19), 12-14.
Hindman, D.B. (2008). The rural-urban digital divide. Journalism and Mass Communication
Quarterly, 77(3), 549-561.
2008 Tenth Grade National-survey by Samhda/Icpsr
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Data
The study extracted data from the 2008 10th Grade National Survey SAMHDA/ICPSR. A five-factor exploratory factor analysis was conducted. Factors were labeled Marijuana, Alcohol, Weekend Alcohol, Graduation, and Periodicals. Total variance for the analysis was 88.467. The factor showing the highest percentage of variance was Marijuana. More variables loaded on Alcohol than other factors. Respondents did not perceive consumption of alcohol as high risk unless it was excessive, or excessive on weekends. Respondents reported the use of tobacco products as less indicative of risk compared to marijuana, which warranted higher disapproval. Overall, respondents consider themselves to be well informed and were confident about future opportunities for higher education.
An Exploratory-Factor Analysis of Selected Variables from the 2008 Tenth Grade National-Survey by SAMHDA/ICPSR
Access to national level behavioral health data is important to professionals in the fields of health and human service.…...
mlaLittle information could be gathered about mental health issues for the 10th grade respondents in the available data from the survey. The data is not remarkable when compared to similar surveys about drug and alcohol use by high school students. That is to say that consumption of alcohol was not perceived as high risk unless consumption was excessive, or particularly, was excessive on weekends. Moreover, the use of tobacco products showed a different pattern of variance compared to marijuana, suggesting that marijuana is considered a more radical and risky drug -- and one that warranted higher disapproval. Overall, respondents consider themselves to be well informed and are confident about future opportunities for higher education. Future research should utilize question items related to mental health or from the DSM in this analysis as data regarding disordered thinking or school suspensions and difficulties with law enforcement are not included in the analysis.
Johnston, L.D., Bachman, J.G., O'Malley, P.M., & Schulenberg, J.E. (2008). Monitoring the future: A continuing study of American youth (8th- and 10th-grade surveys). Substance Abuse & Mental Health Data Archive, ICPSR 25422. Retrieved from
The basis of these explanations is the chain-of-events theory of the causes of aviation accidents or incidents. HFACS categorization framework has four level sie. unsafe acts, organizational factors, preconditions for unsafe acts, and unsafe supervision.
In attempts to deal with human error, Human Factor Analysis and Classification System can be both proactive and reactive. The system can be proactive when used as a framework for predicting unsafe acts that contribute to aviation incidents or accidents ("Evaluation of the Human Factor Analysis and Classification System," 2008). In this case, HFACS helps in understanding skill-based errors, decision errors, and perpetual errors. The findings are then used to develop effective interventions that lessen the frequency and impact of such errors in aviation. On the contrary, the system can be reactive when used to predict higher levels human error within the hierarchy. This does not necessarily lead to the development of effective interventions but…...
"Evaluation of the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System as a Predictive Model."
(2008). ATSB Transport Safety Report. Retrieved from Australian Transport Safety Bureau website:
Wiegmann, D.A. & Shappell, S.A. (2001). Applying the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) to the Analysis of Commercial Aviation Accident Data. Retrieved from Institute of Aviation -- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign website:
Cluster Analysis
By using two different data sets, this paper aims at improving two analyses conducted relating to leadership effectiveness and community policing studies. In addition, in the paper, reliability tests and factor analyses on some of the six scales of importance used in the Community Policing study are looked at in-depth. Besides, the analysis conducted by Dr. Eveland is re-evaluated in this paper.
Leadership Effectiveness
From the report conducted by Dr. Eveland, several multiple regression analyses were initiated to help determine the existence of any relationship among the nine scales to the dependable variable, Q75; overall satisfaction with the manager as a leader. When plotted in a graph, the variable moderately skewed toward higher values.
Additionally, a simple multiple regression of all the predictors showed a statistically significant relationship between predictors and variables (F = 19.33, df = 9, 462, p< 0.001, 2 = 0.27). Nevertheless, beta coefficients for individual predictors for…...
Eveland, J.D. (2008). Reliability Analysis of Leadership Effectiveness Inventory Data from Megasoft's "NORDIC" Dataset.
Travis, J. (1998). Community Policing in Action: Lessons From an Observational Study. National Institute of Justice.
Entrepreneurial Intentions: Factors Influencing Intentions Among Arab Students
Factors Influencing Intentions among Arab Students: Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship can be defined as the process and mindset to initiate and develop economic activity. Studies have shown entrepreneurship to be a crucial driver of economic growth. This study sought to examine the factors that influence entrepreneurial attitudes among students in Arab countries. More specifically, it sought to examine the role of universities, role models, the entrepreneurial curriculum, and students' demographic characteristics in promoting Arab students' entrepreneurial attitudes. The study employed a quantitative research design, where data was gathered from a sample of 1500 undergraduate Arab students in government universities, and subjected to one-way ANOVA tests. Descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) was used to draw additional conclusions from the gathered data. The results showed that Arab students acknowledge the role played by universities, the entrepreneurship curriculum, role models, and demographic variables in influencing their attitudes towards…...
Albomaireek, W. N. & Manolova, T. S. (2012). Who Wants to be an Entrepreneur? Entrepreneurial Intentions among Saudi University Students. Africa journal of Business Management, 6(11), 4029-4040.
European Commission. (2003). Green Paper: Entrepreneurship in Europe. The European Commission. Retrieved from
Fayolle, A., Gailly, B., & Lassas-Clerc, N. (2006). Assessing the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education Programs: A New Methodology. Journal of Industrial Training, 30(9), 701-720.
Gallant, M., Majundar, S. & Varadarajan, D. (2001). Outlook of Female Students towards Entrepreneurship -- An Analysis of a Selection of Business Students in Dubai. Research Paper.
Title: A Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Fatalities in Aviation Accidents: An ExaminationIntroductionSummary:The paper explores the deep use of machine learning algorithms to anticipate the occurrence of fatalities in aviation mishaps, concentrating primarily on the influence of human elements. The Aviation Safety Network (ASN) database forms the backbone of the study, from which models Model 1 and Model 2 are created, each investigating unique aspects of accident data.Model 1 engages in binary categorization, determining if a mishap led to fatalities (Fatality) or not (No Fatality), while Model 2 delves into the accidents that culminate in fatalities and prognosticates the level of fatalities (sparse, dense, full). The study makes use of three primary algorithms for data evaluation: andom Forests (F), Neural Networks (NN), and Active Learning (AL).Each algorithm was trained on a data subset (75% allocated to training and 25% for validation), and their validation was assessed through several metrics such…...
mlaReferencesLi, F.; Chen, C.H.; Zheng, P.; Feng, S.; Xu, G.; Khoo, L.P. An explorative context-aware machine learning approach to reducing human fatigue risk of traffic control operators. Saf. Sci. 2020, 125, 104655.Madeira, T.; Melicio, R.; Valerio, D.; Santos, L. Machine learning and natural language processing for prediction of human factors in aviation incident reports. Aerospace 2021, 8, 47.Rashid, H.; Place, C.; Braithwaite, G.R. Eradicating root causes of aviation maintenance errors: Introducing the AMMP. Cogn. Technol. Work 2014, 16, 71-90.Santos, L.F.; Melicio, R. Stress, Pressure and Fatigue on Aircraft Maintenance Personal. Int. Rev. Aerosp. Eng. 2019, 12, 35-45.Wiegmann, D.A.; Shappell, S.A. A Human Error Approach to Aviation Accident Analysis; Ashgate Publishing Ltd.: Farnham, UK, 2003.
Moreover, the study compares the effect on human factors on different types of aircraft. The study also reveals the correlation between the anomalies and type of aircrafts.
Human factors cause of Aircraft Accidents
The results of the descriptive statistics reveal that situational awareness is the most contributing human factor to aircraft accidents with the Mean =112. Moreover, the Mean value of the communication breakdown is 80 which rank second as the human factors problem to aircraft incidents. Typically, communication breakdown occurs when the pilot or other aircraft crew is unable to communicate with terminals. Communication is very critical for effective operations of aircraft, a pilot will require to constantly making radio communication when on air to ensure the aircraft safety and the aircraft is on the right direction. Confusion as human factor ranks third with the Mean =70. The descriptive statistics table shows other important human factors that cause the commercial…...
Balk, A.D. & Bossenbroek, J.W. (2010). Aircraft Ground and Human Factors, A comparative study of the perceptions by ramp staff and management. NLR Air Transport Safety Institute.
Boeing (2013). Commercial Jet Statistical Summary of the Airplane Accidents Worldwide Operations 1959 -- 2012. Boeing 707.
Eldredge, D. Mangold, S.J. & Dodd, R.S. (1992). A Review and Discussion of Flight Management System Incidents Reported to the Aviation Safety Reporting System. U.S. Department of Special Programs & Transportation Research Administration
Deitz, S.R. & Thomas, W.E (1991). Pilots, Personality and Performance: Human Behavior & Stress in the Skies.
214). The author notes many empirical reasons for his critique of the five-factor model. Among the many objections that are put forward is the assertion that there is in the breadth of the five factors an indefiniteness and inconsistency. Block also refers to the descriptive coarseness of the "Big Five."
Block's article has created much debate on this subject. A useful study that counters many of arguments put forward by Block is Solid Ground in the Wetlands of Personality: A eply to Block by Costa and McCrae (1995). In contrast to Block's critique, this article suggest that, "...the most impressive achievement of the FFM is its reduction of conceptual jangle, showing how constructs ostensibly as different as absorption, intuition, and need for change all reflect aspects of the single, broader construct of Openness. " (Costa and McCrae, 1995).
The validity and acceptance of the FFM model and the various aspects that…...
Block, J. (1995). A contrarian view of the five-factor approach to personality description. Psychological Bulletin, 117, 187-215.
Clark, L.A. (1993). Personality Disorder Diagnosis: Limitations of the Five-Factor Model. Psychological Inquiry, 4(2), 100-104. Retrieved January 21, 2008, from Questia database:
Costa P, McCrae, Robert R. (1995) Solid ground in the wetlands of personality: A reply to Block. Psychological Bulletin. 117(2), 216-220
The decision to integrate all process workflows with the core business, rely on it to act as an accelerator of accuracy and performance, and create value as a trusted advisor is what eventually helps the company to help redefine the value chain of this industry, as Porter predicts in his analysis of competition (Porter, 2001).
Citibank's strategic intent is to convert its traditional money management business into an e-business framework. How does Citibank transform its traditional assets into digital assets? What issues, if any, do you envision that Citibank must overcome in order for the implementation to be successful?
Inherent in the plans to convert its traditional money management business into an e-business framework are broader implications of disintermediating part of the value chain in commercial banking at that point in the industry's lifecycle (Andal-Ancion, Cartwright, Yip, 2003). Citibank relies on its intensive level of business process expertise, combined with its…...
Angela Andal-Ancion, Phillip a Cartwright, & George S. Yip. (2003). The digital transformation of traditional business. MIT Sloan Management Review, 44(4), 34-41.
Bamrara, a., & Kala, S.. (2009). Secure Electronic Banking: Threats and Solutions. ASBM Journal of Management, 2(1), 209-221.
Chuang, C., & Hu, F.. (2010). Exploring Customers' Perceptions of E-banking Service. Journal of Global Business Issues, 4(2), 37-42.
Devi, P., & Malarvizhi, V.. (2010). Customers' Perception of E-Banking: Factor Analysis. IUP Journal of Management Research, 9(6), 7-19.
S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, ineffective fireproofing and a shortage of staircases are highlighted in a preliminary federal safety report into the attacks on the World Trade Center, issued by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, report concludes that a combination of factors caused both buildings to collapse.
The Ladbroke Grove ail Inquiry, for example, if management had applied the lessons of past SPADs (Signal Passed at Danger), and if signallers had been adequately instructed and trained in how to react to a SPAD, it may well be the case that the signaller would have been able to send the emergency message in time to enable the (Thames) Turbo to be brought to a halt before reaching a point at which it fouled the path of the high speed train.
According to the France-Stanford Conference on risk, the collapse of the Twin Towers was not surprising when considering…...
Delage, Pierre. France-Stanford Conference on Risk issues in contemporary science and engineering. 4-6 April 2003. 1 March, 2007.
Health and Safety Executive. 2 March 2007.
Trait and Factor Theories:
Personality trait and factor theories have been developed as a means of identifying common elements within the personality of different people, indeed the entire populace. Within any given group of people there are common threads of experiences, similar nurturing, and even shared genetic, yet the personality of each member is a unique construction individual elements which work together. Among those who have produced work in this area are aymond Cattell and Hans Eysenck. Each used scientific factor analysis to identify common traits or permanent dispositions of people. Cattell has identified a large number of personality traits, whereas Eysenck's research extracted only three general factors.(, online) Like Freud who identifies the id, ego and superego as the measurements of the personal mind, will and emotion, the categories identified by these researchers give men the ability to understand the unique functions of the person, emotions and desires.
Allport's Dispositional Theory
Theories of personality, dispositional theories. (2002) McGraw Hill higher education. Accessed 23 Nov 2003. Web Site:
Ver Wys. C.
2001) Department of Cognitive Science Renesslear Polytechnic Institute. Accessed 23 Nov 2003. Web Site: .
Boeree, G. (1998) Albert Bandura: Personality Theories. Accessed 23 Nov 2003. Web site: .
Genome-Wide Association Study for OCD Complications
The OCD (Obsessive -- compulsive disorder) is referred as repetitive behaviors and thoughts experienced by individuals. (Visscher, Brown, McCarthy, et al. (2012). Typically, the genes' characteristics of twins and families have revealed that the OCD has the feature of multifactorial familial condition involving both environmental and polygenic factors. (Moran, 2013). Genetic studies have revealed that the interaction of the glutamatergic, serotonergic, and dopaminergic systems and genes affecting them play a crucial role in functioning of the circuit. (Yang, Lee, Goddard, Mand et al. 2011). Meanwhile, the environmental factors that include psychological trauma, adverse perinatal effects and neurological trauma may modify the risk genes, which can consequently manifest the compulsive-obsessive behaviors. (Visscher, Brown, McCarthy et al. 2012). The OCD is a frequent and, relative common debilitating neuropsychiatric disorder affecting 2% of the U.S. population. (Arnold, Sicard, Burroughs, et al. (2006). Typically, the OCD is obsessions…...
Arnold, P., Sicard, T., Burroughs, E. et al. (2006). Glutamate Transporter Gene SLC1A1 Associated With Obsessive-compulsive Disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 63(7), p.769.
Baxter, A., Scott, K., Vos, T. and Whiteford, H. (2012). Global prevalence of anxiety disorders: a systematic review and meta-regression. Psychological Medicine, 43(05), pp.897-910.
Barrett, P., Healy-Farrell, L. & March, J. S. (2004). Cognitivebehavioral family treatment of childhood obsessive-compulsive disorder: a controlled trial. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry . 43, 46-62.
Cantor, R., Lange, K. and Sinsheimer, J. (2010). Prioritizing GWAS Results: A Review of Statistical Methods and Recommendations for Their Application. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 86(1):.6-22.
Executive Summary
In this paper, beverage giant, the Coca-Cola Company, has been analyzed. An internal as well as external analysis of the company has been undertaken using the following analytical tools: PESTEL, SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces. The 5-factor analysis has revealed: medium threat of new entrants, medium to high threat of substitute products, low supplier and buyer bargaining power, and high level of rivalry with its chief competitor, PepsiCo.
SWOT analysis results were as follows: Strengths: Brand Equity; Company valuation; Extensive international presence; Greatest market share; Brilliant marketing plans; Customer Loyalty and Distribution system. Weaknesses: Competition with Pepsi; Low Product Diversification; Lack of a health beverage offering and Water management. Opportunities: Diversification; Focusing on developing countries; Packaged drinking water; Supply chain improvement and Market lesser selling offerings. Threats: Sourcing of Raw Materials and Indirect competition.
Lastly, PESTEL analysis results were as follows: Political and Legal Factors potentially impacting the company: trade restrictions,…...
Executive Summary
In this paper, beverage giant, the Coca-Cola Company, has been analyzed. An internal as well as external analysis of the company has been undertaken using the following analytical tools: PESTEL, SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces. The 5-factor analysis has revealed: medium threat of new entrants, medium to high threat of substitute products, low supplier and buyer bargaining power, and high level of rivalry with its chief competitor, PepsiCo.
SWOT analysis results were as follows: Strengths: Brand Equity; Company valuation; Extensive international presence; Greatest market share; Brilliant marketing plans; Customer Loyalty and Distribution system. Weaknesses: Competition with Pepsi; Low Product Diversification; Lack of a health beverage offering and Water management. Opportunities: Diversification; Focusing on developing countries; Packaged drinking water; Supply chain improvement and Market lesser selling offerings. Threats: Sourcing of Raw Materials and Indirect competition.
Lastly, PESTEL analysis results were as follows: Political and Legal Factors potentially impacting the company: trade restrictions,…...
Comprehensive Company Analysis: A Deep Dive into Corporate Performance
Assessing Company Performance: A Critical Evaluation of Financial and Operational Metrics
Unveiling Value: An In-Depth Examination of Company Strategy and Competitive Landscape
Decoding Corporate Success: An Analysis of Company Culture, Leadership, and Innovation
The Anatomy of a Resilient Enterprise: An Examination of Company Adaptability and Risk Management
Exploring the Interplay of Technology and Innovation: A Case Study of Company Transformation
Sustainable Growth Strategies: An Analysis of Company Initiatives to Balance Profit and Purpose
Benchmarking Company Performance: Identifying Best Practices and Areas for Improvement
Navigating Industry Disruptions: An Examination of Company Response and Adaptation
The Art of Business Strategy: A Comprehensive....
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