Expository Essays (Examples)

194+ documents containing “expository”.

Of all of the different essay types you can encounter, the expository essay is the one you are most likely to find on exams and for classroom assignments in lower-level coursework.  The expository essay is the generic, fallback non-fiction wr......

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Example Essays

Expository Dark Angel James Cameron's Television Series
Pages: 2 Words: 583

Expository Dark Angel
James Cameron's television series Dark Angel is about a young woman who has been genetically engineered to be a strong weapon in the service of the military. During the pilot episode of the series, set in 2009, Max (they young woman) and eleven other similarly genetically-engineered children escape from the top-secret facility where they are being experimented on. For the next ten years, these children live and grow in complete anonymity trying to avoid capture by the man in charge of the experiment, Lydecker and his search hounds. In addition, there is limited technology or even basic means of communication because of an internal terrorist attack on the United States some time in between 2009 and 2019 where the present of the series is set. This does not sound like a Utopia. In a Utopian society, everything is wonderful. There are no genetically-engineered children trained as high-tech weapons…...

Expository the Central Concept of Buddhism Is
Pages: 2 Words: 637

The central concept of Buddhism is the Four Noble Truths. The Four Noble Truths inform both Buddhist theory and Buddhist practice. Even though there are many different branches of Buddhist philosophy, they all share in common an appreciation of the Four Noble Truths. The Four Noble Truths are as follows. The first Noble Truth is that life is suffering. The second Noble Truth is that suffering is caused by desire. The third Noble Truth is that to eliminate suffering, one must eliminate desire. The fourth Noble Truth is that in order to eliminate desire, one should follow the Eightfold Path. The Four Noble truths seem very simple, but they can actually be quite difficult to understand; they can be even more difficult to put into practice. The Four Noble Truths provide a means by which to calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and achieve a sense of inner peace.

The First Noble…...



"Four Noble Truths." BBC Religions. Retrieved online:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/buddhism/beliefs/fournobletruths_1.shtml

Pages: 2 Words: 617

An essay that requires one to do a bit of research, make a claim and back that claim up with data is an expository essay.  Whether it is a how-to essay, a descriptive essay, a cause and effect essay, or an argumentative essay, the writing will involve laying out the facts for the reader.  For that reasons, expository essay titles should clearly identify the subject of the essay and give a notion of the argument that will be made in the essay.  The title of this genre of writing is not a place to be vague or ambiguous.  The title should be clear, direct, informative (like the essay), and as telling of the position of the author as possible.  There should be nothing misleading or ambiguous about the title of this kind of essay.  Here are a few examples to see what we mean.

Expository Essay Titles

1. How to Build a…...

Expository Writing for Pleasure
Pages: 3 Words: 633

Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership
There is a definite correlation between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership. Although it might be a little extreme to define that relationships as causal and imply that emotional intelligence is what begets or enables transformational leadership, it certainly enhances it. This fact is discussed at length in various passages in "Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence: A potential pathway for an increased understanding of interpersonal influence." An analysis of some of the more incisive passages in this article indicate that emotional intelligence is of immense benefit for transformational leaders.

The overall impact of a leader's emotional intelligence on transformational leadership is that it allows him or her to understand how to best inspire people. Inspiration is frequently the crux of transformational leadership because this leadership methodology is predicated on effecting positive change. Change will not simply happen unless people are motivated and moved to create it. Thus, inspiration…...



Brown, F. W., & Moshavi, D. (2005). Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence: A potential pathway for an increased understanding of interpersonal influence. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26(7), 867-871.

Battlefields and Big Macs Documentaries a Comparative
Pages: 2 Words: 663

Battlefields and Big Macs

A Comparative Analysis of Documentary Styles

The role of documentary film in helping to shape and inform American culture has become increasingly apparent, especially in the last decade. The ability of nearly anyone to create and distribute documentaries cheaply and effectively using home computer software and video sharing sites like YouTube has created a diverse body of documentaries available with the click of a button. They are not all good, not all accurate, and some may not even be ethically or legally sound, but if they are powerful enough and relevant enough, they can move people and even governments to act. We have seen this recently with the independently produced documentary "Kony 2012," a 29-minute film that portrays the atrocities committed by Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony. Posted on YouTube in early March, the film got over 100 million hits in one week, and prompted renewed focus by…...



Bernard, S.C. (2011) Documentary Storytelling: Creative Non-Fiction Onscreen. Oxford: Elsevier, Inc.

Burns, K. (2002) The film, past and present: why I decided to make The Civil War. PBS Web site. Retrieved April 2, 2012 from  http://www.pbs.org/civilwar/film/

Art of Having a Guest
Pages: 1 Words: 470

The author of "The Art of Cookery" made a similarly wise decision by using a time order as this reflects the style of the piece. The piece is meant to present a very formal topic, and using time order reinforces the point that the formality of this process is contained in its timeliness. Furthermore, the author's secondary development method of informative process was necessary in order to make the essay what it is -- a how to piece.
4. Both of these essays are alike in many ways. The fact that they are both expository essays makes them very similar, as both have the purpose of explaining. Since both essays used, at some point, the informative process, they can both be described as how to essays. Furthermore, both essayists took into account their audiences when penning this work, deciding on the style that would best suit the audience. These essays…...

Bentham Principal of Utility Is
Pages: 2 Words: 730

Bentham also suggests that individuals would reasonably seek the general happiness simply because the interests of others are inextricably bound up with their own, though he recognized that this is something that is easy for individuals to ignore" (Sweet 2008).
Critical section: Raise two or three objections to Bentham's principle of utility. hat reasons do you think we have to doubt that it is the fundamental principle of morality? It is often helpful to give concrete examples to illustrate your objections.

One obvious argument against Bentham's philosophy is that it is unrealistic to think that a decision-maker can easily determine the best, utilitarian interests of the majority in a disinterested fashion. Bentham's utilitarian decision-maker is presumed to be completely objective, but it is hard to imagine such an individual existing in the real world. Using moral laws, rather than a situational utilitarian calculus might seem to be superior to Bentham's hedonic…...


Works Cited

Sweet, William. "Bentham, Jeremy." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. December 23, 2008.

[September 11, 2010].  http://www.iep.utm.edu/bentham/#H4

Throwing Like a Girl by James Fallows
Pages: 2 Words: 660

Throwing like a Girl" by James Fallows and Sherry Turkle's essay "How Computers Change the ay e Think"
Personalization is the key to any effective expository essay. Even while addressing highly technical subject matters, such as the mechanics of throwing a ball or the impact of technology upon the brain, essayists James Fallows and Sherry Turkle use anecdotes as well as scientific information to justify the claims they make in essays such as Fallows' "Throwing like a Girl" and Turkle's "How Computers Change the ay e Think."

In his essay Fallows combines science and popular and personal anecdotes to debunk the common myth that women throw balls differently then males. Fallows wrote his essay during the Clinton presidency, and he notes how, despite the considerable accomplishments of both Bill and Hillary Clinton, the fact that Hillary was perceived as 'throwing like a girl' when she tossed a historic first pitch of…...


Works Cited

Fallows, James. "Throwing like a girl." The Atlantic. August 1996.

Turkle, Sherry. "How Computers Change the Way We Think." The Chronicle Review.

January 30, 2004.

Biblical Preaching
Pages: 9 Words: 2434

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Role of Exegesis in Effective Biblical reaching:
     This essay would explore the importance of exegesisthe critical explanation or interpretation of biblical textsin preaching. It would discuss how in-depth analysis of scripture contributes to an accurate and meaningful sermon that stays true to the text's original intent and context.

2. The History and Evolution of Biblical reaching:
     This topic would examine how the art and practice of preaching have changed from ancient times to the present day. It would highlight key historical figures, changes in style and approach, and the impact of cultural and theological shifts on the way the Bible is preached.

3. The Impact of Technology on Contemporary Biblical reaching:
     This essay would look at how modern technology has transformed biblical preaching. It might cover the use of social media, podcasting, and live streaming services in expanding the reach and methods of preaching, and how these tools…...


Primary Sources

Robinson, Haddon W. Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages. Baker Academic, 2014.

Greidanus, Sidney. The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Interpreting and Preaching Biblical Literature. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1988.

Chapell, Bryan. Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon. Baker Academic, 2005.

Stott, John R. W. Between Two Worlds: The Challenge of Preaching Today. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1982.

Goldsworthy, Graeme. Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture: The Application of Biblical Theology to Expository Preaching. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2000.

Application of Genesis 12 10-20 in the Contemporary World
Pages: 7 Words: 2551

Genesis 12:10-20 and the Modern World:
Genesis 12:10-20 is a text about Abram and Sarai in Egypt that is considered as one of the great epos narrated in the ook of Genesis. efore the narration of this story, Abram is portrayed as an individual with several positive attributes including righteousness and humility. However, the story highlights several troubling concerns and questions regarding Abram's character, beliefs, and behaviors in relation to God and Sarai. These troubling questions and concerns have become the subject of interest and study throughout the ages. Actually, the concerns have been examined in various commentaries, adaptations and interpretations, and plot extensions. The story has mainly been examined from two schools of thought starting with a description of Sarai's beauty, attractiveness, and sexuality from the male perspective

. The second school of thought is typical expressions of male sexual discourse in light of Abram's disturbing behavior. Therefore, Genesis 12:10-20 is…...



Cochran, Brian T. "Genesis 12:10-20: "The Struggle to Walk by Faith" Redeemer Reformation

Church, April 22, 2014,  http://storage.cloversites.com/reginapresybeterianchurch/documents/Gen.%2012.10-20.pdf 

Deffinbaugh, Robert L. "When Faith Fails & #8230; (Genesis 12:10-13:41)." Bible.org. Last Modified May 12, 2004.  https://bible.org/seriespage/when-faith-fails-8230-genesis-1210-1341 

Enhancements to Inductive Bible Study. InterVarsity/USA Bible Study Task Force. Last Modified April 1999.  http://www.intervarsity.org/sites/default/files/uploaded/bible-studies/communal/enhancements_to_ibs.doc

Practical Tips and Guidance in Giving Sermons
Pages: 3 Words: 999

Power in the Pulpit ReviewOverviewPower in the Pulpit by Jerry Vines and Jim Shaddix is structured so as to give the reader a sense of the fundamentals of sermon creation and delivery. As such, it contains a strong emphasis on the theology and philosophy of preaching. The book begins by laying a theological and philosophical foundation for preaching. It discusses the call, will, and worship of God, setting a spiritual and philosophical framework that is needed to better realize the art of preaching. This framework shapes the preacher\\\'s approach to sermon development and delivery.Some emphasis is also placed on the personal preparation of the preacher in the first part of the book. Vines and Shaddix discuss the importance of maintaining a healthy heart, mind, body, and routine, examining the belief that effective preaching begins with the preacher\\\'s own spiritual and physical well-being.[footnoteRef:1] This focus on the preacher\\\'s personal health is…...

gospel of matthew 23 and hypocrisy
Pages: 2 Words: 650

On its own, Matthew 23 offers rich opportunities for an expository sermon or homily. Biblical commentaries enhance the original text and offer new angles and fresh ways of approaching the material. All commentaries on Matthew 23 will offer some fruitful information that can be incorporated into a sermon or bible study. Depending on the angle the preacher or theologian wishes to take, a commentary should focus on one or more elements contained in scripture, also taking into account historical and cultural contexts.
Harrington (1991), Pilch (1995), Senior (1998), and Witherington (2006) each offer unique perspectives on Matthew 23. Of these, the most thorough and enriching seems to be Donald Senior’s, because the author includes correspondences and also places Matthew 23 within the context of prophetic wisdom. Harrington (1991) also describes the passages clearly and in great detail, allowing for a greater understanding of the role of the Pharisees, and why Jesus…...

Best Practices for Students Diagnosed
Pages: 13 Words: 4937

(Thompson, Morse, Sharpe and Hall, 2005, p.40)
The work of Vaughn, Levy, Coleman and os (2002) entitled: "Reading Instruction for Students with LD and ED" published in the Journal of Special Education repots a synthesis of "previous observation studies conducted during reading with students with learning disabilities (LD) and emotional/behavioral disorders (ED)." (p.1) a systematic process of review of research conducted between 1975 and 2000 is stated to have "yielded a total of 16 studies 11 independent samples) that met all preestablished criteria." (Vaughn, Levy, Coleman and os, 2002, p. 1) Finding from the study include: (1) There was substantial time allocated for reading instruction, though the time varied based on whether students were in special education or general education or both; (2) students were provided more individual and group instruction in special education; (3) the quality of reading instruction was low, overall, with excessive time allocated to waiting and…...



Fletcher, Jack M. (2002) Researchers support early intervention for all children

Drummond, Kathryn (2005) About Reading Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, and Reading Difficulties. Reading Rockets. 2005. Online available at  http://www.readingrockets.org/article/639 

Mastropieri, Margo and Graetz, Janet (2003) Implementing Research-Based Reading Interventions to Improve Access to the General Education Curriculum

Lazarus, Belinda Davis and Callahan, Thomas (2000) Attitudes Toward Reading Expressed by Elementary School Students Diagnosed with Learning Disabilities. Reading Psychology 21: 281-282. Copyright 2002 Taylor & Francis. Online available at  http://www.usm.maine.edu/~amoroso/edu621/4050957.pdf

Psalm 1
Pages: 14 Words: 5329

Psalm 1 read in different translations.
The New International Version (NIV), The American Standard Version (ASV), The New Living Translation (NLT), The King James Version (KJV), The Contemporary English Version (CEV), The Message (MSG), and The Harper Collins Study Bible, New Revised Standard Version (NRSV).

I read the NIV the most often because I grew up reading the NIV and am comfortable with its language and cadence. I find that, of the Bibles I read, it is the one that feels the most familiar. I actually found reading MSG a little disconcerting; I do not know that it conveyed the feelings that the other translations conveyed. It actually made me think about the number of times the Bible has been interpreted and how connotation and denotation both impact the meaning of different passages.

To me, Psalm 1 is a reminder that sinners have no place in Lord's kingdom. It was also a reminder…...


Works Cited

Addis, W.E. "The Psalms." Peake's Commentary on the Bible. Ed. Arthur Peake. New York:

Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1920. 366-. Print.

ASV. The American Standard Version Bible. Online at Bible Gateway.com.

Blair, Edward. The Illustrated Bible Handbook. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1987.

Knowledge and Learning and Teaching a Second
Pages: 13 Words: 3701

Knowledge and Learning and Teaching a Second Language:
Researchers have divided the skills necessary for the acquisition of second language comprehension, particularly in the reading area, into two general theories: bottom-up, text-based, psycholinguistic approaches or top-down, socially-oriented conceptual approaches. In each case, lack of second language comprehension is attributed to misunderstanding of some key variable of the approach. For example, bottom-up studies tend to trace miscomprehension to misunderstanding of grammar (syntax), vocabulary (semantics), or other textual aspects. Accordingly, comprehension from the bottom-up is a data-driven process (Carrell and Eisterhold, 1983).

In contrast, top-down studies primarily attribute miscomprehension to the lack of specific background knowledge or cultural familiarity that is necessary to understand the text. Top-down understanding is seen as a process that is driven by concepts (Carrell and Eisterhold, 1983). Goodman (1967) is credited with first recognizing this additional aspect to reading comprehension, although he did not use the term "top-down"…...


Works Cited

Adamson, H.D. (1993). Academic competence: Theory and classroom practice. White Plains, NY: Longman Publishing Group.

Bernhardt, E.B. (2001). Progress and procrastination in second language reading research. Retrieved January 29, 2003 at  http://language.stanford.edu/conferencepapers/AAALBernhardt01.doc 

Carrell, P.L. (1983a). Background knowledge in second language comprehension. Language Learning and Communication. 2, 25-34.

Carrell, P.L. (1983b). Three components of background knowledge in reading comprehension. Language Learning. 33, 183-207.

How is a thesis statement developed?
Words: 316

To develop a thesis statement, the first thing you'll need to do is determine what kind of paper you're writing. It will be either expository (explain something to the reader), argumentative (make and justify a claim), or analytical (break down and evaluate an issue). The type of paper you're writing will affect the content of your thesis statement, which should be very specific. The main issue you'll cover in your paper should be listed in your statement, and should be backed up with proper evidence. Generally, the statement will appear at the very end of the paper's first paragraph. As....

Need guidance writing a critical analysis essay on Emily Emerick article?
Words: 397

Writing a critical analysis essay is a very specific type of academic writing that is similar to, but not the same as, other types of expository writing. You need to understand the specific requirements of writing analytical essays before you can use them to analyze any specific work, including the Emily Emerick article you have been asked to analyze.

We would start our analysis by discussing the type of article that she wrote.  It is a research article.  She gave a survey to 447 undergraduate students to try to gauge their social media....

Could you support me in crafting a thesis statement about the Absenteeism of secondary school students in Jamaica ?
Words: 148

The thesis statement for an expository essay on absenteeism of secondary school students in Jamaica could be: "This essay will explore the reasons behind high absenteeism rates among secondary school students in Jamaica, analyzing the socioeconomic factors, educational policies, and cultural influences that contribute to this phenomenon and proposing potential solutions to address the issue." Additional factors that could be explored in the essay include the impact of family dynamics, student motivation, and the availability of resources in schools. By delving into these various aspects, the thesis statement sets the stage for a comprehensive analysis of the absenteeism problem in Jamaican....

Brainstorming thesis statements on how is habitat degradation affecting the Chesapeake Bay. Feedback on mine?
Words: 129

The thesis statement for an expository essay on how habitat degradation is affecting the Chesapeake Bay could be: The degradation of habitats within the Chesapeake Bay is posing significant ecological and economic challenges, leading to declines in critical species populations, disrupted food webs, and increased vulnerability to climate change, necessitating urgent conservation efforts for the preservation and restoration of this vital estuarine ecosystem. Some possible feedback on this thesis statement could be to provide more specific examples or statistics to support the claims made. Additionally, considering the social and cultural impacts of habitat degradation on communities who rely on the Chesapeake Bay....

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