Explanation Essays (Examples)

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Explanation of Why Dinosaurs Became Extinct
Pages: 1 Words: 365

Dinosaurs Became Extinct
Why Dinosaurs Became Extinct

There are many possible explanations for the extinction of dinosaurs, and scientists have proposed many theories regarding their demise. One of the most common theories is that an asteroid from outer space collided with the earth about 65 million years ago. If a large asteroid had collided with the earth in this manner, then it is believed that such a cloud of dust would have entered the air that the sunlight would be unable to penetrate the dust cloud.

Therefore, all of the plants and animals would die, because the entire ecosystem on earth depends on the sunlight to provide warmth and energy. Without the sun, plants would be unable to produce their own food through photosynthesis, and they would die. Without plants, the herbivores would have no food supply and also perish. As a result, even the carnivores that ate other animals would have…...

Economics Evaluate Explanations Offered Economics of Mnes
Pages: 11 Words: 3571

Evaluate explanations offered

Economics of MNEs, China and Exchange ates

Evaluate the various explanations that have been offered for the existence of the multinational enterprise.

China is a notoriously difficult place to do business. Explain what makes the business environment so challenging and explain the strategies a firm may use in order to overcome those challenges.

Explain how exchange rates are determined in a floating exchange rate system and identify the key causes of exchange rate movements.

Evaluate the various explanations that have been offered for the existence of the multinational enterprise.

A multinational enterprise is one which has a presence in terms of an office in more than one country, even if it does not employ itself in manufacturing in the country. As far as the explanations regarding the existence of MNEs are concerned, there are various that have been employed as the concept of multinational enterprises has evolved from what it was before.

One such…...



Agnihotri, A. 2011. Obstacles Faced by Indian Firms Entering the Chinese Market. [Online] Available from: <   (9 January 2012)http://www.biztechreport.com/story/1180-obstacles-faced-indian-firms-entering-chinese-market >

Barboza, D. 2011, December 7. Entrepreneur's Rival in China: The State. New York Times .

Elaine Kurtenbach. 2011. U.S. Companies in China Point out Obstacles to Business. [Online] Available from: <   (9 January 2012)http://www.usatoday.com/money/world/2011-01-19-us-china-business-obstacles_N.htm >

Geert Hofstede ™ Cultural Dimensions. n.d. [Online] Available from: <   (9 January 2012)http://www.geert-hofstede.com/hofstede_united_kingdom.shtml >

Starting Up Own Business Explanation
Pages: 3 Words: 845

" (Entrepreneur, 2009)
There are seven components to a business plan as follows:

(1) Executive summary;

(2) Business description;

(3) Market strategies;

(4) Competitive analysis;

(5) Design and development plan;

(6) Operations and management plan; and (7) Financial factors. (Entrepreneur, 2009)

It is important that the individual who starts their own business determine their objectives for the business and toward this end a goals and objectives checklist should be formulated asking questions such as: (1) How determined am I to see this succeed? (2) Am I willing to invest my own money and work long hours for no pay, sacrificing personal time and lifestyle, maybe for years? (3) What's going to happen to me if this venture doesn't work out? (4) if it does succeed, how many employees will this company eventually have? (5) What will be its annual revenues in a year? Five years? (6) What will be its market share in that time frame? (7) Will…...



Tozzi, John (2009) a Guide to Self-Employment. Business Week Magazine. 23 Jan 2009. Online available at:  http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/jan2009/sb20090123_156963.htm 

10 Steps to Starting a Business (2009) Business.GOV website online available at:  http://www.business.gov/start/start-a-business.html 

An Introduction to Business Plans (2009) Entrepreneur Connect. Online available at:  http://www.entrepreneur.com/startingabusiness/businessplans/article38290.html 

Plan Your Plan (2009) Entrepreneur Connect. Online available at:  http://www.entrepreneur.com/startingabusiness/businessplans/article38292.html

Samuelson's Explanation A the Country
Pages: 3 Words: 745

The specialization of the ulgarian workforce is more and more directed towards science and technology, including the it industry. Some of the companies present in the country include Hewlett-Packard, which is a positive aspect given the fact that these are also highly profitable sectors of the economy.

The second wheel of economic growth is natural resources. The country does not have significant resources of oil and gas, but it is a very important regional producer of electricity and it also boasts a specialized agriculture that includes niches in roses and cucumbers.

The third wheel is capital formation, where the ulgarian economy still has many of the plants and factories built during the Communist period, but which have been properly equipped now, after being sold to Western companies that invested a significant amount of money to turn them around and make them efficient.

This is also the case with the fourth wheel, technology and…...



1. Samuelson, Paul. 1997. Economics. McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Epistemology Immanuel Kant's Explanation on How We
Pages: 7 Words: 2366

Immanuel Kant's explanation on how we gain knowledge is preferable to that of David Hume. The mind can be compared with the computer in illustrating how the mind gathers and processes information or sense-data from generalizations, which in turn derive from a categorical imperative. A person need not experience something before he can apprehend or learn it.

Exposition. David Hume believes that all ideas are derived and become knowable only from sense experience (Lavine 1985, Stevenson 1987, Wikipedia 2006, Morris 2001).. From this standpoint, he rejects that we can know that every event has a cause, as he rejects the necessary connection between cause and effect, i.e., that the effect can proceed only from its cause. Just because something occurs after another on a regular and even observable basis does not mean that the former is the effect of the latter. To him, the effect may just happen without the connection…...



1. Abbott, Thomas Kingmill, translator. Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals by Immanuel Kant. Project Gutenberg Library Archive Foundation, 2006. http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/world/readfiles-fk_files=10995

2. Lavine, Thelma Z. From Socrates to Sartre: the Philosophic Quest. reissue edition.

Bantam Books, 1985

3. McCormick, Matt. Categorical Imperative. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006.  http://www.iep.utm.edu/k/kantmeta.htm

Criminology Explanation of Deviant Behaviors Comment by
Pages: 5 Words: 1712

Criminology Explanation of Deviant Behaviors
Comment by Sabina:

Delinquent behavior can considered normal in adolescent years. There are many different types of behaviors that are exhibited during teenage years, and as a society we have learned that this period could invoke delinquent behavior. Each individual must go through this rite of passage we refer to as adolescent year, a time where the individual is no longer a child but still not an adult. This is a transition from childhood to adulthood and it can be a troubling time for many individuals. In this paper I will discuss Moffitt's development taxonomy of delinquency and Akers social learning theory. I will discuss these two theories and how they attempt to explain some of the behavioral changes in adolescences. I will also discuss how these two theories explain the behavior of the three participants interviewed.

Developmental Taxonomy

Moffitt's developmental taxonomy has two principal pathways that explains antisocial…...



Akers, R.L. (2008). Out of Control: Assessing the general theory of crime. Stony Brook, NY: Erich Goode

Bandura, A. (1977) Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc.

Lee, G., Akers, R.L. & Borg, M.J. (2004). Social Learning and Structural factors in Adolescent substance use. Western Criminology Reviews. 5 (1) 17-34

Roth, M. & Bartsch, B. (2004). Moffitt's development taxonomy as seen by new results-someremarks on the adolescence-limited delinquency. National Institute of Health 53 (10) 722-737.

Causality Etc Prediction and Theoretical Explanation -
Pages: 2 Words: 703

Causality, etc.
Prediction and theoretical explanation - Essentially, prediction may be anywhere from an informed "guess" to a well-reasoned hypothesis that is based on well-reasoned background knowledge but needs more specifics in order to be more accurate. Theoretical explanation, however, takes specific examples from theories that have already been proven, and provides a way of putting them into a context that allows for greater explanation. It seems that one can take a look at a problem or issue and find a continuum that allows for degrees of correctness based on either past knowledge or current experimentation. For instance, if point A at the left was "gut feeling" and point Z. On the right was "repeated and validated experimental data" then many forms of hypothetical thought would fall in between, depending on which stage or which actual type of prediction is being done. Prediction is a forecast that may or may not…...



Rubin, A. And Babbie, E. (2005). Research Methods for Social Work. New York: Thompson,

Brooks, Cole.

Russo, F. (2008). Causality and Causal Modelling in the Social Sciences. New York:


Factorial Ecology With Radiocentric Explanations Factorial Ecology
Pages: 3 Words: 1019

Factorial Ecology ith Radiocentric Explanations
Factorial ecology vs. radiocentric explanations of urban development

Currently, two popular frameworks of statistical and geographical analysis of human populations offer themselves to students of urban development and planning. According to the sociologist Carl-Gunnar Janson, one of the more popular explanations during the 1970's, regarding particular urban populations' growth and expansion, was to be found through the sociological use of factorial ecology. Factorial ecology is the statistical study of various sociological and economic data, with the attempt to determine the most probable explanations behind the chosen variables that are being studied.

Very often most of the variance in a group of dozens of the factors taken under consideration can be accounted for by three or four possible reasons. (Janson, 1980). This is not necessarily a weakness of the model, however. For instance, a factorial ecology might take into consideration the ethnicity and gender composition of a particular…...


Works Cited

Bunting, T. And Filion, P. (2000). Canadian Cities in Transition: The Twenty-first Century. Second Edition. Toronto, Oxford University Press.

Janson, Carl-Gunnar. "Factorial social ecology: an attempt at summary and evaluation." Annual Review of Sociology. 1980. Vol. 6, pp. 433-456.

Nelson, Doreen. (2002). Transformations: Process and Theory.

Pacione, M. (2001) Urban Geography: A Global Perspective, London: Routledge.

Realist Explanations of IR Does
Pages: 3 Words: 838

(Dune, 2007)
International institutions are concentrating on reducing the chance of conflicts from emerging. This is because they are focused on increased cooperation between different states (such as: military, economic, commerce, health, the environment, human rights and investment). These different factors work in conjunction with one another to establish standards for improved cooperation and preventing conflicts from emerging between democracies. (Dune, 2007)

Does trade reduce conflict, or conflict reduce trade, or both and why?

Trade can also reduce conflict. This is from the different countries having an economic interest in the success of one another. Once this takes place, is the point when there will be increased communication between them. To make this model work most effectively, various international institutions must be utilized to deal with any kind of disputes among nations. This will reduce the possibilities of fighting by giving both sides a forum for venting their frustrations and discussing these…...



Dune, T. (2007). International Relations Theories. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Media Options Do the Explanations
Pages: 2 Words: 686

Student personality also affects the efficacy online format -- some extroverted students need the energy generated by the class to feel fully engaged with any material, regardless of the subject matter. Also, some students need individualized tutoring and support for material they find difficult, like the sciences. Moore stresses the importance of motivation and enthusiasm about the subject, and learning in general as critical aspects of benefiting from online learning formats, but having a learning style well-suited to the format may be another important part of creating an online classroom that 'works.' Older students who feel uncomfortable with revealing themselves online may have difficulty reaping the full benefits of an online classroom, no matter what their level of motivation.

Selecting good textbook and online content, providing real-life support through tutoring satellites, and incorporating as much interactive technology as possible, through Blackboards, video and talk sessions, and email, are all vital aspects…...

an explanation of the definition of'science
Pages: 2 Words: 610

Science is a “way of knowing,” meaning that it is one way of ascertaining the truth about the world. Although it is not the only way of knowing, it is the most reliable way of knowing the physical universe because it is based on systematic, rigorous methods of testing, experimentation, and calculated observations. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists (2017), science yields “unbiased and verifiable information to make important decisions,” (p. 1). The scientific method is used to acquire and analyze information. Using the scientific method, it is possible to test hypotheses again and again, to come up with verifiable and repeatable experiments that can yield factual and provable data.
The most important elements of the scientific method include observation, identification, description, investigation, and explanation. Observation is often the genesis of scientific inquiry. Observing an interesting, important, unique, or unusual phenomenon might lead to a hypothesis about why that phenomenon…...

Technology Challenges Explanation Initiating Technology
Pages: 3 Words: 1078

It should also be noted that adults are life, task or problem-centered in their course to learning. They want to see the applicability of what they are learning to their life, a task they need to perform, or to solving a problem. Technology-based instruction will be more effective if it encompasses real-life examples or circumstances that adult learners may come across in their life or on the job. While adult learners may respond to exterior motivators, internal priorities are more significant. Incentives such as improved job satisfaction, self-esteem and quality of life are vital in giving adults a purpose to learn. If any of these can be related as part of technology-based instruction adults will act in response more positively.
Challenges of technology

Adult learners can have need of specialized support, both on campus and at a distance. In the campus environment, they occasionally lack the technology skills and motivation necessary…...



Knowles, M.S. (1980). The Modern Practice of Adult Education; From Andragogy to Pedagogy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Cambridge Adult Education.

Knowles, M.S. et al., (1998). The Adult Learner. Houston: Gulf Publishing.

Lawler, P.A. (1991). The Keys to Adult Learning: Theory and Practical Strategies. Philadelphia:

Research for Better Schools.

Human Eye and an Explanation
Pages: 8 Words: 2566

For candidates not considered good prospects for conventional LASIK because of extreme nearsightedness and who are leery of the long recovery period of PRK, phakic intraocular lenses can be implanted. "In these cases, a phakic intraocular lens may be used. This lens is implanted inside the eye and can effectively treat nearsightedness up to -20 diopters" (Randleman & Payne 2010, p.4). Intracorneal rings (thin plastic segments) implanted into the peripheral cornea to flatten the cornea can be used for individuals wary of the side effects of the surgery. hile visual recovery is less predictable with the intracorneal rings, the procedure has the advantage of being reversible. However, it is only able to correct up to -3 diopters of myopia (Randleman & Payne 2010, p.4).

Because it is not considered necessary surgery, and because the conditions it is designed to treat can be corrective with less expensive glasses and contacts, most insurance…...


Works Cited

Boyles, S. "LASIK Surgery: Safer than contacts?" WebMD. 2006. May 15, 2010.


Cloud, Daniel. "Perfect vision is helping." 'The New York Times. June 6, 2006.

May 15, 2010.  http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/20/us/20eye.html?fta=y

Theories What Are the Explanations
Pages: 10 Words: 3047

203). Others who lose a loved one they had cherished for many years may have a disposition "towards compulsive caregiving" (Bowlby, p. 206). The welfare of others is of prime concern for these individuals; instead of experiencing "sadness and welcoming support for themselves" after the death of a loved one or family member that has been loved for many years, these individuals "proclaim that it is someone else who is in distress and in need of the care which then insist on bestowing."
This compulsive caregiving often manifests itself with the selection of a handicapped person to become that person's caregiver. Imagine the daughter who since adolescence has idolized her father, and never left the home but rather attended college nearby to her parents' home. She never made a lot of close friends and preferred to be home with her dad especially. So when he died, according to Bowlby's compulsive…...


Works Cited

Bowlby, John (1980). Attachment and Loss / Volume I / Attachment. New York: Basic

Books, Inc., Publishers.

Bowlby, John (1980). Attachment and Loss / Volume II / Separation / Anxiety and Anger. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers.

Bowlby, John. (1980). Attachment and Loss / Volume III / Loss / Sadness and Depression. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers.

Identity Is This Explanation Sufficient
Pages: 1 Words: 321

Aspects of identity that might have been denied or denigrated because of colonial mentalities can resurface and be admired. Discourse on gender and social class has also deepened and enabled identity constructions to flourish outside the confines of proscribed gender roles. Culture changes, and so too does identity. The values placed on identity aspects like religion have shifted too, making religion a less salient part of people's identity. On the other hand, sexual orientation and gender identity have both become more important. Gender roles have changed to such a great degree as to transform the definition and meaning of family, love, or sex.
Therefore, a number of issues affect the way we understand and create identities. Academia reflects broader changes in social values and norms. In some cases, academia inspires those social and political transformations. Regardless of the directions of the relationship between academia and social values, the two interact…...

Schools of Psychology?
Words: 57


How can I start my essay on Deviance?
Words: 340

Choosing how to start your essay on deviance depends on the type of essay you are writing and the type of coursework you are trying to complete.  Deviance is a broad topic that is covered in many of the soft sciences, including (but not limited to) sociology, psychology, and criminology.  It is also discussed in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history.  Therefore, we would probably begin the essay with two things: a definition of deviance and an explanation of how that definition fits into the context of the essay we are writing. 

Generally, deviance is a sociological concept....

Based on evaluation, provide explanation of implications for social change?
Words: 315

Without knowing what two scenarios you selected, we cannot help you specifically evaluate the sample size, evaluate the statements for meaningfulness, critically evaluate the statements for statistical significance, or provide an explanation of the implications for social change.  We can, however, provide information to you about how you can make those evaluations.

Understanding how statistics work, especially in the context of science and social science research, is very important.  That is because you can have studies that seemingly show the same results, but actually contain very different information.  One important component of any type of statistic presented is....

I am doing an assignment on curfew (night) and need help?
Words: 385

The Toulmin Model refers to a way of making arguments.  It breaks the argument into six parts: claim, grounds, warrant, qualifier, rebuttal, and backing.  The first three parts, the claim, grounds, and warrant are considered the fundamental parts of the argument, with qualifier, rebuttal, and backing considered as supplementary to the argument.  The claim refers to what you are trying to prove.  In this assignment, you would either be trying to prove that curfews are beneficial or detrimental. 

One of the difficulties with your assignment is that it is not clear what type of curfews you need to....

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