Experiential Learning Essays (Examples)

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Experiential Learning
Pages: 6 Words: 1715

Experiential Learning
I am a registered nurse from Westmoreland County Community College in Youngwood, Pennsylvania and currently taking up a achelor of Science in Nursing at Waynesburg College. At present, I am a nurse case manager at the Mercy Home Health in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where I extend nursing care of clients at home and attend to their educational requirements in collaboration with a multi-disciplinary team and physicians. I also coordinate with the staff on patient care and document reimbursement requirements. I likewise function as a disease case manager at the McKesson Health Solutions in roomfield Colorado. In discharging this function, I education health plan members on the disease process and management, document and input findings into their health plans, make referrals and coordinate individual needs with treatment providers and the health plan.

From 1989 to 2004, I was a worker compensation case manager at the AIG/HDI in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; a disease case…...



1. Kelly, C. (1997). David Kolb, The Theory of Experiential Learning and ESL. The Internet TESL Journal, volume III number 9.  http://teslj.org/Articles/Kelly_Experiential 

2. Kirby, E. (2003). Ray L. Birdwhistell. Emuseum: Minnesota State University. http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/information/biography/abcde/birdwhistell_ray.html

3. New York University. (2005). Claude Shannon. http://www.nyu.edu/pages/linguistics/courses/v610003/shan.html

4. Plattsburgh. (2005). Berlo Therapeutic Theory. http://www2.plattsburgh.edu/acadvp/bibinfo/library/er/nur350r11.pdf

Experiential Learning in Online Environments
Pages: 5 Words: 1531

In addition, the use of a collaborative online environment for producing educational videos was shown to be an effective approach to promoting experiential learning. In the final analysis, it is reasonable to conclude that as educators gain more experience with online educational programs, there will be further integration of experiential learning opportunities that will draw on the multimedia-savvy strengths of today's learners.
orks Cited

Aragon, Steven R. Facilitating Learning in Online Environments. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,


Imperatore, Catherine. (2009, May). "Moving into the Future with MUVES." Techniques 84(5):


McCarty, Jeanne E. (1999). "Cyberjunctions: Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace."

The Journal of Experiential Education 22(2): 74-76.

McPherson, Maggie and Miguel Baptista Nunes. Developing Innovation in Online Learning: An

Action Research Framework. London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2004.

Kennedy, Mary Lee and Angela Abell. (2008, January). "New Roles for Info Pros." Information

Outlook 12(1): 25-26.

Kolb, David a. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development.

Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1984.

Kolb, David, S.…...


Works Cited

Aragon, Steven R. Facilitating Learning in Online Environments. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,


Imperatore, Catherine. (2009, May). "Moving into the Future with MUVES." Techniques 84(5):


Experiential Learning in the Exploration of Diversity
Pages: 2 Words: 565

Experiential Learning in the Exploration of Diversity: Getting Out of the Comfort Zone
The objective of this study is to select an activity that places one outside of the normal environment. For the purpose of this study chosen was a wheelchair and the public setting chosen was a city zoo. For the purpose of this study, the writer of this work pretended as though blind and unable to see but only to hear and sense what was going on in the surroundings of this study.

Description of Activity

The writer of this work had a friend accompany the writer to the zoo and to push the wheelchair that the writer was in during this experience. The zoo was chosen because of the many different sounds, smells and other stimulating input that the writer would receive from the setting.

What Was Observed

The writer of this work observed that many individuals in a public setting are…...

Experiential Learning and Reflective Practice
Pages: 10 Words: 3248

Some of the main strategies that can be used to measure if I have achieved my objectives are as follows;

1. For better communication skills, conversation will be asked with peers, teachers and friends in order to analyze if the required goal has been achieved, if the main concept of the talk has been talked and the aim of the conversation has been achieved.

2. For the testing of the decision making and problem solving skills, it is important that whenever there is a need to make decision, either in the study career or in the family matters, decisions are made without the help of others but taking into account the advices and ideas of others. When the decisions are made, these are to be discussed with the elders as teachers, and parents.

3. In the case of computer-based skills, it is important all important assignments that are assigned by the teachers are…...



Avis, M. 2010. Effective Time Management Skills for Everyone. CreateSpace.

Biga, A., and University of South Florida. 2007. Measuring diversity management skill: Development and validation of a situational judgment test. ProQuest.

Brezina, C. 2008. Great Decision-Making Skills:Work Readiness. The Rosen Publishing Group.

Cadwell, K., and Turner-Maffei, C. 2004. Case studies in breastfeeding: problem-solving skills & strategies. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Experiential Learning Theory This Will Be Accomplished
Pages: 4 Words: 1244

experiential learning theory. This will be accomplished by focusing on how these ideas are incorporated into their thinking, the way it is influencing the individual and the application of key concepts. When this happens, specific insights are provided showing how this will impact the person's ability to recall them in the future.
Introduction of experiential learning

Experiential learning is the process of comprehending ideas based the experiences of the individual to understand the material. It focuses on how these factors and the practices of the teacher could provide a broader understanding of what is occurring. This means using different observations and interactions combined with instruction to enhance the student's ability to recall key idea. In many cases, internships and on-the-job training will involve utilizing these ideas to enhance the person's capacity to remember and apply important concepts on their own. (Wilson, 2006) ("Motivational Theory," 2013)

When this happens, they can more effectively…...



Motivational Theory. (2013).

Ernst, J. (2013). Impact of Experiential Learning. Journal of Technology Education, 24 (2), 31 -- 39.

Kolb, D. (2013). Concrete / Reflective / Abstract / Active. Western Reserve University. Retrieved from:


Experiential Learning Approaches in Teaching the Humanities
Pages: 12 Words: 3475

Using the Humanities and Experiential Learning to Promote Character EducationAbstractThis paper conducts an analysis of teaching the humanities by way of experiential learning, with the purpose being to facilitate character education among learners. It begins by providing an understanding of what experiential learning is and where the theory comes from. It then discusses its application in the field of humanities education and why character education and in particularly the development of virtue in learners is important. It provides evidence from research studies that have examined the role that experiential learning has in teaching and learning the humanities. It offers examples of how experiential learning can be applied in this field, and what researchers have done to test the theory of experiential learning in the building of character. Finally, it provides a conclusion regarding what educators can do to foster the development of virtue in learners by approaching the humanities by…...



Anggraini, H., & Emmanuel, H. S. (2021, April). Early Childhood Character Education During the Covid Pandemic 19. In 2nd Annual Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ANCOSH 2020) (pp. 40-42). Atlantis Press.

Aristotle. (n.d.). Rhetoric. (W. R. Roberts, Trans.) The Internet Classics Archive. (Original work published 350 BC).

Beesley, P. (1940). The Revival of the Humanities in American Education. Columbia University Press.

John Dewey Experiential Learning and
Pages: 4 Words: 1414

Progressive education can fail to build upon past frameworks of student knowledge, according to Dewey, because of its scattered syllabus, based on student whims of the moment, while a student was still gaining self-knowledge and self-mastery.
Progressive education has some other inherent structural problems, such as the difficulty of evaluating and assessing the learner. If the student sets the terms of the learning process, how can the teacher evaluate whether the student is right or wrong? Students may also have very unbalanced interests. Dewey's dislike of dualism may be linked to his opposition of pure progressive education -- what about a student who does not like math, for example, and would not learn her multiplication tables unless compelled, preferring to use the time to do striking and brilliant art? The teacher could miss a critical window of learning opportunity, and it is necessary to learn certain basic skills to function…...


Works Cited

Neill, James. "John Dewey, the Modern Father of Experiential Education."

Experiential Learning. January 26, 2005. November 20, 2008. http://wilderdom.com/experiential/ExperientialDewey.html

Neill, James. John Dewey: Philosophy of education. Experiential Learning. January 26, 2005. http://wilderdom.com/experiential/JohnDeweyPhilosophyEducation.html

Experiential Learning and Its Application
Pages: 3 Words: 1440

Concrete Experience
A young, dark-haired woman who loudly introduces herself as Nicola arrives to begin my computer-based training program -- COSSFIE -- the central student database, scheduled for 3 o'clock, at the university. I introduce myself, as well, accepting the training guide she proffers. Nicola, once again in the same loud tone, tells me that we will get started once she logs me in. Her loud volume has me wondering whether she is experiencing nerves or not. After having organized a couple of chairs, I feel rather disappointed when the trainer decides to take the driver's chair. I feel I should be able to log myself on and know how the screens look. I've lost the opportunity to point that out, however, since she's logged in already, and has taken off like a jet. After reclaiming the manual, she attempts to show me two extra pages of information, while her hands…...


References Committee, Inquiry into small business employment matters, Submission no 84,. Retrieved from Australian National Training Authority: ww.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/eet_ctte/smallbus_employ/submissions/sublist.htm

Hailstone, P. (2008). How to Write a Kolb Paper. www.researcheditwrite.com.au.

Quarry, P. (1992). Coaching on the Job. Seven Dimensions.

Sofo, F. (1999). Human Resource Development: Perspectives, Roles and Practice Choices. Business & Professional Publishing.

Theories of Education
Pages: 7 Words: 2133

Introduction Experiential learning is a type of education in which the learner stops being a passive recipient of information and becomes an active participant by doing. It is not a new theory of education but rather one that has been in existence for at least a century. One of the best points of this theory of learning is that it promotes active learning, which is facilitates a deep-down acquisition of knowledge that can help students retain information more completely and build on skills to develop a more robust tool set for the future. This paper will discuss experiential learning and compare and contrast it with three other learning theories—self-directed learning, transformation learning, and cognitive and non-cognitive learning. Finally, it will provide my own general thoughts and personal theories on how humans learn and how facilitators of adult learning use knowledge of experiential learning to inform and influence their practices.
Essential Elements of…...



Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and education. Kappa Delta Pi.

Emotional Intelligence Powerpoint. (n.d.). Salovey & Meyer.

Experiential Learning Powerpoint. (n.d.). Kolb, Boud and Usher.

Experiential Learning: Cognitive Apprenticeship and Anchored Instruction Powerpoint. (n.d.). Cognitive Apprenticeship and Anchored Instruction.

Freire’s Theory Powerpoint. (n.d.). Freire’s theory.

Gray, P. & Feldman, J. (2004). Playing in the zone of proximal development: Qualities of self-directed age mixing between adolescents and young children at a democratic school. American Journal of Education, 110(2), 108-146.

Mezirow’s Transformational Learning Theory Powerpoint. (n.d.). Transformational learning.

Multiple Intelligences Theory Powerpoint. (n.d.) Multiple intelligences.

Experiential Learning and Learning
Pages: 3 Words: 1090

Study Skills
The author of this report has been asked to offer a treatise on the subject of study skills. The dimensions and facets of studying skills that shall be covered include some reflection, the five learning outcomes for the model in question, the author's feelings about the matter, the evaluation of the same, an analysis of the overall progress and framework in question and an overall action plan. Study skills are often over-hyped or overly minimalized. However, to dismiss their importance or wield them improperly is a recipe for disaster when it comes to both the work and educational spheres. While incessantly drilling and covering subjects over and over can lead to burnout and wasted motion, being under-prepared is less than optimal and can lead to setbacks that are hard to recover from.


Study skills, of course, refer to the manner by which people work from an academic standpoint so as…...



Cottrell, S. (2013). Study Skills Handbook. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by Doing: Contents. [online] gdn.glos.ac.uk. Available at:   [Accessed 20 Sep. 2016].http://gdn.glos.ac.uk/gibbs/ 

KCL, (2016). Using Gibbs -- ™ Reflective Cycle. [online] King's College London. Available at:   [Accessed 20 Sep. 2016].https://www.kcl.ac.uk/campuslife/services/disability/onlineresources/Studyguides/Using-Gibbs-Reflective-Cycle-in-Coursework.pdf 

Silberman, M. (2007). The handbook of experiential learning. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

Learning With Cases Thomas v
Pages: 2 Words: 472

" The advantages of such a curriculum is that the material stays with the student longer than mere memorization; the students experience prevails over the teachers (thus the student teaches themselves); and the information learned is customized to the needs of the individual learner. Disadvantages of such an approach is frustration on the part of the student for their being a lack of a "right and wrong answer (or instant gratification); there is immense responsibility on the individual student and therefore requires a certain level of maturity; and there is not defined start and finish to the learning process.
However, Bonoma cites numerous examples of case studies, in both administrative and health care situations, in various fields where the statistics show a higher level of learner comprehension of the subject. Bonoma then concludes his paper by laying out instruction on how to set up, implement, run and evaluate a marketing-based case…...

Learning Styles in Essence Learning
Pages: 4 Words: 1697

Choosing the most effective style that relates to one's individual personality is very useful in terms of increasing one's learning strengths. I have personally found that in reality most people combine a number of learning styles in developing their unique approach to learning. From my perspective I have found that a combination of both imaginative and analytical learning styles best suits my needs. The emphasis in my approach is however on the imaginative style as I am more comfortable with a learning style that explores various sources and views of reality in a discursive and open-ended way. At the same time the more considered and careful analytical approach is also useful in that it tends to 'ground' one in reality.


Durbin G. (2002) Interactive Learning in Museums of Art and Design.

etrieved February 23, 2009, at

Exploring Psychology. Learning Styles. etrieved February 23, 2009, at http://www.dushkin.com/connectext/psy/ch06/learnsty.mhtml www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000308203

Guild, P. (1994, January). Making Sense…...



Durbin G. (2002) Interactive Learning in Museums of Art and Design.

Retrieved February 23, 2009, at

Exploring Psychology. Learning Styles. Retrieved February 23, 2009, at   www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000308203http://www.dushkin.com/connectext/psy/ch06/learnsty.mhtml 

Guild, P. (1994, January). Making Sense of Learing Styles. School Administrator, 51, 8. Retrieved February 26, 2009, from Questia database:   www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5002522655http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000308203 

Learning Styles the Theory of Honey and
Pages: 8 Words: 2744

Learning Styles
The theory of Honey and Mumford, describes the styles and learning strategies. It incorporates much of the theory of Kolb's learning cycle, making it more intelligible.

It is important to discuss these strategies with students. (Marsick and atkins, p132-51) hile this allows the teacher to become aware of the need to vary their teaching because they do not exist in universal, it also allows learners to realize that everyone learns differently.

So its dominant learning strategies can influence its working methods and student personnel can then optimize them. It may also become more self-confidence. Honey and Mumford (1986) take away from Kolb (1984) the idea of an experiential learning model in four stages they call: experience, the return on experience, drawing conclusions and planning. (aring and Evans, p117-28)

According to them, each phase has specific behaviors and attitudes and is important to successfully complete the learning process itself. But most people,…...


Works Cited

Lam, Y.L. Defining the effects of transformation leadership on organization learning: a cross-cultural comparison: School Leadership & Management, 2002, pp 439-52.

Marquardt, M. Action learning in action: Transforming problems and people for world- class organizational learning. Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Publishing, 1999, pp45-49.

Marsick, V.J., and Watkins, KE. Demonstrating the value of an organization's learning culture: The Dimensions of Learning Organizations Questionnaire, Advances in Developing Human Resources, 2003 5, pp132-151.

Evans, C. And Graff, M. "Exploring style: enhancing the capacity to learn?," Education & Training, Vol. 50, 2008, pp. 93-102.

Learning Style Knowledge of Learning
Pages: 5 Words: 1471

Naturally, visual learners do not enjoy reading books as auditory learners would, as written information is mostly processed in the mind's ears rather than by visualizing the text. Finally, a Kinesthetic or Tactile learner will predominantly learn information through touch and movement. In other words, kinesthetic learners would enjoy hands on laboratory session more than a routine class lecture. They also like to simulate events to understand them better. [Marcia L. Conner, pg 47]
Advantages of Knowing the Learning Style

Now that we have seen the domination of different modalities resulting in different learning styles among students, it is pertinent to understand the implications of such differences in context of their academic performance. Several studies have attested to that fact that only 20% of students learn through their auditory modality while 80% are either visual or kinesthetic. [Donna Walker, pg 16] However, in stark contrast, most of higher education is delivered…...



1) Marcia L. Conner, (2004) 'Learn More Now: 10 Simple steps to Learning Better, Smarter and Faster',

2) Richard M. Felder, (2005), 'Understanding Student Differences', Journal of Engineering education, 94(1) 57-72, available online at,  http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Papers/Understanding_Differences.pdf 

3) Donna Walker Tileston, (2005) 10 Best Teaching Practices: How Brain research, Learning Styles and Standards Define Teaching Competences', Published by Corwin Press.

4) Steve Garnett, (2005), 'Using Brainpower in the Classroom: Five steps to accelerate Learning', Published by Routledge

Learning Can Be Categorized Into Three Distinct
Pages: 6 Words: 1767

learning can be categorized into three distinct groups: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Behaviorism refers to the student's interaction with the environment and focuses on the external aspects of learning and on that which encourages learning such as positive reinforcement on the one hand and punishment on the toehr. Cogntivism, on the other hand, focuses on attitudes, motivation, and ideas and refers to the brain's interaction with the academic environment and with subject taught. Finally, constructivism represents and describes the situation where the learner actively builds new ideas or constructs learning situations.
Other approaches include humanism (where the focus is placed on respecting and motivating the individual student as encouragement to learning) and social / situational (namely those situational / social constructs interact in shaping a student's motivation and classroom attitude.


Behaviorism believes that external actions and manner dominate if not replace cognition. adical behaviorists believe that mind / cognition is a…...



Brown, B. & Ryoo, K (2008). Teaching Science as a Language: A "Content-First" Approach to Science Teaching. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 45 (5): 529 -- 553.

Charles, C. (2005). Building classroom discipline. USA: Pearson Pub.

Baron, R.A., Byrne, D., & Branscombe, N.R. (2006). Social Psychology (11th Ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.

Benson, N.C. (1998). Introducing Psychology. U.K: Totem Books.

I need some suggestions for canadian quot\'s international education strategy essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 259

1. The impact of international student enrollment on Canadian universities and colleges
2. The benefits of studying in Canada for international students
3. The role of Canadian institutions in fostering global citizenship through international education
4. The challenges and opportunities of recruiting international students to study in Canada
5. The economic impact of international education on the Canadian economy
6. The importance of diversifying the international student population in Canada
7. The role of language education in internationalizing Canadian higher education
8. The promotion of indigenous knowledge and perspectives in international education programs
9. The impact of international partnerships and collaborations on Canadian higher education institutions
10. The influence....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Persuasive?
Words: 390

Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas


The Importance of Early Childhood Education
Should College Education Be Free for All?
Technology's Role in Enhancing Education
The Value of Experiential Learning over Traditional Classrooms
The Impact of Standardized Testing on Student Success

Social Issues

The Necessity of Universal Healthcare
The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Imperative
The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
The Importance of Gun Control Legislation
The Benefits of a Universal Basic Income


Climate Change: A Call to Action
The Necessity of Renewable Energy Sources
The Role of Individuals in Environmental Protection
The Impact of Deforestation on Biodiversity
The Benefits....

How does attending a summer sleep-away camp as a child shape one\'s overall development and well-being, ultimately influencing their thesis on the benefits of such experiences?
Words: 497

Summer sleep-away camp experiences during childhood hold transformative power, shaping individuals' overall development and well-being in myriad ways. These immersive environments foster independence, social skills, personal growth, and a profound appreciation for nature, laying a foundation that influences their perspectives and outlooks later in life.

Independence and Self-Reliance

At camp, children are thrust into a setting where they are expected to manage their daily routines and responsibilities independently. They learn to make their beds, pack their belongings, and adhere to schedules without parental supervision. This newfound autonomy cultivates a sense of self-reliance and prepares them for future challenges.

Social Development and Teamwork

Camp provides....

How can integrating experiential learning into the classroom enhance student understanding of complex philosophical concepts?
Words: 536

Integrating experiential learning into the classroom can enhance student understanding of complex philosophical concepts in several ways:

1. Active engagement: Experiential learning encourages students to actively engage with the material through hands-on experiences, simulations, and real-world applications. This can help students gain a deeper understanding of abstract concepts by seeing how they apply in practical situations.

2. Critical thinking: Experiential learning requires students to think critically about the information they are learning and how it can be applied in different contexts. This can help students develop their analytical skills and see the interconnectedness of different philosophical concepts.

3. Personal relevance: Experiential learning allows....

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