Exemplification Essays (Examples)

62+ documents containing “exemplification”.

An exemplification essay is a very detailed type of argumentative essay that relies upon specific examples to prove the argument.  These specific examples can be case-study or anecdotal examples that describe a particular perso......

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Example Essays

Exemplification When the First Horseless Carriage Came
Pages: 2 Words: 675

When the first horseless carriage came about, it was viewed as a novelty; a means to get around much faster but the dangers of the invention were always known. Nowadays, car accidents are very frequent things, some fatal but most are the "fender benders" where people are not very much injured. Because automobiles can be so dangerous, legislation has been passed over the last century to make people who are behind the wheel legally responsible. Besides taking a written exam about driving laws, people who want to drive also have to take a hands-on driver's test so that the Department of Motor Vehicles can judge how they drive. However, once the license has been acquired, what often happens is that people engage in activities which are often illegal and quite dangerous. The danger of cellular telephones while driving has led to legislation banning the use. There are also concerns about…...

Exemplification Stereotype and Ethnicity
Pages: 1 Words: 409

Stereotype and EthnicityA stereotype is a typical mental image shared by individuals of a unit that expresses an overly simplistic viewpoint, a biased attitude, or an uncritical assessment. Stereotypes can be centered on ethnicity, race, age, gender, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation, or any other group membership (Susan 14). Ethnicity is a group membership based on shared cultural characteristics, such as language, ancestry, national origin, and religion. There are claims regarding stereotypes and ethnicity that can lead to discrimination and are harmful.One claim regarding stereotypes and ethnicity is that they can lead to discrimination. People may judge others based on their race and cultural beliefs rather than who they are. This can result in people being treated unfairly or even excluded from specific opportunities. In America and I by Anzia Yezierka, the author describes her experience as a Polish immigrant in America. She talks about the different types of people…...


Work CitedFiske, Susan T. “Prejudices in cultural contexts: Shared stereotypes (gender, age) versus variable stereotypes (race, ethnicity, religion).” Perspectives on psychological science 12.5 (2017): 791-799.

Nursing Theory Middle Range Theory
Pages: 7 Words: 2277

The respondents who step out to be part of the research process should be protected from any unwanted intrusion or any other form of personal or group harassment (Smith & Liehr, 2008).
It is formal to have and conduct nursing research according to the set ethical frameworks where the entire review of the proposal will be undertaken. Whether to be undertaken by the staff or students, this research should be subjected to ethical approvals, which will make sure that the research, proposal is directed at serving the nursing school dream and intentions. Using the Middle range theory, the nursing problems and challenges will be solved in various ways as follows (Smith & Liehr, 2003).

All the nursing researchers and educators, being the staff members, must have respect upon the dignity, interests, and rights of the nursing students and other staff members related and participating in practical and theoretical learning.

Any relevant legislation…...



Basford, L., & Slevin, O. (2003). Theory and practice of nursing: An integrated approach to patient care. Cheltenham, U.K: Nelson Thornes.

Fitzpatrick, J.J., & Kazer, M.W. (2012). Encyclopedia of nursing research. New York:

Springer Pub.

Meleis, a.I. (2011). Theoretical nursing: Development and progress. Philadelphia: Wolters

Communication Chapter 3 Maximum Performance Describe Develop
Pages: 15 Words: 4464

communication chapter 3 Maximum Performance, describe develop enhance communication abilities skills future (15 marks). Part 2: EITHE: imagine brought a consultant offer advice communication processes business/organisation work ( worked recently).

The modern day business society is extremely dynamic and competitive. In the context of increasing forces of globalization, economic agents transcend boundaries and strengthen their competitive positions. This virtually means that the companies are presented with two different situations. For once, within the global community, they become able to access wider consumer markets and enhance their sales levels. On the other hand however, within the domestic community, they encounter increased competition as more foreign players enter the local market.

The business community as such becomes more and more competitive. But the complexities of the economic climate do not end with globalization, as these are enhanced by other elements as well. For instance, the demands of the customers exponentially increase when they…...



Forster, N.S., 2011, Maximum performance: a practical guide to leading and managing people, Edward Eldar Publishing

Active listening, Mind Tools,   last accessed on January 11, 2012http://www.mindtools.com/CommSkll/ActiveListening.htm 

2003, Managing people -- communication, Business Town,   last accessed on January 11, 2012http://www.businesstown.com/people/communication-improving.asp 

2004, Strategies for developing listening skills, National Capital Language Resource Center,   last accessed on January 11, 2012http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/listening/stratlisten.htm 

Communication What Is the Difference
Pages: 5 Words: 1786

This is thought to be negative reinforcement. Oftentimes various manipulative strategies may be used. One of these is impression management. This is where one tries to make one's side look good. Authority involves stating one's right to make a decision. Emotion involves making an emotional display to get one's way (Families and Family Decision Making, 2008).
I think that negotiation is the best method. This allows everyone to have their opinions heard and then the best decision can be made. This gives everyone the opportunity to participate in the decision making process and feel as if they are contributing the well being of the family as a whole. If everyone is allowed to feel as if their ideas and thoughts count for something then they are more likely to listen to others. The best decisions are usually made when all of the information and choices are laid out for everyone…...



Centralization vs. Decentralization.(2007). Retrieved May 9, 2010, from Web site:


Cherry, Kendra. (2010). Attachment Styles. Retrieved from About Web site:


Management in Spite of the
Pages: 13 Words: 3753

Another 110 individuals would be necessary in administrative positions; 120 people in the cleaning crews and the rest of 150 should occupy diverse positions.
4.2. ecruitment, selection and hiring

Once the event coordinator has identified the staffing need, he moves on to recruiting and selecting the individuals to occupy the available positions. ecruitment and selection is generically "concerned with any means available to meet the needs of the firm for certain skills and behaviors" (Armstrong, 2000, p.201). What these processes generally do it to attract prospective employees and determine which of the candidates are best suited for the available positions. It is imperative that the processes of recruitment and selection be efficient, effective and fair (ACAS). As the best candidates are identified, the human resource manager, after an understanding with the executives, makes an employment offer to the individual. This employment offer will not only include the specification of the salary,…...



Acuff, J., Wood, W., 2004, The relationship edge in business: connecting with customers and colleagues when it counts, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0471477125

Armstrong, M., 2000, Strategic human resource management: a guide to action, 2nd Edition, Kogan Page Publishers, ISBN 0749433310

Arthur, D., 2001, The employee recruitment and retention handbook, AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn, ISBN 0814405525

Bohlander, G.W., Snell, S., 2007, Managing human resources, 14th Edition, Cengage Learning, ISBN 0324314639

Professional Issues in Nursing Things That Surprised
Pages: 7 Words: 2128

Professional Issues in Nursing
Things that surprised me

The chapter on collective bargaining has some surprising aspects with respect to nursing. Collective bargaining has a number of difficulties while being implemented at nursing profession. Nurses have a number of predicaments that can easily bar them from accessing and delivering quality services to patients. In order to arrive at an equitable ground where success is determined and assessed by use of collective bargaining, nurses and any other worker should exist in groups of palatable ground of service.

As indicted in chapter 17 of the book, nurses and many people working in organizations have difficulties in accessing policies that demonstrate their capabilities. Nurses encounter difficulties, which are often directed to their organizations. Nursing is a difficult activity that deserves a lot of sacrifice and affection from the people involved. Moreover, it is surprising to know that there are no direct segments within a health service…...



Huston, C.J. (2010). Professional issues in nursing: Challenges & opportunities.

Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Moral and Not Belief in God Humanity
Pages: 7 Words: 2170

moral and not belief in God?
Humanity encompasses all aspects about exemplification of life and the utmost being. The origin of man is detrimental to the subsequent behaviours and codes of living among these human beings. In most cases, many researchers have shown that human existence is based on the origin and existence of God. God is regarded as a supreme being who gives and takes life. Nonetheless, human behaviour and character is dictated by what takes place in the multilingual conglomerates and thoughts within the human mind. In fact, humanity is obviously inexistent without the existence and intervention of God. Nonetheless, I support the opinion that believing in God changes human characters and behaviours. The impairment of morals and sensible approaches of handling life come with assurance of living in the presence of God. With God being an assurance to a moral sustenance of human life, one can be…...



Dorff, E.N. (2007). For the love of God and people: A philosophy of Jewish law.

Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society.

Fuchs, J. (1983). Personal responsibility and Christian morality. Washington, D.C:

Moreland, J.P., & Craig, W.L. (2004). Philosophical foundations for a Christian worldview.

Indispensable Leader in the World
Pages: 10 Words: 3199

The military strengths enable the leader at hand to have a fair share of the leadership duties and capabilities in the society (Wagner, 2008).

Who do you think is the most indispensable leader in the world today, what category (from the list below) does this person belong?

I think that Barrack Obama is the most indispensable leader in the world today. Mr. Barrack Obama is one of the leaders that have come to the forefront in the general success of leadership in the present world. In most instances, Barrack Obama has come out as a leader with the capabilities of capturing the entire world with his personal skills and attributes. The strengths of this president are bestowed within the running and management of the affair of the United States of America. The entire world knows that there are fruitful avenues of managing the available avenues of growth and development in the…...



Buzan, T., Dottino, T., & Israel, R. (2007). Grass roots leaders: The BrainSmart revolution in business. Aldershot: Gower.

Dixon, B. (2012). Social media for school leaders: A comprehensive guide to getting the most out of Facebook, Twitter, and other essential web tools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Feinstein, S. (2008). Barack Obama. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers.

Johansen, R. (2012). Leaders make the future: Ten new leadership skills for an uncertain world. San Francisco, Calif: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Ruddiman Plows Annotation of W F
Pages: 10 Words: 4273

He describes how wild grains and animals were domesticated, as well as the new technologies that made farming possible (sickles, baskets, pestles, gourds, irrigation, the wheel, the plow). He uses a chart to plot these movements. His evidence is mainly archeological, historical, and botanical with heavy doses of appeal to imaginary scenarios. Its power to convince is narrational. His ultimate point in cataloguing this change is to assert how, for first time in history, humans become a prime factor in altering earth's natural landscapes. Land was now exploited and degraded through deforestation for crops and soil erosion.
Summary: Ruddiman summarizes the history of how humans began to shape the earth through technology and landscape transformation. He relies on the credibility of his narrative.

Ch. 8, pp. 76-83: His main claim is that humans rather than nature have created a rise in atmospheric methane. He presents several lines of argument, beginning with…...

Aria A Memoir of a
Pages: 4 Words: 1548

Apparently, the language is the one to blame for the communication breeches inside the family. On the other hand, the author uses another personal experience, his relationship with his grandmother, who died when he was nine years old, in order to show how they remained close even after he was no longer comfortable with using his native language, but perfectly able to understand it .
Besides public and private sphere, another distinction the author makes on his way to counterattack the program of bilingual education is that between private and public individuality. In making a case against those "bilingualists" (Rodriguez, 338) who "simplistically scorn the value and necessity of assimilation" (idem), he favors the public individuality, arguing that this is absolutely necessary in order for one to evolve and achieve something in society. However, he does not continue to explain the concept of public individuality and how it differs from…...

Sigma and Quality Managemnet Six
Pages: 15 Words: 4340

The results retrieved by Victor, Boynton and Stephens-Jang point out to a necessity to find a balance between standardized work and continuous learning process. They also indicate that employees who have managed to find this balance reveal higher levels of on-the-job satisfaction, as well as lower levels of stress.
A crucial approach to total quality management is taken by Mohamed Zairi (2002), who looks at quality management in the context of the current threats. He argues for instance the growing threats of competition, as promoted by the intensifying forces of globalization, or the necessity for any organization to operate in accordance with the growing concerns for environmental well-being. In this context, Zairi points out not only to the necessity of TQM for organizational survival, but even more so for the importance of sustainable models of TQM that maintain organizational competitiveness. The basic idea is that of the ongoing necessity for…...



Gabor, A., 2001, Quality Revival, Part 2: Ford Embraces Six Sigma, The New York Times

Hahn, G.J., Hill, W.J., Hoerl, R.W., Zinkgraf, S.A., 1999, The Impact of Six Sigma Improvement -- A Glimpse into the Future of Statistics, The American Statistician, Vol. 53, No. 3

Kanji, G.K., 2002, Business Excellence: Make It Happen, Total Quality Management, Vol. 13, No. 8

Harry, M., Schroeder, R., 2000, Six Sigma, Random House, ISBN 0-385-49437-8

Economics - How China's Economy
Pages: 7 Words: 2387

Aside these impacts however, more salient effects are observable, such as a necessity to change internal practices of business. A relevant example in this sense is given by Wal-Mart, in its quality of America's largest retailer, which decided, unlike within the U.S., to allow Chinese employees to unionize (Dessler, 2006). The official approach of the Chinese leaders was that of implementing reforms which further capitalize on the low cost labor force advantage in order to continually attract investors.

5. The Market of Exchange ates

The final step of this analysis is constituted by the look at China's currency policies, in an attempt to reveal if the policies implemented have played any part in the country's competitiveness within the global market. China's currency, the yuan, was pegged to the United States Dollar in 1997, but the link only lasted until 2005. Since then, the mechanism of resetting the value of the national currency…...



Brasher, K., 2005, China's Opaque Currency Policy, the New York Times,   last accessed on October 21, 2009http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/22/business/worldbusiness/22assess.html 

Bruton, G.D., Ahlstrom, D., Chan, E.S., 2000, Foreign Firms in China: Facing Human Resources Challenges in a Transnational Economy, SAM Advanced Management Journal, Vol. 65

Buckley, P.J., Clegg, J., Wang, C., 2002, the Impact of Inward FDI on the Performance of Chinese Manufacturing Firms, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 33

Cavanaugh, J., Mander, J., 2004, Alternatives to Economic Globalization: A Better World Is Possible, 2nd Edition, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, ISBN 1576753034

Puritan Poetry Puritanism as Seen
Pages: 4 Words: 1238

First, his use of rhyme is incredibly heavy, and quickly becomes awkward and intrusive:
Ye sons of men that durst contemn the Threatnings of Gods ord,

How cheer you now? your hearts, I trow, are sthrill'd as with a sword.

(stanza 8)

The internal rhyme in the odd numbered lines of each stanza, especially when coupled with the end rhyme in the even numbered lines (this pattern repeats in the second half of the stanza), gives the poem a condescending feel as though it is an instruction for children, while at the same time hammering itself into the mind of the reader in an obsessive manner. The complete lack of enjambment strengthens this effect, especially when reading the poem out loud.

In comparison to this, Bradstreet's sometimes stilted rhyme comes out very favorably. In one of her most well-known poems, "To My Dear and Loving Husband," even her twelve straight lines of rhyming couplets…...


Works Cited

Bradstreet, Anne. "To My Dear and Loving Husband." Accessed 5 May 2009. http://www.annebradstreet.com/to_my_dear_and_loving_husband.htm

Bradstreet, Anne. "In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth." Accessed 5 May 2009. http://www.annebradstreet.com/in_honour_of_that_high_and_mighty_princess_queen_elizabeth.htm

Wigglesworth, Michael. "The Day of Doom." Accessed 5 May 2009. http://www.puritansermons.com/poetry/doom001.htm

Room I Came Up With
Pages: 16 Words: 4449

In conjunction with these car ads, car insurance companies took advantage of this by advertising their services as well. Car insurance companies that I noticed advertising through billboards were Safeco, Progressive, and All State. Progressive provided a catchy and positive note to its ad by having the slogan, "Happy drivers make good drivers." From what I can recall in the All State ad, it mentioned something about safe driving, again with a catchy phrase: "Safe driving bonus for not driving like a paparazzi." These car insurance ads, particularly for Progressive and All State, tackle issues relevant to motorists, their target market: both chose to discuss driving behavior, using different ad 'treatments.' Progressive addressed reckless/irresponsible driving by focusing on the ideal driving behavior and its positive outcome, that is, drivers must have a happy temperament in order to be a good driver. All State, meanwhile, chose to go the opposite route…...

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