And what of the details of this imprisonment? ere the camps liveable? Did they provide basic community services, like public education, privacy for families, civic news communications? The original "evacuation" to the camps was traumatic in itself for many of the Japanese-Americans, who were given a week or less to gather belongings, settle any long-term obligations they might have in their communities, say goodbye to friends and loved ones, and report a camp. The starkness of the evacuation is evident in the signs pasted every time a neighborhood was targeted for evacuation:
all persons of Japanese ancestry, both alien and non-alien, weill be evacuated from the above area by 10 o'clock noon on...evacuees must carry with the on dparture for the Assembly Center the following property: a. bedding and linens for each member of the family; b. toilet articles for each member of the family; c. extra clothing for each member…...
mlaWorks Cited
Daniels, R., 1988. Asian America. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Kurashige, L., 2002. Japanese-American Celebration and Conflict: A History of Ethnic Identity and Festival, 1934-1990., Berkeley: University of Californial Press.
McClatchey, V.S., 1921. "Japanese Residents Can Never Be Assimilated,"in Asian-Americans: Opposing Viewpoints, Dudley, W., ed., 1997. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, pp. 81-88.
Persico, J., 2001. Roosevelt's Secret War. New York: Random House.
Executive Order
Less than two months after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, bringing the United States into orld ar II, the federal government made a decision to remove many Japanese (the majority of whom were Japanese-American citizens) from the west coast of the U.S., allegedly for security reasons. This paper reviews that decision and the ramifications from Executive Order 9066.
The main justification for Executive Order 9066 was that some Japanese on the west coast allegedly "…posed a threat to national security," according to Roger Daniels, professor of English at The University of Illinois and author of Prisoners without Trial: Japanese-American in orld ar II. The executive order signed by President Franklin Roosevelt (9066) caused about 120,000 Japanese (two-thirds were American citizens) to be confined to camps (some called them "concentration camps" but they were in no way death camps such as the Nazis had put in place…...
mlaWorks Cited
Daniels, Roger (1993). Prisoners without Trial: Japanese-American in World War II. New York:
Hill and Wang.
Privacy SOS. (2003). Japanese-American Internment Camps. Retrieved December 16, 2012,
Executive Orders Abuse Power?
The best known directives consist of executive orders and presidential proclamations, but there are many other documents that have a similar functional and effects. educed to their basic core, presidential directives are merely written, rather than oral, instructions or declarations that are handed down by the President. Authority for these directives must come from either the Constitution or statutory delegations. Yet the President's authority to issue directives goes beyond express language in the Constitution (Gaziano, 2001).
The President's authority to issue executive orders is limited by the extent of his powers and by other power given to Congress. If the President's power is derived from a constitutional grant of power, Congress remains free to reverse or adjust the fundamental authority. Congress also has some leeway in defining the procedures the President must carry out in the exercise of that power, even though there are some constitutional restrictions…...
Executive order (United States). (2012). Retrieved from
Executive Orders and Presidential Directives. (2001). Retrieved from
Gaziano, T. (2001). The Use and Abuse of Executive Order and Other Presidential
Directives. Retrieved from -
Presidential PowerAccording to Howell, the two features of a president acting unilaterally are the president's ability to move and set policy alone without seeking legislative approval, and the fact that the president acts without collaboratively involving other government branches or political institutions. Firstly, is the presidents ability to set policy: Rather than waiting at the end of an extended legislative process to sign or veto a bill, the president simply sets new policy and leaves it up to Congress and the courts to respond (Howell, p. 14). This non-collaborative feature of unilateral action presents a dilemma since it allows a single executive branch to hold substantial power over determining policy which could easily be abused or overly biased. It also shows that there is no need to rally majorities, compromise with adversaries, or wait for some interest group to bring a case to court (Howell, p. 15). Thus, despite its…...
Howell, “Presidential power in the modern era.”
Executive Order and Law:
An executive order can be described as a presidential directive that consists of the force of law though it has a much more restricted jurisdiction than the statutes of the Congress. Generally, an executive order is a presidential order that usually applies to the way things are done in Federal Agencies. However, a presidential executive order cannot be contradictory with any law passed by the Congress since that would render it unconstitutional. Notably, executive orders can only govern the activities of the executive branch such as Federal Agencies, which implies that they cannot be directly used to govern the American public to the extent that the United States Congress can do. Therefore, an executive order can be regarded as what the president issues to enforce Congressional statutes and laws, which means that the president is basically ordering the executive branch officials to act.
Based on this description,…...
mlaWorks Cited:
United States. U.S. Department of the Treasury. Release of Executive Order Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Burma; Burma Designations; Release of Burma General Licenses. U.S. Department of the Treasury, 11 July 2012. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. .
"What Is an Executive Order?" -- American Government and Politics Online., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. .
Deregulation under the Trump Administration and Its Impact on the Non-Profit Sector
President Trump touted deregulation as one of the issues he would push for during his campaign leading up to the 2016 election. Once placed in the White House, he held true to his push for deregulation and that policy has had some impact on the non-profit sector in the US. This paper will show how that impact has benefited the nonprofit sector in some ways and how in other ways it remains to be seen whether negative fallout will occur or not. Specifically this paper will explain how deregulation under the Trump Administration is impacting the non-profit sector in various beneficial ways, such as
by allowing nonprofits to keep anonymous the names of donors; and by capping the amount federal agencies can force nonprofits to spend—the idea being that this will prohibit agencies from shifting costs for regulatory ambitions onto…...
Dangers of PartisanshipWhen party unity and partisanship cause Congress to become deadlocked and unable to agree upon action, it can lead to several dangers and inefficiencies, including government shutdowns, legislative delays, loss of public trust, economic problems, and more. There are many real-world examples of all these. For instance, due to a failure of agreement on government spending in 2013 and again in 2018, the US government shut down, causing disruption to all non-essential services, in turn affecting millions of Americans. Likewise, during the debt ceiling crisis of 2011, the standoff between epublicans and Democrats resulted in a downgrade of the US credit rating by Standard & Poor\\\'s, which in turn led to increased borrowing costs and financial market volatility.Partisan deadlock of the Affordable Care Act in 2017 as Congress tried to repeal or replace it caused a lot of uncertainty for people who needed to know what was required…...
mlaReferencesAmerican Government. (n.d.).
The upremacy Clause of Article VI in the Constitution for example provides the federal government with all-encompassing powers of regulation. This includes immigration (Hall, 1994, p. 11 of fax). Furthermore, commerce and business within the United tates can also be regulated by the Federal law under the Commerce clause of Article 1, section 8, clause 3, under which commerce with foreign nations, for example, can be regulated.
An argument like the one by the Islamic Army may therefore be characterized as somewhat narrow, lacking insight into the true character of the Constitution. The American Constitution does not guarantee human rights and equality to everybody that comes its way. It is also obliged to protect as best it can the citizens of the United tates. uch protection means that the rights of those who mean to harm citizens need to be prohibited within the country.
Hall, Daniel E. (1994). Administrative Law: Bureaucracy…...
Hall, Daniel E. (1994). Administrative Law: Bureaucracy in a Democracy. New Jersey: Pearson / Prentice Hall
President Bush, George W. (2001, Sept. 24). "Executive Order on Terrorist Financing: Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism." Office of the Press Secretary.
American Journal of International Law (2009). President issues an executive order banning torture and CIA prisons. The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 103, No. 2. Pp 331-334.
The article mentions that in line with President Obama's order to put an end to Guantanamo Bay detentions, there was an issue of executive orders. As empowered by the constitution, the orders reversed practices and policies from the Bush administration and the relationships with detention and interrogation of the terror suspects. The authors add that the order revoked Executive Order 13,440 that limited Common Article 3 application on Geneva Conventions. The order banned torture and humiliation and degrading treatment for persons under U.S. custody, control of detained persons from in armed conflicts, and limit U.S. interrogation techniques from the ones authorized through the Army Field Manual. Further, the order directed Central Intelligence Agency to end all detention facilities under its operations while…...
Beckmann, M.N., McGann, A.J., (2008). Navigating the Legislative Divide Polarization, Presidents, and Policymaking in the United States. Journal of Theoretical Politics 20(2): 201 -- 220.
Bridge, D., (2014). Presidential Power Denied: A New Model Of Veto Overrides Using Political. Congress & the Presidency; Vol 41, 2; ProQuest Central pg. 149.
Canes-Wrone, B. (2001). President's Legislative Influence from Public Appeals. American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 45, No. 2. pp. 313-329.
Cummins, J., (2010). State of the Union Addresses and the President's Legislative Success. Congress & the Presidency; 37, 2; ProQuest Central pg. 176.
The Constitution delineates the powers related to the different branches of government, the judicial, legislative and executive. This breakdown is outlined in Article II. In Section 2, the President is appointed the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy. The President also has the power to make treaties, appoint ambassadors, other public ministers, judges of the Supreme Court, with the advice of the Senate. The President may appoint lower officials without the Senate's approval, and the President may fill vacancies during recess of the Senate. The President also has the power of veto over laws presented to him by Congress.
The President also has powers that have been granted by Congress. As head of the executive branch, the President has extensive power within that branch to guide funding and projects, and to make appointments. The President can utilize what are known as executive orders, which apply to people working within the executive…...
Covington, M. (2012). Executive legislation and the expansion of Presidential power. Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal. Vol. 8 (2012) 1-8.
Marshall, W. (2008). Eleven reasons why Presidential power inevitably expands and why it matters. Boston University Law Review. Vol. 88 (2008) 505-522
Peters, G. (2013). The American Presidency Project / Executive Orders. American Presidency Project. Retrieved December 2, 2014 from
US Constitution, Article II. Retrieved December 2, 2014 from
Further, it can also be noted that initially, I took coaching to be a critical undertaking in the development of skills as well as talents of leaders and executives. This is a view which has also been reinforced by my recent readings of the relevant texts. Just like I believed in the past, executive/organizational coaching enables executives to respond to various pressures in addition to meeting a wide range of organizational goals in an increasingly dynamic working environment. Hence in a way, one of the main purposes of coaching remains the development of skills and other competencies. This is a view I held in the past and which has further been enhanced or reinforced today.
However, it is important to note that I had a somewhat limited view of the purpose of an executive/organizational coach in so far as nurturing skills and talents of leaders is concerned. In this case, I…...
Flaherty, J. (2010). Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others, 3rd Edition. Burlington: Routledge
Goldsmith, M. & Lyons, L. (2006). Coaching for Leadership: The Practice of Leadership Coaching from the World's Greatest Coaches, 2nd Edition. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons.
Hudson, F.M. (1999). The Handbook of Coaching: A Comprehensive Resource Guide for Managers, Executives, Consultants, and Human Resource Professionals. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Peltier, B. (2010). The Psychology of Executive Coaching, 2nd Edition. New York: Taylor and Francis.
Executive Stock Option Plans
"If the company does not do better than its competitors, but the stock market goes up, executives do very well from their stock options. This makes no sense." Discuss viewpoint. Can you think of alternatives to the usual executive option plan that take the viewpoint into account?
Executive stock options are performance-based incentive plans that became popular in the 1950s and 1960s. They declined due to the stock market crash of the 1970s, but returned aggressively returned in the 1990s (Kole, 1997). Today, most companies grant stock options to their top officers as part of executive compensation, along with salary and bonuses. Options that are awarded as part of a compensation package can be very valuable to executives when stocks are performing well. The challenge comes in when stock value is realized for executives even when a company is not faring well at all. This is problematic.
In general,…...
Cicero, D.C. (2009). The manipulation of executive stock option exercise strategies: Information timing and backdating. Journal of Finance, 64(6), 2627 -- 2663.
Collins, D.W., Gong, G., & Li, H. (2009). Corporate Governance and Backdating of Executive Stock Options. Contemporary Accounting Research, 26(2), 403-445.
Hamilton, S. And Wise, D. (2008). Adding performance criteria to your stock options. Hay Group. Retrieved from
Hess, D. (2012). More Stock Rewards Tied To Performance. Crain's New York Business, 28(31), 0015.
5). Although Web portals also provide executives with the ability to aggregate large amounts of data from various sources, there is still the issue of sorting out all of this information in meaningful ways. Indeed, many executives are faced with so much information that it is comparable to trying to sip from a fire hose. In contrast to Web portals, digital dashboards "is a personalized portal that provides consolidated information for an individual user" (Abel, p. 6). Finally, digital dashboards also provide executives with the ability to view the information offline, thereby adding portability to the EIS approach (Abel).
Examples of Executive Information Systems and Digital Dashboards. One of the more popular EISs in use today is SAS, described by one of its vendors as "the market leader in providing a new generation of business intelligence software and services that create true enterprise intelligence. SAS is the only vendor that…...
Abel, T. (2008). Microsoft Office 2000: Create dynamic digital dashboards using Office, OLAP, and DHTML. Microsoft Corporation. [Online]. Available:
Desouza, K.C. (2002). Managing knowledge with artificial intelligence: An introduction with guidelines for nonspecialists. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
Glenn, R.W., Panitch, B.R., Barnes-Proby, D., Williams, E., Christian, J., Lewis, M.W., Gerwehr, S. & Brannan, D.W. (2003). Training the 21st century police officer: Redefining police professionalism for the Los Angeles Police Department. Santa Monica, CA: Rand.
Lilly Software. (2008). Infor Global Solutions, Inc. [Online]. Available: system.asp.
Other benefits include payouts or large severance packages should an executive leave a corporation, whether or not they fulfilled the terms of their initial contract (Griner, 1996). There has been some criticism of late of agencies and organizations that offer compensatory packages for CEOS that do not meet organizational objectives. Employees in many instances are not afforded the same benefits or exemptions that executives are. Most employees are likely to be fired or laid off without any benefit or pay out particularly when their performance is considered marginal. This is not always the case however with executive pay.
Change on the Horizon
One of the biggest challenges that lies ahead for H managers and organizations will be holding executives accountable for the results they produce within an organization. Boards must more and more take a "rigorous approach to ensure that pay reflects performance" so that stakeholders can measure executive contributions to the…...
Bowlin, W.F., Renner, C. & Rives, J.M. (2002). "The significance of gender in explaining senior executive pay variations: An exploratory study." Journal of Managerial Issues, 14(3): 331
Chingos, P. (2004). "Perspective: Responsible executive compensation" Mercer Human
Resources. Retrieved May
20, 2005: .
hen he, representing the de facto shareholders the American taxpayers, found the executive compensation plans were out of line with the objectives of said shareholders, he acted.
In the free market system, this is the only response. Shareholders have rights and duties as the owners of companies. The executive team acts as their agents. The shareholders have not only the right but the capability to fire boards of directors and by extension executives whose compensation does not match their performance. The public outcry with respect to excessive compensation typically occurs when shareholders neglect their duty. Yet, there are examples where the shareholders have upheld their duty. These firms -- the majority -- do not make headlines, giving the impression that executive compensation is a rampant problem in society. If a company dares to pay bonuses will laying off workers or reducing their wages, the outcry hits the front page. However,…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Quijano, E. (2009). Obama tries to stop AIG bonuses. CNN. Retrieved December 3, 2009 from
Mehran, H. (1995). Executive compensation structure, ownership and firm performance. Journal of Financial Economics. Vol. 38 (2), 163-184.
Mullen. E. & Guigliano, G. (2009). Recoverability of equity-based compensation deferred tax assets. Journal of Accountancy. Retrieved December 3, 2009 from
Lagace, M. & Khurana, R. (2002). The irrational quest for charismatic CEOs. Harvard Business School. Retrieved December 3, 2009 from
One of the more shameful moments in American history was the establishment of internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II. Ostensibly started because the United States was at war with Japan, it is interesting to note that there were no similar internment camps for people of Italian or German descent, despite the fact that Italy and Germany were also part of the Axis powers that fought against the Allies in World War II.
Prior to World War II, Japanese began immigrating to America for work opportunities. They initially immigrated to Hawaii, which was annexed by the United....
1. A comparison of President Trump's and President Biden's responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
2. Analyzing the impact of President Trump's immigration policies versus President Biden's immigration policies
3. Evaluating President Trump's approach to foreign policy in comparison to President Biden's foreign policy stance
4. The role of social media in the presidency: A look at how President Trump and President Biden use platforms like Twitter
5. Examining the economic policies of President Trump and President Biden and their effects on the middle class
6. A deep dive into the environmental policies of President Trump and President Biden, including their views on climate change
7. The....
The President of the United States
The winner of the 2024 presidential election will hold the title of President of the United States. This is the highest office in the federal government of the United States and is responsible for leading the executive branch of the government. The President is also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress.
The President is elected by the Electoral College, which is composed of electors chosen by the voters in each state. The candidate who receives the majority of electoral votes wins the presidency. If no candidate....
1. The Leadership Style of President Donald Trump
2. The Influence of Trump's Immigration Policies on Society
3. The Impact of Trump's Economic Policies on the American Economy
4. Trump's Use of Social Media in Politics
5. Assessing Trump's Foreign Policy Decisions
6. The Role of Race and Identity Politics in the Trump Presidency
7. Trump's Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic
8. The Controversies Surrounding Trump's Impeachment Trials
9. Analyzing Trump's Approach to Climate Change and Environmental Policies
10. The Legacy of Donald Trump: Assessing His Impact on American Politics and Society.
11. The Trump Administration's approach to healthcare and the Affordable Care Act.
12. The impact of Trump's trade policies....
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