Exam Essays (Examples)

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Examination in Military
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Testing) Materials -- Sensitive in Nature

Theme Examination - TASS

This examination is intended to assess your understanding of the roles, functions, capabilities, and limitations of U.S. military services and fundamentals and concepts of interorganizational cooperation.


This examination has a total of 50 questions and your grade will be determined based on the percentage of correct answers.

This examination is worth 50% of your C300 Theme grade.

This is a take-home exam. The exam will open 2 March 2014 at 1800 and close on 26 April 2014 at 0700.

The exam is available on Blackboard in the C300 Tests/Quizzes link and will become visible to the students on 2 March 2014 at 1800.

This is an open book examination. You may use all references and lesson materials provided for the C300 lessons.

Instructors may only answer administrative questions.

All work must be your own. You are not to discuss…...

Examination of Depression and Treatment
Pages: 15 Words: 4821

Depression is an often-devastating symptom and illness in people. It affects millions of people worldwide and can last anywhere from week to months to years. People often have issues with depression and seek treatment. When they do, they do not adhere to treatment protocols and may regress back into depressive episodes. There are also situations and history that may attribute to the feelings of depression such family history, tragic events, job loss, or other high-stress events that bring an abrupt and uncomfortable change in a person's life. All these things will be discussed through a theoretical lens as well as introducing populations that may become more affected by depression than others are.
Many consider depression the "common cold" of mental illness. Depression is so common that the majority of the human population will know or be related to someone that suffered from depression. However, even though depression is commonplace, most people…...



Andrews, L. (2010). Encyclopedia of depression. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood Press.

Atmaca, M., & Yildirim, H. (2012). Altered Neurochemical Ingredient of Hippocampus in Patients with Bipolar Depression. Depression Research And Treatment, 2012, 1-6.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/485249 

Buus, N., Johannessen, H., & Stage, K. (2012). Explanatory models of depression and treatment adherence to antidepressant medication: A qualitative interview study. International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 49(10), 1220-1229.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2012.04.012 

Essau, C. (2009). Treatments for adolescent depression. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Examination of Pgja Programs
Pages: 7 Words: 2088

Junior golf is an excellent way to teach youth from various socioeconomic backgrounds, races and gender, how to develop into fair, honest, and confident individuals. The nine core values of junior golf: honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, respect, confidence, responsibility, perseverance, courtesy, and judgment, can help a kid or teen new to the sport, learn how to be better at the game and better in life. This is because the core values help youth transition from on the field to off, becoming well-rounded individuals. The case sought to discover if the nine core values of junior golf had a positive impact on the lives of youth participating in the junior golf program. This was done through asking questions and seeing if their answers matched up the core beliefs instilled in the program.
The reason this case was selected for analysis is because it enabled exploration of various aspects of sport and learning as…...



Ar-yuwat, S., Clark, M., Hunter, A., & James, K. (2013). Determinants of physical activity in primary school students using the health belief model. Journal Of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 2013(6), 119.  http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/jmdh.s40876 

Bean, E., Whitley, M., & Gould, D. (2014). Athlete impressions of a character-based sports program for underserved youth. Journal Of Sport Behavior, 1-10.

Campbell, J., Cothren, D., Rogers, R., Kistler, L., Osowski, A., Greenauer, N., & End, C. (2011). Sport fans' impressions of gay male athletes. Journal Of Homosexuality, 58(5), 597-607.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2011.563658 

Kulesza, M., Grossbard, J., Kilmer, J., Copeland, A., & Larimer, M. (2014). Take one for the team? Influence of team and individual sport participation on high school athlete substance use patterns.Journal Of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 23(4), 217-223.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1067828x.2013.786928

Firefighter Oral Exam
Pages: 5 Words: 1620

Firefighter Oral Exam
L. Jones

The Firefighter's Oral Exam:

What is the Oral Exam?

Many men and women aspire to the worthy goal of becoming a firefighter. However, becoming a firefighter is not only a vocation -- it is a calling, requiring a level of dedication, bravery, ability, and fidelity unheard of in other "jobs." Because of this fact, many perspective firefighters are wholly unprepared for the rigorous nature of the firefighter exam process, particularly the oral exam -- for here, seasoned men and women firefighters have the opportunity of scrutinizing the candidate for the very qualities they value in themselves -- a love of the work, dedication to the team, and an ability to perform under the tremendous stress and danger of the job.

The simple fact is that the oral exam is the cornerstone to passing the firefighter exam process. Although it is absolutely necessary to have strong performance in the written and…...

Criminal Justice Exit Exam E Criminal Justice
Pages: 2 Words: 758

Criminal Justice Exit Exam
e Criminal Justice Department graduating seniors an exit exam a measure departmental learning outcomes. How tool determine criminal justice major effective? Original responses substantial significant supported additional scholarly reference textbook.

The Criminal Justice Department has been asking graduating seniors to take an exit exam as a measure of departmental learning outcomes. How could that tool be used to determine if the criminal justice major is effective?

According to Lightfoot & Doerner (2007), despite the considerable expenditure of attending a university, little is known about the relative success of criminal justice majors in preparing students for future careers. The dropout rate for social science degrees is 50%, compared with 10% for students in the humanities and the time-to-degree rate of program completion has increased for all students, in all majors (Lightfoot & Doerner 2007:114). Asking students to take an exit exam is problematic, because, by definition, the students who have…...



Lightfoot, Robert C & William G. Doerner. (2008). Student success and failure in a graduate criminology/criminal justice program American Journal of Criminal Justice: AJCJ,

33 (1): 113-129.

Stack, Steven & Thomas Kelley. (2002). The graduate record examination as a predictor of graduate student performance. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 13 (2).335-349.

Health Examination Situation- This Is Mary
Pages: 3 Words: 775

Health Examination

, this is Mary from the Lake Placid Emergency oom. I am calling about your patient, Mrs. Z, who came in this afternoon complaining of minor vertigo, weakness, and blurry vision, as well as an injured hip.

Mrs. Z is 78 years old, 5' 10" and weighed in at 161 pounds. She is a retired teacher who has lived alone since the death of her husband 2 years ago. Mrs. Z was brought into the clinic by a neighbor, since she gave up driving about a year ago saying she had difficulty seeing in strong sunlight and in the dark.

Mrs. Z was admitted into the E after a fall that injured her left hip. Our examination reveals mostly unremarkable presentation; this is an informational call to let you know our diagnosis and client recommendations for follow through. We have asked Mrs. Z to make an appointment with you as well,…...



Cataracts. (2012). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from:  http://www.mayoclinic.com 


Brown, J. (June 2009). Everything You Need to Know About Hip Injuries. Coreperformance.com. Retrieved from:   / knowledge/injury-pain/hip-injuries.htmlhttp://www.coreperformance.com 

D'Amico, D., & Barbarito, C. (2011). Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing. New York: Prentice-Hall.

Home Exam When a Critic Speaks of
Pages: 1 Words: 437

Home Exam
When a critic speaks of the infusion of the didactic spirit into the novel, he or she means the 'teaching spirit' of the novel in either its plot structure, character development, or the way the author philosophically uses the novel to teach the reader, by reflecting upon the good or bad fates of the novel's protagonists. The eminent critic who referred to the didactic spirit of the novel thus meant that it is not surprising, given the teaching or instructive spirit of novels that novelists show readers how they ought to behave or how life ought to be using the examples of fictional characters. Novelists thus could be called prophets or seers because they use what happens to the interior or exterior life of their characters for instructive purposes, as if these characters were living in myths, or as if the characters had mythical significance.

Dickens clearly functions as…...

U S History Midterm Exam Essay Questions Two
Pages: 4 Words: 1355

U.S. History Midterm Exam
Essay questions, two (2) questions, 10 pts. each, for total of 20 pts. Answer everything in bold!

Reflecting back on Units 1 through 11, describe America's incredible industrialization and urbanization from 1865 to 1945. What were the key elements of this change and what were the costs of such rapid industrialization (i.e. environmental and human costs and the Great Depression)? How did activists and politicians respond to these changes (in the Progressive Era and the New Deal)? How did wars affect the economy?

By 1900 the U.S. had become the leading industrial power in the world, with more railroad mileage and a larger steel industry than the rest of the world combined. As it became an urban, industrial society with a rapidly growing population and millions of immigrants, it faced new social and economic problems, which were addressed by an expanding government at all levels. Both the Progressives in…...

Home Examination -- Memory Studies Culture Dixon
Pages: 3 Words: 883

Home Examination -- Memory Studies

Dixon begins her article with explanation of her topic, the official Turkish narrative of the Armenian question, as well as the order in which the article will proceed in defending its arguments. The two time periods in question for Dixon are the 1980s and the early 21st century. In the 1980s, Turkish officials responded to the long silence regarding the Armenian question. The response in the 1980s was indeed a response predicated on events that occurred decades prior, as well as extremely recent events in Turkey's political and military history. Dixon explicates:

In the wake of the 50th anniversary of the Armenian genocide in 1965, groups throughout the Armenian diaspora mobilised, and some decided to take action to increase international awareness and recognition of the Armenian genocide…Individuals and groups began political efforts to get other states to officially recognise the Armenian genocide. At the same time,…...



Dixon, J.M. (2010). Defending the Nation? Maintaining Turkey's Narrative of the Armenian Genocide. South European Society and Politics, 15(3), 467-485.

Home Examination Culture Marianne Hirsch Discusses an
Pages: 3 Words: 978

Home Examination

Marianne Hirsch discusses an important concept in Holocaust/Memory studies, postmemory. What kind of experience/process does postmemory refer to? Why did Hirsch need to invent such a concept? What is the importance of memory, family, and photography in order to understand postmemory?

Postmemory is a concept that Marianne Hirsch developed as part of memory studies. She contends that memory is something that can be passed on to others, particularly passed on to others in the generation that follows the tragic event, and in this case her focus in the Holocaust, though she explains that her theories can be applied to other events. Early on in her article she succinctly describes the term and the concept of postmemory.

Postmemory describes the relationship of the second generation to powerful, often traumatic, experiences that preceded their births but that were nevertheless transmitted to them so deeply as to seem to constitute memories in their…...



Hirsch, M. (2008). The Generation of Postmemory. Poetics, 29(1), 103 -- 128.

Home Exam Explore the Economic Social and
Pages: 3 Words: 1011

Home Exam
Explore the economic, social, and political consequences of an enforceable decision to halt the development of new technology. (We can assume this decision is made to protect the environment.)

There are many ramifications to new technological advances, and therefore it seems logical that ending these advances would also have issues and problems that should be addressed. Some technology can be harmful to the environment, and when an enforceable decision is made to halt the development of new technology in order to protect the environment, there are economic, social, and political consequences that must be faced. It is important to look at these and determine what they are, in case a decision such as this is ever made. A decision that is made without all of the facts often does not turn out well, and many people would be affected by a decision to halt the development of new technology,…...

CPM Asia Exam Week 1 Brand Audit
Pages: 2 Words: 624

CPM (Asia) exam week. 1. Brand Audit case branding strategies 2. Complete Marketing Audit case 3. Customer Relationship Marketing.

Brand audit and branding strategies

BloomerHang is a customizable hanger that advertisers can use to promote their products. BloomerHang enables organizations to purchase additional advertising revenue by incorporating the hanger in some fashion into the presentation of their product, either in the form of a gym locker hanger or a dry cleaner's hanger. The product is customizable and can be tailored to the demographics which the company serves. It is a product with a wide potential applicability in both product and service-oriented industries. By advertising itself as recyclable as well as useful to vendors, bloomerHang also strives to cultivate a 'green' image. It is simultaneously serviceable yet can keep up with current trends, such as the need to be sustainable.

Marketing audit (SWOT)

In terms of its strengths bloomerHang is reasonably-priced, given its disposable…...

Basic Components of a Routine Physical Examination
Pages: 5 Words: 1370

Components of a PERIODIC HEALTH Examination
A periodic health examination is an evaluation of the body and its functions using inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. A complete health assessment includes information about ones medical history and lifestyle, laboratory tests, and disease screening. A periodic health examination can help identify health problems at an early stage when they are easier to control or cure (Laine). Another benefit of these visits is that over time the patient may develop rapport and trust with his/her physician. The type of doctor to visit to obtain a periodic health examination is a primary care physician. The following physicians qualify as primary care: general practitioners are trained in medical disciplines, including internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, general surgery and psychiatry. Internists diagnose and medically treat disease in adults. Pediatricians care for and treat children from birth through adolescents.

Preparation for a Periodic Health Examination

Before visiting the health care…...


Works Cited

Laine, C. "The Annual Physical Examination: Needless Ritual or Necessary Routine?" Ann Intern Med 136.9 (2002): 701-3.

Lefebvre, H., and M. Brule. "[Physical Examination. What Does It Do for Us?]." Infirm Que 4.6 (1997): 40-2.

Wildes, T., and R. Anderson. "The Adult Screening Physical Examination: What Physicians Do." Wmj 103.1 (2004): 60-5.

California High School Exit Examination
Pages: 3 Words: 842

According to the California Department of Education, the CASHEE "is aligned to the California academic content standards in English-language arts and mathematics adopted by the State Board of Education" ("California," 2011).
Aptitude or Achievement?

The CASHEE is an achievement test because it measures what students have learned, as opposed to what their potential for learning is. Although it is designed to help prepare high school students to do well in college in the sense that it ensures that they have the basic skills they need before they graduate high school, it does not test or attempt to predict how well they will do in college.

Is it a Standardized Test?

It is a standardized test because it is designed to meet state content standards, and also because it is graded electronically and objectively. In other words, there is no subjective assessment involved such as how well the student writes an essay. It is…...



"California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Apportionment," (2011) California Department of Education, Retrieved from  http://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/profile.asp?id=939 


Cooper, B.S., Fusarelli, L.D., & Randall, E.V. (2004). Better policies, better schools: theories and application. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Heneg, J.R. (2001) the color of school reform: race, politics, and the challenge of urban education, Princeton University Press

Financial Examination
Pages: 2 Words: 705

Financial Examination
The overall examination of financial documents is integral to the proper functioning of government entities. For one, examinations help to prevent budgetary shortfalls that may jeopardize the economic viability of governments. Stress tests, are particular useful as they provide outlooks contingent of varying macroeconomic situations. These stress test and examinations, when done correctly, allow stakeholders to make proper assessments as to the financial stability of their government. Without these assessments, unexpected events may cause policy changes that harm society overall. Aspects such as the budget cuts currently underway in many of the nation's largest states are a direct result of lackluster financial examinations. Consequently, the individuals will have to sacrifice in the form of higher taxes and lower benefits (McKenna, 2006).

When evaluating Swobodaville's financial condition based on the partial list of factors given, a number of elements cause concern. First, the low income, sales tax exempt households, as a…...



1) Gilbert W. Joseph and Terry J. Engle (December 2005). "The Use of Control Self-Assessment by Independent Auditors." The CPA Journal.

2) Guthrie, J., Roger Burritt and Elaine Evans. 2011. "The Relationship between Academic Accounting Research and Professional Practice," in Bridging the Gap between Academic Accounting Research and Professional Practice, eds. Elaine Evans, Roger Burritt and James Guthrie.

3) McKenna, Francine. "Auditors and Audit Reports: Is The Firm's "John Hancock" Enough?"( 2006). Forbes

What is self-plagiarism?
Words: 90


How do you cite a website in MLA style?
Words: 109

Citing a web resource in MLA format requires you to provide specific information about the source you used. In some cases, you won't be able to locate all the information. When that happens, provide as much as you can. Overall, you should provide the name(s) of the author(s), the name of the article (in quotation marks), the title of the webpage, project, or book (in italics), the publisher information, the page numbers (if there are any), and publication medium, and the date accessed. As an example: Author, A. "Article about MLA style." The webpage where you found the article. The place....

Describe how the continuum of Healthcare can help providers to avoid duplication?
Words: 122

PubMed is a great place to search for sources on healthcare. Other good choices include sites for Universities that have medical programs and sites for state governments. IntelligentHospitalToday.com has healthcare articles, as well. Also consider WorkcareGroup.com, as they have healthcare articles, too. Journals and textbooks can be excellent choices for information on the continuum of healthcare. If you have access to a large library, you can find information that shows how the continuum has evolved over time, and how that helps providers avoid duplication. Example papers will be more difficult to find than sources, but you can order an example paper....

Writing my essay on animal abuse?
Words: 201

To argue against animal abuse, you want your thesis to clearly state that you're against it and why. Your opinion should be a part of the thesis statement, but you want to be careful to actually present arguable, logical points, as well. You could say you're against animal abuse for a number of reasons. For example, some common ones are that animals feel both physical and emotional pain (abuse is cruel), that animals can't defend themselves and people should care for them because of their innocent nature, and that animal abuse can lead to further deviant and criminal behavior -....

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