Evangelism Essays (Examples)

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Evangelism and Christianity
Pages: 8 Words: 2651

Walking in the Word

Evangelism is vital when it comes to walking in the Word. Every Christian has a duty to evangelize, but there are many different ways in which this can be done (Earley & Wheeler, 2010). Some denominations still go around, knocking on people's doors and trying to talk to whoever answers about Jesus. Most are met with resistance, and some with rudeness and even threatening behavior (Mcaney, 2003; Whaley & Wheeler, 2011). This generally takes place because people do not like to be disturbed in their own homes. They want to be left alone, even if they do believe in Jesus, and they want to come to Christ or explore religion on their own terms (Earley & Wheeler, 2010). That can make things difficult for those who wish to evangelize, because they are uncertain how they can proceed if they continue to get turned away at the front…...



Earley, D. & Wheeler, D. (2010). Evangelism Is. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic

Fay, W. (1999). Share Jesus Without Fear. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic

McRaney, W. (2003). The Art of Personal Evangelism. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic

Whaley & Wheeler (2011). The Great Commission to Worship. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic

Evangelism in the Early Church Early Evangelists
Pages: 2 Words: 656

Evangelism in the Early Church
Early evangelists could not rely on the Internet, or even on books, to spread the word. They actually had to talk with people, to lead their souls to the grace of God. Jesus practiced evangelism in the early church differently than His disciples, who did not recognize the importance of evangelism until they beheld the Resurrection. Before the Resurrection, the disciples simply followed Jesus in a rather unthinking manner. They let Jesus do all the work; and He did. Evangelism in the early Church, prior to the Resurrection, involved various missions on the part of Jesus to spread the ord to all who would listen and all who needed to hear.

How did Jesus approach evangelism?

Jesus approached evangelism in a concerted, determined, inspired, and patient manner. There are several specific features of Jesus's approach to evangelism, which should ideally be modeled by modern evangelists. Those methods include…...


Works Cited

Earley, Dave and Wheeler, David. "Following the Example of Jesus." Chapter 15 in Evangelism Is

Earley, Dave and Wheeler, David. "Not Following the Example of the Disciples." Chapter 16 in Evangelism Is

Evangelism and Mission Considering the
Pages: 3 Words: 924

Wesley understood human free will as relatively restricted. He acknowledged humans could exercise free will but also rejected the notion of absolute free will. This thought suggests that God's Grace is transforming and enabling, because humans realize the responsibility to invite Grace and respond to it. Knight also points out that Wesley did not actually use the word "evangelism" to describe his religious mission. It came into usage in the nineteenth century. But Wesley did practice evangelism, which for him was nothing more than "being a Christian" whose "life is marked by such holy tempers as love for God and neighbor, faith, hope, humility, joy, peace, and other fruit of the Spirit" (p. 142). For Wesley, understanding the reality of God's love was the essence of Christianity.
Chapter 17

In "Three Types of Faith Sharing," Scott Jones explains the importance and types of faith sharing in evangelism. Jones begins his essay…...



Gunter, W.S., & Robinson, E.A., eds., (2005). Considering the Great Commission: Evangelism and Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit. Nashville: Abingdon Press.

Evangelism Intellectual Methods of Evangelism the Romans
Pages: 5 Words: 1601

Intellectual Methods of Evangelism

The omans oad is an intellectual method of evangelism based on Paul's book of omans. The omans oad method is systematic and has a clearly defined process, as it is based on scripture. Moreover, the omans oad method is logical in that it shows who needs salvation, why salvation is necessary, how to achieve salvation, and what to expect from salvation (Fairchild, n.d.). The basic tenets of the omans oad method are that all persons are sinners, that Christ died to provide a means by which human beings can receive grace and salvation, that death is certain without salvation, and that the only means by which to achieve salvation is through Christ.

Advantages to the omans oad method include the fact that it is "popular" and therefore well explained in Christian resources (Stewart, n.d.). The omans oad method is particularly accessible to logical and systematic thinkers and the…...



Aldrich, J. (2006). Lifestyle Evangelism. Multnomah.

Bible: NIV

Evangelism Explosion International (2015). Share your faith. Retrieved online:  http://evangelismexplosion.org/ministries/share-your-faith/ 

Fairchild, M. (n.d.). What is Romans Road? Retrieved online:  http://christianity.about.com/od/conversion/qt/romansroad.htm

Evangelism the Race to Reach
Pages: 3 Words: 973

This book is a different kind of book for this specific issue related to recruiting newcomers into the church. It takes a completely different approach than other books that are dedicated to recruiting members to Christ's community, which, in the past, have seemed to focus more on the individual plight. What is so great about this book is that it challenges members of the church to take a more active role in the mission of reaching out to others for the sake of the church and the mission of Christ's word. While it is definitely inspiring, it is also, at the same time, a bit intimidating because we, as people and as church members, are used to placing the duty solely in the hands of the leaders of the church. This book is saying that it is not just the leaders' jobs, but it takes the whole church. This book…...



Coyner, M.J. & Anderson, D.T. (2004). The race to reach out: Connecting newcomers to Christ in a new century. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press.

Evangelism Throughout the History of
Pages: 4 Words: 1320

e. along relational lines. Secondly, it provides an easy way for Christians to share the gospel with individuals they know. The other advantage of lifestyle evangelism is that it usually attracts individuals who would not normally read the Bible or go to church. Nonetheless, the use of this method also consists of some disadvantages that are generally associated with the challenges it gives to Christians. First, unbelievers may not necessarily think that the person's behaviors are because of Christianity but rather because the individual is just a good person. Secondly, lifestyle evangelism tends to be process-oriented, unpredictable, and takes time to reach the lost.
Part THEE -- Door to Door Evangelism:

Door to door evangelism is an evangelistic approach used to reach every family in a particular area with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Throughout the history of the church to the modern day, this is the most commonly used method as…...



"Creating a Culture of Evangelism." (n.d.). Proclaim -- Joining God in the Unstoppable Spread

of the Gospel. Retrieved August 3, 2012, from  http://proclaim.typepad.com/culture_of_evangelism.pdf 

Dunlap, D. (2005, January 16). Door to Door Evangelism. Retrieved August 3, 2012, from  http://www.plymouthbrethren.org/article/410 

Hazelden, P. (2009, April 7). Door to Door Evangelism. Retrieved August 3, 2012, from  http://www.hazelden.org.uk/pt03/art_pt130_door_to_door.htm

Evangelism Within the Local and Global Realms
Pages: 16 Words: 5457

Strategic Evangelism: A Plan
The iblical and Historical Foundation for Local Church Evangelism

The biblical and historical foundation for local church evangelism can be found in Scripture as well as the history of Christianity from the time of the Apostles to now. In Scripture, for example, we find the various letters written to different churches throughout the realm, where the world's first Christian missionaries had embarked and established local churches. In Acts of the Apostles is described the efforts of these missionaries as they went to spread the Word of God, converting new peoples and dealing with new cultures where outlooks were not always the same as they were in the previous place. Thus, one finds in the Epistles of St. Paul, for instance, various methods of persuasion and advice which are pertinent to those people in that particular place -- and yet which hold a universal significance as well, because deep…...



Earley, Dave. Evangelism Is: How to Share Jesus with Passion and Confidence.

Nashville: B & H. Academic Publishing Group, 2010.

Hyde, Brendan. "A Category Mistake: Why Contemporary Australian Religious

Education in Catholic Schools May be Doomed to Failure," Journal of Beliefs and Values: Studies in Religion and Education, vol. 34, no. 1 (2013): 36-45.

Witness What Method of Evangelism Did You
Pages: 2 Words: 766

What method of evangelism did you use and how did you start the conversation? What method did you use? Why did you choose to use that method? How did you start the conversation?

The friendship method of evangelism comes naturally, as it can be integrated with daily life in ways that other methods cannot. Using the friendship method also allows me to get to know the other person: what makes them "tick." Knowing this, I can approach spiritual matters in a way that is meaningful to them. In this case, I did approach someone who I have known for a long time but who is Jewish. I also knew that this person was not very religious. I started the conversation by stating, "Do you have a minute? I need to talk. I want to share something with you."

Friendship evangelism can also be a powerful way of helping to bring another human…...



Codrington, G. (2010). Methods of evangelistic contact. Retrieved online:  http://www.futurechurchnow.com/2010/07/09/methods-of-evangelistic-contact/ 

"Friendship Evangelism." Retrieved online: http://www.lacocyg.com/files/friendship_evangelism.pdf

Green Michael Evangelism in the Early Church
Pages: 16 Words: 5491

Green, Michael. Evangelism in the Early Church. Grand Rapids, Mich: W.. Eerdmans Pub, 2004.
Michael Green's book "Evangelism in the Early Church," is a well written and multifaceted study of Christian evangelism in the remarkable period between Apostle Paul and Origen. Green, who is conscious of God's role and wonderful intentions for bringing individuals to Christ, is reluctant in his book to assert negatively that the early church successfully completed its mission[footnoteRef:2]. I agree with the author on that point and the fact that his book empowers the reader with a deep understanding and appreciation for the sophistication and energy that the early church contributed to the task of spreading the gospel of Christ. Green largely cites from quite a number of sources in his book to back his arguments. In fact a minimum of 55 pages of endnotes accompany his work. However, most of this information he derives from works…...



DeCelle Douglas. In Green, Michael. Evangelism in the Early Church. Grand Rapids, Mich: W.B. Eerdmans Pub, 1970.

Green, Michael. Evangelism in the Early Church. Grand Rapids, Mich: W.B. Eerdmans Pub, 2004.

Malphurs, Aubrey. Advanced Strategic Planning: A New Model for Church and Ministry Leaders. Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker Books, 1999.

Packer, J.I. Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God. Downers Grove, Ill: IVP Books, 2012. .

Analyzing the Saturation Evangelism Phenomenon
Pages: 8 Words: 2422

Saturation Evangelism

The term "evangelism" is derived from the Greek concept of "euangelizomai" that means to give good news. Evangelism can be described as communicating the Good News that not only the death but also burial as well as resurrection of Jesus Christ defeated sin. Sin alienates us from God, the Supreme eing. The Good News in this case happens to be that we could gain back our relationship with God as well as be guaranteed an everlasting life with Jesus in the Heavens Above when we place our trust in Jesus. This particular gift of an everlasting association with God is available for all ... but not all have received this message and this makes evangelism very significant. At times, the crowds happen to be huge, like illy Graham's ministry. However, God provides the evangelists with a crowd of just one[footnoteRef:1]. ack during 1893, Helen Cadbury knew just how empowering…...



Christianity Today. "Christianity Today." August 1, 2001. Accessed February 9, 2016.  http://www.christianitytoday.com/le/2001/august-online-only/cln10801.html .

"Evangelism in the 21st Century (2): Isolationism and Community." 2010. Accessed February 10, 2016.  http://www.renewedinspirit.org/2010/06/evangelism-in-21st-century-2.html .

James, Franklyn. "Evangelism, Social Action and the Importance of Team Work." Linked In. August 12, 2015. Accessed February 9, 2016. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/evangelism-social-action-importance-team-work-franklyn-james.

Moving Ideas. "Owings Mills, Md City Data." Accessed February 10, 2016.

Religion in Chapter 19 of Evangelism IS& 8230
Pages: 2 Words: 676

In Chapter 19 of Evangelism Is… Earley points out that evangelism "involves spiritual warfare," a battle that plays itself out in the field of human consciousness. Each and every day, human beings make choices that support either God or the Devil and the choices we make reverberate throughout the planet and human history (156). The Devil's devices may even make it impossible to make conscious choices that support God. e might see evidence of the Lord each and every day, but the Devil is powerful enough to blind us from and make us deaf to the truth. As Earley points out, finding Christ is only the beginning. In some cases, the spiritual battle "intensifies" after giving over one's life to God (158).

Evangelism is one of the most effective and important spiritual weapons implemented on the side of God. However, one of the key ways the Devil interferes with God's will…...


Work Cited

Earley, Dave. "Praying Prodigals Home." Chapter 20 in Early, Dave and Wheeler, David. Evangelism Is… B&H, 2010.

Earley, Dave. "Spiritual Warfare." Chapter 19 in Early, Dave and Wheeler, David. Evangelism Is… B&H, 2010.

Religion and Evangelism in the 21st Century
Pages: 7 Words: 1973

Meet Gen Z Summary and CritiqueIntroductionThis review focuses on Whites Meet Gen Z, a book about the challenges of evangelizing Generation Z. This review first provides a summary of what the book accomplishes. Then it critiques the work in terms of consistency, text, and usefulness. A conclusion summarizes the situation with Gen Z and what the evangelist (and reader of the work) can do with what White has given them.SummaryWhites (2017) Meet Gen Z consists of two parts: the first focuses on the reality facing the Christian Church today in a truly post-Christian world and the first generation of that world to come of ageGeneration Z. The second focuses on how the Church must respond to the needs of Gen Z. The first part is descriptive, laying out who Gen Z is, what Gen Z believes, what the background of this generations consists of, what defines them, and how they…...



White, J. E. (2017). Meet Gen Z. Baker Books.

Methods of Evangelism
Pages: 4 Words: 1373

Evangelistic Method #1: The Four Spiritual Laws

The Four Spiritual Laws provide an intellectual approach to the relationship between God and the human being. The Four Spiritual Laws are relatively simple and straightforward, and are clearly rooted in scripture. The first of the Four Spiritual Laws is "God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life." The Bible abounds with messages of love; the most poignant of which is God's giving His only begotten Son: "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life," (John 3:16, NIV). The second of the Four Spiritual Laws has to do with the nature of sin and separation from God: "Man is sinful and separated from God. Therefore, he cannot know and experience God's love and plan for his life." In Romans 3:23, we read, "All have…...


Works Cited

"A Look at Friendship Evangelism." Coming in the Clouds. Retrieved online:  http://comingintheclouds.org/evangelism/friends.htm 

Bible: New International Version (NIV).

"Four Spiritual Laws." Campus Crusade for Christ. Retrieved online:  http://www.campuscrusade.com/fourlawseng.htm 

The Way of the Master. "About the Way of the Master." Retrieved online:  http://www.wayofthemaster.com/about_wotm.shtml

Why Christians Spread the Gospel to the World
Pages: 2 Words: 683

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls…my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matthew 11: 28-29).

Description: Understanding the path that it takes to become an evangelist is important out in front of any decision to follow that path. It is clear that in the book of Matthew, he is quoting what Jesus said in His desire to teach others. Christ made a promise to those who would become believers, to learn from Him, and he wasn't reluctant at all about telling prospective believers that he would give them spiritual rest, if only they would take the necessary steps towards becoming future participants in Christianity.

In John 20:31 -- "But these [scriptures with messages] are written…...

How to Follow and Worship God the Right Way
Pages: 5 Words: 1444

The Great Commission1. Bibliographic InformationWheeler, David, and Whaley, Vernon M. (2011). The Great Commission to Worship: Biblical Principles for Worship-Based Evangelism. Nashville: B&H Publishing Group.2. Summary\\\"The Great Commission to Worship\\\" by David Wheeler and Vernon M. Whaley is a book that explores the relationship between worship and evangelism. The authors argue that these two aspects of Christian life are not separate but are deeply intertwined. They introduce the concept of a \\\"Great Commission Worshipper,\\\" a person who is equally committed to evangelism and worship. The authors challenge readers to rethink their understanding of worship and evangelism, proposing a model of worship that is formational, transformational, relational, missional, and reproducible. They argue that true worship involves obedience to the command of evangelism. The authors also suggest that readers should regularly reflect on their experiences of worship and evangelism and look for ways to improve. This is a practical step for continual…...

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on contemporary issues and the church?
Words: 289

1. The role of the church in addressing social justice issues such as racial inequality, poverty, and immigration.
2. The impact of technology on the church and religious practices.
3. The controversy surrounding LGBTQ+ rights and the church's stance on sexuality.
4. The role of women in leadership positions within the church.
5. The challenges and opportunities of outreach and evangelism in a modern, secular society.
6. The church's response to climate change and environmental stewardship.
7. The intersection of religion and politics in contemporary society.
8. The rise of the "nones" - those who identify as having no religion, and its implications for the church.
9. The....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on evangelicalism and the charismatic movement?
Words: 655

1. The origins and history of evangelicalism: How did evangelicalism emerge as a distinct movement within Christianity?

2. The key beliefs and practices of evangelicalism: What are the core beliefs and practices of evangelical Christians, and how do they differ from other branches of Christianity?

3. The rise of the charismatic movement within evangelicalism: How did the charismatic movement develop within the evangelical tradition, and what are its key beliefs and practices?

4. The impact of the charismatic movement on evangelicalism: How has the charismatic movement influenced the beliefs, practices, and outreach of evangelical churches?

5. The relationship between evangelicalism and the charismatic movement:....

How do the strategies for mission differ between the Old Testament and New Testament?
Words: 645

Old Testament Mission Strategy

In the Old Testament, God's mission was primarily focused on the nation of Israel. God chose Israel as a special people to be a light to the nations and to declare His glory (Exodus 19:5-6; Isaiah 49:6). Israel's mission was to obey God's law, to worship Him, and to live as a holy people in the midst of a pagan world.

Israel's mission was carried out through various means. One way was through the establishment of the tabernacle and the temple, which served as the central place of worship for the Israelites. The tabernacle and temple provided a....

How can a compelling essay conclusion shape perceptions of evangelism?
Words: 381

A compelling essay conclusion can shape perceptions of evangelism by highlighting the importance and impact of sharing ones faith with others. The conclusion can emphasize the ways in which evangelism can bring hope, healing, and transformation to individuals and communities. It can also address any misconceptions or negative associations with evangelism, and offer a more balanced and nuanced understanding of this practice. A well-crafted conclusion can inspire readers to reconsider their own attitudes and beliefs about evangelism, and encourage them to engage in conversations and actions that promote understanding, empathy, and respect for people of different faith backgrounds. Ultimately, a....

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