Evaluation Plan Essays (Examples)

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Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan
Pages: 10 Words: 2874

This in turn adds more pressures on the Australian social and economic structure, making diabetes the seventh most fatal disease in the country. The diagram below proves that fact.
Diabetes deaths, 1984-2004


The main objective of this research included:

An increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables amongst the sample within the six months allotted for the program. The percentage aimed at was at least 80%

To record decrease in the overall body mass and weight of the participants within six months

To record increase in the overall physical activities of the participants within six months, either through engaging in riding or running (National Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults 1999)

To follow up on the research and make sure that the participants are doing well and still implementing what they learned in the program

Strategies for the Friends with Diabetes Program, Derived From the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion:

To encourage the consumption of fruits and…...



Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006, Diabetes in Australia: A snapshot, 2004-05,

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2009, National Health Survey: Summary of results, 2007-2008,

City of Onkaparinga 2006, Individual incomes, 2006,

City of Onkaparinga 2006, SEIFA index of disadvantage,

Curriculum Evaluation Plan Essay
Pages: Words: 2648

This evaluation plan provides a description concerning how the curriculum committee will collaborate to achieve an improved language arts curriculum for grades 6 through 8 at Haddonfield Middle School (hereinafter alternatively “Haddonfield” or “the school”), a public school located in Haddonfield, New Jersey.The Middletown Township Public Schools recognize the need for ongoing curricular evaluation. Based on its stated mission (described below), Haddonfield’s educators are committed to providing the highest quality curricular offerings possible that help young learners prepare for life in the 21 century. Therefore, a revision of the English/Language Arts (ELA) curriculum is needed. To this end, a curriculum committee will be organized to achieve the following objectives: (a) the committee will ensure that the curriculum continues to align with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), (b) effectively prepares the students for the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) standardized testing as aligned with the…...

Children's Defense Fund Evaluation Plan
Pages: 2 Words: 606

The results of all evaluations will be used in a variety of ways to improve the programs currently operated by the Children's Defense Fund and to suggest new areas in which the development of programs would be of assistance to the Fund's overall mission of providing a "strong, effective, independent voice for all the children of America" (CDF 2010). Programs found to be less cost-effective than would be desired will be further analyzed to determine how cost savings might be achieved, with the complete scrapping of certain programs and the creation of new and similarly-targeted programs when necessary. Evaluations will also be used to determine budgeting needs for ongoing project management and implementation, resulting in more accurate projections and thus leading to more focused and more effective fundraising efforts. This leads to another important use for the results of these evaluation that, while not directly related to the specific mission…...



CDF. (2010). Children's Defense Fund. Accessed 11 November 2010.


Health Care -- Introduction of Evaluation Plan
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Health Care -- Introduction of Evaluation Plan:
Los Angeles Department of Mental Health Services

he Los Angeles Department of Mental Health Services (LADMH) is the largest mental health department in the United States. reating more than 250,000 patients of all ages every year, LADMH stresses the importance of community for adequately addressing mental health issues. Furthermore, in order to serve its stated mission of enriching lives through partnership with the community, the Department has developed six long-term goals supported by multiple short-term goals.

he Mission of the Organization Responsible for Implementing the Program

he stated mission of the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health Services (LADMH) is "Enriching lives through partnership designed to strengthen the community's capacity to support recovery and resiliency" (Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, n.d.)

he Program's Short and/or Long-erm Goals

LADMH is a comprehensive program that stresses the importance of community for effectively addressing mental health issues (Edmund G. "Pat"…...


The stated mission of the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health Services (LADMH) is "Enriching lives through partnership designed to strengthen the community's capacity to support recovery and resiliency" (Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, n.d.)

The Program's Short and/or Long-Term Goals

LADMH is a comprehensive program that stresses the importance of community for effectively addressing mental health issues (Edmund G. "Pat" Brown Institute of Public Affairs, 2010). The organization has six long-term goals supported by multiple short-term goals. The first long-term goal, to "Enhance the quality and capacity, within available resources, of mental health services and supports in partnership with clients, family members, and communities to achieve hope, wellness, recovery and resiliency," is supported by the short-term goals of: developing a system providing a balanced and "transformed continuum" of services to as many County clients as possible, according to the program's resources; providing integrated mental/physical health and substance abuse treatment to improve service quality and the clients' well-being; assisting clients' establishment of their own goals and the best process for achieving those goals; inclusion and support of clients' families as a vital aspect of the clients' recovery (Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, n.d.). The second long-term goal to "Eliminate disparities in mental health services, especially those due to race, ethnicity and culture" is supported by the short-term goals of: developing programs for early intervention for underserved populations; working with underserved communities to provide services in ways that reduce and overcome traditional barriers to treatment such as socioeconomics, culture, race, language, religion, age, disability and sexual orientation; develop programs that reach out to and educate the population in order to reduce the stigma of mental health treatment, promote tolerance of and increase compassion for persons suffering from mental illness, and reduce the incidence/severity of mental illness (Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, n.d.). The third long-term goal to "Enhance the community's social and emotional well-being through collaborative Partnerships" is supported by the short-term goals of: creating effective partnerships/models for integrating mental/physical health and substance abuse treatment; establishing, supporting and enhancing the organization's partnerships with community organizations in natural environments to enhance the community's well-being; increasing collaboration with organizations, individuals and families that serve children and youth in order to address the mental health of children and youth; strengthening partnerships among mental health organizations, courts, probation and law enforcement to best address the mental health needs of the community's children and youth; partnering with educational institutions ranging from pre-school through higher education to enhance the provision of mental health services; and partnering with religious organizations to use spirituality in supporting mental health recovery goals (Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, n.d.; (Edmund G. "Pat" Brown Institute of Public Affairs, 2010). The fourth long-term goal to "Create and enhance a culturally diverse, client- and family-driven, mental health workforce capable of meeting the needs of our diverse communities" is supported by the short-term goals of:

Planned Giving Simply Put Is
Pages: 2 Words: 583

Ensuring the that the organization is allocating its resources effectively and achieving the goals and objectives to which it is purposed not only keeps the organization effectively on course, but in addition the greater efficacy with which the organization is able to demonstrate its success, the greater its ability to attract donors and donations. Because of this, evaluation questions should be directed primarily at determining the degree to which an organization has achieved its goals and has proven itself to be cost effective in its achievements. This will present an attraction to donors as well as maintaining tight control over the operations of any given organization. The use of an outside consultant is not necessary for most evaluation purposes and would most likely result in an additional cash burden to any organization, and is therefore not recommended. Internal evaluations can be published in full, including the methodologies and raw…...



Fritz, J. (2010). Planned Giving. About.com. Accessed 11 November 2010.


Plan on Taking Care Ofdiabetic Students
Pages: 5 Words: 1792

Diabetes and Self-Care Initiative Among High School Students
The onset of modernization, coupled with the globalization process over the last 50 years has seen not just the spread of positive cultures and influences to different parts of the world but also the propagation of some negative health related conditions among them being diabetes. The importation of the western cultures to other regions including remote islands saw the carrying of the Western diets and ways of life some of which have had negative impacts. The fast foods, docile lifestyle perpetuated by the inactive entertainment from electronics have been a major cause of diabetes among the cultures that have adopted the Western cultures. The staggering number of new cases of diabetes among men and women who traditionally did not have such high numbers of diabetes is a cause of alarm. Worse still is the ever increasing number of children with type 1 diabetes…...



Ajala, O., English, P., Pinkney, J. (2013). Systemic review and meta-analysis of different dietary approaches to the management of type 2 diabetes. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 97(3): 505-516.

Barnard, N., Cohen, J., Jenkins, D. et al. (2009). A low-fat vegan diet and a conventional diabetes diet in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled, 74-wk clinical trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 89(suppl): IS-9S.

Cunningham-Myrie, C., Theall, K., Yonger, N., et al. (2015). Associations between neighborhood effects and physical activity, obesity, and diabetes: The Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey, 2008. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 68(9): 970-978.

Reece, A. (2010). The fetal and maternal consequences of gestational diabetes mellitus.

Business Plan for Legal Nurse
Pages: 7 Words: 1974

This is further based on the following assumptions:
1. The company will charge $150 per hour for each client.

2. The company expects to spend at least 80 hours a year with each client.

3. The company expect to see at least 30 clients per year, which will generate a revenue of $150 x 30 x 80 = $360,000. For the purpose of this computation, this will be regarded as the selling price.

4. The company expects its yearly fixed costs to be $526,000. This fixed cost consists of the cost of staff remuneration, utility bills and advertising.

5. The company expects its variable costs to be about $344,000 a year, comprising of the cost of equipment servicing and maintenance, legal costs, and so on.

Given the above assumption, the company's yearly break-even point can be computed as follows:

The implication of the above computation is that LNS must service at least 33 clients per year…...



Graham J.R., Smart S.B., & Megginson W.L. (2010): Corporate Finance -- Linking

Theory to What Companies Do. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Hubbard R.G., O'Brien a.P. (2009): Macroeconomics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-


Bedside Handoff Plan
Pages: 4 Words: 1063

Nursing Plan
Evaluation Plan

Outcome Measure

The outcomes of the Samaritan Hospital bedside handover plan is explicitly linked to the overall strategic outlook of the hospital. In order for this attempt to be beneficial it must prove to be economic, effective and efficient. These three qualities reveal the ability to successfully implement an idea and allow it to materialize and flourish.

Specifically, there are certain facts and figures that can be recorded and noted to highlight the progress of the plan and allow the leadership to successfully evaluate the effort and direct further resources to guide those efforts to their necessary spots. In order to accomplish this, a data collection tool must be introduced to gather information to model. For this plan there will be three sources of data to be collected. The first is a survey that is to be conducted by patients who have been released from the hospital after treatment…...



Chaboyer, W. et al. (2008).Standard Operating Protocol for Implementing Bedside Handover in Nursing.Griffith University, Australia. Retrieved from  http://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/SOP-Bedside-Handover.pdf 

Kassean, H. & Jaggo, Z. (2005).Managing change in the nursing handover from traditional to bedside handover.BMC Nursing,2005,4:1. Retrieved from  http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6955/4/1 

Spector, B. (2010). Implementing organizational change: Theory into practice (2nded). Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

Integrate Evaluation Techniques in Your Daily Work
Pages: 20 Words: 5565

integrate evaluation techniques in your daily work routine to improve your job performance? (Answer taken from PDF uploaded - Program_Evaluation_-_Overview_and_Definitions_PowerPoint)
Gredler explains that evaluation is the structural accumulation of any and knowledge that helps to make informed and profitable choices and corporate decisions M.B. Dignan further adds that all basic evaluations are procedural assessments of the results and overall functionality of any and all programs. P.D. Sarvela and a colleague R.J. Mcdermott gave a more detailed explanation in 'Health Education Evaluation and Measurement' by saying that basic evaluation was the utilization of a number of processes that were used to understand and decipher if a program had been functionalized in accordance to the aim with which it was created. Hence, basic assessment of a program is to highlight whether or not the program was able to practically attain the objectives it had originally theoretically set. Research procedures on the other…...

Health Care -- Ethical Issues in Evaluation
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Health Care -- Ethical Issues in Evaluation Research -- California Tobacco Control Program
The CTCP is a statewide program using a number of individuals and is, therefore, subject to a number of potential ethical problems. The number and scope of those potential ethical problems is limited only by the private agendas of these individuals, the parameters of the program, and safeguards used by program administrators/staff to counteract those potential problems. Given the "public health" nature and concerns of the CTCP, its adherence to the highest ethical standards is not only warranted but would also be beneficial for the CTCP's ongoing work in controlling tobacco use. In addition, the final evaluation plan for CTCP follows.


Identify and discuss potential ethical issues where your health/social program is concerned. How might these impact your evaluation? How might these be overcome?

Since human beings have their own agendas, and since the CTCP is a statewide program with…...


Due to the CTCP's established practices and relatively long history, proper evaluation questions are geared toward "process evaluation" (Anonymous, Common conceptual and methodological frameworks - Powerpoint presentation, n.d., p. 4). The program's extensive long-term and short-term goals lend themselves to multiple evaluation questions. Deliberately limiting those questions for this assignment, one example of a proper evaluation question would be "Is the CTCP achieving its goal (Anonymous, Typical evaluation questions - Powerpoint presentation, n.d., p. 5) of empowering statewide and local health agencies to promote health and quality of life by providing leadership and research in advocating social norms creating an environment that is tobacco free?" Another possible process evaluation question would be "Is the CTCP achieving its goal (Anonymous, Typical evaluation questions - Powerpoint presentation, n.d., p. 5) of empowering statewide and local health agencies to promote health and quality of life by stopping illegal tobacco sales to youth?" A third possible process evaluation question would be "Is the CTCP achieving its goal (Anonymous, Typical evaluation questions - Powerpoint presentation, n.d., p. 5) of empowering statewide and local health agencies to promote health and quality of life by fighting the tobacco industry's aggressive marketing?" A fourth possible process evaluation question would be "Is the CTCP achieving its goal (Anonymous, Typical evaluation questions - Powerpoint presentation, n.d., p. 5) of empowering statewide and local health agencies to promote health and quality of life by assisting people to permanently quit smoking?"

Evaluation Team

In the specific case of the CTCP, these stakeholders would include: the Principal Media Strategist and the Chief of the Media Campaign Unit, whose interests include the CTCP media campaign and who could contribute focus/questions/perspective based on the media campaign, then use the evaluator's collected data/findings for more effective use of media to further CTCP objectives (California Department of Public Health, 2012); the Chief of the Tobacco Control Branch, whose interests include the overall program objectives, and who can contribute focus/questions/perspective based on system-wide goals, then use the evaluator's collected data/findings system-wide through department heads (California Department of Public Health, 2010, modified 10/31/2012); the Chief of the Strategic Planning and Policy Unit, whose interests include planning and implementing policies/strategies for achieving the CTCP's goals, and who can contribute focus/questions/perspective based on policy/strategy and use the evaluator's collected data/findings to tweak policy and strategy (California Department of Public Health, 2012); at least 1 of the 13 members of the Tobacco Education and Research Oversight Committee, whose interests include planning and implementation of the CTCP's education/research efforts, and who can contribute focus/questions/perspective based on education/research,

Capstone Stage Goals & Doctoral Term Plan
Pages: 6 Words: 1837

-Week Doctoral Term Plan & Capstone Stage GoalsStudent Name: Student ID:Student Walden Email: Student Phone #:Program and Specialization/Focus:Faculty Advisor:2nd Member (if applicable):University Research Reviewer:Date Started Program:Current Term Start Date: Phase of Capstone: Choose an item.Do you have an Individual Academic Plan (IAP)? )? No Choose an item. Note: Your Term Plan goals must align with your IAP.InstructionsYour Term Plan: On the page labelled YOUR Term Plan, indicate your term goal(s), stretch goal(s), and the tasks you will accomplish during the weeks of the term. Your tasks should make clear what you will be working on and your plans for appropriate substantive submissions to your Faculty Advisor (refer to the syllabus for more information). Remember that you must demonstrate substantial academic PROGRESS each term to receive a satisfactory grade for the course. Students must complete a minimum of Phase 1 to obtain a satisfactory grade in during the first enrollment of…...

Developing a Plan to Handle Diabetes in High School
Pages: 5 Words: 1610

Diabetes and Self-Care Ability of High School Diabetics
Diabetes has been one of the biggest challenges that the health sector has been facing in the recent decades. There have been a soaring number of fast foods across the nation and with them the subsequent rise in the number of diabetic population and in specific the high school students who hardly have aby time to cook or access healthy foods. The change in the feeding habits is significantly informed and shaped by the change in trends and lifestyle where eating in fast foods is seen as both a fashionable trend and convenient despite the outright health challenges that come with it like the predisposition to diabetes due to wrong diet. Ferguson, T., Tulloch-eis, M., Wilks, . (2010) note that the last 50 years have seen the highest number of Western fast foods mushroom across the world and with it the significant rise…...



Alice P., (2015). Self-Care Deficit Theory.  http://www.nursing-theory.org/theories-and-models/orem-self-care-deficit-theory.php 

Ferguson, T., Tulloch-Reis, M., Wilks, R. (2010). The epidemiology of diabetes mellitus in Jamaica and the Caribbean: a historical review. West Indian Medical Journal, 59(3): 259-64.

Strategic Plan and Diversity
Pages: 5 Words: 1597

Strategic Plan Proposal
Each department within an organisation contributes significantly to the achievement of the organisation's strategic plan. Therefore, it is important that each department is considered in the strategic plan. A particularly important department is the human resource (H) department, which is involved in critical processes such as employee selection and recruitment, training and development, compensation and benefits management, performance evaluation, as well as managing labour relations. As the organisation embarks on preparing its next five-year strategic plan, a number of aspects relating to the H department ought to be taken into consideration. This paper outlines these considerations by resorting to the established method in management practices of the department's SWOT analysis, its goals and objectives, and a plan for monitoring the achievement of the goals and objectives.

SWOT Analysis

The SWOT framework is an important tool in the strategic planning process (Bplans, 2014). It enables more informed decision-making. One of the…...



Bplans (2014, July 23). What is a SWOT analysis [Video File]. Retrieved from:  https://youtu.be/4aFB9xrkdiU 

County of San Mateo Human Resources Department (n.d.). How to set SMART goals: Guide for supervisors and employees. Retrieved from: goals-guide-supervisors-and-employeeshttps://hr.smcgov.org/how-set-smart-

Virtual Strategist (2012, September 5). Overview of the Strategic Planning Process [Video File]. Retrieved from:  https://youtu.be/mLJ34L5UW4E

Formulating a Disaster and Risk Management Plan
Pages: 5 Words: 1733

Lynchburg Security
Formulating a disaster and risk management is necessary for this jurisdiction. This is based on the knowledge that risk management is a demanding initiative that requires an appropriate and responsive. Satellite units are professionally trained to meet global demands. The Lynchburg, Virginia security system has met federal requirements of quality, and as a result, the system has proved suitable to respond to various hazards experienced in this jurisdiction. This report will attempt to present the Homeland Security apparatus of this jurisdiction. The report will assess the current situation of possible hazards and actual preparedness whilst presenting the elements of disaster management at Lynchburg. This section is a critical analysis of how disaster is managed within this jurisdiction compared to the critical disaster management measures in the United Kingdom.

Homeland Security stakeholders

The Lynchburg Homeland Security system is comprised of stakeholders like administrators, first responders, and the local law enforcement. The primary…...



Agostino, D.M., & Jenkins, W.O. (2011). Catastrophic planning: states participating in FEMA's pilot program made progress, but better guidance could enhance future pilot programs. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Accountability Office.

Brownstein, C. (2007). Report of the DHS national small vessel security summit managing the risk. Arlington, VA: Homeland Security Institute.

Davis, B.J. (2011, November 1). Interagency Logistics Education and Training: Building Homeland Defense and Civil Support Liaisons: Disasters within the United States

Edkins, J. (2011). Missing: Persons and Politics. Cornell University Press.

Lesson Plan and Students
Pages: 11 Words: 1265

Lesson Plan Using Understanding by Design Framework
A creative approach is critical in embedding innovative problem solving, embedding opportunity for inquiry as well as enhancing critical thinking for deep discipline knowledge. When curriculum is to be coherent, and cohesive across multiple grades, the assessment protocols should establish the degree of success and integrate the curricular unit to enhance the desired learning outcomes. The UbD provides an effective framework that assists in addressing the aforementioned key issues. In the U.S. educational system, successful learning outcome requires an integration of meaningful assessment, and contents coupled with effective pedagogy. However, the ability to develop cohesive and coherent curriculum has become overwhelming to experienced school teachers, obviously, the issue creates a barrier to student's efficient learning. Thus, UbD (Understanding by Design) has been identified as the effective tool that overcomes these barriers by providing practical and concise guidance for both inexperienced and experienced teachers. Typically,…...



Roth, D. (2007). Understanding by Design: A Framework for Effecting Curricular Development and Assessment. Cell Biology Education, 6(2), 95-97. doi:10.1187/cbe.07-03-0012.

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Case Study: Summit Financial Assume you are a Human Resource Specialist employed at Summit Financial?
Words: 270

I. Introduction
A. Overview of Summit Financial and its HR challenges
B. Thesis statement: Outline of key HR recommendations for Summit Financial

II. HR Issue 1: Low Employee Engagement
A. Factors contributing to low engagement (e.g., lack of recognition, limited career growth)
B. Proposed solution: Implementing an employee recognition program and revised career development plan

III. HR Issue 2: High Employee Turnover
A. Causes of high turnover (e.g., poor onboarding, lack of training)
B. Proposed solution: Enhancing onboarding process and expanding employee training programs

IV. HR Issue 3: Poor Communication
A. Obstacles to effective communication (e.g., unclear communication channels, lack of transparency)

How will you outline an educational campaign to promote healthy lifestyles in young adults?
Words: 457

Educational Campaign Outline to Promote Healthy Lifestyles in Young Adults
Target Audience: Young adults aged 18-25
Goal: Increase awareness, knowledge, and adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviors among young adults.
Increase awareness of the importance of healthy eating, physical activity, sleep, and mental well-being.
Enhance knowledge of evidence-based recommendations for healthy lifestyles.
Empower young adults to make informed decisions and adopt positive behaviors.
Create a supportive and motivating environment for healthy lifestyle choices.
1. Multi-Channel Communication:
Utilize social media platforms, websites, and mobile applications to disseminate information and engage with young adults.
Collaborate with influencers and community leaders to reach a wider audience.
2. Educational....

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