Ethics & Morality
In the wake of Senator ick Santorum's comments drawing a parallel between legalizing gay marriage and legalizing incest, Contributing Editor Stanley Kurtz offered his analysis of the issue of gay marriage in the April 30, 2003 issue of National eview Online.
According to Kurtz's convoluted logic, "The real danger of gay marriage is that it will undermine the taboo on adultery, thereby destroying the final bastion protecting marriage: the ethos of monogamy." Kurz, who is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, also maintains that gay marriage threatens monogamy in society because "...homosexual couples -- particularly male homosexual couples -- tend to see monogamy as nonessential, even to the most loyal and committed relationship." Finally, Kurtz suggests that legalizing gay marriage will lead society down the proverbial "slippery slope" toward legalized polygamy and polyamory, which he characterizes as undermining monogamy within heterosexual…...
Kurz, S. The Libertarian Question: Incest, Homosexuality and Adultery
National Review Online (April 30, 2003); Accessed March 23, 2004 at
Ethics and Morality:
The concept of morality is a major aspect across every religion and ethical system since its entrenched on similar essential concept of reciprocity. As a result, morality is a significant concept for people because human nature has an intrinsic sense of the way things should be. The essence of every right and wrong is morality, which is also the foundation of all justice. In addition to being the basis of all aptness and moral standards, the sense of right or wrong basically originates from an individual's conscience. However, the identification of suitable moral standards requires a person to examine various questions, issues, and dilemmas of personal and social significance that he/she has experienced.
Essence of Morality:
In determining personal and social significance based on individual experiences, one of the major issues to examine is the essence of morality in light of the necessity of morality in leading a fulfilled and…...
To be fair and objective, there were in fact many brave and selfless individuals in every European country who did in fact "go against the grain," i.e., speak up against Hitler's treatment of the Jews, but at great risk to themselves. To be a member back then of one of the various resistance movements against Nazism throughout Europe was to clearly practice moral virtue and to speak up against a group hurting another group. But it took enormous courage (emotional courage and the courage of one's convictions). Further, if one were to be caught by the Nazis being a resistance fighter, one would be taken prisoner and hanged. Those who practiced moral and ethical virtues to the greatest extent during the Holocaust, though, did speak out, even at their own potential peril, since this was the moral and ethical thing to do although obviously not the easy thing.
But the…...
ut who can tell who will give justice to the donated kidney. The 2-year-old child may grow up to be a smoker, drug user, obese hypertensive adult. The 47-year-old may realize the worth of life and live a clean healthy lifestyle.
There are 92,486 Americans waiting to receive a life-saving kidney. Even with great efforts to increase sources of donors, still kidney shortage remains. In waiting for a donor there are many criteria to put a patient in the priority list.
For our two patients where the only difference between their situations is their age, it is difficult to decide who deserves the kidney more. Given that they will both live a fruitful life after the operation; the younger patient may be of greater "need" of the kidney. he/she will have a greater chance to live more and have more opportunities in life. This may sound unfair, but take into consideration…...
Dan Davis, Ph.D., with Rebecca Wolitz. The Ethics of Organ Allocation. Staff Discussion Paper. 2006.
Dr. David L. Perry. Ethical Considerations in Organ Transplants. Adapted from lectures given by the author at Seattle University, Santa Clara University, and Dickinson College.
Ethics and Morality
In ethics egoism demands the individual to either be the encouraging moral force or should be the end of moral action. Egoism is of two; positive and normative ethic. The positive ethic is about real human psychology, where people are motivated by their own interests and desires. The normative ethic says that people should be so motivated.
The positivist egoist theory called the psychological egoism, provides an explanation of human affairs, in relation to human nature, which is considered to be self-centered and self-motivated. This theory suggests that people always see their own interests, although many people disguise their self-interest with acts of helping others or doing their duty.
A problem with egoism is that reason it can force one's own interests to pressurize one's actions. This can cause conflicting issues in a society to be created, leading to impartiality
Ethical egoism theory promotes a person's good side with morality. In…...
What impact has Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development had on ethical decision making?
The three levels of ethical concern found in Kohlberg's Model of Moral Development include Pre-Conventional (Level 1) which includes obedience and punishment orientation including self-interest orientation. Next, interpersonal accord and conformity (Level 2) includes social norms and the definition of authority and social-ordering maintaining orientation. This is often referred to as the law and order morality approach to defining ethics. Social contract orientation (Level 3) includes universal ethical principles and the concept of a principled conscience. This third level contributes to the philosophical approach taken in defining an ethical foundation for decision making. The impacts of the Kohlberg model of moral development are many, as the model itself serves as the basis of a framework for defining how ethical contexts are put into place in addition to defining how a persons' self-interest relates to the broader…...
Ethics and Morality: Integrity
The purpose of this work is to state what role maturity plays in ethical and integral behavior and to use an ideal husband "Lying Awake" by Mark Salzman and "Integrity" by Stephan Carter as examples. Further this paper will attempt to answer as to whether values are derived and will through use of the subject areas of family, religion and law enter into exploration of this issue. This work will further answer the question of, "hat is the use of integrity and ethics? Finally, this work will give examples from each source to the contemporary world.
In the brief novel entitled "Lying Awake" the author, Mark Salzmann delves into the mind of a mystically minded Christian. This work reveals that which may happen when zealous commitment to religious matters and thus experiences collisions with the tangled, ambiguous reality between real-life and that which is illusionary. In the work…...
mlaWorks Cited
Salzman, Mark (2000) Lying Awake. Knopf 2000.
Carter, Stephen (1997) Integrity. Perennial (HarperCollins) January, 1997.
His team mates attest to the beating incident as unique and isolated and would rather not dwell in it. It also occurred because no sufficiently open relationship has been established between Victor and Tom, which could have avoided the aggressive act and Tom's insubordination. Nevertheless, Victor realizes his duty to remedy the situation and offers to indemnify Tom for the injury right the next day. Tom realizes his own shortcoming in ignoring stated company rules on safety and accepts the apology and the indemnity from Victor. The other members accept the restitution from both parties and quite naturally restore the original harmony and productivity, which characterized the team before the incident.
Stan and Henk observe foreign values, which place obedience to rules and civility far above loyalty to human relationships. Materialism underlies their culture while relationships underlie Nambunese culture. The rule of civility is violated under both cultures, but the…...
However, if I thought there was a good chance that he would follow through I would be both legally and morally obligated to warn someone.
7. The dilemma is whether or not it is okay to kill someone out of mercy to end their suffering. While I would have no problem with an individual choosing to take their own life, I do not feel that it is ethical to kill someone, sick or not.
8. It is not ethical or legal to torture or threaten a man with the torture of his family for any reason, whether or not you intend to follow through, and whether or not lives are at stake. Setting this precedent opens the door for abuse of power and the depletion of all civil rights.
9. The ethical issue here is whether or not you should save someone's life even though it is an inconvenience. I would not…...
; Duquenoy, P. And Whitehouse, D. (1999) Ethics and the Governance of the Internet - to Promote Discussion Inside the IFIP National Societies. IFIP Framework for Ethics of Computing. September 1999. Online available at
jurstrom, Erling (1994-95:8) Children and Television Advertising. Konsument verket - Swedish Consumer Agency. Online available at
Calvin Klein's Scandalous Advertising - Morality vs. Money (nd) Center for Management Research ICFI. Online available at http: / /
Ford, Sam (2007) Are Trix for Kids? Will Other Cereal rands Follow the Kellogg's Lead?. Convergence Culture Consortium 18 June 2007. Online available at
Koch, Wendy (2006) School uses in 11 States Tune in to Radio Programming Aimed at Kids USA Today 17 Sept. 2006. Online available at
Singer, Dorothy G. And Singer, Jerome L. (nd) Creating Critical Viewer - National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and the Pacific Mountain Network - in Partnership with Schools. Online available…...
Berleur, J.; Duquenoy, P. And Whitehouse, D. (1999) Ethics and the Governance of the Internet - to Promote Discussion Inside the IFIP National Societies. IFIP Framework for Ethics of Computing. September 1999. Online available at
Bjurstrom, Erling (1994-95:8) Children and Television Advertising. Konsument verket - Swedish Consumer Agency. Online available at
Calvin Klein's Scandalous Advertising - Morality vs. Money (nd) Center for Management Research ICFI. Online available at http: / /
Ford, Sam (2007) Are Trix for Kids? Will Other Cereal Brands Follow the Kellogg's Lead?. Convergence Culture Consortium 18 June 2007. Online available at
In other words, people's opinion on accounting companies can be easily distorted by accounting scandals and unethical activities that harm clients.
The importance of ethics in accounting is also revealed by the legal actions that can be taken against individuals or companies in the accounting field that behave in unethical manners. There are several examples that reveal the importance of ethics in the accounting field, and their repercussions (ENotes, 2010). The legal actions in such cases are various.
There are numerous accounting scandals that can be studied in order to understand the phenomenon and its effects. One of the most important accounting scandals that are considered to be partly responsible for the economic and financial crisis is represented by scandal involving Fannie Mae. In this case, senior executives are accused of manipulating accounting in order to collect important sums of money that rook the form of undeserved bonuses and to deceive…...
mlaReference list:
1. Ethics (2010). Thesaurus. Retrieved November 14, 2010 from|utmccn= (organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=ethics&__utmv=-&__utmk=32503230.
2. Kidder, R. (2009). Ethics in Accounting. Retrieved November 14, 2010 from .
3. Ethics in Accounting (2010). Retrieved November 14, 2010 from .
4. Report: Fannie Mae Manipulated Accounting (2006). MSNBC. Retrieved November 14, 2010 from .
Indeed, Hilts suggests that the conflict of interest between subject well-being and experimental results is often so significant that the system is threatening to escalate beyond the control of its administrators.
The author notes that a conference on conflicts of interest in medical research has yielded evidence of questionable practices between the industry and researchers who test drugs or medical devices. It appears that money in medical research speaks as loudly as it did more than seventy years ago.
Nevertheless, the author also cites an indication by the health department to the effect that it is aware of the mistrust cultivated by its research practices. There is a need for reestablishing the public trust in the medical profession as it relates to research and in the benefits of such research for the general community. This is also something that management officials need to emphasize in their work. Managers need to help…...
Hilts, Philip J. (2000, Aug 17). Medical-Research Official Cites Ethics Woes. New York Times.
Tuskegee University (2007). Research Ethics: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study.
The World Medical Association (2004, Oct 9). Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects.
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Shamoo, Adil E., and David . Resnik. Responsible Conduct of Research. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Stanford Human Research Protection Program Wins Highest Rating from Accrediting Group.," usiness Wire, March 23, 2006.
UNIVERSITY POLICY." University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, 2006.
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Wechsler, Jill. "FDA to modernize IMO activities: agency seeks to calm critics by improving subject protection, while also streamlining research oversight.(View from Washington)," Applied Clinical Trials, August 1, 2006.
Weinkrantz, Herman. Simpson's Contemporary Quotations. oston: Houghton Mifflin, 1988. [09 September 2006].
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Wynes, David L., Grainne Martin, and David J. Skorton. "Regulatory Challenges in University Research: Federal Regulations Must e Streamlined and Coordinated So That Society's Values Can e…...
Callahan, Daniel. What Price Better Health? Hazards of the Research Imperative. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2003.
House Bill Would Bolster Protection of Humans in Clinical Trials." Issues in Science and Technology Fall 2002: 24+.
Ethics and Morality: Unit Questions
Does Virtue Lead to Happiness?
'Tis popular belief, good character leads to happiness
By doing good, you feel good
Is this always so? I don't think so;
On the rack, happiness and virtuousness are unrelated
Ain't happiness the feeling of pleasantness?
What is pleasant about dying; dying for a virtuous cause in the hands of unfair torturers?
Nothing, not even with the highest degree of mental discipline 'Tis true; virtuousness and happiness coincide;
But only when happiness is derived from virtuousness;
Strokes of bad luck ruin all this sometimes
LC2: To Clone or not to Clone; the Pros and Cons of Cloning
Cloning refers to the technological process of creating a genetic replica of an existing organism by fusing the organism's genetic material with an enucleated egg, and then stimulating the reconstructed egg to undergo cell division (Farnsworth, 2000). The process usually results in a genetic duplicate of the person being cloned. Depending on the procedures undertaken,…...
Bergeron, B.P. (2004). Case Studies in Genes and Disease: A Primer for Clinicians. East Peoria: IL: Versa Press
Farnsworth, J. (2000). To Clone or not to Clone: The ethical Question. The Retrieved 16th October 2014 from
Ray, J.K. (2013). Evolution and Human Beings. Wordpress. Retrieved 17th October 2014 from
Colonel Victor Fehrenbach was also discharged after being outted by a third party. Thousands of other equally well qualified and combat-decorated military personnel must hide a fundamental aspect of their personal makeup from their comrades, most of whom could not care less about the sexual orientation of their fellow enlisted personnel.
Fundamental Ethical Issues
In principle, the ethical dilemma involved in the DADT policy issue is simply that, much the same as race, ethnicity, and gender, sexual preference is not a matter of choice and does not have anything at all to do with the relative worth of a person or, for that matter, with whether or not one possesses any of the qualities necessary for military service. The U.S. Constitution affords Equal Protection under the 14th Amendment to all persons and protects minorities from discrimination and from persecution and all other forms of unequal treatment. Prior to the 20th century,…...
I. Introduction
A. Definition of life after death
B. Brief overview of different beliefs and explanations
C. Thesis statement: Despite varying beliefs, there is no concrete evidence of life after death
II. Religious beliefs
A. Christianity
1. Belief in heaven and hell
2. Resurrection of the body
B. Islam
1. Belief in an afterlife
2. Reckoning of deeds on Judgement Day
C. Hinduism
1. Concept of reincarnation
2. Karma and rebirth
III. Scientific perspectives
A. Near-death experiences
1. Accounts of individuals who claim to have seen a glimpse of the afterlife
2. Criticism of NDEs as....
Here are some options for essays on Plato and Aristotle:
1. Comparative analysis of Plato and Aristotle's views on ethics and morality
2. A historical exploration of Plato and Aristotle's contributions to Western philosophy
3. A research-based essay on the ways in which Plato and Aristotle influenced each other's ideas
4. A persuasive essay arguing for the superiority of either Plato or Aristotle's philosophy
5. An exploration of the political theories of Plato and Aristotle and their implications for modern governance
Please let me know if any of these options appeal to you, or if you have a specific type of essay....
1. The impact of cancel culture on freedom of speech and expression
2. Analyzing the effectiveness of cancel culture in holding individuals and organizations accountable
3. The role of social media in fueling and perpetuating cancel culture
4. Exploring the psychological effects of being canceled on individuals
5. Cancel culture and its implications for diversity and inclusivity in society
6. The role of cancel culture in shaping public perception and opinion
7. Critiquing the ethics and morality of cancel culture practices
8. Cancel culture and its potential consequences for a democratic society
9. Examining the intersectionality of cancel culture and social justice movements
10. Proposing alternative approaches to accountability....
1. Pauls theological framework profoundly impacts the understanding of Christianity by shaping key doctrines and beliefs that are central to the faith. As one of the most influential figures in the early Church, his writings and teachings have had a lasting impact on Christian theology and practice. By examining Pauls theological framework, we can gain insights into the foundational principles of Christianity and understand how they continue to shape the beliefs and practices of Christians today.
2. Paul, originally known as Saul, was a devout Jew who persecuted early Christians before experiencing a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus.....
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