Ethical Behavior, Habits and Customs
In order to behave ethically, one must first understand ethics -- what the concept signifies and entails. Broadly, ethics is differentiating right from wrong, and ethical conduct is acting in keeping with ethics. According to Anderson, ethical conduct involves applying reflective intelligence for revising one's judgments, considering the ramifications of one's action. Habits, meanwhile, refer to socially-influenced inclinations towards specific ways of reacting to the context or specific kinds of activity. Habits direct impulses along specified pathways, towards particular goals, by engraining application of specific means and prescribing particular behavior in particular situations. Although we all have our own unique habits, customs or habits we share as a community or population are most salient. These customs are transmitted from one generation to the next via socialization. Customs result from activity. Although habits encompass socially-significant notions and purposes, they work beneath an individual's consciousness. Habits recede from…...
mlaWorks Cited
Anderson, Elizabeth. "Dewey's Moral Philosophy." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 20 January 2014. Accessed 12 September 2016. .
Mohamad, Ahmad J. "Shakespeare's Others." July 2011. University of Amsterdam. Accessed 12 September 2016. .
Porter, Jean. "Moral Mistakes, Virtue and Sin: The Case of Othello." Studies in Christian Ethics, Vol 18, No. 2, 2005, pp. 23-44, Accessed 12 September 2016. .
Plato's The Cave
The chief theme addressed in the "Allegory of the Cave" by Plato is that: mankind often fails to comprehend the world's actual reality, believing they grasp whatever they come across, see and feel around them. In truth, humanity simply recognizes shadows of different entities' actual forms.
Plato's work depicts captives shackled such that all they are able to view is the cave's rear wall, upon which dance shadows cast by things moved between the light from a huge fire behind their backs and the cave wall. "How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?" As their vision is limited to the cave wall, they are unaware of the fact that what they see are only shadows. They believe their eyes perceive actual things. For instance, if a man's shadow were to dance upon the wall, they would feel it was…...
Litcharts. (2016). The Republic Themes. Retrieved from Litcharts:
Plato. (1974). The Republic Book VII. Penguin Group Inc.
SparkNotes Editors. (2002). The Republic. Retrieved from Sparknote:
It also promotes research in the field and therefore the improvement of the research methods and applications. Other ways in which the Association improves the understanding and use of knowledge in the field is by means of meetings, contacts, reports, papers, discussion and publication (American Psychological Association, 2012).
The APA is governed by volunteer governance members, who are responsible for the direction of the advocacy, publishing, member service, and other functions of the APA. Specifically, the governance members include a Council of epresentatives, whose responsibility includes approving policy and the appropriation of revenues. The Board of Directors is elected by members and administers the functions of the Council of epresentatives. The APA president is an annual position that is filled by a person who is elected by the membership. The president provides a leadership contact for the Association. Other ruling parties include committees, boards and task forces with specific functions…...
Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. (2012). About ASPPB. Retrieved from:
American Psychological Association Code of Ethics, Chapter 5.
American Psychological Association (2012). About APA. Retrieved from:
American Psychological Association (2010, Feb 20). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.
Research NAEYC Core Values of the Code of Ethical Conduct. Summarize your reading and develop a one-page essay on how early childhood teachers can demonstrate one of these values in their daily practice. Submit by the due date.Section I-2.8 pertains to the collaborative effort between educators, children and family members. This is a particularly important value now as education requires much more collaboration. The overall population is becoming culturally diverse. In addition, the needs of students are now becoming more varied. Due to the substantial differences is needs on a per student basis, much more collaboration is required between teacher and parents. This is particularly true due to the contentious racial tensions that are prevailing in the developed world today. Killings of unarmed African Americans, hate crimes against Asian Americans due to COVID-19 originating in China, and now abuse of Russian-Americans within the United States. All of these incidents ultimately…...
Improvements in Integrity, Financial Accountability, Ethical Conduct and Corporate Responsibilities under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
e passed Sarbanes-Oxley in the wake of the Enron scandal to try to root out financial and accounting irregularities. How could similar irregularities occur at Lehman Brothers? History has a way of constantly repeating itself. -- Joseph Grant 2010
The high-profile corporate shenanigans by Enron and Lehman Brothers have made it clear that tough legislation was needed to compel Americans businesses to clean up their financial acts. Indeed, in response to Enron's late 2001 bankruptcy, Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 but the Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy in late 2008 made it clear that there was still a problem in some sectors of American business. This paper provides a review of the relevant literature to determine how the integrity of corporate finance, ethics, and other responsibilities have improved, what the corporate finance industry culture has learned…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bierstaker, James, Marshall, Kenneth K. And Greenwald, Jonathan. (2010, December).
"Strengthen Your Core: Are You Getting the Most from Your Compliance, Operations,
Risk, and Enterprise Support Functions?" Strategic Finance 92(6): 35-39.
Carter, Charles C. (2011, May 1). "Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy." Journal of Real Estate Literature 9(2): 492-499.
Ethical Awareness Inventory esults and Analysis
esults of my Ethical Awareness Inventory described my ethical perspective to be character-based, wherein I evaluate people more on their ethical character than their present actions. Basically, the results determined me as an individual who can see past ethical or unethical actions, and identify an ethical or unethical person based on his/her overall character. Since my ethical perspective is character-based, I value in people the qualities of integrity, honesty, and wisdom. For me, a person with a strong ethical character is one who would be capable of discernment and would not have difficulties knowing what is right and what is wrong. It goes without saying then, that I myself is an individual who has developed an ethical character over time. I consider myself to be an individual with integrity, and I expect other people to develop this integrity as well.
The results are indeed a confirmation…...
Abbott, A. (1983). "Professional Ethics." The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 88, No. 5.
Brown, M. (2006). "Ethical leadership: a review and future directions." The Leadership Quarterly, No. 17.
Ethical Practices ithin Business
BP Struggles to Resolve Sustainability Disaster
Over the past 20th century and in the 21st century, ethics has neither been an option nor a luxury. It has not only become a moral or legal responsibility, but has also been an organizational priority within all sets of work groups, including both public and private institutions, organizations and companies. Ethical practices have also become the only strategy to combat the growing impatience within the society, as well as their responsible competitions and/or actions. These ill and unethical acts may in the long run impoverish a section of the regional economy through various organizations while enriching the crafty economies. Organizational leaders must thereby keep abreast of the rapidly changing technological advancements together with their possible effects on globalization, competitor products and services, opportunities, and threats that their organizations may face. Over a century, BP, the formerly Anglo-Persian Oil Company and British…...
mlaWork Cited
Carl, Safina. BP Struggles to Resolve Sustainability Disaster. Annual Report and Form- Case
4, 32:2, (2012),342-352.
Ethical and Socially esponsive Business
Ethics in business has a human aspect and is directly related to the success of any business. This therefore means that corporate leaders in organizations have to be very careful about the ethical conduct of their business and how they address any ethical problem that comes up. This paper will look at the code of ethical conduct for a selected will give a description of key areas of the selected company's code of conduct that have a significant importance to the will also give an explanation of the key steps the company should take in order to ensure that its employees follow this code of conduct. Finally suggestions will be given on ways through which the company can take part in socially responsive activities within he community where it carries out its operations.
Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. is a restaurant that is committed to very…...
Davis, S.(2010).Examples of Social Responsibility Strategies. Retrieved April 28, 2014 from
Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.(2010). Code of Conduct. Retrieved April 28, 2014 from
Ethical Resource Centre.(2010).Ten Things You Can Do to Avoid Being the Next Enron. Retrieved April 28, 2014 from
" The code also states when communicating investment information care must be taken to ensure that it is fair, accurate and complete as well as make full and fair disclosure of all matters that could reasonably be expected to impair their independence and objectivity or interfere with respective duties to their clients, prospective clients, and employer.
Evidence indicates Lehman's senior financial executives knew of the Repo 105 transactions and certified the accuracy of Lehman's financial statements and disclosures despite having full knowledge that the company had engaged in the use of these transactions to hide their toxic assets and make their financial statements appear to be in good health when, in reality, they were not. These executives were fully aware that the financial statements were misleading and did not fairly present the true position of the company.
Hiding toxic assets and releasing favorable financial statements to investors each quarter clearly was intended…...
mlaWorks Cited
Ahrens, Frank. "Lehmann Brothers, the Evil Repo 105s and the Danger of Off-
Balance-Sheet Deals.", 20 April 2010. Web. 18 March 2013.
"Code of Ethics and Professional Standards" CFA Institute, Vol. 2010, No. 14, June 2010. Web. 18 March 2013.
Jeffers, Agatha E. "Lehman Brother -- the Thin Line between Aggressive Accounting and Unethical Behavior." European Journal of Management, Vol. 11, Issue 4, Winter 2011. Web. 18 March 2013.
Ethical Theories
The three basic ethical theories share a number of similarities, because they each attempt to describe and explicate the ethical decisions made by humans as well as the logic (or illogic) that is used to inform any particular behavior. Utilitarianism offers what is perhaps the most sound ethical theory due to the way it chooses for itself the goal of its efforts, but it is hampered by disagreement regarding the precise execution of the theory. A deontological theory of ethics may be useful for formulating general rules regarding proper behavior, and as such is popular is the workplace, but these rules are not universally applicable and in some cases can actually lead to unethical behavior if followed without fail. Finally, while virtues-based ethics purports to offer individuals instruction for the cultivation of ideal behavioral traits, by definition it cannot offer a universal ethical norm, as it is based on…...
Begley, A.M. (2005). Practising virtue: A challenge to the view that a virtue centred approach to ethics lacks practical content. Nursing Ethics, 12(6), 622-37.
Broad, C. (1930). Five types of ethical theory. New York: Routledge.
Darwall (Ed.). (2003). Virtue ethics. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
DeConinck, J.B., & Lewis, W.F. (1997). The influence of deontological and teleological considerations and ethical climate on sales managers intentions to reward or punish sales force behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 16(5), 497-506.
Ethical and Legal obligations in financial reporting is extremely important in today's world, fraught as it is with corporate frauds and accounting scams and scandals of every other sort. One Company, the Thornburg Investment Company, has taken a firm stand on financial reporting within its company, wherein all concerned officials are expected to report accurately, any actual, as well as suspected violations and breaches in the laws and rules and regulations of the company, to the appropriate personnel, immediately. (Code of Business Conduct and Ethics) Another Company, the 'Trinity Capital Corporation' stresses the importance of adhering to the rules and regulations created by the Company so that the company's loyalty to its numerous shareholders may be apparent. Where financial reporting is concerned, all the employees of the firm are expected to comply with the generally accepted rules laid down by the accounting principles of the United States of America, so…...
"Accounting Concepts, underlying assumptions, principles, and conventions" Retrieved From
/ Accessed on 20 June, 2005
"Business Conduct and Ethics Policy" Retrieved From
Accessed on 19 June, 2005
1). This is a problem that needs to be addressed by adding more training to the budget. The problem is, most hospitals' budgets are already spread too thin. Therefore, hospital administrators need to work harder to find sources to help fund their activities.
Complete Honesty
Nurses have more power and responsibility than ever before to ensure that they are making honest reports about their patients. They may be in a rush to get home and not feel like entering all of the proper data into the computer. Or, they may take shortcuts in the use of other technologies. It is a nurse's ethical responsibility, however, to ensure honesty in all that she does. This includes 'blowing the whistle' when she sees that other nurses are not being honest or are misusing technology.
This can be extremely difficult, however, considering that nurses often suffer negative repercussions for 'whistleblowing'. A study conducted by McDonald…...
Birdi, K., Clegg, C.W., Patterson, M.A., Robinson, A., Stride, C.B., Wall, T.D., & Wood, S.J. (2008). The impact of human resource and operational management practices on company productivity: A longitudinal study. Personnel Psychology, 61, 467-501.
Bodenheimer, T., MacGregor, K., and Stothart, N. (2005). Nurses as leaders in chronic care. British Medical Journal, 330(7492), 612-613.
Carver, L. & Candela, L. (2008) Attaining organizational commitment across different generations of nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 16 (8), 984-991.
Charette, R. (2006, June) EHRs: Electronic Health Records or Exceptional Hidden Risks? Communications of the ACM, 49(6),120.
Ethical Analysis -- Strategy for Palliative Care
The sector for healthcare has, in the last 50 years, improved in its efforts towards cost minimization and service delivery enhancement. Some elements of improvement (such as automation) ensued from technological advances. However, other elements (such as strategy application) owe their establishment in the health sector to endeavors on the part of intelligent, like-minded people who understand life's worth, and that of minimal suffering when it comes to illness. Palliative care represents one such effort. It denotes a system targeted at delivering respite from painful, disturbing symptoms through the affirmation of life and considering death to be a process. Palliative care, as defined by the World Health Organization, is an approach, which enhances quality of life (QOL) of patients, suffering from life-threatening ailments, and their family via prevention and symptom relief. This, they achieve through early diagnosis, and proper assessment and pain treatment, as…...
Chambers, M. (2015) The Strategic Importance of Palliative Care Within the Irish Heath Service, The Irish Hospice Foundation, (Retrieved;13,12,2015)
Fromme, E., Smith, M. (2015) Ethical Issues in Palliative Care, UptoDate, (Retrieved;13/11/2015)
Gabel, S. (2010) Ethics and values in Clinical practice: Whom do they help?, Mayo Foundation and Licence Information, / (Retrieved, 13/11/2015)
Policy Directive, (2010) Palliative Care Strategic Framework 2010-2013, Ministry of Health, NSW, (Retyrieved:13/11/2015)
J. Simpson or John Gotti. In both cases, the defendants are entitled to the presumption of innocence only in court; but there is no such "presumption" in the intellectual "court" of one's mind.
A lawyer with integrity would refuse to represent any defendant he believed was probably guilty of horrendous crimes and simply let that defendant be represented by a court-appointed attorney who is obligated by law to represent any defendant who cannot afford a private attorney. If all criminal defense lawyers had high personal ethical standards, the Simpsons and Gottis of the world would find it impossible to retain any defense counsel other than those obligated by law to take their cases.
4. Define and briefly explain ethical dilemma. Of the four categories of dilemmas: discretion, duty, honesty and loyalty, which one applies best to the following situations? Explain your rationale. Also, explain how an officer might analyze the situation from…...
Ethical Communication and Social Media: Discussion and Implications “Almost a quarter of the world’s population is now on Facebook. In the USA nearly 80% of all internet users are on this platform. Because social networks feed off interactions among people, they become more powerful as they grow” (Gaitho, 2018). Social media has created a manifestation of a branch of society that human civilization has never had to deal with before. Due to the fact that society is experiencing and using social media as people attempt to scrutinize its impacts, it can be harder to pinpoint all the numerous ways that social media affects the individual and the collective. One phenomenon that has grown out of social media is that people don’t only share information about themselves and their own personal lives, they also share information, articles, and images about various aspects of the shared world. This can be problematic as many people don’t…...
AIDS Ethics: Navigating Moral Dilemmas in the Time of a Pandemic
The advent of AIDS in the 1980s not only unleashed a devastating pandemic but also ignited a storm of ethical quandaries. The disease, marked by its insidious nature and social stigma, laid bare the inadequacies of existing healthcare systems and highlighted the urgent need for ethical frameworks to guide decision-making. This essay delves into the intricate web of AIDS ethics, exploring various topics that have challenged our moral sensibilities and continue to shape our response to the pandemic.
1. The Right to Privacy vs. the Duty to Disclose
One of the most....
1. Unethical Practices: A Scrutiny of Corporate Greed and Moral Decay
2. The Shadow of Unethicality: Unveiling the Perils of Unprincipled Behavior in Business
3. The Moral Compass in the Marketplace: Reorienting Ethical Standards in Corporate Decision-Making
4. A Path to Perdition: The Consequences of Unethical Practices in the Business World
5. Deconstructing Unethicality: Exploring the Motives and Manifestations of Corporate Malfeasance
6. The Corrosion of Trust: How Unethical Practices Undermine Business Integrity and Public Confidence
7. Ethical Erosion: A Systemic Analysis of the Factors Contributing to Unethical Behavior in the Workplace
8. The Triple Bottom Line of Unethicality: Impacts on the Economy, Environment, and Social Well-being
Comprehensive Company Analysis: A Deep Dive into Corporate Performance
Assessing Company Performance: A Critical Evaluation of Financial and Operational Metrics
Unveiling Value: An In-Depth Examination of Company Strategy and Competitive Landscape
Decoding Corporate Success: An Analysis of Company Culture, Leadership, and Innovation
The Anatomy of a Resilient Enterprise: An Examination of Company Adaptability and Risk Management
Exploring the Interplay of Technology and Innovation: A Case Study of Company Transformation
Sustainable Growth Strategies: An Analysis of Company Initiatives to Balance Profit and Purpose
Benchmarking Company Performance: Identifying Best Practices and Areas for Improvement
Navigating Industry Disruptions: An Examination of Company Response and Adaptation
The Art of Business Strategy: A Comprehensive....
Leadership and Service:
Inspiring and Guiding Others: Military officers are entrusted with leading teams of individuals, motivating them to achieve goals and accomplish missions. The opportunity to lead and impact the lives of others is a compelling reason to pursue a military career.
Serving the Nation: Officers serve as guardians of the nation, protecting it from threats and upholding its values. The sense of patriotism and the desire to make a meaningful contribution to society are driving forces for many aspiring officers.
Challenge and Personal Growth:
Embracing Challenges: Military life offers continuous challenges, both physically and mentally. Officers are tested in....
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