Ethical Behavior Essays (Examples)

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Why Ethical Behavior Is Vital in All Organizations
Pages: 2 Words: 550

Ethical Codes
General Motors

hat are the primary strengths and weaknesses of the code?

In the General Motors (GM) Code of Conduct (COC) it is clear "ho" must adhere to the COC (GM, 2016). This code has strength because "consultants, agents, sales representatives, distributors, independent contractors and contract workers" are expected to follow the COC (GM, p. 5).

Since ethics means "doing the right thing at all times" ( another positive COC aspect is in the "Equal Employment Opportunity" section: GM mentions federal laws pertaining to discrimination on page 6. Employees may not discriminate against another worker based on "age, race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation" (GM, p. 6) These categories are standard; but GM also includes "gender identity," which is worthy of praise in a time when several states have passed legislation allowing / promoting discrimination (i.e., so-called "bathroom laws") against transgender citizens.

One potential weakness in the COC relates to…...


Works Cited (2015). Workplace Ethics & Behavior. Retrieved May 6, 2016, from .

General Motors. (2016). Winning With Integrity. Code of Ethics. Retrieved May 6, 2016,

from: .

Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. (2015). Ethics in Organizations. Retrieved May 6, 2016,

Improve Ethical Behavior of Those
Pages: 10 Words: 3551

From this broader perspective and in their planning and operations they have changed the term 'stockholder' to 'stakeholder' to cover employees, customers, suppliers and the community at large. With the growing complexity and dynamism brought about in business, organizations understood they required more guidance to guarantee that their dealings aligned with the overall good and did not pose any harm to others and with this was born business ethics. (McNamara, 2007)
Currently, ethics in the workplace is managed through the application of code of ethics, codes of conduct, contribution of ethicists and ethics committee, polices and procedures, procedures to solve ethical dilemmas, besides training in ethics. There are several benefits of managing ethics as a program. Ethics program help in (i) establishing organizational roles to manage ethics (ii) scheduling the current assessment of ethics needs (iii) set up needed operating values and behavior (iv) streamlining organizational behaviors with operating values…...



Ferrell, O.C; Ferrell, Linda. (2005) "Fulfilling Our Obligations: Perspectives on Teaching

Business Ethics" Kennesaw State University Press.

Lovitky, Jeffrey. a; Ahern, Jack. (1999, Mar) "Designing Compliance Program that foster ethical behavior." Healthcare Financial Management, vol.53, no.3, pp: 17-20.

McNamara, Carter. (2007) "Complete Guide to Ethics Management: An Ethics Toolkit for Managers" Retrieved 18 November, 2007 at

Human Resources Ethical Behavior and
Pages: 3 Words: 1074

These days the business world has gone global, which has strengthened the ethics debate. Making payments in order to get business is ordinary practice in a lot of developing markets in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe, and some companies feel indebted to play the game in order to compete and many of these companies have paid the ultimate price (George, 2008).
The only way to build a great global company is with a single global standard of business practice that is dynamically communicated and meticulously enforced. Applying situation ethics in developing countries is the quickest way to destroy a global organization. Operating ethically necessitates much more than a code of conduct. The CEO and top administration must connect with employees around the world to insist on transparency and compliance. Otherwise, they will never know what's going on. The company must have a tight system of monitoring and…...



George, B. (2008). Ethics must be global, not local. Retrieved from 

How GE builds global leaders: A conversation with Chief Learning Officer Susan Peters.

(2010). Retreived from ]

Pike, M. (n.d.). Business ethics foundations: Key elements of an ethics program. Retreived from

Ethics Defining Ethical Behavior Ethics
Pages: 3 Words: 822

" All of those excuses are rationalizations that people use to try to convince themselves (and others) that they have not violated ethical rules when they have.
Contemporary society is full of examples of unethical behavior on may levels, although there are also examples of improvements in many professional industries since the field of ethics has become more prominent. The history of commercial business and industry proves that people will try to do almost anything they can get away with to make a profit. In fact, laws develop for exactly this reason: to address practices that have already been tried. The recent headlines involving the Bernard Madoff scandal and others like Enron demonstrate that ethical values are always capable of being violated even at the highest levels of modern business. In response to corporate scandals and other types of serious ethical violations, lawmakers and industry regulators have continually improved laws and…...

Counseling the Concept of Ethical Behavior Is
Pages: 2 Words: 831

The concept of ethical behavio is one in which thee is no definite pespective. Each individual has vaying belief and values in egads to ethical behavio. These values and beliefs subsequently fom the foundation by which the concept of "ethics" is ceated. This concept of ethics is then used as a basis to conduct oneself though vaious cicumstances. What may seem unethical to one individual is indeed ethical to anothe. In many cicumstances, a cedible case can be made in distinguishing both unethical and ethical activity in egads to a cetain situation. This scenaio epesented by the pofessional counselo is no diffeent in this egad. Depending on the viewpoints and the undelying values of the individual assessing the situation, compelling points can be made fo eithe ethical o unethical behavio. It is my contention howeve, that actions on the pat of the counselo ae indeed unethical

As a pofessional counselo, cetain…...


references and anticipations in career counseling: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 39, 46-55

Nursing Ethics Ethical Behavior Especially in the
Pages: 2 Words: 619

Nursing Ethics
Ethical behavior, especially in the medical community, is important in all aspects, but especially in the treatment of patients. All patients, no matter what their religious affiliations or beliefs, deserve the best possible treatment within their own particular guidelines. Treating members of the Jehovah's Witness religion is a task that while not commonplace, will certainly be touched upon by most members of the nursing community.

Looking for guidelines regarding the ethical treatment of different sects will oftentimes result in an administrator providing ethical standards that nurses for a particular institution will be required to follow. As one early study determined "the health care administrator has responsibilities to self, to the organization, to the clientele served by the organization, and to the employees who provide services at the organization" (Badzek, Mitchell, Marra, Bower, 1998).

More recently the American Nurses Association has brought forth a Code of Ethics for nurses. The Code specifically…...



American Nurses Association (2012) Nursing world, accessed on May 6, 2012 at: 

Badzek, L.A., Mitchell, K., Marra, S.E., Bower, M.M., (1998) Administrative Ethics and Confidentiality/Privacy Issues, ANA Periodicals, Vol. 3, No. 3

New York Organ Donors Network (2012) Religious viewpoints, accessed on May 6, 2012 at: 

Runde, M.; (2007) End of life decision making, Sault Area Hospital, accessed on May 6, 2012, at:

Ethical Issues in Reporting
Pages: 2 Words: 694

Ethics and ethical behavior can be taught, just as one can teach right and wrong to a child. A child without such an education is more likely to stumble into deviant behavior, and the same goes for an adult who is not trained in ethics and what constitutes ethical behavior. The whole point of Socrates’ teaching the youth of Athens was to train their minds and wills so that they can pursue the higher, nobler truths and live a life that aligned with the Good. Were ethics and ethical behavior incapable of being taught, Socrates would not have succeeded in laying the foundation of Western philosophy, his pupil Plato would not have succeeded in his school, and Aristotle would not have proceeded with his framework for virtue ethics and the school of character formation and education (Holyoke, Brown & LaPira, 2015). Such education would help professionals to evaluate and respond to…...

Unethical Behavior During Negotiations
Pages: 2 Words: 626

Unethical ehavior During Negotiations: How to Avoid it, How to Engage With It
One of the challenges of negotiating is that what constitutes ethical behavior can be quite relative and differ between the worldview of the negotiating partners. For example, many people consider bluffing to be a form of lying (even though it is an acceptable practice in many venues such as poker). For others, bluffing is a natural aspect of the negotiation process, an ethical form of deception which "must be regarded as a strategy in a game where business ethics must not be confused with private life ethics" (Alavoine n.d. 4). This separation between personal and negotiation roles often depends on the cultural context of the negotiators: in some cultures, bluffing is integrated into the process of negotiation; in others, extreme forms of bluffing are frowned upon, and when there is a difference in the worldview between the two…...



Alavoine, Claude. n.d. Unethical practices in negotiations. The confrontation between internal and external factors. IPAG Business School. Available: 

[3 Jan 2013]

The unethical side of negotiation. n.d. Available:

Criminal Justice Unethical Behavior Mark
Pages: 2 Words: 711

The infamous O.J. Simpson murder trial turned out to be a good case in point of what an officer should not do with regards to a criminal case. As the lead investigator looking into the murders of Mr. Goldman and Ms. Simpson, Detective Mark Fuhrman was a great example of ineptitude. There is a deep rooted theory that Det. Fuhrman planted evidence at the crime scene and falsified official police reports and other papers in an attempt to avoid the justice system and get a conviction against Mr. Simpson. Even though Det. Fuhrman never openly confessed to these things, the transcript of his testimony shows this to be the case. When asked during the trial if he did these things, he invoked his 5th amendment rights and refused to answer the questions. The belief is that if he hadn't done such things he would have just said so (Belrad, 2009).




Belrad, Bryan. (2009). Mark Fuhrman and the OJ Simpson murder trial: A study in officer testimony. Retrieved from -


Brennan, Warren O. (2010). Mark Fuhrman and the OJ Simpson murder trial: A study in officer testimony. Retrieved from

Unethical Behavior Memo Attention Management This Memorandum
Pages: 5 Words: 1428

Unethical ehavior Memo
Attention: Management

This memorandum is in response to recent inquires made concerning the suspected continuance of unethical practices within the company. As you are undoubtedly aware, unethical behavior can be extremely detrimental to a company's future. It makes performance exceedingly difficult to measure, and it can cause various crucial entities within a company to malfunction, thus effectively crippling the firm's ability to operate and meet the needs of clients (Rosanas & Velilla, 2005). Knowing this, such disreputable activity can be particularly challenging to remedy, especially when trying to simultaneously run a profitable company. Fortunately, through my research and internal examination I have pinpointed certain areas that need immediate attention. These departments include: accounts receivable, accounts payable and sales. My conversations with the principals of the aforementioned areas have revealed that the underlying problems in these sectors are cause for intense scrutinization. Restructuring and ulterior management techniques should certainly be…...



Bellizzi, J.A., & Hite, R.E. (1989). Supervising Unethical Salesforce Behavior. The Journal of Marketing, 53 (2), 36-47.

Brockmann, R.J., & Rook, F. (1989). Technical Communication and Ethics. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Gehrke, J. (2011). 8 Steps to Prevent Common Ethical Lapses in Organizations. Retrieved February 28, 2011, from 

Hyatt, J. (2007). Unethical Behavior: Largely Unreported in Offices and Justified by Teens . Retrieved March 1, 2011, from

Unethical Accounting Practices and Behavior Unethical Behavior
Pages: 2 Words: 860

unethical accounting practices and behavior. Unethical behavior occurs when there is a combination of motive and opportunity, along with a lack of integrity.
Situations that contribute to ethical lapses in accounting occur because of the very nature of accounting fraud being a white collar, non-violent crime. Accounting provides an opportunity to "cook the books" and exercise one's greed without pointing a gun or breaking into someone's house. Accounting crimes are tempting because nobody seems to be getting hurt (Xaxx, 2011).

There are people, who under other circumstances would never seek out a crime to commit, will submit to the temptation to commit accounting crimes just because the opportunity presents itself. Accounting often deals with large sums of money, some of which may be easily hidden, siphoned off, or removed with little likelihood of detection. Some people find this amount of temptation hard to resist, especially if they see themselves as being…...


Works Cited

Burch, C. (2011). Ethical financial reporting. Hock Accountancy Training. Retrieved October 10, 2011 from: 

Castellano, J.F., Rosenzweig, K., & Roehm, H.A. (2004). How corporate culture impacts unethical distortion of financial numbers: Managing by objectives and results could be counterproductive and contribute to a climate that may lead to distortion of the system, manipulation of accounting figures, and, ultimately, unethical behavior. Management Accounting Quarterly. Retrieved October 10, 2011 from:;col1 

Jacobsen, R. (2008) Unethical behavior in the workplace. Retrieved October 10, 2011 from: .

Xaxx, J. (2011). What are the causes of ethical lapses in accounting? Houston Chronicle Small Business website. Retrieved October 10, 2011 from:  

Feminist Ethics
Pages: 2 Words: 704

To Natacha Saintjean It is true that women are taught to be loving and caring, that these are traits that are socialized into female children. As a result, it may seem that all women are innately more loving and caring. Yet research also seems to suggest that there may be an evolutionary or biological component to the tendency of women to develop nurturing behaviors (Gilligan 1982; Noddings, 2010). The ability to bear children predisposes the female to nurture and preserve life, rather than resort to violence as a means of conflict resolution. The question then becomes why males are socialized to be aggressive, or whether their biology predisposes them.
Likewise, men and women are socialized differently with regards to acceptable or normative behaviors. It is true that women are freer to express different emotional states like crying without stigma, whereas crying can be stigmatized behavior in a man. Given the importance of…...



Gilligan, C. (1982). In a different voice: Psychological theory and women’s development (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Retrieved from 4-GILLIGAN.pdf

Noddings, N. (2010). The maternal factor: Two paths to morality [Electronic version]. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Retrieved from

Ethical Behavior in Organizations
Pages: 25 Words: 7363

Ethical Behavior Theory in Organizations
This analytical research report discusses the debatable issue of the much-needed ethical behavior in working milieu. The research paper highlights the fundamental characteristics, a well-drafted research design, a separate section of suggestions; a orks Cited an appendix featuring important data and relevant diagrams pertaining to the organizational behavior theory and the underlying ethical issues. The orks Cited nine sources in MLA format.


Ethics and ethical behavior: a challenge for organizations


Reasons for unethical behavior in organizations

Prevalent justifications of unethical behavior

Results from Baucus and Near's research model

Part Three


Part Four


hat is organizational behavior?

Purpose of organizational behavior

An overview of organizational behavior and its cardinal components

Basic models of organizational behaviors

Part Five


Part Six


orks Cited


Ethical Behavior in Organizations

Individuals working towards a common goal for personal as well as combined benefits form institutions popularly called as "organizations" or "associations."…...


Works Cited

Drucker P. Claremont Graduate Univ., Managing Oneself., Harvard Business

Review, 03-01-1999, pp 65.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Ethical Behavior of a Person or a
Pages: 3 Words: 1086

Ethical behavior of a person or a corporation greatly affects the stakeholders with which that person is involved. Often, people and companies take serious consideration when it comes to those stakeholders, and they work to take good care of the people who are involved with them (Keller, 2002). There have been cases, though, where ethical behavior has been ignored in the name of profit. Eventually, most companies and people who ignore their ethics are caught and punished, but not before they end up harming the financial and emotional lives of many of their stakeholders. Plato once said that the nature and the origin of justice was that men who were capable of doing wrong to other people would often do so. He also said that men who did not have enough strength to keep themselves from being harmed by others would not do harm to other people.
In other words, if…...



Anderson, A.A. (1999). Downsizing and the Meaning of Work. Babson College Business Ethics Program.

Keller, K.W. (2002). What does a business owe the community? The Signal.

Ethical Behaviors of Mattel in the Toy
Pages: 5 Words: 1836

Ethical Behaviors of Mattel in the Toy Industry
The ethicacy of corporate behaviors are influenced by a myriad of factors yet most strongly reflect the internal culture, alignment of leadership to vision, and accumulated trade-offs made by management over years of ethical decisions, trade-offs and outcomes. In the study Mattel, Inc.: Global Manufacturing Principles (GMP) - A life-cycle analysis of a company-based code of conduct in the toy industry (Sethi, Veral, Shapiro, Emelianova, 2011) the authors successfully provide insights into the moral and ethical dilemmas of operating a multinational corporation (MNC) that is highly dependent on Global Manufacturing Principles (GMP). The life-cycle analysis of company-based code of conduct also illustrates how creating a solid ethical foundation using a Corporate Social esponsibility (CS) platform is only as effective as the aligning of senior management, vision and mission, and manufacturing, sourcing, supply chain and distribution is (Sethi, Veral, Shapiro, Emelianova, 2011). When and…...



Gordley, J., & Cecil, S. (1998). Good faith and profit maximization. Review of Business, 19(4), 11-17.

Heinze, E. (2010). The meta-ethics of law: Book one of Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics. International Journal of Law in Context, 6(1), 23-44.

Kielsgard, M.D. (2011). Universalism and human rights in the 21st century. Asia Pacific Law Review, 19(2), 155-176.

Machan, T.R. (2004). Aristotle and the moral status of business. Journal of Value Inquiry, 38(2), 217-223.

I need a thesis statement for my topic accounting ethics?
Words: 390

Accounting ethics are incredibly important because accountants are entrusted with handling money for individuals, businesses, and other organizations.  Unethical accountants can expose a business to financial risks and liabilities, even if their breaches of ethics do not amount to criminal behavior or involve intentional wrongdoing on the part of the accountant.  Huge financial scandals, such as Enron, could not occur without ethical breaches on the part of the accountants because the financial structure of large organizations requires at least passive participation in wrongdoing by people at the accountant level.  Accountant ethics are....

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining Unethical practices?
Words: 254

1. The Dark Side of Business: Unethical Practices in the Corporate World

2. The Ethics of Exploitation: Uncovering Unethical Practices in the Modern Workplace

3. Unmasking Unethical Behavior: A Closer Look at Fraud and Corruption in Business

4. Ethics vs. Profit: The Impact of Unethical Practices on Companies and Society

5. Whistleblowing on Unethical Practices: Exposing Wrongdoings for the Greater Good

6. The Slippery Slope of Unethical Behavior: How Small Transgressions Can Lead to Larger Issues

7. The Role of Ethics in the Digital Age: Addressing Unethical Practices in Technology

8. From Enron to Volkswagen: Case Studies of Unethical Practices and Their Consequences

9. Unethical Practices in Healthcare:....

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining Unethical practices?
Words: 306

1. Unethical Practices: A Scrutiny of Corporate Greed and Moral Decay

2. The Shadow of Unethicality: Unveiling the Perils of Unprincipled Behavior in Business

3. The Moral Compass in the Marketplace: Reorienting Ethical Standards in Corporate Decision-Making

4. A Path to Perdition: The Consequences of Unethical Practices in the Business World

5. Deconstructing Unethicality: Exploring the Motives and Manifestations of Corporate Malfeasance

6. The Corrosion of Trust: How Unethical Practices Undermine Business Integrity and Public Confidence

7. Ethical Erosion: A Systemic Analysis of the Factors Contributing to Unethical Behavior in the Workplace

8. The Triple Bottom Line of Unethicality: Impacts on the Economy, Environment, and Social Well-being


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