Erp Systems Essays (Examples)

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ERP Vendors' Knowledge Assessment Implementing ERP Systems
Pages: 3 Words: 1115

EP Vendors' Knowledge Assessment
Implementing EP Systems:

Assessing Vendors' Influence in the Decision-Making Process

Enterprise esource Planning (EP) systems are used in manufacturing and services companies to interpret and act on demand while optimizing production scheduling while striving to maintain the highest levels of production quality possible. An EP system, when functioning well, can be the catalyst of competitive advantage and strength for any enterprise (Elbanna, 2006). Infor, Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft all have extensive business units dedicated to developing, selling, installing and supporting their respective EP systems. All of these companies have highly specific competencies and strengths, with deep vertical market expertise in smaller niche markets commonplace. SAP and their /3 EP Series of systems, which are the best-selling systems globally for nearly a decade. Infor has grown through acquisition and is partnering with in the hope of launching a SaaS-based EP system in 2012. Oracle's JD Edward's and PeopleSoft acquisitions,…...



Chatha, K.A., Weston, R.H., Aguirre, O., & Grabot, B. (2005). Implementation and optimisation of ERP systems: A better integration of processes, roles, knowledge and user competencies. Computers in Industry, 56(6), 620-638.

Elbanna, A.R. (2006). The validity of the improvisation argument in the implementation of rigid technology: The case of ERP systems. Journal of Information Technology, 21(3), 165-175.

Forslund, H., & Jonsson, P. (2010). Selection, implementation and use of ERP systems for supply chain performance management. Industrial Management + Data Systems, 110(8), 1159-1175.

Gunasekaran, A., & Abthorpe, M.S. (2004). Enterprise information systems project implementation: A case study of ERP in rolls-royce. International Journal of Production Economics, 87(3), 251-266.

ERP Systems Best Practices in
Pages: 10 Words: 2692


The first step in attaining best practices in ERP system performance begins not with technology or system integration at an enterprise scale, but with a re-orientation to the key processes that need to be automated to make selling strategies more effective (Chtioui, 2009). In fact best practices in ERP systems performance is more attuned to aligning ERP systems to the key strategic plans and initiatives of an organization first, then selectively using technologies to attain higher levels of performance over time. This alignment of ERP systems to strategies is critical for companies to attain profitability in the midst of a recession as well.

To attain the greatest value from this first recommendation companies need to re-evaluate their quoting and product configuration strategies from the perspective of their customers. And then determine how best to integrate their ERP systems' into the workflows to make this customer-facing process as efficient as possible. Once…...



Chtioui, T.. (2009). Understanding the Impact of ERP Standardization on Business Process Performance. International Journal of Business, 14(2), 151-162.

Shahin Dezdar, & Ainin Sulaiman. (2009). Successful enterprise resource planning implementation: taxonomy of critical factors. Industrial Management + Data Systems, 109(8), 1037-1052.

Helena Forslund. (2010). ERP systems' capabilities for supply chain performance management. Industrial Management + Data Systems, 110(3), 351-367.

Helo, P., Xu, Q., Kyllonen, S., & Jiao, R.. (2010). Integrated Vehicle Configuration System-Connecting the domains of mass customization. Computers in Industry, 61(1), 44.

ERP Systems Bibliography Bendoly E
Pages: 10 Words: 2900

Ge, L., & Voss, S.. (2009). ERP application in China: An overview. International Journal of Production Economics, 122(1), 501.

Of the many challenges of planning, implementing and using ERP systems in China, the two greatest unmet needs of these systems on a consistent basis is business intelligence and data analytics. This analysis evaluates these two unmet needs from the standpoint of their use in supply chains. Included in the analysis is an overview of value chain management and the costs associated with implementing ERP business intelligence and analytics throughout an organization.

The article also discusses how ERP implementations are being successfully completed with case studies with examples. Each of the case studies highlights how China, for the most part, lacks enterprise-wide system integration to generate real-time supply chain metrics yet does have an excellent series of reporting processes in place for managing their supply chains. The study concludes with best practices that…...


Kouki, R., Poulin, D., & Pellerin, R.. (2010). The Impact of Contextual Factors on ERP Assimilation: Exploratory Findings from a Developed and a Developing Country. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 13(1), 28-55.

The most common factor in the failure of ERP systems is lack of adoption by users. Resistance to change dooms ERP systems more than any other. The researchers who wrote this article concentrated on this factor and looking into why users resisted ERP systems when they were involved in the design, implementation and launch of it. Defining a research methodology that stratified their sample across small, medium and large businesses, the researchers also defined the type of ERP implementation being done to evaluate if that was a contributing factor. Finally the role of the CEO in enabling change by actively promoting it was also captured through attitudinal and psychographic data.

The results showed that the assimilation of an ERP implementation was most common right after the launch of the system. The change necessary

ERP Systems Challenges of Enterprise
Pages: 81 Words: 22297

ole-based EP systems are critical for the siloed, highly inefficient architectures of legacy EP systems to be made more relevant, contribute greater financial performance, and lead to higher levels of overall customer satisfaction.
c. Purpose of the study

The purpose the study is evaluate how enterprises who adopt role-based EP system implementations are able to attain higher levels of financial and operations-based performance vs. those that rely on silo-based, more functionally defined EP structures. ole-based EP systems have been proven to lead to greater order accuracy, velocity and customer satisfaction as a result. The ability to gain greater visibility throughout supply chains, better manage pricing, discounts, implement and maintain contract management systems, and also deliver consistently high customer service have all been attributed to role-based EP systems. Conversely siloed EP systems that are managed strictly to functional areas have been shown to severely limit the ability of enterprises to be more…...



Aberdeen Research (2005) -- New Product Development: Profiting from Innovation. Aberdeen Research. Boston, MA. December 2005

Abrams and Andrews 2005, Management Update: Client Issues for Service-Oriented Business Applications, 2005. Gartner Group. 20 July 2005.

Aimi, G. (2005).- AMR Research (2005, October 25). Retailers Save Money by Controlling in-Bound Logistics. (Alert). Boston, MA

Akkermans, H., & van Helden, K. 2002. Vicious and virtuous cycles in ERP

ERP Systems Challenges of Enterprise
Pages: 5 Words: 1476

role-based will serve as the basis of the hypothesis testing and further phases of subsequent research.
Second, the effects of role-based data, information and intelligence on an organizations' propensity to generate greater levels of collaboration through trust will be measured through attitudinal surveys of directors and vice presidents in the sampled companies. These surveys will seek to determine if the use of role-based data made the collaboration process more or less effective, and contributed or detracted from the levels of trust organizations are able to attain as a result.

Third, the use of role-based data as a means to more effectively manage external suppliers and channel partners will be assessed by comparing financial metrics of companies who have role-based EP systems relative to those that do not. The propensity of role-based data to create learning ecosystems as has been shown by the TPS will also be assessed (Dyer, Nobeoka, 2000).

Fourth, the…...



Jeffrey H. Dyer, & Kentaro Nobeoka. (2000). Creating and managing a high-performance knowledge-sharing network: The Toyota case. Strategic Management Journal: Special Issue: Strategic Networks, 21(3), 345-367.

DonHee Lee, Sang M. Lee, David L. Olson, & Soong Hwan Chung. (2010). The effect of organizational support on ERP implementation. Industrial Management + Data Systems, 110(2), 269-283.

ERP Systems for Accounting ERP Refers to
Pages: 6 Words: 1855

EP systems for accounting
EP refers to enterprise resource planning which is a software package that supports all of a business's operations and day-to-day accounting processes. The EP system of accounting provides an integrated system for an entire business organization by relating and coordinating the basic organizational functions such as financial planning, marketing of goods and services and human resource management. Many business organizations in the world today, both for profit and non-profit adopt the use of EP due to its ability to integrate and coordinate information from all departments, operations and processes. EP is a sophisticated system that ensures accuracy and accountability in processing and organizing business functions within an organization. This system generally can manage a business by allowing inventory control, material purchasing, accounting, marketing and distribution.

The EP system consists of several enterprise software packages acquired based on specific needs, requirements and technical capabilities of a particular organization.…...



Monk, E.F., & Wagner, J.B. 2009.Enterprise Resource Planning. 3rd edition. New York: Cengage Learning.

Meer, K.H. 2005. Best Practices in ERP Software Applications: Accounting, Supply Chain Planning, Procurement and Inventory. Printed in the United States of America: iUniverse publications.

Grabski, S, Leech, S & Sangster, A. 2009. Management Accounting in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. Printed in the United States of America: CIMA Publishing

Sawyers, R, Jenkins, J.G. & Jackson. S. 2009. Managerial Accounting: A Focus on Ethical Decision Making. Printed in Canada: Cengage Learning.

Migrating ERP Systems to the Cloud Migrating
Pages: 3 Words: 895

Migrating EP Systems to the Cloud
Migrating Standardized EP Systems to the Cloud

The compelling economics of cloud computing are leading enterprises to question their long-held assumptions that the annual maintenance fees they are paying for on-premise editions of their EP are justified. In addition, these same economics of cloud computing are making it possible for entire divisions of an enterprise to be up and running within weeks instead of months or years, on cloud-based EP platforms (Banerjea, 2011). The economics of cloud computing are also re-ordering the financial landscape of enterprise software, putting line-of-business leaders in a more direct and influential role relative to the purchase of enterprise software (Gill, 2011). All of these factors taken together form the catalyst of how migrating to standardized EP systems delivered via cloud computing are changing how enterprises evaluate, implement and value software.

Migrating Standardized EP Systems To A Cloud Computing Environment

At the most fundamental…...



Armbrust, M., Fox, A., Griffith, R., Joseph, A.D., Katz, R., Konwinski, A., . . . Zaharia, M. (2010). A view of cloud computing. Association for Computing Machinery.Communications of the ACM, 53(4), 50.

Arinze, B., & Anandarajan, M. (2010). Factors that determine the adoption of cloud computing: A global perspective. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 6(4), 55.

Banerjea, D. (2011). Calibrations in the cloud. Quality, 50(3), 40-45.

Creeger, M. (2009). CTO roundtable: Cloud computing. Association for Computing Machinery.Communications of the ACM, 52(8), 50. R

Enterprise Saas ERP System for
Pages: 11 Words: 2948

This is because it can provide and de-provide its resources dynamically, lead to a reduction of the unused capacity as well as maximize the available resources for improved efficiency.
Efficient: The SaaS EP system makes businesses to benefit from the shared hardware, familiar technologies as well as automated processes. This means that that system is able to effectively increase its peak-load capacity, provide access to organizational resources from almost everywhere via PC or any other internet enabled-devices. The system also leads to a reduction in the energy usage as well as the level of physical footprint.

Flexible: The SaaS EP system can adapt to the changing business needs.This means that it can easily adapt to the ever dynamic nature of a distributed workforce.

Secure: The system is also secure due to the multi-level data security system which it employs

The business would therefore need to engage on a total overhaul of the traditional…...



Al-Fawaz, K.,Al-Salti, Z and Eldabi, T (2008).Critical success factors in erp implementation: a review. European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2008

Drumm, J (2011). Four Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics ERP Cloud Computing

Goel, S.,Kiran.,R ., Garg, D (2011) Impact of Cloud Computing on ERP implementations in Higher Education. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol (2) 6 2011

Internal Controls and ERP Systems
Pages: 5 Words: 1427

Implicit in the use of these internal controls is keeping strategic plans and initiatives on track. This focus on continual alignment of strategies to their objectives through the use of internal controls is what separates those organizations attaining success with their supply chains or not.
One of the more successful organizations globally in orchestrating their supply chains through the use of internal EP controls is PC and laptop manufacturer Lenovo (Barrett, According to studies of their supply chain completed by AM esearch, Lenovo has been able to attain a 37% reduction in supply chain costs over three years (Barrett, In addition Lenovo has been able to stay profitable while experiencing 42% growth during the 4th quarter of 2009, a time when many of its competitors were facing financial losses. Compare their growth to the overall market growth of 17% and the value of supply chain-based internal controls becomes…...



Hari Bapuji, and Paul W. Beamish. "Mattel and the Toy Recalls (A). " Richard Ivey School of Business Case Collection: 9B08M010: Mattel and the Toy Recalls (A) 21 December 2009

Barrett, Jane . " Lenovo: The Journey of a Supply Chain Leader ." AMR Research . AMR Research, 12 March 2010. Web. 8 Apr 2010. .

Barrett, J.. "Demand-Driven is an Operational Strategy. " Industrial Management 1 Nov. 2007

Bhagwat, R., and M. Sharma. "Performance measurement of supply chain management using the analytical hierarchy process. " Production Planning & Control 18.8 (2007): 666.

Moore's Law and ERP Systems
Pages: 2 Words: 580

The practical limitations also have to do with the underlying managing of logic from an increasingly more dense packing of circuits on a single surface mount, as would be the case in the development of an integrated circuit.
How can application software improve the effectiveness of a large enterprise? What are some of the benefits associated with implementation of an enterprise resource planning system? What are some of the issues that could keep the use of enterprise resource planning software from being successful?

The greatest benefits of enterprise software are in first creating a higher level of integration across the many departments that comprise an organization. This includes Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Supplier Management, Procurement, Manufacturing, Fulfillment, and Services. The ability to synchronize all these departments' processes in pursuit of a commons strategic objective is where enterprise software is making its most major impact. Specifically in the area of making processes more…...

Upgrade to an ERP System
Pages: 2 Words: 628

charter summary as well as some scholarly research that covers both organizational culture and project management. The project charter will include the scope of the project, the objectives of the project and the participants and stakeholders that will be involved in said project. The project in question will be an upgrade to an all-encompassing and all-inclusive enterprise resource planning (EP) system that will replace the disparate and different moving parts that are loosely assembled together as a system right now. While one can indeed over-think a project of any magnitude, a transition to a new enterprise resource planning system is not something that can or should be taken lightly.
Scholarly Literature

As noted in the introduction, there will first be a quick covering of both organizational culture and project management. When it comes to a company that has an active project of any magnitude, the two indeed go hand in hand.…...



Ching Gu, V., Hoffman, J.J., Qing, C., & Schniederjans, M.J. (2014). The effects of organizational culture and environmental pressures on IT project performance: A

moderation perspective. International Journal Of Project Management, 32(7),

1170-1181. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2013.12.003


ERP Implementation What Do Vendors Seem to
Pages: 5 Words: 1829

ERP Implementation
"What do vendors seem to know and not know aout implementing ERP systems? How much influence should vendors have in an organization's ERP decision?"

"What do vendors seem to know and not know aout implementing ERP systems? How much influence should vendors have in an organization's ERP decision?"

Prolems in ERP Implementation

The Role of Vendors

"What do vendors seem to know and not know aout implementing ERP systems? How much influence should vendors have in an organization's ERP decision?"

There is commercial software packages called enterprise resource planning aimed at integrating different types of data and information that flows through the company. The information includes financial and accounting data, data related to human resource, data related to supply chain and data aout customers. ERP systems are a great solution for the prolem of usiness integration for managers struggling since long with nonconforming information systems conflicting operating practices, thus has ecome a readymade resolution…...


bibliography: 2001-2005. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 19, 386-446.

Kenett, R.S., & Raphaeli, O. (2008). Multivariate methods in enterprise system implementation, risk management and change management. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 9 (3), 258-276.

Sari, K. (2007). Exploring the benefits of vendor managed inventory, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, vol. 37, no. 7, 2007, pp. 529-545.

Somers, T.M., & Nelson, K.G. (2004). A taxonomy of players and activities across the ERP project life cycle. Information & Management, 41, 257-278.

Stratman, J. (2007). Realizing benefits from enterprise resource planning: Does strategic focus matter? Production and Operations Management, 16(2), 203-216.

ERP Implementation Approach the Study Collects Data
Pages: 13 Words: 3586

EP Implementation Approach
The study collects data from 5 business units of the company. The data collection method is through both qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and the study collects data to enhance greater understanding of the EP implementation approach carried out by the company. As being discussed previously, the methodology used to collect data is through qualitative and quantitative approach, and the study collects data from the following business units:

Accounting Department

Human esources Department

Purchasing and Supply Department

Manufacturing and Product Development Department

IT (Information Technology) Department.

The study selects these business units because they are the most important business departments that focus on the core business activities of the company. The selected company represents a cross section of the major companies engaging in the EP implementation. Typically, the information collected from the company is treated with high confidentiality, and the company chooses to implement EP system to facilitate better financial position and efficient human…...



Bogdan, R.C. & Biklen, S.K. (2003). Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theories and methods (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Coffey, A. Holbrook, B. And Atkinson, P. (1996) Qualitative Data Analysis: Representations & Technologies, Sociological Research Online, vol. 1, no. 1.

Ettlie, J.(2000).The adoption of enterprise resource planning systems, in Responsive Production and the agile enterprise, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Managing innovative Manufacturing, University of Aston.

Gibbs, GR (2002) Qualitative Data Analysis: Explorations with NVivo. Buckingham: Open University Press.

ERP and Information Security
Pages: 26 Words: 8373

EP and Information Security
Introduction to EP

Even though the plans of information security include the prevention of outsiders to gain access of internal network still the risk from the outsiders still exists. The outsiders can also represent themselves as authorized users in order to cause damage to the transactions of the business systems. Therefore, strict prevention measures should be taken to avoid such situations.

The threats of both the hackers have been increased with the software of the enterprise resource planning (EP) (Holsbeck and Johnson, 2004). By performing acts of deception, the system privileges are neglected by them and take old of the assets which are mainly the cash. Its continuous integration has not succeeded in eliminating the threat of hackers who are either the insiders or enter through the perimeter security.

Considering the financial losses caused from the system-based frauds, errors and abuse by business transactions, new ways to maintain security needs…...



Bell, T., Thimbleby, H., Fellows, M., Witten, I., Koblitz, N. & Powell, M. 2003. Explaining cryptographic systems. Computers & Education. Volume 40. pp 199 -- 215.

Blosch, M. & Hunter, R. 2004. Sarbanes-Oxley: an external look at internal controls. Gartner. August.

CobiT Security Baseline. IT Governance Institute.

Dhillon, G. 2004. Guest Editorial: the challenge of managing information security. International Journal of Information Management. Volume 24. pp 3 -- 4.

ERP Aux ERP Implementation Difficulties and Successes
Pages: 5 Words: 1481

ERP Implementation Difficulties and Successes at ABS

The global economy is causing significant shifts in business patterns. The opening of international trade avenues is producing a new set of pressures for business leaders, who are increasingly conceding to such change imperatives as production outsourcing, operation downsizing, industry consolidation and Information Technology reformation. The discussion here examines the importance of adopting an Information Technology (IT) strategy which effectively coordinates the increasingly complex strands of modern business while simultaneously fitting the needs, resources and capabilities of the implementing firm. In particular, we consider the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) IT strategy as a direct response to the need for such network coordination across a broad range of departments, facilities, operations and geographical contexts. Today, the changes which are sought on an organizational level will frequently reflect the interest of improving the technological efficiency, knowledge economy and data management which are conducted there within.…...


Works Cited:

Bernier, C.; Roy, V. & Brunelle, E. (2006). An ERP Story: Background (A). International Journal of Case Studies in Management, 4(1).

Bernier, C.; Roy, V. & Brunelle, E1. (2006). An ERP Story: Troubles Ahead (C). International Journal of Case Studies in Management, 4(1).

Bernier, C.; Roy, V. & Brunelle, E2. (2006). An ERP Story: Epilogue (D). International Journal of Case Studies in Management, 4(1).

Management Development Center (2010). Enterprise Resource Management. DePaul University.

What are the key challenges and best practices in offer management and order processing?
Words: 614

Offer management and order processing are critical functions within the logistics context of manufacturing industries. Efficient management of offers and orders can greatly impact customer satisfaction, productivity, and overall profitability. However, these processes often face various challenges such as bottlenecks, delays, and inefficiencies that can hinder the smooth flow of operations.
One of the key challenges in offer management and order processing is the lack of integration and coordination between different departments and systems within an organization. According to a study by Van Hoek et al. (2001), this lack of coordination can result in delays in processing orders and can lead....

What are the challenges and best practices in offer management for manufacturing industry?
Words: 559

The manufacturing industry is a complex and dynamic sector that requires effective offer management and order processing to ensure customer satisfaction, productivity, and profitability. A thorough literature review reveals the challenges and best practices in these critical processes, as well as the impact of bottlenecks, delays, and inefficiencies on organizational performance.
Several studies have highlighted the challenges faced by manufacturers in offer management and order processing, including the need for accurate and timely information, complex pricing structures, and the coordination of multiple departments. For example, a study by Smith and Jones (2015) found that delays in order processing can result in....

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