Ericsson Essays (Examples)

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Ericsson's Negotiations With Chinese Telecommunications Review Case
Pages: 3 Words: 847

eview case study Ericsson's negotiations Chinese telecommunications organisations. write a Discussion posting describes Ericsson effective ineffective approach cross-cultural management. In explaining answer, make specific reference cultural dimensions: communication, ethics, relationships, marketing, human resource management, cultural characteristics ( models studied) specific Swedish Chinese culture.

Ericsson's Negotiations with Chinese Telecommunications

Ericsson being among the world leader in telecommunication sought to sell part of its operation in China and a joint venture of its establishment. At the time of the negotiations, Ericson's sales in the global market were U.S.$26 billion with 30% share in global mobile infrastructure. In china the corporation market share was 40% (Blackman, 1997). The initial investment of Ericsson in china was through desk telephone handsets to Shanghai. From this the country has continued to invest in China and also opened up representative office. This has seen the relations between China and Ericsson grow explosively making the corporation…...



Blackman, C. (1997). Negotiating China: Case studies and strategies. St. Leonards, . Australia: Allen & Unwin. .

Earley, P. (1997). Face, harmony, and social structure: An analysis of organizational behavior across cultures. . New York: Oxford University Press.

Gesteland, R.R. (2002). Cross-Cultural Business Behaviour (3rd edn.) Copenhagen: Business School Press, Copenhagen.

Ericsson There Were a Number of Things
Pages: 2 Words: 703

There were a number of things that Ericsson did that were effective in this situation. One was that Ericsson was keen to establish relationships with the Chinese delegation, for example bringing the delegation to Sweden and playing the delegation. This helps to build trust with the Chinese delegation, something that is important in the negotiation.

Something else that Ericsson got right was understanding the nature of the relationship with the Chinese. The Chinese view business relationships as long-term endeavours, which is why they want to do business with "big mountains." As such, the Ericsson managers behaved well when they reminded themselves that the negotiations were long-term and for the good of the company. This approach is in line with how the Chinese viewed the relationship, so taking this approach avoided needless conflict or miscommunication.

One thing that might not have been as effective is treating the Chinese like a singular, monolithic…...


Works Cited:

Dong, Keyong & Liu, Ying. (2010). Cross-cultural management in China. Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal. Vol. 17 (3) 223-243. Retrieved February 28, 2013 from 

Leung, Kwok; Brew, Frances; Zhang, Zhi-Xue; Zhang, Yan. (2010). Harmony and conflict: A cross-cultural investigation in China and Australia. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Vol. 42 (5) 795-816. Retrieved February 28, 2013 from 

Soderberg, Anne-Marie. & Holden, Nigel. (2002). Rethinking cross-cultural management in a globalizing business world. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. Vol. 2 (1) 103-121. Retrieved February 28, 2013 from

Market Category Analysis Sony Ericsson Cell Phone Market
Pages: 8 Words: 2505

mobile phone and telecommunications industry is one of the fastest changing industry in the world. Within short periods of time, new technologies and designs are appearing on the market and it is often a challenge to keep pace with them. Further more, the latest change have shown a certain translation from the primary objective of such a product, communicating at all times, transforming it into a product that carries visual and sonic devices as well.
According to David Mery, the mobile phone market has five main characteristics, of which two are of particular interest for us. Mobile phones target a "mass-market of consumer, enterprise and professional users" and the "manufacturers need to differentiate their products in order to innovate and compete in a fast-evolving market"

. These two characteristics of the market will have a certain impact on the final strategic decision we will be taking.

In 2005, the forecasts are more…...



1. Sony Ericsson website. On the Internet at lc=en& ver=4001& template=pc3_1_1& zone=pc& lm=pc3& prid=3679


3. Bartlett, Duncan. Nokia's battle to stay world's number one. BBC World Service. February 2005. On the Internet at   Data from Strategy Analytics. 

4. Mery, David. Why is a different operating system needed? Symbian Ltd.Revision: 3.0 October 2003

Sony Strategy Sony Ericsson's CEO
Pages: 2 Words: 733

Type of Intervention / Changes: A new focus on PC-related systems, a new relationship with Microsoft, and a shift in resources to the developing world

Sony's current strategy is to make inroads into the American market with Microsoft and to focus on replicating the PC experience on mobile devices, to continue its European, luxury models with Symbian, and to expand its base in the developing world, thus adopting a multi-pronged strategy.

Comment on Sufficiency of Change Initiatives

In general, the multifaceted approach seems wise, especially given the cutthroat competition in the mobile market. One neglected feature may be the cost or value factor as there is currently such a focus on innovation in the market. The consumer desire to access the new technology at a more reasonable price might be one way of circumventing Apple's dominance.


Gaining an inroad in the PC-driven mobile market does seem to be the key to succeeding in America,…...


Works Cited

Schenker, Jennifer L. (11 Feb 2008). "Who will control the heart of handsets?" Business

Retrieved 25 Feb 2008 at   -- +mobile+world+congress+2008_special+report+-+mobile+world+congress+2008 

Sony Ericsson's CEO talks strategy." (11 Feb 2008). Business Week. Retrieved 25 Feb 2008 at

business ethics and ericsson bribery
Pages: 2 Words: 697

A lack of cultural competence can explain the moral binaries that surround American allegations of bribery in cases like that of Ericsson. Bribery is a common and entrenched way of doing business in Asia and Africa: the continents on which the alleged briberies occurred (Turula 1). Bribery is not a black versus white ethical issue, which is why Carroll and Schultz describe it as a “subject of continuing debate, more than any other form of corruption (319). As Carroll and Schultz point out, “some countries of the world continue to assert that [bribes] are culturally obligatory or defensible,” with some businesspeople arguing they are “necessary,” (319). In the Ericsson suit, none of the people suspected of bribery are making any such claims because they are being investigated by the American Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ), neither of which take kindly to bribery regardless of…...

Cloud Computing as Cloud Computing Became More
Pages: 2 Words: 891

Cloud Computing
As cloud computing became more and more popular, many major business names jumped at the chance to execute cloud strategies and services within their IT management strategies. Ericsson was one of those companies and has seen major benefits in terms of cost reduction, ease of automatic software updates, increased capabilities of remote access, and on-demand availability. Since its adoption of AWS services as provided from Amazon, it has seen vast benefits. Essentially, several cloud services provided by Amazon have helped increase the company's scalability with relatively little initial investments (Amazon, 2012). According to the research, Ericsson has benefited from cloud services ability to "lead to efficiency gains, operational flexibility, and substantial cost savings" (Ericsson, 2012, p 10). Cost reductions occur in the ability to cut loose expensive hardware and in house servers that would be needed to handle so much data without the use of cloud strategies. ather…...



Amazon Web Services. (2012). AWS case study: Ericsson. AWS Products and Solutions. Retrieved August 23, 2012 from 

Ericsson. (2012). The telecom cloud opportunity: How telecom operators can leverage their unique advantages in the emerging cloud market. Ericsson Discussion Paper. Retrieved August 23, 2012 from 

Tyson, Bruce. (2010). Amazon Web Services (AWS): Learn why Amazon leads cloud computing. Helium. Retrieved August 23, 2012 from

Benefits of Cloud Computing
Pages: 2 Words: 898

Cloud Computing
Ericsson opted for Amazon Web Services (AWS) because of several features that AWS offered. There is no evidence presented in this case study with respect to the actual accrued benefits that Ericsson enjoyed. Furthermore, the information is presented by Amazon, who is selling this service. That makes this a source completely lacking in credibility. But Amazon does offer that "Ericsson explains that is has several Software as a Service initiatives that have or will soon need an infrastructure as a service provider." This does not really tell us anything -- we know that Ericsson believes it needs AWS because it paid for it. One of the stated benefits for Ericsson is that AWS gives it multiple global hosting centers -- this might well be a benefit of other providers but it is definitely a benefit of AWS that Ericsson felt was critical. This is one of the major benefits…...



AWS. (2014) Amazon S3. Amazon Web Services. Retrieved May 30, 2014 from 

AWS. (2014). EC2. Amazon Web Services Retrieved May 30, 2014 from 

AWS. (2014). RightScale Inc. Amazon Web Services Retrieved May 30, 2014 from 

Carlin, S. & Curran, K. (2011). Cloud computing security. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence. Vol. 3 (1) 14-19.

Qualcomm in China Why Does
Pages: 3 Words: 859

The U.S. government, for example, could back the CDMA technology by promising China that it would support its candidature for the WTO, where eventually China acceded.
3. To what extent do economic factors?

The economic factors are essential in explaining the global leadership of GSM, mainly because of the economies of scale that can be made when dealing with the GSM technology. The economies of scale are evident in terms of the equipment, going as far as the handsets, for example. This means that despite a cost advantage for the CMDA, the economies of scale obtained from the GSM technology can virtually nullify this and make GSM more profitable.

On the Chinese market, economic considerations also played an important role in the competition between GSM and CMDA. First of all, China Unicom had already invested significant sums of money in the development of a wireless network based on GSM, so it wasn't…...

Market Penetration Is One Strategy That Many
Pages: 3 Words: 780

Market penetration is one strategy that many businesses consider when they decide to expand their business operation to other regions but within the same market. Market penetration usually involves the establishment of business relationship to other region. With market penetration, businesses will be able to measure their success. For instance, the measure of percentage of sales in different region is one way to determine where a company is harvesting success and where it needs improvement in terms of operation and provision of services.
An example of a company that successfully gains from market penetration is FSI International, Inc., a supplier of surface conditioning equipment and technology for microelectronics manufacturing (FSI-International.COM). Since FSI decided to penetrate the Asian market with direct sales and support, they found a considerable growth in revenue. According to Electronic News Online, 40% of FSI's current sales in 2004 were from Asian customers. This is equivalent to an…...



2004. FSI Enjoying Greater Asian Market Penetration.

Retrieved on 25 October 2004, from Electronic News Online. Web site:

  industry=Supply+Chain ;

FSI International, Inc.

Employee Stock Ownership Plans Employee
Pages: 8 Words: 2838

By opening stock options to middle management and employees, it was assumed that better employee performance would be incentivized. As company stock prices go up, it creates a greater spread between the option price when it was granted to the employee and the hypothetical sale price at the end of the vesting period. Consistently better performance over a longer period of time would yield greater reward when the option is exercised. However, as Hall and Murphy again point out, "even if employees can increase the value of the firm, their share of that gain through their option holdings is very small. Combining this enormous free-rider problem with the risk imposed on employees through stock-based pay, it seems obvious that cash-based incentive plans based on objective or subjective performance measures can provide stronger and more efficient pay-performance incentives."
Despite many early statements in the life of the practice that employee stock…...



Calomiris, C. a. (2004, 01-08). Options Pricing and Accounting Practice. Retrieved 12-13, 2010, from Should We Expense Stock Options: 

Core, J. a. (2001). Stock option plans for non-executive eployees. Journal of Financial Economics (61), 253-287.

Engel, E. a. (2001, Jan.). The Roles of Performance Measures and Monitoring in Annual Governance Decisions in Entrepreneurial Firms. Retrieved 12-13, 2010, from an Analysis of Executive Compensation, Ownership, and Control in Closely Held Firms:,&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESifIyqUeDNwUoNkeDagDN_o40V-Jd9R56ECpswKKWzRQRdz_dZzpDHfcmTAKvZCDwZPpz9ZtR51HmXhCZ408jF-cv485C4m1xIxTy2zfTfQ4rp_g-4KFhIUdwKFVtmNCOWy82W5&sig=AHIEtbQapxbbbr0z-APPf2sdFQgWOYglLA 

Glater, J. (2009, March 26). Stock Options Are Adjusted After Many Share Prices Fall. New York Times, p. B1.

Bluetooth Technology
Pages: 28 Words: 7972

BluetoothTM is a low cost, low power, short-range radio technology- originally perceived as cable replacement alternative for the cable / wire connected devices such as mobile phone hand, headsets, and portable computers. The BluetoothTM's goals expanded to include standardized wireless communications between any electrical devices and created a notion of Personal Area Network. The write-up traces history of BluetoothTM starting with its unusual name to formation of Special Interest Group, SIG's formation, its growth culminating into implementation of version 1.0b.
Version 1.0 of the Bluetooth came out in 1999-starting as early as 1994 by engineers from Ericsson. The specification is named after Harald Blatand- a tenth century Viking. Ericsson Corp. founded the Bluetooth SIG in February 1998, Intel Corp., IBM Corp., Toshiba Corp., and Nokia Mobile Phones. In December 1999, core promoters group enlarged to include four major players, namely, Micorsoft, Lucent, 3 Com and Motorola.

Then, the components of BluetoothTM: the…...




Bluetooth Revealed, Brent, Miller. September 2000, Prentice Hall PTR

Bluetooth Demystified, Nathan Muller, J.J. September 2000, Prentice Hall PTR

Web Addresses

Information Technology Case Bharti Airtel Is the
Pages: 3 Words: 900

Information Technology

Bharti Airtel is the world's fifth largest telecom company and it is famous for outsourcing everything except finance, marketing and sales. In the early days Bharti used to do all the business processes itself and it used to cost much more. Then they came up with the idea of outsourcing everything and just keep the departments of core competencies. And they kept marketing because in today's world every telecom company is providing the same services. The only difference between them is brand positioning that is how a product or a brand's image is in the consumer's mind. So, they made sure they pay specialized attention on that and for that they hired the famous Asian musician A. ehman for the special Airtel tune that attracted people and associated them with AirTel.

Airtel outsourced their IT processes to IBM, entire network operations to Ericsson and Siemens along with Alcatel Lucent recently…...



Bharti Airtel -- "Perfect example of outsourcing all its activities! But can it succeed in Africa?. (n.d.). India Business Blog | Finance Telecom Stock Market. Retrieved July 24, 2012, from 

Bureu, E. (2010, April 1). Ericsson wins Airtel's $1.3-billion outsourcing project - Economic Times. Featured Articles From The Economic Times. Retrieved July 24, 2012, from 

Has Airtel outsourced too much? (n.d.). India Business Blog | Finance Telecom Stock Market. Retrieved July 24, 2012, from

Particularly Topical Instance Lets Say the Internet
Pages: 4 Words: 969

particularly topical instance, lets say the internet or the SMS service that everybody is abundantly using these days. There are different shades of technology that color this kind of communication between two communicating devices like the cell phones. Following are the three main types of platforms for this technology and their suitability with the consumers: Wireless Access Protocol, General Packet Radio Service, and the third generation Universal Mobile Telecommunication System.
The acronym WAP stands for Wireless Access Protocol. This simply means that it is through WAP the wireless devices communicate. A lot of different types of data can be sent via a WAP. One of the main uses of WAP is in cellular phones and the exchange of data being voice or short messages. WAP is technically compatible with most of the GSM services and clients. There can be either a dedicated WAP server or a traditional web server to…...



Ericsson Website:  (Accessed April 15, 2002) ,

DSC Website: (Accessed April 15, 2002)

Long-Term Memory and the Effects on the Individual
Pages: 2 Words: 662

Erickson Kintsch Argument
Erickson and Kintsch Argument

In the world of psychology, there are number of theories which are used to understand the impact of various events and stimuli on long-term memory. Each one discusses these transformations and the lasting impacts on everyone. To fully understand what is taking place requires focusing on the ideas from: Cui, Kelley & Lavie and Ericsson & Kintsch. This will be accomplished by examining their overlapping methods and then designing an experimental approach. Together, these different variables will determine which approach is the most effective and the best ways for measuring them.

Cui (2012) determined that NMDA receptors in the brain will have an impact on long-term memory. This is taking place with genetics influencing their ability to function and maintain high levels throughout a person's life. When someone becomes older, this will affect the ability to analyze events and their meaning. This shapes how the person…...



Cui, Z. (2012). Increased NR2A. Scientific Reports, 3 (5), 1036-1044.

Ericsson, T. & Kintsch, W. (1995). Long-Term Working Memory. Psychological Review, 102, 211 -- 245.

Kelley, T. (2013). The impact of distractor congruency on stimulus processing in retinotopic visual cortex. Neuroimage, 1 (81), 158 -- 163.

Hydrothermal Vents Life in the
Pages: 6 Words: 2042

These worms play an integral part of the community. They do not have any digestive capacities, as they lack mouths and digestive systems. ather, they absorb the nutrient-rich waste products of the bacteria through their epidermal layers. They use hemoglobin produced inside their bodies to combine hydrogen sulfide, which is a necessity of many of the bacteria living in and around the vents. The worms transfer this hydrogen sulfide to the bacteria upon contact, and in return, the absorb the nutrients being produced by the bacteria. Additionally, one study examining vents off the coast of South Africa also found the presence of a new species of nematode, known as Halicephalobus mephisto (Borgonie et al., 2011). There are also a number of annelids as well as typical crustaceans, like snails, crabs, and shrimp are often common (Edmonds et al., 2003). There are also species of fish and octopi that form…...



Borgonie, G., Garcia-Moyano, a., Litthauer, D., Bester, a., van Heerden, E., Moller, C., Erasmus, M., & Onstott, T.C. (2011).Nematoda from the terrestrial deep subsurface of South Africa. Nature, 474(June). 79-88. Doi: 10.1038/nature09974

Ericsson, Magnus. (2008). Seabed deposits generate a new wave of interest in offshore mineral recovery. Offshore Mining (September).

Edmonds, H.N., Michael, P.J., Baker, E.T., Connelly, D.P., Snow, J.E., Langmuir, C.H., Dick, H.J.B., Muhe, R., German, C.R., & Graham, D.W. (2003). Discovery of abundant hydrothermal venting on the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel ridge in the Arctice Ocean. Nature, 421(16).

Lemonick, Michael D. & Dorfman, Andrea. (2002). Microbes at the extremes may tell us how life began. Time Europe, 160(6), 34-38.

How can we cultivate a thriving mindset in today\'s fast-paced world?
Words: 573

Cultivating a Thriving Mindset in a Fast-Paced World
In today's rapidly changing and demanding world, cultivating a thriving mindset has become essential for navigating the challenges and embracing opportunities. Here's a comprehensive guide to fostering a thriving mindset:
1. Practice Gratitude:
Expressing gratitude shifts focus from negativity to the positive aspects of life. Keep a gratitude journal or regularly acknowledge the things you appreciate to cultivate a sense of contentment and well-being. (Seligman, 2002)
2. Embrace Challenges:
View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Embrace setbacks as stepping stones towards success, and develop a resilient attitude. Focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems.....

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