Equal Employment Opportunity
The modern history of employment equity begins with the Civil ights Act of 1964, which extended employment equity rights to Americans regardless of gender, religion, national origin, race or color (National Archives, 2014). The CA was, in essence, fulfilling the promise of the 14th Amendment, which introduced the idea of equal protection under the law. Employment in the United States is typically governed under the doctrine of employment at will, which grants employers considerable leeway in firing people, but the CA established that people needed equal opportunity and protection regardless of the state outward characteristics. This paper will examine the history of equal employment opportunity and the moral and ethical dimensions of this concept.
The Civil ights Act of 1964 did not invent the concept of employment equity, but it has proven to be the foundation of modern equal employment opportunity. The text of that law, and the protections…...
Acemoglu, D. & Angrist, J. (2001). Consequences of employment protection? The case of the Americans with disabilities act. Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 109 (5) 915-957.
ACLU (2014). Website, various pages. Retrieved December 9, 2014 from https://www.aclu.org/maps/non-discrimination-laws-state-state-information-map
Arneson, R. (2002) Equality of opportunity. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved December 9, 2014 from http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/equal-opportunity/
Blake, J. (2014). Has the Roberts court placed landmark 1964 civil rights law on a hit list? CNN . Retrieved December 9, 2014 from http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/10/us/roberts-court-civil-rights-law/
Equal Employment Opportunity & HM
easons for not hiring pregnant women
Models exhibiting wrestling apparel need to have ideal physical characteristics and attractive body structures, for they are often required to wear appealing costumes like bikinis. A model wearing bikini is required to have the ideal proportions of muscle and fat on the body, along with an attractive body structure that has features of outstanding feminism.
A number of arguments in the recent past have tried to identify the characteristics that determine the ideality of physical shape and characteristics of a bikini model considering aspects of healthy looks and attraction. A number of bikini models are accepted with a number of different body shapes and characteristics. Ideally, the models should have a narrow waist, while bust and hips should be comparatively wider. The proportion of these features determines which shape the body of the model has: hourglass, pear, apple of banana. A pregnant…...
HR Focus. (2010). ADA Amendments Act Update: Issues HR Professionals Must Know. Institute of Management & Administration: New York: Vol. 87, Issue. 5.
HR Focus. (2008). How to Fight Workplace Discrimination: Tips From EEOC Lawyers. Institute of Management & Administration: New York: Vol. 85, Issue. 9.
" (Kepple, 1995) Kepple questions if affirmative action is "really doing this" and states "the answer is no." (Kepple, 1995) Kepple states that affirmative action makes the assumption that 'Everything can be solved by lumping whites, and men in particular, all of whom have supposedly achieved some kind of tangible advantage and benefits from the color of their skin alone, into one group. Non-whites, all of whom are assumed to be the victims of the aforementioned group because the white males were obviously all attempting to hinder the non-whites in various ways constitute the second group." (Kepple, 1995)
The work of Dean Elmuti (1996) entitled: "Revising Affirmative Action and Managing Cultural Diversity Challenges in Corporate America" states that management of cultural diversity in the workplace in combination with "attempt to abolish affirmative action are emerging as some of the most important issues facing American business in the 90s. Affirmative action was…...
Rogers, Eloise (2008) Column: Affirmative Action Policy is Outdated, Offensive. Campus Times in: UWIRE, CBS News 20 Nov 2008. Online available at: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/11/21/politics/uwire/main4622919.shtml
Holmberg, Kelley (2008) Affirmative Action as Outdated as Discrimination. The Chase -- College Media Network. 27 Feb 2008. Online available at: http://media.www.enmuthechase.com/media/storage/paper1015/news/2008/02/27/Opinion/Affirmative.Action.As.Outdated.As.Discrimination-3238855.shtml#4
Burke, Ronald J. And Cooper, Cary L. (2005) Reinventing Human Resource Management: Challenges and New Directions. Routledge 2005.
Kepple, Benjamin (1995) the Fallacy of Affirmative Action.15 Nov 1995. Online available at: http://www.umich.edu/~mrev/archives/1995/11-15-95/affirm.html
Equal Employment Opportunity & HM
In this short essay, we will explore the implications of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII with regard to religious discrimination, reasonable accommodations and EEOC procedures. Such regulations can be difficult to administer and can backfire in lawsuits unless H professionals understand the laws, regulations and how to facilitate their observance. By properly doing this, embarrassing and expensive lawsuits can be avoided and EEO policies can be administered effectively and more satisfactorily for all concerned. In this way, diversity can be an important company asset and not a financial liability.
Equal Employment Opportunity Act
The Equal Employment Opportunity Act is designed to protect U.S. employees from employment discrimination based upon the employee's (or applicant's) color, race, sex, religion, or national origin. It prohibits employers from discrimination in employment based upon race, color, religion, sex or national origin in a comprehensive set of regulations that require proactive anticipation,…...
Ada amendments update: issues hr professionals must know. HR Focus, (2010), 87 (5), 12-16.
Take a policy approach to fight discrimination claims. HR Focus, (2009), 86 (8), 1-4.
U.S. Department of Labor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2008). Compliance manual section 12-religious discrimination. Retrieved from U.S. GPO website:
features of a major area of law. The second part of the scholarly paper presents a thorough review of an organizational problem based on the rules and regulations presented in the first part of the research paper.
The reference page appends twelve sources in APA format.
Equal Employment Opportunity and Anti-discrimination Laws
The academic world as well as the world of profession and occupation offers uncountable options in the form of innumerable areas of study, review and critique. The world where we live in thus needs to provide equal opportunity to all for this is the world where souls thrive and excel by being successful in different areas of study. Apart from various areas of study and scrutiny including psychology, physiology, chemistry, biology, botany, physics, general science, general knowledge, computer sciences, management, marketing, mathematics and several languages, law is one of the most thriving, ancient and popular as well as a highly…...
U.S. EEOC: An Overview. Report from the Office of Communications and Legislative Affairs (1998). Retrieved July 18, 2003 at http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/overview.html
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964 (1997). Retrieved July 18, 2003 at http://www.eeoc.gov/laws/vii.html
Facts about religious discrimination (2002). Retrieved July 18, 2003 at http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/fs-relig.html
Facts About Race/Color Discrimination (2002). Retrieved July 18, 2003 at http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/fs-race.html
Women and Work
Over the last four decades, women have entered the workforce in greater numbers than ever before. At the same time, they have pressed for equality with men in terms of level of achievement, promotions, and pay, generally lagging behind because of discriminatory payment practices and a so-called "glass ceiling" that prevents them from advancing as far as they might. The issue now is how far have they come and do the current statistics on the employment of women show progress?
Efforts to protect women in the workplace extend back at least as far as the 1920s. Minimum wage laws covering women and children were enacted in fifteen states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto ico between 1912 and 1923. In 1923, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Adkins v. Children's Hospital that the District of Columbia's minimum wage law violated the right of contract under the due process clause…...
Brown, J.O., Baumann, P.T., & Melnick, E.M. (1986, Winter). Equal pay for jobs of comparable worth: An analysis of the rhetoric. Harvard Civil Liberties Law Review.
Facts About Working Women (2005). AFL-CIO, retrieved May 15, 2005 from http://www.aflcio.org/issuespolitics/women/factsaboutworkingwomen.cfm .
Goldberg, G.S. & Kremen, E. (eds.)(1990). The feminization of poverty. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
Statistics & Data (2005). U.S. Department of Labor, retrieved May 16, 2005 from http://www.dol.gov/wb/stats/main.htm .
Human resource management is one of the essential components to the competitiveness of global firms. Corporations that perform exceptionally regarding human resource management tend to integrate strong discipline in their people with attention to strong social capital (developing networks and relationships within the organization). The multiplier impacts of this combination generate inimitable conditions for people management, which in turn drives employee engagement in the global context. The following study focuses on the historical and current trends in human resource practices with a great focus on global HM, equal employment opportunity and compensation and motivation. The emphasis will be laid on their influence on the management of international employees. The study will highlight the major aspects emerging from the three areas of focus. It will provide an extensive detail from real case examples of companies in the global field by examining major HM practices including global HM, equal employment opportunity, and…...
Edwards, T. (2011). The nature of international integration and human resource policies in multinational companies. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 35.
Festing, M., Budhwar, P. S. & Cascio W. (2013). Current Issues in International HRM: Alternative Forms of Assignments, Careers and Talent Management in a Global Context. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(3): 161 -- 166
Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., Donnelly, J. H., & Konopaske, R. (2012). Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes. Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill.
Kang, H. & Shen, J. (2017). International Reward and Compensation Policies and Practices. International Human Resource Management in South Korean Multinational Enterprises, pp 141-165
Advice is given to supervisors on how to correct poor appearance and employee misconduct. In these instances, progressive guidelines and other requirements must be taken into account the completing disciplinary actions and in resolving employee grievances and appeals. Information is given to employees to encourage a better understanding of management's goals and policies. Information is also given to employees in order to assist them in improving poor performance, on or off duty misconduct, and/or to address personal issues that influence them in the workplace. Employees are told about appropriate policies, legislation, and bargaining agreements. Employees are also directed about their complaint and appeal rights and discrimination and whistleblower safeguards (Employee elations, 2009).
Preserving a positive, productive work environment is significant for all managers. This is often accomplished by engaging in: mentoring and coaching your staff, regular feedback, including annual performance reviews, open and honest communication regarding group, unit and university…...
Compensation and Benefits. (n.d.). Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Auxillium West Web site:
Employee Health and Safety. (2009). Retrieved August 19, 2010, from Small Business Notes
Web site: http://www.smallbusinessnotes.com/operating/hr/safety.html
Representative Rosa DeLauro first introduced an identical bill in the House of Representatives on the same day. These Congresswomen have introduced identical legislation in their respective chambers annually since 2005. The Act was most recently introduced on March 6, 2007. (Absoluteastronomy.com, n.d.)
The Congress did not ignore the EPA's economic consequences on the salaries and employment opportunities for both men and women. First, as an amendment of the FLSA, the EPA is part of the same legislative structure that houses the federal minimum wage laws. The EPA acts as a wage equalizer between men and women for equal jobs, and has the potential of acting as a price floor on the salaries of men or women for particular jobs. As such, the EPA had the potential of causing some of the same problems observed by minimum wage laws: unemployment, and additional discrimination. (Absoluteastronomy.com, n.d.)
From the EEOC's initial enforcement of the…...
Absoluteastronomy.com. (n.d.). Equal Pay Act of 1963. Retrieved February 10, 2009, from Absolute Astronomy: http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Equal_Pay_Act_of_1963
Brunner, B. (n.d.). The Wage Gap. Retrieved February 10, 2009, from Infoplease:
EEOC. (n.d.). Equal Pay and Discrimination. Retrieved February 10, 2009, from U.S. Equal
Deliberate discrimination may be to blame -- in part. But companies can also make it easier for women to balance the challenges of work and family life in a more effective fashion, given that these responsibilities often fall disproportionately on female shoulders. Providing day care for women, allowing more flexible work schedules for employees, as well as diversity and sensitivity training are all necessary. Encouraging female mentorship programs to undercut the influence of the still strong 'all boys network' of promotion is another critical move to shatter the ceiling.
orks Cited
Equal Pay and Compensation Discrimination." 1(Oct 2007).
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Retrieved 13 Dec 2007. http://www.eeoc.gov/types/epa.html
Kennedy, John. (10 Jul 1964). "Remarks upon Signing the Equal Pay Act."
The American Presidency Project. Retrieved 13 Dec 2007. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=9267...
mlaWorks Cited
Equal Pay and Compensation Discrimination." 1(Oct 2007).
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Retrieved 13 Dec 2007. http://www.eeoc.gov/types/epa.html
Kennedy, John. (10 Jul 1964). "Remarks upon Signing the Equal Pay Act."
The American Presidency Project. Retrieved 13 Dec 2007. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=9267
Presence of minority groups at a workplace
At work places, individuals are being discriminated on the basis of being a minority. Structural theory states clearly there is always a consequence for being the minority. This theory is in relation to three known token dynamics which include; it leads to contrast effect that leads to social isolation, it has the element of visibility that results to performance pressure and it also results to stereotyping or role encapsulation (Bell, 2007). Discrimination may be as a result of the individual (from the minority group) being scrutinized to find out whether he/she is capable to excel in whatever he/she is doing. From this theory, an individual whom the public does not associate his/her presence with a certain kind of work is more doubted than a person whom they have faith that he/she can handle the work. For example, a woman with mechanic skills can be…...
Alon, S., & Haberfeld, Y. (2007). Labor force attachment and the evolving wage gap between White, Black, and Hispanic young women. Work and Occupations, 34, 369-398.
Byron, R.A. (2010). Discrimination, Complexity, and the Public/Private Sector Question. Work and Occupations, 37(4), 435-475. doi: 10.1177/0730888410380152
Bell, M.P. (2007). Diversity in organizations. Arlington: South-Western Cenage Learning.
Couch, K.A., & Fairlie, R. (2010). Last hired, first fired? Black-White unemployment and the business cycle. Demography, 47, 227-247.
These figures dwarfed what other big businesses paid for discriminatory practices. These businesses included Texaco, Inc.; Shoney's, Inc., Winn-Dixie, Stores, Inc.; and CSX Transportation, Inc. Critics saw Coca-Cola's settlement as signaling a major breakthrough among big businesses as coming to terms with diversity in the workplace (King). ecause the company has been a leader in many areas, these critics regarded it as setting an example of greater openness to promotions across races of employees (King).
Settlement terms included $23.7 million as back pay; $58.7 million as compensatory damages; and $10 million as promotional achievement award fund distributed to the complainants. A remaining $20 million went to attorney's fees and $36 million to the implementation of internal program reforms. Coca-Cola would also create an external, seven-member task force to insure that the terms were complied with and to oversee the company's diversity efforts (King).
According to Social Networks. - Connections in a…...
Bland, T. (1999). Equal pay enforcement heats up. 4 pages. HR Magazine: Society for Human
Resources Management
Bronstad, a. (2001). EEOC alleges Beverley Hilton discrimination. 2 pages. Los Angeles
Business Journal: CBJ, LP
This can also lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
It is also noted that religious discrimination can be both overt and covert. Overt discrimination is a more obvious form of discrimination, such as name -- calling and physical intimidation ( Perceived eligious Discrimination and its elationship to Anxiety and Paranoia among Muslim Americans). Covert discrimination is often more insidious and psychologically harmful in that it is suggested by innuendo and veiled remarks that are often less able to be attacked or defended against.
It is also claimed that continued stress as a result of discrimination can lead to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. However, there is a paucity of research in this area; for instance, "Although the effects of discrimination and hate crimes among various minority member's mental health is documented, no research to date examines the correlates of perceived discrimination among Muslim Americans" (Perceived eligious…...
Employment Discrimination Based on Religion, Ethnicity, or Country of Origin. Retrieved from http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/fs-relig_ethnic.html .
DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RELIGION. Retrieved from http://www.oregon.gov/BOLI/CRD/C_Religion.shtml .
Discrimination- Introduction. Retrieved from http://www.compactlaw.co.uk/monster/empf28.html
Discrimination: Religion. Retrieved from http://www.aflcio.org/issues/jobseconomy/workersrights/rightsatwork_e/disc_religion.cfm
Equal Pay Act: Difficult but Essential to Enforce
According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2009, women made about 80% of what men of the same race performing the same jobs did. Historical data from the BLS (and this is consistent with other sources) demonstrate that things have improved little in terms of pay equity for women over the past half century or so (Bureau of Labor Statistics, http://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/surveymost ). This is true despite the fact that in 1963, the Pay Equity Act became federal law in 1963. It is nearly impossible not to consider this law a failure in its effects given that so little has changed. (One might argue that things might have gotten worse for women absent this law, but this argument seems at least primarily specious.)
Congress enacted the law, which amended the Fair Labor Standards Act, for a number of reasons, including the fact…...
AFL/CIO, "Pay Equity," retrieved 5 February 2010 from http://www.aflcio.org/issues/jobseconomy/women/equalpay/ ).
Bureau of Labor Statistics, retrieved 4 February 2010 from http://data.bls.gov/cgi -
Organization Behavior
Human esource Management Policies of Wal-Mart
Employment Law Wal-Mart
Human esource Management Policies of Wal-Mart
Wal-Mart is a large scale multinational retailer that employs more than 2.2 million employees in 27 countries. The management of this large workforce requires it to implement effective human resource management and employment relations policies at its workplace. Wal-Mart believes in effective recruitment and selection process in order to fill the vacant job positions with the most talented and skillful employees. It uses one way and two way virtual interviewing techniques in order to minimize its heavy recruitment and administrative costs. Wal-Mart generally fills its vacant job positions from the industry through fresh graduate induction and experienced professionals. It trains them through different methods in order to make them learn the most advanced knowledge related to their job responsibilities.
The Wal-Mart workforce consists of individuals from different cultures, nationalities, and races. In order to manage this culturally dispersed…...
Bergdahl, 2010, How the HR Division at Wal-Mart drives the Company's Success through People. Available at [Accessed November 28th, 2012]
Celentino, J. 2012, Wal-Mart Doesn't Owe Pregnancy Light Duty. Available from [Accessed November 29th, 2012]
Greenwald, J. 2011, Court rules against Wal-Mart in sexual harassment, retaliation case. Available from [Accessed November 29th, 2012]
Hinshaw & Culbertson, 2012, Wal-Mart Follows Properly-Drafted Accommodation Policy, Still Ends Up Potentially Liable for Retaliation. Available from [Accessed November 29th, 2012]
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