One major way in which this can be achieved is education. Living in an integrated society means that education can be focused upon everyone within this society at the same time. In this way, both white, black, and other people can be educated about the environment, as well as strategies to implement towards a healthier environment for everybody. uch programs should then be greatly focused upon issues such as the equal right to a clean and healthy environment.
A further way to combat environmental racism is to address the issue with corporations and businesses. Businesses should focus their resources towards community projects that help black and poor communities to become cleaner and healthier for their inhabitants. This process can be connected to other social community projects such as schooling or building homes for the poor.
Finally, workplaces and educational facilities serving poor and black communities should be approached on a collaborative…...
Bullard, Robert D. Dumping in Dixie: Race, Class, and Environmental Quality. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1990.
Carter, Majora. Greening the ghetto. Feb 2006.
Roy, Arundhati. Power Politics: The Reincarnation of Rumpelstiltskin. Outlook India, Nov 27, 2000.
The third and most contentious explanation charges unequal distribution of pollutants and hazardous toxins to environmental racism.
In this explanation race is a major factor. esearch findings suggest, "...racism may be playing a role in the decision-making process" (p. 88). Industrial decision-makers frequently choose minority areas for disposal and industrial facilities. Concentrations of pollution are simply reflections of inherent injustice in the system. In other words, poor environmental quality in minority areas is a symptom of institutional discrimination. Thus a variety of groups, organizations, and such are implicated -- probably, they don't intend any harm, but their policies result in negative outcomes for poor areas and the people living in them. In Kitchener, Ontario, for instance, a housing development was built where formerly a waste landfill was located. Officials who approved the development knew it had been a waste landfill, but the project was going to be profitable. Buyers did not…...
Friedman, D. (1998). The "environmental racism" hoax. The American Enterprise, 9 (6), 75-78.
Talking race (2003). Alternatives Journal, 29 (1), 3-4.
Warriner, G.K., McSpurren, K. And Nabalamba, a. (2001). Social justice and environmental equity: Distributing environmental quality. Environments, 29 (1), 85-99.
Poor peoples and poor nations in the world accept the false and harmful notion that the lack of development meant risky, low-paying jobs and pollution. The economically vulnerable and poor communities, poor states, poor nations and poor regions have succumbed to the notion. The movement demanded that no community, nation, whether rich or poor, whatever the color should be made dumping grounds for these deadly wastes. The movement also alerted the governments of these nations and regions to set up their own measures to protect the health and environment of their own people and areas (ullard).
Citizen Action and Litigation
Many of the initial activities of the environmental justice movement were in the form of citizen action and litigation (Crossman 2005). Among them were the EPA's disparate-impact regulations, pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. These prohibited recipients of federal funding from engaging in racially discriminatory activities…...
Bullard, R.D. (2007). Dismantling toxic racism. 4 pages. The New Crisis: Crisis Publishing Company, Inc.
2003). Environment justice for all. 6 pages
Bullard, R. D and Glenn S. Johnson (2000). Environmental justice. 20 pages. Journal of Social Issues: Plenum Publishing Corporation
Crossman, B. (2005). Resurrecting environmental justice. 20 pages. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review: Boston College School of Law
He did clean up the area around the store from garbage lying around but never did anything apart from that. He did express interest in being a part of any group working towards helping out with the environment. He denied that his Chinese background might have had any impact on his attitude.
The individual from the Hispanic background was deeply involved with activities to help out with environmental issues. He is a computer Science major and manages had two websites dealing with those issues. He also maintains a blog about environmental hazards that he encounters. He takes pictures of whatever he thinks might be important and uploads them to his blog. He mentioned how he wants to use his skills in web design to reach out to students and make them aware of such issues. He has listed a lot of ways to get involved on his websites and uses…...
"Why is it so easy to develop and then retain racial prejudices?" How can we break this "mold"?
acial prejudices are formed easily because they are learned cognitive patterns. One develops racial prejudices just as one learns a language or learns how to ride a bicycle. Just as it is difficult to "unlearn" a skill, it can also be difficult to "unlearn" racism. However, it is possible to break the "mold" of racism by refusing to engage the racist mind, refusing to engage racist discourse, recognizing when racism exists, and teaching the future generation about love and respect.
As Nittle (n.d.) points out, most types of racial prejudice arise from "race-based stereotypes." Stereotypes are cognitive categories or structures. In many ways, stereotypes help human beings organize an otherwise overwhelmingly complex world. Thus, we group similar things into clusters or categories. All ducks and penguins fall into the bird category. The problem with…...
Hawley, W. (n.d.). Strategies for reducing racial and ethnic prejudice. Teaching Tolerance. Retrieved online:
Nittle, N.K. (n.d.). What is racial prejudice? Retrieved online:
"Racial Prejudice," (n.d.). All About Popular Issues. Retrieved online:
"Understanding Racial and Ethnic Differences in Health in Late Life: A Research Agenda," (n.d.). Retrieved online:
SHOTENED TITLE IN ALL CAPS CANDIDACY PAPE DAFT 15Candidacy Paper DraftTimothy . FaustCollege of EducationJuly 31, 2024unning head: CANDIDACY PAPE DAFT 1Geographic Determinants of Educational Attainment: Examining the Academic Trajectories of Young Black Males in ChicagoAbstractThis research study focuses on how the geographical location within Chicago influences academic and life outcomes for young Black males. The study is informed by initial findings (Hackett et al., 2018) that suggest significant disparities based on locationNorth, South, and West sides of Chicago. This research integrates qualitative data from school principals from Chicago Public Schools (CPS) (North: Taft High School, Lakeview High School; South:Corliss High School, Julian High School; West: Wells High School, Collins High School) aiming to explore systemic factors that contribute to these disparities.IntroductionHistorical Context and Systemic IssuesHistorical ContextChicago has long been recognized as one of the most racially segregated cities in the United States. This segregation is not a relic of…...
mlaReferencesAnderson, J. D. (1988). The Education of Blacks in the South, 1860-1935. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.Baker, B. D., Sciarra, D. G., & Farrie, D. (2018). Is school funding fair? A national report card. Education Law Center. Retrieved from C. (2018). A guide to qualitative field research. SAGE Publications.Bell, D. A. (1980). Brown v. Board of Education and the Interest-Convergence Dilemma. Harvard Law Review, 93(3), 518-533.Bell, D. A. (1992). Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism. Basic Books.Bloomberg, L.D. (2023). Completing your qualitative dissertation: A road map from beginning to end. SAGE Publications, Inc.Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The Ecology of Human Development: Experiments by Nature and Design. Harvard University Press.Crawford, M. (2020). Ecological Systems theory: Exploring the development of the theoretical framework as con-ceived by Bronfenbrenner. J Pub Health Issue Pract, 4(2), 170.Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory, and Antiracist Politics. University of Chicago Legal Forum, 1989(1), 139-167.Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). The Flat World and Education New York: Teachers College Press.Delgado, R., & Stefancic, J. (2017). Critical Race Theory: An Introduction. New York: New York University Press.Ferguson, A. A. (2000). Bad Boys: Public Schools in the Making of Black Masculinity. University of Michigan Press.Gibson, J. (2017). Why Nobody Wants to Teach Black Kids: Beyond Blaming Bad Teachers, Traditional Racism, and Black Students Themselves. Kitabu Publishing.Hackett, E. M., Ponterotto, J. G., Zusho, A., & Jackson, M. A. (2018). Rising Out of the Gap: Early Adolescent Black Males and Academic Success. Qualitative Report, 23(10).Harris, C. I. (1993). Whiteness as Property. Harvard Law Review, 106(8), 1707-1791.Kozol, J. (1991). Savage Inequalities: Children in America\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Schools. New York: Crown Publishing Group.Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a Theory of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. American Educational Research Journal, 32(3), 465-491.Lipman, P. (2011). The new political economy of urban education: Neoliberalism, race, and the right to the city. Routledge.Morsy, L., & Rothstein, R. (2019). Toxic Stress and Children\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Outcomes: African American Children Growing up Poor Are at Greater Risk of Disrupted Physiological Functioning and Depressed Academic Achievement. Economic Policy Institute. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). (2024). Public school revenue sources. Retrieved from Noguera, P. A. (2008). The Trouble with Black Boys: And Other Reflections on Race, Equity, and the Future of Public Education. Jossey-Bass.Orfield, G., & Lee, C. (2005). Why Segregation Matters: Poverty and Educational Inequality. The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University.Ravitch, D. (2010). The death and life of the great American school system: How testing and choice are undermining education. Basic Books.Rothstein, R. (2017). The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America. Liveright Publishing.Saldaña, J. (2015). The coding manual for qualitative researchers. 3rd Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.Seidman, I. (2019). Interviewing as qualitative research: A guide for researchers in education & the social sciences. 5th Ed. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.Sharkey, P. (2013). Stuck in Place: Urban Neighborhoods and the End of Progress toward Racial Equality. University of Chicago Press.Small, D. (2020, January). The hidden curriculum in public schools and its disadvantage to minority students. In International Forum of Teaching and Studies (Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 16-24). American Scholars Press, Inc.Steele, C. M. (1997). A threat in the air: How stereotypes shape intellectual identity and performance. American Psychologist, 52(6), 613-629. Bailey,
" At the same time, it may be a lesson in perspective given that pigs are smarter than dogs and no less appreciative of human companionship than dogs when befriended instead of raised somewhat inhumanely and slaughtered for food.
The Plight of the Polar Bear
According to environmental experts like Kassie Siegel of the Centre for Biological Diversity, based in California, the natural habitat of the Polar Bear is disappearing too fast to sustain the species in the wild for much longer. Global climate change has caused so much of the Arctic ice to melt that Polar bears are unable to pursue enough food to maintain a healthy body weight, reproduce, or nourish their cubs to adulthood.
Unfortunately, there may be little that can be done for the Polar Bear beyond preserving the species in captivity unless there is a dramatic increase in technology capable of reversing climate change. Andrew Derocher of the…...
Therefore, probabilism is more about making an informed and educated choice based on the realm of probabilities available. Probabilism brings with it the theory of prediction, and also positivism, with which it is closely associated. However, probabilism is always referred to as being the half way point between determinism and possibilism. ("Infrastructure Possibilism and Probabilism," 2006)
To conclude, it must be said that while environmental probabilism states that almost all or any behaviors may be probable within one or in any environment, while determinism states that it is the physical environment, and not social conditions, that would shape a person's character and behaviors. Herein lies the basic difference between the two theories. There can be no doubt that several more theories related to these theories will emerge soon, and perhaps these would explain human behavior in a more succinct and terse manner.
Banning, Carolyn S; Banning, James H. (1994) "Use of…...
Banning, Carolyn S; Banning, James H. (1994) "Use of Nonverbal Cues of the Physical
Environment in Campus Consultation" Campus Ecologist, vol. 12, no. 4, pp: 36-38.
Blair, Alasdair; Hitchcock, David. (2001) "Environment and business"
loodlines and Racism.
Discuss Spriro, Defending the Master Race
The book Defending the Master Race by Madison Grant viewed history through an entirely racial lens. Rather than conceptualizing history as a series of clashes between different civilizations or class struggles, Grant characterized history as a series of divisive exchanges between persons of different 'racial' status. What is so interesting from a modern perspective is that many of the 'races' perceived by the author, such as the Macedonian race or the Gothic race, do not exist within our current conception of what defines 'race.' This highlights how, rather than being a static construction that exists outside history, race is a culturally-constructed notion.
Grant even speaks of the 'American race,' which he sees as fundamentally Nordic. This notion is particularly odd, given that America is such a diverse country. America is a nation of immigrants, with the exception of the indigenous tribes that existed before…...
Crossland, David. "Lebensborn children break silence." Der Spiegel. 7 Nov 2006.
Jackson, John P. & Nadine Weidman. Race, racism and science. New Brunswick: Rutgers
University Press, 2005.
Spiro, Jonathan Peter. Defending the master race. University of Vermont Press, 2008.
National security is an important concept which has often been mistakenly used to refer to protection against external threats. With people gaining better knowledge of the term security, national security has become a complex term that involves human as well as environmental security. For a nation to feel completely secure, it should not only be protected against external threats and aggression but also against internal problems that might make its citizens feel less safe. National security also includes local or internal security which is often defined separately as if it was not a part of the broader term. We must understand that if a person feel threatened in his own country due to any reason such as racism, religious persecution or environmental problems, then he cannot consider his country secure for himself.
Local insecurity leads to national disturbance which might make a country and its people feel vulnerable. For many people,…...
1) UN Human Development Report 1994: / (Accessed on 04/30/05)
2) Howard Zinn, The Logic of Withdrawal, January 2004 Issue: (Accessed on 04/30/05)
3) Peter K.B. St. Jean, The Relevance Of National Security To Economic, Political, And Social Development. University of Chicago, Department of Sociology (Accessed on 04/30/05)
African-Americans often failed to see the link between the fact that they had higher health costs than whites and lived in more environmentally-polluted areas. Environmental discrimination, states ullard, is a critical component of larger acts of social and economic disenfranchisement. Furthermore, the sudden, intoxicating burst of economic expansion caused many to overlook the fact that the symptoms of underdevelopment that had plagued the South, such as a lack of access to education and an emphasis on lower skilled, dead-end jobs, were still present. Despite job growth, the manufacturing jobs failed to substantially empower either blacks or whites of lower income status. The incomes and home values of areas near hazardous-waste processing facilities were substantially lower compared with those who were not near such areas.
However, even amongst poor communities, the percentage of individuals who were of minority status was more likely to be exposed to toxins, the most "significant" factor even…...
Bullard, R.D. 1990. Dumping in Dixie: Race, class, and environmental quality. Boulder, CO:
Bullard, R.D. 1990. Dumping in Dixie: Race, class, and environmental quality. Boulder, CO:
Various questions relating to Automotives, Safety and Environmental Concerns
Discuss the apparent reluctance of auto manufacturers to put consumer safety ahead of profits.
Money is, of course vitally important, especially in America. However, just recently we have heard news on how a Toyota killed a family, who was not able to use the breaks on the highway. Auto accidents are climbing rapidly, and often traffic on the highway is due to such accidents, which is a sad fact.[footnoteRef:1] Of course, auto manufacturers are not necessarily at the base of these statistics, and human error undoubtedly plays a role; yet many studies do conclude that the emphasis is often on profit instead of customer safety, which is worrying indeed. [1: U.S. Census Bureau-Accidents and Fatalities (011). Retrieved September , from . ]
One study, for example, is concerned that the U.S. is much too complacent with the incidence of accidents and the limited safety…...
mla2. What is "environmental racism"? What about minority/economically disadvantaged populations encourages or allows this situation? How is environmental racism relevant to white-collar crime?
Environmental racism is yet another problem that faces our country. This means that certain races are more affected by environmental crises as others.[footnoteRef:3] For example, the disadvantaged in the Katrina hurricane were more affected than the affluent, and many more of the latter perished, sadly. This situation is encouraged by the poor standards that are enforced with it comes to minority populations. It is not unusual that they live in worse areas, under worse conditions (i.e. dilapidated houses, worse terrain, etc.) The fact that most of these populations are not helped and that the government does relatively little to remedy such situations does not help either. This concept is related to white collar crime due to the fact that companies, and the executives of these companies in specific, often go around safety measures for housing, for example, built for minority populations, which in turn affects the latter, as mentioned above.[footnoteRef:4]
[3: Environmental Justice/Environmental Racism. (2011). Retrieved September 22, from .] [4: While Collar Crime (2011). FBI. Retrieved September 22, 2011, from . ]
Communication and Leadership
hat makes a great leader? How is a great leader made? There is no single answer to that question because there are as many different kinds of great leaders as there are problems in society that need to be overcome. hile certainly it is true that many important and effective leaders share a number of the same qualities, it is also imperative to remember that each leader has different challenges that face him or her because of the particular historical circumstances that call that person to be a leader.
This research proposal maps out a plan to study the ways in which African-Americans become leaders in the United States today, looking at the struggles that they have to overcome in terms of the general level of background racism that still exists in this nation. But this is certainly not a research project designed to cast pity on African-American leaders…...
mlaWe now turn away from recent history to contemporary American society to look at the ways in which some contemporary African-Americans are becoming leaders in their communities, despite the racism that they face from the surrounding world.
Encyclopedia Britannica
The Flint, Michigan water crisis has become a poster child for environmental injustice, environmental racism, and inequitable resource distribution in the United States. It has also represented a case of bleak mismanagement of precious natural resources and the inability of the United States to adequately respond to the most basic human needs. The water crisis was but a grim manifestation of decades of racist land use policies and political realities, which can be traced back to periods of segregation and the white flight to the suburban sprawl. Moreover, the Flint water crisis showcases the role government plays in colluding with polluters, with issues related to the not in my back yard (NIMBY) phenomenon also relevant in this case. As Bell (2012:28) points out, “environmental justice...concerns patterns of inequality in the distribution of environmental goods.” Flint residents lacked access to environmental “goods,” such as clean drinking water given the long-term contamination…...
How Did Mayor Bill de Blasios COVID Lockdowns Affect Access to Healthcare for the Minority Population in Tremont?Chapter 1IntroductionThe panic regarding the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic led to new administrative challenges regarding protecting and serving communities at the same time. Many cities across America reacted to COVID by trying to curb the virus\\\'s spread through the implementation of lockdowns. Local governments implemented strict measures that changed daily life overnight and exposed the vulnerabilities of already underserved and marginalized communities.In New York City, one of the worst hit cities of the pandemic in the United States, Mayor Bill de Blasio\\\'s office issued a series of lockdown policies starting in March 2020 (NYC, 2020; Tolentino et al., 2021). These policies included the closure of non-essential businesses, the implementation of remote learning, the restriction of public gatherings, and the enforcement of social distancing in essential services (NYC, 2020). The media by and large reported…...
mlaReferences2020 Health Alert #10: COVID-19 Updates for New York City Face Mask Use Policy, Swab Shortage, Reporting COVID-19 Related Deaths and Crisis Communication Resources (Office of the Mayor, 2020). Retrieved from 2020 Health Alert #13. 2020). Retrieved from Brennan, G. (2021). Park on the highway: building a cap park as a solution to decades of devastation caused by the construction of the Cross-Bronx expressway. Fordham Urb. LJ, 49, 825.Census Reporter. (2024). Retrieved from,%20Bronx,%20NY%20(pop.%203,048), Clark, S., & Shabsigh, R. (2022). Background, the hospital system, the patient community, and the Bronx. In Health Crisis Management in Acute Care Hospitals: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 and Beyond (pp. 1-7). Cham: Springer International Publishing.Crabtree, B. F., & Miller, W. L. (2023). Doing qualitative research. Sage publications.De Blasio, B. (2020). Mayor de Blasio Issues New Guidance to New Yorkers. Retrieved from Dorvil, S., Nieves, C., Pierre, J., Valdez, J., Dannefer, R., Shiman, L. J., & Diallo, F. (2023). Disruption of Healthcare in New York City During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From Residents Living in North and Central Brooklyn, the South Bronx, and East and Central Harlem. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 14, 21501319231205992. Erwin, P. C., Mucheck, K. W., & Brownson, R. C. (2021). Different responses to COVID-19 in four US states: Washington, New York, Missouri, and Alabama. American Journal of Public Health, 111(4), 647-651.Estevez, J. (2020). An analysis of Environmental Racism in the South Bronx: A discussion on the negligent, potentially racist political practices that have created conditions for dangerous air quality in the South Bronx. Friedman, S., Insaf, T. Z., Adeyeye, T., & Lee, J. W. (2023). Spatial Variation in COVID-19 Mortality in New York City and Its Association with Neighborhood Race, Ethnicity, and Nativity Status. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(17), 6702. Friedman, S., & Lee, J. W. (2023). COVID-19 mortality in New York City across neighborhoods by race, ethnicity, and nativity status. In Examining the COVID Crisis from a Geographical Perspective (pp. 79-99). Routledge. Gilbert, K. L., Ransome, Y., Dean, L. T., DeCaille, J., & Kawachi, I. (2022). Social capital, Black social mobility, and health disparities. Annual review of public health, 43(1), 173-191.Hammond, B. (2021). 2020 HINDSIGHT: Rebuilding New York’s Public Health Defenses After the Coronavirus Pandemic. Retrieved from Helmreich, W. B. (2023). The Bronx Nobody Knows: An Urban Walking Guide.Hick, J. L., Hanfling, D., Wynia, M. K., & Toner, E. (2021). Crisis standards of care and COVID-19: what did we learn? How do we ensure equity? What should we do?. NAM perspectives, 2021.Huang, Y., & Li, R. (2022). The lockdown, mobility, and spatial health disparities in COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of New York City. Cities, 122, 103549. Irimata, K. E., Pleis, J. R., Heslin, K. C., & He, Y. (2023). Reduced access to preventive care due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by chronic disease status and race and Hispanic origin, United States, 2020-2021. Public Health Reports, 138(2), 341-348.Jarrett, M., Garrick, R., Gaeta, A., Lombardi, D., Mayo, R., McNulty, P., ... & Krahn, W. D. (2022). Pandemic Preparedness: COVID-19 Lessons Learned in New York\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Hospitals. Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety, 48(9), 475-491.Long, B. D. (2021). Prioritizing Preparation: Ensuring Access to Health Care through Hospitals\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' Stockpiling of Personal Protective Equipment. Wyo. L. Rev., 21, 45.NYC. (2020a). Mayor de Blasio Issues New Guidance to New Yorkers. Retrieved from
Certainly! Here are a few suggestions for social injustice essay topics:
1. Income inequality and its effects on marginalized communities.
2. Gender bias and discrimination in the workplace.
3. Racial profiling and its impact on communities of color.
4. Access to quality education for low-income students.
5. Environmental racism and its consequences on disadvantaged communities.
6. The criminal justice system's disproportionate treatment of minorities.
7. Discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals in society.
8. Disability rights and the challenges faced by disabled individuals.
9. Child labor and exploitation in developing countries.
10. The refugee crisis and the global response to displaced populations.
Remember, when writing about social injustice, it is essential to research....
1. The impact of deforestation in California on indigenous communities and their cultural traditions
2. The role of corporate interests in driving deforestation in California
3. The connection between deforestation in California and climate change mitigation efforts
4. The ethical considerations of deforestation in California for economic development
5. The potential solutions to combat deforestation in California and restore forest ecosystems
6. The intersectionality of deforestation in California with social justice issues, such as environmental racism
7. The long-term consequences of deforestation in California on biodiversity and ecosystem services
8. The challenges of enforcing deforestation regulations and protecting California's forests
9. The role of urbanization and agriculture in....
1. The impact of systemic racism on marginalized communities
2. The role of privilege in perpetuating social injustice
3. The criminalization of poverty and its consequences
4. Discrimination in the criminal justice system
5. Gender-based violence and inequality
6. The effects of income inequality on society
7. Access to healthcare as a social justice issue
8. Environmental racism and its impact on communities of color
9. Education inequities and the cycle of poverty
10. The role of media in perpetuating stereotypes and social injustice.
11. The impact of mass incarceration on communities of color
12. Police brutality and the need for police reform
13. Immigration....
Of course, here are some potential essay topics that cover various aspects of injustice:
1. The impact of systemic racism on minority communities
2. The criminal justice system and its treatment of marginalized groups
3. Gender inequality in the workplace
4. The effects of income inequality on social mobility
5. Discrimination against individuals with disabilities in society
6. Environmental injustice and its effects on low-income communities
7. The prevalence of human rights abuses in authoritarian regimes
8. The lack of access to affordable healthcare in disadvantaged communities
9. Educational disparities and their long-term effects on students
10. The role of media in perpetuating stereotypes and promoting social injustice
These topics provide....
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