Enrollment Essays (Examples)

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Enrollment for a Masters Degree
Pages: 12 Words: 3329

The employment of this process assisted me in terms of time savings when writing my dissertation.
During the dissertation process, I managed to create several levels of boundaries. While writing my dissertation, I changed my personal voicemail message in order to reflect my newly acquired role as a dissertation writer. I created a voice message that stated that I was away and would only return my calls the moment I completed writing my dissertation. In regard to e-mail communications, I became very selective in regards to answering of my e-mails. I had to tell all of my friends and family never to send short stories or jokes via e-mail. I reminded everyone in my personal and professional life that each and every second counts. Since I was involved with the running of a small company that I own, I only attended functions that I had vested extreme interest. If I…...



Simon, MK and Francis.,B (2001)The Dissertation and Research Cookbook From Soup to Nuts: A Practical Guide to Help you Start and Complete Your Dissertation or Research Project

Higher Ed Enrollment the Effects
Pages: 3 Words: 938

hile it is true that tuition rates have a tendency to rise annually with the changes in the economy, the presence of general inflation and with trends of growth. It is when the tuition rates are actually indicative of the inverse trend that we begin to see the troubling consequences in our graduation rates. Quite to the point, we are at a phase in history where economic growth is stagnant, decreasing the abilities of individuals and families to foot the existing bills for higher education. As rates raise in the midst of this situation, the cost of higher education becomes yet more prohibitive. The price hikes that Trombley reports are categorically daunting in some states. As the Trombley article tells, "tuition and mandatory fee charges at four-year public institutions rose in every state, startlingly so in some cases. In Massachusetts, for instance, tuition jumped from $3,295 to $4,075, an increase…...


Works Cited:

DeMoranville, C. & O'Donnell, P. "Price Elasticity of Per-Credit-Hour Tuition Charges and the Effects on Four-Year Graduation Rates." Journal of Marketing for Higher

Education 11(4) 2001: 29-49. web.ebscohost.com 19 Oct. 2009 Web.

Trombley, W. "The Rising Price of Higher Education." The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. Winter 2003. The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. highereducation.org 19 Oct. Web.

Dual Enrollment Programs in Hawaii
Pages: 12 Words: 3894

Dual enrollment programs have become mandatory in about half the states. Although Hawaii is not one of those 25 states with mandatory dual enrollment programs, the state does have some comprehensive solutions for providing all high school students with the benefits of dual enrollment programs. Through policies and programs like GEAR UP, Running Start, and Early College, the Department of Education of Hawaii has made dual enrollment a reality for many students. By opting out of some of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) provisions, the state Department of Education has also liberated resource for developing its own programs, which are much more relevant to the population of Hawaii. The Running Start is the most renowned of all the Hawaiian dual enrollment programs because it was jointly initiated by the University of Hawaii system. Moreover, all state universities in Hawaii participate in Running Start. Running Start mandates that the high…...



Dounay, J. (2014). Dual Enrollment: A Strategy to Improve College-Going and College Completion among Rural Students. College and Career Readiness Center. 13 June, 2014.

Dual Credit (2017). Website: https://www.hawaii.edu/dualcredit/

Halagao, P.E. (n.d.). Exposing K–12 Filipino Achievement Gaps and Opportunities in Hawai‘i Public Schools. Educational Perspectives 48(1-2): https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1143598.pdf

“Hawaii \\'dual credit\\' high schoolers more likely to go to college,” (2016). Hawaii News Now. 6 Sept 2016, http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/33054195/hawaii-high-schoolers-who-get-college-credit-more-likely-to-seek-higher-education

Hawaii State Department of Education (2017). Strive HI Performance System. http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/AdvancingEducation/StriveHIPerformanceSystem/Pages/home.aspx

Hodara, M. & Wang, C. (2015). Expanding Opportunities to Earn College Credit at Rural Title I High Schools in Hawai’i: A Case Study of Dual-Credit Programs. Education Northwest.

Kana‘iaupuni, S.M. & Ledward, B.C. (2013). Ho‘opilina: The Call for Cultural Relevance in Education. Hülili: Multidisciplinary Research on Hawaiian Well-Being 9 (2013): http://www.kpublishing.org/_assets/publishing/hulili/Hulili_Vol9_7.pdf

Osumi, J.M. (2010). The influence of counselors and high school organization on the selection of participants for a dual credit program. Dissertation for University of Southern California. https://search.proquest.com/openview/afd899fb14a0d88debedc31b34ee1417/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=yhttps://ccrscenter.org/blog/dual-enrollment-strategy-improve-college-going-and-college-completion-among-rural-students

Private Labor Union Enrollment Has
Pages: 2 Words: 610

They also stand to receive more from collective bargaining arrangements, because they are often negotiating with public officials who have a direct role in allocating funds for projects and salaries, versus the private sector, where wages and demand for labor is highly influenced by consumer demand. Private sector employees also know if that if they bargain too hard, the competitive nature of their organization may be compromised.
In Chapter 2 of the text Local government labor relations: A guide for public administrators entitled "Bargaining unit determination" by Joan E. Pynes and Joan M. Lafferty, the authors detail the nature of collective bargaining agreements. Employees who the LMRA requires to have separate representation (such as professional workers); individuals excluded from the definition of employee (such as children and spouses); employees who do not regularly perform the type of work of the bargaining unit; and employees whose interests are more closely aligned…...

Agreements and Community College Enrollment
Pages: 5 Words: 1680

"Nonetheless, it appears from the state policy emphasis on articulation agreements that they are being used increasingly to help align the curricular content of high school and community college courses and programs" (Townsend & Twombly, 2001, p. 117). Likewise, articulation agreements can be reasonably expected to continue to be one of the primary means of providing receiving institutions with the assurances they require to provide transferring students appropriate credit for coursework completed at community colleges; however, in a highly mobile society, in can also be reasonably expected to find some students transferring within such community colleges. In these cases, careful coordination between these institutions will also be required; in other cases, students from a four-year institution may be compelled to take coursework at a community college. In this regard, Ignash and Townsend (2000) suggest that, "If two- and four-year institutions are indeed equal partners in delivering the first two…...



Baker, G.A., III, Dudziak, J., & Tyler, P. (1994). A handbook on the community college in America: Its history, mission, and management. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Bers, T. (1994). Articulation and transfer. In Cohen, A., Brawer, F., & Associates, Managing community colleges: A handbook for effective practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Cejda, B.D. (1999). The role of the community college in baccalaureate attainment at a private liberal arts college. Community College Review, 27(1), 1.

Gerdeman, R.D. (2001). ERIC review: The role of community colleges in training tomorrow's school teachers. Community College Review, 28(4), 62.

Dual Enrolment Implications for Community College Leadership
Pages: 10 Words: 3247

Dual enrolment has become a popular phenomenon in the education realm in the last one decade. Community colleges are increasingly collaborating with high schools to enable high school students undertake college-level courses while still in high school. This prepares high school students for the realities of college education and socialises them into the norms, attitudes, behaviours, and expectations of college life, in addition to reducing the time and cost of college education. However, challenges such as difficulties in credit transfer, little or no confidence in dual credit courses on the part of colleges and faculty members, lack of a strong policy framework, and ensuring equitable participation abound. These are concerns that college administrators must handle if dual enrolment is to be more successful. It is particularly important for the leaders of community colleges to adjust structures, processes, and practices at their institutions if the fairly new collaboration between secondary and…...

Accounting a Static Budget Is Defined as
Pages: 4 Words: 1158

A static budget is defined as a budget that is "planned ahead of time based on the owner's best guess about future actual activity." This type of budget is therefore put together for the upcoming time period, and is often based on the data from past time periods, plus or minus different adjustments that management thinks will be necessary. In contrast, a flexible budget is one where the business management can make changes in the midst of an accounting period. Flexible budgeting allows for management to make better decisions on the fly, because the information used in those decisions is kept more up-to-date. Static budgeting relies only on the ability of management to analyze the numbers after the period in order to determine the magnitude and direction of variance, along with the causes of variance. For a flexible budget, management can identify issues with the budget right away, and take…...


Works Cited:

Mueller, D. (2012). Static budget vs. flexible budget. eHow. Retrieved September 12, 2012 from http://www.ehow.com/info_7784641_static-budget-vs.-flexible-budget.html

Bigelow, L. (2012). Static vs. flexible budgets for new businesses. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved September 12, 2012 from  http://smallbusiness.chron.com/static-vs.-flexible-budgets-new-businesses-20879.html

Founding in the Early 1970s
Pages: 15 Words: 4261

As a result, the majority of recruiters mislead incoming students with false promises that results in unsatisfied customers. Recent DOE review conducted in the summer of 2003 have found that UOP's is not compliant with the igher Education Act, which makes it illegal for educational institutions like UOP to pay enrollment counselors compensation based solely upon obtaining enrollments. The DOE reports states that the UOP compensation system has cultivates and maintains a corporate culture of defiance of fiduciary duties.
Significant changes to this enrollment strategy must be achieved in order to gain public trust and reorient UOP's current practices. The first step is to change the educational and academic culture at UOP. The majority of UOP's programs, both online and offline has been criticized as severely lacking in both professionalism and academic value. Approximately 95% of UOP faculty is part time, as compared with 47% across all universities. As a…...


How to Design a Strategic Planning System" (Sep-Oct 1998). Peter Lorange and Richard F. Vancil. Harvard Business Review, pp. 75-81).

Defining Corporate Strengths and Weaknesses" (Spring, 2004). Sloan Management Review, pp. 51-68.

Strategy (1998), 2nd Edition B.H. Liddell Hart. Frederick a. Praeger, Publishers.

Overrepresentation of Minorities in Special
Pages: 15 Words: 4423

Thus, the relation between students is imperative for determining such disorders (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 2007). As with the previous two categories, this is seen as incredibly subjective in the idea that no medical diagnosis or visible physical symptoms are needed to be placed within the category.

Stratification is essentially the ranking of individuals within a hierarchy based on the structures present in a functioning society. Sullivan and Artiles (2011) define stratification as "the patterned and differential distribution of resources, life chances, and costs / benefits among groups of the population" (p 1529). One's rank on this hierarchy determines one's quality of life and opportunities in relation to the structures and the groups these structures serve.

Literature eview

Overrepresentation and Segregation of acial Minorities in Special Education.

According to the research, there are much higher rates of overrepresentation of minorities in what is known as high-incidence categories, such as learning disabilities,…...



Anyon, Y. (2009). Sociological theories of learning disabilities: Understanding racial disproportionality in special education. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 19(1), 44-57.

Blanchett, Wanda J. (2010). Telling it like it is: The role of race, class & culture in the perpetuation of learning disability as a privileged category for the while middle class. Disability Studies Quarterly, 30(2). Retrieved from  http://dsq-sds.org/article/view/1233/1280 

Blau, Peter M. (1977). A macro social theory of social structure. American Journal of Psychology, 83(1), 26-54.

Burt, Ronald S. (1995). Structural holes: The Social Structure of Competition. Harvard University Press.

Tuition in Higher Education Higher
Pages: 13 Words: 3251

The report also identified some important aspects that determined successful completion of higher education. It was found that among both borrowers and non-borrowers, working part-time or fulltime and/or delayed entry into college carried a significantly high risk for dropping out. The fact that almost all of the students who successfully completed higher education were enrolled in college right after high school, attended fulltime and did not work part time or full time implied that external distractions had a major negative impact on successful completion. Since borrowers are under financial burden they are more prone to take up part time jobs and therefore carry a greater risk for dropping out. Essentially, one of the main findings and recommendations of this report is to "Make college more affordable so as to reduce dependence on loan financing and student employment, especially for those with the greatest need." [Lawrence Gladiex, pg 16]
Loans cannot…...



1) Tamar Lewin, 'College may become Unaffordable for Most in U.S.', New York Times, Accessed Nov 19th 2009, Available Online at,  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/03/education/03college.html?sq=Higher%20Education%20May%20Soon%20Be%20Unaffordable%20for%20Most%20Americans&st=cse&adxnnl=1&scp=1&adxnnlx=1258791454-dIlgWsiVrh3PLjWWuRQS7g 

2) Tamar Lewin, 'College Costs Keep Rising', New York Times, Accessed Nov 19th 2009, Available Online at,  http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/21/education/21costs.html?scp=10&sq=higher%20education%20price&st=cse 

3) Jack Kadden, 'Fears for the Future of University of California', NY times Accessed Nov 20th 2009, Available Online at,  http://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/11/20/fears-for-the-future-of-the-university-of-california/?scp=2&sq=higer%20education%20new%20policies&st=cse 

4) NCPPHE, 'Measuring Up: 2008 -- The national report Card on Higher Education', Accessed 19th Nov 009, available online at,  http://measuringup2008.highereducation.org/print/NCPPHEMUNationalRpt.pdf

Management and Decision Sciences From
Pages: 90 Words: 25680

76). As automation increasingly assumes the more mundane and routine aspects of work of all types, Drucker was visionary in his assessment of how decisions would be made in the years to come. "In the future," said Drucker, "it was possible that all employment would be managerial in nature, and we would then have progressed from a society of labor to a society of management" (Witzel, p. 76). The first tasks of the manager, then, are to coordinate an organization's resources and provide a viable framework in which they can be used to produce goods and services effectively and efficiently. The second set of tasks concern guidance and control. In Drucker's view, this role is almost entirely proactive: "Economic forces set limits to what a manager can do. They create opportunities for management's action. But they do not by themselves dictate what a business is or what it does"…...

Proposition 209
Pages: 10 Words: 2754

California has always been a leader. Many times it is the first to implement new ideas, plans and laws. In 1996 the state of California implemented something called proposition 209 which adjusted the requirements for admissions to colleges as well as employment opportunities based on race and gender. he proposition called for the weighting of admission standards regarding the enrollment of those who entered the state universities and colleges.
More recently the proposition was voted down and the last two years have been spent dismantling its structure. his paper will explore the impact that proposition has had on the admissions and enrollment of California universities. he writer explores the topic by defining proposition 209, explaining the pros and cons of it, looks at statistical data from California state schools.

he paper specifically look at the minority admissions impact that the proposition had on enrollment. Some of the ways this will be…...


The press focused on the impact of Proposition 209 as well, reporting that the numbers of minority admissions and enrollment did decrease once proposition 209 went into affect. Most of the attention was focused on UC Berkley with the other less mentioned schools were studied to a lesser degree (The UC Prior to Proposition 209 ( http://www.nexusjournal.org/university_of_california_admissi.htm ).

The press directed far less attention to other campuses like UC-Riverside and UC-Santa Cruz, both of which posted impressive gains in minority admissions as a result of cascading. At Riverside, for example (The UC Prior to Proposition 209 (

Letter of Intention Outlining the
Pages: 1 Words: 348

I also taught both History and Math at the Haverford School from 1989 until 1997. In addition to these leadership roles I have also completed career development courses such as: Curriculum Development, Team Building Techniques, Motivation Techniques, Classroom Management, Technology Integration, Marketing & Advertising, Recruitment & Retention Enrollment Management, Standardized Test Evaluation and others.
I feel that completing these types of courses indicates not only my continued interest in the field or work that I have chosen but also my dedication and commitment to performing well in that field. This dedication will help not only me but those that I work with in the future, and those that work as my subordinates. When one has a strong commitment to one's job, others are aware of that and they understand that they are not the only ones being asked to work for what is important to them. This helps the relationship…...


Letter of Intention respectfully apply for the master's program in Organizational Leadership. I wish to use the knowledge that I will gain in that program to work toward my goal of leading a non-profit organization such as a school or a foundation. This type of work is very important to me and I feel as though I will do well for myself and others by working in this field. However, I understand that I must have proper training and education before I can be completely effective in my chosen profession. I also believe that I can bring a great deal of knowledge to the program, as evidenced by the work experience that I have already had.

I have worked at the Haverford School since 1995, both as the Director of Tuition Assistance and as the Associate Director of Admissions. In 1999 I was promoted to the Director of Admissions while still retaining my Director of Tuition Assistance position as well. I also taught both History and Math at the Haverford School from 1989 until 1997. In addition to these leadership roles I have also completed career development courses such as: Curriculum Development, Team Building Techniques, Motivation Techniques, Classroom Management, Technology Integration, Marketing & Advertising, Recruitment & Retention Enrollment Management, Standardized Test Evaluation and others.

I feel that completing these types of courses indicates not only my continued interest in the field or work that I have chosen but also my dedication and commitment to performing well in that field. This dedication will help not only me but those that I work with in the future, and those that work as my subordinates. When one has a strong commitment to one's job, others are aware of that and they understand that they are not the only ones being asked to work for what is important to them. This helps the relationship an employer has with his or her employees and also strengthens the bond that the worker has with those that he or she helps.

School Budget Is Designed the
Pages: 5 Words: 1488

"Failure of any district to budget funds to meet statutory requirements is a very serious matter and will result in the executive county superintendent rejection of the budget. The district will be advised of any lack of budget approval with specific recommendations on necessary corrective revisions." (New Jersey Department of Education 2013, P 14).

3. Key Budget Terminology

There are numerous terminologies with regard to the school district budget. The most important budget terminologies are


The revenue is the money received by the school district within an accounting year. A fund is part of the revenue and there are four sources of revenue for the school district and this include:

Local source,

Intermediate source, state, and Federal sources.


Expenditures are the expenses that the school district must fulfill within an accounting year. Part of the school district expenditures are the payment of teachers' salary, and travel expenses for the school staff

Balance Sheet

Balance sheet reveals the total…...



Ernest & Young (2012).U.S. GAAP vs. IFRS the basics. Ernst&Young LLP.

State of New Jersey (2008).The Uniform Minimum Chart of Accounts for New Jersey Public Schools. Department of Education, Division of Finance.

New Jersey Department of Education (2013).Budget Guidelines Fiscal Year 2013-2014.Office of School Finance.

Flexible Budget Because it Adjusts for Variances
Pages: 2 Words: 572

flexible budget because it adjusts for variances in volume of activity. The budget is prepared based on three levels of activity and this includes enrollment of 66, 100, and 120 students.
Total revenue per student is the same despite student enrollment and it is determined to be $6,063 per student

The total expense per student is $4,518 for 120 students, $5,283 for 100 students and $7,646 for 66 students.

All the expenses seem necessary since they are costs that are incurred in starting up and running a business. There are selling costs such as advertising, capital expenses such as computer equipment and operational costs such as salaries, field trips and maintenance and repairs.

The school is viable because it is generating income despite the level of activity. Income received increases with number of enrollment thus a high enrollment will provide high levels of profit. Also the total costs incurred in the startup can…...



Investopedia. (2011). Sensitivity Analysis. Retrieved On November 26, 2011 from  Http://Www.Investopedia.Com/Terms/S/Sensitivityanalysis.Asp#Axzz1eiu1f5rw 

Variance Analysis: Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages. (N.D). Investment and Business Accountants. Retrieved On November 26, 2011 from  Http://Www.Accountantnextdoor.Com/Variance-Analysis-Meaning-Advantages-And-Disadvantages/

how can government help schools in the rural?
Words: 1012

The government can play a crucial role in supporting schools in rural areas by implementing various measures. Here are some ways in which the government can help:

1. Infrastructure development: The government can provide funds for the construction and renovation of school buildings, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other essential facilities. This will ensure that rural schools have adequate physical infrastructure to provide quality education.

2. Technology integration: The government can facilitate the integration of technology in rural schools by providing funds for the purchase of computers, projectors, internet connectivity, and other necessary equipment. This will enhance the teaching and learning experience for....

I need some suggestions for canadian quot\'s international education strategy essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 259

1. The impact of international student enrollment on Canadian universities and colleges
2. The benefits of studying in Canada for international students
3. The role of Canadian institutions in fostering global citizenship through international education
4. The challenges and opportunities of recruiting international students to study in Canada
5. The economic impact of international education on the Canadian economy
6. The importance of diversifying the international student population in Canada
7. The role of language education in internationalizing Canadian higher education
8. The promotion of indigenous knowledge and perspectives in international education programs
9. The impact of international partnerships and collaborations on Canadian higher education institutions
10. The influence....

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing Gender Inequities in Education?
Words: 431

I. Introduction
A. Background information on gender inequality in education
B. Thesis statement: Gender inequities in education persist, leading to disparities in opportunities and outcomes for individuals of different genders.

II. Gender Disparities in Access to Education
A. Differences in enrollment rates between boys and girls
B. Barriers to education faced by girls, such as cultural norms and economic constraints
C. Impact of gender disparities on educational attainment and future opportunities

III. Gender Stereotypes in Education
A. Stereotypical beliefs about gender roles and abilities in academics
B. Influence of gender stereotypes on teacher expectations and classroom dynamics
C. Consequences of stereotyping on students' self-esteem and academic performance

IV. Gender Inequities in....

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing Gender Inequities in Education?
Words: 500

Outlining an Essay on Gender Inequities in Education

I. Introduction
- Define gender inequities in education and state the thesis statement, which should argue the existence and significance of gender-based disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes.

II. Historical Context and Causes
- Discuss the historical roots of gendered expectations and norms in education.
- Examine societal factors, cultural beliefs, and institutional practices that have perpetuated these inequities.
- Analyze the impact of economic inequalities, access to resources, and social biases on educational attainment.

III. Manifestations of Gender Inequities
- Describe the various ways in which gender inequities ??????????? ? ???????????.
- Provide statistics and evidence to support claims regarding....

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