Energy Crisis Essays (Examples)

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Energy Crisis of Unprecedented Proportions
Pages: 2 Words: 722

Two possible sources of hydrogen fuel are the reforming of methane and the electrolysis of water."4 Both of these foregoing techniques, though, require additional energy to complete their respective processes. For example, reforming methane to create hydrogen requires the combustion of additional methane to provide the heat require for the reformation of the methane into hydrogen.4 As Hiserodt also notes, "Ironically, after using large amounts of energy to free the hydrogen, the resultant hydrogen has a much lower energy content than the natural gas it was freed from."3 Likewise, the electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen cannot be accomplished by heating alone based on the significant increase in free energy involved.4 According to Fay and Golomb, "Producing electrolytic hydrogen is very energy inefficient when the electricity is generated by burning a fossil fuel, because the heat value of the hydrogen will be less than one-third of the heating value…...




Elhefnawy, N. (2006). Toward a long-range energy security policy. Parameters, 36(1),

p. 101.


EU Energy Crisis the European Union Energy
Pages: 10 Words: 2997

EU Energy Crisis
The European Union Energy Policy

Energy dependence appears to be the looming concern for the European Union. Last year alone the import figures required to meet their energy needs were at 54% and this number is expected to rise marked to perhaps as much as70% by 2030. The unfortunate cause of this dilemma is that as a whole the EU possesses a minuscule amount of worldwide oil reserves - only 0.5%; while their natural gas reserves are equally inconsequential at a mere 2.4%

Limited access to natural energy resources automatically results in increased dependence on global markets. Various other data support this premise.

esearch from the European Commission Energy

confirms that 42% of natural gas and 29.55% of oil hail from ussia; which means it is the lone largest supplier of energy resources to the European Union; which makes EU policy makers uneasy at the prospect of reliance on this singular source.…...




Barton et al., 2005. Energy Security: Managing Risk in a Dynamic Legal and regulatory Environment. Oxford: OUP.

British Petroleum, 2011. BP statistical review of world energy 2010. London: British Petroleum.

Yergin, D. 2009. The Prize: the Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney: Free Press.

The 1979 Energy Crisis' Impact
Pages: 2 Words: 565

S. And Foreign relations relative to energy. he crisis did however have a slightly larger and more lasting impact on the U.S. auto industry, which began producing some models that had gas mileage capabilities that were better than previously thought practical or possible. U.S. consumers, in the wake of the 1979 Energy Crisis, began to demand more and more of these vehicles, and the sub-compact automobile became a staple within the U.S. auto industry and the U.S. auto consumer's world.
Environmentally, the Energy Crisis caused many people both within and outside the U.S. o re-examine their own environmental footprint relative to their oil and gasoline consumption. his re-examination didn't last very long, as the U.S. soon forgot abut the crisis to a large extent, and many of the automobiles introduced in the wake of the oil shortage, ones with higher gas mileage and other technological innovations created to increase fuel economy,…...


The major cause of the 1979 energy crisis was the Iranian Revolution which after the Shah of Iran left the country, and protests and oil production slowed, gave rise to a newly created Iranian government and foreign policy measures. This disrupted and later decreased oil production created a landscape of gas rationing and general panic over the lowered supply of petroleum products. Really for the first time, the U.S. began to realize that its dependency on foreign oil for its transportation and security needs was a potential security issue. Then President Jimmy Carter referred to the crisis in one of his most famous speeches as, "The moral equivalent of war." Eventually, Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations were able to increase their oil production to make up for the decrease in Iranian output, effectively ending the crisis.

In the U.S., Plans were made to begin to move away from foreign oil as a main provider of fuels, but the Reagan Administration effectively slowed the progress of this switch from foreign to domestic energy products and the 1979 Energy Crisis became a small speed bump in the history of U.S. And Foreign relations relative to energy. The crisis did however have a slightly larger and more lasting impact on the U.S. auto industry, which began producing some models that had gas mileage capabilities that were better than previously thought practical or possible. U.S. consumers, in the wake of the 1979 Energy Crisis, began to demand more and more of these vehicles, and the sub-compact automobile became a staple within the U.S. auto industry and the U.S. auto consumer's world.

Environmentally, the Energy Crisis caused many people both within and outside the U.S. To re-examine their own environmental footprint relative to their oil and gasoline consumption. This re-examination didn't last very long, as the U.S. soon forgot abut the crisis to a large extent, and many of the automobiles introduced in the wake of the oil shortage, ones with higher gas mileage and other technological innovations created to increase fuel economy, were not well received by the U.S. consumer base only a few years after the crisis ended. However, some technologies that became widely publicized during the crisis, like wind and solar power did catch on, at least in the back of the U.S. consumer's mind. The crisis was an excellent time to introduce the general public to these technologies, and much of the fervor and excitement that is now centered on them came from their initial introduction during and shortly after the 1979 energy crisis.

Technology and Project Management the Energy Crisis
Pages: 2 Words: 454

Technology and Project Management
The Energy Crisis

As the global demand for energy increases at an exponentially growing rate, the price for these resources also climbs. In many Western Countries the price of gasoline and other fuels is often subsidized which artificially suppresses the market price. This in turn also suppresses the development of alternative fuels by making them less price competitive in the market. Therefore, one step that could be undertaken is to begin to alleviate the fuel subsidies on items such as coal and gasoline. This would increase efficiency while also making investments into newer technologies more appealing for investors and end users alike. On an individual level, people could focus on shrinking their fuel consumption by using public transportation when possible, weatherizing their houses, buying local products, and biking to commute as much as possible.

Globalization and the Environment

One problem that seems to be evident locally is the lack of…...

Establishment Energy Cooperation Establishment of Energy Cooperation
Pages: 7 Words: 2234

Establishment Energy Cooperation
Establishment of Energy Cooperation System East Asia

The economic growth and its sustainability of any developing and developed country are dependent on the basis of its energy requirements (Lincoln, 2004). The countries in East Asian region are also no exception. The energy requirements of the region are swelling with the increased focus on its development. The regional focus has also established grounds for the political and industry leaders to focus on the requirements and prepare their countries for future energy needs. The region is also dependent on the energy imports especially the fuel for energy including oil and gas. The increasing energy production requirements are also creating an issue for the local governments to manage the energy prices within the affordable range of its consumers.

The local cooperation among various countries in the region is affected by the political and territorial issues. However the regional cooperation organizations are working on…...



Dent, C.M. (2008). East Asian Regionalism. USA: Routledge.

Dincer, I., & Rosen, M.A. (2012). Exergy: energy, environment and sustainable development. USA: Elsevier.

Economides, M.J., & Wood, D.A. (2009). The state of natural gas. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 1(1), 1-13.

Fujita, M., Kuroiwa, I., & Kumagai, S. (Eds.). (2011). The Economics of East Asian Integration: A Comprehensive Introduction to Regional Issues. USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Influence of 2007 Economic Crisis on American Car Market
Pages: 88 Words: 24230

2007 Economic Crisis on American Car market
Effect of the 2008 global economic crisis on automotive industries

Crisis in the United States

Crisis in Canada

Crisis in ussia

Crisis in European markets

Crisis in Asian markets

Effects by other related crisis events

In this paper, we will review the effects of 2008 global automotive crisis. Our main focus will be on the American car manufacturers and the negative impact they suffered due to the crisis. We will also have a look at how this crisis had affected car manufacturers in other major markets around the world notably Europe, Canada and the prominent Asian markets such as China and India. Finally, we will look at some of the other factors which were important to this event namely the energy crisis since the cost of fuel is directly related to the car industry.


The automobile industry is a very important part of the global economic structure, in many of the…...



Lee, C. (2003). Financial Liberalization and Economic Crisis in Asia. New York: Routledge.

Pempel, T.J. (1999). The Politics of Asian Economic Crisis. New York: Cornell University Press.

Arestis, P. (2001). What Global Economic Crisis? New York: Palgrave.

Liou, K.T. (2002). Managing Economic Development in Asia. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Energy Is Hard to Define
Pages: 5 Words: 1565

These massive walls of water travel faster than a commercial jet as they descend upon cities and islands. The energy and force of a Tsunamis is the massive transference of potential energy, caused by the shifting currents of the ocean, into kinetic energy that active pushes the Tsunamis forward. In 2004, one tsunami traveled 375 miles in a mere 75 minutes, about 300 miles per hour. Energy however is not just limited the massive, and the mystical, it is present in every form of life. In our own bodies, energy is the driving force behind why our heart pumps blood and why we have the ability to breathe. We use chemical energy, kinetic energy, heat energy, etc. To power the basic functions of our bodies.
imply put, energy drives every stage of life, it is in attempting to find the factors that influence how energy is used and cultivated that…...


Simply put, energy drives every stage of life, it is in attempting to find the factors that influence how energy is used and cultivated that has established the sciences. There are limitations to energy however, detailed by the fundamental laws of physics such as the law of conservation of energy. Scientist's everyday is attempting to fine hone and find the limitations of scientific knowledge. In the hopes that one day we will find an indisputable source of energy that will never wane in force, the dream of "perpetual motion."

Serway, Raymond a.; Jewett, John W. (2004). Physics for Scientists and Engineers (6th ed.). Brooks/Cole

Walding, Richard, Rapkins, Greg, Rossiter, Glenn (1999-11-01). New Century Senior Physics. Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press

Business Crises Evaluation
Pages: 5 Words: 1565

Crisis Management
Argenti raises many sound points regarding the proper protocol during crisis management. The bulk of chapter ten demonstrates a sound understanding of how crises unfold, and how every crisis is different. While this is true, there are still strong areas of overlap among crises. "Few circumstances test a company's reputation or competency as severely as a crisis. Whether the impact is immediate or sustained over months and years, a crisis affects stakeholders within and outside of a company" (Weiner, 2006). In such a case, clients cancel orders and cancel subscriptions. Employees start asking questions or worse, quitting. Competitors start circling like sharks and government agencies and other regulators often start knocking, with attorneys at their heel (Weiner, 2006). Given all the aggravated circumstances connected to a crisis and the variety of ways that any potential crisis could be handled, Argenti makes a continually strong and pervasive argument about how…...



Argenti. (2007). Strategic Corporate Communication. New York: Tata McGraw-Hill


Friedman, K. (2013). Dealing with the Media During a Crisis. Retrieved from

Nuclear Energy Risks vs Reward Every Source
Pages: 3 Words: 1039

Nuclear Energy: isks vs. eward
Every source of energy has its own drawbacks. This is more so the case taking into consideration the recent energy source related accidents including but not limited to coal-mining mishaps, the nuclear crisis in Japan, the B.P. oil spill, etc. In this text, I will amongst other things concern myself with nuclear power and the consequences associated with the development of the same.

As I have already pointed out in the introductory section, every source of energy has a set of drawbacks. For instance, while there are a number of benefits associated with wind energy, the same also has several disadvantages. In the words of Eccleston, March and Cohen (2011), "wind farms can interfere with radar, creating a hole in radar coverage affecting aviation and national security." The author further points out that wind energy is largely unpredictable. Similarly, although hydroelectric power in the opinion of Eccleston,…...



Eccleston, C.H., March, F. & Cohen, T. (2011). Inside Energy: Developing and Managing an ISO 50001 Energy Management System. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Ginley, D.S. & Cahen, D. (Eds.). (2011). Fundamentals of Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability. New York: Cambridge University Press.

McKinney, M.L., Schoch, R.M. & Yonavjak, L. (2012). Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Miller, G.T. & Spoolman, S. (2007). Environmental Science. Belmont, CA: Thompson Higher Education.

International Energy Law
Pages: 16 Words: 5741

International Energy Law
International Energy Arbitration

This paper will examine the role of arbitration in the international energy sector over the past 50 years. Discussion is organized around the five decades leading up to the current state of affairs in the international energy sector. In each section, major arbitrations are identified and tied to the categorical intention of arbitrations of that period. For instance, arbitration awards that occurred during a period of substantive concession agreements -- termed the first generation of concession agreements by Kosheri (n.d.) -- include the Abu Dhabi award of 1951, the Qatar award of 1953, and the Aramco award of 1958.

The next period, which occurred roughly in the 1960s and 1970s, was characterized by arbitration awards that evidenced a climate of confrontation, during which host nations took the position of abstaining from participation in arbitration proceedings. These nations were unilaterally interested in bringing the earlier concession relationships to…...



Bishop, R.D. (2000). International arbitration of petroleum disputes: The development of a "Lex Petrolea. The Journal, [Website] The Centre for Energy, Petroleum, and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP).

Brower, C.N. And Sharpe, J.K. (2003, July). International arbitration and the Islamic World: The third phase. The American Journal of International Law, 97 (3).

Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, New York, (1958, 10 June). 330 United Nations Treaty Series (U.N.T.S.), 38.

Dundas, H. (2004, July). Dispute resolution in the oil and gas industry: An oilman's perspective. Oil, Gas, & Energy Law Intelligence, 2 (3).

Japan Abolishes Current Nuclear Plant Fukushima Crisis
Pages: 5 Words: 1727

Japan abolishes current nuclear plant Fukushima Crisis. What effects immediately long-term Japan world a case stop operation of nuclear power plants.
As a brief description, Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power plant was an operating energy facility in Japan particularly in the Fukushima prefecture or province. The plant was established in 1971, which occupied a total of 3.5-kilometer site that makes it as one of the largest nuclear power plants in the world by land area. This nuclear power plant was very useful in the Japanese energy regulation system because it has an economical generation costs that is more reliable than using hydroelectric power sources from dams and streams. It is operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company that is the largest operating agency around Japan as claimed by Arnold (2010).

On March 11, 2011, a powerful earthquake hit the northeastern portion of Japan with an epicenter just off the coast of Fukushima prefecture…...



Arnold, Wesley., 2010. Nuclear Power Plant facilities. New York: McGraw Hill, 78-97.

Cousins, C., (2011). Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Retrieved from: .

Fraser, Scotty., 2009. Environmental Issues: Natural Disasters. Alexandria: Tim and Gale Publishing, 35-38.

Gilbert, L.F., 2011. Application of non-conventional and renewable energy sources. Accessed at:

Educational Crisis Do You Feel
Pages: 4 Words: 1202

Private schools are just as vulnerable to the issues that public schools are facing today.
Each one of us carries a responsibility for trying to improve the situation. Parents and familial groups have a huge responsibility to augment educational strategies. In the environment where most school systems employ strategies to make students part of the masses, without individual attention or nurturing, it is important for the family to step up and educate children about independence and autonomy. According to the research, "schools train children to be employees and consumers; teach your own to be leaders and adventurers. Schools train children to obey reflexively; teach your own to think critically and independently" (Gatto 155). Encouraging them to engage in learning material that goes beyond the simple curriculum offered at most public schools. Education should not be purely the responsibility of the institutions overwhelmed with responsibility, but should be extended to include…...


Works Cited

Gatto, John Taylor. "Against School." Learning Power.

Moore, Michael. "Idiot Nation." Learning Power.

Lopez, Steve. "Looking Out of State for What California Once Offered." Los Angeles Times.

Difference Between Crises and Disaster
Pages: 5 Words: 1749

Crisis and Disaster
The running of any Government, Community, Society or even an Organization for that matter is, no doubt, a very complicated matter. The main reason for this complication is the many arrays of problems and situations that can arise and each one of them demands special attention to cater to. This makes the smooth running of any setup, then, a big challenge for the concerned authorities. However, this smooth running turn into more of a challenge in the face of a disaster or a crisis, which can completely turn the entire setup upside down.

Before an analysis of the Frontline Documentary "The Spill" can be presented, it is important that we understand the background of the event presented and the difference between crisis and disaster and how it ties up to the incident in question.

Merriam ebster defines Crisis as "A situation that has reached a critical phase" (Merriam ebster,…...


Works Cited

BBC News. (2006, November 1st). BP 'knew of Texas safety worries'. Retrieved December 17th, 2011, from BBC News: 

Boin, A. (2009). The New World of Crises and Crisis Management: Implications for Policymaking and Research. Review of Policy Research, 26, 367-377.

Bolton, C.A. (2006, October). The Difference between Crisis and Disaster is a Plan. Retrieved December 16th, 2011, from Public Relations Society of America: 

Broder, J.M. (2010, March 31st). Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time. Retrieved December 17th, 2011, from The New York Times:

Low-Intensity Crises the World in
Pages: 10 Words: 3269

Efforts are made to make healthier choices in terms of energy and transport in both developed and developing countries. All legislators now acknowledge the need for alternative energy and transport choices to promote the health and well-being not only of current generations, but also those of the future. Indeed, on a wider scale, healthier choices can eventually mean the difference between the longevity of the human race or its ultimate destruction. It can therefore be said with certainty that the impact of the 1952 event can still be felt today. It forms the basis of the fundamental realization that air pollution is very detrimental to human health, and that alternative fuel sources are essential if the situation is to improve.
II the Fire at andoz Ltd.

II.1 the Crisis

The 1986 fire at andoz Ltd. occurred near Basel, witzerland on 1 November. Like the London smog, was more or less a disaster…...



BBC News. 1986: Chemical spill turns Rhine red. On this day: 1 November. 

BBC News UK. (2002, Dec. 5). The Great Smog of London. 

Bitzer, Dirk. 1986 Environment: So many dead fish! Geschichte

Crimea Crisis
Pages: 7 Words: 2253

The Crimean crisis of 2014 is an ongoing international crisis, related to the larger issues surrounding Ukraine and ussia. Crimea is a strategically-important peninsula at the southern end of Ukraine. Politically, prior to its annexation by ussia, Crimea was an Autonomous epublic within Ukraine. Its population is a mix of Ukrainian, ussian and Crimean Tatar, and ussian is the predominant language. The city of Sevastopol is an administratively separate municipality, its naval yards on long-term lease to ussia, which has used the city as home to its Black Sea fleet for a couple of centuries. Crimea became part of Ukraine as part of a transfer during the Soviet era. In 2014, armed and masked men, believed to be ussian and operating with military-level effectiveness, seized control of public installations in Crimea (Sengupta, 2014). ussia then oversaw an internationally-invalidated referendum and voted in the Duma to annex Crimea. ussia then moved…...



Conant, E. (2014). How history, geography help explain Ukraine's political crisis. National Geographic. Retrieved April 17, 2014 from 

Eckel, D. (2014). In Crimea, Tatars fear a repeat of a brutal history. Al Jazeera America. Retrieved April 17, 2014 from 

Evans, R. (2014). Moscow signals concern for Russians in Estonia. Reuters. Retrieved April 17, 2014 from 

Felton, A. & Gumuchian, M. (2014). UN General Assembly resolution calls Crimean referendum invalid. CNN. Retrieved April 17, 2014 from

Do you think the potential solutions to the energy crisis were effective? Why or why not?
Words: 498

I. Introduction

  1. Potential Solutions to the Energy Crisis
    1. Exploring renewable energy sources.
    2. Implementing energy-efficient technologies.
  2. Effectiveness of Potential Solutions
    1. Evaluating the impact on energy consumption.
    2. Assessing the economic feasibility of solutions.

II. Body

  1. Renewable Energy Sources
    1. Advantages of solar and wind energy.
    2. Challenges in scaling up renewable energy production.
  2. Energy-Efficient Technologies
    1. Benefits of smart grid systems.
    2. Innovation in energy storage solutions.
  3. Economic Feasibility
    1. Cost-benefit analysis of energy solutions.
    2. Government incentives for renewable energy projects.

III. Conclusion

  1. Overall....

Do you think the potential solutions to the energy crisis were effective? Why or why not?
Words: 365

I. Introduction

  1. Energy Crisis: A Global Challenge

    1. Definition and scope of the energy crisis

    2. Causes and contributing factors
  2. Purpose of the Reaction Paper

    1. Purpose of the video and reaction paper

    2. Critical analysis and personal opinions

II. Body

  1. Potential Solutions Discussed in the Video

    1. Renewable energy sources (e.g., solar, wind, hydropower)

    2. Energy efficiency measures (e.g., energy-saving appliances, insulation)
  2. Agreement with Proposed Solutions

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