Encryption Essays (Examples)

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Encryption Is the Translation of
Pages: 3 Words: 761

The other is a private key that you use to decrypt messages that you receive" (Pretty pp).

PGP is such an effective encryption tool that the United States Government actually brought a lawsuit against Zimmerman for putting it in the public domain and therefore making it available to enemies of the United States, however, after a public outcry, the government's lawsuit was dropped, yet it is still illegal to use PGP in many other countries (Pretty pp).

To encrypt a message using PGP, you need the PGP encryption package, which is available for free from a number of sources, however the official repository is at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Pretty pp).

PGP or Pretty Good Privacy is a powerful cryptographic product family that enables individuals to securely exchange messages, and to secure files, disk volumes and network connections with both privacy and strong authentication (elcome pp). By providing the ability to encrypt…...

PGP Encryption Better Known as Pretty Good
Pages: 2 Words: 568

PGP Encryption, better known as Pretty Good Privacy is a computer program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication. Phil Zimmerman, the developer of PGP, introduced his invention in 1991. Since then, major improvements have been made to the computer program and is now available from PGP Corporation and other companies.
The original intent of PGP was to encrypt email and attachments. PGP encryption applications have expanded to a variety of components including laptop full disk encryption, digital signatures, protection for instant messaging sessions, file and folder security, files and folders stored on network servers, email and attachments and batch file transfer encryption.

The origin of PGP

PGP was first brought to the public in 1991. From 1991 to 2012, quite a few versions of PGP as well as several organizations or companies have maintained control of PGP. PGP was free on its first release to the public but once PGP moved to the…...



1. Why Use Pretty Good Privacy?, retrieved on 30 Oct 06,  http://home.clara.net/heureka/sunrise/pgpwhy.htm 

2. Pretty Good Privacy, retrieved on 30 Oct 06,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy

Data Encryption
Pages: 7 Words: 1804

With the ever-increasing amount of information traffic on the net (LAN, WAN, etc.) there is a corresponding increase in the risk of vital data falling into the wrong hands. Data encryption is a technology that provides for a safe, secure and private information exchange.

The advancement of computer technology has bought a paradigm shift to our mode of communication. The Internet has managed to overcome all the geographical limitations and reduced the whole world to sort of a global village. The Internet has bought a whole new perspective into all walks of life. We are in a period where increasingly businesses are getting done online. The unprecedented growth of Internet and the global market that it promises has driven businesses all over to world to into ecommerce. Today most businesses carry their transactions online. This new technological revolution however is not without its loopholes. Hackers are on the increase and…...



Jeremy T. Teitelbaum, "Data Encryption standard," Available at Accessed on December 4th 2002http://raphael.math.uic.edu/~jeremy/crypt/des.html,

Thinkquest Team', "Data Encryption," Available from www.library.thinkquest.org/27178,Accessed on December 4th, 2002

Loraine C. Williams, "A Discussion of the Importance of Key Length in Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography," Available at Accessed on December 4th, 2002http://rr.sans.org/encryption/key_length.php,

Jeff Tyson, "How Encryption Works,"

SL https De-Encryption SSL https is widely
Pages: 63 Words: 17577

This is however, not considered foolproof. It is possible to break the security by a person having adequate technical expertise and access to the network at hardware level. In view of this the SSL method with right configuration is considered perfectly sufficient for all commercial purposes.5In order to safeguard the data while in transit it is customary to adopt a practical SSL protocol covering all network services that use TCP/IP to support typical application tasks of communication between servers and clients. (Secure Socket Layer- (www.windowsecurity.com)
Communication over the internet passes through multiple program layers on a server prior to actually getting to the requested data like web page or cgi scripts. The requests first hit the outer layers. The high level protocols like HTTP that is the web server, IMAP -- the mail server, and FTP the file transfer are included as outer layer protocol. Determination of the outer layer…...



About SSL/TLS. Retrieved at   Accessed on 1 September, 2004http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mdr/teaching/modules03/security/students/SS8a/SSLTLS.html .

Analysis of the SSL 3.0 Protocol. Retrieved at Accessed on 2 September, 2004http://www.pdos.lcs.mit.edu/6.824-2001/lecnotes/ssl96.txt.

Beginners Guides: Encryption and Online Privacy. Retrieved at   on 1 September, 2004http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleid=252&page=2Accessed 

Bravo, Alejandro. Secure Servers with SSL in the World Wide Web. Retrieved from www.giac.org/practical/GSEC/Alex_Bravo_GSEC.pdf. Accessed on 1 September, 2004

Symmetric Encryption and Asymmetric Encryption
Pages: 3 Words: 1039

Institute of esearch: Different Types of Encryption
Keeping data secure is of particular concern for healthcare organizations committed to patient research. Patients are often concerned about being forthcoming about their information because they fear it may be used against them when making occupationally-related decisions or setting health insurance premiums. Organizations must not simply be vigilant in ensuring that such information is protected; they must avoid the appearance of being careless. The creators of the ABC security system must be diligent in ensuring that there are a series of impenetrable controls to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information. The most commonly-used method to protect electronic data is that of encryption. "Encryption uses mathematical formulas to scramble data, converting sensitive details coveted by intruders into gibberish" (Behrens 2015). Two techniques are available to protect data for the ABC Institute and its collaborator XYZ, that of "symmetric encryption (also called…...



Alonso-Zaldivar, R. (2015). Lack of encryption standards raises health data privacy questions.

PBS. Retrieved from:  http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/lack-health-care-cyber-security-standards-raises-questions/ 

Behrens, M. (2014). Understanding the 3 main types of encryption. Atomic Object.

Retrieved from:

Evaluation of Asymmetric Encryption and Symmetric Encryption Technology
Pages: 4 Words: 1214

Symmetric Encryption and Asymmetric Encryption Technology
On the VM (virtual machine) in the university virtual lab, there consists a folder named "c:encrypt." The folder consists of two files:

img.jpg, and "encrypt.exe -- encrypt and decrypt key."

This paper decrypts the picture to view the text hidden in the picture.

Objective of this project is to discuss the encryption technology strategy used for the software application.

Encryption Technology Strategy used for the Software Application

In the IT (information technology) environment, the symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption technology are used to encrypt and decrypt a text or message. However, the asymmetric is the encryption technology used to encrypt the text inside the img.jpg file. The asymmetric encryption uses the two keys for the asymmetric cipher, and the two keys consist of a private and public key. In essence, the public key is available for everybody where the private key is only known to the owner. In the…...



Delfs, H. & Knebl, H. (2007). Symmetric-key encryption. Introduction to cryptography: principles and applications. Springer.

Katz, J. & Lindell, Y. (2007). Introduction to Modern Cryptography. CRC Press.

Benefits of iPhone 6 Encryption and a Mail Server
Pages: 10 Words: 2876

Mail Server and iPhone 6 Encryption
Email is very critical for business communication, although, many businesses organizations outsource their web-based services such as Google Apps or iCloud, however, these services are not a good option for businesses in possession of the critical data. Moreover, some organizations claim that the outsourced business emails are costs effective than hosting a private email server, nevertheless, the benefits of hosting private email servers outnumber its shortcomings. For example, it is not businesswise to trust a third party to safeguard sensitive business data, and if the data is compromised or stolen by hackers, the organization can face the risk of lawsuits, court fines and consequent loss of revenue. Thus, it is beneficial for organizations to develop their email servers rather than allowing a third party to manage their emails.

The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the benefits that organizations can derive from hosting a…...



Butterfield, J., Tracy, M. and Jansen, W. (2007). Guidelines on Electronic Mail Security, Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.

Cristian, T., & M. Melanie, V. (2013). Usable the Secure e-Mail Communications: Evaluation and Criteria of Existing Approaches. Information Management & Computer Security. 21 (1):41-52.

Richardson, M. and Redelmeier, D. (2005). Opportunistic Encryption Using the Internet Key Exchange (IKE). RFC 4322.

Sanger, D.E. & Chen, B.S. (2014). Signaling Post-Snowden Era, New iPhone Locks Out N.S.A. New York Times. September 26, 2014.

Identify and Describe the Weaknesses of the Data Encryption Standard DES Algorithm
Pages: 2 Words: 684

weaknesses of the Data Encryption Standard (DES).
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) was a system developed by the USD government for use by the general public. Accepted both by the U.S. And abroad, many hardware and software systems employ the DES. Both individuals can send and encrypt and decrypt information to and from the other. The symmetry of the situation makes this a popular key. Authenticity is guaranteed since only the sender can produce a message that will encrypt with the shared key (Paar, & Pelzl, 2009). However the DES is also riddled by various weaknesses (Pfleeger & Pfleeger, 2007).

Firstly and, perhaps, most importantly, security is a major concern. Whilst issues have been more or less resolved regarding the design's secrecy and that certain 'trapdoors' had been embedded in the DES algorithm enabling easy means to decrypt the message, many analysts are still concerned about the number of iterations considering…...



Biham, E. & Shihar, A. (1993) Differential Cryptanalysis of the Data Encryption Standard, Springer Verlag.

Coppersmith, D. (1994). The data encryption standard (DES) and its strength against attacks. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 38, 243 -- 250.

Paar, C. & Pelzl, J. (2009). Understanding Cryptography, A Textbook for Students and Practitioners. Springer, 2009.

Pfleeger, CP & Pfleeger, SL. (2007). Cryptography Explained. Security in Computing, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, Inc.: USA.

Ciphering in Gprs Encryption in 3g Packet Data Networks
Pages: 23 Words: 6460

General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) is a service used in the provision of packet radio access for the GSM (for Global System for Mobile Communications) users [1].In regard to the wireless component, the GPRS technology makes a reservation of the radio resources only in instances when there are instances of data to be sent over its infrastructure. This therefore ensures that the radio resources are optimized. The fixed part of the GPRS infrastructure employs Internet Protocol (IP) technology as is usually connected to the general public internet. By taking advantage of these resources, the GPRS infrastructure manages to provide a variety of applications and services that are packet-oriented to the mobile end-users and therefore making a reality the concept of mobile internet services. For the successful implementation of these services as well as other news immerging services and applications over the GPRS infrastructure, security is paramount [2].This is due…...

VPN S And Wireless Encryption
Pages: 5 Words: 1696

Wi-Fi Safety
The author of this report has been charged with, after having selected, the subject of Wi-Fi vulnerabilities, what to know about them and what to do about them. While using safe and secure Wi-Fi is not always possible, it is usually possible to use one or more means to avoid having data being compromised as it travels through the air. The issues that will be covered in this report include what protocols are best, what protocols should be avoided, how speeds can come into the calculation and so forth. While dangers exist out there when it comes to using Wi-Fi data, a little preparation and thinking in advance can prevent or at least mitigate a lot of problems.

Questions Answered

The first thing that will be discussed does not have much to do with safety online but it certainly has an effect on productivity and how long it takes, in general,…...



Chapple, M. (2015). Lessons learned from TJX: Best practices for enterprise wireless encryption. SearchSecurity. Retrieved 7 December 2015, from  http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/tip/Lessons-learned-from-TJX-Best-practices-for-enterprise-wireless-encryption 

Geier, E. (2015). How (and why) to set up a VPN today. PCWorld. Retrieved 7 December 2015, from  http://www.pcworld.com/article/2030763/how-and-why-to-set-up-a-vpn-today.html 

Henry, A. (2015). Five Best VPN Service Providers. Lifehacker. Retrieved 7 December 2015, from  http://lifehacker.com/5935863/five-best-vpn-service-providers 

HTG. (2015). HTG Explains: The Difference Between WEP, WPA, and WPA2 Wireless Encryption (and Why It Matters). Howtogeek.com. Retrieved 7 December 2015, from  http://www.howtogeek.com/167783/htg-explains-the-difference-between-wep-wpa-and-wpa2-wireless-encryption-and-why-it-matters/

How Tor Improved the Onion Routing Design
Pages: 4 Words: 1054

1 Onion Routing uses a flexible communications infrastructure that prevents traffic from being analyzed and eavesdropping from occurring. The way it works is by separating routing from identification techniques. In other words, any identifying information is removed from the data stream (Syverson, 2005).
The structure is created by wrapping a plaintext message in layers of encryption. Just as an onion has layers that peel away, this wrapping is successively pealed away as the wrapped message is passed through from one router to the next. The message is viewable only by the sender and the recipient and perhaps even the last node, unless end-to-end encryption is used (Joshi, 2012).
For example, in a packet switched network, packets use a header for routing and the payload confers the data. The header is visible to the network and anyone watching the network; it tells where the packet originated and where it is going. Encryption and obscuration…...



Dingledine, R., Mathewson, N., & Syverson, P. (2004). Tor: The second-generation

onion router. Naval Research Lab Washington DC.

Joshi, P. (2012). Onion routing. Retrieved from


Syverson, P. (2005). Onion routing. Retrieved from

 https://www.onion-router.net/Summary.html https://prateekvjoshi.com/2012/11/27/onion-routing/ 


Encryption Technology and the Patriot
Pages: 1 Words: 319

(Proposed encryption, 2004, USA Today). As Bruce Schneier's text Schneier on Security indicates, encryption is being increasingly used by watchful and responsible people to protect their security online. The concern about implicating an innocent person or giving a harsh sentence to someone for a minor offense is not far-fetched given the ubiquitous nature of encryption technology. The useful and benign nature of encryption means that to increase the potential penalties for a crime simply for using encryption may allow many small and possibly great injustices to occur within the judicial system.

Proposed encryption laws could prove draconian, many fear. (2003, March 31). USA Today.

etrieved December 17, 2009 at http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/techpolicy/2003-03-31-crypto-rights_x.htm

Schneier, Bruce. (2008). Schneier on Security. New York: Wiley....



Proposed encryption laws could prove draconian, many fear. (2003, March 31). USA Today.

Retrieved December 17, 2009 at  http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/techpolicy/2003-03-31-crypto-rights_x.htm 

Schneier, Bruce. (2008). Schneier on Security. New York: Wiley.

Encryption Do We Need By
Pages: 1 Words: 339

but, just because other countries have weaker standards doesn't necessarily mean that the U.S. should. Walker quotes an Electronic Frontier Canada representative as saying that, "Export controls have had the general result of weakening the encryption standards available off the shelf in the U.S. And Canada." To her credit, Walker provides an alternative view by a senior officer of a security vendor saying that existing encryption, digital signatures and strong authentication technology make it save to do business on the Internet. The problem is that both of these sources are biased and there's not enough evidence to support or dispute either one.
Walker never answers the question she initially posed in the title of her article, "How Much Encryption Do We Need?" The article is filled with unsupported generalizations and opinions and can no way be considered an authoritative research source.


Walker, Ruth. "How Much Encryption Do We Need?" Christian Science…...



Walker, Ruth. "How Much Encryption Do We Need?" Christian Science Monitor.   (Accessed 2 Mar. 2007).http://www.efc.ca/pages/media/2001/2001-01-18-a-csmonitor.html 

Cellular Phones and Encryption
Pages: 5 Words: 1852

4G LTE Encryption
When cellular phones first came out, the concerns about data loss and theft was not all that high. This was mostly because these devices functioned mostly (if not entirely) as phones with perhaps a camera phone here and there. Nowadays, however, cellular phones are often smartphones and they are literally small computers in terms of the data that they carry and the abilities that they have. Given that and the fact that tablets and other devices have entered the cellular signal fray, it is important to focus on the data security that these data devices have and whether that technology is being used in the way it could or should be and whether improvements are needed. While technology and encryption have come a long way, it is imperative that the envelope is pressed harder and harder every day so as to maintain (or create) privacy and safety for…...



Alam, M., Yang, D., Rodriguez, J., & Abd-Alhameed, R. (2014). Secure device-to-device

communication in LTE-A. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(4), 66-73.

Huang, Y., Leu, F., You, I., Sun, Y., & Chu, C. (2014). A secure wireless communication system

integrating RSA, Diffie-Hellman PKDS, intelligent protection-key chains and a Data

Securing the Electronic Frontier P
Pages: 3 Words: 1009

Part 2 - Reflective Diary

The security of customer's data is very critical in the contemporary business environment because of the increase in the data breach that could make organizations to face bad publicity within and outside the United States. Essentially, organizations are required to secure employees' and customers' data to enhance Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) within the IT environment. One of the strategies to enhance customers' privacy is to implement data encryption. Encryption is a strategy of encoding data file where only authorized user can only have access to a secret "key' in order to read the data. The major impact of encryption is that it will prevent unauthorized access to organizational data, which will consequently enhance data protection and privacy. oreover, securing information will make organization to be in line with the IT ethical standard, which will consequently enhance organizational public image.

Despite the security platform implemented by many organizations,…...


McEvoy, S.A.(2002). Email and Internet Monitoring and the Workplace: Do Employee has the Right to Privacy. Communication and Law.

Miller, A.R. & Tucker, C.E.(2011). Encryption and the Loss of Patient Data. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30 (3):534-556.

Lugaresi, N.(2010).Electronic Privacy in the Workplace: Transparency and Responsibility. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology. 24( 2):163-173

how can we help make the internet safer?
Words: 334

To help make the internet safer, we can take the following measures:

1. Strengthen password security:
- Use strong and unique passwords for each online account.
- Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate passwords.
- Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

2. Educate users about phishing and malware:
- Raise awareness about common phishing techniques and the importance of not clicking on suspicious links or opening attachments from unknown sources.
- Promote the use of reliable antivirus software and regularly update it.

3. Encourage responsible online behavior:
- Teach users about the potential consequences of sharing personal information online.

Need help generating essay topics related to Cloud Computing. Can you help?
Words: 627


Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals store, access, and process data. With its vast range of capabilities and benefits, cloud computing has become an integral part of modern technology. This essay topic generator provides a comprehensive list of thought-provoking topics related to cloud computing, covering its technical foundation, applications, security implications, and future prospects.

Technical Foundation of Cloud Computing

The Evolution of Cloud Computing: Trace the historical development of cloud computing from its inception to present-day advancements.
Cloud Computing Architecture: Explain the layered architecture of cloud computing, including infrastructure, platform, and software as a service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).

Need help refining my security for online banking and transaction thesis statement. Fresh perspectives welcome!?
Words: 433

Refined Thesis Statement:

The multi-layered security protocols employed by modern online banking platforms, combined with robust user awareness and vigilance, effectively safeguard financial transactions, mitigating cyber threats and ensuring the integrity of online financial services.

Supporting Arguments:

Multi-Layered Security Protocols:

Strong Authentication: Two-factor authentication (2FA) and biometrics provide an additional layer of protection by requiring multiple forms of authentication.
Encryption: Advanced encryption algorithms ensure that data is securely transmitted and stored, protecting against eavesdropping and data breaches.
Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs): These systems monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and block unauthorized access.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS): Encrypts....

Can you provide a succinct outline detailing the key components of cryptocurrency technology and its impact on the financial industry?
Words: 523

I. Introduction
A. Background information on cryptocurrency
B. Definition of cryptocurrency

II. History of Cryptocurrency
A. Emergence of Bitcoin
B. Early challenges and adoption
C. Expansion of different cryptocurrencies

III. How Cryptocurrency Works
A. Blockchain technology
B. Encryption techniques
C. Decentralized nature

IV. Benefits of Cryptocurrency
A. Security and fraud prevention
B. Accessibility and inclusivity
C. Potential for financial growth

V. Challenges and Concerns
A. Volatility and price fluctuations
B. Regulatory issues
C. Environmental impact

VI. Adoption and Mainstream Integration
A. Companies accepting cryptocurrency
B. Government regulations and policies
C. Public perception and acceptance

VII. Future of Cryptocurrency
A. Potential developments and innovations
B. Integration into....

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