Employee Satisfaction & Quality Systems
The human resource of any organization is one of the most valuable of all its resources. The continued productivity, innovation, commitment and contributory spirit of organizations employees can create a profitable and strong business in any industry. If these characteristics are lacking in the workforce for many of the employees the business can also be stifled and perform far below its capacity. There are many contributory factors associated with employee satisfaction and therefore optimal production and innovation. The literature on the subject is plentiful and demonstrative of process change and reaching goals of employee satisfaction that improve the bottom line as well as the whole environment of the business (Chang, Chiu, & Chen, 2010, p. 1299). According to Yee, Yueng, & Cheng, the link between employee satisfaction, service quality, customer satisfaction that leads to firm profitability is sound;
Using structural equations modeling, we found that employee…...
Cappelli, P., & Rogovsky, N. (1998). Employee involvement and organizational citizenship: Implications for labor law reform and "lean production." Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 51(4), 633-653.
Chang, C.C., Chiu, C.M., & Chen, C.A. (2010). The effect of TQM practices on employee satisfaction and loyalty in government. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 21(12), 1299-1314. doi:10.1080/14783363.2010.530796
Huselid, M.A. (1995). The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance. Academy Of Management Journal, 38(3), 635-672. doi:10.2307/256741
Pakdil, F. (Summer, 2010).The Effects of TQM on Corporate Performance The Business Review, Cambridge. 15 (1). 242-248.
Employee Absenteeism
High employee satisfaction is correlated with low employee absenteeism.
Employee satisfaction is both a qualitative and quantitative research question. Absenteeism is a measurable, quantitative and numerical data set; there is no grey area within it. It is a pattern of missing obligations and can be used to correlate numerical data. Employee satisfaction, on the other hand, is typically qualitative and then turned into quantitative data (productivity, morale, loyalty, satisfaction). This measurement is often rated on a scale (low number = low satisfaction, high number = high satisfaction, etc.).
There are a number of variables that would be significant in any study on the relationship between absenteeism and satisfaction. These would include age, gender, position (level within the hierarchy), demographics, salary, time at the company, educational level, and then, of course, the number of days absent (which could also be broken down to days per week, month, quarter, consecutive, etc.).
Part 2…...
Research Design. (2006). Research Methods Knowledge Base. Retrieved from:
Motivation of workers is posing very big challenges to organizations. Herzberg ensures that an organization rewards its employees depending on the behaviors that the management would like to encourage.One of the widely known writers on motivation of workers is Frederick Herzberg. He is widely known for the two-factor theory that he came up with. The two factor theory is widely referred to as the hygiene motivation theory. As stated above, motivation of employees is a challenge. Nobody has brought evidence refuting the theories of Herzberg. Therefore, the ideas that are put forward by him may still be looked at.
Hygiene Factors and Dissatisfaction at Work
The hygiene factor in job satisfaction can best be explained using Herzberg's (1966) two factor theory (Motivation-Hygiene Theory).The hygiene factors refer to the factors that are majorly concerned with the work conditions. The factors are contextual features of conditions of work. They are however not essential to…...
Akintoye, I.R. (2000). The place of financial management in personnel psychology. A Paper
Presented as Part of Personnel Psychology Guest Lecture Series. Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Armstrong, DL (2006). When Employees Are Happy!
It is a broader notion or the next evolutionary stage of client relationship management approach.
A customer-centric organization is defined as the one, offering long-term constant and consistent best quality experience to clients 'over all customer access points; across all marketing, sales, and service programs; throughout all parts of the organization.' As can be clearly inferred from this definition, the product will vary over time to satisfy evolving clients needs, but the staff of the company must be adequately train to offer best quality service no matter what product it offers to the clients: at the access points, at the logistics offering optimal time of the service or delivering a product, and after sales servicing to motivate another purchase.
There are certain steps within building such organization. The first phase of collecting and analyzing client database corresponds to the first phase of client relationship management and calls for clear understanding of…...
Ahn, J.Y. Some aspects on the Web data mining for effecting eCRM from a statistical viewpoint, PhD dissertation, Chonbuk National University, Chonju.
Bertz, R. Jr., Thomas, S. Perceived Equity, Motivation, and Final-offer Arbitration in Major League Baseball, Journal of Applied Psychology, Volume 77, pp. 280-287, 1992.
Bolton, M. Customer Centric Business Processing, International Journal of Productivity & Performance Measurement, Volume 53, i, pp. 44-51, 2004.
Bose, R. Customer Relationship Management: Key Components for it Success, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Volume 102/2, pp. 89-97, 2002.
New Employee Orientation on Employee Satisfaction and Retention
One of the most integral parts of successful and efficient business production is associated with employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction can be achieved through a systematic and successful delivery of employee training and orientation. "Starting a new job with a new employer is difficult not only for the new employee but also for the employing organization. This is true regardless of the new employee's position in the organization."
Beeler) Successful hew hire orientation programs can make or break the smooth transition of an employee into a new environment. "No new employee, no matter what the extent of previous experience and training, can be expected to perform well on a new job without considerable preparation. orkers must sense that they have been fully prepared to do the full job for which they have been hired."
Grant 17)
It is clear from the literature that without a certain…...
mlaWorks Cited
Beeler, Cheryl. "Roll out the welcome wagon; structuring new employee orientations." Public Management Aug. 1994: 13+. Questia. 09 May 2003 http://www.questia.com/ .
Dennis, Gary L. "Here today, gone tomorrow: how management style affects job satisfaction and, in turn, employee turnover." Corrections Today June 1998: 96+. Questia. 10 May 2003
Human Resource Management: An Attitude Survey on Employee Satisfaction
The dynamic nature of the current business environment has made human resource management a complex task. Very often, companies of all types and sizes strive to attract and retain quality employees in order to outperform competitors in their respective industries. According to Guarav (2012), employee satisfaction is one of the most critical aspects in ensuring long-term association of the employees and the organization. Gregory (2011) also states that a high rate of employee satisfaction translates to a lower turnover rate. Thus, every employer should make use of effective performance management tools and procedures and at the same time create a good working environment in order to keep the employees satisfied. An employee attitude survey is one such tool, and it is an essential component of human resource management (Knapp and Mujtaba, 2009). It helps the HR managers determine some of the reasons…...
Employee Satisfaction with a Company's Review Process
The following research examines the reason for a decline in employee satisfaction regarding the review process at XYZ, Inc. The results of the survey revealed that sample biases may have confounded the results and that the survey will have to be re-administered to reflect the true attitudes and results of the preliminary research leading up to the current survey. The result showed a high degree of satisfaction with the quality and quantity of management feedback. The results of this survey are inconclusive and further research will need to be conducted to eliminate the possible effects of sample bias.
Delimitations (See Leedy)
Research question(s)
Evaluation Objective
Development Objectives
Survey Group(s)
Site contact
Chapter II
A. Literature Review
B. Introduction
C. General Management Issues
D. Project Related Issues
E. Conclusions
F. Definition of Terms
G. References
H. Project Submission
Chapter III
A. Proposal
B. Introduction
C. Population
D. Sampling
E. Variables and Measures Used
F. Data Collection
Data Analysis Procedures
H. Alternative Methodology (see last page of Chapter III)
I. Data…...
Total Compenstion Statement Memo
Human resource (H) policies and decisions play a crucial role in an organization. They serve as a driver of employee productivity as they directly or indirectly affect employee engagement, job commitment, employee satisfaction, and employee retention. An important H function relates to compensation, which is basically concerned with determining the amount of remuneration and benefits employees get as a result of their input to the organization. Sufficient compensation is crucial for attracting and retaining the right people for the job (Stredwick, 2014). The position of an administrative assistant is without a doubt an important position, underscoring the need for competitive and attractive compensation. As per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), an administrative assistant earns an average income of $55,460 per year or $26.66 per hour (BLS, 2017). More specifically, an administrative assistant in the category of "Management of Companies and Enterprises" earns an average…...
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) (2017). Executive secretaries and executive administrative assistants. Retrieved from: https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes436011.htm
Mello, J. (2015). Strategic human resource management. 4th edition. Mason: Cengage Learning.
Stredwick, J. (2014). An Introduction to Human Resource Management. London: Routledge.
Shift in Employee Satisfaction Levels Post-Covid PandemicAlthough not all occupations are amenable to remote work, the shift to hybrid or primarily work-from-home employment models following the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on employee satisfaction levels in multiple ways for many organizations and their employees (Punjwani & Campbell, 2024). The research to date shows that initially met with mixed reactions, many employees quickly reported experiencing higher levels of work satisfaction due to the flexibility, improved work-life balance, and most especially the elimination of the loathsome, sometimes-dangerous, expensive and time-consuming commute offered by remote work. In sum, many workers not only adapted to these new working arrangements, they thrived on them as well (Alotaibi, 2023).Some employees, though, have struggled with feelings of isolation, lack of social interaction, and blurred boundaries between work and personal life. Moreover, this fundamental transition in working arrangements also due to a potentially life-threatening disease caused…...
mlaReferencesAlotaibi, T. S. (2023). Flexibility and Saudi Employees’ Perceptions of Job Satisfaction: A Multisector Study. Journal of East-West Business, 29(3), 199–225.Bingöl, Ü., & Kutlu, A. (2024). The effect of pre and post Cov?d-19 hazard and risk management of nurses on performance evaluation. Work (Reading, Mass.).Gauger, F., Bachtal, Y., & Pfnür, A. (2022). Work experience from home: Hybrid work and the future of distributed work locations -- a comparative empirical analysis between the US and Germany. Corporate Real Estate Journal, 11(3), 280–292.Punjwani, M. & Campbell, S. (2024, April 3). Remote work statistics and trends in 2024. USA Today. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/money/blueprint/business/hr-payroll/remote-work-statistics .
However, it has been a struggle to make employees view that these employee feedback programs are not just a tool for the companies to comply with has been a losing battle eports 12.
The good news of the matter is that these employee feedback programs provide duly needed positive and negative feedback which helps the management re-strategize their decision making process.
Organizational culture and employee feedback programs
The culture of the organization must at the same time reflect these employee feedback programs Gupta, Govindarajan and Malhotra 206.
Organizational culture is the personality that is exhibited by an organization through its employees. Members of the organization slowly come to sense this culture and try their best to express it in their actions in various situations. There are several effects of an organization's culture. These include influencing the technologies applied, image of the organization to the public, strategies, services and products of the company and…...
Bogardus, A. Phr / Sphr Professional in Human Resources Certification Study Guide. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. Print.
Earl, Joanne, Melissa Dunn Lampe, and Andrew Buksin. "What to Do with Employee Survey Results." Gallup Management Journal (2008). Print.
Gomez-Mejia, L.R., D.B. Balkin, and R.L. Cardy. Managing Human Resources. London: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2009. Print.
Gupta, Anil K., Vijay Govindarajan, and Ayesha Malhotra. "Feedback-Seeking Behavior within Multinational Corporations." Strategic Management Journal 20.3 (1999): 205-22. Print.
On the other hand, the comparative value of the real-time presentation must be considered in relation to the potential technical issues involved. Specifically, whereas pre-recorded presentations and self-directed learning online training programs can be tested and perfected in advance to ensure there are no technical problems with delivery, that is not necessarily the case with real-time presentations, especially those involving two-way communications. No matter how much preparation and troubleshooting is conducted in advance, live two-way presentations are notoriously susceptible to technical problems that can interfere with planning and lesson delivery. Moreover, the more computer terminals and office locations involved, the greater that potential for difficulties in execution.
Anticipated Problems
Beyond technical delivery-of-training issues, other anticipated potential problems associated with online employee training include lower levels of individual engagement and reduced opportunity for meaningful interpersonal exchanges. In that regard, even the best corporate instructors cannot implement all of the same teaching techniques across…...
Leader-Chivee, L., Booz Allen, H., and Cowan, E. "Networking the Way to Success: Online Social Networks for Workplace and Competitive Advantage." Journal of People & Strategy. Vol. 31, No. 3 (2008): 27 -- 45.
Robbins, S.P. And Judge, T.A. (2009). Organizational Behavior. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
Stevens, B. "Corporate Ethical Codes: Effective Instruments for Influencing Behavior."
Lastly, Cummings and Worley (2007) surmise that employee involvement can also "improve capabilities of employees thus enabling them to perform better" (p. 353). The authors give the example that when organizations wish to increase their employee participation in decision making, this strategy must be accompanied by skill training in communication and group problem solving (p. 353).
All three of these facets improve employee satisfaction and well-being, due to an improved work environment and a more rewarding job. In a cyclical nature, improved productivity also increases satisfaction, especially when there are greater rewards associated with this increased productivity. Improved employee satisfaction, that's a result of employee involvement strategies and increased productivity, can have a secondary impact on the organization. This high level of employee satisfaction can further positively affect productivity by attracting the best employees and help ensure the retention of these valuable organizational resources (Cummings and Worley, 2007, p. 353).
Cummings, T.G., & Worley, C.G. (2007). Organization Development and Change (8th ed.). s.l.: Academic Internet Publ.
Rosso, a. (Oct 2010). "Awakening corporate soul." Collector, 76(3). p. 18-20.
The influence of employee involvement on productivity: A review of research -- June 2000. (22 Jun 2006). Retrieved December 6, 2010, from http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/cs/sp/hrsd/prc/publications/research/2000-002584/page03.shtml.
Wolf, E. & Zwick, T. (Apr 2008). "Reassessing the productivity impact of employee involvement and financial incentives." Schmalenbach Business Review, 60(2). o. 160-181.
Performance appraisal systems are complex and time consuming, especially for managers who supervise extended numbers of employees
Performance appraisal systems can be stressful and ineffective (Clark, 2011).
5. Structure of performance appraisal systems
The construction of a performance appraisal system is a complex endeavor, based on both theoretical as well as practical considerations. John J. Gabarro and Linda a. Hill (1995) for instance argue that managers ought to construct their appraisal systems in a critical manner, based on both pre-existent models and frameworks, but also on internal features within the organization. Cynthia Morrison Phoel (2011) and her co-editors argue that the main criterion to an effective appraisal system is represented by feedback.
Kevin . Murphy and Frank E. Saal (1990) then argue that there exists a triple structure to create frameworks for employee appraisal. The frameworks are constructed based on four criteria: the constituents, the goals, the specific objectives and the selection criterion. Based…...
Armstrong, M., 2000, Performance management: key strategies and practical guidelines, 2nd edition, Kogan Page Publishers
Armstrong, M., Baron, a., 2005, Managing performance: performance management in action, 2nd edition, CIPD Publishing
Baruch, Y., Harel, G., 1993, Multi-source performance appraisal: an empirical and methodological note, Public Administration Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 1
Clark, K., 2011, Advantages and disadvantages of performance appraisals, ZeroMillion, last accessed on March 7, 2011http://www.zeromillion.com/business/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-performance-appraisals.html
In this context, a question is being posed relative to the measures which could be taken in order to increase employees' on the job satisfaction and reduce the high turnover rates. The following strategies could be implemented in both Hong Kong vehicle companies, as well as within all companies facing the challenges of high employee turnover rates. Yet, what should be remembered is that the following suggestions are merely theoretical and that they should be customized to fit the specific particularities of each separate entity. These being said, the suggestions to improving employee retention are as follows:
Increasing salaries; higher wages will generally determine people to be more committed to the job and to the employer
Offering other financial incentives, such as premiums and bonuses; these should be offered based on performances, but also based on efforts
Offering various non-financial incentives, such as flexible working schedules or the organization of social events outside…...
Boyd, C., 2003, Human resource management and occupational health and safety, Routledge, ISBN 0415265908
Droege, S.B., Hoobler, J.M., 2003, Employee turnover and tacit knowledge diffusion: a network perspective, Journal of Managerial Issues, Vol. 15, Issue 1
Han, P., 2008, Survey: Employers in China face worst staff turnover rate in Asia, Embassy of People's Republic of China in the United States of America, last accessed on February 23, 2010http://www.china-embassy.org/eng/xw/t401165.htm
ork Satisfaction
Nothing is really work," states an old adage, "unless you would rather be doing something else."
In today's times of economic uncertainty, rapid employee turnover and more trade union disputes, the issue of worker satisfaction has become even more important. In addition to salary, many workers point to the need for a good quality of worker life. They need to feel that their personal needs are being met in their professional careers.
This paper examines factors which relate strongly to worker satisfaction. These factors include greater communication, opportunities for advancement and a sense that their work is "meaningful." In the last part, the paper also makes suggestions regarding how employers can both ensure motivation on the job and address factors that give rise to job dissatisfaction.
The question of employee satisfaction has come to gained greater attention especially in this new century. A survey commissioned by the Pitney Bowles Company in 2000…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bodek, Norman. "The quality of work life." Industrial Engineer. March 2003. Proquest Database.
Giving employees meaningful work is the best way to keep them." New Hampshire Business Review. December 1, 2000. Proquest Database.
Greater expectations." People Management. September 11, 2003. Proquest Database.
Certainly! Here's a unique and fresh essay topic that explores the relationship between community relations and public relations:
"Exploring the Shift Towards Community-Centric Public Relations: Empowering Communities as Catalysts for Change"
This topic delves into the evolving dynamics between community relations and public relations, with a focus on the growing importance of community-centric strategies in the field. You can discuss how traditional public relations approaches often focused on maintaining positive corporate images, while community relations primarily dealt with strengthening ties at a local level. However, in recent years, there has been a significant shift towards integrating community empowerment and engagement within broader....
1. A case study on the impact of social media on consumer behavior
2. Analyzing the success factors of a popular brand through a case study
3. Exploring the ethical implications of a controversial business decision in a case study
4. Evaluating the effectiveness of a company's marketing strategy based on a case study
5. Investigating the challenges faced by a startup company in a case study
6. Examining the role of leadership in organizational change through a case study
7. Analyzing the impact of globalization on a specific industry in a case study
8. Discussing the implications of a major data breach on a company's reputation....
1. The benefits of workplace diversity for employee satisfaction and productivity
2. The challenges of managing a diverse workforce and strategies for overcoming them
3. The impact of workplace diversity on organizational culture and reputation
4. The role of diversity and inclusion initiatives in promoting equality and respect in the workplace
5. The importance of diversity training and education in creating a more inclusive work environment
6. The relationship between workplace diversity and innovation
7. The effects of unconscious bias in hiring and promotion practices on workplace diversity
8. Case studies of successful diversity and inclusion programs in various companies
9. The intersectionality of diversity in the workplace....
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