Emerging Markets Essays (Examples)

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Emerging Markets and Regions
Pages: 4 Words: 1319

European Union's Former Eastern Block: A New Emerging Market and egion
This paper will focus on the European Union or "EU" former eastern block countries of Czech epublic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. This region of the EU was selected as a recent emerging market and economic community to study because of its recent introduction into the global marketplace. The EU carries a lot of clout in the world of politics. In recent years, the Czech epublic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland have made concessions needed to become a part of the European Community. The countries were former eastern block countries, controlled by Soviet powers and up until the late 1980's and were closed to the rest of the world but they have been successful in their transition to a market oriented economy. Specifically the country of Hungary has been ranked one of the world's top tourist destinations for the last four years…...



Country Profile: Hungary. Retrieved December 8, 2004 from the World Wide Web: http://www.hungary.org/hungary

Deloy, C. (2003). Referendum of the European Union in Hungary. The World Bank

Publications. Retrieved December 8, 2004 from the World Wide Web:   bank.org/html/http://www.world 

Hungary Hopes to Join European Union. Columbia News Video Forum. Retrieved December 8, 2004 from the World Wide Web: http://www.columbia.edu/videoforum.html

GE Healthcare A Innovating Emerging Markets Read
Pages: 4 Words: 1241

GE Healthcare (A): Innovating Emerging Markets ead case study titled "GE Healthcare (A): Innovating Emerging Markets" Write a page paper: Determine (2) emerging trends external environment prompted General Electric (GE) Healthcare develop a strategy production marketing a low cost Electroencephalography (EEG) machine bottom pyramid markets (BOP).
GE Healthcare (A): Innovating for emerging markets

India's population of patients with serious heart-related conditions is rapidly expanding: as unfortunate as the statistic that over 80% of heart-related deaths now occur in the developing world may be, from General Electric's perspective this was an opportunity it could capitalize upon. There was clearly a need for new medical devices to screen for and treat these conditions. However, when developing a new low cost electroencephalography (EEG) device, GE was acutely aware of the fact that it would have to adjust its approach to the unique needs of the foreign marketplace it wished to enter: it could not simply…...



Singh, J. (2011). GE Healthcare (A): Innovating for emerging markets. INSEAD.

Marketing Ethics Emerging Markets The
Pages: 3 Words: 939

Determining this could be difficult and time consuming. It is nonetheless a necessary step towards successful and sustainable market entry. A culture whose values are, for example, alienated by a marketing campaign is likely to be alienated and will not deliver a sustainable customer base for the success of the company.
Ultimately, what the article focuses on, is that success in the long-term depends upon a company's ability to enter the market in a way that is both environmentally sustainable and socially ethical. In this way, the product being manufactured will sustain a long-term life cycle, while also serving a customer base that is in its favor.

As the manufacturer of shampoo, my company is seeking to enter the Brazilian market. The first concern is then to determine a gap in the shampoo market. However, we should also concern ourselves with the existing needs in the general social paradigm. Our point…...



Sele, K. (2006, March) Marketing Ethics in Emerging Markets -- Coping with Ethical Dilemmas. IIMB Management Review.

Investing in Emerging Markets by Procter & Gamble
Pages: 6 Words: 2015

Capital Investments in Emerging Markets
The Procter & Gamble Corporation (P&G) is one of the largest manufacturing companies on the global scene. P&G undertakes its business operations in approximately eighty nations and retails its products in over 180 nations. At present, the company has about thirty five manufacturing plants that are responsible for handling manufacturing and production across the globe. In the preceding year, about 35% of the total revenue generated by the company came from the United States alone. The other 65% emanated from the company's global business operations. The rise in wage levels in middle-income earners has brought about an increase in demand for household goods and merchandises in emerging markets. At present P&G places emphasis on ten emerging market economies; these include: China, India, Mexico, Nigeria, ussia, and South Africa. This limited concentration, and focus, on these emerging markets will assist P&G in tailoring its marketing approaches and…...



Axelsson, H., Jackovicaka, J., Kheddache, M. (2002). Capital Budgeting Sophistication and Performance: A puzzling Relationship. Industrial and Financial Economics. Retrieved from:  http://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/2359/1/gbs_thesis_2002_38.pdf 

Bhandari, S.B. (1986). Discounted payback: A criterion for capital investment decisions. Journal of Small Business Management, 24, 16.

Iloiu, M., & Csiminga, D. (2009). Project Risk Evaluation Methods-Sensitivity Analysis. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PETRO-ANI? ECONOMICS?, 33.

Jovanovi?, P. (1999). Application of sensitivity analysis in investment project evaluation under uncertainty and risk. International Journal of Project Management, 17(4), 217-222.

Global Food and Beverages Emerging Markets
Pages: 2 Words: 692

Beverage Industry
Economic growth in countries like China, India, Brazil and Vietnam will have a positive impact on the global beverage industry. Most packaged beverages are discretionary purchases, which makes them luxury products unattainable to the very poor. Yet, they are relatively low cost, and provide a fairly high level of utility for many people. As national income rises in a country, that wealth will usually be distributed, maybe not evenly but certainly there will be economic beneficiaries. In the past couple of decades, many people in the above-mentioned countries have been lifted out of abject poverty by the developments in those economies. China, for example, claims through its official media to have lifted 700 million people out of poverty since Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms were first put into place in 1978 (Xinhua, 2015). Many of these people have transitioned from a position where they were unable to purchase small discretionary…...



Trefis (2014). PepsiCo rides on growth in Frito-Lay and developing markets in the first quarter. Forbes. Retrieved October 18, 2015 from  http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2014/04/21/pepsico-rides-on-growth-in-frito-lay-and-developing-markets-in-the-first-quarter/ 

Xinhua (2015). 700 mln rural residents lifted out of poverty since 1978 in China. Xinhua News Agency. Retrieved October 18, 2015 from  http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-10/16/c_134721370.htm

Emerging Market
Pages: 5 Words: 1917


There has been an ongoing process for the integration and co-operation of the countries in South America for quite sometime, but the individual countries have their own structures and problems. This leads to a situation where not much progress seems to be made.

The first attempt at the regional development of Latin America through the cooperation of the member states was through the Latin American Free Trade Association, set up in 1960. On 12 August 1980, the foreign ministers of the 11 member countries of the Latin American Free Trade Association signed an agreement in Montevideo, Capital of Uruguay. This announced the establishment of the Association for the Latin American Integration. The treaty officially entered into force on 18 March 1981. On the same day, the Latin American Free Trade Association stopped its activities.


The association is an inter-governmental integration organization for the Latin American region. It is to promote and…...



Association for Latin America Integration" 8th May, 2002 Retrieved at   Accessed on 03/01/2004http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb/zzjg/gjs/gjzzyhy/2616/t15337.htm .

CAF's role in Integration" Retrieved at   on 03/01/2004http://www.caf.com/view/index.asp?ms=0&pageMs=3997Accessed 

Commercial integration in South America initiates the complete destruction of the Amazon area" Retrieved at   Accessed on 03/01/2004http://forests.org/archive/samerica/unconcr.htm .

Eden, Lorraine. Venezuela and Regional Integration in South America Retrieved at Accessed on 03/01/2004http://wehner.tamu.edu/mgmt.www/nafta/spring99/Groups99/pedro/final.htm.

Building and Transforming an Emerging Market Global Enterprise
Pages: 2 Words: 612

Gupta, S., & Shapiro, D. (2014). Building and Transforming an Emerging Market Global Enterprise: Lessons from the Infosys Journey. Business Horizons, 57(2), 169 -- 179.
Credibility: Author Analysis

Daniel M. Shapiro is a Global Business Strategy Professor at the Simon Fraser University in Beedie's School of Business. He has a work record of over forty years as an academic administrator, educator, and researcher. Recently, he became Dean of the Business School. He successfully created a strategic position through raising funds to name it. The professor led the university to attain AACSB and EQUIS accreditation. In the academic field, he published five monographs and books and over seventy scholarly articles on foreign investment and MNEs, corporate ownership and governance, industrial structure, international business strategy, and public policy aspects. His research works have been presented in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Industrial Economics, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of International Business Studies.…...

Market Model Changes the Medtech or Medical
Pages: 3 Words: 865

Market Model Changes
The medtech, or medical technology, industry is a large and intensely competitive industry that produces highly innovative medical devices for hospitals and other healthcare facilities in the effort to save lives and improve health for patients (Research, 2012). It is spread across different segments including, cardiology, oncology, neuro, orthopedic, and aesthetic devices. It relies largely on aging baby boomers, high unmet medical needs, and increased incidence of lifestyle diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.

The industry is being challenged by pricing concerns, hospital admissions and procedural volume, uncertainty concerning healthcare reform, Medicare reimbursement issues as agencies are looking for cost reduction measures, and regulatory overhang. There is a rise in patients deferring treatment in elective procedures. "One factor aligning economic and clinical forces: in the U.S., the number of medical practices owned by hospitals grew from 25% in 2005 to 50% in 2008" (practice, 2011). Where hospitals…...



Blog, I. (2012, Mar 12). MedTech Industry Stock Outlook. Retrieved from Financial Content: http://markets.financialcontent.com/stocks/news/read/20832505/MedTech-Industry-Stock-Outlook

practice, B.G. (2011, Feb 9). Creating a new commercial model for the changing medtech market. Retrieved from Bain & Company:  http://www.bain.com/publicatgions/articles/creating-a-commercial-model-for-changing-medtech-market.aspx 

Research, Z.E. (2012, June 15). MedTech Industry Stock Outlook-June 2012-Zacks Analyst Interviews. Retrieved from Nasdaq:  http://community.nasdaq.com/News/2012-06/medtech-industry-stock-outlook-june-2012-zachs-analysts-interviews.aspx ?

Market Entry'strategy International Business Management Advisor
Pages: 13 Words: 3825

unning Head: INTENATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ADVISO 4INTENATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ADVISOInternational Business Management AdvisorMarket Entry strategyCompany IntroductionSani-Matic Inc. is situated in Sun Prairie, WI, United States. It is a machinery manufacturing industry. The company has a total of 125 employees across its locations. The company generates about $ 24.52 million in sales. The company designs and produces automatic sanitary process cleaning equipment, from clean-out-of-place parts washers to clean-in-place systems and sanitary parts that provide a complete clean. The companys additional expert services include a tactical solutions program that ensures the optimization of money-saving efficiencies and increased productivity, field service, and start-up programs.Industries in which the Company OperatesThe company capitalizes on food, beverage, biotech, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and personal care. The company stays committed to producing sanitary cleaning results for various industries, including beverage and food, and bio-pharm, which encompasses personal care, biotech, pharmaceuticals, and nutraceutical industries.Food and Beverage IndustryThe company supplies businesses…...


ReferencesBabin, R. (2008). Assessing the role of CSR in outsourcing decisions. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 1(2), 1-14.Belcourt, M. (2006). Outsourcing—The benefits and the risks. Human resource management review, 16(2), 269-279.Galová, J. (2014). Selected business aspects of the emerging market of Ukraine. Journal of Central European Green Innovation, 2(1063-2016-86165), 51-59.Górecka, D., & Sza?ucka, M. (2013). Country market selection in international expansion using multicriteria decision aiding methods. Multiple criteria decision making, (8), 32-55.Kaninda, B. (2016). The development of a strategic framework for South African explosives companies expanding business activities into Sub-Saharan Countries (Doctoral dissertation).McGee, J., & Sammut?Bonnici, T. (2015). Competitive strategy. Wiley encyclopedia of management, 1-4.Meyer, N. G., & Breitenbach, M. C. (2004). The market potential of the South African apple industry: strategies and options. Agrekon, 43(1), 22-37.Nazarova, A. (2019). Target market entry process for a sports drink company.Papadopoulos, N., Martín, O. M., & Gaston?Breton, C. (2011). International market selection and segmentation: A two?stage model. International Marketing Review.Ricart, J. E., Enright, M. J., Ghemawat, P., Hart, S. L., & Khanna, T. (2004). New frontiers in international strategy. Journal of International Business Studies, 35(3), 175-200.Tokas, K., & Deb, A. K. (2020). CAGE distance framework and bilateral trade flows: case of India. Management Research Review.Vlados, C. (2019). Porter’s diamond approaches and the competitiveness web. International Journal of Business Administration, 10(5), 33-52.

Market Share and Blackberry
Pages: 8 Words: 2479

New Poduct Plan
Situational Analysis

Competitive Analysis

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Maketing Stategy

Shot-tem Goals

Long-tem Goals

This pape povides a plan fo eintoducing the failed Blackbey smatphone to the maket. The Blackbey was once the most popula smatphone in the U.S. and othe makets. The intoduction of the smatphone in 2006 maked a defining moment in the histoy of the smatphone maket. Howeve, with its focus limited to copoate uses and govenment agencies, Blackbey was slow to espond to the evolving needs of individual consumes. This gap pesented a pefect oppotunity fo Apple, Samsung, and othe ivals to oust Blackbey fom its dominant position. By 2011, the Blackbey had lost its position in the industy. The smatphone kept on losing its maket shae to newe entants, who have intoduced moe consume-oiented smatphones. The dominance of the Apple and othe ivals may make it…...


references of the market was one of the major reasons that led to the failure of the Blackberry smartphone. The company has historically focused on corporate and institutional users, giving little attention to individual consumers. The declining performance of the company is also a major weakness as the company is increasingly losing its financial strength, which may make it unable to exploit opportunities in the marketplace. Other notable weaknesses include limited support for third party applications, poor leadership, and poor branding.


One opportunity Blackberry may take advantage of to regain its lost glory is the Samsung crisis, which has caused the South Korean giant substantial losses in terms of not only revenue, but also reputation. The recall of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and its subsequent discontinuation presents a good opportunity for Samsung rivals to gain competitive advantage in the marketplace. Emerging markets also present an important opportunity for Blackberry, especially since Apple has historically focused on developed markets. The attractiveness of emerging markets particularly stems from the rapid growth of smartphone penetration in these markets. Other significant sources of growth include mergers and acquisitions, strategic partnerships, growth of cloud computing, integration of third party applications and features, as well as the firm's existing customer base.


The biggest threat facing the Blackberry is competition. Apple, Samsung, and recent entrants to the smartphone market such as Xiaomi and Huawei have provided unmatched smartphone features, which may make it difficult for Blackberry to successfully re-enter the market.

Market Orientation and Worldview from Cultural Perspective
Pages: 146 Words: 43735

Dissertation ManuscriptBySedric K. MorganGeopolitical Awareness and Understanding of the Current Monetary Policies: A Quantitative Study Northcentral University, 2019 Comment by Author: Sedric NOTE: take a look at the Turnitin Analysis report. Consider the areas that are closely related to student paper(s) from University of Maryland. I highly suspect this is a matter of improper paraphrasing (by you as well as these other student(s)). The areas are sourced and the similarity may be more likely from the direct source.Geopolitical Awareness and Understanding of the Current Monetary Policies: A Quantitative StudyDissertation ManuscriptSubmitted to Northcentral UniversitySchool of Business Administrationin Partial Fulfillment of theequirements for the Degree ofDOCTO OF BUSINESS ADMINISTATIONbySEDIC KAL MOGANSan Diego, California Comment by Author: location of the university has changed since the 2018 DP/DM template. Please update the location to La Jolla, California for the Dissertation Proposal final. Thanks, Sharon.September2020Abstract Comment by Author: Meets A checklist. The abstract contains…...


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You are geopolitically aware of what goes on in the world and that awareness impacts how you think; meaning at any given time you can describe relations between various states, how US foreign policy or sanctions impacts both the global economy and the local economies of states, and the extent to which tensions are rising or falling between various nations; and doing so impacts your views.1 Not geopolitically aware at all2 Unsure, i.e., hear some things but don’t know what it means3 Neither aware nor unaware, i.e., can process information and talk about it if the subject comes up but do not think about it much4 Somewhat aware; I do make decisions every once in a while based on what I understand5 Very aware; all of my decisions are based on this awarenessQ3. You are aware of rising debt levels and central bank monetary policy and the role both play in the global economy.1 Not aware at all2 Unsure, i.e., hear some things but don’t know what it means3 Neither aware nor unaware, i.e., can process information put out by the Federal Reserve or by bank analysts/CEOs and talk about it if the subject comes up but do not think about it much4 Somewhat aware; I do make decisions every once in a while based on what I understand on these relationships5 Very aware; all of my decisions are based on this awarenesshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfi.2008.12.002 ADRP

What Is the Market-State
Pages: 10 Words: 3079

oth Phillip obbit and Richard Robison offer accounts of what a market-state is. obbit contends that the core features of the market-state are a crisis of the nation-state, a transformation of core state functions, relations of national states to transnational markets, and cosmopolitan culture. Finance is at the center of the culture, the money economy. Governments are more centralized but weaker because power is allocated by the money men, the banks, the managers of finance and capital, and governments are merely their footstools. According to Robison, on the other hand, market-states are neo-liberal, techno-managerial and instrumental, and citizens are clients and consumers. oth describe the materialistic, consumerist society, yet each has its own theoretical approach and unique conceptualization. This paper will compare obbit's and Robison's accounts of market-states and use the writings of Smith, Keynes, Marx and others to help illustrate the nature of the two.

Differences of What a Market…...



Bobbit, P (2011) The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History, NY:

Anchor Books

Keynes, JM (1920) The Economic Consequences of the Peace, NY: Harcourt Brace.

Pabst, A (2010) The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy, Telos 152: 44-67.

Market Potential
Pages: 3 Words: 992

Market Potential Index
There are eight indicators on the market potential index: market size, market intensity, growth rate, consumption capacity, commercial infrastructure, receptivity, economic freedom and country risk.

The market size is the largest weight. The measures used are urban population and electricity consumption, I guess as proxies for the number of people who have at least the possibility of having money.

Market intensity is based on the gross national income per capita and private consumption as % of GDP, measures that reflect the wealth of the country and presumably telling something about purchasing power.

Growth rate is based on the growth rate in energy use and the real GDP growth rate, looking at how fast the market is growing.

The consumption capacity is measured with consumer expenditure and income share of middle class. This is similar to market intensity, but with a focus on consumers and the middle class, trying to isolate the market…...



Global Edge (2014) website, various pages. Global Edge. Retrieved December 13, 2014 from  http://globaledge.msu.edu/mpi 

Koetsier, J. (2013). Tablets will outsell laptops 6 to 1 by 2017 as mobile PC market hits 579.4 million. Venture Beat. Retrieved December 13, 2014 from  http://venturebeat.com/2013/05/06/tablets-will-outsell-laptops-6-to-1-by-2017-as-mobile-pc-market-hits-579-4-million/

Market Society and the Public Sphere
Pages: 4 Words: 1350

Market Society and the Public Sphere
My journal text comes to illustrate the utmost significance of globalization viewed as the force molding and shaping the current world. It describes the multidimensional aspect of globalization that influences and encompasses all facets of life through an integrated network. Currently, globalization is the buzzword in media articles, daily talks of media people and talks of politicians. There is no aspect of life that is not influenced or affected by globalization (Tober, 2006, 33). However, many people find it difficult to reflect on this phenomenon. This is because the term is applied in so many aspects leading to its ambiguity in defining it according to my text.

Numerous volumes of work have written about globalization in numerous fields such as political, science, business, economics, sociology and many more. This has made the term globalization lack a precise cogent theory and definition. This is seen as a…...



Barnet, R. & Cavanagh, J. (2004). Global dreams: imperial corporations and the new world order. New York: Simon & Schuster

Hass, R. (2003). The corporation without boundaries. The new paradigm in business: emerging strategies for leadership and organizational change. New York: Tarcher/Perigee.

Kapstein, B. (2004). Governing the global economy: international finance and the state.

Cambridge. MA: Harvard University Press

Market for Toscani's in Parramarra
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

The segmentation recommended in this marketing plan includes the following:
Ensure that locals (there is an advantage to the restaurant's site) become regulars.

Differentiate the "Italian" notion for those who want something different from "standard," "middle of the road" Italian fare.

Come up with very targeted marketing which ensures focus on the three target customer groups:

Those living/working within a well-defined radius

Those who may know the restaurant from other experiences in Australia

Spur-of-the-moment tourists who see the restaurant and walk in.

Cost structure of industry (especially whether variable cost is a small or large proportion of the normal selling price, and whether there are significant economies of scale of production, importance of transportation costs etc.),

The relative margins earned by restaurants vary from zero to 10% of total sales. Price discounts may be attractive to customers, but can have a dramatic impact on the bottom line if not properly managed. These discounts are also so prevalent…...

I\'m interested in debating corporate level strtaegies of nestle. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 285

Yes, there are several essay topics that can present opposing viewpoints on Nestle's corporate level strategies. Some potential essay topics include:

1. "Should Nestle continue to prioritize profit maximization over social responsibility in its corporate strategy?"
2. "Is Nestle's aggressive acquisition strategy beneficial or detrimental to the company's long-term success?"
3. "Does Nestle's focus on expanding into emerging markets help or harm local economies and communities?"
4. "Should Nestle prioritize sustainability and ethical sourcing in its supply chain, even if it means higher costs for consumers?"
5. "Is Nestle's diversification into new product categories a wise strategic move, or does it dilute the company's brand....

I\'m interested in debating corporate level strtaegies of nestle. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 574

Corporate Level Strategies of Nestlé: Opposing Viewpoints

Nestlé, the world's largest food and beverage company, has employed various corporate level strategies to maintain its competitive advantage. However, these strategies have sparked contrasting viewpoints among experts.

Essay Topic 1: The Advantages of Nestlé's Portfolio Diversification

Proponent Viewpoint: Nestlé's extensive portfolio diversification, spanning food, beverages, pet care, and pharmaceuticals, provides several advantages:

Reduced risk: By operating in multiple industries, Nestlé mitigates the impact of fluctuations in any single market.
Exploiting synergies: The company can leverage its expertise and resources across different divisions, creating cost efficiencies and cross-selling opportunities.
Increased growth potential: Diversification allows Nestlé to....

I\'m interested in debating corporate level strtaegies of nestle. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 216

Yes, there are many interesting essay topics that present opposing viewpoints on Nestle's corporate level strategies. Some potential topics could include:

1. The ethical implications of Nestle's aggressive marketing strategies, such as targeting low-income communities or promoting unhealthy products to children.
2. The impact of Nestle's focus on cost-cutting and efficiency on product quality and customer satisfaction.
3. The effectiveness of Nestle's strategy of acquiring smaller companies and brands to diversify its product portfolio.
4. The controversy surrounding Nestle's water bottling operations in drought-stricken areas.
5. The balance between Nestle's profit maximization goals and its responsibility to stakeholders, including employees, customers, and the environment.

These topics....

I\'m interested in debating corporate level strtaegies of nestle. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 489

Nestlé's Corporate-Level Strategies: Opposing Viewpoints

Nestlé, a global food and beverage company, has employed various corporate-level strategies to achieve growth and sustain its market dominance. While these strategies have been largely successful, there are opposing viewpoints on their long-term implications and effectiveness.

Viewpoint 1: Acquisition-Led Growth

Nestlé's aggressive acquisition strategy has been a key driver of its growth. It has acquired numerous companies, including Gerber, Dreyer's, and Kraft Heinz, to expand its portfolio and gain market share.

Supporting Arguments:

Acquisitions provide immediate access to new markets and distribution channels.
They allow Nestlé to diversify its revenue streams and reduce dependence on specific products or....

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