Emergency esponse
There is an increase in reports of active shooter incidences in many colleges. This calls for the management of colleges to come up with strict measures that will enable them to respond effectively in case of the occurrence of such incidences. An emergency response plan establishes the policies, procedures and organizational structure for response incase an emergency that can cause a disruption of the college activities occurs (Nicoletti, Spencer-Thomas, Bollinger, 2010. ) The paper will give a description of the basic considerations which should always be included when developing response elements for a campus emergency response plan in a college with 3000 students that is located in a suburban setting incase of an active shooter incident.
Situational Assessments
It is important to ensure that there are guidelines on how the situation can be assessed. This will include what to look out for in order to establish whether the situation is risky…...
There are various resources that will be required to curb such a situation. This includes telephones, halls and policemen. The institutions should ensure that the students can access a telephone where they can call for help if such an incidence occurs. A common secure hall should be build where the students can seek refuge. Finally policemen should be at their disposal so that they can counter the active shooter.
Communication is very important in such a situation. This will make it easy to alert other people who might not be aware of the presence of the active shooter. The communication can be done through making calls silently to the administration or dialing 911 to report the emergency.
Incident Command Center (Emergency Operations Center)
10). They also provide resources and supplies to those working with the department of health. The liaison officer must ensure that all agency policies, procedures and sovereignty are respected by all involved in the relief effort.
The public health nurse is expected to liaise with members of the public who are injured or traumatized by the events related to the disaster. The nurse is also expected to help provide for those in need of regular or immediate medications or vaccinations. Those in a state of fragile health need particular guidance when their support systems are compromised by the disaster.
The chain of command involved in the simulation included Chris Newhouse as the EOC Commander, who worked with five people in the positions of Safety Officer, Liaison Officer, Public Information Officer, Legal Officer, and EOC Coordinator. Directly subordinate to these positions were the Operations, Chief, Logistics Chief, Financial/Admin Chief, and Planning/Intelligence Chief.…...
Lister, S.A. (2005, Sep. 21). Hurricane Katrina: The Public health and Medical Response. CRS Report for Congress. Retrieved from: http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/54255.pdf
Powers, R. (n.d.). Introduction to Disasters and Disaster Nursing. Retrieved from: http://www.wadem.org/documents/chapter_one.pdf
Qureshi, K., Gebbie, K.M., and Gebbie, E.N. (2005, Oct.). PHICS Volume 2: A Guide for the Management of Emergencies or Other Unusual Incidents within Public Health Agencies. Public Health Incident Command System. Retrieved from: http://www.njcphp.org/legacy/drup/sites/default/files/PHICS_vol1_2005.pdf
Community's Emergency esponse
Monroe County, New York
The relevance of an effective and well formulated emergency response plan cannot be overstated. This is particularly the case given that today, unlike was the case a few decades ago, the United States is a key target of extremist groups seeking to advance their twisted agenda. Events such as the 9/11 terror event and the Anthrax Attack remind us that preparedness and disaster management are key.
In this discussion, I focus on Monroe County's response to pandemic influenza. As per the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan of the county, response, on this front, "begins when there is a real threat or a perceived threat" (Office of Emergency Management, Monroe Country, 2009).
Weakness 1: Integration of Health Facilities into Disaster esponse Operations
To begin with, Monroe County's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan does not take into consideration or identify the need to integrate health facilities such as clinics and hospitals into…...
Florida Division of Emergency Management (2014). Arlington County After-Action Report (AAR) on the Response to the September 11 Terrorist Attack on the Pentagon. Retrieved from http://www.floridadisaster.org/publications/Arl_Co_AAR.pdf
Office of Emergency Management, Monroe Country (2009). Responding to Pandemic Influenza. Retrieved from http://www2.monroecounty.gov/files/ps/oem/Responding%20to%20Pandemic%20Influenza%20Appendix%204-27-09.pdf
U.S. Department of Justice -- Office of Justice Programs, 2013. Learning from 9/11: Organizational Change in the New York City and Arlington County, Va., Police Departments. Retrieved from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/227346.pdf
UK's emergency response and recovery plan on statutory guidance accompanying the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (last updated October 2013, version 5) which is intended to improve the country's ability to absorb, respond to and recover from manmade and natural disasters and various types of emergency situations. Although many analysts believe the UK's emergency response and recovery plan is adequate for its purposes, some critics charge that it fails to provide guidelines for the private sector that are an essential part of the recovery process. To determine the facts, the evaluation of the UK's emergency response and recovery plan that follows below in Part A draws on relevant guidance in the peer-reviewed, scholarly, popular press and governmental literature concerning best practices in emergency planning. The evaluation and review of the UK's emergency response and recovery plan are followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion.
Abbas, T (2007). Islamic Political Radicalism: A European Perspective. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
Cahill, KM (2010). Even in Chaos: Education in Times of Emergency. New York: Fordham
"Emergency response and recovery" (2010). UK Government: Cabinet Office. [online]
available: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/emergency-response-and-
Community Emergency esponse
Private sector
Private sector refers to organizations that are run by private groups or individuals. This is sometimes referred to as the citizen sector since it includes organizations that are largely out of government control. This term also encompasses non-profit organizations that are in place to offer emergency services that are critical, for instance American ed Cross and also businesses with resources to contribute. The private sector, both profit and nonprofit, have a role to play when it comes to transportation disasters. The private sector bears a great number of casualties as well as emergency costs, in an event of a transportation disaster and in most cases respond immediately in cases of transportation disasters. These include giving first aid to the casualties on the site of the accident. They also cover transportation costs of the injured from the accident site to the hospitals where they will receive further treatment.…...
FEMA, (2013). Disaster Sequence of Events. Retrieved March 19, 2013 from http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/downloads/is208SDMUnit3.pdf
Thummarukudy, M. (2010). Community participation in disaster management. Retrieved March 19, 2013 from http://www.mathrubhumi.com/english/movies/discussion/97555/
WMDs and Emergency Response
Although it is still fresh, the most recent major terrorist incident was the most severe: the attack on the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City and on the Pentagon. Thousands of people died on September 11, 2001, but the severity of the terrorist attack is not only based on the total number of casualties. The attacks on the United States by Al Qaeda on September 11 were the most severe of the past decade because of the long-term implications of the attack. The world did change after that day, as the United States completely reworked its foreign policy approach and its domestic affairs as well. New security departments in the federal government have been created; intelligence agencies have been revamped, and new laws have been passed in the name of the national security. These laws, including the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act, have resulted in a…...
For example, a person barricaded in a bank after trying to rob it has different motives and priorities than someone who has kidnapped their child and is holed up in a house. The tactics will have to be different because what is driving the actions and how much the value the life and well-being of their hostage also varies a lot. A well-versed forensic psychologist should be on-site for any such crisis and should be giving advice to hostage negotiators and the police on the ground including SWAT and so forth.
Another common scenario for ET's where a forensic psychologist would come into play would be when children witness crimes and are thus traumatized or otherwise silenced including intimidation by parents and so forth. The science and tactics that would be used in such an instance when a perpetrator is on the run or in contact with children such as…...
Calabrese, E. (2013, May 7). Family members of accused Ohio kidnappers helped search for missing Gina DeJesus in 2004 - NYPOST.com. New York Post - New
York News | Gossip | Sports | Entertainment | Photos. Retrieved August 8, 2013,
from http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/family_members_gina_accused_
Case Study: Federal/State/Local Collaboration Networks in Disasters1The period of creative federalism was a period of increased federal and state collaboration in the United States during the 1950s and into the 1960s. This period was characterized by the federal government taking a more active role in areas such as welfare, housing, education, and public works, while the state and local governments collaborated more closely with the federal government (Warner, 1970). During this period, the federal government and state governments cooperated to create new programs and services that would help stimulate the economy and improve the quality of life for citizens.The question of whether national goals should take precedence, as they did during the period of "creative federalism", or if states and local officials should have greater flexibility to decide where their funds are best allocated is one that has been widely debated. Proponents of national goals argue that such directives promote…...
McEntire, D. A., Fuller, C., Johnston, C. W., & Weber, R. (2002). A comparison of disaster paradigms: The search for a holistic policy guide. Public administration review, 62(3), 267-281.
Perry, R. W., & Lindell, M. K. (2003). Preparedness for emergency response: guidelines for the emergency planning process. Disasters, 27(4), 336-350.
Warner, R. R. (1970). The concept of creative federalism in the Johnson administration. American University.
Emergency Management
Hurricane Andrew made landfall in South Florida in August, 1992. Andrew had already devastated parts of the Caribbean, killing three in the Bahamas en route to Florida. Andrew struck just south of Miami, at Homestead, but did significant damage in Miami and the rest of South Florida. Hurricane Andrew killed 23 people in Florida and caused $26.5 billion in damage, mostly due to winds (ubin, 2012). The disaster was declared as a hurricane, since the damage was primary due to the winds.
The President at the time was George H.W. Bush. The FEMA Director was Wallace Stickney, but Bush appointed Secretary of Transportation Andrew Card to head the recovery effort. This was a deficiency in the response, because Card had no experience in disaster management, and moreover created problems for FEMA. One thing he did was to insist that FEMA pay money directly to people, rather than utilize the channels…...
FEMA (2012). Hurricane Andrew 20th anniversary is a reminder to prepare for emergencies. Federal Emergency Management Administration. Retrieved May 31, 2015 from https://www.fema.gov/news-release/2012/08/22/hurricane-andrew-20th-anniversary-reminder-prepare-emergencies
Pear, R. (1992). Hurricane Andrew: Breakdown seen in U.S. storm aid. New York Times. Retrieved May 31, 2015 from http://www.nytimes.com/1992/08/29/us/hurricane-andrew-breakdown-seen-in-us-storm-aid.html
Rubin, C.B. (Ed.). (2012). Emergency management: The American experience 1900-2010 (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL:CRC Press.
Crisis Management
Crisis management refers to the process of comprehensive risk assessment and strategic planning. A Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) provides proactive strategies for mitigating risk and managing crises through effective mobilization of human, financial, and technological resources, coordination of different support agencies and allies, and the implementation of recovery and response missions. There is no one central crisis management protocol, for each organization or community will have its own specific risks and resources (“Crisis Management and Emergency Response Plans,” n.d.). The CERT team works within the parameters of its community contingencies.
Emergency Management
Emergency management refers to specific plans for responding to specific emergencies. While not all emergencies can be fully planned for, and unexpected situations will arise, CERT teams are trained and equipped to provide emergency management services for preventing fatalities, minimizing injuries, reducing loss and damage to property, reducing the environmental hazards resulting from an emergency, and promoting a quick…...
Role of National Strategies in Emergency Operations Plan
Emergency and disaster planning is a process that entails development of a cooperative, coordinated process of dealing with urgent situations using available resources. Generally, this process is exploratory in nature and culminates in development of a plan that offers general procedures for management of unforeseen impacts. According to Alexander (2015), emergency planning basically entails preparing systematically for probable contingencies in the future such as major disasters and incidents. When creating emergency operation plans (EOPs), national strategies like the National Response Framework (NRF) and National Incident Management System (NIMS) should be taken into consideration. These national strategies provide guidance and a framework for creation of emergency operations plan. This paper reviews the NRF, NIMS and NECP in terms of their most useful elements for the county’s emergency management plan.
Brief Review of the NRF, NIMS and NECP
The National Response Framework (NRF) is a national strategy…...
Additionally, 60% of all motor vehicle deaths occur in rural areas.
Several 'action plans' could address this problem. First of all, clinical community care-style settings staffed with nurses could dispense primary care, ideally at a subsidized cost. A cheaper 'per item' cost might actually be more financially feasible for largely uninsured communities, than paying to have the bureaucracy of health insurance and administrative staff. The staff could be specifically trained in the needs of the community, whether this was primary care or agriculturally-related injuries. The clinics could offer some emergency care, or act as transportation hubs to hospitals when necessary. Doctors, in exchange for medical school tuition reimbursement, could staff the clinics, or doctors could make scheduled appearances at the clinic, on a rotating basis.
orks Cited
Rural emergency response: The safety and health safety net (2001). National Ag Safety
Database. (NASD). Retrieved February 17, 2009 at…...
mlaWorks Cited
Rural emergency response: The safety and health safety net (2001). National Ag Safety
Database. (NASD). Retrieved February 17, 2009 at http://www.cdc.gov/nasd/docs/d001701-d001800/d001781/d001781.html
esponse to Amber YoungThere is a strong link between emergency management and the field of public health. It is increasingly essential for professionals from these two fields to work together given the increased need to promote the safety of civilians, communities, and government. I agree with you that Healthcare Informatics would be a beneficial course to offer for emergency responders. The course provides a framework for integrating healthcare practices into emergency management and for the collaboration between professionals from these two fields. Insights obtained from this course demonstrate that emergency management is a much more complicated field. I believe that the future of public health preparedness and emergency response will be characterized by the increased use of technology (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). In addition, you should have discussed how increased collaboration between public health professionals and emergency responders will characterize the future of emergency management.esponse to Courtney…...
mlaReferenceCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Capabilities. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website: https://www.cdc.gov/cpr/readiness/00_docs/CDC_PreparednesResponseCapabilities_October2018_Final_508.pdf
esponse to Jessica WilliamsThe major impact of technology in the field of public health relates to how public health data is shared and managed (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2017). There are various ways through which technology is adopted in healthcare preparedness and emergency response including through geographic information systems (GIS). As you pointed out in your article, these systems primarily help in the analysis of information and displaying geographically referenced information. GIS can be utilized in the field of public health to track the geography, risk factors, at-risk populations, and disease hot spots. While your article highlights the role of GIS in the management of public health information, it does not show how it can be employed in healthcare preparedness and emergency response. Given its use to display geographically referenced information, GIS can be used as a mapping tool in emergency response. This would help enhance rescue efforts through better situational…...
mlaReferenceMastrian, K.G. & McGonigle, D. (2017). Informatics for health professionals. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
Emergency Plan
Business Name: MWV located in Covington VA
Number of Employees 190
Emergency management plan entails a system of managing resources, information analysis and decision making in the event of a tornado hitting the facility (Hubbard, 2009). The emergency management plan acts a guide to the responsible personal, the staff and residents within the facility on the steps to take upon the occurrence of a tornado. The emergency plan gives a description of the role that the pre-appointed Emergency Management Group (EMG) is expected to carry out in the event of a tornado. The Emergency Management group will serve as the overall authority over the activities in the facility relating to the occurrence of a tornado.
The emergency management policy is to ensure the safety of every individual within the facility and bring the facility to normal operations after an accident.
The head of the Emergency Management group is an appointed Incident Commander (IC)…...
Hubbard, C. o. (2009). Emergency Response, Windshield Survey; Hubbard, . City of Hubbard Oregon.
Safety, C. f C.P. (2002). American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Guidelines for Technical Planning for On-Site Emergencies. . New York: CCPS-AICHE.
Yes, there are several essay topics that can present opposing viewpoints on the issue of school shootings. Some possible topics include:
1. Gun control laws: Should stricter gun control laws be implemented to prevent school shootings, or does the right to bear arms outweigh the potential risks?
2. Mental health services: Should more resources be allocated to providing mental health services in schools to identify and address potential threats of school shootings, or is this an invasion of privacy and stigmatizing those with mental health issues?
3. School security measures: Should schools invest in increased security measures such as armed guards, metal detectors,....
Thesis statement: If mental health workers responded to emergency calls alongside law enforcement personnel, individuals in crisis situations would receive more appropriate and effective care, ultimately reducing the likelihood of escalation and promoting better long-term mental health outcomes.
To support this thesis, the research could delve into the current challenges faced by law enforcement in responding to mental health crises, such as lack of training, limited resources, and potential escalation of situations. By comparing the outcomes of crisis interventions involving mental health workers versus only law enforcement, the thesis could demonstrate the benefits of a more holistic and compassionate approach to....
Title: Exploring the Impact of Mental Health Workers Responding to Emergency Calls
Mental health crises often lead to emergency calls, resulting in police or emergency medical services (EMS) interventions. However, these responders may not have the expertise or training to adequately address mental health issues, potentially escalating situations and causing harm. This thesis investigates the potential benefits and challenges of having mental health workers respond to specific emergency calls, aiming to improve outcomes for individuals in crisis.
Chapter 1: Literature Review
a) Review existing research on the current state of emergency response to mental health crises.
b) Examine the limitations of traditional police and....
1. The Evolving Trends in Adventure Tourism:
Explore the emerging trends and innovations shaping adventure tourism worldwide. Discuss how technology, sustainability, and changing consumer preferences are transforming the industry, including topics like virtual reality experiences, eco-friendly practices, and the rise of niche adventure travel.
2. Adventure Tourism and Local Communities:
Examine the impact of adventure tourism on local communities, both positive and negative. Discuss how tourism can empower local economies, promote cultural exchange, and contribute to conservation efforts. Conversely, analyze potential challenges such as environmental degradation, overtourism, and the need for responsible tourism practices.
3. Risk Management and Safety in Adventure Tourism:
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