Embryo Essays (Examples)

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Embryo Ovum Donation Embryo and
Pages: 9 Words: 2884

A range of side effects has been reported in donors undergoing all of the above. Donation also makes demands on a donor's time, energy, and emotions. (Burfoot, 1999, p. 269)
For women who are receiving IVF, with their own Ova these side effects and ensuing risks are likely to be palatable, as the lasting effect if all goes well is a full term healthy child. For Ova donors the incentive of a pure, altruistic act might not be enough to allow her to make a discernible decision of sacrifice vs. reward, and this would likely be particularly true in the case of young women, who are less likely to have experience with infertility and who relatively recently experienced the hormonal turmoil of puberty, which is comparatively minor, as noted by some, to the artificial hormonal syncing and stimulating that occurs prior to Ovum retrieval. Ehrensaft stresses throughout her work that…...



Bender, L. (2003). Genes, Parents, and Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Arts, Mistakes, Sex, Race, & Law. Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, 12(1), 1.

Burfoot, a. (Ed.). (1999). Encyclopedia of Reproductive Technologies. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Embryo Adoption on Increase; Donors Help Other Infertile Couples Build Families. (2006, November 29). The Washington Times, p. A03.

Ehrensaft, D. (2005) Mommies, daddies, donors, surrogates: answering tough questions and building strong families. New York: Guilford Press.

Embryo and Stem Cell
Pages: 4 Words: 1143

Embryo and Stem Cell Therapy
There are numerous studies which have investigated the potential benefits of embryonic stem cell therapy in restoring central nervous system function and other functions in humans with impaired cellular function.

In the article "Dopamine neurons derived from embryonic stem cells function in an animal model of Parkinson's disease" the author's objectives are to investigate stem cell therapy as a plausible treatment for Parkinson's disease using animal subjects. esearchers have widely held the belief that embryonic stem cell research would be useful in alleviating the symptoms of Parkinson's. The disease itself typically results according to the authors when midbrain neurons are lost, particularly those neurons that synthesize dopamine, and important neurotransmitter.

Embryonic stem cells can generate dopamine, thus the authors propose that they become the basis for cell therapies. The scope of the study is limited to examination of stem cell function and dopamine production in animal test subjects.




Kim, J.H., Auerbach, J.M., Rodriguez-Gomez, J.A., Velasco, I., Gavin, D., Lumelsky, N.,

Lee, S.H., Nguyen, J., Sanchez-Pernaute, R., Bankiewicz, K. & McKay, R. (2002). "Dopamine neurons derived from embryonic stem cells function in an animal model of Parkinson's disease." Nature, 418: 50-56. 30, November 2004: Available: http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v418/n6893/full/nature00900_fs.html

Niwa, H. (2001). "Molecular mechanism to maintain stem cell renewal of ES Cells." Cell

Struct. Funct., 26: 137-148. 2, December, 2004:  http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/csf/26/3/137/_pdf

Zygote to Embryo to Fetus
Pages: 5 Words: 1760

Within this illogical temporal continuum, though, exists a clearly defined 280-day gestation period in which humans develop from a zygote to fully formed animals capable of existing outside of the womb. In fact, the moral permissibility of abortion appears to exist precisely along this continuum, with the moral permissibility being graphed on the y axis and the numbers of days of gestation on the x axis. Taken to each of their irrational extremes, the twinkle in the parents' eyes could be said to be the beginning of conception, and the months could be extended to actual emancipation and formal recognition as an adult citizen in a given society and children could be "aborted" if they were flawed for whatever reason until this point was reached (this Spartans used this approach) or even well into adulthood (as the Nazis did). In the final analysis, an enlightened society will seek to…...



Etherington, K. (2000). Anatomica. Willoughby, NSW: Global Book Publishing.

Harrison, B.W. (1993). Our right to choose: Toward a new ethic of abortion. Boston: Beacon


Hursthouse, R. (1991, Summer). Virtue theory and abortion. Philosophy & Public Affairs, 20(3),

Ethics Surrounding Human Embryonic Stem
Pages: 14 Words: 5907

Although these stem cells are only a few years old, they possess unlimited potential in terms of clinical research. Specifically, scientists are focusing their potential uses in transplant medicine in order to significantly reduce the level of both infections and overall organ rejection in organ transplant surgery.
The potential for using stem cells is of vast clinical and medical importance. These cells could potentially allow scientists to learn what occurs at the cellular and molecular levels of human development and use this information to identify certain molecular pathways that contribute to a variety of conditions. Furthermore, using these stem cells could also allow scientists to discover the genes that are triggered in response to certain cellular conditions that cause rapid, unchecked cell growth or irregular cellular patterns. Additionally, using stem cells to discover certain genetic conditions will lend immense amount of information to the scientists and afford researchers the opportunity…...



Bellomo, M. (2006). The Stem Cell Divide: The Facts, the Fiction, and the Fear Driving the Greatest Scientific, Political, and Religious Debate of Our Time. New York: Amacom.

Bevington, Linda K., Ray G. Bohlin, Gary P. Stewart, John F. Kilner, and C. Christopher Hook. Basic Questions on Genetics, Stem Cell Research and Cloning: Are These Technologies Okay to Use? Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2002.

Carrier, Ewa, and Gracy Ledingham. 100 Questions & Answers about Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2004.

DeGette, Diana. Sex, Science, and Stem Cells: Inside the Right Wing Assault on Reason. Guilford, CT: Lyons, 2008.

Healthcare Discussion Response Embryonic Stem
Pages: 1 Words: 398

Discussion Response: Abortion don't think abortion should be ethical dilemma for 'Americans,' but only for the American women contemplating an abortion. No woman (or at least, hardly any woman) considers having an abortion lightly. It is a personal, not a political decision. No government can make a decision that a woman must go through the pain, stress, and emotional and physical trauma of an unwanted pregnancy. But no father can, either. Could a father compel a woman he impregnated to risk her life, but not his, in a pregnancy (because all pregnancies carry some risk)? Could he force a woman to have an abortion she did not want, because he did not want to have a child? After birth, the parents have equal rights over the life of their child. But before birth, in a world where visibly unwed mothers are still prohibited in some areas from going to the…...

History of Embryology
Pages: 10 Words: 3099

History Of Embryology
The field of heredity includes three disciplines: embryology, regeneration, and genetics. Discussions of genetics necessarily entail a theory of development, and any theory of development must show how the eggs of different species develop in different ways. The hereditary theories of illiam Keith Brooks or August eismann did not distinguish separate genetic and embryological domains (Pereda and Motta). The developmental mechanics of His, Roux and Driesch likewise contained explicit genetic components whereby the hereditary determinants thought to reside either within the cytoplasm or inside the nucleus were seen to direct the processes of organ formation and cell differentiation.

The split between genetics and embryology emerged gradually, largely through the investigations of Thomas Hunt Morgan and his laboratory (Murillo-Gonzalez). hereas most American and German experimental embryologists followed Boveri in thinking that the nucleus was the site of the hereditary determinants, Morgan was convinced that these determinants lay in the cytoplasm.…...


Works Cited

Burian, R.M., et al. "Selected Bibliography on History of Embryology and Development." Hist Philos Life Sci 22.3 (2000): 325-33.

Churchill, F.B. "The Rise of Classical Descriptive Embryology." Dev Biol (N Y 1985) 7 (1991): 1-29.

Horder, T.J. "The Organizer Concept and Modern Embryology: Anglo-American Perspectives." Int J. Dev Biol 45.1 (2001): 97-132.

Kuratani, S., S. Kuraku, and Y. Murakami. "Lamprey as an Evo-Devo Model: Lessons from Comparative Embryology and Molecular Phylogenetics." Genesis 34.3 (2002): 175-83.

Bioethical Dilemma Research With Embryonic
Pages: 2 Words: 824

2). Stem cells "can theoretically differentiate into virtually any type of human cell, from blood cells to skin cells" (AAAS, 2009). Besides, "in the natural reproductive process, human eggs are often fertilized but fail to implant in the uterus" (AAAS, 2009).
From an ethical standpoint, proponents of stem cell research also argue that embryos are going to 'waste.' "Fertilization clinics routinely create more human embryos than are needed over the course of a fertility treatment, and are therefore left with excess embryos that are often simply discarded" (AAAS, 2009). Some individuals who are philosophically opposed to both abortion and artificial reproductive technology believe so long as such practices are legal the remaining embryos should be used to have at least some impact upon the improvement of human life. Other "opponents object to this argument, however, saying that such research would still condone the destruction of embryos" and encourage more 'waste,' although…...



AAAS Policy Brief: Stem Cell Research. (2009). AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science). Retrieved June 16, 2010 at  http://www.aaas.org/spp/cstc/briefs/stemcells/#ethical 

Eustice, Carol & Richard Eustice. (2006, November 17). Stem cell research: Understanding the issue. About.com Guide. Retrieved June 16, 2010 at  http://arthritis.about.com/od/stemcell/i/stemcells.htm 

Genesis. (2010). Bible.com. Retrieved June 16, 2010 at http://www.bibleontheweb.com/Bible.asp

Stem cell basics. (2010). National Institute of Health. (NIH). Retrieved June 16, 2010 at  http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics5.asp

Embryos and Fetuses in Research
Pages: 1 Words: 457

3. Embryonic stem cells can be used to help human beings who suffer from debilitating diseases for which no other solution offers hope. For this reason alone, the research should be legal, considering that the embryos from which the stem cells are derived cannot be shown to possess any type of noticeable consciousness. There is no moral reason to favor the use of animals in medical research over the use of embryonic stem cells, considering that the former are fully developed creatures who clearly have the potential to feel pain, whereas the latter demonstrate little more than potentiality. Furthermore, most embryonic stem cells are culled from discarded tissues used for in vitro fertilization. If in vitro fertilization is legal then so too should be the proper use of the leftover cell mass.

orks Cited

Human Reproduction and Development. (2004). Retrieved 22 Sept 2005, from the Ipui Department of Biology eb Site: http://www.biology.iupui.edu/biocourses/N100/2k4ch39repronotes.html



Works Cited

Human Reproduction and Development. (2004). Retrieved 22 Sept 2005, from the Ipui Department of Biology Web Site: http://www.biology.iupui.edu/biocourses/N100/2k4ch39repronotes.html

Irving, Dianne N. (2005). Framing the Debates on Human Cloning and Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Pluripotent vs. TOTIPOTENT. Retrieved 22 Sept 2005 at  http://www.lifeissues.net/writers/irv/irv_100debatecloning1.html 

Kischer, C. Ward. (2004). Human Development and Reconsideration of Ensoulment. Retrieved 22 Sept 2005 at  http://www.lifeissues.net/writers/kisc/kisc_10humandevelopment.html

Aristotelian and Kantian Perspectives on Gene Editing Embryos
Pages: 4 Words: 1063

CISP Gene Editing: EthicsThe moral permissibility of genetically modifying embryos and allowing them to take to term is a complex and highly debated issue. Some argue that genetic modification of embryos can be a valuable tool for improving human health and well-being, and that it is therefore morally permissible to allow genetically modified embryos to take to term. Others, however, argue that genetic modification of embryos raises serious ethical concerns, and that it is therefore morally impermissible to allow genetically modified embryos to take to term.Arguments for this practice are that, first of all, it has the potential to reduce the occurrence of genetic diseases and disorders. Second, it could lead to better quality of life for those with existing genetic issues (BBC, 2019). Another factor in justifying it is that it could lead to improved treatments and cures for a range of medical conditions. It is also argued that…...


ReferencesBBC. (2019). China jails \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'gene-edited babies\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' scientist for three years. Retrieved from   D. (2020). What CRISPR-baby prison sentences mean for research. Nature, 577(7789), 154-156.Cyranoski, D., & Ledford, H. (2018). Genome-edited baby claim provokes international outcry. Nature, 563(7731), 607-609.da Silva, R. L. P., & Viana, J. M. (2019). The bioethical aspects of the new eugenics. Saúde Ética & Justiça, 24(2), 50-56.Politi, V., & Grinbaum, A. (2020). The distribution of ethical labor in the scientific community. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 7(3), 263-279.Raposo, V. L. (2019). The first Chinese edited babies: a leap of faith in science. JBRA assisted reproduction, 23(3), 197.Wyly, E. (2021). The Evolution of Geographic Thought. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 112(5), 491-525.https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-50944461 Cyranoski,

Selecting the Perfect Baby
Pages: 2 Words: 636

Ethics of Embryo Design
Selecting the Perfect Baby

With all the recent advances in science and technology, there are new options for couples looking to get pregnant. This includes not only first time couples who have had trouble getting pregnant, but also couple looking to design their perfect baby using science to pick out the most desired genetic markers. This is the choice given to the Shannons, who are looking to have certain genetic markers in their next child to avoid a diagnosis of fanconi anemia that their older child has, as well as to provide a potential future match for a bone marrow donor for their current daughter, Sally.

Thus, the Shannons are looking into the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) procedure. According to the research, this procedure is "a technique that enables people with a specific inherited condition in their family to avoid passing it on to their children. It involves checking…...



American Pregnancy Association. (2013). Preimplantation genetic diagnosis: PGD. Infertility. Web.  http://americanpregnancy.org/infertility/preimplantationgeneticdiagnosis.html 

Human Fertilization & Embryo Authority. (2014). Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). Treatment and Storage Options. Web. http://www.hfea.gov.uk/preimplantation-genetic-diagnosis.html

A R T Assisted Reproductive Technology Has
Pages: 10 Words: 2838

The majority of women can return to their normal routine the next day ("In Vitro Fertilization"). In most cases total bed rest is not required unless there is some risk associated with the development of OHSS ("In Vitro Fertilization").
The NIH further explains that women who utilize IVF must take the hormone progesterone for at least two months following the embryo transfer ("In Vitro Fertilization"). The hormone is taken through daily shots or pills. Progesterone is a naturaly produced hormone produced that assists in thickenign the lining of the uterus ("In Vitro Fertilization"). This thickening makes it easier for the embryo to implant to the wall of the uterus. If there is ot enough progesterone the woman will miscarry ("In Vitro Fertilization").

In additon to the risks associated with this type of reproductive technology, IVF is very expensive ("In Vitro Fertilization"). The NIH explains that many states require that insurance companies…...



Becker, G. (2000). The Elusive Embryo: How Women and Men Approach New Reproductive Technologies. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Bleiklie, I., Goggin, M.L., & Rothmayr, C. (Eds.). (2003). Comparative Biomedical Policy: Governing Assisted Reproductive Technologies. London: Routledge. Retrieved Burfoot, a. (Ed.). (1999). Encyclopedia of Reproductive Technologies. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

In Vitro Fertilization. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved March 18 at  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007279.htm 

Sloan, G.A. (1993). Postponing Parenthood: The Effect of Age on Reproductive Potential. New York: Insight Books.

Controversial Bioethical Issues of the
Pages: 5 Words: 1788

Chimpanzees and gorillas can be taught human sign language, and sign with one another even without humans present. (MMMC, 2002) They argue that to use intelligence and compassion as a sliding scale of the right to life would cause many humans to be justified out of existence.
However, even if one accepts that too many animals are experimented upon, and researchers should use other means, it is similarly hard to justify the elimination of all animal experimentation, altogether, as this would have meant the end of such recent drug developments in AIDS research, as well as more questionable animal tests, as for instance, the use of rabbits in cosmetic testing, for which there are acceptable substitutes that do not require animals.

orks Cited

Bayliss, Francoise. (2004) "Our Cells/Ourselves: The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research." Stem Cell Network. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at http://www.stemcellnetwork.ca/research/projects/project04.php

BBC News. (Feb 12, 2004)"Q & A: Cloned Embryos."…...


Works Cited

Bayliss, Francoise. (2004) "Our Cells/Ourselves: The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research." Stem Cell Network. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at  http://www.stemcellnetwork.ca/research/projects/project04.php 

BBC News. (Feb 12, 2004)"Q & A: Cloned Embryos." BBC Official Website. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at  http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3481159.stm 

Bird, Gloria W. And Sporkowuski, Michael J. (1992) Taking Sides. The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. Guilford, CT.

CNN.com. (Feb 12, 2004)" Scientists 'cloned human embryos' CNN News Website. Retrieved 12 Jan 2004 at http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/02/12/science.clone/

Choosing the Sex of an Offspring
Pages: 5 Words: 1702

Gender of a Baby:
The issue on whether parents should be allowed to choose the sex of their baby has been a major controversial issue in the recent past that has attracted huge debates between proponents and opponents of such practice. This issue has received huge attention because of long-term use of Assisted eproductive Technology (AT) to help pregnant women in the United States and across the globe. This technology basically involves the transfer of fertilized human embryos into a woman's uterus through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Advances in Assisted eproductive Technology have contributed to various innovations such as Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, which enables parents to choose prenatally the sex of their offspring (Bumgarner, 2007, p.1289). This technology enables parents to select the sex of their babies through the use of medical techniques. While it is considered as a major breakthrough in reproductive health, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis has been surrounded…...



Bumgarner, A. (2007, June 18). A Right to Choose? Sex Selection in the International Context.

Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy, 14(1289), 1289-1309. Retrieved from http://c-fam.org/docLib/20100421_SSAdukelaw.pdf

Bhatia, R. (2010). Constructing Gender from the Inside Out: Sex-Selection Practice in the United

States. Feminist Studies, 36(2), 260-291.

Stem Cells and Umbilical Cords
Pages: 17 Words: 4604

Scientists have been aware of the existence of these stem cells for many years but have only recently realized the potential medical applications of the cells. More than a decade ago, scientists discovered that if the normal connections between the early cellular progeny of the fertilized egg were disrupted, the cells would fall apart into a single cell progeny that could be maintained in a culture. These dissociated cells, otherwise known as embryonic stem cell lines, continue to divide in culture, producing large numbers of cells at a fast pace. However, these early embryonic cells would lose the coordinated activity.
Scientists quickly discovered that these cells retain the ability to generate a great number of mature cell types in culture if they are provided with appropriate molecular signals (Reaves, 2001). Scientists have made significant progress in discovering these signals and are still working on it. hile it is a difficult task,…...


Works Cited

Colino, Stacey. (2001). Making Sense of Stem Cells. Lifetime.

Prescott, Bonnie. (2001). Animal Study Find Embryonic Stem Cells Can Repair Heart Muscle. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Reaves, Jessica. (2002). The Great Debate Over Stem Cell Research. Time Magazine.

Recer, Paul. (2002). Study says stem cells have fewer mutations than previously thought. AP Online.

Should Parents Be Allowed to Select the Sex of Their Baby
Pages: 5 Words: 1674

Parents be Allowed to Choose their aby's Gender?

Should Parents be Allowed to Choose their aby's Gender?

A revolutionary lab technique, called sperm sorting, can now establish the gender of an offspring (Mail Online, 2013). The sperm carries the sex chromosome of a future child and sorting involves choosing the desired sex chromosome and then inseminating a woman with it. Gender can also be selected by abortion and before the embryonic stage through IVF or in vitro fertilization. Gender selection has been the subject of much debate because of its many consequences (Mail Online).

Artificial insemination consists of inserting concentrated sperm into the uterus to achieve a greater chance of fertilization (Stephens, 2011). Other methods are used to choose the gender of the baby. One is by using a dye on the desired gender from the sperm and then returning the dyed cell into womb. The Ericsson method identifies the…...



Dahl, E. (2003). Ethical issues in new uses of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis:

should parents be allowed to use pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to choose the sexual orientation of their children? Vol. 18 # 7, Human Reproduction. Retrieved on November 11, 2013 from  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12832358 

Knoppers, B.M. et al. (2006). Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis: an overview of socio-

ethical and legal considerations. Vol. 7, Annual Review of Genomic and Human

I am stuck on my argumentative essay about designer babies?
Words: 366

Anytime that you are writing an argumentative essay, the first thing that you want to do is basic research about the topic.  This will help you decide which position you want to take.  You may automatically assume that you should argue the position that you genuinely feel.  However, it can be more effective to choose a position that you do not actually hold.  Keep that in mind while doing your research about designer babies. While the term designer baby gives a high-end label to the process, and it is possible for people....

how the study of human pregnancy advances our understanding of heredity and genetics?
Words: 739

The Study of Human Pregnancy: Advancing Our Understanding of Heredity and Genetics

The study of human pregnancy offers a unique window into the fundamental principles of genetics and heredity. By examining the patterns of inheritance and variation in traits exhibited by parents and their offspring, scientists have gained invaluable insights into the mechanisms that govern human reproduction.

1. Role of Genes and Chromosomes

Pregnancy involves the fusion of a sperm cell and an egg cell, each carrying half of the genetic material necessary to create a new individual. These genetic instructions are encoded within chromosomes, structures found in the nucleus of every cell.


What innovative treatments are being developed to address infertility in women?
Words: 522

1. In vitro maturation (IVM): This technique involves collecting immature eggs from a woman's ovaries, maturing them in a lab, and then fertilizing them with sperm before transferring the embryos to the woman's uterus. IVM can be a less invasive and more cost-effective option for women with certain types of infertility.

2. Ovarian rejuvenation therapy: This experimental procedure involves using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections or growth factors to stimulate the ovaries and potentially improve egg quality and ovarian function in women with diminished ovarian reserve.

3. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation: This technique involves removing and freezing a piece of a woman's....

What is the relationship between skeletal hand development stages and age determination in thesis?
Words: 423

Skeletal Hand Development Stages and Age Determination in Forensic Anthropology
Skeletal hand development stages are valuable indicators for age determination in forensic anthropology. By analyzing the developmental morphology of hand bones, forensic anthropologists can estimate the age of an individual, providing crucial information for medico-legal investigations and anthropological research.
Prenatal Development
Hand development begins during the embryonic period. During the first trimester, the fundamental skeletal structures of the hand, including the carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges, are formed. By the end of the first trimester, the hand has acquired its basic architecture.
Infancy and Childhood
After birth, the hand continues to develop rapidly. The carpals gradually....

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