Diversity in the Elderly Population
There is an abundance of diversity of the newest elderly generation. There is a lack of diversity in the health care coverage for the elderly. This would not exist in the future of health care. It is simply not practical nor ethical to ignore this issue of geriatrics as part of the visualization of the future of health care. Subtracting ethics for those who do not care about the elderly, on a practical level, soon there will be too many elderly around to ignore them and their needs. They will likely become an increasing voice of influence on issues such as this one and others, if only because of their great numbers. Those numbers are projected to continue to escalate.
This author imagines a future of health care where all elderly people have access to free, low cost, or subsidized quality health care. In such a future,…...
America Geriatric Society. (2005). Caring for Older Americans: The Future of Geriatric Medicine. Journal for Aging Geriatric Society, 53(6), S245 -- S256.
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. (2008). Retooling for an Aging America: Building the Health Care Workforce. Web, Available from: ReportBriefRetoolingforanAgingAmericaBuildingtheHealthCareWorkforce.pdf. 2014 February 03.
The Economist Intelligence Unit. (2009). Healthcare strategies for an ageing society. The Economist, Web, Available from: 2014 February 03.http://graphics.eiu.com/upload/eb/Philips_Healthcare_ageing_3011WEB.pdf .
Economics / Chapter 14
The elderly population is prone to polypharmacy, or being prescribed multiple medications to treat one or several medical conditions. Although the prescribing provider(s) have good intentions, the practice of polypharmacy can lead to dangerous or even deadly consequences, particularly in the elderly. This trend is becoming more and more common, leading to questions about at what point does prescribing multiple medications more of a hazard than of any help? And perhaps most importantly, how do we as providers effectively intervene in order to address this concern?
ecent figures have shown that 6.5% of in-patient hospital admissions stem from adverse drug reactions. Of those adverse reactions, 72% are identified as ones that could definitely or possibly have been avoided (Anguita, 2011). This is of particular concern in the elderly, who are a patient population with higher incidence of multiple health problems, more prone to drug-drug interactions, errors in dosing…...
Sergi, G. Sarti, S. & Manzato, E. (2011). Polypharmacy in the elderly: Can comprehensive geriatric assessment reduce inappropriate medication use? Current Opinion, 28, 509-518.
Jyrkka, J., Enlund, H., Sulkava & Hartikainen, S. (2009). Polypharmacy status as an indicator of mortality in an elderly population. Drugs and Aging, 26. 1039-1045.
Anguita, M. (2011). Polypharmacy: Is it a risk that will cost dearly? Nursing Prescribing, 28.
For this reason pro bono services are available.
Many senior citizens also qualify for legal aid. Legal aid is a program for all Americans who live below the poverty line, including senior citizens. Legal Aid is funded by the Legal Services organization, a department of the federal government ("What is LSC?"). This aspect of the federal government was created in 1974 to assist low income individuals with civil litigation issues. According to the official website of the organization most clients are women and the elderly ("What is LSC?"). In many cases legal aid assist people with family issues including guardianship issues. Legal aid is readily available through this program an 138 local programs, and provides services in every Congressional district and county in the country ("What is LSC?").
In addition to federal programs there are also programs throughout the country founded by lawyers to assist the elderly with different types of…...
Community Resources for Older Adults": Chapter 13 Legal Services.
Legal help for senior citizens." Retrieved August 8, 2008 at http://seniors-site.com/legalm/lawyer.html
Legal Services of South Central Michigan." Retrieved August 8, 2008 at http://www.lsscm.org/
What is LSC?." Retrieved August 8, 2008 at http://www.lsc.gov/about/lsc.php
Introduction The elderly population, like every other population in the world today, can benefit from changes that have occurred in the world thanks to technological revolutions. The Internet, for instance, has allowed a virtual world to emerge that rivals the real world in terms of social opportunities. News spreads instantly thanks to the Internet, and people can communicate with one another and retrieve information more easily today than at any point in human history. Technology can thus be used to address some of the changes and challenges within the elderly population today. Those changes and challenges include changes in environment as the population moves into assisted living and combating isolation and depression, which can occur in this population. Likewise, because of the nature of the globalized world it is more likely that this population will be more diverse than it has been in the past, which means there will be a…...
Advocacy Project
Proposal Summary
The proposal was to work with Dr. Patrick Khoo of HK Cares, a foundation in Hong Kong, China, where I would be on duty for 5 hours a day for a week. The service I aimed to provide was to visit hospitals in order to care for the elderly population in these facilities. By entertaining them, looking after them, reading to them, and helping them with whatever they needed, my goal was to relieve the disease burden on society and provide the elderly population in hospitals with a greater quality care experience through extra attention on my part.
Summary of What Took Place
First, I wrote a letter explaining the needs of the elderly population and why it was important for members of the community to devote some time to helping them with their needs. I cited a study by Landeiro, Barrows, Musson, Gray and Leal (2017) which focused on…...
Introduction Ageism, isolation, and misconceptions about gerontology are all issues that the vulnerable elderly population faces (Brojeni, Ilali, Taraghi & Mousavinasab, 2019). As Yamada et al. (2015) point out, however, the issue of healthcare disparity and healthcare inequality of the elderly is one of the biggest issues because it underlines all the others: if the elderly population does not even have sufficient access to care, it is unlikely to be able to battle the effects of ageism, isolation or ignorance about gerontology. Healthcare costs have doubled since the 1990s (Yamada et al., 2015), and this puts an added burden on the elderly population, whose resources are finite. Yamada et al. (2015) put it this way: “as healthcare costs rises, more of the increasing costs are transferred to certain disadvantaged populations, and patients would have to spend a considerable share of their healthcare costs out-of-pocket” (p. 1745). In other words, the cost…...
Most of the drug commercials also show the elderly with health concerns and needing help from others. In addition, it is rare to see an elderly contestant on a game show or interviewed on the nightly news, and most commercials star young, healthy, and very vital and attractive young people. When the elderly are featured, it is mostly with health concerns and problems.
Some situation comedies depict the elderly in a better light. For example, in "Everybody Loves Raymond," the two elderly cast members, Peter Boyle and Doris Roberts, are depicted as cranky and eccentric, like many elderly are depicted on TV, but they are also loving, if annoying, parents. They are also funny and warm, and have a mature relationship on the screen. They are funny, but they also add warmth to the show, and great character. It would not seem they were entirely positive, but they certainly are…...
Essay Topic Examples
1. Health Disparities and Social Determinants:
Explore how social determinants like income, education, and environment influence health outcomes across different populations.
2. ublic Health olicy Impact:
Analyze the effectiveness of public health policies in improving population health, focusing on case studies or specific interventions.
3. Technological Advances in opulation Health:
Discuss how technology, including telemedicine and health apps, has transformed the approach to managing and monitoring population health.
4. Aging opulation and Health Services:
Reflect on the challenges and strategies for providing health services to an increasingly aging population.
5. Mental Health as a ublic Health riority:
Examine the integration of mental health into public health frameworks and its implications for overall population health.
Essay Title Examples
1. Navigating Health Inequities: A opulation Health erspective
2. The Role of olicy in Shaping opulation Health Outcomes
3. Digital Health: Revolutionizing opulation Health Management
4. Aging Gracefully: Health Strategies for an Elderly opulation
5. Mental Health Matters: Integrating Wellness into ublic Health
Essay Hook Examples
1. Imagine…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesWorld Health OrganizationUnited Nations Population FundNational Institute of HealthCenters for Disease Control and PreventionInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
In addition, those who are emotionally troubled and who are overweight -- often a contributing factor to emotional difficulties -- do not receive extra counseling time." Seale, Seale & Zhang (2008, p.425) This is a serious concern and one that must be addressed immediately by physicians who are providing care for obese patients.
A lot of revamping has to be done to meet this increased need of obese elderly and this has to be done fast. The numbers are increasing by the day and unless some initiatives are taken right away, it can blow up into a full-fledged catastrophe in the future. The first and foremost step that is required is to change the present healthcare system to make it more effective and efficient. Changes have to be made in the delivery of service as well as payments to make it more accessible to the elderly.
Another important step is to…...
Arterburn, David E. (2004). The Coming Epidemic of Obesity in Elderly Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 52(11). 1907-1912
Odilia I; Bermudez; Tucker, Katherine L. (2001). Total and Central Obesity among Elderly Hispanics and the Association with Type 2 Diabetes. Obesity Research (9), 443 -- 451; doi: 10.1038/oby.2001.58
Thompson, Dennis. (2009, December 31). As U.S. Ages, Health Care May Need to Change. HealthDay Consumer News Service.
Dutton, Drake, D; Engelke. K; McAuliffe, M; Rose, M., (2005). Challenges that nurses face in caring for morbidly obese patients in the acute care setting. Surgery for Obesity and Related
Future of Healthcare as it Relates to the Geriatric Population
Description and Problem Statement
The geriatric population in the United States is growing and compared to the population of health care providers the geriatric population growth is advancing much more rapidly. This presents a problem in making provision of health care to the future geriatric population. While there is a growth in the demand for geriatric health care services, there is not a matching growth in the population of health care providers and in fact, a shortage presently exists.
The population of geriatric patients is experiencing rapid growth while the population of health care providers specifically trained in geriatric medicine is seriously lagging behind. In fact, of the approximately 650,000 medical doctors who are practicing, only a small percentage receives the training and education required to provide geriatric care. Exacerbating the problem is the fact that only three medical schools in the United…...
Bagel, LM (2011) Designs to Support Aging Acute Care Patients. Elder Care. Health Facilities Management. Retrieved from: http://www.hfmmagazine.com/hfmmagazine/jsp/articledisplay.jsp?dcrpath=HFMMAGAZINE/Article/data/04APR2012/0412HFM_FEA_interiors&domain=HFMMAGAZINE
Gottlieb, S. (2013) Medicare Has Stopped Paying Bills For Medical Diagnostic Tests. Patients Will Feel The Effects. Forbes 27 Mar 2013. Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottgottlieb/2013/03/27/medicare-has-stopped-paying-bills-for-medical-diagnostic-tests-patients-will-feel-the-effects/2/
Graverholt, B., et al. (2011) Acute hospital admissions among nursing home residents: a population-based observational study. BMC Health Services Research 2011. Retrieved from: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6963/11/126
Healthcare in America: Trends in Utilization (2004) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/misc/healthcare.pdf
Living Aangements Among the Eldely
This is an eight page pape concening the divesity in living aangements among the eldely. Thee ae six efeences used.
People today ae living longe, which means thee is a lage eldely population in ou society. Thee ae many concens facing the eldely, one of which is housing. The eldely have seveal options available to them and it's inteesting to see how divese they can be.
Befoe we look at the housing options fo the eldely, we should fist exploe the statistics concening the population of this gowing goup. Thee wee ove 35.0 million pesons ove 65 in the United States in 2000. This accounts fo 12.4% of the population o one in evey eight Ameicans. Since 1990, the numbe of eldely has inceased 12.0% in compaison to the 13.3% incease of those unde 65. The statling fact is those aged…...
mlareferences. (accessed 10-20-2002).
http://www.exnet.iastate.edu/Pages/housing/options.html).Greenwald, John. (1999, 30 August). Family: Elder Care: Making the Right Choice
Nursing homes used to be the only stop for seniors who need help. Now there are options. Time. pp. 52+.(Housing and Living Arrangements of the Elderly. (accessed 10-19-2002).
http://www.ilcusa.org/lib/pdf/publicationschapter1.pdf ).
Difficulties that Elderly People Encounter and Their Life Satisfaction," which was published within the scholarly journal Social Behavior and Personality in 2008, social scientists Kasim Karatas and Veli Duyan analyze the level of life satisfaction experienced by elderly residents of the Ankara region of Turkey, while also exploring the various factors which may negatively influence one's life satisfaction. According to the authors, "the purpose of this study was to examine the sociodemographic characteristics of elderly people and the effects that difficulties they encounter in daily life have on their life satisfaction" (2008), with the dually overriding objectives of determining a causal relationship between life satisfaction and either sociodemographic characteristics or hardships experienced. Relying on the tried and true methodology of administering a detailed survey and questionnaire combination, in this case to a sample of 109 females and 76 males between the ages of 60 and 98 living in the…...
Falls in the Elderly
It is no secret that elderly people fall more than people in younger age groups. Each year, approximately one-third of elderly people will experience a fall of some kind (Yoshida, n.d.; Centers, 2013). There are several reasons that this can be the case. The theory here is that balance simply becomes more tenuous as a person ages, and that not all falls in the elderly can be prevented. However, there are racial differences seen in falls, as well. White men experience the largest number of fatal falls, followed by white women, then black men, and black women (Yoshida, n.d.). People who have limited access to health care and other helpful options are also more likely to fall. They may have diseases or conditions that make falling more likely, putting them at risk (Yoshida, n.d.). Additionally, people who live alone and who do not have a lot…...
Blake, A.J., Morgan, K., Bendall, M.J., Dallosso, H., Ebrahim, S.B., Arie, T.H., Fentem, P.H., & Bassey, E.J. (1988). Falls by elderly people at home: Prevalence and associated factors. Age Ageing, 17(6): 365-72.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013). Falls among older adults: An overview. CDC. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/falls/adultfalls.html
Yoshida, S. (n.d.) A global report on falls prevention. Epidemiology of falls. World Health Organization. Retrieved from %20falls%20in%20older%20age.pdfhttp://www.who.int/ageing/projects/1.Epidemiology%20of
Cognitive Disorder in Elderly
Cognitive Disorders in Elderly
Sachiko Furuya
Cognitive Assessment & Lab
Kris Thomas, PhD
The research of this study is related to cognitive, dementia, Alzheimer disease, and depression issues with the elderly populations of the United States and in the world in general. Societies with a large number of elderly people such as the U.S.A. are increasingly focusing their efforts on improving the life standards of these people based on the types of services given to them. The well-being of those on palliative and hospice care is as important as the well-being of the family members of these patients. Although many health issues present themselves during the elder years of any patient, there is a lot of attention paid to cognitive and mood issues in this age group. The disorders and maladies that are relevant to this population include, among others, depression, dementia, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and milder cases of Alzheimer's.…...
American Psycholgical Association (APA) (2010). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. American Psychologists Association.
Abby C. (2010). Physical Activity for an Aging Population. Public Health Reviews, Vol. 32. Retrieved from: http://www.publichealthreviews.eu/upload/pdf_files/8/PHR_32_2_King.pdf
Aklin, W. M., & Turner, S. M. (2006). Toward understanding ethnic and cultural factors in the interviewing process. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 43(1), 50-64.
Poverty is defined as having a meager annual income, insufficient for meeting basic expenditure. esearch has confirmed that older adults, from the age of 65 years and above, when poor, confront immense burden in meeting with their basic housing, food, healthcare and other expenses. Poverty in the elderly populations is a persistent and grave issue in America. Almost 10% of elderly individuals (aged 65 years and above) belong to families with annual income below America's official poverty line, also termed as the federal poverty level (or FPL). An older adult (age- 65+) who lives alone was labeled as a 'poor' individual if his/her annual income before tax amounted to less than 10, 326 dollars, in 2008. Elderly couples having incomes under 13, 014 dollars were labeled as poor. oughly one in every six elderly individuals was nearly poor, or poor, with income less than 125% of FPL; nearly a third…...
Butrica, B.A., Murphy, D.P., & Zedlewski, S.R. (2010). How many struggle to get by in retirement?. The Gerontologist, 50(4), 482-494.
Caldera S. (2009). Social Security: Ten Facts That Matter. Washington, DC: AARP Public
Policy Institute. Retrieved 25 July 2015 from http://assets.aarp.org/rgcenter/econ/fs154_socsec.pdf
Cawthorne A. (2008). Elderly Poverty: The Challenge Before Us. Center for American progress.
Sure! Here are some suggestions for essay topics related to loneliness:
1. The impact of loneliness on mental health and well-being.
2. The role of social media and technology in exacerbating feelings of loneliness.
3. The relationship between loneliness and addiction.
4. Loneliness in the elderly population and potential solutions to combat it.
5. The portrayal of loneliness in literature and film.
6. Loneliness as a universal human experience.
7. The connection between loneliness and creativity.
8. The effects of chronic loneliness on physical health.
9. Strategies for coping with loneliness and building social connections.
10. The link between loneliness and societal factors such as urbanization and individualism.
11. The impact....
1. The impact of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on access to healthcare in the United States
2. The effectiveness of Medicare and Medicaid in providing affordable healthcare to low-income and elderly populations
3. The future of universal healthcare in the United States
4. The role of pharmaceutical companies in rising healthcare costs
5. The importance of mental health coverage in healthcare policies
6. The debate over the privatization of healthcare services
7. The impact of electronic health records on patient care and privacy
8. The implications of genetic testing and personalized medicine on healthcare policy
9. The role of preventative care and public health initiatives in reducing....
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease characterized by cartilage loss, osteophyte formation, and synovial inflammation. It is a leading cause of pain and disability, particularly in the elderly population. The etiology of knee OA is multifactorial, involving both genetic and environmental factors. Pronation, an excessive inward rotation of the foot during gait, has been identified as a potential risk factor for the development of medial knee OA. This study aims to investigate the pedographic and radiographic characteristics of....
Here are some suggestions for Ritalin ethical point of view essay topics:
1. The ethical implications of prescribing Ritalin to children for the treatment of ADHD
2. The ethical considerations of using Ritalin as a performance-enhancing drug in academic and professional settings
3. The ethical implications of Ritalin use in non-medical contexts, such as recreational use or weight loss
4. The ethical dilemmas faced by healthcare providers when deciding whether to prescribe Ritalin to patients
5. The impact of Ritalin use on society, including issues of accessibility, affordability, and potential overprescription
6. The ethical considerations of long-term Ritalin use and its potential effects on physical and....
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