Elder Interview Essays (Examples)

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Elder Interview
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Elder Interview

Place of Meeting: In the elder house.

Identify one communication barrier: The participant indicated that she has suffered two strokes in recent years. Although her speech is clear, she did indicate that at times she has difficulty remembering and that I may need to give her time to fully understand a question.

Describe your perspective of the client's response to the interview: I was happy that she was so alert and receptive to helping me with this project.

State any practical pointers you utilized when communicating with your client: I explained the basis for the interview, thanking her for her time. I spoke slowly and asked for her understanding after every few sentences so that I could gauge how well she comprehended the questions and also establish the best pace for conducting the interview.


What is your first memory from your childhood? I grew up in Mississippi in the 50s.…...

Elder Interview Reminiscing Interview Young
Pages: 2 Words: 655

D showed resilience: "I left my abusive husband to work in a factory in 1965 name Acme Packing Company as a packer on an assembly line. Despite her own fears even today, Mrs. D. said that she still tried to be friendly and to trust people.
Mrs. D. takes great pride in her independence, and still does her own shopping and housekeeping. Mrs. D said that in the long run it was a blessing, because she could always afford to 'keep up' the house, even when times were financially strained while raising a new family. It is not too large for her to take care of herself, and she does not need to move away to an assisted living community, like some of her friends.

Mrs. D. credits her health and longevity to her positive attitude and leading an active life. Mrs. D says that she eats a moderate diet, and…...

Well Elder Interview
Pages: 3 Words: 1324

perceptions about well elders who live independently within the community. Perceptions about well elders tend to skew two ways: some people assume that age equals disability, so that even well-elders are treated as being incapable of self-care, while others fail to recognize that even well-elders face significant health risks. By focusing on a well-elder as an individual, the author used the interview technique to discover the assets and liabilities of a particular well-elder living within the community.
Before interviewing the well elder subject, my perception of a well-elder was an older community member with no significant health issues and substantial family support, so that independent living was not problematic for the individual. Having come from a family that enjoys good health well into old age, I had not given much consideration to the challenges that even a healthy older individual could face. Instead, I viewed age as more of a…...

Elder Learning Service by Taking Part in
Pages: 10 Words: 2815

Elder Learning Service
By taking part in "Elder Learning Service," one can learn much from the experience. In fact, this is becoming a growing phenomenon both academically and within the community itself. All the research points to the positive impact of how much it empowers individuals into becoming better citizens by becoming self-aware of those that are in need. A service learning service was designed for high school students entitled, "Carrying on the Legacy of San Juan's Elders." Many conclusions arose as well as project outcomes for one to consider for any future project.

Service Learning: High School Students Engaged in their Community

The district in which I teach allowed me to do a service learning project with my high school students upon asking permission from the principal of the school. These were my goals when working with each of them. 1) Promote student and elderly intergenerational communication; 2) Improve student understanding of…...



Brown, L.H., & Roodin, P.A. (2001). Service-learning in gerontology: An out-of-classroom experience. Educational Gerontology, 27(1), 89-103.

Furco, A., & Root, S. (2010). Research demonstrates the value of service learning. Phi Delta

Kappan, 91(5), 16-20.

Getahun, Linde J. (2006) Reflections on service learning with the aged. Academic Exchange

Elder Care Case Study
Pages: 5 Words: 1545

Elder Care Case Study
Elder Care - Case Study

The objectives of this study are to discuss how social isolation can affect an older adult's recovery from surgery or illness and to identify safety issues when older adults return home from the hospital after a major illness or surgery. This work will additionally assess the safety of an older adults living environment in a given scenario and determine appropriate discharge placement for an older adult based on a given physical or psychological status. This work will explain how specified psychological factors can play a role in the recovery process. Finally this work will assess the adequacy of the family or caregiver's knowledge of skills necessary to deliver care to an older adult in a given situation and collaborate with a given patient's family to develop a plan of care for an older adult upon discharge from the hospital.

Assessment of the Situation

This patient…...



Sweet, Richard A. (nd) Total Hip Replacement: Rapid Recovery Time Line after Minimally Invasive Surgery. Retrieved from: https://www.louortho.com/documents/THR%20RAPID%20RECOVERY%20MIS%20%20-%20Sweet%20web_1.pdf

Wong, Julia and Wong, Shirley (1999) Criteria for Determining Optimal Time of Discharge after Total Hip Replacement. British Journal of Clinical Governance. Vol. 4 Iss: 4, pp. 135-141.

Scheerlinck, T. et al. (2003) Hip Fracture Treatment: Outcome and Socio-Economic Aspects. A One-Year Survey in a Belgian University Hospital. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, Vol. 69-2 -- 2003. Retrieved from http://www.actaorthopaedica.be/acta/download/2003-2/69_2-scheerlinck.pdf

DeFrances, Carol J. And Podgornik, Michele N. (2006) 2004 National Hospital Discharge Survey. No. 371. 4 May 2006. Advance Data from vital and Health Statistics. CDC. Retrieved from:  http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/ad/ad371.pdf

Interview Was to Learn the Life of
Pages: 5 Words: 1555

interview was to learn the life of Mr. Mike obinson, my 65-year-old retired neighbor from the town next to me, in Sudbury. I selected this person because it will allow me to understand some of the core issues related to aging. My interactions with Mike obinson before this interview were cordial and I believed that his example might shed light on some of the theories of aging we are covering in class. I believe that he is a good example of how aging theories can be applied to help people, because Mr. obinson is aging in a way that is healthy due to his strong social support system and positive attitude on life.
Within this report, I intend to learn about his life conditions as well suggest and inform ways to improve the person's life. After interviewing Mr. obinson on two different occasions, I gained some knowledge on how he…...



Dowd, J.J. (1975). Aging as exchange. Journal of Gerontology 30(5): 584-594

Havighurst, R.J. (1961). Successful aging. The Gerontologist 1(1961): 8-13.

The Health Authority (2010).

Miller, S.M. & Barrow, G.M (2010). Aging, the Individual, and Society. Cengage.

Interview Reflections Was Still Working
Pages: 6 Words: 1610

One of the major things I noticed throughout this interview, both through her answers and her general behavior, was the fact that her body was unable to cope with her extreme work ethic anymore. Although she admits to continuing to work long hours even after she was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, she also admits to the fatigue and general soreness she now overwhelming feels after such a long days work. This would not be a surprising fact in anyone else's perspective, but for a woman with such a drive within her, this could be a devastating beginning of her end, which she can not even take time to prepare for. She still works long hours, and forces herself to deal with the pain of no longer being able to keep up with her ambitions. The pace of the factory where she works has not changed, but her ability to…...



McInnis-Dittrich, Kathleen. (2004). Social work with elders: a biopsychosocial approach to assessment and intervention. Allyn & Bacon.

Interview With a Nurse
Pages: 4 Words: 1403

Public Health Nurse Interview
When it comes to community education and health care, nurses are essential. They provide important services, but they also provide a lot of ongoing support and education. Those are all important aspects of what they do, and can significantly alter and affect a community based on how they are handled. There are three roles that nurses play in a community when it comes to the prevention of health care problems: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Those will be discussed here, along with an interview conducted with Sarah Winters, a nurse who has been working in community education for 35 years. By combining the educational information of various sources with the personal information that can only be provided by interviewing a person in the field, a better understanding of the role and value of the community health nurse can be seen. That provides insight to communities who are exploring…...



D'Antonio, P. (2010). American nursing: A history of knowledge, authority, and the meaning of work . NY: JHUP.

Fairman, J. & Lynaugh, J.E. (2000). Critical care nursing: A history. NY: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Fitzpatrick, J.J. & Kazer, M. (eds.). (2011). Encyclopedia of nursing research (3rd. ed.). NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Longe, J. (ed.). (2013). Gale encyclopedia of nursing and allied Hhealth (6 vol.). NY: Gale Group.

Elder Abuse among Patients
Pages: 5 Words: 1629

Introduction This paper will focus on the geriatrics service line. Elderly patients are coming in at higher rates and the geriatric population is trending upward (Advisory Board, 2018). One problem the department is having is the identification of elder abuse among geriatric patients. Elder abuse has been defined as “a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person” (Jackson, 2016, p. 265). According to the World Health Organization (2002), elder abuse can take any one of or combination of forms: (a) physical abuse, (b) psychological abuse, (c) sexual abuse, (d) neglect, (e) abandonment, and (f) financial exploitation or theft. Recognizing and addressing elder abuse is important for the geriatrics service line because it will help to better serve the elderly patient and the geriatric community overall and it will reduce…...

Elder Abuse
Pages: 10 Words: 3072

Victimology and the Problem of Elder Abuse Part 1
Just as criminology is the study of crime and the criminal’s role in crime, victimology is the study of victimization and how victims are impacted by crime and how they in turn also impact crime. There are five typologies of victimization, each one illustrating different ways in which the perpetrator and the victim (if there is one) interact in the crime. For the specific population of elderly people, one problem in victimology is the focus on elder abuse, which is defined as “a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person” (Jackson, 2016, p. 265). According the World Health Organization (2002), elder abuse tends to be manifested in a variety of forms: (a) physical abuse, (b) psychological abuse, (c) sexual abuse, (d)…...

Preventing and Abolishing Elder Abuse A Systematic Research Proposal
Pages: 7 Words: 2288

Elder Abuse: The Problem and Proposed Research Study Introduction
Elder abuse is perhaps one of the most aggravated problems that exists in the modern world affecting old people. More than common afflictions like cardiovascular disease or diabetes, elder abuse is viewed all over the world as a complex and debilitating problem, one that needs decisive and immediate actions from the health care industry, legislators, the social work sector, and concerned citizens. Elder abuse is a problem that thrives all around the world, and as the international population of elderly people grows all over the world, the problem demands immediate action and preventative measures. It is important to acknowledge that what happens to the elderly in this regard is very preventable: it does not have to happen and is the mark of a faltering and in many ways, uncaring society. “This emphasis is appropriate because elder abuse is likely the most widespread problem…...

Social Lives I Interviewed My
Pages: 4 Words: 1346

I wanted to talk to my grandmother about this, moving away from our own family context. She believed strongly that the family is the central unit of social control, with the parents as strong disciplinarians who teach their children social norms and enforce those norms. I made the point that while many people believe this view is true, there are a lot of examples of people who grow up in non-traditional households that turn out not to be delinquents. I turned out fine, and many of my friends who grew up in non-traditional families were able to find their social norms from other sources. I think the family does play an important role, but it is not necessary to have a traditional family in order to instill values. My grandmother respectfully disagreed.
e talked a little bit about how family contributes to one's success as an adult. e both agreed…...


Works Cited:

Boss, P. (2009). Sourcebook of family theories and methods: A contextual approach. New York: Springer Science.

Chee, K. & Elder, G. (2009). Mother's employment demands, work-family conflict and adolescent development. International Journal of Sociology of the Family. Vol. 35 (2) 189-202.

Church, W., Wharton, T. & Taylor, J. (2009). An examination of differential association and social control theory. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. Vol. 7 (1) 3-15.

Crosnoe, R., Leventhal, T., Wirth, R., Pianta, R. (2010). Family socioeconomic status and consistent environmental stimulation in early childhood. Childhood Development. Vol. 81 (3) 972-987.

Aging I Interviewed Kay Shehorn a 67-Year-Old
Pages: 3 Words: 983

I interviewed Kay Shehorn, a 67-year-old woman who has been employed at the Hillside ehabilitation Care center for 42 years. Shehorn started working at Hillside ehab as a housekeeping supervisor. She worked her way up in the company to become an Administrative Assistant. My interview questions focused on Shehorn's plans for retirement. We discussed the financial aspects of aging, and the politics of aging as well. Because Shehorn is a "young" senior, her perspectives were instrumental in illuminating a possible path for me when I approach retirement age. I asked Shehorn if anyone had impacted her views on aging, such as an elder relative or role model. Shehorn said that she had always admired strong seniors who refused to be defined by their age. She mentioned being inspired by a woman who worked in an art gallery until her mid-90s, and also spoke of her grandmother who had literally saved…...

Japanese Cultural Interview and Assessment
Pages: 4 Words: 1466

Japanese: Cultural Interview and Nursing Assessment
Presentation of client and scenario

This interview was conducted with a Ms. X, a Japanese national visiting friends in another country. She was, over the course of the interview, asked about a number of personal and culturally sensitive factors about her native culture that might affect a nursing intervention.

It is important for a nursing practitioner to keep this in mind as, in the 2000 census, 796,700 residents of the U.S. identified their "race" as Japanese,

Thus it is useful for all nursing practitioners, particularly those residing on the est Coast to keep abreast of Japanese cultural traditions. (Tanabo, 2001) Also, even when residing in Japan, Japanese first-generation immigrants have traditionally seemed less eager than other immigrant groups to assimilate into the hegemonic culture. One measure of this is that compared to other Americans of Asian background, a lower percentage of Japanese elders speak English. "In 1990, only…...


Work Cited

Tanabo, Marianne. (2001) "Health and Health Care: Japanese." Stanford Ethnography e-Books. Retrieved 10 Mar 2005 at  http://www.stanford.edu/group/ethnoger/ebooks/japanese_american.pdf

Analyzing Elder Care Professionals
Pages: 20 Words: 6936

Hawaiian elde cae pofessionals impove patient eldecae sevices to Japanese nationals, taking into consideation Japanese cultual noms and expectations
Caegiving fo eldely paents in Japan

Japan has witnessed a significant gowth in its elde population. In the yea 1950, 4.9% of the Japanese population was aged 65 yeas and above. This figue inceased to 14.8% (1995). By 2025, it is estimated to gow to 25.8% (Yamamoto & Wallhagen, 1997). Japan's 'vey old' population goup (aged 85 and above) is swiftly inceasing in numbe. It has been pojected that by 2025, the nation's 'vey old' population will account fo 4.3% of its total population -- a five-fold ise in thee decades. Futhemoe, it was pojected that as many as 2.62 million Japanese would be suffeing fom senile dementia by the yea 2015; the 1990 estimate fo senile dementia was about one million individuals (11WSA 1996).

Change in the pecentage of Japan's aged population…...


references, and Arrangement of End-of-life Care and Decision-Making among Japanese-American Older Adults, ProQuest LLC.

National Asian Pacific Center on Aging. (1998). Growing APA elderly population adds urgency to improving health services. Asian Pacific Affairs, 6 (Dr. 2-3.

SALDOV, M., KAKAI, H., McLAUGHLIN, L. & THOMAS, A. (1998). Cultural barriers in oncology: Issues in obtaining medical informed consent from Japanese-American elders in Hawaii, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 13: 265-279.



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