Technology Support
Building Effective Technology Support Teams: A esearch Thesis
The effectiveness of technology support teams depends on the ability to combine theoretical and contextual technology support (Harich, 2006), as well as to share understandings with different kinds of specialists (Koutsoulis, 2006). In addition, the conduciveness of the social context for realizing intrinsic work goals-especially learning and mastering new technology support and skills-is an important aspect of the job.
Hiring is especially important since organizations often rely on the exploitation of technology support to achieve competitive advantage and the difference between hiring an average and a high-potential candidate can significantly affect an organization's reputation and profitability.
Graduates were hired on an annual basis, while experienced persons were recruited when vacancies arose. The emphasis in the workflows we studied was on hiring for immediate organizational requirements, so that, compared with the number of experienced hires, there were relatively few recent graduates. Positions requiring experienced employees…...
Harich, J. (2006). Analytical activism: A new approach to solving the sustainability problem. Clarkson, GA: Thwink. org.
International Technology Education Association. (2003). Advancing excellence in technological literacy: Student assessment, professional development, and program standards. Reston, VA: Author.
Koutsoulis, M. (2006). The characteristics of the effective teacher in Cyprus Public High School: The students' perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED478761).
Ploof, R. (2004). The Edison effect: Success strategies for the information age. Leawood, KS: Cypress Publishing group.
Build an Effective Technology Support Team
Technology support has become a part of business especially the business that needs some customer support regarding their products. These range from consumer goods to service industries like banking. All these are a result of the growth in information technology and communication facilities. Information technology is changing so fast that applications are created for new business models on a daily basis. The competitive advantage an organization receives with the latest information technology is immense. Thus the most important field where technical support teams are essential is in the software and hardware sectors of the computing industry. The industry and the type of organization determine the type of the support team. It is established that it is now possible to create a network of organizations that can span the globe and interact with one another. The place of a virtual team in the support of the…...
Burke, Dan; Morrison, Alan. (2001) "Business @ the Speed of Stupid: Building Smarter
Companies after the Technology Shakeout." Perseus Publishing: Cambridge, MA.
Lipnack, Jessica; Stamps, Jeffrey. (2000) "Virtual Teams: People Working across Boundaries
with Technology." Wiley: New York.
Building an Effective Technology Support Team
Creating and managing an effective technology support team needs to be predicated on more than just the traditional four areas of planning, organizing, leading and controlling and include the critical skill sets of transformational leadership skills. Those four components of management theory don't take into account the broader aspects of transformational leadership's contributions of a compelling vision and galvanizing mission, both of which are critical for any technology support team to excel. The intent of this analysis is to illustrate the best approaches to building an effective technology support team. Included in this analysis are recommendations for managing personalities and how they affect relationships within and beyond the technical staff.
Creating and Effective Technology Support Team
Teams are by definition a group of people all working towards a common goal. Increasingly teams are both in-person and virtual, as evidenced by the use of cloud computing-based technologies to…...
Braun, F.C., Michel, A., & Martz, B. (2012). Action-centered team leadership influences more than performance. Team Performance Management, 18(3), 176-195.
Kezsbom, D.S. (1993). Integrating people with technology: A paradigm for building project teams. Transactions of AACE International,, 6-Q.4.1.
Leavy, B. (2012). Michael beer - higher ambition leadership. Strategy & Leadership, 40(3), 5-11.
Ramsey, R.D., EdD. (2010). Are you missing out on the power of purpose? SuperVision, 71(10), 19-21.
build effective technology support team. Address issues personalities affect relationships technical staff. Format paper APA standards.
Personnel technology
In a rapidly changing IT community, the role of the people is often overlooked. For instance, the society will often marvel at the result of a technical process, yet will overlook the human effort involved in the creation of the respective end products and/or service.
While this perception is understandable and, to some degree, acceptable among the general society, it is unacceptable among the business field. Here, the IT firms continually rely on their staffs to develop the technologies that set the course of the world.
"Humans often represent the most important component of the information system and are chronically responsible for either the failure or the robustness of the information system. Organizations frequently seek to evaluate, select and employ a variety of controls so as to maintain a secure Information System. In order to…...
El-Harmel, M., 2009, Humans… the overlooked asset, SANS Institute, accessed on July 12, 2012
Maddux, R.B., Wingfield, B., 2003, Team building: an exercise in leadership, 4th edition, Cengage Learning
Twelve ways to build an effective team, Ceridan Corporation, last accessed on July 12, 2012
A good program administrator motivates their staff and keeps morale high by understand workloads and efficiencies. They are a good leader and they instill trust in their staff members, empowering them to make decisions and work on their own without too much interference, but they know when to take control to make the team more effective. That is quite a bit of authority to balance, so a good program administrator should understand the needs of their staff members by working in their shoes before they assume responsibility.
One of the most visual and important positions in the IS department is the help desk. Help desk staff are the bridge between IS and the users, they represent every aspect of the IS department, and they are often the only staff members users ever encounter. The textbook notes that there are several key requirements for successful help desk staff members. The authors…...
Groen, J., Tworek, J., & Soos-Gonczol, M. (2008). The effective use of synchronous classes within an online graduate program: Building upon an interdependent system. International Journal on ELearning, 7(2), 245+.
Regan, E.A. And O'Connor, B.N. (2002). Chapter 6. End-user information systems: Implementing individual and work group technologies, Second Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Regan, E.A. And O'Connor, B.N. (2002). Chapter 7. End-user information systems: Implementing individual and work group technologies, Second Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
(Nursing profession studied) This is clearly not very high, and there does not seem to be a high impact of the change in technology on nurses and their employment.
This leads to a dichotomy in the view about nurses - they are viewed as targets of change rather than the force which leads to changes through proposals, leadership and implementation. This often causes them difficulty in carrying on with their jobs when there are rapid changes within the organization. To save their own position, it is important that nurses learn about change theory, change strategies and methods of anticipation and managing change. This may take place in organizations which wants to change its staff mix so that it can save on costs through inclusion of more unlicensed assistive personnel. These personnel will generally try to maintain their position through direct assertion, but there have to be an analysis of the…...
Barnard, Alan; Gerber, Rod. (September 1999) "Understanding Technology in Contemporary
Surgical Nursing: A Phenomenographic Examination" Nursing Inquiry.
Vol: 6; No: 3; p. 157.
Barnard, Alan. (May 2000) "Alteration to Will as an Experience of Technology and Nursing"
The adoption of national legislation (NCLB), as well as many other education based and popular pressures to utilize the miracle of American ingenuity, i.e. technology in the classroom to help students better achieve learning goals very handily falls in the laps of school administrators. This group of individuals, with their already lengthy list of responsibilities has no choice, regardless of fears and inhibitions but to adequately support this goal by learning about what technologies are best, most economical and most importantly most supportive of student learning. The school administrator is the seat of most school reform as they are responsible for populating committees that search for and advocate technology use and make recommendations to school boards as well as in many cases the ones who ask for the funding to buy technology and also and almost more importantly help to implement technology in the real classrooms. For this reason the…...
Gibson, a. & Weir, S. (2010) Technology and the Classroom [online]. Idiom, 46, 1, 39. Retrieved November 18, 2010 from:;dn=313649786803301;res=IELHSS
Gold, M. & Lowe, C. (2009). The Integration of Assistive Technology into Standard Classroom Practices: A Guide for K-12 General Educators. In I. Gibson et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2009 (pp. 3964-3968). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Bracey, G.W. (2006). The 16th Bracey report on the condition of public education: Phi Delta Kappan, 88(2), 151.
Hagel, C. (2006, March). Can America deal with the 21st century? 'USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education), 134, 10.
technology plays a very important role in the learning process of students with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). The previous problems encountered by lecturers and ADD/ADHD learners, such as learning adversities caused by complexities in the behavioral patterns, were reduced when technology started to play a role in the educational environment of ADD/ADHD students. Problems even in simple learning intervention are now rarely experienced by both the lecturers and ADD/ADHD learners ever since technology became part of the educational curriculum for special students.
There are different kinds of technologies that are applied these days to facilitate the learning process of ADD/ADHD learners. This includes multimedia computers and televisions among many other learning devices that have been developed. Their use in special classroom environments presents advantages and disadvantages, as how they also do to normal learners who have no disabilities. However, in an advocate to maximize…...
Sanders, M. Video Game Therapy Scoring Points.
Retrieved on November 12, 2005 from Online.
Web site:
Rizzo, A.A., et. al. (2000). The Virtual Classroom: A Virtual Reality Environment for the Assessment and Rehabilitation of Attention Deficits
Technology in Film
Fred Ott was the very first movie star that every existed. His brief starring role in the five-second film that showed him sneezing started the use of technology to make films. Since then, technology both in and out of film has changed immeasurably and what technology is used and is said about technology in these same films has evolved quite a lot and the statements sometimes made are profound. A summary of the Fred Ott principle and how it pertains to three films in particular in the early 1900's will be covered in this report. Those films are Modern Times, The General and Lonedale Operator. It will then be answered what technology allows the director to do from a narrative and technical level standpoint as well as when/how/where/why the new technology appears. It will be answered whether there are particular characters that are associated with the technology and…...
Technology in Training of Employees
In what ways has technology impacted the way(s) we train employees?
The changing nature of the workplace environment brings with it a vast field of challenges in the organization. The aspect of the change being rapid makes the situation require adverse and quick reaction from organizations to ensure they remain on course towards their objectives. Thus, rapid change in the workplace brings with it the necessity for skilled and knowledgeable workforce, encompassing employees who are adaptive, flexible and focused on the future of their careers and the organization (Wentland, 2007). Among the most, significant duties of the manager in the workplace are the development of the staff. The manager has the mandate to facilitate employee growth and development if the organization is to achieve maximum gains from its ventures and transactions.
The concept of learning management incorporates the management of employee training. Traditional approach to administration entailed on-site…...
Jehanzeb, K., Rasheed, A., & Rasheed, M.F. (2013). Organizational commitment and turnover intentions: Impact of employee's training in private sector of saudi arabia. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(8), 79-90. Retrieved from
Noe, R.A., & Winkler, C. (2009). Employee training and development: For Australia and New
Zealand. North Ryde, N.S.W: McGraw-Hill.
Noe, R.A. (2010). Employee training and development. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Technology in Education
Assessing Three Emerging Technologies' Contribution to Learning
There are a myriad of new technologies emerging that have the potential to completely re-order and increase the level of learning effectiveness and performance of students. With so many new technologies emerging as diverse as mobile-based learning systems on smartphones to the ability to tailor online learning systems and complete networks, the opportunities for educators to innovate has never been more full of potential. What unifies the highest performing technologies in the area of learner involvement and performance are those that allow for students to define the pace, depth and repetition possible for a given subject. All of these technologies share a common characteristic of being able to align and support learner's specific goals and objectives, creating a highly effective educational scaffolding platform in the process (Najjar, 2008). The best technologies can be quickly tailored to each individual student's needs, while also…...
Bernoff, J., & Li, C. (2008). Harnessing the power of the oh-so-social web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.
Custin, R., & Barkacs, L. (2010). Developing sustainable learning communities through blogging. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 4, 1-8.
Downes, S. (2004). Educational blogging. EDUCAUSE Review, 39(5), 14-26.
Fontana, A. (2011). Making an app. EDUCAUSE Review, 46(6), 108.
The modeling environments was so accurate it could deliver results that aligned at a 95% accuracy rate with the actual results achieved. Another advantage was the use of knowledge management to orchestrate multichannel selling, marketing and service scenarios across the client's specific requirements and needs. The analytics and knowledge management systems were also combined successfully to create a constraint-based engine as well. All of these factors were critical to the success of the system.
The cons of this modeling approach were the lack of precision on pricing ands the ability to model the more finely-tuned aspects of the programs. There was not enough data to create a profitability measurement and the use of constraint modeling at times could leave out the more unpredictable aspects of the marketing mix. hile the virtual marketplace proved effective for testing message, media and defining audience, it lacks the precision necessary for making long-term, highly…...
mlaWorks Cited
Ball, Leslie D. "IT Education Success Strategies for Change Management." Information Systems Management 17.4 (2000): 74-7.
Benamati, John, Albert L. Lederer, and Meenu Singh. "Information Technology Change: The Impact on IT Management." The Journal of Computer Information Systems 38.4 (1998): 9-13.
Bordum, Anders. "The Strategic Balance in a Change Management Perspective." Society and Business Review 5.3 (2010): 245-58.
Eastman, Doug, and Claire McCarthy. "Embracing Change: Healthcare Technology in the 21st Century." Nursing management 43.6 (2012): 52.
Technology in Education
For purposes of completing this study of the use of technology in higher education, a local high school was visited, where the technology coordinator provided a demonstration of the learning systems used there. In addition, one senior-level course in Physics was attended where the advance imaging and learning technologies where shown. What was unique about this visit was how easily these technologies can be made to align with the student's specific learning needs and requirements. This technique is called scaffolding, and is attained through the use of personalized applications and portals of the teaching systems in use (Najjar, 2008). This analysis reviews the hardware, software and support considerations, as well as discussing the technology competency skills required by educators.
Analysis of Learning Technologies in Higher Education
In teaching advanced mathematics and science courses, the high school has found that enabling greater collaboration and repetition of concepts is leading to higher…...
Adonis, A. (2006). Technology in schools. The British Journal of Administrative Management,, 14-15.
diFilipo, S. (2011). Connecting the dots to the future of technology in higher education. EDUCAUSE Review, 46(4), 58.
Najjar, M. (2008). On scaffolding adaptive teaching prompts within virtual labs. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 6(2), 35-54.
Pons, A.P. (2003). Database tuning and its role in information technology education. Journal of Information Systems Education, 14(4), 381-387.
They do not get the opportunity to have any more training, either, so they cannot continue to hone their skills and keep up with the latest technology. If they want to do that, they must do it on their own time -- and that could be very costly for them in both money and time.
3. In starting a company like Technology Consultants, I would offer benefits, and people who start out at the company would not make nearly as much money as people who had been there for a long time. People skills and personality would be just as valuable as technical skills, and further training and development would be available. With that in mind, people would be more likely to stay because they would see that they had room for advancement in their job. They would feel as though they were valued, and they would work…...
Yes, technology generates problems, and it is shrewd and apt to point out that for every net gain to certain members of society via technology there is a net loss. The hand weavers of the 18th century were put out of business by 19th century factories that could manufacture clothing cheaply, computers have probably collectively caused the art of calligraphy to die, and made even professional writers overly reliant on spell check and less willing to rewrite their work from scratch. However, would any of the authors included in the collection summarized in the essay really wish to go back to a world without antibiotics? Technology has enabled people whose vision would be a blur to see with 20/20 perfection, and made travel financially accessible to millions who would have been relegated to the narrow point-of-view of their homes. hile it is easy to find detriments to these benefits (exploitations…...
mlaWorks Cited
Vaidhyanathan, Siva. Rewiring the "Nation": The Place of Technology in American
Studies. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 2007.
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