Educational Plan Essays (Examples)

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Educational Plan for Improving Behavioural Health amongst Older Adults
Pages: 5 Words: 1662

Populations in rural areas grapple with poorer health outcomes due to challenges such as greater resource constraints and shortage of health care personnel and facilities, with vulnerable populations being the most affected. This is particularly true for rural populations in North Dakota (ND) (Molmen et al., 2013). Constituting a substantial portion of the overall state population, older adults (aged 65 and above) in rural areas are particularly affected by the worrying health care situation in the state, especially in terms of smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity. Education provides a valuable tool through which the behavioural health of older adults in rural North Dakota can be addressed. This paper provides an educational plan for reducing the prevalence of smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity in older adults in rural North Dakota. The plan describes demographic characteristics of the community, the health care needs of older adults in the community, the role of…...

Standard and Nonstandard Assessment for Individual Educational Plans
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Standard/NonStandard Assessment for SPED
Individual Educational Plans (IEPS) are a way in which teachers and the school system can address special services that provide programs for children with delayed skills or disabilities. A child that has difficulty learning and functioning and may be identified as a special needs student is the type of candidate for an IEP. However, in order for there to be a fairer way to administer and develop programs so that children may take advantage of them, there is a process and set of procedures necessary prior to implementing the IEP that is important so that fairness and equality are assured. In fact, one of the Special Education Standards, III, notes "The special education teacher knows how to communicate and collaborate effectively in a variety of professional settings." (See Ahearn, 2006).

When we reflect upon this particular standard we find that there are five different settings in which this…...

Career Aspirations My Educational Plans and My
Pages: 2 Words: 514

career aspirations, my educational plans, and my dreams and aspirations. For as long as I can remember I have been interested in the field of medicine. I am fortunate to be the child of two wonderful and inspirational parents who have taught me the value of the human spirit; my father is a heart doctor and my mother is a nurse in an intensive care unit. It is my deepest desire to follow in their footsteps.
From my parents I have learned that to do something for yourself may make you happy, but to do something for the betterment of others provides a sense of profound satisfaction. They have taught me the value of compassion, and instilled in me a deep regard for my fellow human beings. These values have guided my throughout my life - we have an ethical and moral responsibility to care for each other, look out…...

Educational Setup We Provide an
Pages: 8 Words: 2233

The conditions that surround the process of data collection like the location and time of day must be standardized and the observation must be carried out by trained observers. This is done in order to encourage consistency which is crucial in the periods of transition prior and after the given phenomenon is studied.
epeated measurements- A given behavior is measured repeatedly. This techniques is never employed in many other experiments that involve the measurement of the dependent variable in only a single instance. The need of the repeated variables is in order to get a clear pattern and consistency in terms of the behavior being monitored over an extended period of time. There is a control for behavior that is anticipated over the short period of time and intervals. Such a move can be seen s similar to the ones involved in time series studies that are used in the…...



Dunlap. G., & Kern, L. (1997). The relevance of behavior analysis to special education. In J. L Paul, M. Churton, H. Roselli-Kostoryz, W. Morse, K. Marfo, C. Lavely, & D. Thomas (Eds.), Foundations of special education: Basic knowledge informing research and practice in special education (pp. 279-290). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Gresham. EM.. Gansel, K. A, & Kurtz, P.F. (1993). Treatment integrity in applied behavior analysis with Exceptional Children . Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 26, 257- 263.

Martella, R., Nelson, J.R., & Marchand-Manella, N. (1999). Research methods: Learning to become a critical research consumer. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

McReynolds, L.V., & Kearns K.P. (1983). Single-subject experimental designs in communicative disorders. Baltimore: University Park Press.

Educational Crisis Do You Feel
Pages: 4 Words: 1202

Private schools are just as vulnerable to the issues that public schools are facing today.
Each one of us carries a responsibility for trying to improve the situation. Parents and familial groups have a huge responsibility to augment educational strategies. In the environment where most school systems employ strategies to make students part of the masses, without individual attention or nurturing, it is important for the family to step up and educate children about independence and autonomy. According to the research, "schools train children to be employees and consumers; teach your own to be leaders and adventurers. Schools train children to obey reflexively; teach your own to think critically and independently" (Gatto 155). Encouraging them to engage in learning material that goes beyond the simple curriculum offered at most public schools. Education should not be purely the responsibility of the institutions overwhelmed with responsibility, but should be extended to include…...


Works Cited

Gatto, John Taylor. "Against School." Learning Power.

Moore, Michael. "Idiot Nation." Learning Power.

Lopez, Steve. "Looking Out of State for What California Once Offered." Los Angeles Times.

Educational Situations
Pages: 20 Words: 6837

Educational Situations
Name four practices that commonly require written administrative procedures.

Memorandums that include school policy changes or important information for the staff are commonly distributed in writing so that the information is accurately conveyed and properly received and documented. Many staff communications to the administration, such as requests for new classroom supplies or for personal leaves of absence, are also communicated in writing. If disciplinary action of any kind is taken against a student, it is commonly recorded in writing in the student's permanent file, and a copy of this information may be sent home to parents. Finally, the recording of daily vital information, such as student attendance and test scores, are done in writing.

How would you know if you are complying with EQ policies and procedures?

A a) If I were not complying with EQ policies, I would receive notification or a warning of some kind from my superiors;

b) I will…...



Graves, Bonnie & Michael. "Scaffolding Reading Experiences to Promote Success: A Flexible Approach to Fostering Comprehension." University of Minnesota. 

Education Queensland. Queensland Government.

Educational Leadership Leaders in the
Pages: 1 Words: 314

Saudi Aramco's training department was underdeveloped, and therefore the potential of their employees was being squandered. Once armed with an advanced degree I will stand poised to help organizations like Saudi Aramco to improve their training departments. Ultimately I will be able to perform consulting work in numerous private, non-profit, and government sectors to expand my range of expertise and offer the best guidance I possibly can to my clients.
Having worked as a translator as well as a professional training director, I have developed solid communications and leadership skills that can easily be imparted to my clients. I also have proven experience in developing and implementing training programs for professionals. What I need now is a leap forward, to hone my ability to design optimal training programs that meet the needs of both individuals and organizations. The higher education doctoral program at the University of Massachusetts offers...

Educational Situations
Pages: 10 Words: 3290

Educational Situations
List 4 examples of opportunties you have given students to listen to language at school. Ensure that you include one example that reflects the relevance to the student's culture and background.

A Jewish student, who attends Hebrew School classes in the evenings, shared information about the Hebrew alphabet and history about the Hebrew language with the class as part of a student-directed learning session. The entire class practiced reciting the alphabet, and we watched a short film that was in Hebrew with English subtitles so that the students could hear the language in normal use. This student was able to share the language as well as an important part of her culture with the class in a fun lesson.

One student who aspires to be a comic book artist is very enthusiastic about Japanese anime and Japanese "manga" comic books. He brought authentic Japanese anime videos and manga (not the Westernized…...

Educational Reflections Background- Mr Billings
Pages: 3 Words: 1169

This might also have an energizing effect upon the teachers as well.
Part 4 -- egarding mathematics, what can be done in the learning community to address the school's need? The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, an international organization of teachers who are focused on improving the math curriculum globally, presented new standards in 2000 designed to improve curricula, teaching and assessment. Within their rubric, six principles were established to address themes that were valid regardless of the school culture:

Equity -- There must be high expectations and support for excellence in math education from all levels; teachers, administrators, school boards, and parents.

Curriculum -- More than a collection of problems or activities, a math curriculum should be focused, well-articulated, and flow from grade to grade.

Teaching -- Appropriate and effective math teaching requires not only an understanding of math principles but of what students need to understand, and how that should…...



Mastropieri, M. (1994). Text vs. Hands-On Math Curriculum. Remedial and Special Education, 15(2), 72-85.

McKee, J. a. (2005). Integrating Instruction - Literacy and Math. London: Guilford Press.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2009). Overview: Principles for School

Mathematics. Retrieved from:

Educational Objective Introductory Quote as a Student
Pages: 3 Words: 914

Educational Objective
Introductory Quote

As a student who has worked hard to attain a degree, the value of ultimately holding a diploma in my hand would be immense- it has great value and respect in the society that we live and work in, there are strong personal reasons that would finally be fulfilled and ultimately, having a college degree will have a great positive impact on my future life.

ody Paragraph #1: Why Education is Valuable- educational objectives

Personal growth

Learning in the classroom

Learning from peers

Future employment prospects improve

More sought after candidate

ody Paragraph #2: Personal Reasons

Difficult to accomplish- self-fulfillment and self-esteem growth

f. Improve future employment

ody Paragraph #3: Impact on future plans and how a degree would help

g. Foundation for more education

h. Long-term stability


Tie it all together

Why I Worked for Four Years for a Piece of Paper

"Despite rising tuition and student-loan debt levels, the long-term payoff from earning a college degree is growing," asserts a study…...



Lewin, Tamar. (2010, September 21). Degree payoff is growing, study says. The New York Times, p. A18.

Educational Needs of Office Professionals
Pages: 2 Words: 648

Educational Needs of Office Professionals
A better trained and educated workforce has been directly associated with increased productivity, improved morale and higher earnings for workers (Gentry & Springer, 2002).

There has been slow progress in developing comprehensive and responsive secondary education across states and school districts nationwide. Furthermore, the need for challenging curricula in U.S. schools is widely recognized (Archambault et al., 1993). The current level of educational achievement for the typical office professional in this state, though, is largely unknown.

In order to develop appropriate curricula for secondary students intending to pursue careers in administration, it is important to determine what classes and content should be offered. To this end, as the chair of the State Education Department, this researcher conducted a study examining the educational needs of office professionals by developing a quantitative and qualitative questionnaire and conducting a randomized state study of professional office workers.

Methodology. Based on a critical review…...



Archambault, F.X., Westberg, K., Brown, S.B., Hallmark, B.W., Emmons, C.L., & Zhang, W.

(1993). Regular classroom practices with gifted students: Results of a national survey of classroom teachers (RM 93102). Storrs: The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, University of Connecticut.

Gentry, M. & Springer, P.M. (2002). Secondary Student Perceptions of Their Class Activities

regarding Meaningfulness, Challenge, Choice, and Appeal: An Initial Validation Study.

Educational Vouchers
Pages: 10 Words: 3125

Educational Vouchers: Multiple Issues and Contradictory esults
The Merriman-Webster online dictionary offers three definitions for "voucher": "...a documentary record of a business transaction; a written affidavit or authorization; a form or check indicating a credit against future purchases or expenditures." None of the three even approaches the emotionally charged version of the term "voucher" when it comes to the current debate swirling around public vs. private schools. This paper digs into the "vouchers" - or "scholarships," or "subsidies," if you prefer - provided to families in several cities and states, to move their children from less desirable, academically troubled public schools to more desirable, for-profit private, mainly religious schools.

Long before there was any discussion about vouchers, Horace Mann of Massachusetts - the "Father of American public school education" - was in the vanguard of the movement (1837) to solidify support for quality public education, excellence in teacher training, and free libraries…...



ABC News (June 27, 2002). [Online] "Divided Court: Voucher Program Victory .

American Federation of Teachers (2002). [Online] "Report Reveals Right-Wing Backers of BAEO" "Milwaukee Vouchers Cost Twice the Tuition Amount Charged Non-Voucher Students .

Friedman Foundation (2002). [Online] "School Choice Works

Greene, Jay P. (2002). [Online] "Vouchers in Charlotte" Education Next Magazine .

Educational Law How Lawful How
Pages: 12 Words: 3482

Conservatives, on the other hand, have many passions and one of them is a color-blind government. Most of them believe that all policies of discrimination should be discarded. They view these policies as unwise, immoral and unconstitutional. Three conservative organizations submitted a collective brief to the Supreme Court on the Michigan cases. These organizations were the Center for Equal Opportunity, the Independent Women's Forum and the American Civil Rights Institute. Their brief succinctly stated that racial preferences were incompatible with the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment, according to them, clearly states that no person within its jurisdiction would be denied the equal protection of the laws. The silence of the justices to this statement was perceived to indicate insufficient interest in the original understanding than in their own case law. In 1865 and 1866, radical Republicans proposed a constitutional amendment that no State could set distinctions in civil rights…...



Katznelson, I. (2006). When is affirmative action fair? 19 pages. Social Research: New School for Social Research

National Review (1995). Courting trouble. 2 pages. National Review, Inc.: Gale Group

O'Sullivan, J. (2003). Affirmative action forever? 5 pages. National Review: National Review, Inc.

Paul, P. (2003). The legacy of affirmative action. 2 pages. Media Central, Inc.: PRIMEDIA Company

Educational Lessons the Art of
Pages: 2 Words: 580

g. Johnny Appleseed for history, etc.). Read aloud, pass out a blank matrix and ask students to fill in the matrix with questions using Bloom's taxonomy -- at least two questions per heading.
Assessment: using a rubric, students can self-assess their work by switching papers with a partner and checking to see if the questions listed are appropriate for the taxonomy ladder. Once this is done, divide class into six groups, each group taking the "Expert Role" of one of the categories. The group will present their own definition of that category and give examples using one of the fruits used earlier -- not just asking, but answering and explaining why these questions are important.

Special Learners: Advanced students should use their favorite television program to fill in the matrix, paying special attention to the types of questions most frequently asked? Higher or lower level? Why? Slower students should work with 2,…...

Educational Path While Other Children
Pages: 1 Words: 343

In my personal studies, I have proven my ability to solve difficult math problems, as well as understand economic trends and international and domestic economic reports. In 2006, I entered the United States in order to study business at community college. After adjusting to life in the United States and learning of the opportunities available to me, I set my sights on the best -- the University of Michigan.
I am convinced that the opportunity to study economics at the University of Michigan will give me the best preparation for a career in financial analysis. The University of Michigan is highly regarded for its tradition in teaching economics and business to students around the world. I hope to nurture my economic and financial interests and abilities at your school in order to become a greater asset to…...


While other children watched cartoons and read picture books, I was consumed by the world of finance and economic development. Spending hours watching documentaries about national competitiveness, in addition to the influence of my father, who worked in the financial world for many years, primed me for a career as a financial analyst. I know that only the University of Michigan is the institution that can prepare me for such a career, as its reputation as a school with excellent business, finance, and economic departments is well-known. As a motivated, goal-oriented individual, I believe I can contribute to the academic discussions on this campus through my prior knowledge, unique background, and willingness to learn.

A native of Korea, I made myself a pledge as a child to become a reputable professional in a respectable field. Choosing to undertake a course of study in financial analysis was no easy task, but an examination of my talents and abilities convinced me that it was the best choice for me. As the field of economic analysis requires professionals to have a vast understanding of economics, mathematics, and international relations, my experience in business and economics will aid me in completing my goal to become a financial analyst. In my personal studies, I have proven my ability to solve difficult math problems, as well as understand economic trends and international and domestic economic reports. In 2006, I entered the United States in order to study business at community college. After adjusting to life in the United States and learning of the opportunities available to me, I set my sights on the best -- the University of Michigan.

I am convinced that the opportunity to study economics at the University of Michigan will give me the best preparation for a career in financial analysis. The University of Michigan is highly regarded for its tradition in teaching economics and business to students around the world. I hope to nurture my economic and financial interests and abilities at your school in order to become a greater asset to society.

Is there anything in the news related to how do you plan that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 590

Planning for the Future: Lessons from the Headlines

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, geopolitical shifts, and environmental challenges, effective planning has become more essential than ever. The news headlines are replete with stories that highlight the importance of foresight and adaptability in navigating an increasingly complex world.

Climate Change Adaptation

The devastating effects of climate change are making it imperative for communities and governments to plan for extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and other climate-related risks. The recent floods in Pakistan, which displaced millions of people and caused widespread damage, serve as a sobering reminder of the urgent need....

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Nature vs Nurture?
Words: 602

Topic Idea 1: The Role of Nature and Nurture in Human Behavior

Discuss the relative contributions of genes and environment to human traits and behaviors.
Examine the interaction between genetics and upbringing, and how they shape personality, intelligence, and other characteristics.
Explore the ethical implications of understanding the role of nature and nurture in human behavior, particularly in the context of genetic testing.

Topic Idea 2: Nature vs. Nurture in Learning and Cognitive Development

Analyze the influence of genes and environment on cognitive abilities, such as language, memory, and problem-solving.
Discuss the importance of early childhood experiences in shaping intellectual development.

How can a strong essay conclusion enhance the effectiveness of undergraduate curriculum planning?
Words: 373

A strong essay conclusion can enhance the effectiveness of undergraduate curriculum planning in several ways 1. Summarizing key points A well-written conclusion can succinctly summarize the main arguments and ideas presented in the essay, helping educators and curriculum planners to clearly understand the key takeaways and insights that should be considered in planning undergraduate curriculum. 2. Providing recommendations A strong essay conclusion can offer insightful recommendations or suggestions based on the findings and analysis presented in the essay. These recommendations can inform curriculum planners about potential changes or improvements that could be made to enhance the effectiveness of the undergraduate....

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