The empirical design and its results, not age, should determine the validity and relevance of a given educational theory. Too often, educational policy makers and the professional support system skip from level one research (theory and conjecture based on correlations) to policy. A shared knowledge base might be created from theory alone and as Grossen (nd) points out, it often is. "Most of the educational practices that become widely disseminated in our university teacher-training programs and across the nation do not even have level two research support, nevermind level three," (Grossen nd).
Greater gatekeeping is necessary to restore the integrity of the educational policy system and the professional networks that support it. Current gatekeepers do not draw their policies from science but from opinion. Almost all of the most popular educational theories touted today have little to no empirical support. Grossen lists a litany of common teaching methods and theories…...
Grossen, B. (nd). What does it mean to be a research-based profession? Retrieved July 10, 2007 at
Education Research Planning
hat are the critical aspects?
According to the United States Government's "National Directions in Education Research Planning," educational research planning must emphasize focus and selectivity in curriculum design and "concentrate on those areas that the public and profession believe are important as well as those that will become important," to render education practical for student's future lives outside of the classroom. Student learning is the touchstone issue and there must be "a particular but by no means exclusive emphasis on the challenges presented by ever-growing diversity and inequality." (Timpane, 1998)
Additionally, the selection of specific areas of inquiry for teachers, through the use of objective research, must be clear enough to "build strategies consisting of related projects executed over time." The candidates for the "short list of research priorities seemed rather obvious: continued focus on reading and language learning; expanded attention to mathematics; the dynamics of teacher performance and effectiveness…...
mlaWorks Cited
Chaskin, Robert. (2005) "Democracy And Bureaucracy in a Community Planning Process." Journal of Planning Education and Research. 24: 408-419.
Timpane, Michael. (November 1998) "National Directions in Education Research Planning." U.S. Government Publications. Retrieved 31 May 2005 at
Education esearch
It appears that the school systems are failing here in America. Every year test score trend downward as a continual new stream of information floods into the public consciousness. More schooling and more intensive schooling efforts have shown little if any progress in recent decades and before any more money or energy is thrown at these problems indiscriminately, a tactical pause to contemplate the situation seems in order.
New problems arise everyday in the schooling system as the complexity of the world increases seemingly exponentially. The purpose of this research is to take a view point that steps back at the situation and looks at general trends and questions the very purposes of compulsory school. To do this properly it is necessary to take an unbiased and objective reexamination of the efficacy of public schooling.
By all measurable standards of decency, it appears American society is in some sort of decline…...
Boli, J., Ramirez, F.O., & Meyer, J.W. (1985). Explaining the origins and expansion of mass education. Comparative education review, 29(2), 145-170.
Casillas, A., Robbins, S., Allen, J., Kuo, Y.L., Hanson, M.A., & Schmeiser, C. (2012). Predicting early academic failure in high school from prior academic achievement, psychosocial characteristics, and behavior. Journal of educational psychology, 104(2), 407.
Rothstein, R. (1993). The myth of public school failure. The American Prospect, 4(13), 20-34.
Most of the time research results are often used as the basis for a lot of other research. If a particular piece of research is done in an unethical way or has a hidden agenda to it then the ramifications of this could be very widespread.
Research must be designed and carried out so that it is as accurate as possible. Many times there are important things in people's lives that hinder on how a particular research study turns out. Another big implication is that particularly with educational research, there is usually a major university or institution that is sponsoring the research. If research is done poorly or with any major flaws then this ends up reflecting upon whoever sponsored it. This is one thing that these institutions and universities do not want to happen as it ends up doing damage to their reputations. A school with a bad reputation…...
At this stage also, a questionnaire or instrument is formulated and kinds of analysis to be conducted after data collection are determined.
These rigorous steps of developing the methodology for a research are culminated with the conduct of the data collection itself, which, in the example given earlier, the research collected data through the survey method. After collection, processing of the data would be next, followed by the analyses and interpretation of these processed survey data. After data analysis, the researcher uses his/her knowledge and experience as an expert in the field of health by interpreting the data results in the context of health and the social environment of the community. Both data analyses and interpretation are summarized and made easier to communicate through a formal report, both in oral and written modalities.
The outlines systematic approach to research inquiry, while they may appear to be very rigorous and scientific in…...
Problem Statement
Dual credit (dual enrolment) programs have met with tremendous success in the state of Hawaii and elsewhere. These programs, which include GEAR UP, Running Start, and Early College, allow students at high school level to attain college credit, thereby easing the financial burden they will face in university. Moreover, the dual credit programs have also increased college enrollment rates among Hawaii students (Inefuku, 2017). Not only do Dual Credit programs improve college readiness and admission rates, they also help prepare students for a more successful college career with higher rates of graduation and thus, improved overall educational and career outcomes. While Dual Credit programs are designed for all students, they can be of particular help to disadvantaged and underserved populations. The problem is that not all underrepresented students have access to Dual Credit programs, and not all Dual Credit programs are adaptable to suit English language learners.
This research is…...
The ethics of research conducted on human subjects has been debated for almost a century. Studies like the Tuskegee syphilis experiment and other gross violations of ethical principles have called attention to the importance of rigorous standards in the social sciences. Education is not always considered a social science, and yet it is—and one with some of the most significant implications for humanity. As Lopez-Alvarado (2017) points out, education is about empowering individuals and enriching society, not just about teaching specific tasks and processes. Educational research therefore has many meaningful effects and should be taken just as seriously as research in any other applied science. While it is understandable researchers become frustrated with bureaucracy, red tape, and daunting regulations that restrict their freedom in research, those rules are in place for good reason. Educational research can be scrutinized in the most streamlined way possible, while still protecting the most fundamental…...
While popularly associated with the advent of web-based technologies, DE is not a new phenomenon (agusa et al. 2009, 679)." The author asserts that during the nineteenth century many universities had correspondence programs. These programs remained popular for many years because they were different from more conventional learning environments. At the current time, distance education is driven by the pace of technological change and such changes are occurring globally in a manner that is rapid and complex. There are currently more than 130 countries in which institutions of higher learning provide students with distance courses (agusa et al. 2009). These courses often have as a foundation new information and communication technologies. The author also explains that
"In Australia, DE has particularly been embraced, at institutional and policy levels, as a means of extending higher education to rural, isolated, and often structurally disadvantaged learners (little or no access to a reliable…...
Bradley. Review of Australian Higher Education. Retrieved online from:
Filan, G.L., & Seagren, A.T. (2003). Six critical issues for midlevel leadership in post-secondary settings. New Directions for Higher Education, (124), 21 -- 31.
Gray K. & RadloffA. (2010). Higher Education Research & Development
Vol. 29, No. 3, 291 -- 305
A two-year degree can offer an affordable foundation towards a Bachelor's degree through a community college, however, it is important to have students take courses that can easily transfer to a university when the time comes. Educators and administrators should be mindful of the importance of guiding students to choose courses wisely with a focus on transferring.
What it all Means
The changes are here to stay. Students with Bachelor's degrees are more economically successful than those who do not attain them. esearch concludes that the disparity between incomes of those who are educated and those who are not, is only going to get wider until there is serious class distinction between the two lifestyles.
Educators nationwide can work to bridge that gap at every level of education. Those charged with educating grades kindergarten through high school, need to focus on learning styles, and the importance of teaching students how to succeed…...
Becker, Christine (2004) Panel examines link between jobs, education.
Nation's Cities Weekly "
Bernake, Harold (2007) RPT - Bernanke: Education Will Cut Income Gap
professional field reside in a place of power that elevates them above the clinicians and practitioners in the inevitable contests for voice and influence. Certainly this dynamic is influenced by the perception that it is research and researchers -- not, for instance, teachers and teaching -- who move the professional fields forward by contributing to theory and providing a basis for evidence-based practice. The growing interest in action research stems from the widespread acceptance by people other than teachers that "the practical knowledge of teachers is undervalued" (Stewart, 2006). Even when practicing teachers and university researchers collaborate in an action research project, the "powerful tensions" that Stewart (2006) emphasized can be observed through the struggle in which the action research participants engage as they determine how to represent the knowledge they are…...
Burns, A. (n.d.). Doing action research. What's in it for teachers and institutions? International House of Education and Development.
McCottor, S.S. (2001). Collaborative groups as professional development. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 685-704.
Stewart, T. (2006). Teacher-researcher collaboration or teachers' research? TESOL Quarterly, 40(2), 421 -- 430.
Education esearch
The problem being researched or evaluated
The presenting problems are inattentive and non-cooperative behavior in two special education students during classroom instruction. The teacher needs to get the attention of the students and get them to sit in their seats in order to engage them in instruction. The teacher will need to determine how to reward the students for attending and engaging in the lessons being presented to them.
• The design label and overview of what the design might look like (example, if I use mixed-methods, is it sequential or concurrent? If a program evaluation, what kind?)
The research design will be action research in order to engage the practitioners in an evaluative endeavor that will encompass their behavioral and academic instruction with the students.
• ationale for the design based on the problem
The action research design will need to be designed to provide answers to the research questions that are actionable…...
Guskey, T. (2000). Evaluating professional development. Thousand Oaks CA: Corwin Press.
Sagor, R (2003). How to conduct collaborative action research. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Data Analysis and Triangulation of DataTriangulation in research is a powerful method used to increase the credibility and validity of the findings by cross-verifying data through multiple sources or methods (Bans-Akutey & Tiimub, 2021). In the context of educational research, particularly when examining the influence of interventions such as journaling strategies on vocabulary acquisition, triangulation becomes an essential part of the data analysis process.My plan for analyzing and triangulating data in this context includes steps for implementing journaling strategies, collecting and organizing student work samples, and recording quantitative measures of vocabulary proficiency. Collaborating with colleagues through Critical Friend Groups, for example, will support the reliability of observations and provide a platform for reflective practice??.I will triangulate the data I\\\'ve collected from journals, artifacts, field notes, and Critical Friend Groups (CFGs) through a meticulously planned process. Initially, I will make sure my research objectives and questions are clearly defined to guide…...
mlaReferencesBans-Akutey, A., & Tiimub, B. M. (2021). Triangulation in research. Academia Letters, 2, 1-6.Li, F., & Sun, Y. (2024). Effects of different forms of explicit instruction on L2 development: A meta?analysis. Foreign Language Annals, 57(1), 229-255.Mertler, C. A. (2020). Action research: Improving schools and empowering educators (6th ed.). Sage.
FrameworksThomas (2021) used Crenshaws theory of intersectionality framework. Hall (2017) used a conceptual framework of transformational leadership developed by Burns and its application to school reform. Marshall (2019) used the conceptual framework of multicultural education developed by James A. Banks in support of the study of attitudes of preservice teachers toward multicultural competence.Thomas (2021) leverages Crenshaw\\\'s theory of intersectionality, which contends that social categorizations such as race, class, and gender intersect to create a complex system of discrimination or privilege. Given that the study\\\'s focus is on the experiences of Black female middle school students - a group at the intersection of multiple identities - this framework is highly relevant. It helps illuminate the unique experiences and challenges faced by Black girls and provides a nuanced lens through which to examine the role of teachers\\\' interactions and emotions in conflicts. Thus, the intersectionality theory adequately supports the research problem and…...
mlaReferencesHall, D. (2017). The Lived Experiences of High School Principals Implementing the Core Principles of High School Reform. Nova Southeastern University.Marshall, A. (2017). Evaluating the Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Toward Multicultural Competence. Nova Southeastern University.Thomas, D. (2021). Teachers’ Navigating Emotions and Communication Exchanges in Teacher-Student Conflicts at a Black Urban All-Girls Middle School. Nova Southeastern University.
ANOVAThe ANOVA statistic (F-score) from the article is:F(4, 61) = 110.42, p < .001, ?2 = .88.The authors used a one-way repeated measures ANOVA to assess the effect of the five different coverage methods on the normalized gain scores. They used an F-test to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference in the mean gain scores among the five methods.A one-way ANOVA is used when there is one independent variable with three or more levels (in this case, the five different coverage methods), and one dependent variable (in this case, the normalized gain scores). The authors used a repeated measures ANOVA, which means that the same participants were measured on the same dependent variable multiple times (pretest and posttest) while exposed to different independent variable levels (the different coverage methods).The purpose of the ANOVA was to determine whether there was a significant difference in the mean gain scores among…...
mlaReferenceKowalski, P., & Taylor, A. K. (2009). The effect of refuting misconceptions in the introductory psychology class. Teaching of Psychology, 36(3), 153-159.
The State has also established a string of both general and specific policies for improving and developing special education and set aside special funds for this purpose. Consequently, just like regular education, special education has also developed rapidly. Although local governments are encouraged to provide compulsory education to children with and without disabilities, the enacted policies do not necessitate that education be provided to all students.
Despite the fact that students with disabilities were earlier educated in special schools, China has adopted new channels of special education including the integration of disabled children into general education classes. Currently, the number of disabled children enrolled in schools has continued to experience a big increase since 1987. Although many articles in the laws formulated by the Chinese government call for the overall education of handicapped children, special education for children with autism or severe disabilities is not directly mentioned in these policies…...
Baker, M. (2007, November 17). China's Bid for World Domination. Retrieved April 11, 2010,
Mu K, Yang H & Armfield A (n.d.). China's Special Education: A Comparative Analysis.
Retrieved April 11, 2010, from
Topic 1: The Effectiveness of Online Education Compared to Traditional Classroom Instruction
Comparative study of student outcomes, engagement, and satisfaction in online vs. traditional learning environments
Analysis of the impact of online learning on critical thinking skills, collaboration, and communication abilities
Exploration of the role of learner autonomy and self-motivation in online education
Topic 2: Accessibility and Equity in Online Education
Investigation of the barriers and facilitators to online education participation for diverse learners (e.g., low-income, rural, students with disabilities)
Examination of the policies and practices that promote inclusion and reduce disparities in online learning
Assessment of the effectiveness of online....
Barriers to Physical Activity for College Students: A Review of Research
Physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. However, many college students struggle to meet recommended guidelines for physical activity. Research has identified several barriers that contribute to this low level of activity, including:
Time constraints: College students often have demanding schedules filled with classes, studying, and work. This leaves little time for physical activity.
Lack of motivation and self-efficacy: Some students lack the motivation or self-confidence to engage in physical activity. They may perceive themselves as being too busy or not having the....
Why Homeschooling is Winning: Unveiling the Untold Advantages for Education Excellence
Homeschooling has emerged as a formidable force in the educational landscape, gaining widespread recognition for its unparalleled benefits for students. Here are the compelling reasons why homeschooling is winning:
1. Tailored Learning:
Homeschooling allows for highly individualized instruction that adapts to each child's unique learning style, pace, and interests. Parents can customize lesson plans, select resources, and create a learning environment that nurtures their child's strengths and addresses their weaknesses.
2. Flexible Schedule:
Homeschooling offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling students to learn at their own pace and accommodate extracurricular activities such as sports, music, or....
Educators play a crucial role in shaping the social consciousness of students and preparing them to navigate the complexities of the world around them. In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of the importance of incorporating current societal issues into social science curricula to help students develop a deeper understanding of the world they live in. This literature review explores various strategies that educators can use to enhance social science curricula and address current societal issues effectively.
One approach that educators can take to address current societal issues in social science curricula is to incorporate diverse perspectives into....
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