Education Administration Essays (Examples)

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Education Administration This Internship in Education Administration
Pages: 5 Words: 1699

Education Administration
This internship in education administration provided me with a number of takeaways that will benefit me throughout my career. I learned how to create a safe, collegial environment for change in teacher practice. My strategies enabled a full court press on the issues facing the math department, and strengthened the will of the team to get the job done by insisting each member believes it is important to "Do your job!" My experience plowed through a maelstrom of perceptions -- some pre-conceived and some formed during the internship experience. I am confident I will be a better education administrator for having spent this time at Dunn Middle School.

Teachers face many challenges in classrooms today; one of the most difficult of these challenges is the ensuring that teachers engage in activities that serve as a foundation for continuous improvement. Staff development programs and services are integral to educational systems today,…...

Education Administration African-American Student Score
Pages: 2 Words: 571


Identified as possible barriers to implementation of assessment and assignment to remedial mathematics for frican-merican students to assist them in preparation for high school mathematics are the barriers presenting due to:

Lack of resources;

Funding difficulties;

Teacher availability;

Classroom availability;

ttendance rates of students.


The above-stated proposal must be introduced to the district superintendent as well as administrators at schools throughout the school district. Support for the remedial mathematics program must be garnered among other teachers in schools throughout the school district. Toward this end, a copy of the proposal will be forwarded to all teachers of mathematics in the school district as well as to the school administrators, principals and the superintendent for the school district. Furthermore, local meetings will be held with representatives of the frican-merican communities in the school district to garner the general support for the remedial mathematics program to benefit frican-merican students in greater achievement in…...

Education Administration in the Book
Pages: 6 Words: 1665

With conscious awareness, the school leader becomes a reflective practitioner and therefore a more effective school leader. The readers must heed the words of the authors that "the variety of skills a leader must master is daunting" (p. 62). Therefore the authors prescribe that these responsibilities should not fall simply on one individual but rather a upon a distributed leadership team.
n Chapter 4, the authors present meta-analysis of the 21 behaviors or responsibilities of the principals that "have a statistically significant relationship with student achievement" (p. 64). Each responsibility is explained and its correlation with achievement is reported. Describing each responsibility, the authors give several scenarios which describe what each responsibility would do in the actual setting. The scenarios give practitioners a clear understanding of each one. For instance, in the Change Agent responsibility: "the school leader demonstrates [Change Agent responsibility]...when he makes a commitment to implement a new…...


In conclusion, School Leadership that Works gives school administrators 21 responsibilities of which school leaders should be aware. The authors claim that their research "indicates that school leadership has a substantial effect on student achievement and provides guidance for experienced and aspiring administrators alike" (p.12). They sum up their work with a universalistic goal: "It is our hope that the information presented in this book will help principals and others translate their vision and aspirations into actions that will change not only our schools, but potentially, the world" (p. 123).


Marzano, R.J.; McNulty, B.A. And Waters, T. (2005). School Leadership that Works: From Research to Results. Alexandra, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Education-Administration Education Discrimination to Teachers Teacher Discrimination
Pages: 4 Words: 1385

Education Discrimination to Teachers

Teacher Discrimination Cases

Educational instructors, especially the teachers provide the necessitated skills and knowledge to students, thereby equipping them with essential life skills. The teachers are in most cases employed by union organizations, but in some state and cities, they are directly employed from the school boards. In the latter situation, teacher-related issues are handled by the respective school's board committees. Despite the employer's position or rank, individual or board, the teachers' constitutional rights need to be obeyed and implemented accordingly. However, laws pertaining discrimination are increasingly filed in the courts, and has seen several teachers win. The employer's are prohibited by the federal and state law from conducting decision-making processes that affect teachers from a discriminatory criterion. Some decisions are made in consideration of a teacher's race, age, ethnic origin, religion, physicality, gender and even color. Decisions of hiring, paying and promotion to the teachers are majorly…...



United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit. (1995). Bernadette Reynolds, Plaintiff-Appellant v. Denver Public Schools, Retrieved from URL<>

Thomasville City Schools Settle EEOC Age Discrimination Suit: Arlene Lent vs. Thomasville City Schools. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Retrieved from URL

Sargeant, M. (2008). The Law on Age Discrimination. London: Kluwer Law International.

Buckley, J.F. (2011). Equal Employment Opportunity 2011 Compliance Guide w/CD. New York: Aspen Publishers.

Education Administration it Has Been
Pages: 1 Words: 373

It is no longer possible for educators to rely only on their past education or occasional teacher seminars. Teachers need to recognize that professional development is a lifelong process and a continual program of personal growth. This includes learning activities to enhance one's internal and external knowledge base. For internal growth, more learning is required on policy and procedures, curriculum development, technology use, collaboration and teamwork, and student special needs, as well as on one's personal field of subject interest -- all for the end goal of improving the school and teaching students more effectively. Externally, because of the speed of change, a teacher must keep abreast of current global affairs, trends in education and other programs that impact student learning. Today's teachers must take their leadership skills and their creative thoughts and ideas and begin to establish new ways of enhancing their schools and impacting reform. Increasingly, they will…...

Education - Administration Plan for
Pages: 6 Words: 1732

- in a program managed through "teacher cooperatives," which are funded by "independent organizations" (in fact commercial vendors donating to schools for tax write-off purposes and to bring positive publicity to them) - would become assigned to work in more than one school. For example, a terrific advanced physics teacher would be assigned to work in two or three high schools, mentoring other physics teachers as needed, and his or her salary would not come out of district (taxpayer) funds.
3) Major Florida musical acts in hip hop, rock, jazz, and country music will put on major benefit concerts throughout the school year, to keep funds rolling into the accounts kicked off by corporations, and to alert the public about the need for teacher retention. These concerts will be promoted and produced by top promoters in Florida button-holed into donating their services by the governor, the President of the United…...



Chandler, Joe (2003). BellSouth Launches $10 million Teaching Quality Initiative;

Initiative will Support Professional Development, Teacher Recruitment and Retention, PR Newswire, 10 December.

Critical Teacher Shortage Areas (2004). "Prepared for the State Board of Education:

Office of Evaluation and Reporting," Florida State Board of Education.

Independent Reading and Sharing Education Administration
Pages: 2 Words: 695

Education Administration: Independent Reading and SharingThis paper aims to summarize the book Whose America? Culture Wars in the Public Schools written by Jonathan Zimmerman. The book discusses the public school curriculum that has thoroughly included the struggles and fights of American history in justice and freedom wars rather than including other cultures, such as Jews, Italians, and Germans, etc. The immigrant groups and their endeavors, such as the civil rights movement, sought to eradicate American historys White version. In contrast, the textbooks and curriculum should be diversity inclusive for catering to todays historical needs of the culturally diverse public school students (Zimmerman, 2009).What concerns me about this book is the connection of the inclusiveness of contemporary times public school with the historical accounts of American history and the included content in the textbooks. The historical linkages with the racial struggles to be included are also seen in recent times despite…...



Zimmerman, J. (2009). Whose America? Culture wars in the public schools. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Strengths and Limitations of Quantitative and Mixed Methods Education Administration
Pages: 1 Words: 394

EDUCATION ADMINISTATION Education Administration: Strengths and Limitations of Quantitative and Mixed Method ApproachesThe strengths of the quantitative approach include: The use of numbers and statistics make the research appropriate to use as the statistical tests to help in straightforward analysis (Devault, 2020) eplication could be easily done based on an experimental design; testing and checking become convenient. esearch with the involvement of statistics gives it a valuable image. It can be used in complex evaluations like computer modeling, portfolio review, business decisions based on data assessment, stock assortment, etc.The limitations of the quantitative approach can involve: Focusing more on numbers could remove the researchers focus from detecting themes and associations. The setting of the research design and model could sometimes be faulty, leading to errors in the entire research process, making the results misleading in the end.The strengths of the mixed-methods approach are: The use of two methods in a…...


ReferencesAlmeida, F. (2018). Strategies to perform a mixed-methods study. European Journal of Education Studies, 5(1), 137-151. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.1406214Devault, G. (2020, December 4). Advantages and disadvantages of quantitative research. The Balance Small Business.

Ethics of Research Education Administration
Pages: 1 Words: 345

EDUCATION ADMINISTATION Education Administration: Ethics of esearchThe use of ethics in research has been carried out for a long time. Informed consent is one of the ley concerns in research ethics, dating back to 1946. The Nuremberg Code was formulated in 1948, making it mandatory for the human participants to give informed consent after the German military conducted several medical experiments on soldiers kept as prisoners without their consent (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, n.a.). During the 1950s, to ensure that drug efficacy was appropriately tested before giving to the participants or anyone from the public, the US Senate asked to follow the Kefauver Amendments for drug use safety.A concern of research ethics arose in a 1932-1972 study called Tuskegee Syphilis study that was conducted upon 600 low-income African American subjects for 40 years. Although they were guaranteed free medical treatment to study the disease, this was not the case.…...


ReferencesHead, G. (2018). Ethics in educational research: Review boards, ethical issues, and researcher development. European Educational Research Journal, 19(1). of Nevada, Las Vegas. (n.a.). History of research ethics.

Paradigm Reflection Paper Education Administration
Pages: 5 Words: 1594

EDUCATION ADMINISTATION Education Administration: (My) Paradigm eflection PaperA paradigm makes the foundation of how we perceive the world and define it. Our behaviors toward the information gained from the world around us are created by the observations and experiences while living in it. However, some limitations and misrepresentations are imposed by the socially accustomed nature. This paper aims to reflect on the identified paradigm, certain conceptual frameworks, theories, and models incorporated in my doctoral program. It would play a possible role in my future research.I have come across theconstructivist paradigmso far in my doctoral program since I feel we have been given opportunities through which we could learn based on experiences and the knowledge gained from seeing the world through our own eyes (Guba & Lincoln, 2005, p. 195). The reflection of those experiences was built distinctly as this is the basis of the analogy that people infer their meanings…...


ReferencesAdom, D., Yeboah, A. & Ankrah, A.K. (2016). Constructivism philosophical paradigm: Implication for research, teaching, and learning. Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(10), 1-9. Guba, E. G., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging confluences. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), The Sage handbook of qualitative research (pp. 191–215). Sage Publications Ltd.McGregor, S.L.T. (2018). Understanding and evaluating research: A critical guide. Sage Publications. Ritchie, R. (1995). Constructive action research: A perspective on the process of learning. Educational Action Research, 3(3), 305-322. P. & Hambacher, E. (2014). Authenticity in constructivist inquiry: Assessing an elusive construct. The Qualitative Report, 19(26), 1-13.,

Education and Leadership
Pages: 3 Words: 741

Educational Leadership
Opportunities in K-12 Urban City Schools

This paper intends to show that the best educational leadership can provide to individuals is to provide students with the skills they need to skillfully and successfully cope with "today" and upon doing so to be secure in the knowledge that the tomorrows and the future will follow. This paper will research, explore and examine the options that present themselves to today's graduate student with a Master of Education K-12 Leadership in the urban city school setting.

According to Elliot W. Eisner:

The unknowable future is not a sound basis on which to plan curriculum."

Eisner that upon first contemplating the creation of a curriculum that will prepare students for the future seems to be a task that is unachievable because the future world is something we see through a "glass but darkly" concerning the future. However, as Eisner points out no one escaped while growing up…...



Eisner, Elliot W. (2003) Educational Leadership "Preparing for Today and Tomorrow" [Online] available at   = 

Deposition of Thomas Sobolo Ed.D 

Deposition of Jeannie Oakes, Ph.D

Eisner, Elliot W. (2003) Educational Leadership "Preparing for Today and Tomorrow"

Education Educating Diverse Children the
Pages: 3 Words: 945

13. I also think that field experiences in the community are extremely necessary for success.

14. I don't think enough teachers complete their practicum or student teach in minority schools, and I think this area is underserved and not supported enough by administration and community in many areas.

15. I don't think many teachers would want immersion, living and teaching in a minority community, and I think this is far underserved in the educational community.

16. The group-setting model is very prevalent, and it does make for more challenge and support throughout college.

Almost all of these elements are extremely relevant to the 21st century learner, teacher, and total school environment. As classrooms become more diversified and unique, today's teachers must make more attempts to understand the different blends of students and cultures that fill their classroom, and educational curriculum is key to this basic understanding. Classrooms are not going to become less diverse,…...



Coballes-Vega, C. (1992). Considerations in teaching culturally diverse children. Retrieved from the Eric Digests Web site:   Aug. 2007. 

Willis, a.I. (2000). Critical issue: Addressing literacy needs in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms. Retrieved from the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory Web site: Aug. 2007.

Zeichner. (1993). 16 key elements of effective teacher education for diversity. Retrieved from the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory Web site: Aug. 2007.

Education for Diversity Were You
Pages: 2 Words: 648

It is important to recognize the many different areas within adult education, and what type of students these areas attract. Ultimately, for the adult education department to be successful, it must attract a wide variety of students, and keep at least some of those students coming back to continue their education in order to be successful. Adult education serves a vital role in the upper education system, and it serves a diverse amount of people, but in most institutions it also has to support itself if not turn a profit, and that is an important aspect to take into consideration. Therefore, classes must be viable to the institution, but to the student, as well, to keep attracting a wide variety of students into the program.
In addition, diverse students could form a major foundation of the program, and so, it pays to understand these diverse learners so administrators and teaching…...

Education Case Study in Today's
Pages: 7 Words: 2168

The therapist will read the passage aloud to Jonathan, and ask him comprehension questions orally. This process will be repeated during Week 3. Week 3 will also feature a passage and comprehension questions. This time, however, Jonathan will be asked to read the passage aloud to the therapist and answer the subsequent comprehension questions. This week will include a writing exercise, with fairly simple instructions that relate to Jonathan's passion for athletics.

During Week 4, the complexity level of the reading will be increased to Level 2, with writing instruction still remaining fairly simple. Jonathan will also be asked to learn a number of similar word pairs for a brief spelling test. For Week 5, both reading and writing will be presented at a Level 2 complexity level. This will continue up to Week 8, when the sessions will finish. During the subsequent week, the post-tests will be administered to determine…...

Education - NCLB Views No
Pages: 5 Words: 1535

S. is a worthwhile goal, but the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 is a poorly conceived approach whose deficiencies may actually do more to undermine many aspects of education than any meaningful improvement inspired by its programs.

Caillier, J. (2007) No Child Left Behind Act: Are States on Target to Make Their

Goals?; Journal of Negro Education, Fall 2007 Issue. etrieved September 8, 2008, at

Crawford, J. (2004) No Child Left Behind: Misguided Approach to School Accountability for English Language Learners. National Association for Bilingual Education. etrieved September 8, 2008, at

Darling-Hammond, L. (2004) NCLB Implementation Challenges: The Local Superintendent's View; Peabody Journal of Education, 80, 156-169.

Forgary, . (1997) Brain Compatible Classrooms. Andover, MA: Skylight Publishing.

Hendrie, C. (2002) Taking a Chance on Choice; Education Week, Oct 23, 2002. etrieved September 8, 2008, from

Murray, C. (2006) Acid Tests: No Child Left Behind is Beyond Uninformative. It Is Deceptive; the Wall…...



Caillier, J. (2007) No Child Left Behind Act: Are States on Target to Make Their

Goals?; Journal of Negro Education, Fall 2007 Issue. Retrieved September 8, 2008, at 

Crawford, J. (2004) No Child Left Behind: Misguided Approach to School Accountability for English Language Learners. National Association for Bilingual Education. Retrieved September 8, 2008, at

Darling-Hammond, L. (2004) NCLB Implementation Challenges: The Local Superintendent's View; Peabody Journal of Education, 80, 156-169.

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