Educating Rita Essays (Examples)

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Education Educating Rita Exemplifying Adult Learning Is
Pages: 3 Words: 841

Educating Rita

Exemplifying Adult Learning

Learning is said to be lifelong. This is why it is no wonder that we see adults learning all around, at work, in school, even in social settings. Adult learning, however, if in a university setting, follows certain processes that behaviorists describe in several stages, with regards to motivations. According to "Principles of Adult Learning," these include:

Adults are autonomous and self-directed.

Adults have accumulated a foundation of life experiences and knowledge that may include work-related activities, family responsibilities, and previous education.

Adults are goal-oriented.

Adults are relevancy-oriented.

Adults are practical, focusing on the aspects of a lesson most useful to them in their work.

As do all learners, adults need to be shown respect.

These principles of adult education are very important for many expect them to be inherently followed, and if this is done, the learning will be fruitful. This paper will examine a film relating to the topic through the eyes…...


Vargas, J. (2005). "About B.F. Skinner." B.F. Skinner Foundation. Retrieved July 21, 2011, .

Bramann, J. (2011). "Educating Rita." Retrieved July 21, 2011, .

Bramann, P1.

Oedipus the King by Sophocles
Pages: 5 Words: 1885

Both men suffer, and both men have to continue living with that suffering, while losing the people they care about the most. That tragedy is even more apparent in Dove's work, with the misunderstanding about Augustus and what he managed to do in the plantation house. His fate seems more tragic, somehow, because he is being commended for something that he did not do, and is being treated as a hero when in fact he is nothing of the sort. He will have to live up to that reputation in the slave community and it is clear that he will not be able to continue that pretense for very long.
In conclusion, both of these plays use the central theme of incest for different purposes. Dove uses it to illustrate the enduring images of slavery, relationships between blacks and whites and how they were skewed, and how slaves were abused…...



Bloom, Harold, ed. Black American Women Poets and Dramatists. New York: Chelsea House, 1996.

Carlisle, Theodora. "Reading the Scars: Rita Dove's the Darker Face of the Earth." African-American Review 34.1 (2000): 135.

Dove, Rita. "The Darker Face of the Earth." American Theatre Nov. 1996: 33+.

The Darker Face of Earth. 2nd ed. Brownsville: Storyline P, 1996.

Vindication of the Rights of
Pages: 40 Words: 12319

Ross (1988) notes the development of Romanticism in the late eighteenth century and indicates that it was essentially a masculine phenomenon:
Romantic poetizing is not just what women cannot do because they are not expected to; it is also what some men do in order to reconfirm their capacity to influence the world in ways socio-historically determined as masculine. The categories of gender, both in their lives and in their work, help the Romantics establish rites of passage toward poetic identity and toward masculine empowerment. Even when the women themselves are writers, they become anchors for the male poets' own pursuit for masculine self-possession. (Ross, 1988, 29)

Mary ollstonecraft was as famous as a writer in her day as her daughter. Both mother and daughter were important proponents of the rights of women both in their writings and in the way they lived and served as role models for other women…...


Works Cited

Alexander, Meena. Women in Romanticism. Savage, Maryland: Barnes & Noble, 1989.

Burke, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1987.

Cone, Carl B. Burke and the Nature of Politics. University of Kentucky, 1964.

Conniff, James. "Edmund Burke and His Critics: The Case of Mary Wollstonecraft" Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 60, No. 2, (Apr., 1999), 299-318.

Abo Fem Towards Hearing and
Pages: 5 Words: 1420

It is in this way that fiction from female aboriginal Canadian writers both empowers the authors and their people and brings to light better understandings of what native Canadians have faced and must continue to face. One native scholar on the subject has been quoted as saying, "our task…is two fold. To examine the past and culturally affirm toward a new future" (Armstrong, in Acoose 227). It is not simply a rumination on past injuries that this literature provides, but a way of analyzing the past that allows for forward movement.

It is also impossible to consider the literature produced by members of this community as pure fictions, but rather some historical knowledge is necessary to fully appreciate the intricacies and events of stories like in Search of April Raintree. The largely negative nature of the events of the novel and the rapidity with which they take place is easily misinterpreted…...


Works Cited

Acoose, J. "The Problem of 'Searching' for April Raintree." In Search of April Raintree. Winnipeg: Penguis Publishers, 1999.

Groening, Laura Smyth. Listening to Old Women Speak: Natives and alterNatives in Canadian Literature. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004.

Mosionier, Beatrice Culleton. In Search of April Raintree. Winnipeg: Penguis Publishers, 1999.

Perreault, Jeanne. "In Search of Cheryl Raintree, and Her Mother." In Search of April Raintree. Winnipeg: Penguis Publishers, 1999.

Feminism Heaney and Dickinson Feminist
Pages: 1 Words: 380

Because society compromises the value of the woman, it is allowed the life of domesticity and life. The speaker however remains forever beyond this because she chooses self-realization instead.
In Heaney's "Punishment," feminism can be seen from the male viewpoint, as it were. The corpse of a bog girl, an adulteress, educates the narrator regarding issues of gender and politics. The narrator, far from the conventional male reaction of disgust, instead becomes infatuated with her. It is as if he is the male representative of the feminist viewpoint; that women offer value and education rather than objects of sex or symbols of domesticity. The intimacy between the speakers involve no blame. Instead of man and woman, they are equals, in strong contrast with the society that would condemn them both for their actions and their association.


Academy of American Poets. A Close Reading of "I Cannot Live With You." 2007.




Academy of American Poets. A Close Reading of "I Cannot Live With You." 2007. 

Tagle, Stephen. The Bog Girl Re-sexualized: An Analysis of Seamus Heaney's "Punishment." 13 April, 2005.

Global Human Resource Management
Pages: 1 Words: 305

Global Human Resource Management
McDonald's Company, responding to the growing need to train its employees and managers to provide excellent customer service to its 18, 380 branches worldwide, has established the Hamburger University. The Hamburger University was established in 1961 to serve as a worldwide Management Training Center, with its main headquarters located in Oak rook, Illinois. It currently educates and trains 65, 000 managers from around the world, and has training centers in England, Japan, Germany, and Australia. The Hamburger University in Illinois trains McDonald's employees to achieve global training in fast food restaurant management, which mainly centers on customer satisfaction and service. One of the most important features of the McDonald's global training is its ability to fuse both local and international standards of customer service. Since McDonald's caters fast food to numerous countries with different cultures, i.e., different food preferences and habits, the difficult task of providing diverse,…...



Solomon, C. (1996). Big Mac's McGlobal HR Secrets. Personnel Journal, Vol 75, Issue 4.

Trosack Family Dealing With a
Pages: 8 Words: 3127

Their heritage is important because certain ethnic groups are more likely to be carriers of Tay-Sachs. "The incidence of Tay-Sachs is particularly high among people of Eastern European and Ashkenazi Jewish descent. Patients and carriers of Tay-Sachs disease can be identified by a simple blood test that measures beta-hexosaminidase a activity." (NINDS, 2011). Because the Trosacks have a fetus with Tay-Sachs, it is not necessary to test their blood and examine the beta-hexosaminidase a activity of either of the parents. However, doing so may help Peter transition out of denial and understand the reality of the diagnosis.
Tay-Sachs impacts a person by interfering with genetic lipid storage. An insufficiency of the enzyme beta-hexosaminidase a, which is responsible for biodegrading gangliosides, leads to a buildup of the ganglioside GM2 in tissues and nerve cells in the brain (NINDS, 2011). Because gangliosides develop, and normally degrade, rapidly in infancy, the disease progresses…...



A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia. (2010 November 17). Tay-Sachs disease. Retrieved November 11, 2012 from PubMed website: 

American Pregnancy Association. (2006). Chorionic villus sampling: CVS. Retrieved

November 11, 2012 from 

Genetic Alliance. (2012). Home. Retrieved November 11, 2012 from /

Katrina Children Lost Forgotten and
Pages: 17 Words: 4667

For children, going to school, even a new school, provided a sense of order. It also gave parents time to plan for the future. Wealthier parents were able to enroll their children in private schools. Poorer families faced a greater struggle.
In Texas, officials reported enrolling19,000 children displaced by the storm (Katrowitz and reslau, 2005). They were able to waive normal rules, such as proving residency or providing immunization records. The opportunity to start over was critical for thousands of families, including Kathy Jemison and her daughter, Sarah McClelland, 17. The night before the storm hit, they gathered their clothes, keepsakes and important documents (such as birth certificates and Social Security cards). As the storm was destroying their home, they drove 15 hours to a friend's house in San Antonio. Sarah began her senior year at San Antonio's MacArthur High School, and Kathy, who worked for a bank in New…...



Abramson, David, and Richard Garfield. (April, 2006). On the Edge: Children and Families Displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Face a Looming Medical and Mental Health Crisis. New York: Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

Brown, Donal. (November 16, 2005). 1,000 Katrina Children Still Missing. Mother Jones.

Callimachi, Rukmini. (April 23, 2006). Katrina's Children Struggle With Fears. The Associated Press.

Cass, Julia. (June 13, 2006). For Many of Katrina's Young Victims, the Scars Are More Than Skin Deep. The Washington Post; A01.

Henry Thomas Buckle's Original 1858
Pages: 50 Words: 12518

As activists in women's liberation, discussing and analyzing the oppression and inequalities they experienced as women, they felt it imperative to find out about the lives of their foremothers -- and found very little scholarship in print" (Women's history, 2012, para. 3). This dearth of scholarly is due in large part to the events and themes that are the focus of the historical record. In this regard, "History was written mainly by men and about men's activities in the public sphere -- war, politics, diplomacy and administration. Women are usually excluded and, when mentioned, are usually portrayed in sex-stereotypical roles, such as wives, mothers, daughters and mistresses. History is value-laden in regard to what is considered historically 'worthy'" (Women's history, 2012, para. 3).
In what Kessler (1994, p. 139) describes as "the all-too-common historical exclusion or devaluation of women's contributions," the male-dominated record of human history has either diminished the…...



American Health Information Management Association. (2012). Wikipedia. Retrieved from  

Condoleezza Rice Inspiration for Any
Pages: 6 Words: 1762

Rice even started attending college before she graduated high school. It was an experience that helped her learn about herself, Felix writes. It is "almost a footnote the musical accomplishments Condi made at fifteen" (Felix 69). The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education maintains that while African-Americans have often perceived as lazy and inarticulate, Rice "made a huge contribution to dismantling the traditional stereotype" (22) while speaking at the National Commission on Terrorism. During the questioning, she "finessed and Cheshire-catted her way through some tough questions" (23) and while she was defending Bush's administration's actions prior to September 11, she remained "forceful and compelling in public testimony before the 9/11 commission" (23). Clearly, the poise that Rice learned as a little girl came in handy when she needed it the most. Many reports about Rice's demeanor during the questioning was nothing but admirable of her grace, charm, and poise.


Works Cited

Beamish, Rita. "When She Speaks, the World Listens White House Adviser Condoleezza Rice."

Biography. 2001. EBSCO Resource Database. Information Retreived July 19, 2009.

Bumiller, Elisabeth. Condoleezza Rice: An American Life. New York: Random House. 2007.

"Condoleezza Rice's Virtuoso Performance before the National Commission on Terrorism: She

Learning Styles and College Students
Pages: 15 Words: 4864

Community Colleges in America
In 1983 and 1984, a dozen major reports on the United States' schools were published. All stressed the need for "excellence" in education. These reports are the subject of: Excellence in Education: Perspectives on Policy and Practice. The reports pertaining to higher education were published by The BusinessHigher Education Forum, and saw higher education as "unable to train skilled managers and technicians that they believed industry needed." (Altbach 32) These reports essentially claim that student achievement has declined at technical schools because schools "do not demand enough of their students, do not apply stiff criteria for promotion, do not test students enough, and particularly in high school, provide students with too many choices about what subjects they study." (Altbach 32) These reports are somewhat dated in that they compare American students with Japanese students and focus on technical proficiency vs. The intuitive grasp of problems and methodologies…...


Works Cited

Altbach, Philip G., Gail P. Kelly, and Lois Weis, eds. Excellence in Education: Perspectives on Policy and Practice. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1985.

Baker, George A., Judy Dudziak, and Peggy Tyler, eds. A Handbook on the Community College in America: Its History, Mission, and Management. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.

Diaz, David P., and Ryan B. Cartnal. "Students' Learning Styles in Two Classes Online Distance Learning and Equivalent On-Campus." College Teaching 47.4 (1999): 130-135.

Miller, Richard I., Charles Finley, and Candace Shedd Vancko. Evaluating, Improving, and Judging Faculty Performance in Two-Year Colleges. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 2000.

Latinos -- Introduction it Is
Pages: 28 Words: 8953

And Vela-Gude's article offers several of the main points of this paper's research; the services must be ready, and the counselors must be thoroughly informed and knowledgeable about the cultural implications as well as the academic realities facing those Latino students (2009).

Racism Against Latinos

This paper alludes to the high number of Latinos in California and Texas, but according to the Southern Poverty Law Center's research, the South is home to one of the "fastest growing populations of Latinos in the country" (Bauer, et al., 2009, p. 4). But though the typical Latino immigrant comes to the South to escape "crushing poverty in their home countries" they often encounter "…widespread hostility, discrimination and exploitation" (Bauer, 2009, p. 4).

hat kinds of discrimination do Latinos come up against in the South? Mary Bauer and her chief researcher, Sarah Reynolds, claim that Latinos are "…routinely cheated out of their earnings and denied basic…...


Works Cited

Barneclo, Nick Anthony. (2008). El Laberinto del exito: A Mixed methods investigation of resilience within the context of Mexican-American late adolescents lives. Dissertation at New Mexico State University in Counseling Psychology. ProQuest Publication Number:

AAT 3349360.

Cannon, Edward, and Levy, Marielle. (2008). Substance-Using Hispanic Youth and Their

Families: Review of Engagement and Treatment Strategies. The Family Journal: Counseling

Nursing Home Proposal for Improving
Pages: 7 Words: 2253

The pathways scheme aims to offer opportunities for every grade of practitioner. This is part of a national process that anticipates quality improvement as a continuously evolving process.
Achieving fair and equal access to professional development for nurses and healthcare providers in the private sector has been difficult in the past. Education has sometimes been viewed as expensive and time-consuming, with staff release for learning difficult to achieve especially acute staff shortages are a definable obstacle already to effective treatment provision. However, it is vital to the principle of performance improvement and the pursuit of standardizing quality outcomes that healthcare provision be based on the active pursuit of staff excellence. This is to be seen as a far more desirable approach to personnel orientation than the imposition of sanctions for poor performance. Central to this is the need for improvement of the local facility's knowledge economy. To this extent, knowledge…...


Works Cited

Burgess, M.M. (2003). What difference does public consultation make to ethics? Electronic Working Papers Series. W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics, University of British Columbia.

Cho, I. & Park, H. (2003). Development and evaluation of a terminology-based electronic nursing record system. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 36(4), 304-312.

Cooymans, M.P.M. And Hintzen, E.F.M. (2000) Winst en Waarden. Deventer and Den Bosch: Samson.

DoH. (2004) Quality Standards. The Department of Health.

Autism Bibliography the Following Bibliography
Pages: 3 Words: 790

The overall purpose of this book is to assist teachers and educators to understand the often complex world of autism as it relates to "social and emotional development, communication, cognition and behavior" in a classroom setting. It also addresses the overwhelming needs of autistic children related to "communication and flexibility of thought and behavior" and how these needs "might be overcome or circumvented" both at home in a classroom environment (, Internet).

4. Mesibov, Gary B., et al. (1998). utism: Understanding the Disorder. New York: Kluwer cademic Press. 105 pages.

ccording to the Journal of pplied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, this book offers "a comprehensively referenced guide to autism," created in part by TECCH, " a forerunner in research and treatment for individuals" afflicted with autism, such as children and young adults. Overall, this book contains a very detailed overview of autism, such as its clinical history, diagnosis, biological causes, neuropsychological mechanisms…...


According to the Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, this book offers "a comprehensively referenced guide to autism," created in part by TEACCH, " a forerunner in research and treatment for individuals" afflicted with autism, such as children and young adults. Overall, this book contains a very detailed overview of autism, such as its clinical history, diagnosis, biological causes, neuropsychological mechanisms and treatment options ( review, Internet). For educators, Mesibov, one of the most recognized experts on autism, provides many in-depth solutions on how to teach and inform autistic children, both in the classroom and at home. This book was also written with parents in mind as a guide to raising, educating and maintaining strong relationships with autistic children.

5. (2006). The Culture of Autism. Autism Independent UK. Internet. Available at .

This excellent website, owned and operated by the Autism Independent Group of the United Kingdom, points out that educational services for children with autism should be composed of two specific goals, being to "increase their understanding and make the environment more comprehensible." This website also contains a very in-depth section on learning aids for teachers and educational professionals, such as sensory integration, setting the proper climate for learning, innovative software for speech, stages learning materials for speech and language, educational toys for children with autism and related disorders, and a comprehensive link for parents and teachers that provides free learning aids. Overall, this website is invaluable for not only parents but also teachers and other educational specialists who study, treat and educate children with autism.

Boards of Directors Are Driven
Pages: 6 Words: 2424

One other new thing brought to the attention of companies by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is the fact that, under this law, every public company is supposed to prove strong internal systems designed to catch an employee intending to commit fraud or flag accounting errors before a company has the opportunity to make its profits official. An addendum to this rule is the obligation of a company knowing about problems with its control systems to disclose what it has uncovered. This obligation generated what an author called the "current flood of mea culpas."

As mentioned above, many companies have faced serious difficulties during the last few years. Companies conducting their activity in Silicon Valley, for instance, such as Versant, Portal Software and Sipex, have acknowledged that they have encountered problems such as not having experienced accounting staff, lacking checks and balances in the case of employees handling corporate cash and the inability…...



1.Wells Susanm J., Educating the Boardm, HRMagazine, Alexandria: Feb 2005.Vol.50, Iss. 2; pg. 46

2.Shean, Tom. Board member duties take on real meaning after Sarbanes-Oxley Knight Ridder Tribune Business News. Washington: Dec 14, 2004.

3.Raber, Roger W., What Has Really Changed in the American Boardroom?, Community Banker. Washington: Oct 2004.Vol.13, Iss. 10; pg. 60

4. Lohse, Deborah, New anti-fraud rules causing upheaval among Silicon Valley companies, Knight Ridder Tribune Business News. Washington: Mar 4, 2005.

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