Edgar Allan Poe Essays (Examples)

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Edgar Allan Poe The Man of the
Pages: 4 Words: 1520

Edgar Allan Poe: The Man of the Crowd
On page 164 of class's anthology there is a work by Edgar Allan Poe entitled "The Man of the Crowd." hat interests me about this work is the way that Poe deals with the horror or loneliness and isolation that is so much a part of humanity. In this connection, the question that I want to research is whether this loneliness is really recognized in the story as being something causing horror and pain, or whether Poe cannot truly make the reader see his concern regarding this issue. In other words, is what Poe claims realistic, or is it just something created to frighten the reader?

In his story, Poe deals with the concept of the loneliness that humanity faces and how much horror he believes it brings to most people. Because of the way he tells the story he sounds like a very…...


Works Cited

Poe, Edgar Allan. Selected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. Edward H. Davidson. Boston: Houghton-Riverside, 1956.

Poirier, Richard. The Renewal of Literature. New York: Random House, 1987.

Poirier, Richard. A World Elsewhere. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966.

Schwarz, Daniel R. The Humanistic Heritage. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986.

Edgar Allan Poe Is Considered
Pages: 4 Words: 1778

Both stories told of men who dared to escape their fate, whether it was inevitable death from a plague or the dire consequences of his action, these men seek means to remove themselves from their environment and distance themselves from their actions. Prince Prospero used his wealth as a shield, and he honestly thought he managed to bar Death from his gates. Death cannot be and will never be denied. There are no doors strong enough and no walls high enough to keep it out. Justice, on the other hand, will always be served. It matters not that what you did, whether it was right or wrong, you will receive what's coming to you. The man felt more the relief over the loss of the cat, than the grief over the loss of his wife. This perverse sense caused his madness to grow, fed it until it mirrored sanity, still…...

Poe Biography Edgar Allan Poe
Pages: 1 Words: 353

After his mother died in 1811, Poe became a ward of John Allan, a wealthy Richmond merchant. he Allan family lived in the United Kingdom from 1815 to 1820 before returning to Richmond. In 1826, Poe enrolled at the University of Virginia. He had to drop out later due to a gambling debt he could not afford to pay. His first book was published in 1827 and three years later her entered West Point where he excelled in the study of languages. But he was expelled in 1831 for neglecting his duties. In 1836, Poe married Virginia Clemm, his 13-year-old cousin and received his first editorial job at Richmond's the Messenger. Poe's later years were colored by economic hardship and ill health. On October 3, he was found semiconscious and delirious outside a tavern. he cause of his death four days later was listed as congestion of the brain,…...


There were many things that surprised me about the life and times of Edgar Allan Poe. He led a passionate and sometimes scandalous life of love that would be the foundation of his many stories and tales. Along with being a writer, he also worked as an editor for a number of magazines in several cities, including Richmond, Virginia; New York City; and Philadelphia. He unsuccessfully tried to found and edit his own magazine, which would have granted him financial security and artistic control in what he considered a hostile literary marketplace. He challenged the literary community of New England and made many enemies because he broke moralistic limits on literature with his biting critical style. Some readers too easily identified Poe with the mentally disturbed narrators of his tales, by Poe celebrated pure forms of beauty and opposed the didactic (a tendency to instruct or moralize) in poetry. These attitudes laid a foundation for later literary movements, notably symbolism. Poe was born in Boston, the son of traveling actors. His father deserted the family. After his mother died in 1811, Poe became a ward of John Allan, a wealthy Richmond merchant. The Allan family lived in the United Kingdom from 1815 to 1820 before returning to Richmond. In 1826, Poe enrolled at the University of Virginia. He had to drop out later due to a gambling debt he could not afford to pay. His first book was published in 1827 and three years later her entered West Point where he excelled in the study of languages. But he was expelled in 1831 for neglecting his duties. In 1836, Poe married Virginia Clemm, his 13-year-old cousin and received his first editorial job at Richmond's the Messenger. Poe's later years were colored by economic hardship and ill health. On October 3, he was found semiconscious and delirious outside a tavern. The cause of his death four days later was listed as congestion of the brain, though the precise circumstances of his death have never been fully explained. He died very young at the age of 40.

Word Cited

World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia. New York: World Book, Inc., 2003.

Poe Communicator Edgar Allan Poe's
Pages: 3 Words: 1036

Another Poe classic short story entitled the Tell Tale Heart also displayed his unique way of gaining the attention of the reader by use of dark and gloomy descriptions. This story is about going mad and losing one's mind. Poe may have really experienced this process as this story definitely takes a personal tone. The reader cannot help to feel the chaotic feelings that madness brings when grasping the Poe's words: " TUE! - nervous - very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses - not destroyed - not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? " Once again Poe takes the first person narrative as the route to…...



Poe, Edgar a. " Annabel Lee." The Literature Network. Viewed 8 April 2013. Retrieved from  http://www.online-literature.com/poe/44/ 

Poe, Edgar a. " the Cask of Amontillado." The Literature Network. Viewed 8 April 2013. Retrieved from

Edgar Allan Poe's Influence on
Pages: 10 Words: 3094

atson, and his several forays into the real world to solve mysteries that confounded others. In this regard, Magistrale reports that, "Dupin solves crimes in part from his ability to identify with the criminal mind. He is capable of empathizing with the criminal psyche because Dupin himself remains essentially isolated from the social world" (21). In fact, Dupin also has a "sidekick" who serves as his narrator. According to Durham (2003), "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," as well as its two sequels, "The Mystery of Marie Roget" and "The Purloined Letter," are both "set in Paris and feature a Frenchman, C. Auguste Dupin, whose adventures are narrated by an unnamed American friend. Dupin's ability to resolve the most puzzling of crimes by the methodical application of his superior powers of reason" (82).
The principal motivating factor for their crime-solving for both Holmes and Dupin were similar as well. For…...


Works Cited

Braham, Persephone. Crimes against the State, Crimes against Persons: Detective Fiction in Cuba and Mexico. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2004.

Cambiaire, Celestin P. The Influence of Edgar Allan Poe in France. New York G.E. Stechert,


Deloche, R. And Oguer, Fabienne. (2006, Winter). "Game Theory and Poe's Detective Stories

Poe Edgar Allan Poe Is
Pages: 3 Words: 983

The narrator proceeds to ask the raven a series of questions to which the raven only responds "nevermore," driving the man mad with its lack of answers. The poem ends presumably with the raven still sitting on the bust in the man's house. The questions the man asks are all purposely self-deprecating and demonstrate a strong loneliness that exists in him. This possibly represents Poe trying to relieve himself of some guilt and loneliness. Also, the narrator begins the poem as weak and weary, but becomes so grief-stricken that he ends in madness much like Poe at the end of his life. hen a person's life is dark, it is expected that their creative works will be dark as well, and Poe certainly fits this belief.
One of Poe's most famous stories is "The Cask of Amontialldo." The story is about a man, Montresor, who plans on killing his friend…...


Works Cited

Giordano, Robert. "Biography of Edgar Allan Poe." Accessed 2 October 2010.  http://poestories.com/biography.php 

Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Cask of Amontillado." Accessed 2 October 2010.  http://poestories.com/read/amontillado 

Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Raven." Accessed 2 October 2010.  http://poestories.com/read/raven

Edgar Allan Poe and His Influence on the Detective Genre
Pages: 3 Words: 1044

Poe and Detective Fiction
Edgar Allan Poe's Influence on Detective Fiction

hile many people do not relate Edgar Allan Poe with detective fiction and is best known for his tales of the grotesque and macabre, Poe is in fact the father of modern detective fiction. Through his mystery stories, which include "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," "The Mystery of Marie Roget," and "The Purloined Letter," Poe was able to establish a framework of detective motifs that would help to define the genre and would later be applied to other works of detective fiction. Through his three detective stories, which are part of a series that feature C. Auguste Dupin as the eccentric and genius detective, Poe defined five different elements that should be present in order to construct a successful mystery story.

In order for any detective story to be successful, Poe contended that a crime had to occur. In each of…...


Works Cited

Doyle, Sir Francis Conan. "A Scandal In Bohemia." Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library. Web. Accessed 28 March 2012.

Mansfield-Kelly, Deane and Lois A. Marchino. The Longman Anthology of Detective Fiction.

San Francisco: Pearson Longman, 2005. Print.

"Poe and Detective Fiction." National Endowment for the Arts. Web. Accessed 28 March 2012.

Edgar Allan Poe's the Tell-Tale Heart Edgar
Pages: 5 Words: 2141

Edgar Allan Poe's the Tell-Tale Heart
Edgar Allen Poe's short story, The Tell-Tale Heart, may be the best example of gothic fiction ever written. In it, Poe uses every aspect of story-telling to help contribute to the atmospheric intensity of the story. This utilization of every aspect of the storytelling process results in a gothic feeling that permeates every detail in the story. hen the story opens, one realizes that Poe's narrative technique, which is to have a first-person narrator tell the story, contributes tremendously to the gothic nature of the tale. This is because the narrator quickly reveals himself to be unreliable, perhaps even mentally ill. The fact that the narrator is unreliable makes it difficult to discern the character of the people in the story. The narrator paints himself as an unsympathetic character, capable of gleeful murder but also trying to claim he feels remorse for those actions. That…...


Works Cited

Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Tell-Tale Heart." Poe Museum. N.p., Jan. 1843. Web. 25 Jan. 2011.

Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849 Was an American
Pages: 8 Words: 2918

Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer well-known for his macabre poems and short stories. ritten before his death in 1849, "Annabel Lee" keeps in line with many of his previous poems and centers around the theme of the death of a beautiful woman.
"Annabel Lee" features an unnamed narrator pining for the lost Annabel Lee with whom he claims he has an eternal bond. In "Annabel Lee," the narrator states he and Annabel Lee "loved with a love that was more than love -- / [He] and [his] Annabel Lee;/ith a love that the winged seraphs of heaven/Coveted her and [he]" (Poe 9-12). The narrator believes that their love was so strong that it made the angels in Heaven jealous and thus they took Annabel Lee from him to end their relationship. The narrator is convinced that jealousy is the only reason the two were torn apart and exclaims,…...


Works Cited

Blake, William. "The Chimney Sweeper." Songs of Experience. 1794. Web. 22 January 2013.

Cummings, E.E. "she being brand new." 100 Selected Poems. pp. 24-25. GoogleBooks. Web. 24

January 2013.

Dickinson, Emily. "Because I could not stop for Death." Poets.org from The Academy of American Poets. Web. 22 January 2013.

Edgar Allan Poe the Madman's
Pages: 3 Words: 938

Poe establishes at this point how in the viewpoint of an insane individual, the line distinguishing insanity from rational thinking becomes blurry. Indeed, the Mad Man's illusion that he is not insane and was fortunate to experience a "sharpening of the senses" was one way of illustrating this blurring of distinction between illusion and reality, sanity and insanity. The Mad Man did not realize that murdering the old man because of his blue eye is irrational; for him, the threatening feeling that he experiences whenever he sees the blue eye is reason enough for him to kill the eyes' owner, who is the old man. In this example, his illusion is that the blue eye is watching and threatening him, while the reality is that he killed the old man because of this perceived threat.

The emotional instability that the Mad Man experienced became evident as the story draws to a…...

Edgar Allan Poe in a
Pages: 3 Words: 1056

The narrator of "Amontillado" uses wine to lure Fortunato into the recesses of the city, where the latter meets his slow and agonizing end. As such, both narrators clearly state their tormentor's favorite things, which would be used towards their demise: "In painting and gemmary, Fortunato, like his countrymen, was a quack, but in the matter of old wines he was sincere."
In "Hop Frog," the narrator opens his story with "I never knew anyone so keenly alive to a joke as the king was." Both references to the favorite skills practiced by the culprits occur close to the beginning of the story, foreshadowing the climax later. Both narrators also provide the climax to their stories close to the end.

The fictional style in which each story is told differs significantly. It is mentioned above that the narrator in "Hop Frog" uses a light, conversational tone for his story. He is…...



Poe, Edgar Allan. Hop Frog.  http://www.poestories.com/text.php?file=hop-frog 

The Cask of Amontillado.

Edgar Allan Poe Namely the Raven Annabel
Pages: 13 Words: 4120

Edgar Allan Poe namely, The Raven, Annabel Lee and the Spirit of the Dead. This paper compares the themes and tones of the three poems. This paper also lays emphasis on some events that took place in the poet's life and eventually drove him into writing such poetry. The paper also reviews the conditions, which lead to the death of a great poet, Edgar Allan Poe.
Analysis of Poems by Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allen Poe, an American writer, is one of the well renowned poets of all times. Even though he died a long time ago his poems and short stories are still read with a lot of interest. He describes his poems with the most resplendent of imagination and vocabulary. Poe, a great poet and a critic is famous as the first master of the short story form, especially tales of the mysterious and macabre (Edgar Allan Poe, Encarta…...


Works Cited

Edgar Allan Poe. Encarta Encyclopedia ©

Encarta Encyclopedia ©

1993-2002 Microsoft


Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories
Pages: 11 Words: 4034

Their marriage and mutual love of animals makes this a situation that bespeaks long lasting happiness. One of the family pet is a black cat that is fairly large and the man's favorite. This cat is well liked, and unlike the disposition of cats that is aloof and independent, this cat follows his master wherever he goes, even out doors. The wife based on some superstitions has her misgivings about the cat, Pluto, believing that all black cats are actually witches in disguise. Disabused of this notion by her husband and with her general love for all animals, she immediately puts aside her fears.
It is possible that Poe here hints at his own alcoholism and indirectly blames it on witchcraft that comes from the black cat, though the role of the cat is one of an innocent animal. As the protagonist slowly sinks into alcoholism, he becomes ill tempered…...



Asimov, I. (1983) the roving mind, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, N.Y.

Kafka, F. And Appelbaum S. (1996) the metamorphosis and other stories, Dover Publications, New York.

Poe, E.A. And McCurdy M. (2005) Tales of terror, Alfred a. Knopf: Distributed by Random House, New York.

Edgar Allan Poe S The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Pages: 5 Words: 1468

befriending natives is a key aspect in Edgar Allan Poe's novel "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket." Consequent to experiencing a series of stressful episodes, the central character, Arthur Gordon Pym, develops interest in exploring new territories and in learning more about the world. His interaction with natives on the island of Tsalal further contributes to showing the writer's tendency to relate to ideas that are somewhat connected to the concept of exploration. At the same time, this emphasizes the traditional interaction between explorers and natives on new lands -- a relationship based on profit and likely to have a violent aftermath.
hile the novel covers a series of other topics previous to discussing with regard to whiteness and blackness, this particular topic seems to be much more dramatic in comparison to the others. Pym experienced significant distress as he almost died on several occasions, saw people being…...


Works cited:

Amaral, A. M. "Racial and Cultural Anxieties in Poe ' s The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym." Retrieved October 25, 2015, from  http://vc.bridgew.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1352&context=undergrad_rev 

Kennedy, G. J. & Weissberg, L. "Romancing the Shadow: Poe and Race." (Oxford University Press, 2001)

Kopley, R. "Poe's Pym: Critical Explorations." (Duke University Press, 1992)

Poe, E. A. "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket." (Courier Corporation, 29 Feb 2012).

Analyzing Edgar Allan Poe
Pages: 4 Words: 1264

Edgar Allan Poe
In the course of his short career as writer, Edgar Allan Poe wrote numerous literary pieces, a majority of which were compiled into books only after his death. Poe published only one novel, in 1838, titled "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym" and many books of poetry, with the most popular being "The Raven and Other Poems," published in 1845. His chief source of income was, editing magazines and writing. The modern world recognizes him among the foremost American novelists/poets to establish himself as a key figure in the literary world (E-notes).

Despite his fairly short literary career, Poe dominated the mid-19th century in short story-writing . The era was marked by a shift from legendary tales to short stories. The writer was known for his experiments with multiple genres and writing styles, including satire, science fiction, gothic fiction, and occult fantasies. In addition, he has, to his credit,…...


Works Cited

Academy of American Poets. Edgar Allan Poe. 2015. Web. 23 July 2016

Cliff Notes. Poe's Short Stories. 2016. Web. 23 July 2016

E-notes. Edgar Allan Poe Analysis. 2016. Web. 23 July 2016

NetEssays. Writing Style Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe. 1999-2016. Web. 23 July 2016

I am writing a paper on Edgar Allan Poe\'s \"Masque of the Red Death\" and how death is inescapable. What is a good essay title? My teacher wants a creative one.
Words: 224

One of Edgar Allan Poe’s most enduring themes was the inescapability of death and the “Masque of the Red Death” is a great example of that theme and of the mystery elements in Poe’s gothic fiction. Some titles for an essay about it could be:

  1. Prospero Parties While the Poor Perish: If Death is Inescapable, Is It Immoral for Prospero to Party Until Death Comes for Him?
  2. Mortality Moral: What Poe Has to Say About the Inevitability of Death
  3. Didacticism and Death: Examining the Masque of the Red Death Through a Symbolic Lens
  4. The Pursuit of Emptiness: Does Chasing....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Masque of the Red Death?
Words: 247

1. Symbolism and Themes in "The Masque of the Red Death"
2. The Role of Prince Prospero in "The Masque of the Red Death"
3. Analysis of the Setting in "The Masque of the Red Death"
4. Death and Time in "The Masque of the Red Death"
5. The Color Symbolism in "The Masque of the Red Death"
6. Allegory and Interpretation in "The Masque of the Red Death"
7. The Masquerade Ball as a Metaphor in "The Masque of the Red Death"
8. The Gothic Elements in "The Masque of the Red Death"
9. The Role of the Red Death in Poe's Story
10. The Psychological Impact....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Masque of the Red Death?
Words: 553

Allegory and Symbolism in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"

Explore the multiple layers of allegory and symbolism in the story, analyzing how the characters, setting, and events serve as representations of abstract concepts and societal themes.

The Role of Isolation and Loneliness in Poe's Gothic World

Examine the significance of isolation and loneliness in "The Masque of the Red Death" and its connection to Poe's broader gothic worldview. Discuss how these themes are manifested through the secluded setting, the distancing of characters, and the psychological torment experienced by Prince Prospero.

The Inevitability of Death and the Futility of....

How does delving into Edgar Allan Poe\'s works influence your perception of literary horror titles?
Words: 321

1. The Haunting Influence of Edgar Allan Poe: A Journey into Literary Horror

2. Unraveling the Dark Mysteries: Edgar Allan Poe's Impact on my Love for Literary Horror

3. Discovering the Depths of Fear: How Edgar Allan Poe's Works Transformed my Perception of Literary Horror

4. From Chills to Thrills: Exploring Edgar Allan Poe's Contribution to a Deeper Appreciation of Literary Horror

5. Poe's Macabre Artistry: How his Works Enhanced my Appreciation for Literary Horror

6. The Morbid Genius of Edgar Allan Poe: How his Works Broadened my Understanding of Literary Horror

7. Unlocking the Psychological Terrors: Edgar Allan Poe's Influence on my Appreciation for Literary....

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