However, the act only applied to larger towns and the rural districts were still left under the administrative control of the Justices of the Peace until the establishment of elected county councils in 1888. Even though it was quite inadequate for the immediate needs of the common peoples of England, this act made it possible for main urban areas to form their own powerful authority, subject to popular control, and thus able to levy a local rate. From this simple beginning, a concentration of new functions arose and throughout the 20th century powers would continue to be added to municipal corporations. One of the best results of the Municipal Corporations Act was that it created new possibilities, such as the education of children, and supplied the public with trams, light, water and housing.
efore the years of the 19th century in England, those that worked in coal mines which furnished…...
Birnie, Arthur. An Economic History of the British Isles. New York: Crofts & Company,
Brown, John. The British Welfare State: A Critical History. UK: Blackwell Publishers, 1980.
Churchill, Winston S. A History of the English-Speaking Peoples: The Great Democracies. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1958.
Graham, Gerald S. A Concise History of the British Empire. New York: Viking Press, 1971.
Yan Fu “On Strength”
Yan Fu breaks from prevailing Chinese philosophical norms and traditions to embrace a categorically European approach to history and foreign affairs. Starting by explaining Darwinian theory and its implications for human society, Yan Fu shows how competition between societies is inevitable. Yan Fu reviews Darwin’s Origin of Species and explicates the other main component of the theory of evolution: natural selection. Humans are no different from the animals that Darwin analyzed for preparation of his thesis. Therefore, Yan Fu leaps quite dangerously into the territory of social Darwinism.
Building on Spencer’s initial work on social Darwinism, First Principles, Yan Fu shows how societies form governments according to their environmental needs just as animals organize their social structures and evolve particular characteristics. Each society will have values, norms, ideals, and institutions that reflect the historical, geographic, and economic context. However, societies are also dependent on their ability to balance…...
The IMF called Morocco "a pillar of development in the region" and praised King Mohammed VI and the Moroccan Central Bank for its management of fiscal and monetary policy (IMF, 2008, Reuters). Although Morocco has not been immune to the effects of the global recession, after instating more stringent fiscal policies and pursuing a policy of greater privatization, it experienced an unprecedented nonagricultural GDP growth of 6.6% in 2007 and has better absorbed "the impact of difficult international economic conditions" than its neighbors (IMF, 2008, Reuters). "Among the indicators of Morocco's economic progress are its Free Trade Agreements with key economic partners, including the United States, which open tariff-free Moroccan goods to a market of over 1 billion people worldwide" (IMF, 2008, Reuters). Morocco's greater political stability than Egypt has also made economic liberalization a far easier journey for the nation as a whole.
orks Cited
International Monetary Fund praises Morocco's…...
mlaWorks Cited
International Monetary Fund praises Morocco's economic performance and reforms.
(2008, July 31). Reuters. Retrieved May 30, 2009
Murphy, Dan (2007, December 2). Egypt's economic reform meets unprecedented wave of labor resistance. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved May 30, 2009
Economics of International Trade China
Exploring the Economics of International Trade: China
"Chinese international trade has experienced rapid expansion together with its dramatic economic growth which has made the country to target the world as its market," and its expansion has only continued to show powerful growth within the international economic marketplace (Sun & Heshmati, 2010, p 1). After China was reopened to trading with the West in 1978, the country has really took off in becoming one of the world's biggest producers and exporters of a plethora of different goods. China has grown tremendously as nations like the United States have become their biggest trading partners. In response, China has helped refuel this growth with the manipulation of their currency and their heavy investment in the U.S. dollar, which ensures them a more competitive position for their exports.
For generations, China had closed itself off to trading and interacting with many Western…...
American Manufacturing. (2012). China and currency manipulation. Issues. Web. Retrieved September 4, 2012 from
Barboza, David. (2012). Business and economy in China. New York Times. Web. Retrieved September 4, 2012 from
Congress Quarterly. (1999). The consumer culture. CQ Researcher, 9(44), 1001-1016.
Manzay, Terrance. (2010). China export industry dominates worldwide. Article Snatch. Web. Reprieved September 4, 2012 from
(Buchanan, 72)
The economic policy tools that were employed just after the war subsequently underwent some changes. From 1947 to 1950 direct controls on wages and distribution were eliminated followed by removal of trade controls in 1958. However, the government continued to maintain its hold over prices and credit distribution which made it different from many of its neighboring states in the postwar period. The French Ministry of Finance exerted greater control over the economy than the Bank of France. This led to a greater predilection to resort to devaluation when external equilibrium resulted due to the state failure to control incomes. In France, the period between 1945 and 1975 was known as the "thirty glorious years" because of the phenomenal economic performance. During this period, the average growth rate of GDP was around 6.8% which was quite remarkable considering that Britain's average GDP growth rate was 2.4% and Germany's…...
Bathelt, Harald; Wiseman, Clare; Zakrzewski, Guido. Unit 1: Post-war development and structure of the German economy.
Buchanan, Tom. Europe's troubled peace, 1945-2000.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.
DeLong, J. Bradford. Grasping reality with both hands: A Fair, Balanced, Reality-Based,
Many businesses could no longer operate in this fashion and likely closed their doors leading to a rise in unemployment. This is an example of the rule that Hitler had on the Pre-World War II German economy. The people of the nation were completely subject to his policies and because the economy was in such a vulnerable position as a result of the First World War, that Hitler's policies were looked upon as providing assistance to the nation. The research indicates that Hitler's rule over Germany managed to counter the rise in unemployment with institution of the German Labor Service and other workforce and labor programs.
Pre-World War II Unemployment in Germany
etween January 1933 and July 1935 the number of employed Germans rose by a half, from 11.7 million to 16.9 million.
. Under the rule of Hitler, more than 5 million new jobs paying living wages were created.
The Great Depression…...
Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. "Expulsion of Germans after World War II." Last
updated in 2010. .
Brezina, Corona. The Treaty of Versailles, 1919: A Primary Source Examination of the Treaty
That Ended World War I. New York: Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2006.
Shift from Central Planning to Market Economy
The Turkish economy is in what might be termed semi-precarious health. It could certainly be worse, but also certainly be better. Since its birth as a nation-state into its current shape in 1923 in the wake of World War I, Turkey has operated a mixed economy, in which both state and private enterprise have contributed to economic development. (Indeed, it is arguable that all country's in the world today have a mixed economy; the United States may be a bastion for private enterprise but many workers also benefit from government money, such as the money awarded by the federal government to private companies in the form of defense industry contracts.) Since the end of World War II, the economy has been transformed from a predominantly agricultural one to one in which industry and services are the most productive and rapidly expanding sectors even as…...
Abramowitz, M. (ed.) (2001). Turkey's transformation and American policy. New York: Century Foundation.
Hershlag, Z.Y. (1998). The contemporary Turkish economy. New York: Routledge Kegan & Paul.
Howe, M. (2001). The Kurdish conflict in Turkey: Obstacles and chances for peace and democracy. London: Palgrave.
Ibrahim, F. (ed.) (2000). Turkey today: A nation divided over Islam's revival.
Economics in China (Manufacture)
There is a time and stage for all types of manufacturing and what may be seen to succeed in China is not likely to succeed in many other countries like the United States. Chinese economy has developed very fast and that has attracted attention from all over the world in the business community. This has led to a rapid increase in their foreign direct investment and share in international trade. There are continuously new businesses coming into China, trade agreements are being finalized, and a lot of foreigners are rapidly coming into China. The point where the foreign managers and the Chinese managers are meeting is being studied by many consultants. Some reasons for the growth of business in china are also due to their culture, and that is one of the oldest cultures in the world. Their culture has always had a system of client and…...
Eric Wahlgren; "Street Wise" November 19, 2003 Retrieved at
Einhorn, Bruce. "Online Asia" October, 6, 2003 Retrieved at
Newsmaker Q&A." November 21, 2003
Roberts, Dexter. "Is China's Boom in Danger?"
He also said that it was high time that every person in the world stopped being economically defensive and started to become politically courageous. At the same summit, the Minister of Sustainable Development and Planning and Head of the Economic and Social and Ministerial Council of Bolivia said that a responsible community would make up and constitute the very basis of global sustainability and stability, and sustainable development was what had helped Bolivia survive through all the years of economic instability and political unrests that it had been subjected to all the previous years. (esponsibility for each other- as Johannesburg's High-Level Segment Begins)
However, though it is widely accepted that Bolivia is indeed heading in the right direction today, it is still lacking in clear markets, and in a complete access to the various technologies that exist in the world today, and also in a guiding mechanism that would help…...
Background Note: Bolivia. (August, 2004) Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. Retrieved at Accessed on 22 February, 2005 .
Background Notes, Bolivia. (March 1998) U.S. Department of State. Retrieved at Accessed on 22 February, 2005 .
Bolivia, Geography. Retrieved at Accessed on 22 February, 2005 .
Nicholls, Peter. (Autumn, 2003) Bolivia, between a rock and a hard place. Capital and Class. Retrieved at on 22 February, 2005
Growth The retailer sector was lately affected by the back-to-school shopping season, which did not start so well, as midprice department stores, discounters and specialty-apparel retailers announced disappointing sales results during August, which reinforced the already much debated concerns that consumers are not comfortable with the current state of the economy and are reluctant to consume, considering the shaky and uneven economic recovery.
However, luxury department-store chains managed to post significant earnings, as they benefited from the help of an important number of upscale shoppers. Still, the effects of higher gas prices and the rising value of grocery bills, combined with lackluster job growth were severely felt by moderate- and lower-income shoppers.
Michael Niemira, chief economist and director of research at the International Council of Shopping Centers feels that "There's weaker-than-expected performance," due to the fact that "there was a slowdown in spending, but some results are exaggerated by other factors,." Mr.…...
1. Higher energy prices depress overall economy. Charles Stein.
Knight Ridder Tribune Business News. Washington:
Aug 6, 2004. On the Internet at
2. Retailers' Sales Come In Weaker Than Expected; Soft Results Reinforce Fears About Consumer Confidence; Discounters Saw Biggest Hit. Kortney Stringer.
Kenyan reform policy Successful?
The need for reform in Kenya has been clearly demonstrated. But the question remains, has this reform been successful? The slogan of "Harambe" fueled the passions of the Kenyan people and drove them to strive as one nation to lift themselves up from poverty and oppression. It has been ten years since the last reform and it is now time to look back and see what has been accomplished.
To measure the success of the reforms we will consider several economic indicators both before the reform and after to see how they have changed. Then these factors will be considered as a whole to develop a better outlook on the entire picture. e will consider education, the performance of the industrial sector, the trade and tourism sector, the finance sector, rate of inflation, employment and wages, the agricultural sector, construction, social services and some comments on general…...
mlaWorks Cited
Adams, Martin. LAND REFORM: NEW SEEDS ON OLD GROUND? Overseas Development Institute. Number 6, October 1995.
African Perspective. Kenya at the Crossroads. Fourth Issue - Winter 2000/2001.
Appleton, Simon, Arne Bigsten and Damiano Kulundu Manda Educational expansion and Economic decline: returns to education in Kenya,1978-1995.
Bureau for Africa U.S. Agency for International Development KEN YA Country Profile U.S.
International Trade Theory and Export Promotion
The two graphs represent the production outputs of two countries. The first graph represents a developed country, which specializes in the production of machines, which is capital intensive.
The second graph represents a developing country which specializes in textiles, which is labor intensive. The factor endowments model of international trade is based on the concept that each country has a certain specialty that they are skilled at producing and that there are not enough resources or skills in every country to produce everything that is needed. Each country specializes what it is good at producing and trades for goods that it cannot product itself.
In perfect trade equilibrium, the production and consumption of both items would be increased. When the value of exports and the value of imports for both countries are equal, then both countries are at maximum consumption of both goods. In this scenario prices…...
Proponents of the capitalist developmental state argue, it was the bureaucratic interests that were the key to the successful industrialization of Japan and Korea in the postwar period. In particular, it was the bureaucrat's complete autonomy from self-serving interest groups and politicians that was the main factor that enabled them to define national-level strategies and then to implement them effectively." Those who are not proponents of the system believe it was a combination of other factors. Had it not been for the bureaucratic desire to succeed the motivation for capitalism would not have been put into place.
Following the Meiji era in Japan there were many economic reforms undertaken. Some of those reforms included:
unified system by way of modern currency, banking and investments. The desire and effort to establish a modern institutional framework that would be conducive to capitalist economic values was strong and was led by the bureaucrats of the…...
Japan Modernization and Industrialization
Background to Meiji Modernization
Kenya: A Case Study in Reform
From its rough beginnings, Kenya has instituted a series of economic reforms in an attempt to raise the condition of the Kenyan people. They are an attempt to bring the Kenyan people out of a state of poverty and repression to one of stability and security about their ability to sustain themselves. Each reform has been better than the last, but they are still far from solving these issues in their country. This paper will cite the reasons for this as being a need for the people to regain the feeling of nationalism echoed in the early years of independence.
Kenya's History:
Prior to1800 Kenya consisted of groups of small tribal governments. Kenya is grouped into more than 70 ethnic groups, Some of the ethnic tribes are large e.g. The Agikuyu who form a majority of the population within their homeland in the central province and can…...
mlaWorks Cited
Africa Guide. World of Information Sessional Paper No. 2 of 1997 on Industrial Transformation
Amoako, Dr. K.Y. Claiming the 21st Century: Africa's Agenda (Speech). Executive
Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa at the National
Summit on Africa, (Washington D.C., 17 February 2000)
Intenational Tade Between Bahain and Saudi Aabia
This is a pape on Tade between Bahain and Saudi Aabia, focusing on how it affects thei intenational tade elations with special attention to OPEC, GCC and the Qata dispute. It uses 22 souces in MLA fomat.
Both Saudi Aabia and Bahain ae membes of the Gulf Coopeation Council along with Qata, UAE, Kuwait and Oman. Unde the GCC Ageement, pefeential taiffs apply among the membe states. Since independence in 1971, Bahain has essentially pusued a libeal tade and investment policy, and has integated its economy closely with those of othe counties in the egion, though the Unified Economic Ageement of the Gulf Coopeation Council (GCC).
Tade and economic gowth in Bahain is stongly affected by vaiations in intenational enegy pices. Real GDP gowth, as a esult, was slowe duing the 1990s compaed with the pevious decade, aveaging aound 3.6% annually since 1994.
Bahain: Geneal Policy Famewok
1. A New Beginning: Unraveling the Polish Political Transformation of 1989
2. Winds of Change: Examining the Significance of the Polish Political Transformation in 1989
3. From Communism to Democracy: Analyzing the Polish Political Transition of 1989
4. The Polish Rebellion: A Comprehensive Study of the Political Transformation in 1989
5. Unveiling the Velvet Revolution: Understanding the Polish Political Shift of 1989
6. Shaping History: Investigating the Polish Political Transformation and Its Global Impact in 1989
7. A Turning Point in History: Assessing the Implications of the Polish Political Transformation of 1989
8. The Path to Freedom: Uncovering the Factors Behind the Polish Political Transformation in 1989
The Dawn of a New Era: Poland's Political Transformation in 1989
The year 1989 witnessed a pivotal shift in Polish history, marking the end of four decades of communist rule and the dawn of a new era of political and economic transformation. This seismic change was sparked by a series of significant events that culminated in the first democratic elections in Poland since the end of World War II.
1. The Rise of Solidarity:
The catalyst for Poland's democratic revolution was the emergence of Solidarity, a trade union movement that became a symbol of resistance against the communist regime. Led by Lech Walesa,....
1. Economic Factors:
- Zambia relies heavily on copper mining as its main source of export revenue, making it vulnerable to fluctuations in global commodity prices. In contrast, China has a more diversified economy with a strong manufacturing sector that has allowed it to become a major global exporter.
- Zambia has also faced challenges with high levels of public debt and inflation, which have hindered economic growth and development. China, on the other hand, has implemented various economic reforms and policies that have helped drive its rapid economic growth and poverty reduction.
2. Social Factors:
- Zambia has a much smaller population than....
1. Adam Smith's economic theories, particularly his advocacy for free markets and the invisible hand, inadvertently supported the rise of absolutism by providing monarchs with a rationale to centralize economic control, thereby enhancing their political power. This thesis explores how Smith's ideas, while promoting individual economic freedom, were co-opted by European monarchs to justify their own economic policies, which in turn bolstered their absolute rule. Evidence includes the economic policies of monarchs like Louis XIV, who used mercantilist strategies to increase state wealth, aligning with Smith's later economic principles.
2. The principles of capitalism as outlined by Adam Smith, focusing on....
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