Economic Influences Essays (Examples)

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Economic Influences
Pages: 2 Words: 433

Economic Influences
John Keynes is one of the most influential economists largely due to his theory of Keynesian economics, which dealt with his modern macro-economic policies (Skorburg, 2009). His work is linked to the Great Depression, partly because he advocated public and governmental spending to base national economies on. His most celebrated piece of literature is General Theory.

Adam Smith is the quintessential Age of Enlightenment economist who published Wealth of Nations in 1776, which posited the viewpoint that free enterprise and laissez faire policies would benefit the free market system.

People wouldn't ordinarily link Karl Marx to a free market system since he advocated the exact opposite of that, a form of communism that results in socialism, but his Communist Manifesto -- which presaged the ussian evolution -- inspired many free market communists to oppose his ideas.

Friedrich Von Hayek's theories, which are included in oad to Serfdom, his most noted work, are…...



Kates, S. (1999). Top-ten economists: -- one view. Retrieved from 

Skorburg, J. (2009). The top 10 most influential economists of all time. Retrieved from

Economic Influences
Pages: 2 Words: 652

Economic Influences
In the current budgetary environment, it is difficult to justify any increase in expenditures. In order to do this, especially to the public audience, it is necessary to offer a cost-benefit analysis. In the case of prison treatment and rehabilitation programs, there is a clear cost-benefit argument to be made.

When making an economic argument, trade-offs and opportunity cost are critical to understanding the issue. On one side of the economic ledger is the cost of the treatment and rehabilitation programs. These are known costs, and these are the costs that are included in the budget request. We know how much we want to spend on these programs. Yet, the idea that this simply represents new spending, with no trade-off, is entirely false. The trade-off is in ex-convicts who have lower recidivism rates, lower substance abuse rates, and who are more likely to be employable once they have exited the…...



Gudrais, E. (2013). The prison problem. Harvard Magazine. Retrieved November 14, 2013 from

Economic Influences That Can Negatively
Pages: 7 Words: 2158

Why does GE finance poorly-rated airlines with its aircraft financing? GE benefits in three ways: (1) its lower cost of capital than the airlines means that it can charge a risk premium, and make more money on the airline debt, (2) it sells aircraft engines and, more critically, spare parts, which are the biggest long-term source of revenue for the company, and (3) the loans are well-collateralized. Even in a bankruptcy procedure, the airlines have relatively little recourse to the assets, and GE would be free to sell or lease the airlines to others. Other leasing companies, while they don't have GE's aircraft engine business, are able to lure tax-advantaged investors (offshore, those receiving tax credits, others) who also give them a lower cost of capital; their expertise in leasing and selling planes, as well as their leverage in pricing negotiations with the major airframe manufacturers gives them an…...



Business Week. "Why GE Is Keeping Loser Airlines Aloft." Business Week 7 February 2005: n.p.

Francisco, Federal Reserve Bank of San. Competition and Regulation in the Airline Industry. Economic Report. San Francisco: Federal Reserve, 2002.

Gittell, JH, Cameron, K, Lim, S and Rivas, V. "Relationships, Layoffs and Organizational REsiliance." The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (2006): 300-329.

Mackinac. Price Elasticity of Demand. Economic. Mackinac: Mackinac Center for Public Policy, 1997.

Business Economic Influences on the
Pages: 2 Words: 859

Starbucks has the potential to benefit from the improving economic conditions. The firm appeals to the mass market, selling a non-essential product. Sales of non-essential products suffer most during economic downturns. Furthermore, when there is a recovery, firms that sell items of a relativity low cost that are still perceived as 'luxuries' may benefit from even small increases in the level of disposable income (Kotler and Keller, 2011). A key indicator of the economy in the U.S. is the unemployment level; this has dropped to 7.5% in 2013 with a recent Wall Street Journal survey of economists indicating they expect a further 180,000 jobs will be created each month for the next 12 months in the U.S. (Casselman and Izzo, 2013). As increase employment emerges wages are also likely to increase; raising the level of disposable income where the increases are above the rate of inflation. There is a general…...



Baye Michael, (2007), Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Casselman, B; Izzo, P, (2013), Economic Road Clearing, but the Going Is Slow, Wall Street Journal, [online]   accessed 5th June 2013 

Economagic, (2013), PPI: Dairy Products, [online]   accessed 5th June 2013, (2013), Crude Oil Forecast, [online]   accessed 5th June 2013 

Economic Philosophy Crime and Punishment
Pages: 8 Words: 2625

e. D (0), the cost of fighting crime / proportion of corrections i.e. C (P0) and the crimes / social costs / negative impacts on to offender i.e. FO. These different elements are important, because the combination of them is helping us to understand the total impact of crime and punishment on the economy.
As a result, these different factors are used in a basic formula to comprehend the effects of social phenomenon and crime on the economy. elow is the equation that is used to objectively evaluate what is occurring.

L (social / economic impact) = D (0) + C (P0) + FO

This formula is important, because it is providing us with a basic strategy that can be used to objectively evaluate the how crime and punishment are impacting society. Once this occurs, is when we can see the total economic impact of this on communities and the way that they…...



"Social." (2011).

Becker, Gary. "Crime and Punishment." The Journal of Political Economy 76.2 (1968), 169 -- 217. Print.

Economics Total Revenue Represents All the Company
Pages: 5 Words: 1456

Total revenue represents all the company income. Total revenue is calculated by multiplying the price of products with the quantity sold. Typically, total revenue is calculated as follows:

Total revenue = price x quantity

Where price (P) and quantity (Q).

Total revenue=PxQ

As being revealed in Table 1, total revenue is calculated by multiplying price with quantity, when firm produces 2 quantities of goods, firm's total revenue is $10, however, when a firm produces 3 quantities of goods, its total revenue is $15.

Marginal revenue is an additional revenue that a firm generates when a firm sells additional unit of output. The marginal revenue plays an important role in the perfectly competitive firm where a perfectly competitive firm maximizes its profit when marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost. The formula used to calculate marginal revenue is:

Marginal revenue= Change in total revenue/Change quantity.

The average revenue is calculated by dividing the total revenue by the quantity…...



Aderton, (1977).Economics. Pearson Education

Sloman, A and Sutcliffe, M (2004). Economics for Business. Prentice Hall.

Economic Final Report
Pages: 4 Words: 1491

Economic Systems:
An economic system is basically described as specific set of principles that addresses the production, distribution, and consumption of products and services. The involved parties in the production, distribution, and consumptions processes are usually determined by or dependent on the economic system. Throughout the history of humanity, different types of economic systems have evolved because different societies have placed varying emphasis on distinctive goals and priorities as part of their efforts to obtain answers to certain economic questions. In addition, the difference in economic systems is fueled by the tendency by different societies to develop very broad economic approaches to manage their resources. One of the main reasons for the development of different economic systems is to address the challenge of scarcity. The challenge of scarcity is an essential problem that confronts individuals and nations. hile there are four major types of economic systems recognized by economists, there are…...


Works Cited:

"Economic Systems." Hilliard Bradley High School. Hilliard Bradley High School, n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. .

"Factors of Production." - Study Smarter., Inc., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. .

"Types of Economic Systems." Economic Systems. Shmoop University, Inc., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. .

Economic Final Report
Pages: 4 Words: 1317

Economic Final Report
Types of economic systems

Economic systems vary from one nation to another. Traditional economic systems refer to an economic system founded by tradition. The services and goods that people provide through the work they do, how people exchange and use the resources are trends that follow permanent patterns. These are not dynamic economic systems because there are minimal changes. In this economic system, people live on static standards. They do not enjoy much occupational mobility and financial mobility (Gregory and Robert 19). However, it is possible to predict economic relationships and behaviors. People are aware of what they are expected to do, why they trade, they know what others should give to them. In traditional economic systems, the interests of the community are of great priority than individual interests. People collaborate at work and labor proceeds are shared equally. However, in some traditional economic systems, individuals respect some personal…...


Work Cited

Conklin, David W.; Comparative Economic Systems: Objectives, Decision Modes, and the Process of Choice. Cambridge [England: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Print.

Gregory, Paul R, and Robert C. Stuartl; Comparative Economic Systems. Boston: Houghton

Mifflin Co, 2010. Print.

Keese, Mark, Pete Richardson, and Ge-rard Salou. The Measurement of Output and Factors of Production for the Business Sector in OECD Countries: (the OECD Business Sector Database). Paris: OECD, 2011. Print.

Economics There Are Several Factors That Could
Pages: 4 Words: 1221

There are several factors that could contribute to increased demand for owner-occupied housing in the United Kingdom. Given that this demand is presently suppressed by a poor economy, most of the conditions under which demand would increase involve finding ways to boost overall economic performance. One normal policy prescription, lowering interest rates, is effectively off the table with the current rate at 0.5% and the Bank of England expected to maintain this rock bottom rate for the foreseeable future (Oxlade, 2013). Banks could lower lending rates to buyers, but these rates are usually based on spreads relative to the rate at which banks borrow, so there might not be much flexibility for banks to lower rates profitably.

One way would be to boost the economy through fiscal stimulus, government putting money into the economy instead of taking it out. This would create better demand conditions, and would also give a confidence…...


Works Cited:

Oxlade, A. (2013). Interest rates at 0.5pc for four more years. The Telegraph. Retrieved April 28, 2013 from

Economics Course Economics Impacts on Many Areas
Pages: 3 Words: 1131

Economics Course
Economics impacts on many areas of life subsequently it will impact on many areas of professional life. eflecting on the lessons learned, including the knowledge and skills gained, the real value is in the way that economics concepts can be applied to the real world; not only to explain event that are seen in the macro-environment, but to guide the way personal decisions will be made with that knowledge.

The first indicator of the lessons and concepts taught in the class being absorbed and developing into transferable knowledge has emerged with an increased understanding of the way that the economy operates and the influences which are present in the economy that are driving up prices.

There are many examples of the economic concepts; one example is the way that supply and demand has impacted on oil prices which has had a knock on effect in the economy as a whole and…...



Baye Michael, (2007), Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Greimel, Hans, (2012. April 30), Toyota wants high-volume U.S. Prius output by '15; Hunt is on for N.A. hybrid parts suppliers, Automotive News, p4

Nellis JG, Parker D, (2006), Principles of the Business Economics, London, Prentice Hall.

Scholes, Louise; Siegel Donald S; Wilson, Nick; Wright, Mike, (2012, Feb), Private equity portfolio company performance during the global recession, Journal of Corporate Finance, 18(1), 193.

Economics Observing the Influences That Impact Market
Pages: 2 Words: 829

Observing the Influences that Impact Market Equilibrium

Purchasing fresh produce in a farmers market offers an opportunity to buy direct from a supplier. The process of buying fruit and salad items direct from the suppliers, rather than though an intermediary such as a supermarket, increases the exposure of the purchaser to price fluctuations. Visiting the market, which is held every weekend, over a number of weeks it was possible to see how different influences would impact on the supply and demand for the products, and how this impacted on the prices. The prices of the little gem lettuces appears to be one of the more sensitive products; this may have been due to their short shelf life. These lettuces, unlike other produce, are not suitable to be held for any period in cold storage, so there is not the ability to hold a supply ready for the peak demand.

In the first…...



Baye Michael, (2007), Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Nellis JG, Parker D, (2006), Principles of the Business Economics, London, Prentice Hall

The paper is written generically, so this may be changed for other produce items with a short shelf life.

The price may be changed as needed

Economic and Trade Development the
Pages: 8 Words: 2664

(Buchanan, 72)
The economic policy tools that were employed just after the war subsequently underwent some changes. From 1947 to 1950 direct controls on wages and distribution were eliminated followed by removal of trade controls in 1958. However, the government continued to maintain its hold over prices and credit distribution which made it different from many of its neighboring states in the postwar period. The French Ministry of Finance exerted greater control over the economy than the Bank of France. This led to a greater predilection to resort to devaluation when external equilibrium resulted due to the state failure to control incomes. In France, the period between 1945 and 1975 was known as the "thirty glorious years" because of the phenomenal economic performance. During this period, the average growth rate of GDP was around 6.8% which was quite remarkable considering that Britain's average GDP growth rate was 2.4% and Germany's…...



Bathelt, Harald; Wiseman, Clare; Zakrzewski, Guido. Unit 1: Post-war development and structure of the German economy.

Buchanan, Tom. Europe's troubled peace, 1945-2000.

Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.

DeLong, J. Bradford. Grasping reality with both hands: A Fair, Balanced, Reality-Based,

Economics Major First and Foremost I Intend
Pages: 2 Words: 612

Economics Major
First and foremost, I intend to major in Economics. From quite an early age, I have grown up admiring successful business leaders. I envisaged such individuals as living relatively fulfilling lives based on the wealth they had amassed from investments. One of my main personal heroes in business and investments has always been Benjamin Graham, an astute investor and economist who passed on in 1976. Graham who in my opinion remains one of the most rational investors of all time came up with some of the most priceless yet simple investment principles. Having developed a keen interest in the investments field at an early age, I have been an avid reader of any available literature on Ben Graham. Based on these readings, I remain convinced that to make sound investment decisions; the need for a well-founded understanding of economics cannot be overstated. Further, over time, I have come to…...

Economic Environment
Pages: 4 Words: 1045

Economic Environment of a Business
The objective of this work is to summarize the economic environment of a business including information relating to microeconomics, macroeconomics, and international trade aspects

The business organization is a "micro-economic unit" and the business environment is that which makes provision of the "macro-economic context within which firm operates." (eddy, ) The business environment can be categorized into the 'economic' and non-economic' and the 'micro- and macro-environment. (eddy,, paraphrased) The firm is an economic institution in a market system with the behavior of the firm reflecting the result of the decisions that were economic in nature that the manager of the firm made.

The economic environment of a business in today's globalized business society is complex in nature. There is an inherent link between the business sector and it relationship with the government, capital market, household sector and the international business sector -- all of which serve to influence…...



Palwar, V.K. (2010) Economic Environment of Business 2nd Ed. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved from: 

Reddy, R.I. (2004) Business Environment. APH Publishing. Retrieved from:

Economic Institutions the History of
Pages: 3 Words: 1101

That is, international financial organizations, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and which controlled by core states, decide that, in order to grant financial aid to undeveloped countries, these states should comply with some rules that are, in the end, in the detriment of their own economy. For example, Africa pays more to the IMF and World Bank, than it collects in credit from them, and this leads to low living standards, poor education and health systems and undeveloped infrastructure.
Besides financial institutions, transnational corporations have a saying in the economic development of a country. Although one might be tempted to say that a corporation, by creating a branch in an undeveloped country gives that economy a boom, it is actually all about personal gain.

Working in a corporation might be considered the best thing that could happen to a person, on a professional scale. You have…...



Chomsky, Noam. "DRCNet Interview: Noam Chomsky." Drug War Chronicle Aug.2002. Drug Reform Coordination Network. Washington DC. 2.08.2002. .

Korten, David C. "When Corporations Rule the World." USA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers; 2 edition, 2001

Kozol, Jonathan. "The Shame of the Nation. The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America." New York: Crown Publishers, 2005

Wallerstein, Immanuel. "The Modern World-System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century." New York: Academic Press, 1976

I\'m searching for essay topics on speech and language development. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 236

1. The importance of early intervention in speech and language development
2. The role of parents and caregivers in promoting speech and language development
3. The impact of technology on speech and language development
4. The connection between speech and language development and academic success
5. Cultural and socioeconomic influences on speech and language development
6. The relationship between speech and language development and social skills
7. Language delays and disorders: causes, assessment, and intervention
8. The effects of bilingualism on speech and language development
9. Speech and language development in children with developmental disabilities
10. Strategies for supporting speech and....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on aroko?
Words: 403

Cultural and Societal Significance

- The Role of Asoko in Igbo Cosmology: Exploring the connections between the deity and the Igbo worldview, beliefs, and practices.
- Asoko as a Symbol of Unity and Resilience: Analyzing the deity's role in fostering community cohesion and cultural identity among the Igbo people.
- The Intersection of Gender and Divinity in Asoko: Examining the female deity's influence on Igbo gender roles, societal expectations, and spiritual beliefs.

Historical and Archaeological Perspectives

- The Origins and Evolution of Asoko Worship: Tracing the historical development of the deity's cult and the archaeological evidence supporting its ancient existence.
- Asoko and the Igbo Migration:....

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