A teenager relates with another teenager, member of the same social framework (be it group of friends, school, etc.), partially through the products he or she uses. Many of these need to be the latest style and embody not necessarily a social status, but a sense of style. At the same time, many of these are products that are used in the household, such as the car that the family drives or the electronics used.
This type of approach also has an important aspect to be considered in the marketing segment: the lifecycle of the product is much shorter than for other products and for other periods of time. ecause of this trend imposed by teenagers to be continuously in style, as well as by certain characteristics of a teenager that are reflected in the purchasing behavior (such as the fact, for example, that a teenager will tend to get…...
1. Teen - Market Profile. 2004. On the Internet at Last retrieved on April 22, 2010http://www.magazine.org/content/files/teenprofile04.pdf .
2. Gale, Derek. 2007. Purchasing Power of Kids and Teens. On the Internet at Last retrieved on April 22, 2010http://www.rimag.com/article/374736-Purchasing_Power_of_Kids_and_Teens.php.
Teen - Market Profile. 2004. On the Internet at
For example, prior to 2007, there were approximately 1 million confirmed cases of hospital-acquired ("nosocomial") infections in American hospitals and other healthcare institutions (clinics, nursing homes, etc.), resulting in the premature and preventable deaths of nearly 100,000 patients who would otherwise have survived the illnesses or surgeries for which they originally received treatment in those institutions (eid, 2009).
Approaches to educing Healthcare Costs
Because the problem of treating those nosocomial infections alone was the source of an estimated $1 - $2 billion, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) terminated reimbursement for several kinds of urinary tract infections in healthcare institutions in 2007, to force healthcare providers to take the necessary steps to prevent those infections (eid, 2007). Another important component to fighting healthcare costs are the oversight mechanisms, such as the Health and Human Services Inspector General's Audit Services and Medicare's recently enacted ecovery Audit Contractor (AC) program. In between…...
Kennedy, E. (2006). America: Back on Track. Viking: New York.
Reid, T. (2009). The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care. New York: Penguin Group.
However, aggregate supply always responds, eventually, to demand so aggregate supply will fall as well, until there is a state of equilibrium again.
Increasing the amount of deposits that commercial banks must hold with the central bank will diminish the money multiplier, which is the amount of money a bank can create with each dollar of reserves. The money multiplier is determined by the reserve ratio. The higher the reserve ratio, the less money the bank will have to lend out, diminishing the money multiplier. Requiring the commercial banks to increase deposits will increase the reserve ratio by.5%, thereby diminishing the money multiplier by .5.
The spending multiplier, which is the measure of additional spending in the economy generated as a result of the initial spending, will be reduced because of the reduction in consumption caused by less wages, rent, and profits paid by firms. The investment multiplier, the measure of…...
This can help to alleviate the asymmetry of information between them. If sellers do that consistently, then buyers will gain trust in the sellers that price is in fact related to quality. When that happens, the market can function because buyers can be fairly certain of their utility.
What this refers to is the cost of dishonesty. In used cars, dishonesty will drive away business, so any car lot with an interest in long-term success must ensure that the costs of dishonesty are reduced by reducing dishonesty itself. He then likens the lemon market to the cost of doing business in a country with high levels of corruption. Firms are discouraged from investing in places where information asymmetry means that they cannot distinguish between a good business opportunity and a scam. Thus, again, encouraging a lack of corruption would be the best pathway to successful business promotion, just as it…...
disrupting America's economic system is a fundamental objective of terrorists
Even as the world continues to struggle with the terrible shock from the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington, one principle lesson has already become clear: disrupting our economic system is a fundamental objective of terrorists.
Prior to September 11, our economic environment was certainly not immune to terror, in comparison to many other nations; we lived relatively terror-free. Now, however, the aftermath of the terrorist attacks serves as a grim reminder that international relations and security developments can dramatically affect economic performance.
US History is replete with countless examples when macro fundamentals are overtaken by what economists refer to as, exogenous shocks -- surprise events that can profoundly and often unpredictably shift political and economic resources, and send even the most accurate forecasts astray. Commodity shocks, such as the two OPEC jolts in the 1970s, are classic examples of this…...
Bagehot, Walter. 1927. Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market, John Murray, London.
Balbach, Anatol B. 1981. "How Controllable is Money Growth?" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, vol 63, no 4, April, p. 5.
Becker, Gary S, Steven N. Kaplan, Kevin M. Murphy and Edward A Snyder. (2002 / winter). "The Economic Effects of September 11," GSB Magazine, University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business.
Bell, Stephanie. 2000. "Do Taxes and Bonds Finance Government Spending?." Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 603-620.
(Zinn 8)
Human societies within the context of civilization most always are organized into deference periods. The Constitution is a product of worldviews developed within such a limited paradigm, as paradigms tend to be, whether individuals -- including the Founders -- were and are aware of it. This condition, in part, touches on what Heilbroner frames as "The Unresolved Problem of Economic Power." He accepts that the wonderful free market system of Adam Smith is tainted by "giant oligopoly." The logic positing the market economy "as the servant of the consumer," therefore, might as well be null-and-void, but, still, "the emergence of these new attributes," Heilbroner argues, "can be seen as new functional mechanisms for the support of that system." (Heilbroner 18)
To make natural the influence of "giant oligopolies" to the free-market economy, Heilbroner borrows examples from the world of advertising and the manipulation of consumer wants. He admits that,…...
mla3. Chomsky, Noam. (3 March 1993) Notes of NAFTA: "The Masters of Man." The Nation.
4. Zinn, Howard. (1980) a People's History of the United States. Boston: HarperPerennial
5. ____. (1997) Britain and America: Studies in Comparative History 1760-1970. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
economic burden Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The research arguable issue yield a 1000-1200 words. All work local (USA) global.
The economic burden of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has been discovered relatively recently, meaning as such that progress has yet to be made in terms of treatment and management. Additionally, research is also yet to be exhaustive, as numerous aspects of the affection remain uncharted.
One important aspect of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is represented by the economic cost of the affection, revealed at multiple levels, such as the cost for the healthcare system, as well as the costs for the family. The current project assesses this issue through the lenses of the research that has already been conducted on the topic, in an effort to centralize and conclude upon the matter. The means in which this endeavor would be addressed is that of the Toulmin Method.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity…...
Bernfort, L., Nordfeldt, S., Persson, J., 2007, ADHD from a socio-economic perspective, Foundation Acta Paediatrtica
Daley, D., Birchwood, J., 2009, ADHD and academic performance: why does ADHD impact on academic performance and what can be done to support ADHD children in the classroom, Child: care, health and development
Matza, L.S., Paramore, C., Prasad, M., 2005, A review of the economic burden of ADHD, last accessed on March 30, 2012http://www.resource-allocation.com/content/3/1/5
Weida, S., Stolley, K., Organizing your argument, Owl Purdue, / last accessed on March 30, 2012http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/03
Health Policy on Asthma
Asthma is a common and chronic disease that occurs across all age groups. It is one of the conditions that have remained the focus of intervention policies in public health. It is also reported that morbidity and mortality of the condition remains high. The negative implications of asthma are comparable to the effects of other ailments, including liver cirrhosis, diabetes and schizophrenia. The interventions that have been instituted in asthma management have, however, reduced mortality to a significant extent in countries where they have been implemented (Bousquet, Philippe J. Bousquet, Philippe Godard, & Jean-Pierre Daures, 2005).
Socio-Economic Implications
Asthma has both direct and indirect economic implications arising from cost of medicines and health care service. There is also the economic cost of rendering victims less productive. Studies show that the direct cost associated with asthma are in the range of 1% to 3% of the total budget in…...
Amenyah, A. M. (2011). Asthma Prevalence: Focus on Prevention Management in Community Settings. Georgia: Georgia State University.
Asthma Interventions and Cost Consequences -- Synthesis of Research Findings . (2007, January).
Bousquet, J., Philippe J. Bousquet, Philippe Godard, & Jean-Pierre Daures. (2005). The public health implications of asthma. World Health Organization.
Economics in Ancient Civilization
It is said that "Rome was not built in a day." Indeed, the Roman Empire was the last of a series of civilizations to emerge in the Mediterranean by the First Millennium, B.C. Precursors to the culture most identified as the seat of estern political economy, the Ancient Egyptians, Etruscans, Greeks, Syrians, Carthaginians and Phoenicians all had contact with the Romans, and eventually were incorporated through territorial expansion of the Empire in Asia Minor, Cyrenaica, Europe, and North Africa. Prior to the Roman period, Europe was primarily occupied by Barbarian tribes; societies where no written language, legal system or alternative mechanism of governance was in place. hen we discuss the advancement of Ancient civilizations, then, it is through the transmission of law, literacy and polity that we find source to retrospect on early economic forms. In Feinman and Nicholas (2004), Perspectives on Political Economies, the difficulties of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Buck-Norss, S. The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1991.
Benjamin, W.(1927). Das Passagen Werken. Notebooks.
Bitros, George C., and Anastassios D. Karayiannis. "Morality, institutions and the wealth of nations: Some lessons from ancient Greece." European Journal of Political Economy 26.1 (2010): 68-81.
Boyazoglu, J., I. Hatziminaoglou, and P. Morand-Fehr. "The role of the goat in society: Past, present and perspectives for the future." Small Ruminant Research 60.1/2 (2005): 13-23.
Economic Crisis
The revelation of the financial crisis that unfolded in United States in 2008 is considered to be the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, 1929. The distinctive causative factors that have contributed to the U.S. economic crisis 2008- 2009 are differentiated by aggravated financial control, higher risks in capital investment, the housing bubble phenomena in relation to the brisk credit expansion. The aggregation of these factors in the U.S. economy directed the economy towards the de- leverage and credit crunches as the bubble burst. The following paper shall be discussing about the degree of correlation between the tax implications policies with respect to the financial crisis in U.S.. The precise review of strong linkages between the taxation and economic crises is the explicit explanation of the crisis that shook America. The paper also highlights the key factors that demonstrated their abilities and rescued U.S. In the economic crisis.
Carr, D.A. (2011). Responses to Local Fiscal Shocks: Path Dependency Effects of the Clean Air Act. Public Finance and Management, 11(2), 160+. Retrieved March 9, 2012, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5050180027
Hendrickson, J.M., & Nichols, M.W. (2010). Did Commercial Banks Close Branches in Low-income Neighborhoods in Response to the Cra? Implications for Understanding the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 13(1), 17+. Retrieved March 9, 2012, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5044499375
Johnson, E.M. (2010, April). Mr. Trust Buster. In These Times, 34, 7+. Retrieved March 9, 2012, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5041402599
Robinson, S.N., & Nantz, D.P. (2009). Lessons to Be Learned from the Financial Crisis. Journal of Private Enterprise, 25(1), 5+. Retrieved March 9, 2012, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5037768696
(Buchanan, 72)
The economic policy tools that were employed just after the war subsequently underwent some changes. From 1947 to 1950 direct controls on wages and distribution were eliminated followed by removal of trade controls in 1958. However, the government continued to maintain its hold over prices and credit distribution which made it different from many of its neighboring states in the postwar period. The French Ministry of Finance exerted greater control over the economy than the Bank of France. This led to a greater predilection to resort to devaluation when external equilibrium resulted due to the state failure to control incomes. In France, the period between 1945 and 1975 was known as the "thirty glorious years" because of the phenomenal economic performance. During this period, the average growth rate of GDP was around 6.8% which was quite remarkable considering that Britain's average GDP growth rate was 2.4% and Germany's…...
Bathelt, Harald; Wiseman, Clare; Zakrzewski, Guido. Unit 1: Post-war development and structure of the German economy.
Buchanan, Tom. Europe's troubled peace, 1945-2000.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.
DeLong, J. Bradford. Grasping reality with both hands: A Fair, Balanced, Reality-Based,
Two alternative solutions are available. The first sees that the U.S. federal authority uses the budget allocated to support the development of the national industries, without raising barriers to imports. The second possible solution is for the United States to strive to increase its exports by focusing more on international operations.
Criteria / goals
The evaluation criteria for the proposed solutions revolve around the benefits they generate, as well as the costs they imply. Otherwise put, the decision will be made in accordance with the arguments in favour and against each of the two alternatives, and by the solution's ability to meet the established goals. These goals include the insurance of economic stability within the United States (for all population, corporations and the entire system), the maintenance or even development of international relations, as well as the sustained development of the domestic industries.
Evaluation of alternatives
Alternative 1:
Pro: does not negatively affect international…...
January 29, 2009, Buying American, the Economist, last accessed on February 5, 2009
Steps in the P.A.C.E.D. Model, the Gus a. Stavros Center for Free Enterprise and Economic Education
Ast accessed on February 5, 2009http://stavros.coedu.usf.edu/EconomicLiteracy/sld019.html.
Producers do not want to produce too much, lest there be waste. Consumers do not want to spend too much, because their resources (for most people anyway) are inherently scarce.
Hayek makes the point about there being different types of knowledge. In his free market economy free from centralized planning, he argues that each individual has different knowledge -- each specializes. This allows the millions of people who are making economic decisions to have the ability to gather and process as much information as possible. ith more information, better decisions are made. By delegating decision-making to millions of economic actors, each operating within their own specific area of expertise, decisions are going to be better. They will be based on more information and more specialized knowledge to interpret that information.
He argues that economic planning inherently must be based on cycles, such that there is day-to-day adjustments. Such a situation requires…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Hayek, F. (1945). The use of knowledge in society. The American Economic Review. Vol. 35 (4) 519-530.
hile the U.S. is only showing the first signs of recovery from the global economic crisis, other nations such as Australia and China have recovered much more quickly. There are a number of factors that have contributed to the disparity in economic performance in the past three years in these different nations. In particular, three factors will be considered. The first is the situation in each country at the outset of the crisis. As the crisis was largely precipitated by a credit crunch, the differences between the structure and regulation of the banking sectors in each country will be given particular attention. The second factor will be the response on the part of each federal government to the crisis. The third factor will be the nature of the different economies -- the degree to which different structures have impacted the recovery process. Lastly, policy implications will be drawn for the…...
mlaWorks Cited:
BEA. (2011). National income and product accounts table. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Retrieved March 4, 2011 from http://www.bea.gov/national/nipaweb/TableView.asp?SelectedTable=1&ViewSeries=NO&Java=no&Request3Place=N&3Place=N&FromView=YES&Freq=Year&FirstYear=2007&LastYear=2010&3Place=N&Update=Update&JavaBox=no#Mid
Chinability.com. (2010). GDP growth in China 1952-2009. Chinability.com. Retrieved March 4, 2011 from http://www.chinability.com/GDP.htm
Jones, F. (2011). Krugman: Stimulus didn't fail because it never happened. Moneynews.com. Retrieved March 4, 2011 from http://www.moneynews.com/StreetTalk/paul-Krugman-Stimulus-Didnt/2011/02/16/id/386333
Maiden, M. (2009). Australia's banking sector is as strong as a brick outhouse. The Age. Retrieved March 4, 2011 from http://www.theage.com.au/business/australias-banking-sector-is-as-strong-as-a-brick-outhouse-20090506-avdj.html
A price discrimination strategy is one where different customers are charged different amounts. The price charged for my shop's submarine sandwiches will therefore be different for locals than for visitors. There are a number of ways to achieve this. In the context of a sandwich shop, the prices are going to be listed publicly on the menu, so it is impossible to openly discriminate with respect to prices. One technique that can be utilized to lower the average cost for each sub-for locals is to offer a loyalty card. The local would then receive either a discount or a free sub-after making enough purchases. This would deliver a lower price to locals in the long run. Alternately, a loyalty club can allow the locals to receive discounts if they are members of the club. A certain amount of annual sales would be required for club membership, or even a small…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Investopedia. (2010). Perfect competition. Investopedia. Retrieved October 16, 2010 from http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/perfectcompetition.asp
ACC. (2010). U.S. antitrust agencies issue revised merger guidelines. Association of Corporate Counsel. Retrieved October 16, 2010 from http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=cf23ba87-0ed6-4db5-9739-d7cf74bcdf8f
Certainly! Here are a few unique and fresh essay topics on Japanese internment:
1. Exploring the Role of Japanese American Women during Internment: Discuss the experiences, contributions, and resilience of Japanese American women during the internment period, highlighting their role in preserving their communities and influencing social change.
2. The Psychological Impact of Internment on Japanese American Children: Analyze the long-term psychological effects that internment had on Japanese American children and how their experiences shaped their identity, relationships, and future aspirations.
3. Artistic Expression and Resistance in Internment Camps: Examine how interned Japanese Americans utilized various art forms, such as poetry, drawing, and....
1. The ethical implications of keeping birds in cages
2. The psychological effects of caging birds on their well-being
3. The role of caged birds in human culture and history
4. The impact of bird trafficking and illegal bird trade on caged bird populations
5. The importance of bird conservation and protection of endangered species in captivity
6. The relationship between pet birds and their owners in captivity
7. The challenges and benefits of bird rehabilitation and re-introduction programs
8. The symbolism of caged birds in literature and art
9. The rights of caged birds and the debate surrounding animal rights
10. The potential alternatives to caging birds for....
1. The Historical Roots of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Delving into the Long-Standing Tensions and Ethnic Divides
2. The Geopolitical Significance of Ukraine: Examining the Strategic Importance of the Country in the Context of the Conflict
3. The Role of External Actors: Analyzing the Involvement of International Players and their Objectives in the Conflict
4. The Humanitarian Crisis: Exploring the Impact of the Conflict on Civilians, Including Displacement, Loss of Life, and the Need for Humanitarian Assistance
5. The Diplomatic Efforts: Evaluating the Attempts at Ceasefires, Negotiations, and International Mediation Efforts
6. The Economic Consequences: Investigating the Impact of Sanctions, Trade Disruptions, and the Wider Economic....
Captivating Essay Topics Related to Corona
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The Power of Connection in a Time of Physical Distancing: Examining the Impact of Virtual and Alternative Social Interactions
Societal Implications
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