Econometrics Essays (Examples)

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Econometrics Theory Is the Refusal
Pages: 3 Words: 731


) Analysis of Heterogeneous Panels with Unobserved Common Effects

a) Baltagi, Badi H. 200. Narrow Replication of Serlenga and Shin (2007) gravity models of intra-EU trade: application of the CCEP-HT estimation in heterogeneous panels with unobserved common time-specific factors. Journal of Applied Econometrics 25 (3): 505-506.

2) Panel unit root tests.

a) Pesaran, M. Hashem. 2007. A simple panel root test in the presence of cross-section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics 22: 265-32.

b) Chang Y. 2004. Bootstrap unit root tests in panels with cross-sectional dependency. Journal of Econometrics 20: 263 -- 293.

c) Choi I. 200. Unit root tests for panel data. Journal of International Money and Banking 20: 249 -- 272.

d) Choi I. 2002. Combination unit root tests for cross-sectionally correlated panels. Mimeo, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

e) Im K, Pesaran H, Shin Y. 995. Testing for unit roots in heterogeneous panels. DAE Working Papers Amalgamated Series No. 9526, University of…...


10) Other

a) Whittle, P. 1954. On stationary processes in the plane. Quarterly Economic Review.


Econometrics of University Selection Prestige Location Ivy
Pages: 5 Words: 1503

Econometrics of University Selection


Ivy League

Type of Curriculum

Attending college, and the selection of colleges, is one of the most important decisions individuals can make in their youth. Future college students base their decision making criteria on a wide range of information. Some consider whether or not the school is a party school, others consider the history and the level of prestige that the school has obtained, and others may select a school based on the cost or the proximity to their homes. However, one metric that will eventually affect all students is the level of income they will obtain during their career. In most cases graduates will seek employment after graduation and be selected and compensated based upon factors including the school they attended, their major, and their performance while attending the school. This research will attempt to determine some of the factors that have the most influence upon mid-career salaries…...


Works Cited

Allen, E. & Seaman, J., 2010. Learning on Demand: Online Education in the United States, 2009. Babson Survey Research Group, 10(3), pp. 169-180.

Associated Press, 2011. China to Cancel College Majors That Don't Pay. [Online]

Available at:   / [Accessed 16 December 2011]. 

Boushey, H., 2003. The Debt Explosion Among College Graduates. [Online]

Econometric Analysis of the Relationship
Pages: 5 Words: 1572

Chapter two of the proposed study will be used to deliver a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature concerning the relationship between unemployment, money supply and inflation, and how the Indiana University model can be used to model these relationships. Chapter three of the study proposed herein will be used to more fully describe the methodology, including a description of the study approach, the data-gathering method used as well as the databases of study that will be consulted to achieve the study's research objectives. Chapter four of the study will be comprised of an analysis of the data using the Indiana University model and the concluding chapter will be used to present the study's conclusions, a summary of the research and recommendations for economic policymakers.

Chow, G.C. & Medgal, S.B. (1978). An econometric definition of the inflation-unemployment tradeoff. The American Economic eview, 68(3), 446-453.

Duo, Q. (1997). The formation…...



Chow, G.C. & Medgal, S.B. (1978). An econometric definition of the inflation-unemployment tradeoff. The American Economic Review, 68(3), 446-453.

Duo, Q. (1997). The formation of econometrics: A historical perspective. Oxford: Clarendon


Employment situation summary. (2010, October). Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department

Multiple Liner Regression to Determine the Time
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

multiple liner regression to determine the time taken to dispatch daily subscription newspapers from the New York Times Printing Plant to several offices and homes in New York City and its neighborhood. The newspaper delivery routes are to be the shortest and most efficient in terms of conserving fuel that would otherwise be wasted on traffic jams. The Logistics Manager suggested that the variables that are most crucial are the distance to be traveled by the delivery vans and total number of newspapers to be delivered in any particular area. The logistics Manager pooled observations from 25 offices and homes on the average newspaper delivery times. This data was then used to model the econometric model and an analysis carried out.
This paper concludes with recommendations to the New York Times CTO on the most important changes on the logistics department of the firm. This paper prescribes the best possible…...




Step 4. Model relationship coefficient determination

Economic Analysis of the Operating Cost That
Pages: 16 Words: 4358

economic analysis of the operating cost that are incurred in the running of a metro station. The paper also reveals the variables that are tied to the cost efficiency of the whole process of running a metro station. The cost of operating the stations is however grouped under the semi-fixed costs that are involved. This is because these costs do not vary proportionately with the output of the metro business. This paper seeks to shed light on some of the main factors that affect these costs. Empirical analysis reveals that very strong system specific factors influences costs but it is worth mentioning that there are other station specific details that also influences the costs. These include the number of platforms in the station, the length of the passageways, the interchange demand, availability of toilet facilities etc.We also discover that presence of air-conditioning has a great effect in the propulsion…...



Bookbinder, J., and W. Qu. "Comparing the performance of Major American

Railroads." Transportation Research Forum

Cantos, P.,Pastor J, and Serrano L. "Cost and revenue inefficiencies in the European railways." International Journal of Transport Economic (2002)

Caves, D.W.,Christensen ., L.R., and Swanson J.A.. "Economic performance in regulated and unregulated environments: A comparison of U.S. And Canadian railways." The Quarterly Journal of Economics (1981)

1979 the European Monetary System
Pages: 16 Words: 4332

What kind of regional and international cooperation is needed to respond to emigration pressures in many low and medium income countries within EU? In addition to the existing EU standards on migration, what other measures could be taken at the national, regional, and international levels to better protect migrants? Answers to these questions inexplicitly have direct implications for the growth environment and have become more pressing issues as the enlargement continues.
A balanced budget exists when tax revenues equal government spending. Within the EU, economic policy dictates that efficiency is achieved when the amount of revenue collected by the government is what is spent in a given period. Hence budget deficits and/or surpluses represent a misallocation that can lead to macroeconomic stability within an economy. As the growth cycle within Europe continued and deepened in 2008/2009, it was clear that macroeconomic objectives for all member states became misaligned and inefficiencies…...



Barro, R., (2000). Rule of Law, Democracy, and Economic Performance. Index of Economic Freedom, Chapter II.

Basu, K., (1991). The international debt problem, Credit Rationing and Loan Pushing: Theory and Experience. Princeton Studies in International Finance, 70.

Bulow, J. And Rogoff, K., (1990). Cleaning up Third World Debt Without Getting Taken to the Cleaners. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 4, 1.

Cole, H., and Kehoe, T., (1996). A Self-Fulfilling Model of Mexico's 94-95 Debt Crisis. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Paper 210.

Buongiono J Gilless J 2003
Pages: 2 Words: 737

, 2003).
The combintion of the complexity of the forest model nd economic needs from forest products results in the need for greter mrrige of ecology, sttistics, economics, nd lnd nd forestry mngement. There re severl connections between forest nd ecosystem mngement. By plnning nd reserching forest growth nd forest stnd tending this industry cn form the bsis for vrious politicl guidelines nd policies to ensure tht timber resources re vilble for future genertions. The forests lso provide hundreds of benefits to mny people living in forested res cross the world. These include thousnds of jobs, lumber, pper products, clen ir, wter filtrtion nd mny recretionl opportunities. In order to ensure tht these benefits will exist for future use, studies of the growth rtes of tended nd untended trees re crried out. For exmple, trees cn be thinned out (removing unwnted or less desirble trees) llowing the best trees to…...


and Applications. Burlington, MA: Elsevier Academics.

Buongiono, J., Gilless, J. (2003). Decision Methods for Forest Resource Management.

San Diego: Academic Press.

Credit Crunch on UK Residential
Pages: 30 Words: 9799

While it was generally agreed that the increase in prices was due mainly to an insufficient offer as the stock house was limited, opinions have also been forwarded according to which the buy-to-let purchases have contributed to the inflation of the house prices (Property Mark).
The debate concerning the reasons for the massive price increases for residential properties (materialized mostly between 1996 and 2005) is however still ongoing. On the one hand, there are the property bulls, who argue that the increase in the prices of residential builds is the result of natural processes of economic growth and development. In other words, they state that the increase in prices was the natural reaction to higher levels of employment, economic stability and lower interest rates. On the other hand however, sit the property bears, who claim that the increase in property prices is not linked to any economic processes, but is…...



Billington, I., 2010, 2011 set to be slow year for U.K. market, the Source,   / last accessed on January 14, 2011 

Blackson, S., 2005, the practical guide to total financial freedom, Volume 3, Lulu Press Incorporates, ISBN 1411620569

Blackson, S., 2005, the guide to real estate investing, Lulu Press Incorporated, ISBN 1411623835

Booth, T., 2003, the buy to let guide: how to invest for profit in residential property and manage the letting yourself, 2nd Edition, How't Books, ISBN 1857038649

Strategic Planning for Training Companies
Pages: 55 Words: 16101

" Of these respondents, over 50% of them stated that they lack a disaster recovery plan (Anthes, 1998). However, most of the problems stem from the lack of communication at the corporate level. (Hawkins, et al., 2000).
Business Continuity Plans (BCP) and other forms of strategic planning are no longer a luxury, but a must-have factor and an important element of any organisation's risk management system. Organisations are increasingly dependent upon it systems and infrastructure and eventually subjected to many risks, so business is inherently risky. How long can your organisation afford system downtime? How long does it take to recover a disaster; and, what does it cost? These kinds of questions are the ones that have to be addressed for BCPs. Also important, however, is using strategic planning to look toward the future and determine where a business wants to be at a specific point, so that plans to work…...




Bolman, LG & Deal, TE (1997). Reframing Organisations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership, 2nd ed, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

Bowden, P (1985). Organisation and Strategy, McGraw-Hill, Roseville.

Byrne, JA. (1996, August 26). Strategic Planning. BusinessWeek. .

Operations and Quality Management Research
Pages: 5 Words: 1886

To reduce inventory management costs and errors, enterprise must form a strong, galvanizing connection with suppliers, buyers, internal production, and customers most of all. In conclusion, inventory management will always be part art and science, as tacit & implicit knowledge is needed to provide greater insight into the analysis generated fro enterprise software applications specifically designed to streamline inventory management. The inherent unquantifiable aspects of demand management will also make inventory management a continually difficult, complex problem enterprises must confront daily to stay profitable and grow.

Forecasting and Demand eferences

Leung, S. (2003, Oct 01). Where's the beef? A glutted market leaves food chains hungry for sites; finding spots for new outlets takes heaps of research and an eye for details; hint: Move next to Wal-Mart. Wall Street Journal, pp. a.1-a.1.

Meng, F., Tepanon, Y., & Uysal, M. (2008). Measuring tourist satisfaction by attribute and motivation: The case of a nature-based resort.…...



Mathaba, S., Dlodlo, N., Smith, a., & Adigun, M. (2011). The use of RFID and web 2.0 technologies to improve inventory management in south african enterprises. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 14(2), 228-241. Link: 

Wang, H., & Yan, H. (2009). Inventory management for customers with alternative lead times. Production and Operations Management, 18(6), 705-720.


Knowledge Skills and Expertise in Customer Care
Pages: 3 Words: 930

Career Preliminary Questionnaire
It is in line with the advert that appeared in the national daily paper concerning the vacancy in your organization that I wish to express my wish to feel the advertised position. I strongly believe I have adequate skills that meet the threshold requirements for a financial advisor trainee in your organization. I have a bachelor's degree in Economics (Honors) from Queen's University-Kingston, Ontario. This implies my vast knowledge in economics related fields such as Accounting, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Econometrics, and Statistics among other fields. Apart from this, I have a certificate in Canadian Security Course (CSC) and Investment Funds in Canada (IFIC) from the Canadian Securities Institute. I completed my high school level studies from the Langley Secondary School- Langley, British Columbia with Honors in Grade 11 and 12. Presently, I work with the CIBC Langley Banking Center as a Customer Service Representative (since 2012). Working with the…...

Death Penalty Act as a
Pages: 7 Words: 2544

However, the numbers used to report murder rates only tell us the number of crimes that have occurred. They tell us nothing about crimes that were never committed because of fear of the death penalty. The conundrum is that there is no realistic way to measure something that did not happen in the general population, at least in a way that would be credible from a scientific point-of-view.
Those that support the death penalty tend to place more emphasis on the credibility of econometric methods of analysis. They can find many studies to support their position among this group of analyses. They discredit comparative methods of study that do not support their position. Both proponents and their opposition have attempted to reduce the issue of whether the death penalty acts as a deterrent to murder to one of credibility of the research findings. However, this argument fails, as there are…...


Works Cited

Archer, D. And Gartner, R (1984). Homicide and the death penalty: A cross-national test of deterrence hypothesis. In Archer and Gartner, Violence and Crime in Cross-

National Perspective, New Haven: Yale University Press.

Dezhbaksh, H., Robin, P., and Shepherd, J. (2002). Does capital punishment have a Deterrent effect? New evidence from post-moratorium panel data. American Law and Economics Review 5(2): 344-376.Retrieved February 5, 2007, from:

Fagan, J. (2005). Deterrence and the Death Penalty: A Critical Review of New Evidence.

Business Statistics Numbers Are Unable
Pages: 4 Words: 1486

This means they set medium term goals may be up to five years. This requires that they make detailed and precise judgments, so that their medium term goals are met. This has made the methodology require sophisticated business statistical applications. (Statistical Thinking for Managerial Decisions) Long-term planning in business normally makes it necessary to make estimations regarding the future and extrapolations of the past, is used for this. The trends can be identified, but these may be accurate for a short time and in it lay the danger of forecasting by extrapolation of the past, since data cannot be expected to forecast something that has not happened. It is here that the importance of strategic planning has relevance. Strategic planning adds more control into a situation where the outcome is more likely to be taken on the probable occurrence of an event or set of events in the near…...



Niles, Robert. "Statistics" Retrieved at   Accessed on 11/11/2004 .

Statistical Thinking for Managerial Decisions" National Science Foundation. Retrieved at   Accessed on 11/11/2004 .

Business statistics" (7 November 2004) Retrieved at   on 11/11/2004 

Welcome to the Discipline of Econometrics and Business Statistics" (2004) Retrieved at Accessed on 11/11/2004.

Exchange Rate Determination
Pages: 9 Words: 3372

forward discount in predicting exchange rate modifications. The conclusion of the literature review is that the forward discount is a biased predictor and that are two possible explanations for this situation. One cause would be the presence of a time varying risk premium, and the other the failure of agents to make rational expectations (the inability to use all available information in an efficient manner).
The forward discount puzzle (as a predictor of exchange rate modifications) is a very discussed puzzle in the international finance literature, since its importance is quite high. As a result, numerous studies have concentrated on this issue, i.e. On the causes on the bias. Some authors (Fama, 1984), believe that this problem is traceable to the existence of a time-varying risk premium. Others connect it to learning effect (Lewis, 1989) or irrationality (Bilson, 1981) the "peso problem" (Krasker, 1980),

The "peso problem term" was introduced into…...



Beng, G.W. And W.K. Siong. (1993) Exchange Rate Expectations and Risk Premium in the Singapore/U.S. Dollar Exchange Rate: Evidence from Survey Data Applied Financial Economics, 3(4), pp. 365-73.

Bilson, John F.O., (1981) The Speculative Efficiency Hypothesis, Journal of Business, 54, pp. 435-452

Cavalgia, S.W., F.C. Verschoor and C.C.P. Wolff (1993a) Further Evidence on Exchange Rate Expectations Journal of International Money and Finance, 12 (1), pp. 78-98.

Cavalgia, S.W., F.C. Verschoor and C.C.P. Wolff (1993b) Asian Exchange Rate Expectations Journal of the Japanese and International Economics, 7(1), pp. 57-77.

Financial Contributions of Sector Procurement
Pages: 15 Words: 4955

Research conducted to date for example suggests that, for consortia-based procurement exchanges and Sector Procurement Collaboratives the bargaining power of representing multiple groups of buyers and their collective purchasing power provides economies of scale and leverage in bargaining with suppliers (Devine, Dugan, Semaca, Speicher, 2001). The motivations of purchasing consortia are primarily focused upon gaining expected cost savings and collect information on supply markets (Tella, Virolainen, 2005). Although perfectly in line with accepted marketing views and strategies, there is a gap in this research, which does not take into account the long-term effects of inter-process maturity and transaction velocity over time.

According to Johnston et al. (2003, p. 23), the recognition of trust as an important part of the buyer-supplier relationship does not preclude fact of paucity of empirical evidence to suggest the level of such importance. Trust and its dependent behaviors, as well as its impact on inter-organizational activities, have…...



Matthew G. Anderson, Paul B. Katz. (1998). Strategic sourcing. International Journal of Logistics Management, 9(1), 1-13. Retrieved June 13, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 34024516).

Chad W. Autry, Susan L. Golicic. (2009). Evaluating buyer-supplier relationship-performance spirals: A longitudinal study. Journal of Operations Management

Markus Biehl, Wade Cook and David a. Johnston (2006). The efficiency of joint decision making in buyer-supplier relationships. Ann Oper Res, 145, 15-34.

Nicolas Bloch, Thierry Catfolis. (2001). B2B E-marketplaces: How to succeed. Business Strategy Review, 12(3), 20-28.

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