Easter Essays (Examples)

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Easter Uprising American Influence on
Pages: 10 Words: 2868

O'Brien believes that the roots of the rebellion started when the British House of Commons introduced a bill that offered limited independence to Ireland but the House would still retain complete power to nullify or amend any laws passed by the newly created Irish House of Commons and Senate. A more immediate event may have been the harbinger of the 1916 uprising by adding fuel to an already burning fire.

William Martin Murphy, an industrialist, conducted a lockout of a number of workers who were participants in the Irish Transport and General Worker's Union (ITGWU). Murphy was worried that a union would lead its workers to demand more and more freedoms. By the time the dispute was over more than 400 employers had locked out over 20,000 workers. The dispute ended six months later when the workers were forced to return to work or face starvation. It was at this time…...



Devoy, J.; (1924) Story of the Clan na Gael, Gaelic American

Kautt, W.H.; (1999) Anglo-Irish War, 1916-1921: A People's War, Westport, Conn.: Praeger Press

Kiberd, D.; (2000) 1916 Easter Rebellion Handbook, Dublin: Irish Academic Press

McGee, O.; (2005) The IRB: From the Land League to Sinn Fein, England: Free Courts Press

Easters Identification of Issues the Springfield Nor'easters
Pages: 8 Words: 2464

Identification of Issues

The Springfield Nor'Easters are a new minor league baseball team in Springfield, MA. They are 1 1/2 years away from opening night and are trying to finalize their business model and pricing structure. There are a number of factors that the team will need to take into account with respect to setting its ticket prices. The team must consider whether or not it wants to emphasize season ticket sales, or individual ticket sales. The size of the local market and how much of that market the team can capture should also need to be taken into consideration. Competition is another factor for the team to consider. In addition, the split between gate revenues and concession revenues is another factor. The solution will be the one that delivers the highest total revenue, not the highest gate revenue. The more the team charges at the gate, the fewer customers…...

Easter Mystery and Metaphors Reflection
Pages: 2 Words: 686

In Colossians 3:1-4, Paul refers to the Easter mystery in both concrete and symbolic terms. Commentaries on the resurrection illustrate the need for both a mundane and a transcendent understanding of the passage. Conforming to its cruciform implications, the passage suggests to believers “set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God...not on earthly things” (Col 3:1-2). As much as Paul urges transcendence, it is important to apply spiritual principles to the material world. The metaphors “being raised in Christ,” and “putting on Christ” help keep the Catholic Church grounded in its cruciform principles: of simultaneously being in the world and not of the world. We must focus on what is above, without becoming heartless to the immanent suffering in the world: a central lesson of the crucifixion. As MacDonald (n.d.) points out, the metaphors of being raised in Christ and putting on Christ…...



Bergant, D. (n.d.). Preaching the New Lectionary.

Gorman, M.J. (2004). Apostle of the Crucified Lord.

MacDonald, M.Y. (n.d.). Colossians and Ephesians.

Pilch, J.J. (n.d.). Easter Sunday.

Springfield Nor'easters Identification of Strategic Issues Larry
Pages: 7 Words: 1843

Springfield Nor'Easters
Identification of Strategic Issues

Larry Buckingham needs to make some determinations about the pricing strategy for the Nor'Easters. The team needs to sort out its pricing strategy in the coming weeks. At present, there are a few different approaches that can be used with respect to ticket prices. The chosen approach should maximize profit, but there are competing views on how to maximize profit. Some feel that the ticket price should be low so as to increase attendance, and then make money on food, souvenirs and peripherals. Others feel that the bulk of the revenues should come from ticket prices. Complicating the issue is the fact that the main competitor for season ticket sales, the minor league hockey team, is going to have a season ticket drive that could potentially reduce the number of season tickets that the Nor'Easters can sell. The degree to which competition will be a factor…...

Human Beings and Island
Pages: 4 Words: 1397

Moai statues in Easter Island: A collection of historical relics
Culture is very dynamic, and can be defined in various ways, however, the majority of art researchers seem to have reached a consensus that culture comprises the entirety of all behavioral patterns, relations, and belief system that are socially communicated and learned. Cultural artifacts and relics can basically be described as the results of human thinking and efforts. The perspective of the observer or viewer (who are often historians or archaeologists) is often the major defining factor of cultural artifacts. The interpretation given to the symbolism of a particular object or its use in a specified cultural context is often significantly dependent on the scholars' previous knowledge of the culture in question (Hamilton, 97). This essay seeks to discuss the Moai statues in estate island, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean which falls within the jurisdiction of the Chilean state.



Works cited

Lipo, Carl P., and Terry L. Hunt. "Mapping prehistoric statue roads on Easter Island." Antiquity, vol. 79, no. 303, 2005, p. 158+. Web.

Carroll, Colleen. "About the Monolithic Statues of Easter Island." Arts & Activities, no. 1, 2011, p. 26.

Hamilton, Sue. "Rapa Nui (Easter Island)'s Stone Worlds." Archaeology International 16 (2013). Web.

Charola, A. Elena. Easter Island: the heritage and its conservation. World Monuments Fund, 1994. Web.

Determinants of Bank Profitability in the South Eastern Europe
Pages: 23 Words: 6338

govern the profitability of banks in the South Easter part of Europe. The banking profitability in question is evaluated in terms of the rate of Return on Assets (ROA) and the rate of Return on Equity (ROE) .These two measures are expressed in terms of various other determinants. This paper therefore makes use of a series of raw data collected from South Eastern Europe credit institutions over a five-year period (2003-2007).The determinant used in this study are bank-specific and are also industry related. Macroeconomic determinant are also utilized in the examination of the banks' profitability. The study revealed that apart from liquidity alone, all the other remaining bank specific determinants greatly affects a bank's profitability in a predictable manner. The structure conduct performance hypothesis is proven true by the positive results of concentration that is obtained. However, it is worth noting that the efficient structure proposition's applicability can not…...



Akhavein, J., Berger, A. And D. Humphrey (1997). The effects of megamergers on efficiency and prices: Evidence from a bank profit function.

Altunbas, Y. And P. Molyneux (1994). The concentration-performance relationship in European banking: A note

Athanasoglou, P.P., Brissimis, S.N. And M.D. Delis (2005). Bank-specific industry specific and macroeconomics determinants of bank profitability

Baltagi, B.H. (2001). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. Chichester.

Societal Collapses Caused by Misuse of Environmental Resources
Pages: 7 Words: 2396

Societal Collapses
Environmental determinism has long been out of favor among historians and social scientists, although well into the 19th Century even the majority of Westerners were highly dependent on the climate and environment for their survival. Since the entire world economy was based on agriculture, a shortfall in harvests meant famines, epidemics and death for those who were at or below subsistence level. Such famines were a primary cause for the overthrow of the monarchy in France in 1789, for example, and they led to rebellions, riots and instability wherever they occurred. As late as the 1840s in Ireland, the great potato blight led to the death or immigration of half the population, and the near-destruction of Irish society. In the case of Easter Island, Norse Greenland and the Classic Maya civilization, climate change combined with deforestation and agricultural practices that destroyed the environment led to the total collapse of…...



Diamond, Jared. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Penguin Books, 2006).

Demarest Arthur A.. Ancient Maya: The Rise and Fall of a Rainforest Civilization (Cambridge University Press, 2004).

Fagan, Brian M. The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History (Basic Books, 2000).

Gill, Richardson B. The Great Maya Droughts: Water, Life, and Death (University of New Mexico Press, 2000).

Communication Problem Related to Small
Pages: 4 Words: 1342

This is exacerbated by the problem that Carmen is close friends with the owner Kenneth. Kenneth has a similar conflict management style to Carmen. He can be extremely nice when dealing with people casually, but whenever a problem arises like Carmen he makes excuses, avoids the problem, tries to pass it on to someone else, or resorts to texting or faxing messages rather than confronting complaints. Their favorite 'nonverbal' communication strategy is simply not being there.

A failure to listen is one of the most common workplace communication problems. "When people or groups are in conflict, communication between them tends to get worse and worse. As a conflict escalates, people limit their direct contact with people on the other side, because such conflict is uncomfortable or threatening….Eventually all direct communication between parties may be cut off. Sometimes, communication is cut off in protest" (Lack of communication channels/avoided communication, 2005, OTPIC). The…...



Craig, Suzanne. (2012). What restaurants know (about you). The New York Times. Retrieved:


Lack of communication channels/avoided communication. (2005). Online Training Program

on Intractable Conflict (OTPIC). Retrieved:

Nannie Helen Burroughs
Pages: 4 Words: 1170

Nannie Helen Burroughs: A Review
Born on May 2nd, 1879 in Orange, Virginia, Nannie Helen Burroughs was the daughter of two former slaves. At the age of five, Burroughs lost her father, and was subsequently moved to ashington, D.C. By her mother, who sought a better education for her two young daughters. Many years after the move, Burroughs graduated in 1896 with honors in business and domestic science from what was then called the Colored High School in D.C. This move in pursuit of Burroughs' education seems to be the jumping off point for the great accomplishments she would achieve later in life. hile not a traditional biography of any sort, Opal V. Easter's analysis of Nannie Helen Burroughs' life and accomplishments is an extensive study of a trailblazer seeking to make education accessible to her people. The book takes necessary aim at Burroughs' revolutionary exploits throughout her life, and focuses…...


Works Cited

Easter, Opal V. Nannie Helen Burroughs. New York: Garland Publishing, 1995.

Minor League Baseball Business Case Study
Pages: 7 Words: 2145

HBS Case Study: The Springfield Nor'easters

HBS Case Study: The Springfield Nor'easters

The Facts

Minor league baseball teams can be a potentially lucrative source of revenue in the right market. As going to major league games becomes increasingly expensive, more and more people, particularly parents who want their children to have the experience of going to a live baseball game, are increasingly turning to minor league games as a way of filling the gap (Cespedes, Lovelock, & Winig, 2008, p. 3). Springfield is a large city in Massachusetts and because of the Boston ed Sox, Massachusetts has a very strong baseball culture but the city was still a significant drive from Boston. It had many college students as well, another potential fan base. This case study revolves around the creation of a minor league team known as the Springfield Nor'easters. The team has been created as a way to capitalize upon the…...



Cespedes, F. V., Lovelock, V. & Winig, L. (2009). The Springfield Nor'easters: Maximizing revenues in the minor leagues. Harvard Business School Case Study.

Mitten by Jan Brett Jan
Pages: 4 Words: 1444

Certainly, other types of animal flash cards could be used. An even better idea might be to have hand puppet or stuffed animal examples of the animals in the book to pass around for the children to look at. During their break, they could play with the toys as an added refresher for the animal concepts that they learned during the classroom and field trip sessions. Besides providing an excellent review, it would be a seamless method of integrating the reading with field trip sessions and prop and toy purchases. This type of activity will give the teacher indicators of the students' abilities as a class and individuals prior to beginning the reading unit. It might be wise to do the field trip as the follow-up idea to the book with Brett's work as preparatory for that activity.
Annotated Bibliography

1. Brett, J. (1989). The mitten. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam's…...


Works Cited

Brett, J. (1989). The mitten. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons.

Ibid, Board book edition.

The full-day early learning -- kindergarten program. (2010). Retrieved from www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/../kindergarten_english_june3.pdf.

Beauty Mean in Art Today
Pages: 8 Words: 2502

Sally Mann's portfolio abounds of photographs of little girls, including here photographs such as the New Mothers and Sorry Game. All these, as the Easter Dress, are in black and white. In my opinion, the choice for black and white is an attempt by this modern artist to move the viewer's attention away from coloration and into the game of shapes and forms. If we compare this photograph with Dine's painting, the latter puts all emphasis on color (red in that particular case), while Mann insists exactly on everything that is not color: shapes, forms, movements.

The photograph depicts a little girl in a white dress playing/dancing in the foreground, while other characters, most likely members of her family (probably her grandparents, among others) are also present in the framework. As a modern art, photography has a characteristic that many other visual arts, including painting, do not: the ability of capturing…...



1. Gilmore, Richard. Philosophical Beauty: The Sublime in the Beautiful in Kant's Third Critique and Aristotle's Poetics. World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998. On the Internet at retrieved on October 9, 2006http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Aest/AestGilm.htm.Last

2. Cronk, R. The Rise and Fall of (Post-)Modern. 1996. On the Internet at   retrieved on October 9, 2006http://www.westland.net/venice/art/cronk/riseandfall.htm.Last 

3. On the Internet at   retrieved on October 9, 2006http://www.tandempress.wisc.edu/tandem/gallery/komarin/gk610.htm.Last 

4. On the Internet at   retrieved on October 9, 2006http://www.artline.com/associations/ifpda/ifpdafair/ifpdafair2002/nonexhibiting/Segura_Publishing_Company/index.html.Last 

Artificial and Human Identities in Literature
Pages: 9 Words: 2610

Artificial Intelligence / Robotics
Robot Outline Name: Complitar (aka the LoveBunny 3000).

Personal Statement: Greetings, human. I am the LoveBunny 3000, and I offer advice on relationships and also sex. You are here gazing at my glass containment because you are troubled in your relationship, or you seek advice for how to drive your lover wild, or perhaps you just need concrete advice for how to find a lover -- although in these days of social media and nonstop connectedness, if you can't find someone to sleep with you, you're doing it wrong. And that's where I come in. You can ask me any question pertaining to the relationship genre.

My form is that of a classic automaton -- a spooky sort of robotic doll that performs certain functions within a limited and circumscribed physical field. Some may recognize my appearance from a standard fairgrounds type fortune-teller or more specifically from the movie…...

How Paganism and Mystery Religions Influenced Christianity
Pages: 6 Words: 2172

paganism and mystery religions influenced Christianity.

Paganism and mystery religions

Pagan Mystery religions have been associated with paving the way for Christianity presentation across the ancient and present world. They played the role of preparing the people emotionally and mentally in understanding the kind of religion which was represented by Christianity. They existed in varying degrees, examples was the Galilean cult which was to replace them. There encouragement was for a shift from the philosophical and state religion systems towards the craving for personal salvation as well as promise of immortality. It is believed that Christianity have been manifested through the paganism and mystery religions, since they were involved in doing the groundwork which paved the way for Christian missionary work. Most of the perception, as passed from paganism into Christianity got a highly insightful and spiritual meaning by Christianity.

The early church developed from the Greco-oman world which formed one of…...



Angus, S., The Mystery Religions and Christianity, (Charles Scribner's Sons, New York: 1925),


Cumont, Franz, The Mysteries of Mithra, (The Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago: 1910).

Cumont, Franz, The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, (The Open House Publishing Co., Chicago: 1911).

Analysis of a Case Study
Pages: 7 Words: 2060

easters, Springfield's new Class A minor league baseball team had to solve the common issue of earning sufficient revenues from concession and ticket sales that would help fund their jobs in Springfield. The issue was aggravated by knowing that the Falcons, the only other professional sports team in Springfield, would have to leave because they failed to gain enough revenue from ticket and concession sales. The limitations were that only the budget of players' salaries as well as ball and bat expenses were funded by major league teams. Any and all other expenses, the minor league teams were accountable for and had to pay. Therefore, Nor'easters had to figure out a pricing policy that will them to break-even or make profit in order to raise revenues for their other expenses. If they failed to do so, they would have to follow the Falcons and move out of Springfield.
While Buckingham's…...

Explanation of the word Canon in the New Testament?
Words: 364

Many people are familiar with the word “canon” as it is used when discussing fictional works.  It refers to those books or other works that are an official part of the created world, as opposed to those created by others, like fan fiction.  It also distinguishes the written word from speculation or theories built on that word, but not directly supported by it.  Canon has a similar meaning in Biblical studies of the New Testament.  It refers specifically to those books believed to have been divinely inspired and incorporated into the New Testament.  This makes Christianity somewhat different from many....

How the 16th and 17th century Church\'s relates to Church experience and today\'s world?
Words: 346

There is no understating the importance that the Church and the development of Christianity and alternative churches have in the history of the world and the creation of modern culture.  Christianity and the Church were a driving factor behind the colonial development of the world, which required incorporating foreign aspects into worship, and led to the creation of the modern worship experience.

It is important to look at how the Age of Discovery, when the Catholic Church expanded around the globe by establishing missions in conquered or colonized countries with indigenous populations of people who....

Need help with essay on What are the impact of the Reformation?
Words: 389

The Reformation was one of the most significant religious movements in the modern Christian Church.  Also known as the Protestant Reformation, it is most highly associated with Martin Luther, who began the Reformation by publishing the Ninety-five Theses in 1517, which lead to a split between the Catholic Church and Luther in 1521 with the Edict of Worms.  This Edict officially condemned Luther and was aimed at preventing people who were Catholics, which consisted of most of Europe, which was part of the Holy Roman Empire, from supporting or defending Luther’s ideas. 


Suggested dissertation topics and samples in African philosophy and Sociology?
Words: 406

One of the biggest differences between African philosophy and sociology and Western and Eastern philosophies and social structures is the role that religion, individuals, and the community play.  While many Western and Eastern philosophical forces are focused on external elements and often feature a monotheistic God, African philosophy is more focused on the concept of a vital force which is not only the force of life for the individual but also for the rest of the world.   This is a fairly consistent concept across central and southern Africa, though it becomes less....

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