East Coast Essays (Examples)

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East Coast West Coast Hip
Pages: 8 Words: 2482

ith the rise in the levels of performance and payment through the music, many rappers decided to make collaborations. These collaborations were intended to create competition so that one musician could manage to overdo the other in the public domain. Nonetheless, the influence of the music on human life was incredible. Many people who engaged in Hip-hop music were reported to have joined one or more gang activities and groups. It is with the establishment of these groups that escalated the desire to have the music be played in varied public places and clubs. Many scenes demonstrating the music was staged in various sections of the American cities.
The rappers went about performing in live concerns in order to have supporters of their music. Initially, the concerns were categorical of playing the music while the audiences licensed to their while doing other activities. ithin a short time, the DJs began…...


Works cited

Hess, Mickey. Hip Hop in America: A Regional Guide. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood

Press, 2010. Internet resource.

Icons of Hip Hop: 2. Westport, CT [u.a.: Greenwood Press, 2007. Print.

Lucas, George. A New Hope: A Novel. New York: Random House, 1986. Print.

East Coast Real Estate Families
Pages: 6 Words: 2260

What's the family current worth?

Today, the Trump family business stands at a net worth of $2.6 billion. (#74, Trump, Donald John)

How much total square footage does the Trump family own?

The total square footage has been estimated at a 14.5 million. (#74, Trump, Donald John)

The LeFrak Family:

What family member started the LeFrak family business and when?

LeFrak family has been forming its mark on Queens, as it has been building both residential as well as commercial complexes in the area from the year 1905. What is different about the LeFrak family is that the family had been Europe's builders for the previous 2 generations, before setting up their business in the United States of America in 1905; Maurice LeFrak had started as a developer in France in the 1840's, and later, Aaron who was Maurice's son, and his grandson named Harry, arrived at New York City. They soon began a modest type…...



Bagli, Charles. V. Lewis Rudin, head of real estate family and a Frequent City Fiscal Savior

Dies at 74. The New York Times, September, 2001. p. 5.

Franklin Co. Historical Society. Franklin County, Illinois, 1818-1997. Turner Publishing

Company. 1996.

Ratios in General East Coast Yachts Has
Pages: 2 Words: 709

In general East Coast Yachts has below average financial performance compared to its industry peers. With respect to solvency and liquidity, the company has a current ratio of 1.12 and a quick ratio of 0.66. Both of these lie below the median for the industry but are comfortably above the lower quartile. The debt ratio is 35.8% and the debt/equity ratio is 91.9%. These figures are also in the second quartile for the industry, with the debt ratio just above the cutoff for the lower quartile. Interest coverage is 7.95 times, again putting the company between the median and the lower quartile.

In terms of efficiency, total asset turnover is 1.51 times, inventory turnover is 19.2 times and receivables turnover is 30.6. The latter is in the upper quartile, indicating that the company has a good collections system. Total asset turnover is just above the lowest quartile while the inventory turnover…...



Loth, R. (2012). Financial ratio tutorial. Investopedia. Retrieved February 12, 2012 from  http://www.investopedia.com/university/ratios 

Malkiel, B. (2003). The efficient market hypothesis and its critics. CEPS Working Paper No. 91. Retrieved February 12, 2012 from  http://www.vixek.com/Efficient%20Market%20Hypothesis%20and%20its%20Critics%20-%20Malkiel.pdf

Bonds Issue Financing East Coasts Expansion Plans
Pages: 6 Words: 1687

unning head: BONDS FEATUES BONDS FEATUES 7Financing East Coasts Expansion Plans with a Bonds Issue1. Describe the following bond features and their effect on the coupon rateThe security of the bond, that is, whether or not it has collateralA collateralized bond has a lower coupon rate, because the risk of loss is also low. In the case of bankruptcy on the part of East Cost Yacht, the bondholders still have a claim on the collateral. As such, collateral lowers the risk of loss for the bondholders. However, the primary disadvantage of a collateralized bond is that the company cannot sell the asset(s) it has kept as collateral and has to keep the same in good condition at all times.Bond senioritySeniority is a term used to refer to the order of repayment in the event of bankruptcy or a sale. Senior bonds are paid before junior bonds in the event of…...


References Gallagher, T. J., & Andrew, J. D. (2007). Financial Management; Principles and Practice (4th ed.). Madison, WI: Prentice Hall. Jordan, B., Westerfield, R., 7 Ross, S. (2010). Corporate Finance Essentials (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Megginson, W. L., Luceyt, B. M., & Smart, S. B. (2008). Introduction to Corporate Finance. London, UK: Cengage Learning EMEA.

East Asian Civilizations
Pages: 7 Words: 2642

East Asian Civilizations
(1) Unequal Treaties

(2) sino-japanese war 3





The growing demand for Chinese tea, silk and ceramics by ritish had created severe trade imbalance for ritain. The ritish were also losing their silver reserves in exchange for Chinese goods. In late 1930's government of Great ritain found "opium" as a solution for resolving trade imbalance. Opium, which is more addictive than tea, was being supplied to China by ritish merchants. As demand for opium increased in China, ritain's imports increased and in this way silver bullion was flowing out of the China into ritain.

However Chinese government (Qing government) took serious steps to stop the trade of opium. Lin Zexu, which was appointed as an Imperial Commissioner for the Destruction of Opium, started an anti-opium campaign. During the campaign, opium stores were destroyed and opium dealers were arrested. This act…...



CIIC. "Formation of the Chinese Civilization." 2001. China Internet Information Center. .

Devine, Richard. "Japanese Rule in Korea After the March First Uprising." Monumenta Nipponic 52.4 (1997).

Dyke, Van and Paul Arthur. Tha Canton trade: Life and Enterprise on the China Coast 1700-1845. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1998.

Liu, Li and Xingcan Chen. The Archaeology of China: From the Late Paleolithic to the Early Bronze Age. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Why In-N-Out Should Expand East
Pages: 3 Words: 893

In-N-Out Burger is a beloved institution on the est Coast because of its high-quality ingredients; its fresh, made-to-order taste, and the popularity of its not-so-secret menu which gives loyal patrons a sense of being part of an 'in' crowd when they order from the restaurant. This paper will argue that In-N-Out Burger is an ideal addition to the Atlanta burger culture: the chain can capitalize upon the frequent calls to bring In-N-Out to the East Coast, as well as outflank all of its likely competitors. "In-N-Out, founded on the est Coast in 1948, is that rarest of chain restaurants: one with a cult following. Exalted both by hamburger fans and those who normally shun fast food, it has built its reputation on the rock of two beliefs: fast food should be made from scratch, and the whims of the customer should be entertained" (McNichol 1).

The fast food industry has been…...


Works Cited

Alt, J. Kenji-Lopez. "In-N-Out vs. Five Guys vs. Shake Shack. Serious Eats. 18 May 2011.

22 Jun 2014. http://aht.seriouseats.com/archives/2011/05/in-n-out-vs.-five-guys-vs.-shake-shack-the-first-bi-coastal-side-by-side-taste-test.html 

Gottfredson, Mark & Aspinall, K. "Innovation vs. Complexity: What Is Too Much of a Good Thing?" Harvard Business Review. November 2005. 22 Jun 2014. http://hbr.org/2005/11/innovation-versus-complexity-what-is-too-much-of-a-good-thing/ar/1 

McNichol, T. "The secret behind a burger cult." The New York Times. 14 Aug 2002.

Yosemite National Forest Yosemite History in East
Pages: 6 Words: 1596

Yosemite National Forest
Yosemite History

In East Central California, Yosemite National Park spans the eastern portions of Tuolumne, Mariposa, and Madera County. Approximately 3.7 million tourists have come to love and visit the park on an annual basis, spending time on a seven square mile sector of the 760,000 acre park. Yosemite is known for the enormous rocks dating as far back as ten million years in age, with one particular known site: The half dome, where hikers may climb the treacherous rock (Yosemite National Park, 2011). With such a large amount of tourists, the park calls for a well developed management team.

Yosemite Tourism and Ownership Establishment

Yosemite was officially discovered in 1855 by James Mason Hutchings, Thomas Ayers, and other tourists to the area. The two were among the first to create publicity for the area, making artwork and articles about the wildlife and experiences, and sending them to the more established…...



Harris, A.G., Tuttle, E., & Tuttle, S. (2003). Geology of national parks. Kendall/Hunt


National Geographic. Dna to help find "problem" bears at yosemite. (2001, April 1). National


Japanese-Americans in the West Coast Lived Peacefully
Pages: 2 Words: 606

Japanese-Americans in the West Coast lived peacefully before President Roosevelt issued the Executive Order 9066 in February 1942 that condemned them to misery in internment camps in the deserts of California. Those who owned property had to sell them. Some had to give up their belongings. The Japanese-Americans could not wage any form of resistance because this would be suppressed by brute military force. Nobody would be foolhardy enough to contemplate that. The 20-year-olds were adversely affected despite the fact that some of them were later allowed to go to college, work in factories, and serve in the United States military. Life in the camps was heart-wrenching.
The young Japanese-Americans conscripted into the military had divided loyalty especially after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. America was their country of birth and Japan was the country of their parents and ancestors. The anti-Japanese sentiments that were aired after the Pearl Harbour attack…...

Near East Though it Is
Pages: 3 Words: 914

According to Bachhuber, the Myceaen Agean presence on the Uluburun ship pointed out an important connection between the Semetic and Aegean civilizations (Bachhuber). In addition to the Agean-Semetic connection, materials on the ship also came from Africa, including African woods like Ebony, Elephant tusks, and hippopotamus teeth, which were counted among the rarer items in the findings. Finally, tests of the raw copper found on the ship suggested that some of the material came from as far as Europe, especially Spain (University of Texas). This confirms that the trade routes in the Levant were not only as extensive as previously assumed, but a considerable degree further.
The implications about trade that can be drawn from the artifacts found on the Ulburun are not restricted to simple economics. Instead, the artifacts also allow for important social implications. According to the University of Texas, the wreck's anchors allowed scholars to assume that…...


Works Cited

Bachhuber, Christoph Stephen. 2004. Aspects of Late Helladic Sea Trade. Texas a&M.

University of Texas.  http://www.utexas.edu/courses/clubmed/artifact.html .

Pulak, Cemal. Dendrochronological Dating of the Uluburun. n.d. Bodrum.

Unknown. Major Trade Routs. 2007.  http://www.bibarch.com/

Buirnt Norton East Coker the
Pages: 6 Words: 2176

" In other words, you can't change the way you are or the way you think by staying in the same clothes or the same consciousness that you have been in all this time. You must be willing to sacrifice and accept that things may get worse before they get better. "…to be restored, our sickness must grow worse" Eliot writes, and this is actually a recipe for emotional health albeit nothing close to that was to be found in the asteland. Indeed the world "become stranger" and the pattern of our lives becomes "more complicated" as we grow older. But these are words that sound like philosophy, not the remorse that was saturated throughout the asteland.
The Dry Salvages -- Number Three of Four Quartets

In the asteland there was no water to be found. Not a drop of water -- just rock and dust and death. And yet here in…...


Works Cited

Eliot, T.S. "Four Quartets."

Eliot, T.S. "The Wasteland."

Lewis, Pericles. "The Waste Land." Modernism Lab Essays. (2005). Retrieved Feb.

15, 2010, from  http://modernism.research.yale.edu .

The Exotic Coast of Marseille
Pages: 7 Words: 1991

unning Head: TAVEL ESSAY 9TAVEL ESSAYTravel EssayThe Exotic Coast of MarseilleOn a discreet edge of the mountain as I was overlooking the Morgiou village, I thought I had got the ideal spot to bivouac. However, events quickly went downhill from thereon. It began with the occasional sounds of rummaging in the bushes above me. This occurred every moment I was quiet, purposely prolonging movement. When night came in, the outlook of what could be sneaking out there in the dusk started to cloud my mind. Before was a beautiful mountainous view overlooking a small village started to feel more like a hunting place, although I was the grounds prey. Now being unable to bear the anticipation further, I rose and turned my torch on. I couldnt believe my eye. There were dazzling eyes in the thickets right above me, watching me. Let me stop for a minute and elaborate on…...


ReferencesMartinelli, D. (2019). Audiovisuality and the city of Marseille, France: creativity, communication, representation. Creativity Studies, 12(1), 166-182.Durin, S. (2015). Ethnicity and the Au Pair Experience: Latin American Au Pairs in Marseille, France. In Au Pairs’ Lives in Global Context (pp. 155-169). Palgrave Macmillan, London.Menzies, R., & Aix-Marseille, I. (2011). Children’s versions of Gulliver’s Travels and the question of horizons of expectation: from biting satire to the exciting adventure story. Horizons, eds C. Delmasand I. Gadoin, Representations, Université de Grenoble, 3, 43-51.

The History of East Asia
Pages: 2 Words: 793

Sykes -- Picot Agreement
As Iraq lurches deeper into turmoil, Kurdish leaders threaten to break away and declare outright independence, and the militants of the self-styled Islamic State (IS) are reshaping the border between Iraq and Syria, one must look to the history of the region to be able to put these conflicts in full perspective (Muir, 2016). The Sykes -- Picot Agreement was officially signed on May 16, 1916, however the agreement was in the workings for quite some time before it was officially signed. The deal was also known as the Asia Minor Agreement because of the geography that the agreement sought to affect. The Middle East has been a major strategic goal for policy planners and strategist for centuries. An author who published in the Smithsonian summarized the agreement as:

"Even before the final outcome of the Great ar has been determined, Great Britain, France, and Russia secretly discussed…...


Works Cited

AFP. (2016, May 14). 100 years since Sykes-Picot: The deal that changed the Mideast forever. Retrieved from The Times of Israel:  http://www.timesofisrael.com/100-years-since-sykes-picot-the-deal-that-changed-the-mideast-forever/ 

Christianson, S. (2015, November 16). The Origins of the World War I Agreement That Carved Up the Middle East. Retrieved from Smithsonian:  http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/sykes-picot-agreement-180957217/?no-ist 

Muir, J. (2016, May 16). Sykes-Picot: The map that spawned a century of resentment. Retrieved from BBC News:  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-36300224

Initial Contacts and Meetings
Pages: 3 Words: 1068

America in East Coast and Russia about Initial contacts and meetings in Business
There are many similarities in the way that America and Russia conduct business and in their initial business contacts. There are also, however, differences. The main difference may be the fact that Russians are more relaxed than Americans which tends to have both positive and negative ramifications. The great cultural differences need to be taken into account in order for both parties to effectively conduct business with the other

For the Russian meeting the American for the first time, it can be a culture shock. Advice is to better be over-dressed than under-dressed, to be prompt for the appointment, to keep personal space, and to respond to e-mails within a 24-hour span. Americans are e punctual. Their time is precious. They dislike small talk unless it moves them along towards their business goal. They tend to start meetings…...

South This Report Is About
Pages: 5 Words: 1398

Some of the biggest incentives for manufactures are the outrageously low tax bases in southern states. "When taxes are paid, southern levies are lower than most Northern states. GM's Hamtramck, MIG, plant, for instance, has one of the highest property tax mileages in the United States at 88 mills." (Corbett, 2002) Taxes are some much lower than in say Michigan or New Jersey and southern state officials are very open to negotiations to land the new factories and the plethora of jobs. In other words, land values are low and government incentives are extraordinary so the automobiles industry would be crazy to not migrate south for those reasons alone. "Furthermore, utilities costs are lower. After the products have been assembled, the South's location is superior to the Midwest or the East Coast for delivery." (Corbett, 2002) but there are other incentives.

Not only is the land for the new facilities cheaper…...



Corbett, Brian (2002). Southern hospitality. Ward's Auto World, August.


Sailing Destinations Vounaki Greece Vounaki
Pages: 8 Words: 2209

Among the great features of Gothenburg is the Gothenburg Opera House, the Liseberg amusement park and Universeum, a great place to take the family because kids will love the discovery and science center at Universeum.
Boat trips are available that take visitors out into the harbor and into the archipelago further north. Marstand in the archipelago and is well-known as a great place for yachting and yacht racing, and it is easily located from Gothenburg.

A couple of great Swedish traditions include "The Day of the Herring" (in June) during which Swedes make it a point to eat herring; many chefs have seminars teaching people how to make a "Midsummer herring dish." There is a floating hotel and restaurant (the Salt & Sill), and while on board a visitor can devour a three-course dinner and a night's stay in the Bed and Breakfast for 65 British pounds.

The Port of Gothenburg, the…...

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